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ref: 2b4ce69b3848fcf79ebb03306a671eba7cf911a5
parent: aa1e32f32330a6893ba1661088a6c354c2564d19
author: Andrew Chambers <ac@acha.ninja>
date: Thu Apr 7 21:06:31 CDT 2022

Improve amalgamation.

--- a/amalgamate.sh
+++ b/amalgamate.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Amalgamate the source code, sqlite3 style.
 set -eu
-echo "/* This file is a generated distributable version of the minipeg project."
-echo " * Visit https://github.com/andrewchambers/minipeg for details. */"
+echo "/* This file is a distributable version of the minipeg[1] project."
+echo "/* [1] https://github.com/andrewchambers/minipeg */"
   for f in "$@"