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ref: 8cd7b36a0dc1aed76ab0a367267e210966668fbb
parent: 0a7866820744ad1a9ca2b93951da29ba5da809ee
author: Andrew Chambers <ac@acha.ninja>
date: Sun Apr 10 15:28:30 CDT 2022

Work on website.

--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 install: $(BINDIR) $(BINDIR)/leg $(MANDIR) $(MANDIR)/peg.1
 	mkdir -p $(MANDIR) $(BINDIR)
 	cp minipeg $(BINDIR)
-	cp minipeg.1 $(MANDIR)
+	cp doc/minipeg.1 $(MANDIR)
 $(MANDIR) :
 	mkdir -p $(MANDIR)
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
 peg-amalg.c: peg.peg minipeg-amalg
 	./minipeg-amalg -o $@ peg.peg
+docs/index.html: .FORCE
+	$(SHELL) -c '(cd docs ; sh ./index.html.sh)' > $@
 # Check the pregenerated peg.c matches the built peg-new.c.
 # We also check peg-amalg.c to test our amalgamation process.
 check-self-host: peg.c peg-new.c peg-amalg.c .FORCE
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@
 	$(SHELL) -ec '(cd examples;  $(MAKE))'
 clean : .FORCE
-	rm -f minipeg minipeg-split $(GENSRC) $(OBJ)
+	rm -f minipeg minipeg-amalg $(GENSRC) $(OBJ)
 	$(SHELL) -ec '(cd examples;  $(MAKE) clean)'
--- a/compile.c
+++ b/compile.c
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 static void label(int n)	{ fprintf(output, "\n  l%d:;\t", n); }
 static void jump(int n)		{ fprintf(output, "  goto l%d;", n); }
 static void save(int n)		{ fprintf(output, "  int yypos%d= yy->__pos, yythunkpos%d= yy->__thunkpos;", n, n); }
-static void restore(int n)	{ fprintf(output,     "  yy->__pos= yypos%d; yy->__thunkpos= yythunkpos%d;", n, n); }
+static void restore(int n)	{ fprintf(output, "  yy->__pos= yypos%d; yy->__thunkpos= yythunkpos%d;", n, n); }
 static void Node_compile_c_ko(Node *node, int ko)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/index.html
@@ -1,0 +1,787 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="./simple.css" type="text/css" />
+<div class="container">
+<h1><img id="logo" src="logo.png" alt>Minipeg</h1>
+Minipeg is a parser generator for C you can easily add
+to your project as a single file.
+<li>Single file distribution <a href="">minipeg.c<a/></li>
+<li>Example <a href="">calculator</a></li>
+<li>Example <a href="https://github.com/andrewchambers/minias/blob/master/asm.peg">x86_64 assembler</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Source repository</a></li>
+<h2>Man Page</h2>
+MINIPEG(1)		    General Commands Manual		    MINIPEG(1)
+       minipeg - parser generator
+       minipeg [-hvVP -ooutput] [filename ...]
+       minipeg is a tool for generating recursive-descent parsers: programs
+       that perform pattern matching on text.  They process a Parsing
+       Expression Grammar (PEG) [Ford 2004] to produce a program that
+       recognises legal sentences of that grammar.  minipeg processes PEGs
+       written with syntax and conventions that are intended to make it an
+       attractive replacement for parsers built with lex(1) and yacc(1).
+       Unlike lex and yacc, minipeg support unlimited backtracking, provide
+       ordered choice as a means for disambiguation, and can combine scanning
+       (lexical analysis) and parsing (syntactic analysis) into a single
+       activity.
+       minipeg reads the specified filenames, or standard input if no
+       filenames are given, for a grammar describing the parser to generate.
+       minipeg then generates a C source file that defines a function
+       yyparse().  This C source file can be included in, or compiled and then
+       linked with, a client program.  Each time the client program calls
+       yyparse() the parser consumes input text according to the parsing
+       rules, starting from the first rule in the grammar.  yyparse() returns
+       non-zero if the input could be parsed according to the grammar; it
+       returns zero if the input could not be parsed.
+       The prefix 'yy' or 'YY' is prepended to all externally-visible symbols
+       in the generated parser.	 This is intended to reduce the risk of
+       namespace pollution in client programs.	(The choice of 'yy' is
+       historical; see lex(1) and yacc(1), for example.)
+       minipeg provide the following options:
+       -h     prints a summary of available options and then exits.
+       -ooutput
+	      writes the generated parser to the file output instead of the
+	      standard output.
+       -P     suppresses #line directives in the output.
+       -v     writes verbose information to standard error while working.
+       -V     writes version information to standard error then exits.
+       Here we show a simple desk calculator supporting the four common
+       arithmetic operators and named variables.  The intermediate results of
+       arithmetic evaluation will be accumulated on an implicit stack by
+       returning them as semantic values from sub-rules.
+	   %{
+	   #include <stdio.h>	  /* printf() */
+	   #include <stdlib.h>	  /* atoi() */
+	   int vars[26];
+	   %}
+	   Stmt	   = - e:Expr EOL		   { printf("%d\n", e); }
+		   | ( !EOL . )* EOL		   { printf("error\n"); }
+	   Expr	   = i:ID ASSIGN s:Sum		   { $$ = vars[i] = s; }
+		   | s:Sum			   { $$ = s; }
+	   Sum	   = l:Product
+			   ( PLUS  r:Product	   { l += r; }
+			   | MINUS r:Product	   { l -= r; }
+			   )*			   { $$ = l; }
+	   Product = l:Value
+			   ( TIMES  r:Value	   { l *= r; }
+			   | DIVIDE r:Value	   { l /= r; }
+			   )*			   { $$ = l; }
+	   Value   = i:NUMBER			   { $$ = atoi(yytext); }
+		   | i:ID !ASSIGN		   { $$ = vars[i]; }
+		   | OPEN i:Expr CLOSE		   { $$ = i; }
+	   NUMBER  = < [0-9]+ >	   -		   { $$ = atoi(yytext); }
+	   ID	   = < [a-z]  >	   -		   { $$ = yytext[0] - 'a'; }
+	   ASSIGN  = '='	   -
+	   PLUS	   = '+'	   -
+	   MINUS   = '-'	   -
+	   TIMES   = '*'	   -
+	   DIVIDE  = '/'	   -
+	   OPEN	   = '('	   -
+	   CLOSE   = ')'	   -
+	   -	   = [ \t]*
+	   EOL	   = '\n' | '\r\n' | '\r' | ';'
+	   %%
+	   int main()
+	   {
+	     while (yyparse())
+	       ;
+	     return 0;
+	   }
+       If the above grammar is placed in the file calc.peg, running the
+       command
+	   $ minipeg -o calc.c calc.peg
+       will save the corresponding parser in the file calc.c.  The program can
+       then be compiled with a C compiler and run
+	   $ cc -o calc calc.c
+	   $ ./calc
+	   a=5
+	   5
+	   a+5
+	   10
+       A grammar consists of a set of named rules.
+	   name = pattern
+       The pattern contains one or more of the following elements.
+       name   The element stands for the entire pattern in the rule with the
+	      given name.
+       "characters"
+	      A character or string enclosed in double quotes is matched
+	      literally.  The ANSI C escape sequences are recognised within
+	      the characters.
+       'characters'
+	      A character or string enclosed in single quotes is matched
+	      literally, as above.
+       [characters]
+	      A set of characters enclosed in square brackets matches any
+	      single character from the set, with escape characters recognised
+	      as above.	 If the set begins with an uparrow (^) then the set is
+	      negated (the element matches any character not in the set).  Any
+	      pair of characters separated with a dash (-) represents the
+	      range of characters from the first to the second, inclusive.  A
+	      single alphabetic character or underscore is matched by the
+	      following set.
+		  [a-zA-Z_]
+	      Similarly, the following matches	any single non-digit
+	      character.
+		  [^0-9]
+       .      A dot matches any character.  Note that the only time this fails
+	      is at the end of file, where there is no character to match.
+       ( pattern )
+	      Parentheses are used for grouping (modifying the precedence of
+	      the operators described below).
+       { action }
+	      Curly braces surround actions.  The action is arbitrary C source
+	      code to be executed at the end of matching.  Any braces within
+	      the action must be properly nested.  Any input text that was
+	      matched before the action and delimited by angle brackets (see
+	      below) is made available within the action as the contents of
+	      the character array yytext.  The length of (number of characters
+	      in) yytext is available in the variable yyleng.  (These variable
+	      names are historical; see lex(1).)
+       @{ action }
+	      Actions prefixed with an 'at' symbol will be performed during
+	      parsing, at the time they are encountered while matching the
+	      input text with a rule.  Because of back-tracking in the PEG
+	      parsing algorithm, actions prefixed with '@' might be performed
+	      multiple times for the same input text.  (The usual behviour of
+	      actions is that they are saved up until matching is complete,
+	      and then those that are part of the final derivation are
+	      performed in left-to-right order.)  The variable yytext is
+	      available within these actions.
+       exp ~ { action }
+	      A postfix operator ~{ action } can be placed after any
+	      expression and will behave like a normal action (arbitrary C
+	      code) except that it is invoked only when exp fails.  It binds
+	      less tightly than any other operator except alternation and
+	      sequencing, and is intended to make error handling and recovery
+	      code easier to write.  Note that yytext and yyleng are not
+	      available inside these actions, but the pointer variable yy is
+	      available to give the code access to any user-defined members of
+	      the parser state (see "CUSTOMISING THE PARSER" below).  Note
+	      also that exp is always a single expression; to invoke an error
+	      action for any failure within a sequence, parentheses must be
+	      used to group the sequence into a single expression.
+		  rule = e1 e2 e3 ~{ error("e[12] ok; e3 has failed"); }
+		       | ...
+		  rule = (e1 e2 e3) ~{ error("one of e[123] has failed"); }
+		       | ...
+       <      An opening angle bracket always matches (consuming no input) and
+	      causes the parser to begin accumulating matched text.  This text
+	      will be made available to actions in the variable yytext.
+       >      A closing angle bracket always matches (consuming no input) and
+	      causes the parser to stop accumulating text for yytext.
+       The above elements can be made optional and/or repeatable with the
+       following suffixes:
+       element ?
+	      The element is optional.	If present on the input, it is
+	      consumed and the match succeeds.	If not present on the input,
+	      no text is consumed and the match succeeds anyway.
+       element +
+	      The element is repeatable.  If present on the input, one or more
+	      occurrences of element are consumed and the match succeeds.  If
+	      no occurrences of element are present on the input, the match
+	      fails.
+       element *
+	      The element is optional and repeatable.  If present on the
+	      input, one or more occurrences of element are consumed and the
+	      match succeeds.  If no occurrences of element are present on the
+	      input, the match succeeds anyway.
+       The above elements and suffixes can be converted into predicates (that
+       match arbitrary input text and subsequently succeed or fail without
+       consuming that input) with the following prefixes:
+       & element
+	      The predicate succeeds only if element can be matched.  Input
+	      text scanned while matching element is not consumed from the
+	      input and remains available for subsequent matching.
+       ! element
+	      The predicate succeeds only if element cannot be matched.	 Input
+	      text scanned while matching element is not consumed from the
+	      input and remains available for subsequent matching.  A popular
+	      idiom is
+		  !.
+	      which matches the end of file, after the last character of the
+	      input has already been consumed.
+       A special form of the '&' predicate is provided:
+       &{ expression }
+	      In this predicate the simple C expression (not statement) is
+	      evaluated immediately when the parser reaches the predicate.  If
+	      the expression yields non-zero (true) the 'match' succeeds and
+	      the parser continues with the next element in the pattern.  If
+	      the expression yields zero (false) the 'match' fails and the
+	      parser backs up to look for an alternative parse of the input.
+       Several elements (with or without prefixes and suffixes) can be
+       combined into a sequence by writing them one after the other.  The
+       entire sequence matches only if each individual element within it
+       matches, from left to right.
+       Sequences can be separated into disjoint alternatives by the
+       alternation operator '|'.
+       sequence-1 | sequence-2 | ... | sequence-N
+	      Each sequence is tried in turn until one of them matches, at
+	      which time matching for the overall pattern succeeds.  If none
+	      of the sequences matches then the match of the overall pattern
+	      fails.
+       The following elements can appear in addition to rules.
+       %{ text... %}
+	      A declaration section can appear anywhere that a rule definition
+	      is expected.  The text between the delimiters '%{' and '%}' is
+	      copied verbatim to the generated C parser code before the code
+	      that implements the parser itself.
+       The pound sign (#) introduces a comment (discarded) that continues
+       until the end of the line.
+       %% text...
+	      A double percent '%%' terminates the rules (and declarations)
+	      section of the grammar.  All text following '%%' is copied
+	      verbatim to the generated C parser code after the parser
+	      implementation code.
+       Some notes regarding rules and and patterns follow.
+       rule-name Hyphens can appear as letters in the names of rules.  Each
+       hyphen is converted into an underscore in the generated C source code.
+       A single hyphen '-' is a legal rule name.
+       Within actions you can access and manipulate named values.
+       $$ = value
+	      A sub-rule can return a semantic value from an action by
+	      assigning it to the pseudo-variable '$$'.	 All semantic values
+	      must have the same type (which defaults to 'int').  This type
+	      can be changed by defining YYSTYPE in a declaration section.
+       identifier:name
+	      The semantic value returned (by assigning to '$$') from the
+	      sub-rule name is associated with the identifier and can be
+	      referred to in subsequent actions.
+       The grammar for minipeg grammars is shown below.	 This will both
+       illustrate and formalise the above description.
+	   grammar =	   -
+			   ( declaration | definition )+
+			   trailer? end-of-file
+	   declaration =   '%{' < ( !'%}' . )* > RPERCENT
+	   trailer =	   '%%' < .* >
+	   definition =	   identifier EQUAL expression
+	   expression =	   sequence ( BAR sequence )*
+	   sequence =	   error+
+	   error =	   prefix ( TILDE action )?
+	   prefix =	   AND action
+	   |		   ( AND | NOT )? suffix
+	   suffix =	   primary ( QUERY | STAR | PLUS )?
+	   primary =	   identifier COLON identifier !EQUAL
+	   |		   identifier !EQUAL
+	   |		   OPEN expression CLOSE
+	   |		   literal
+	   |		   class
+	   |		   DOT
+	   |		   action
+	   |		   BEGIN
+	   |		   END
+	   identifier =	   < [-a-zA-Z_][-a-zA-Z_0-9]* > -
+	   literal =	   ['] < ( !['] char )* > ['] -
+	   |		   ["] < ( !["] char )* > ["] -
+	   class =	   '[' < ( !']' range )* > ']' -
+	   range =	   char '-' char | char
+	   char =	   '\\' [abefnrtv'"\[\]\\]
+	   |		   '\\' [0-3][0-7][0-7]
+	   |		   '\\' [0-7][0-7]?
+	   |		   !'\\' .
+	   action =	   '{' < braces* > '}' -
+	   braces =	   '{' braces* '}'
+	   |		   !'}' .
+	   EQUAL =	   '=' -
+	   COLON =	   ':' -
+	   BAR =	   '|' -
+	   AND =	   '&' -
+	   NOT =	   '!' -
+	   QUERY =	   '?' -
+	   STAR =	   '*' -
+	   PLUS =	   '+' -
+	   OPEN =	   '(' -
+	   CLOSE =	   ')' -
+	   DOT =	   '.' -
+	   BEGIN =	   '<' -
+	   END =	   '>' -
+	   TILDE =	   '~' -
+	   RPERCENT =	   '%}' -
+	   - =		   ( space | comment )*
+	   space =	   ' ' | '\t' | end-of-line
+	   comment =	   '#' ( !end-of-line . )* end-of-line
+	   end-of-line =   '\r\n' | '\n' | '\r'
+	   end-of-file =   !.
+       The following symbols can be redefined in declaration sections to
+       modify the generated parser code.
+       YYSTYPE
+	      The semantic value type.	The pseudo-variable '$$' and the
+	      identifiers 'bound' to rule results with the colon operator ':'
+	      should all be considered as being declared to have this type.
+	      The default value is 'int'.
+       YYPARSE
+	      The name of the main entry point to the parser.  The default
+	      value is 'yyparse'.
+	      The name of an alternative entry point to the parser.  This
+	      function expects one argument: the function corresponding to the
+	      rule from which the search for a match should begin.  The
+	      default is 'yyparsefrom'.	 Note that yyparse() is defined as
+		  int yyparse() { return yyparsefrom(yy_foo); }
+	      where 'foo' is the name of the first rule in the grammar.
+       YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size)
+	      This macro is invoked by the parser to obtain more input text.
+	      buf points to an area of memory that can hold at most max_size
+	      characters.  The macro should copy input text to buf and then
+	      assign the integer variable result to indicate the number of
+	      characters copied.  If no more input is available, the macro
+	      should assign 0 to result.  By default, the YY_INPUT macro is
+	      defined as follows.
+		  #define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size)	 \
+		  {						 \
+		    int yyc= getchar();				 \
+		    result= (EOF == yyc) ? 0 : (*(buf)= yyc, 1); \
+		  }
+	      Note that if YY_CTX_LOCAL is defined (see below) then an
+	      additional first argument, containing the parser context, is
+	      passed to YY_INPUT.
+       YY_DEBUG
+	      If this symbols is defined then additional code will be included
+	      in the parser that prints vast quantities of arcane information
+	      to the standard error while the parser is running.
+       YY_BEGIN
+	      This macro is invoked to mark the start of input text that will
+	      be made available in actions as 'yytext'.	 This corresponds to
+	      occurrences of '<' in the grammar.  These are converted into
+	      predicates that are expected to succeed.	The default definition
+		  #define YY_BEGIN (yybegin= yypos, 1)
+	      therefore saves the current input position and returns 1
+	      ('true') as the result of the predicate.
+       YY_END This macros corresponds to '>' in the grammar.  Again, it is a
+	      predicate so the default definition saves the input position
+	      before 'succeeding'.
+		  #define YY_END (yyend= yypos, 1)
+       YY_PARSE(T)
+	      This macro declares the parser entry points (yyparse and
+	      yyparsefrom) to be of type T.  The default definition
+		  #define YY_PARSE(T) T
+	      leaves yyparse() and yyparsefrom() with global visibility.  If
+	      they should not be externally visible in other source files,
+	      this macro can be redefined to declare them 'static'.
+		  #define YY_PARSE(T) static T
+       YY_CTX_LOCAL
+	      If this symbol is defined during compilation of a generated
+	      parser then global parser state will be kept in a structure of
+	      type 'yycontext' which can be declared as a local variable.
+	      This allows multiple instances of parsers to coexist and to be
+	      thread-safe.  The parsing function yyparse() will be declared to
+	      expect a first argument of type 'yycontext *', an instance of
+	      the structure holding the global state for the parser.  This
+	      instance must be allocated and initialised to zero by the
+	      client.  A trivial but complete example is as follows.
+		  #include <stdio.h>
+		  #define YY_CTX_LOCAL
+		  #include "the-generated-parser.peg.c"
+		  int main()
+		  {
+		    yycontext ctx;
+		    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(yycontext));
+		    while (yyparse(&ctx));
+		    return 0;
+		  }
+	      Note that if this symbol is undefined then the compiled parser
+	      will statically allocate its global state and will be neither
+	      reentrant nor thread-safe.  Note also that the parser yycontext
+	      structure is initialised automatically the first time yyparse()
+	      is called; this structure must therefore be properly initialised
+	      to zero before the first call to yyparse().
+	      If YY_CTX_LOCAL is defined (see above) then the macro
+	      YY_CTX_MEMBERS can be defined to expand to any additional member
+	      field declarations that the client would like included in the
+	      declaration of the 'yycontext' structure type.  These additional
+	      members are otherwise ignored by the generated parser.  The
+	      instance of 'yycontext' associated with the currently-active
+	      parser is available within actions as the pointer variable yy.
+	      The initial size of the text buffer, in bytes.  The default is
+	      1024 and the buffer size is doubled whenever required to meet
+	      demand during parsing.  An application that typically parses
+	      much longer strings could increase this to avoid unnecessary
+	      buffer reallocation.
+	      The initial size of the variable and action stacks.  The default
+	      is 128, which is doubled whenever required to meet demand during
+	      parsing.	Applications that have deep call stacks with many
+	      local variables, or that perform many actions after a single
+	      successful match, could increase this to avoid unnecessary
+	      buffer reallocation.
+	      The memory allocator for all parser-related storage.  The
+	      parameters are the current yycontext structure and the number of
+	      bytes to allocate.  The default definition is: malloc(SIZE)
+	      The memory reallocator for dynamically-grown storage (such as
+	      text buffers and variable stacks).  The parameters are the
+	      current yycontext structure, the previously-allocated storage,
+	      and the number of bytes to which that storage should be grown.
+	      The default definition is: realloc(PTR, SIZE)
+       YY_FREE(YY, PTR)
+	      The memory deallocator.  The parameters are the current
+	      yycontext structure and the storage to deallocate.  The default
+	      definition is: free(PTR)
+	      The name of the function that releases all resources held by a
+	      yycontext structure.  The default value is 'yyrelease'.
+       The following variables can be referred to within actions.
+       char *yybuf
+	      This variable points to the parser's input buffer used to store
+	      input text that has not yet been matched.
+       int yypos
+	      This is the offset (in yybuf) of the next character to be
+	      matched and consumed.
+       char *yytext
+	      The most recent matched text delimited by '<' and '>' is stored
+	      in this variable.
+       int yyleng
+	      This variable indicates the number of characters in 'yytext'.
+       yycontext *yy
+	      This variable points to the instance of 'yycontext' associated
+	      with the currently-active parser.
+       Programs that wish to release all the resources associated with a
+       parser can use the following function.
+       yyrelease(yycontext*yy)
+	      Returns all parser-allocated storage associated with yy to the
+	      system.  The storage will be reallocated on the next call to
+	      yyparse().
+       Note that the storage for the yycontext structure itself is never
+       allocated or reclaimed implicitly.  The application must allocate these
+       structures in automatic storage, or use calloc() and free() to manage
+       them explicitly.	 The example in the following section demonstrates one
+       approach to resource management.
+       The yy variable passed to actions contains the state of the parser plus
+       any additional fields defined by YY_CTX_MEMBERS.	 Theses fields can be
+       used to store application-specific information that is global to a
+       particular call of yyparse().  A trivial but complete leg example
+       follows in which the yycontext structure is extended with a count of
+       the number of newline characters seen in the input so far (the grammar
+       otherwise consumes and ignores the entire input).  The caller of
+       yyparse() uses count to print the number of lines of input that were
+       read.
+	   %{
+	   #define YY_CTX_LOCAL 1
+	   #define YY_CTX_MEMBERS \
+	     int count;
+	   %}
+	   Char	   = ('\n' | '\r\n' | '\r')	   { yy->count++ }
+		   | .
+	   %%
+	   #include <stdio.h>
+	   #include <string.h>
+	   int main()
+	   {
+	       /* create a local parser context in automatic storage */
+	       yycontext yy;
+	       /* the context *must* be initialised to zero before first use*/
+	       memset(&yy, 0, sizeof(yy));
+	       while (yyparse(&yy))
+		   ;
+	       printf("%d newlines\n", yy.count);
+	       /* release all resources associated with the context */
+	       yyrelease(&yy);
+	       return 0;
+	   }
+       minipeg warns about the following conditions while converting a grammar
+       into a parser.
+       syntax error
+	      The input grammar was malformed in some way.  The error message
+	      will include the text about to be matched (often backed up a
+	      huge amount from the actual location of the error) and the line
+	      number of the most recently considered character (which is often
+	      the real location of the problem).
+       rule 'foo' used but not defined
+	      The grammar referred to a rule named 'foo' but no definition for
+	      it was given.  Attempting to use the generated parser will
+	      likely result in errors from the linker due to undefined symbols
+	      associated with the missing rule.
+       rule 'foo' defined but not used
+	      The grammar defined a rule named 'foo' and then ignored it.  The
+	      code associated with the rule is included in the generated
+	      parser which will in all other respects be healthy.
+       possible infinite left recursion in rule 'foo'
+	      There exists at least one path through the grammar that leads
+	      from the rule 'foo' back to (a recursive invocation of) the same
+	      rule without consuming any input.
+       Left recursion, especially that found in standards documents, is often
+       'direct' and implies trivial repetition.
+	   # (6.7.6)
+	   direct-abstract-declarator =
+	       LPAREN abstract-declarator RPAREN
+	   |   direct-abstract-declarator? LBRACKET assign-expr? RBRACKET
+	   |   direct-abstract-declarator? LBRACKET STAR RBRACKET
+	   |   direct-abstract-declarator? LPAREN param-type-list? RPAREN
+       The recursion can easily be eliminated by converting the parts of the
+       pattern following the recursion into a repeatable suffix.
+	   # (6.7.6)
+	   direct-abstract-declarator =
+	       direct-abstract-declarator-head?
+	       direct-abstract-declarator-tail*
+	   direct-abstract-declarator-head =
+	       LPAREN abstract-declarator RPAREN
+	   direct-abstract-declarator-tail =
+	       LBRACKET assign-expr? RBRACKET
+	   |   LPAREN param-type-list? RPAREN
+       A parser that accepts empty input will always succeed.  Consider the
+       following example, not atypical of a first attempt to write a PEG-based
+       parser:
+	   Program = Expression*
+	   Expression = "whatever"
+	   %%
+	   int main() {
+	     while (yyparse())
+	       puts("success!");
+	     return 0;
+	   }
+       This program loops forever, no matter what (if any) input is provided
+       on stdin.  Many fixes are possible, the easiest being to insist that
+       the parser always consumes some non-empty input.	 Changing the first
+       line to
+	   Program = Expression+
+       accomplishes this.  If the parser is expected to consume the entire
+       input, then explicitly requiring the end-of-file is also highly
+       recommended:
+	   Program = Expression+ !.
+       This works because the parser will only fail to match ("!" predicate)
+       any character at all ("." expression) when it attempts to read beyond
+       the end of the input.
+       The 'yy' and 'YY' prefixes cannot be changed.
+       Left recursion is detected in the input grammar but is not handled
+       correctly in the generated parser.
+       Diagnostics for errors in the input grammar are obscure and not
+       particularly helpful.
+       The operators ! and ~ should really be named the other way around.
+       Several commonly-used lex(1) features (yywrap(), yyin, etc.) are
+       completely absent.
+       The generated parser does not contain '#line' directives to direct C
+       compiler errors back to the grammar description when appropriate.
+       D. Val Schorre, META II, a syntax-oriented compiler writing language,
+       19th ACM National Conference, 1964, pp. 41.301--41.311.	Describes a
+       self-implementing parser generator for analytic grammars with no
+       backtracking.
+       Alexander Birman, The TMG Recognition Schema, Ph.D. dissertation,
+       Princeton, 1970.	 A mathematical treatment of the power and complexity
+       of recursive-descent parsing with backtracking.
+       Bryan Ford, Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition-Based Syntactic
+       Foundation, ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming
+       Languages, 2004.	 Defines PEGs and analyses them in relation to
+       context-free and regular grammars.  Introduces the syntax adopted in
+       peg.
+       The standard Unix utilities lex(1) and yacc(1) which influenced the
+       syntax and features of minipeg.
+       The source code for minipeg whose grammar parsers are written using
+       themselves.
+       The latest version of this software and documentation:
+	   https://github.com/andrewchambers/minipeg
+       minipeg and this manual were originally written by Ian Piumarta under
+       the project name peg/leg.  minipeg is a fork of peg/leg by Andrew
+       Chambers.
+       Please send bug reports and suggestions for improvements to the author
+       at the project address.
+								    MINIPEG(1)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/index.html.sh
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+set -eu
+cat <<EOF
+<!doctype html>
+<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="./simple.css" type="text/css" />
+<div class="container">
+<h1><img id="logo" src="logo.png" alt>Minipeg</h1>
+Minipeg is a parser generator for C you can easily add
+to your project as a single file.
+<li>Single file distribution <a href="">minipeg.c<a/></li>
+<li>Example <a href="">calculator</a></li>
+<li>Example <a href="https://github.com/andrewchambers/minias/blob/master/asm.peg">x86_64 assembler</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Source repository</a></li>
+<h2>Man Page</h2>
+echo "<pre>"
+mandoc -Tascii -Ofragment ./minipeg.1 | col -b
+echo "</pre>"
+cat <<EOF
binary files /dev/null b/docs/logo.png differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/minipeg.1
@@ -1,0 +1,915 @@
+minipeg \- parser generator
+.B minipeg
+.B [\-hvVP \-ooutput]
+.I [filename ...]
+.I minipeg
+is a tool for generating recursive\-descent parsers: programs that
+perform pattern matching on text.  They process a Parsing Expression
+Grammar (PEG) [Ford 2004] to produce a program that recognises legal
+sentences of that grammar.
+.I minipeg
+processes PEGs written with syntax and conventions
+that are intended to make it an attractive replacement for parsers
+built with
+.IR lex (1)
+.IR yacc (1).
+.I lex
+.IR yacc ,
+.I minipeg
+support unlimited backtracking, provide ordered choice as a means for
+disambiguation, and can combine scanning (lexical analysis) and
+parsing (syntactic analysis) into a single activity.
+.I minipeg
+reads the specified
+.IR filename s,
+or standard input if no
+.IR filename s
+are given, for a grammar describing the parser to generate.
+.I minipeg
+then generates a C source file that defines a function
+.IR yyparse().
+This C source file can be included in, or compiled and then linked
+with, a client program.  Each time the client program calls
+.IR yyparse ()
+the parser consumes input text according to the parsing rules,
+starting from the first rule in the grammar.
+.IR yyparse ()
+returns non\-zero if the input could be parsed according to the
+grammar; it returns zero if the input could not be parsed.
+The prefix 'yy' or 'YY' is prepended to all externally\-visible symbols
+in the generated parser.  This is intended to reduce the risk of
+namespace pollution in client programs.  (The choice of 'yy' is
+historical; see
+.IR lex (1)
+.IR yacc (1),
+for example.)
+.I minipeg
+provide the following options:
+.B \-h
+prints a summary of available options and then exits.
+.B \-ooutput
+writes the generated parser to the file
+.B output
+instead of the standard output.
+.B \-P
+suppresses #line directives in the output.
+.B \-v
+writes verbose information to standard error while working.
+.B \-V
+writes version information to standard error then exits.
+Here we show a simple desk calculator supporting the four common arithmetic
+operators and named variables.  The intermediate results of arithmetic
+evaluation will be accumulated on an implicit stack by returning them
+as semantic values from sub\-rules.
+    %{
+    #include <stdio.h>     /* printf() */
+    #include <stdlib.h>    /* atoi() */
+    int vars[26];
+    %}
+    Stmt    = \- e:Expr EOL                  { printf("%d\\n", e); }
+            | ( !EOL . )* EOL               { printf("error\\n"); }
+    Expr    = i:ID ASSIGN s:Sum             { $$ = vars[i] = s; }
+            | s:Sum                         { $$ = s; }
+    Sum     = l:Product
+                    ( PLUS  r:Product       { l += r; }
+                    | MINUS r:Product       { l \-= r; }
+                    )*                      { $$ = l; }
+    Product = l:Value
+                    ( TIMES  r:Value        { l *= r; }
+                    | DIVIDE r:Value        { l /= r; }
+                    )*                      { $$ = l; }
+    Value   = i:NUMBER                      { $$ = atoi(yytext); }
+            | i:ID !ASSIGN                  { $$ = vars[i]; }
+            | OPEN i:Expr CLOSE             { $$ = i; }
+    NUMBER  = < [0\-9]+ >    \-               { $$ = atoi(yytext); }
+    ID      = < [a\-z]  >    \-               { $$ = yytext[0] \- 'a'; }
+    ASSIGN  = '='           \-
+    PLUS    = '+'           \-
+    MINUS   = '\-'           \-
+    TIMES   = '*'           \-
+    DIVIDE  = '/'           \-
+    OPEN    = '('           \-
+    CLOSE   = ')'           \-
+    \-       = [ \\t]*
+    EOL     = '\\n' | '\\r\\n' | '\\r' | ';'
+    %%
+    int main()
+    {
+      while (yyparse())
+        ;
+      return 0;
+    }
+If the above grammar is placed in the file
+.BR calc.peg ,
+running the command
+    $ minipeg \-o calc.c calc.peg
+will save the corresponding parser in the file
+.BR calc.c .
+The program can then be compiled with a C compiler and run 
+    $ cc \-o calc calc.c
+    $ ./calc
+    a=5
+    5
+    a+5
+    10
+A grammar consists of a set of named rules.
+    name = pattern
+.B pattern
+contains one or more of the following elements.
+.B name
+The element stands for the entire pattern in the rule with the given
+.BR name .
+.BR \(dq characters \(dq
+A character or string enclosed in double quotes is matched literally.
+The ANSI C escape sequences are recognised within the
+.IR characters .
+.BR ' characters '
+A character or string enclosed in single quotes is matched literally, as above.
+.BR [ characters ]
+A set of characters enclosed in square brackets matches any single
+character from the set, with escape characters recognised as above.
+If the set begins with an uparrow (^) then the set is negated (the
+element matches any character
+.I not
+in the set).  Any pair of characters separated with a dash (\-)
+represents the range of characters from the first to the second,
+inclusive.  A single alphabetic character or underscore is matched by
+the following set.
+    [a\-zA\-Z_]
+Similarly, the following matches  any single non\-digit character.
+    [^0\-9]
+.B .
+A dot matches any character.  Note that the only time this fails is at
+the end of file, where there is no character to match.
+.BR ( \ pattern\  )
+Parentheses are used for grouping (modifying the precedence of the
+operators described below).
+.BR { \ action\  }
+Curly braces surround actions.  The action is arbitrary C source code
+to be executed at the end of matching.  Any braces within the action
+must be properly nested.  Any input text that was matched before the
+action and delimited by angle brackets (see below) is made available
+within the action as the contents of the character array
+.IR yytext .
+The length of (number of characters in)
+.I yytext
+is available in the variable
+.IR yyleng .
+(These variable names are historical; see
+.IR lex (1).)
+.IB @{\ action\ }
+Actions prefixed with an 'at' symbol will be performed during parsing,
+at the time they are encountered while matching the input text with a
+Because of back-tracking in the PEG parsing algorithm, actions
+prefixed with '@' might be performed multiple times for the same input
+(The usual behviour of actions is that they are saved up until
+matching is complete, and then those that are part of the
+final derivation are performed in left-to-right order.)
+The variable
+.I yytext
+is available within these actions.
+.IB exp \ ~ \ {\ action\ }
+A postfix operator
+.BI ~ {\ action\ }
+can be placed after any expression and will behave like a normal
+action (arbitrary C code) except that it is invoked only when
+.I exp
+fails.  It binds less tightly than any other operator except alternation and sequencing, and
+is intended to make error handling and recovery code easier to write.
+Note that
+.I yytext
+.I yyleng
+are not available inside these actions, but the pointer variable
+.I yy
+is available to give the code access to any user\-defined members
+of the parser state (see "CUSTOMISING THE PARSER" below).
+Note also that
+.I exp
+is always a single expression; to invoke an error action for any
+failure within a sequence, parentheses must be used to group the
+sequence into a single expression.
+    rule = e1 e2 e3 ~{ error("e[12] ok; e3 has failed"); }
+         | ...
+    rule = (e1 e2 e3) ~{ error("one of e[123] has failed"); }
+         | ...
+.B <
+An opening angle bracket always matches (consuming no input) and
+causes the parser to begin accumulating matched text.  This text will
+be made available to actions in the variable
+.IR yytext .
+.B >
+A closing angle bracket always matches (consuming no input) and causes
+the parser to stop accumulating text for
+.IR yytext .
+The above
+.IR element s
+can be made optional and/or repeatable with the following suffixes:
+.RB element\  ?
+The element is optional.  If present on the input, it is consumed and
+the match succeeds.  If not present on the input, no text is consumed
+and the match succeeds anyway.
+.RB element\  +
+The element is repeatable.  If present on the input, one or more
+occurrences of
+.I element
+are consumed and the match succeeds.  If no occurrences of
+.I element
+are present on the input, the match fails.
+.RB element\  *
+The element is optional and repeatable.  If present on the input, one or more
+occurrences of
+.I element
+are consumed and the match succeeds.  If no occurrences of
+.I element
+are present on the input, the match succeeds anyway.
+The above elements and suffixes can be converted into predicates (that
+match arbitrary input text and subsequently succeed or fail
+.I without
+consuming that input) with the following prefixes:
+.BR & \ element
+The predicate succeeds only if
+.I element
+can be matched.  Input text scanned while matching
+.I element
+is not consumed from the input and remains available for subsequent
+.BR ! \ element
+The predicate succeeds only if
+.I element
+cannot be matched.  Input text scanned while matching
+.I element
+is not consumed from the input and remains available for subsequent
+matching.  A popular idiom is
+    !.
+which matches the end of file, after the last character of the input
+has already been consumed.
+A special form of the '&' predicate is provided:
+.BR & {\ expression\ }
+In this predicate the simple C
+.I expression
+.RB ( not
+statement) is evaluated immediately when the parser reaches the
+predicate.  If the
+.I expression
+yields non\-zero (true) the 'match' succeeds and the parser continues
+with the next element in the pattern.  If the
+.I expression
+yields zero (false) the 'match' fails and the parser backs up to look
+for an alternative parse of the input.
+Several elements (with or without prefixes and suffixes) can be
+combined into a
+.I sequence
+by writing them one after the other.  The entire sequence matches only
+if each individual element within it matches, from left to right.
+Sequences can be separated into disjoint alternatives by the
+alternation operator '|'.
+.RB sequence\-1\  | \ sequence\-2\  | \ ...\  | \ sequence\-N
+Each sequence is tried in turn until one of them matches, at which
+time matching for the overall pattern succeeds.  If none of the
+sequences matches then the match of the overall pattern fails.
+The following elements can appear in addition to rules.
+.BI %{\  text... \ %}
+A declaration section can appear anywhere that a rule definition is
+expected.  The
+.I text
+between the delimiters '%{' and '%}' is copied verbatim to the
+generated C parser code
+.I before
+the code that implements the parser itself.
+The pound sign (#) introduces a comment (discarded) that
+continues until the end of the line.
+.BI %% \ text...
+A double percent '%%' terminates the rules (and declarations) section of
+the grammar.  All
+.I text
+following '%%' is copied verbatim to the generated C parser code
+.I after
+the parser implementation code.
+Some notes regarding rules and and patterns follow.
+.B rule\-name
+Hyphens can appear as letters in the names of rules.  Each hyphen is
+converted into an underscore in the generated C source code.  A
+single hyphen '\-' is a legal rule name.
+Within actions you can access and manipulate named values.
+.BI $$\ = \ value
+A sub\-rule can return a semantic
+.I value
+from an action by assigning it to the pseudo\-variable '$$'.  All
+semantic values must have the same type (which defaults to 'int').
+This type can be changed by defining YYSTYPE in a declaration section.
+.IB identifier : name
+The semantic value returned (by assigning to '$$') from the sub\-rule
+.I name
+is associated with the
+.I identifier
+and can be referred to in subsequent actions.
+The grammar for
+.I minipeg
+grammars is shown below.  This will both illustrate and formalise the
+above description.
+    grammar =       \-
+                    ( declaration | definition )+
+                    trailer? end\-of\-file
+    declaration =   '%{' < ( !'%}' . )* > RPERCENT
+    trailer =       '%%' < .* >
+    definition =    identifier EQUAL expression
+    expression =    sequence ( BAR sequence )*
+    sequence =      error+
+    error =         prefix ( TILDE action )?
+    prefix =        AND action
+    |               ( AND | NOT )? suffix
+    suffix =        primary ( QUERY | STAR | PLUS )?
+    primary =       identifier COLON identifier !EQUAL
+    |               identifier !EQUAL
+    |               OPEN expression CLOSE
+    |               literal
+    |               class
+    |               DOT
+    |               action
+    |               BEGIN
+    |               END
+    identifier =    < [\-a\-zA\-Z_][\-a\-zA\-Z_0\-9]* > \-
+    literal =       ['] < ( !['] char )* > ['] \-
+    |               ["] < ( !["] char )* > ["] \-
+    class =         '[' < ( !']' range )* > ']' \-
+    range =         char '\-' char | char
+    char =          '\\\\' [abefnrtv'"\\[\\]\\\\]
+    |               '\\\\' [0\-3][0\-7][0\-7]
+    |               '\\\\' [0\-7][0\-7]?
+    |               !'\\\\' .
+    action =        '{' < braces* > '}' \-
+    braces =        '{' braces* '}'
+    |               !'}' .
+    EQUAL =         '=' \-
+    COLON =         ':' \-
+    BAR =           '|' \-
+    AND =           '&' \-
+    NOT =           '!' \-
+    QUERY =         '?' \-
+    STAR =          '*' \-
+    PLUS =          '+' \-
+    OPEN =          '(' \-
+    CLOSE =         ')' \-
+    DOT =           '.' \-
+    BEGIN =         '<' \-
+    END =           '>' \-
+    TILDE =         '~' \-
+    RPERCENT =      '%}' \-
+    \- =             ( space | comment )*
+    space =         ' ' | '\\t' | end\-of\-line
+    comment =       '#' ( !end\-of\-line . )* end\-of\-line
+    end\-of\-line =   '\\r\\n' | '\\n' | '\\r'
+    end\-of\-file =   !.
+The following symbols can be redefined in declaration sections to
+modify the generated parser code.
+The semantic value type.  The pseudo\-variable '$$' and the
+identifiers 'bound' to rule results with the colon operator ':' should
+all be considered as being declared to have this type.  The default
+value is 'int'.
+The name of the main entry point to the parser.  The default value
+is 'yyparse'.
+The name of an alternative entry point to the parser.  This function
+expects one argument: the function corresponding to the rule from
+which the search for a match should begin.  The default
+is 'yyparsefrom'.  Note that yyparse() is defined as
+    int yyparse() { return yyparsefrom(yy_foo); }
+where 'foo' is the name of the first rule in the grammar.
+.BI YY_INPUT( buf , \ result , \ max_size )
+This macro is invoked by the parser to obtain more input text.
+.I buf
+points to an area of memory that can hold at most
+.I max_size
+characters.  The macro should copy input text to
+.I buf
+and then assign the integer variable
+.I result
+to indicate the number of characters copied.  If no more input is available,
+the macro should assign 0 to
+.IR result .
+By default, the YY_INPUT macro is defined as follows.
+    #define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size)        \\
+    {                                              \\
+      int yyc= getchar();                          \\
+      result= (EOF == yyc) ? 0 : (*(buf)= yyc, 1); \\
+    }
+Note that if YY_CTX_LOCAL is defined (see below) then an additional
+first argument, containing the parser context, is passed to YY_INPUT.
+If this symbols is defined then additional code will be included in
+the parser that prints vast quantities of arcane information to the
+standard error while the parser is running.
+This macro is invoked to mark the start of input text that will be
+made available in actions as 'yytext'.  This corresponds to
+occurrences of '<' in the grammar.  These are converted into
+predicates that are expected to succeed.  The default definition
+    #define YY_BEGIN (yybegin= yypos, 1)
+therefore saves the current input position and returns 1 ('true') as
+the result of the predicate.
+This macros corresponds to '>' in the grammar.  Again, it is a
+predicate so the default definition saves the input position
+before 'succeeding'.
+    #define YY_END (yyend= yypos, 1)
+This macro declares the parser entry points (yyparse and yyparsefrom)
+to be of type
+.IR T .
+The default definition
+    #define YY_PARSE(T) T
+leaves yyparse() and yyparsefrom() with global visibility.  If they
+should not be externally visible in other source files, this macro can
+be redefined to declare them 'static'.
+    #define YY_PARSE(T) static T
+If this symbol is defined during compilation of a generated parser
+then global parser state will be kept in a structure of
+type 'yycontext' which can be declared as a local variable.  This
+allows multiple instances of parsers to coexist and to be thread\-safe.
+The parsing function
+.IR yyparse ()
+will be declared to expect a first argument of type 'yycontext *', an
+instance of the structure holding the global state for the parser.
+This instance must be allocated and initialised to zero by the client.
+A trivial but complete example is as follows.
+    #include <stdio.h>
+    #define YY_CTX_LOCAL
+    #include "the\-generated\-parser.peg.c"
+    int main()
+    {
+      yycontext ctx;
+      memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(yycontext));
+      while (yyparse(&ctx));
+      return 0;
+    }
+Note that if this symbol is undefined then the compiled parser will
+statically allocate its global state and will be neither reentrant nor
+Note also that the parser yycontext structure is initialised automatically
+the first time
+.IR yyparse ()
+is called; this structure
+.B must
+therefore be properly initialised to zero before the first call to
+.IR yyparse ().
+If YY_CTX_LOCAL is defined (see above) then the macro YY_CTX_MEMBERS
+can be defined to expand to any additional member field declarations
+that the client would like included in the declaration of
+the 'yycontext' structure type.  These additional members are
+otherwise ignored by the generated parser.  The instance
+of 'yycontext' associated with the currently\-active parser is
+available within actions as the pointer variable
+.IR yy .
+The initial size of the text buffer, in bytes.  The default is 1024
+and the buffer size is doubled whenever required to meet demand during
+parsing.  An application that typically parses much longer strings
+could increase this to avoid unnecessary buffer reallocation.
+The initial size of the variable and action stacks.  The default is
+128, which is doubled whenever required to meet demand during parsing.
+Applications that have deep call stacks with many local variables, or
+that perform many actions after a single successful match, could increase
+this to avoid unnecessary buffer reallocation.
+The memory allocator for all parser\-related storage.  The parameters
+are the current yycontext structure and the number of bytes to
+allocate.  The default definition is:
+.RI malloc( SIZE )
+The memory reallocator for dynamically\-grown storage (such as text
+buffers and variable stacks).  The parameters are the current
+yycontext structure, the previously\-allocated storage, and the number
+of bytes to which that storage should be grown.  The default definition is:
+.RI realloc( PTR , \ SIZE )
+.BI YY_FREE( YY , \ PTR )
+The memory deallocator.  The parameters are the current yycontext
+structure and the storage to deallocate.  The default definition is:
+.RI free( PTR )
+The name of the function that releases all resources held by a
+yycontext structure.  The default value is 'yyrelease'.
+The following variables can be referred to within actions.
+.B char *yybuf
+This variable points to the parser's input buffer used to store input
+text that has not yet been matched.
+.B int yypos
+This is the offset (in yybuf) of the next character to be matched and
+.B char *yytext
+The most recent matched text delimited by '<' and '>' is stored in this variable.
+.B int yyleng
+This variable indicates the number of characters in 'yytext'.
+.B yycontext *yy
+This variable points to the instance of 'yycontext' associated with
+the currently\-active parser.
+Programs that wish to release all the resources associated with a
+parser can use the following function.
+.BI yyrelease(yycontext * yy )
+Returns all parser\-allocated storage associated with
+.I yy
+to the system.  The storage will be reallocated on the next call to
+.IR yyparse ().
+Note that the storage for the yycontext structure itself is never
+allocated or reclaimed implicitly.  The application must allocate
+these structures in automatic storage, or use
+.IR calloc ()
+.IR free ()
+to manage them explicitly.  The example in the following section
+demonstrates one approach to resource management.
+.I yy
+variable passed to actions contains the state of the parser plus any
+additional fields defined by YY_CTX_MEMBERS.  Theses fields can be
+used to store application\-specific information that is global to a
+particular call of
+.IR yyparse ().
+A trivial but complete
+.I leg
+example follows in which the yycontext
+structure is extended with a
+.I count
+of the number of newline characters
+seen in the input so far (the grammar otherwise consumes and ignores
+the entire input).  The caller of
+.IR yyparse ()
+.I count
+to print the number of lines of input that were read.
+    %{
+    #define YY_CTX_LOCAL 1
+    #define YY_CTX_MEMBERS \\
+      int count;
+    %}
+    Char    = ('\\n' | '\\r\\n' | '\\r')        { yy\->count++ }
+            | .
+    %%
+    #include <stdio.h>
+    #include <string.h>
+    int main()
+    {
+        /* create a local parser context in automatic storage */
+        yycontext yy;
+        /* the context *must* be initialised to zero before first use*/
+        memset(&yy, 0, sizeof(yy));
+        while (yyparse(&yy))
+            ;
+        printf("%d newlines\\n", yy.count);
+        /* release all resources associated with the context */
+        yyrelease(&yy);
+        return 0;
+    }
+.I minipeg
+warns about the following conditions while converting a grammar into a parser.
+.B syntax error
+The input grammar was malformed in some way.  The error message will
+include the text about to be matched (often backed up a huge amount
+from the actual location of the error) and the line number of the most
+recently considered character (which is often the real location of the
+.B rule 'foo' used but not defined
+The grammar referred to a rule named 'foo' but no definition for it
+was given.  Attempting to use the generated parser will likely result
+in errors from the linker due to undefined symbols associated with the
+missing rule.
+.B rule 'foo' defined but not used
+The grammar defined a rule named 'foo' and then ignored it.  The code
+associated with the rule is included in the generated parser which
+will in all other respects be healthy.
+.B possible infinite left recursion in rule 'foo'
+There exists at least one path through the grammar that leads from the
+rule 'foo' back to (a recursive invocation of) the same rule without
+consuming any input.
+Left recursion, especially that found in standards documents, is
+often 'direct' and implies trivial repetition.
+    # (6.7.6)
+    direct\-abstract\-declarator =
+        LPAREN abstract\-declarator RPAREN
+    |   direct\-abstract\-declarator? LBRACKET assign\-expr? RBRACKET
+    |   direct\-abstract\-declarator? LBRACKET STAR RBRACKET
+    |   direct\-abstract\-declarator? LPAREN param\-type\-list? RPAREN
+The recursion can easily be eliminated by converting the parts of the
+pattern following the recursion into a repeatable suffix.
+    # (6.7.6)
+    direct\-abstract\-declarator =
+        direct\-abstract\-declarator\-head?
+        direct\-abstract\-declarator\-tail*
+    direct\-abstract\-declarator\-head =
+        LPAREN abstract\-declarator RPAREN
+    direct\-abstract\-declarator\-tail =
+        LBRACKET assign\-expr? RBRACKET
+    |   LPAREN param\-type\-list? RPAREN
+A parser that accepts empty input will
+.I always
+succeed.  Consider the following example, not atypical of a first
+attempt to write a PEG\-based parser:
+    Program = Expression*
+    Expression = "whatever"
+    %%
+    int main() {
+      while (yyparse())
+        puts("success!");
+      return 0;
+    }
+This program loops forever, no matter what (if any) input is provided
+on stdin.  Many fixes are possible, the easiest being to insist that
+the parser always consumes some non\-empty input.  Changing the first
+line to
+    Program = Expression+
+accomplishes this.  If the parser is expected to consume the entire
+input, then explicitly requiring the end\-of\-file is also highly
+    Program = Expression+ !.
+This works because the parser will only fail to match ("!" predicate)
+any character at all ("." expression) when it attempts to read beyond
+the end of the input.
+The 'yy' and 'YY' prefixes cannot be changed.
+Left recursion is detected in the input grammar but is not handled
+correctly in the generated parser.
+Diagnostics for errors in the input grammar are obscure and not
+particularly helpful.
+The operators
+.BR ! \ \c
+.B ~
+should really be named the other way around.
+Several commonly\-used
+.IR lex (1)
+features (yywrap(), yyin, etc.) are completely absent.
+The generated parser does not contain '#line' directives to direct C
+compiler errors back to the grammar description when appropriate.
+D. Val Schorre,
+.I META II, a syntax\-oriented compiler writing language,
+19th ACM National Conference, 1964, pp.\ 41.301\-\-41.311.  Describes a
+self\-implementing parser generator for analytic grammars with no
+Alexander Birman,
+.I The TMG Recognition Schema,
+Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton, 1970.  A mathematical treatment of the
+power and complexity of recursive\-descent parsing with backtracking.
+Bryan Ford,
+.I Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition\-Based Syntactic Foundation,
+ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2004.
+Defines PEGs and analyses them in relation to context\-free and regular
+grammars.  Introduces the syntax adopted in
+.IR peg .
+The standard Unix utilities
+.IR lex (1)
+.IR yacc (1)
+which influenced the syntax and features of
+.IR minipeg .
+The source code for
+.I minipeg
+whose grammar parsers are written using themselves.
+The latest version of this software and documentation:
+    https://github.com/andrewchambers/minipeg
+.IR minipeg
+and this manual were originally written by Ian Piumarta
+under the project name peg/leg.
+.IR minipeg
+is a fork of peg/leg by Andrew Chambers.
+Please send bug reports and suggestions for improvements to the author
+at the project address.
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-minipeg \- parser generator
-.B minipeg
-.B [\-hvVP \-ooutput]
-.I [filename ...]
-.I minipeg
-is a tool for generating recursive\-descent parsers: programs that
-perform pattern matching on text.  They process a Parsing Expression
-Grammar (PEG) [Ford 2004] to produce a program that recognises legal
-sentences of that grammar.
-.I minipeg
-processes PEGs written with syntax and conventions
-that are intended to make it an attractive replacement for parsers
-built with
-.IR lex (1)
-.IR yacc (1).
-.I lex
-.IR yacc ,
-.I minipeg
-support unlimited backtracking, provide ordered choice as a means for
-disambiguation, and can combine scanning (lexical analysis) and
-parsing (syntactic analysis) into a single activity.
-.I minipeg
-reads the specified
-.IR filename s,
-or standard input if no
-.IR filename s
-are given, for a grammar describing the parser to generate.
-.I minipeg
-then generates a C source file that defines a function
-.IR yyparse().
-This C source file can be included in, or compiled and then linked
-with, a client program.  Each time the client program calls
-.IR yyparse ()
-the parser consumes input text according to the parsing rules,
-starting from the first rule in the grammar.
-.IR yyparse ()
-returns non\-zero if the input could be parsed according to the
-grammar; it returns zero if the input could not be parsed.
-The prefix 'yy' or 'YY' is prepended to all externally\-visible symbols
-in the generated parser.  This is intended to reduce the risk of
-namespace pollution in client programs.  (The choice of 'yy' is
-historical; see
-.IR lex (1)
-.IR yacc (1),
-for example.)
-.I minipeg
-provide the following options:
-.B \-h
-prints a summary of available options and then exits.
-.B \-ooutput
-writes the generated parser to the file
-.B output
-instead of the standard output.
-.B \-P
-suppresses #line directives in the output.
-.B \-v
-writes verbose information to standard error while working.
-.B \-V
-writes version information to standard error then exits.
-Here we show a simple desk calculator supporting the four common arithmetic
-operators and named variables.  The intermediate results of arithmetic
-evaluation will be accumulated on an implicit stack by returning them
-as semantic values from sub\-rules.
-    %{
-    #include <stdio.h>     /* printf() */
-    #include <stdlib.h>    /* atoi() */
-    int vars[26];
-    %}
-    Stmt    = \- e:Expr EOL                  { printf("%d\\n", e); }
-            | ( !EOL . )* EOL               { printf("error\\n"); }
-    Expr    = i:ID ASSIGN s:Sum             { $$ = vars[i] = s; }
-            | s:Sum                         { $$ = s; }
-    Sum     = l:Product
-                    ( PLUS  r:Product       { l += r; }
-                    | MINUS r:Product       { l \-= r; }
-                    )*                      { $$ = l; }
-    Product = l:Value
-                    ( TIMES  r:Value        { l *= r; }
-                    | DIVIDE r:Value        { l /= r; }
-                    )*                      { $$ = l; }
-    Value   = i:NUMBER                      { $$ = atoi(yytext); }
-            | i:ID !ASSIGN                  { $$ = vars[i]; }
-            | OPEN i:Expr CLOSE             { $$ = i; }
-    NUMBER  = < [0\-9]+ >    \-               { $$ = atoi(yytext); }
-    ID      = < [a\-z]  >    \-               { $$ = yytext[0] \- 'a'; }
-    ASSIGN  = '='           \-
-    PLUS    = '+'           \-
-    MINUS   = '\-'           \-
-    TIMES   = '*'           \-
-    DIVIDE  = '/'           \-
-    OPEN    = '('           \-
-    CLOSE   = ')'           \-
-    \-       = [ \\t]*
-    EOL     = '\\n' | '\\r\\n' | '\\r' | ';'
-    %%
-    int main()
-    {
-      while (yyparse())
-        ;
-      return 0;
-    }
-If the above grammar is placed in the file
-.BR calc.peg ,
-running the command
-    $ minipeg \-o calc.c calc.peg
-will save the corresponding parser in the file
-.BR calc.c .
-The program can then be compiled with a C compiler and run 
-    $ cc \-o calc calc.c
-    $ ./calc
-    a=5
-    5
-    a+5
-    10
-A grammar consists of a set of named rules.
-    name = pattern
-.B pattern
-contains one or more of the following elements.
-.B name
-The element stands for the entire pattern in the rule with the given
-.BR name .
-.BR \(dq characters \(dq
-A character or string enclosed in double quotes is matched literally.
-The ANSI C escape sequences are recognised within the
-.IR characters .
-.BR ' characters '
-A character or string enclosed in single quotes is matched literally, as above.
-.BR [ characters ]
-A set of characters enclosed in square brackets matches any single
-character from the set, with escape characters recognised as above.
-If the set begins with an uparrow (^) then the set is negated (the
-element matches any character
-.I not
-in the set).  Any pair of characters separated with a dash (\-)
-represents the range of characters from the first to the second,
-inclusive.  A single alphabetic character or underscore is matched by
-the following set.
-    [a\-zA\-Z_]
-Similarly, the following matches  any single non\-digit character.
-    [^0\-9]
-.B .
-A dot matches any character.  Note that the only time this fails is at
-the end of file, where there is no character to match.
-.BR ( \ pattern\  )
-Parentheses are used for grouping (modifying the precedence of the
-operators described below).
-.BR { \ action\  }
-Curly braces surround actions.  The action is arbitrary C source code
-to be executed at the end of matching.  Any braces within the action
-must be properly nested.  Any input text that was matched before the
-action and delimited by angle brackets (see below) is made available
-within the action as the contents of the character array
-.IR yytext .
-The length of (number of characters in)
-.I yytext
-is available in the variable
-.IR yyleng .
-(These variable names are historical; see
-.IR lex (1).)
-.IB @{\ action\ }
-Actions prefixed with an 'at' symbol will be performed during parsing,
-at the time they are encountered while matching the input text with a
-Because of back-tracking in the PEG parsing algorithm, actions
-prefixed with '@' might be performed multiple times for the same input
-(The usual behviour of actions is that they are saved up until
-matching is complete, and then those that are part of the
-final derivation are performed in left-to-right order.)
-The variable
-.I yytext
-is available within these actions.
-.IB exp \ ~ \ {\ action\ }
-A postfix operator
-.BI ~ {\ action\ }
-can be placed after any expression and will behave like a normal
-action (arbitrary C code) except that it is invoked only when
-.I exp
-fails.  It binds less tightly than any other operator except alternation and sequencing, and
-is intended to make error handling and recovery code easier to write.
-Note that
-.I yytext
-.I yyleng
-are not available inside these actions, but the pointer variable
-.I yy
-is available to give the code access to any user\-defined members
-of the parser state (see "CUSTOMISING THE PARSER" below).
-Note also that
-.I exp
-is always a single expression; to invoke an error action for any
-failure within a sequence, parentheses must be used to group the
-sequence into a single expression.
-    rule = e1 e2 e3 ~{ error("e[12] ok; e3 has failed"); }
-         | ...
-    rule = (e1 e2 e3) ~{ error("one of e[123] has failed"); }
-         | ...
-.B <
-An opening angle bracket always matches (consuming no input) and
-causes the parser to begin accumulating matched text.  This text will
-be made available to actions in the variable
-.IR yytext .
-.B >
-A closing angle bracket always matches (consuming no input) and causes
-the parser to stop accumulating text for
-.IR yytext .
-The above
-.IR element s
-can be made optional and/or repeatable with the following suffixes:
-.RB element\  ?
-The element is optional.  If present on the input, it is consumed and
-the match succeeds.  If not present on the input, no text is consumed
-and the match succeeds anyway.
-.RB element\  +
-The element is repeatable.  If present on the input, one or more
-occurrences of
-.I element
-are consumed and the match succeeds.  If no occurrences of
-.I element
-are present on the input, the match fails.
-.RB element\  *
-The element is optional and repeatable.  If present on the input, one or more
-occurrences of
-.I element
-are consumed and the match succeeds.  If no occurrences of
-.I element
-are present on the input, the match succeeds anyway.
-The above elements and suffixes can be converted into predicates (that
-match arbitrary input text and subsequently succeed or fail
-.I without
-consuming that input) with the following prefixes:
-.BR & \ element
-The predicate succeeds only if
-.I element
-can be matched.  Input text scanned while matching
-.I element
-is not consumed from the input and remains available for subsequent
-.BR ! \ element
-The predicate succeeds only if
-.I element
-cannot be matched.  Input text scanned while matching
-.I element
-is not consumed from the input and remains available for subsequent
-matching.  A popular idiom is
-    !.
-which matches the end of file, after the last character of the input
-has already been consumed.
-A special form of the '&' predicate is provided:
-.BR & {\ expression\ }
-In this predicate the simple C
-.I expression
-.RB ( not
-statement) is evaluated immediately when the parser reaches the
-predicate.  If the
-.I expression
-yields non\-zero (true) the 'match' succeeds and the parser continues
-with the next element in the pattern.  If the
-.I expression
-yields zero (false) the 'match' fails and the parser backs up to look
-for an alternative parse of the input.
-Several elements (with or without prefixes and suffixes) can be
-combined into a
-.I sequence
-by writing them one after the other.  The entire sequence matches only
-if each individual element within it matches, from left to right.
-Sequences can be separated into disjoint alternatives by the
-alternation operator '|'.
-.RB sequence\-1\  | \ sequence\-2\  | \ ...\  | \ sequence\-N
-Each sequence is tried in turn until one of them matches, at which
-time matching for the overall pattern succeeds.  If none of the
-sequences matches then the match of the overall pattern fails.
-The following elements can appear in addition to rules.
-.BI %{\  text... \ %}
-A declaration section can appear anywhere that a rule definition is
-expected.  The
-.I text
-between the delimiters '%{' and '%}' is copied verbatim to the
-generated C parser code
-.I before
-the code that implements the parser itself.
-The pound sign (#) introduces a comment (discarded) that
-continues until the end of the line.
-.BI %% \ text...
-A double percent '%%' terminates the rules (and declarations) section of
-the grammar.  All
-.I text
-following '%%' is copied verbatim to the generated C parser code
-.I after
-the parser implementation code.
-Some notes regarding rules and and patterns follow.
-.B rule\-name
-Hyphens can appear as letters in the names of rules.  Each hyphen is
-converted into an underscore in the generated C source code.  A
-single hyphen '\-' is a legal rule name.
-Within actions you can access and manipulate named values.
-.BI $$\ = \ value
-A sub\-rule can return a semantic
-.I value
-from an action by assigning it to the pseudo\-variable '$$'.  All
-semantic values must have the same type (which defaults to 'int').
-This type can be changed by defining YYSTYPE in a declaration section.
-.IB identifier : name
-The semantic value returned (by assigning to '$$') from the sub\-rule
-.I name
-is associated with the
-.I identifier
-and can be referred to in subsequent actions.
-The grammar for
-.I minipeg
-grammars is shown below.  This will both illustrate and formalise the
-above description.
-    grammar =       \-
-                    ( declaration | definition )+
-                    trailer? end\-of\-file
-    declaration =   '%{' < ( !'%}' . )* > RPERCENT
-    trailer =       '%%' < .* >
-    definition =    identifier EQUAL expression
-    expression =    sequence ( BAR sequence )*
-    sequence =      error+
-    error =         prefix ( TILDE action )?
-    prefix =        AND action
-    |               ( AND | NOT )? suffix
-    suffix =        primary ( QUERY | STAR | PLUS )?
-    primary =       identifier COLON identifier !EQUAL
-    |               identifier !EQUAL
-    |               OPEN expression CLOSE
-    |               literal
-    |               class
-    |               DOT
-    |               action
-    |               BEGIN
-    |               END
-    identifier =    < [\-a\-zA\-Z_][\-a\-zA\-Z_0\-9]* > \-
-    literal =       ['] < ( !['] char )* > ['] \-
-    |               ["] < ( !["] char )* > ["] \-
-    class =         '[' < ( !']' range )* > ']' \-
-    range =         char '\-' char | char
-    char =          '\\\\' [abefnrtv'"\\[\\]\\\\]
-    |               '\\\\' [0\-3][0\-7][0\-7]
-    |               '\\\\' [0\-7][0\-7]?
-    |               !'\\\\' .
-    action =        '{' < braces* > '}' \-
-    braces =        '{' braces* '}'
-    |               !'}' .
-    EQUAL =         '=' \-
-    COLON =         ':' \-
-    BAR =           '|' \-
-    AND =           '&' \-
-    NOT =           '!' \-
-    QUERY =         '?' \-
-    STAR =          '*' \-
-    PLUS =          '+' \-
-    OPEN =          '(' \-
-    CLOSE =         ')' \-
-    DOT =           '.' \-
-    BEGIN =         '<' \-
-    END =           '>' \-
-    TILDE =         '~' \-
-    RPERCENT =      '%}' \-
-    \- =             ( space | comment )*
-    space =         ' ' | '\\t' | end\-of\-line
-    comment =       '#' ( !end\-of\-line . )* end\-of\-line
-    end\-of\-line =   '\\r\\n' | '\\n' | '\\r'
-    end\-of\-file =   !.
-The following symbols can be redefined in declaration sections to
-modify the generated parser code.
-The semantic value type.  The pseudo\-variable '$$' and the
-identifiers 'bound' to rule results with the colon operator ':' should
-all be considered as being declared to have this type.  The default
-value is 'int'.
-The name of the main entry point to the parser.  The default value
-is 'yyparse'.
-The name of an alternative entry point to the parser.  This function
-expects one argument: the function corresponding to the rule from
-which the search for a match should begin.  The default
-is 'yyparsefrom'.  Note that yyparse() is defined as
-    int yyparse() { return yyparsefrom(yy_foo); }
-where 'foo' is the name of the first rule in the grammar.
-.BI YY_INPUT( buf , \ result , \ max_size )
-This macro is invoked by the parser to obtain more input text.
-.I buf
-points to an area of memory that can hold at most
-.I max_size
-characters.  The macro should copy input text to
-.I buf
-and then assign the integer variable
-.I result
-to indicate the number of characters copied.  If no more input is available,
-the macro should assign 0 to
-.IR result .
-By default, the YY_INPUT macro is defined as follows.
-    #define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size)        \\
-    {                                              \\
-      int yyc= getchar();                          \\
-      result= (EOF == yyc) ? 0 : (*(buf)= yyc, 1); \\
-    }
-Note that if YY_CTX_LOCAL is defined (see below) then an additional
-first argument, containing the parser context, is passed to YY_INPUT.
-If this symbols is defined then additional code will be included in
-the parser that prints vast quantities of arcane information to the
-standard error while the parser is running.
-This macro is invoked to mark the start of input text that will be
-made available in actions as 'yytext'.  This corresponds to
-occurrences of '<' in the grammar.  These are converted into
-predicates that are expected to succeed.  The default definition
-    #define YY_BEGIN (yybegin= yypos, 1)
-therefore saves the current input position and returns 1 ('true') as
-the result of the predicate.
-This macros corresponds to '>' in the grammar.  Again, it is a
-predicate so the default definition saves the input position
-before 'succeeding'.
-    #define YY_END (yyend= yypos, 1)
-This macro declares the parser entry points (yyparse and yyparsefrom)
-to be of type
-.IR T .
-The default definition
-    #define YY_PARSE(T) T
-leaves yyparse() and yyparsefrom() with global visibility.  If they
-should not be externally visible in other source files, this macro can
-be redefined to declare them 'static'.
-    #define YY_PARSE(T) static T
-If this symbol is defined during compilation of a generated parser
-then global parser state will be kept in a structure of
-type 'yycontext' which can be declared as a local variable.  This
-allows multiple instances of parsers to coexist and to be thread\-safe.
-The parsing function
-.IR yyparse ()
-will be declared to expect a first argument of type 'yycontext *', an
-instance of the structure holding the global state for the parser.
-This instance must be allocated and initialised to zero by the client.
-A trivial but complete example is as follows.
-    #include <stdio.h>
-    #define YY_CTX_LOCAL
-    #include "the\-generated\-parser.peg.c"
-    int main()
-    {
-      yycontext ctx;
-      memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(yycontext));
-      while (yyparse(&ctx));
-      return 0;
-    }
-Note that if this symbol is undefined then the compiled parser will
-statically allocate its global state and will be neither reentrant nor
-Note also that the parser yycontext structure is initialised automatically
-the first time
-.IR yyparse ()
-is called; this structure
-.B must
-therefore be properly initialised to zero before the first call to
-.IR yyparse ().
-If YY_CTX_LOCAL is defined (see above) then the macro YY_CTX_MEMBERS
-can be defined to expand to any additional member field declarations
-that the client would like included in the declaration of
-the 'yycontext' structure type.  These additional members are
-otherwise ignored by the generated parser.  The instance
-of 'yycontext' associated with the currently\-active parser is
-available within actions as the pointer variable
-.IR yy .
-The initial size of the text buffer, in bytes.  The default is 1024
-and the buffer size is doubled whenever required to meet demand during
-parsing.  An application that typically parses much longer strings
-could increase this to avoid unnecessary buffer reallocation.
-The initial size of the variable and action stacks.  The default is
-128, which is doubled whenever required to meet demand during parsing.
-Applications that have deep call stacks with many local variables, or
-that perform many actions after a single successful match, could increase
-this to avoid unnecessary buffer reallocation.
-The memory allocator for all parser\-related storage.  The parameters
-are the current yycontext structure and the number of bytes to
-allocate.  The default definition is:
-.RI malloc( SIZE )
-The memory reallocator for dynamically\-grown storage (such as text
-buffers and variable stacks).  The parameters are the current
-yycontext structure, the previously\-allocated storage, and the number
-of bytes to which that storage should be grown.  The default definition is:
-.RI realloc( PTR , \ SIZE )
-.BI YY_FREE( YY , \ PTR )
-The memory deallocator.  The parameters are the current yycontext
-structure and the storage to deallocate.  The default definition is:
-.RI free( PTR )
-The name of the function that releases all resources held by a
-yycontext structure.  The default value is 'yyrelease'.
-The following variables can be referred to within actions.
-.B char *yybuf
-This variable points to the parser's input buffer used to store input
-text that has not yet been matched.
-.B int yypos
-This is the offset (in yybuf) of the next character to be matched and
-.B char *yytext
-The most recent matched text delimited by '<' and '>' is stored in this variable.
-.B int yyleng
-This variable indicates the number of characters in 'yytext'.
-.B yycontext *yy
-This variable points to the instance of 'yycontext' associated with
-the currently\-active parser.
-Programs that wish to release all the resources associated with a
-parser can use the following function.
-.BI yyrelease(yycontext * yy )
-Returns all parser\-allocated storage associated with
-.I yy
-to the system.  The storage will be reallocated on the next call to
-.IR yyparse ().
-Note that the storage for the yycontext structure itself is never
-allocated or reclaimed implicitly.  The application must allocate
-these structures in automatic storage, or use
-.IR calloc ()
-.IR free ()
-to manage them explicitly.  The example in the following section
-demonstrates one approach to resource management.
-.I yy
-variable passed to actions contains the state of the parser plus any
-additional fields defined by YY_CTX_MEMBERS.  Theses fields can be
-used to store application\-specific information that is global to a
-particular call of
-.IR yyparse ().
-A trivial but complete
-.I leg
-example follows in which the yycontext
-structure is extended with a
-.I count
-of the number of newline characters
-seen in the input so far (the grammar otherwise consumes and ignores
-the entire input).  The caller of
-.IR yyparse ()
-.I count
-to print the number of lines of input that were read.
-    %{
-    #define YY_CTX_LOCAL 1
-    #define YY_CTX_MEMBERS \\
-      int count;
-    %}
-    Char    = ('\\n' | '\\r\\n' | '\\r')        { yy\->count++ }
-            | .
-    %%
-    #include <stdio.h>
-    #include <string.h>
-    int main()
-    {
-        /* create a local parser context in automatic storage */
-        yycontext yy;
-        /* the context *must* be initialised to zero before first use*/
-        memset(&yy, 0, sizeof(yy));
-        while (yyparse(&yy))
-            ;
-        printf("%d newlines\\n", yy.count);
-        /* release all resources associated with the context */
-        yyrelease(&yy);
-        return 0;
-    }
-.I minipeg
-warns about the following conditions while converting a grammar into a parser.
-.B syntax error
-The input grammar was malformed in some way.  The error message will
-include the text about to be matched (often backed up a huge amount
-from the actual location of the error) and the line number of the most
-recently considered character (which is often the real location of the
-.B rule 'foo' used but not defined
-The grammar referred to a rule named 'foo' but no definition for it
-was given.  Attempting to use the generated parser will likely result
-in errors from the linker due to undefined symbols associated with the
-missing rule.
-.B rule 'foo' defined but not used
-The grammar defined a rule named 'foo' and then ignored it.  The code
-associated with the rule is included in the generated parser which
-will in all other respects be healthy.
-.B possible infinite left recursion in rule 'foo'
-There exists at least one path through the grammar that leads from the
-rule 'foo' back to (a recursive invocation of) the same rule without
-consuming any input.
-Left recursion, especially that found in standards documents, is
-often 'direct' and implies trivial repetition.
-    # (6.7.6)
-    direct\-abstract\-declarator =
-        LPAREN abstract\-declarator RPAREN
-    |   direct\-abstract\-declarator? LBRACKET assign\-expr? RBRACKET
-    |   direct\-abstract\-declarator? LBRACKET STAR RBRACKET
-    |   direct\-abstract\-declarator? LPAREN param\-type\-list? RPAREN
-The recursion can easily be eliminated by converting the parts of the
-pattern following the recursion into a repeatable suffix.
-    # (6.7.6)
-    direct\-abstract\-declarator =
-        direct\-abstract\-declarator\-head?
-        direct\-abstract\-declarator\-tail*
-    direct\-abstract\-declarator\-head =
-        LPAREN abstract\-declarator RPAREN
-    direct\-abstract\-declarator\-tail =
-        LBRACKET assign\-expr? RBRACKET
-    |   LPAREN param\-type\-list? RPAREN
-A parser that accepts empty input will
-.I always
-succeed.  Consider the following example, not atypical of a first
-attempt to write a PEG\-based parser:
-    Program = Expression*
-    Expression = "whatever"
-    %%
-    int main() {
-      while (yyparse())
-        puts("success!");
-      return 0;
-    }
-This program loops forever, no matter what (if any) input is provided
-on stdin.  Many fixes are possible, the easiest being to insist that
-the parser always consumes some non\-empty input.  Changing the first
-line to
-    Program = Expression+
-accomplishes this.  If the parser is expected to consume the entire
-input, then explicitly requiring the end\-of\-file is also highly
-    Program = Expression+ !.
-This works because the parser will only fail to match ("!" predicate)
-any character at all ("." expression) when it attempts to read beyond
-the end of the input.
-The 'yy' and 'YY' prefixes cannot be changed.
-Left recursion is detected in the input grammar but is not handled
-correctly in the generated parser.
-Diagnostics for errors in the input grammar are obscure and not
-particularly helpful.
-The operators
-.BR ! \ \c
-.B ~
-should really be named the other way around.
-Several commonly\-used
-.IR lex (1)
-features (yywrap(), yyin, etc.) are completely absent.
-The generated parser does not contain '#line' directives to direct C
-compiler errors back to the grammar description when appropriate.
-D. Val Schorre,
-.I META II, a syntax\-oriented compiler writing language,
-19th ACM National Conference, 1964, pp.\ 41.301\-\-41.311.  Describes a
-self\-implementing parser generator for analytic grammars with no
-Alexander Birman,
-.I The TMG Recognition Schema,
-Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton, 1970.  A mathematical treatment of the
-power and complexity of recursive\-descent parsing with backtracking.
-Bryan Ford,
-.I Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition\-Based Syntactic Foundation,
-ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2004.
-Defines PEGs and analyses them in relation to context\-free and regular
-grammars.  Introduces the syntax adopted in
-.IR peg .
-The standard Unix utilities
-.IR lex (1)
-.IR yacc (1)
-which influenced the syntax and features of
-.IR minipeg .
-The source code for
-.I minipeg
-whose grammar parsers are written using themselves.
-The latest version of this software and documentation:
-    https://github.com/andrewchambers/minipeg
-.IR minipeg
-and this manual were originally written by Ian Piumarta
-under the project name peg/leg.
-.IR minipeg
-is a fork of peg/leg by Andrew Chambers.
-Please send bug reports and suggestions for improvements to the author
-at the project address.