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ref: bbecfce9e715cfb2ee7e1ddc3f34d4b5ca55d946
parent: c83783f1c730954dd5a115a6990b6b873f718b3e
author: Andrew Chambers <ac@acha.ninja>
date: Thu Apr 7 21:47:38 CDT 2022

Improve readme.

--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
 ## History
-`minipeg` started as a fork of peg/leg https://www.piumarta.com/software/peg/. The aim of the fork was removal of the redundant and confusing alternate syntax,
-and improving ease of distribution by adding amalgamated releases.
+`minipeg` started as a fork of peg/leg https://www.piumarta.com/software/peg/.
+The aim of the fork is simplification (by removing removing the 'peg' out of peg/leg)
+and improving ease of distribution with a single file amalgamation.
 ## References
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
 * **unreleased** 
 Rename project to minipeg.
-Deprecate peg syntax (leg is the new and only syntax).
+Deprecate and remove peg syntax (leg is the new and only syntax).
 Add new amalgamated builds that can be distributed as a single file.
 * **0.1.18** ([zip](../../archive/0.1.18.zip), [tar.gz](../../archive/0.1.18.tar.gz)) &mdash; 2016-07-22  
 Add `-P` option to disable `#line` directives.