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ref: 06e34557edb00b7962de97cf71818605a8364f9a
parent: 83f3b26cac43c01607b8e3da33bb457f1a9ab7a7
author: Ain <41307858+nero@users.noreply.github.com>
date: Sun Sep 2 13:47:56 CDT 2018

Add support for BOOTIF boot parameter

BOOTIF can be set by the SYSAPPEND option of PXELINUX. Its primary
usecase is telling the OS which interface it was booted from. This
fixes netbooting from eth1 or upwards if eth0 is connected to an
different network.

--- a/initramfs-init.in
+++ b/initramfs-init.in
@@ -138,6 +138,12 @@
 # determine the default interface to use if ip=dhcp is set
 # uses the first "eth" interface with operstate 'up'.
 ip_choose_if() {
+	if [ -n "$KOPT_BOOTIF" ]; then
+		mac=$(printf "%s\n" "$KOPT_BOOTIF"|sed 's/^01-//;s/-/:/g')
+		dev=$(grep -l $mac /sys/class/net/*/address|head -n 1)
+		dev=${dev%/*}
+		[ -n "$dev" ] && echo "${dev##*/}"
+	fi
 	for x in /sys/class/net/eth*; do
 		if grep -iq up $x/operstate;then
 			[ -e "$x" ] && echo ${x##*/} && return
@@ -294,7 +300,8 @@
 myopts="alpine_dev autodetect autoraid chart cryptroot cryptdm cryptheader cryptoffset
 	cryptdiscards cryptkey debug_init dma init_args keep_apk_new modules ovl_dev
 	pkgs quiet root_size root usbdelay ip alpine_repo apkovl alpine_start splash
-	blacklist overlaytmpfs rootfstype rootflags nbd resume s390x_net dasd ssh_key"
+	blacklist overlaytmpfs rootfstype rootflags nbd resume s390x_net dasd ssh_key
 for opt; do
 	case "$opt" in