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ref: 4893f510f80d26f4cc5321381084904109c1cbe9
parent: e2aa461b2e6385ff5a38278425132dbb850bb3dd
author: 7heo <7heo@mail.com>
date: Mon Aug 8 20:32:59 CDT 2016

nlplug-findfs: test script

--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.sh
@@ -1,0 +1,107 @@
+set -e
+set -u
+# Defaults
+failure=1 # Assume test failure
+usage () {
+	cat >&2 <<-EOF
+	$0 [flags] [operation]
+	operation:
+	  full (default)
+	  clean
+	  help (this help)
+	flags:
+	  -h: help (this help)
+	  -d: turn on nlplug-findfs debug output
+	  -y: skip confirmation at program start
+	  -x: clean all (including produced binaries)
+	exit 1
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]
+	case "$1" in
+		"-d") flags="-d $flags"; shift;;
+		"-y") noconfirm=1; shift;;
+		"-x") clean_all=1; shift;;
+		"-h"|"--help") usage; shift;;
+		"-"*) shift;; # Ignore erroneous flags
+		*) break;;
+	esac
+[ $# -eq 1 ] && operation=$1
+[ $noconfirm -eq 0 ] && echo \
+"Warning: this script is going to de-setup all your existing /dev/loop* devices
+at exit. Press enter to continue, or ^C to cancel." >&2
+[ $noconfirm -eq 0 ] && read dummy
+if [ "$operation" != "clean" ]
+	passphrase=foobar
+	mkdir -p local-mount
+	if [ ! -f ./nlplug-findfs ]; then
+		echo "> Creating nlplug-findfs"
+		make
+	fi
+	echo "> Creating images"
+	dd if=/dev/zero of=block count=1024 bs=65536 2>&1 | sed 's/^/\t/g'
+	echo "> Setting up the loop devices"
+	block="$(sudo losetup -f)"
+	echo "> Setting up block as $block"
+	sudo losetup $block block 2>&1 | sed 's/^/\t/g'
+	echo "> Formatting '$block' with passphrase '$passphrase'."
+	printf "%s" "$passphrase" | sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -q $block - 2>&1 | sed 's/^/\t/g'
+	echo "> Opening the device '$block' as /dev/mapper/temp-test"
+	printf "%s" "$passphrase" | sudo cryptsetup luksOpen -q $block temp-test - 2>&1 | sed 's/^/\t/g'
+	echo "> Creating a filesystem on '/dev/mapper/temp-test'"
+	sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/mapper/temp-test
+	echo "> Mounting the fs"
+	sudo mount -text2 /dev/mapper/temp-test local-mount
+	echo "> Creating proof in the mounted fs"
+	sudo sh -c 'date "+proof:%s" > local-mount/proof'
+	proof=$(cat local-mount/proof)
+	echo "> Proof is: '$proof'"
+	echo "> Unmounting the fs"
+	sudo umount local-mount
+	echo "> Closing the device '/dev/mapper/temp-test'"
+	sudo cryptsetup luksClose temp-test
+	echo "> Testing nfplug-findfs (passphrase was '$passphrase')"
+	sudo ./nlplug-findfs ${flags}-c $block -m 'test-device' || true
+	echo "> Mounting the device"
+	sudo mount /dev/mapper/test-device local-mount
+	echo "> Getting proof"
+	check=$(cat local-mount/proof)
+	echo "Retrieved proof is: $check"
+	[ "$check" = "$proof" ] && failure=0
+	[ $failure -eq 0 ] && echo "Operation succeeded, proofs match" || echo "Operation failed, proofs don't match"
+echo "> Cleaning up"
+mountpoint local-mount && sudo umount local-mount
+[ -b /dev/mapper/test-device ] && sudo cryptsetup luksClose test-device
+for i in $(seq 0 $(sudo losetup -f | sed 's:^[a-z/]*\([0-9]*\)$:\1:; s/$/-1/' | bc)); do
+	sudo losetup -d /dev/loop$i
+[ -d local-mount ] && rmdir local-mount
+[ -f block ] && rm block
+[ $clean_all -eq 1 ] && ( make clean; rm -f nlplug-findfs nlplug-findfs.o )
+exit $failure
+# vim: ts=4:sw=4