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ref: ca236d1b6fcc35e725aee944c8bea54d374d5454
parent: 8bdbb65e2f265bd9261bb8b131c8ba30aab4861f
author: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
date: Thu Oct 8 03:13:43 CDT 2015

nlplug-findfs: add help text for -b

--- a/nlplug-findfs.c
+++ b/nlplug-findfs.c
@@ -530,6 +530,7 @@
 	"If DIR is specified the found DEVICE will be mounted on DIR\n"
+	" -b OUTFILE      mount and search for .boot_repository\n"
 	" -c CRYPTDEVICE  run cryptsetup luksOpen when CRYPTDEVICE is found\n"
 	" -h              show this help\n"
 	" -m CRYPTNAME    use CRYPTNAME name for crypto device mapping\n"