home: hub: mkinitfs

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ref: df1b22e3539ccfcb4bc0503322d54bd3a9544f41
parent: 91a70d3906fd3614cbfd335f1cedcf2d94950c35
author: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
date: Wed Oct 14 02:32:49 CDT 2015

init: do not force add hwdrivers and modloop

we probably dont support upgrade from the old version it was there for

--- a/initramfs-init.in
+++ b/initramfs-init.in
@@ -513,11 +513,6 @@
-# in case we upgrade we might need those:
-rc_add hwdrivers sysinit
-rc_add modloop sysinit
 # hack so we get openrc
 pkgs="$pkgs alpine-base"