home: hub: mkinitfs

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ref: f006465dd284560e59eef562158a9ff5a035aba4
parent: 14361e7589675a8032485780173e1cc71de2132f
author: Kaarle Ritvanen <kaarle.ritvanen@datakunkku.fi>
date: Thu Oct 20 08:10:23 CDT 2016

init: make network boot work without apkovl

--- a/initramfs-init.in
+++ b/initramfs-init.in
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
 #   "server-ip" and "hostname" are not supported here.
 configure_ip() {
-	[ -n "$KOPT_ip" ] || return
+	[ -z "$KOPT_ip" -o "$MAC_ADDRESS" ] && return
 	eval set -- $KOPT_ip
@@ -526,6 +526,9 @@
 # generate apk repositories file. needs to be done after relocation
 find_boot_repositories > $repofile
+# set up network if needed
+[ "$ALPINE_REPO" ] && configure_ip
 # silently fix apk arch in case the apkovl does not match
 if [ -r "$sysroot"/etc/apk/arch ]; then