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ref: 464aae9ae90dcb43ab003b922e4ae4d08611c55b
parent: 67b2ebda49f691acfd676bb5f662e4e7e5471000
author: Matthew Flatt <mflatt@racket-lang.org>
date: Sat Dec 10 10:48:44 CST 2022

refine permissions support in `cp`

--- a/lib/zuo/private/more.zuo
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/more.zuo
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+         :no-replace-mode
          :error :truncate :must-truncate :append :update :can-update
@@ -280,14 +281,15 @@
                  (ls p))
        (rmdir p)])))
-(define (cp* src dest)
+(define (cp* src dest [options (hash)])
   (unless (path-string? src) (arg-error 'cp* "path string" src))
   (unless (path-string? dest) (arg-error 'cp* "path string" dest))
+  (unless (hash? options) (arg-error 'cp* "hash table" options))
   (define info (stat src #f))
   (when info
     (define type (hash-ref info 'type))
-      [(eq? type 'file) (cp src dest)]
+      [(eq? type 'file) (cp src dest options)]
       [(eq? type 'link)
        (when (stat dest #f) (rm dest))
        (symlink (readlink src) dest)]
@@ -294,8 +296,10 @@
        (unless (directory-exists? dest) (mkdir dest))
        (for-each (lambda (e)
-                   (cp* (build-path src e) (build-path dest e)))
+                   (cp* (build-path src e) (build-path dest e) options))
                  (ls src))])))
+(define :no-replace-mode (hash 'replace-mode #false))
 (define :error (hash 'exists 'error))
 (define :truncate (hash 'exists 'truncate))
--- a/tests/filesystem.zuo
+++ b/tests/filesystem.zuo
@@ -155,3 +155,15 @@
 (check-arg-fail (symlink "a" 10) not-path)
 (rm* sub-dir)
+(check (cp exists.txt exists2.txt) (void))
+(check (equal? (hash-ref (stat exists.txt) 'mode)
+               (hash-ref (stat exists2.txt) 'mode)))
+(check (file-exists? exists.txt))
+(check (file-exists? exists2.txt))
+(check (cp exists.txt exists2.txt (hash 'replace-mode #f)) (void))
+(check (cp exists.txt exists2.txt :no-replace-mode) (void))
+(check-arg-fail (cp "exists.txt" "exists2.txt" 'oops) "not a hash")
+(check-arg-fail (cp "exists.txt" "exists2.txt" (hash 'mode 'oops)) "not an integer")
+(check-arg-fail (cp "exists.txt" "exists2.txt" (hash 'other 0)) "unrecognized or unused option")
--- a/zuo-doc/fake-zuo.rkt
+++ b/zuo-doc/fake-zuo.rkt
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@
     ls* rm* cp* mkdir-p
+    :no-replace-mode
     :error :truncate :must-truncate :append :update :can-update
--- a/zuo-doc/lang-zuo.scrbl
+++ b/zuo-doc/lang-zuo.scrbl
@@ -1292,18 +1292,43 @@
 Gets the content of a link @racket[name]. This function is not
 supported on Windows.}
-@defproc[(cp [source path-string?] [destination path-string?]) void?]{
+@defproc[(cp [source path-string?] [destination path-string?] [options hash? (hash)]) void?]
+@defthing[:no-replace-mode hash?]
-Copies the file at @racket[source] to @racket[destination],
-preserving permissions and replacing (or attempting to replace)
-@racket[destination] if it exists.}
+Copies the file at @racket[source] to @racket[destination], replacing
+(or attempting to replace) @racket[destination] if it exists.
-@defproc[(cp* [source path-string?] [destination path-string?]) void?]{
+On Unix, if @racket[destination] does not exist, it is created with
+the mode (i.e., permissions) specified by @racket['mode] in
+@racket[options], which must be an integer between 0 and 65535
+inclusive; if @racket['mode] is not provided, the mode of
+@racket[source] is used. The creation-time mode can be modified by
+the process's umask, but unless @racket[options] maps
+@racket['replace-mode] to @racket[#false], the mode is explicitly applied again
+to @racket[destination]---whether @racket[destination] was just
+created or exists already, and ignoring the process's umask. On
+Windows, the attributes of @racket[source] are always copied to
+@racket[destination], and if @racket['mode] is provided, then the file
+is made read only if and only if the @scheme[bitwise-and] of the mode
+value and @racket[2] is @racket[0].
+The @racket[:no-replace-mode] hash table maps
+@racket['no-replace-mode] to @racket[#true].
+@history[#:changed "1.6" @elem{Added the @racket[options] argument and
+                               @racket[:no-replace-mode].}]}
+@defproc[(cp* [source path-string?] [destination path-string?] [options hash? (hash)]) void?]{
 Copies the file, directory, or link @racket[source] to a corresponding
 new file, directory, or link @racket[destination], including the
 directory content if @racket[source] refers to a directory (and not to
-a link to a directory),.}
+a link to a directory). The @racket[options] argument is passed
+along to individual file-copy operations.
+@history[#:changed "1.6" @elem{Added the @racket[options] argument.}]}
 @defproc[(file-exists? [name path-string?]) booelan?]
--- a/zuo.c
+++ b/zuo.c
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
    declarations. */
 #define ZUO_VERSION 1
 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
 # define ZUO_WINDOWS
@@ -5284,53 +5284,75 @@
   return z.o_undefined;
-static zuo_t *zuo_cp(zuo_t *src_path, zuo_t *dest_path) {
+static zuo_t *zuo_cp(zuo_t *src_path, zuo_t *dest_path, zuo_t *options) {
   const char *who = "cp";
+  int replace_perms;
+  zuo_t *perms, *replace_mode;
   check_path_string(who, src_path);
   check_path_string(who, dest_path);
-#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
-  int src_fd, dest_fd;
-  struct stat st_buf;
-  zuo_int_t len, amt;
-  char *buf;
-  EINTR_RETRY(src_fd = open(ZUO_STRING_PTR(src_path), O_RDONLY));
-  if (src_fd == -1)
-    zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source open failed", src_path);
+  if (options == z.o_undefined) options = z.o_empty_hash;
+  check_hash(who, options);
-  if (fstat(src_fd, &st_buf) != 0)
-    zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source stat failed", src_path);
+  perms = zuo_consume_option(&options, "mode");
+  if (perms != z.o_undefined) {
+    if ((perms->tag != zuo_integer_tag)
+        || (ZUO_INT_I(perms) < 0)
+        || (ZUO_INT_I(perms) > 65535))
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "not an integer in 0 to 65535", perms);
+  }
-  /* Permissions may be reduced by umask, but the intent here is to
-     make sure the file doesn't have more permissions than it will end
-     up with: */
-  EINTR_RETRY(dest_fd = open(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dest_path), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, st_buf.st_mode));
+  replace_mode = zuo_consume_option(&options, "replace-mode");
+  replace_perms = ((replace_mode != z.o_undefined)
+                   || (replace_mode != z.o_false));
-  if (dest_fd == -1)
-    zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination open failed", dest_path);
+  check_options_consumed(who, options);
-  buf = malloc(4096);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  {
+    int src_fd, dest_fd;
+    struct stat st_buf;
+    zuo_int_t len, amt;
+    char *buf;
-  while (1) {
-    EINTR_RETRY(amt = read(src_fd, buf, 4096));
-    if (amt == 0)
-      break;
-    if (amt < 0)
-      zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source read failed", src_path);
-    while (amt > 0) {
-      EINTR_RETRY(len = write(dest_fd, buf, amt));
-      if (len < 0)
-        zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination write failed", dest_path);
-      amt -= len;
-    }
-  }
+    EINTR_RETRY(src_fd = open(ZUO_STRING_PTR(src_path), O_RDONLY));
+    if (src_fd == -1)
+      zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source open failed", src_path);
-  EINTR_RETRY(close(src_fd));
+    if (perms == z.o_undefined) {
+      if (fstat(src_fd, &st_buf) != 0)
+        zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source stat failed", src_path);
+    } else
+      st_buf.st_mode = ZUO_INT_I(perms);
-  if (fchmod(dest_fd, st_buf.st_mode) != 0)
-    zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination permissions update failed", dest_path);
+    EINTR_RETRY(dest_fd = open(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dest_path), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, st_buf.st_mode));
-  EINTR_RETRY(close(dest_fd));
+    if (dest_fd == -1)
+      zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination open failed", dest_path);
+    if (replace_perms)
+      if (fchmod(dest_fd, st_buf.st_mode) != 0)
+        zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination permissions update failed", dest_path);
+    buf = malloc(4096);
+    while (1) {
+      EINTR_RETRY(amt = read(src_fd, buf, 4096));
+      if (amt == 0)
+        break;
+      if (amt < 0)
+        zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source read failed", src_path);
+      while (amt > 0) {
+        EINTR_RETRY(len = write(dest_fd, buf, amt));
+        if (len < 0)
+          zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination write failed", dest_path);
+        amt -= len;
+      }
+    }
+    EINTR_RETRY(close(src_fd));
+    EINTR_RETRY(close(dest_fd));
+  }
@@ -5338,6 +5360,27 @@
     wchar_t *dest_w = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dest_path));
     if (!CopyFileW(src_w, dest_w, 0))
       zuo_fail1w(who, "copy failed to destination", dest_path);
+    if (perms != z.o_undefined) {
+      int read_only = !(ZUO_INT_I(perms) & 2);
+      int ok;
+      DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributesW(dest_w);
+      if (attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
+        if (!(attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) != !read_only) {
+          if (read_only)
+            attrs -= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
+          else
+            attrs |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
+          ok = SetFileAttributesW(dest_w, attrs);
+        } else
+          ok = 1;
+      } else
+        ok = 0;
+      if (!ok)
+        zuo_fail1w(who, "failed making destination read-only", dest_path);
+    }
@@ -7140,7 +7183,7 @@
   ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("ls", zuo_ls);
   ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("symlink", zuo_ln);
   ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("readlink", zuo_readlink);
-  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("cp", zuo_cp);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEc("cp", zuo_cp);
   ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE0("current-time", zuo_current_time);
   ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("process", zuo_process, -2);