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ref: a67b8fc67211b758279928351dc1348cfd565877
parent: c92794b4ee299f4a9d9a0c780a53803811e771a8
author: Matthew Flatt <mflatt@racket-lang.org>
date: Mon Nov 14 12:56:26 CST 2022

document reader syntax

--- a/zuo-doc/lang-zuo.scrbl
+++ b/zuo-doc/lang-zuo.scrbl
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@
 available in the body of a @racketmodname[zuo/kernel] module to its value.}
 @defproc[(void? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
@@ -816,9 +816,11 @@
 Reads all S-expressions in @racket[str], starting at index
 @racket[start] and returning a list of the S-expressions (in order as
 they appeared in the string). The @racket[where] argument, if not
-@racket[#f], is used to report the source of errors.}
+@racket[#f], is used to report the source of errors.
+See also @secref["reader"].}
 @defproc[(~v [v any/c] ...) string?]
 @defproc[(~a [v any/c] ...) string?]
@@ -1224,7 +1226,7 @@
        @racket['modify-time-nanoseconds], and
- @item{Windows: @racket['device-id], @indexed-racket['inode],
+ @item{Windows: @racket['dev<ice-id], @indexed-racket['inode],
        @racket['mode] (read and write bits only), @racket['type]
        (abbreviated), @racket['hardlink-count], @racket['size],
        @racket['access-time-seconds], @racket['modify-time-seconds],
--- a/zuo-doc/overview.scrbl
+++ b/zuo-doc/overview.scrbl
@@ -164,6 +164,9 @@
 strings, and vectors. Paths are represented using byte strings (with
 an implied UTF-8 encoding for Windows wide-character paths).
+See @secref["reader"] for information on reading literal values as
 @section{Zuo Implementation and Macros}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/reader.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,90 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@(define ((line chars) . expl)
+   (list (hspace 1) (litchar chars) expl))
+@(define (litchars s)
+   (tabular
+     #:sep (hspace 1)
+     (list (cons (hspace 1) (map (lambda (c) (litchar (string c))) (string->list s))))))
+@title[#:tag "reader"]{Zuo S-Expression Reader}
+The Zuo reader recognizes a subset (roughly) of Racket S-expression
+notation. The reader works in terms of bytes as characters, not
+Unicode. It reads and potentially recurs based on a starting character
+sequence after skipping ASCII whitespace characters:
+ #:sep @hspace[1]
+ (list
+  @@line{;}{starts a line comment}
+  @@line{#!}{starts a line comment; @litchar{\} at then end of a line to the next}
+  @@line{#;}{comments out the next S-expression}
+  @@line{(}{starts a pair or list; see @secref["read-list"]}
+  @@line{[}{starts a pair or list; see @secref["read-list"]}
+  @@line{.}{creates a pair when delimited afterward; see @secref["read-list"]}
+  @@line{"}{starts a string; see @secref["read-string"]}
+  @@line{#"}{starts a string; see @secref["read-string"]}
+  @@line{#t}{starts a boolean; see @secref["read-boolean"]}
+  @@line{#f}{starts a boolean; see @secref["read-boolean"]}
+  @@line{'}{creates a list with @racket[quote] and the next S-expression}
+  @@line{`}{creates a list with @racket[quasiquote] and the next S-expression}
+  @@line{,}{creates a list with @racket[unquote] and the next S-expression}
+  @@line|{,@}|{creates a list with @racket[unquote-splicing] and the next S-expression})
+A @litchar{#} followed by any other character is not allowed. Other
+starting character sequences either create a number (see
+@secref["read-number"]) or symbol (see @secref["read-symbol"]), or
+they are disallowed. Any character that is not allowed with a symbol
+(see @secref["read-symbol"]) counts as a delimiter.
+@section[#:tag "read-number"]{Reading Numbers}
+A Zuo number starts optionally @litchar{-} and then one or more
+decimal digits. It must be delimited afterward. The resulting integer
+must fit into a 64-bit two's complement representation. Any number of
+leading @litchar{0}s is allowed.
+Zuo does not support floating-point numbers, and it does not allow
+@litchar{+} at the beginning of a number. Such sequences will parse as
+@section[#:tag "read-symbol"]{Reading Symbols}
+A symbol can include any ASCII digit, alphabetic character for the
+following characters:
+Although @litchar{#} is allowed within a symbol, a symbol cannot start with
+@litchar{#}. A sequence that optional starts @litchar{-} with one or
+more digits up to a delimited is parsed as a number (see
+@secref["read-number"]) instead of a symbol. A delimited @litchar{.}
+is not a symbol.
+@section[#:tag "read-string"]{Reading Strings}
+A string starts @litchar{#"} or @litchar{"} and ends with a matching
+@litchar{"}. Any character is allowed in a string, except for a
+newline or return character. The following escapes are supported with
+the usual meaning: @litchar{\"}, @litchar{\\}, @litchar{\n},
+@litchar{\r}, @litchar{\t}, and @litchar{\} followed by one to three
+octal digits.
+@section[#:tag "read-list"]{Reading Lists}
+An @litchar{(} or @litchar{[} starts a list or pair that runs until
+the matching @litchar{)} or @litchar{]}, respectively. S-expressions
+between the matching pair are the elements of the list or pair. If a
+delimited @litchar{.} appears where a list element is expected, then
+exactly one S-expressioon must appear afterward within the matching
+@section[#:tag "read-boolean"]{Reading Booleans}
+A boolean is @litchar{#t}, @litchar{#f}, @litchar{#true}, or
+@litchar{#false}, and it must be followed by a delimiter. Any other
+sequence after @litchar{#}, other than a string or line comment, is an
--- a/zuo-doc/zuo.scrbl
+++ b/zuo-doc/zuo.scrbl
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@