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ref: b627a0cb99f603a0cc1bcf69be1da5eb00135cf3
author: Matthew Flatt <mflatt@racket-lang.org>
date: Sun Apr 10 03:23:17 CDT 2022

initial version

Zuo started in the Racket repo, then moved to
https://github.com/mflatt/zuo/, and then moved back to the Racket repo
during development at https://github.com/mflatt/racket/tree/zuo, and
finally will reside officially in the Racket repo at
https://github.com/racket/racket. Going forward, this repo is
intended to track changes at the Racket repo.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+# common backups, autosaves, lock files, OS meta-files
+# generated by patch
+# coredumps
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+This component of Racket is distributed under the under the Apache 2.0
+and MIT licenses. The user can choose the license under which they
+will be using the software. There may be other licenses within the
+distribution with which the user must also comply.
+See the files
+  https://github.com/racket/racket/blob/master/racket/src/LICENSE-APACHE.txt
+  https://github.com/racket/racket/blob/master/racket/src/LICENSE-MIT.txt
+for the full text of the licenses.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+# `configure` adds lines before to record configuration
+.PHONY: zuos-to-run-and-install
+zuos-to-run-and-install: zuo
+	./zuo . zuos-to-run-and-install
+zuo: $(srcdir)/zuo.c
+	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DZUO_LIB_PATH='"'"$(srcdir)/lib"'"' -o zuo $(srcdir)/zuo.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
+.PHONY: install
+install: zuo
+	./zuo . install
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,0 +1,103 @@
+Zuo: A Tiny Racket for Scripting
+You should use Racket to write scripts. But what if you need something
+much smaller than Racket for some reason — or what if you're trying
+to script a build of Racket itself? Zuo is a tiny Racket with
+primitives for dealing with files and running processes, and it comes
+with a `make`-like embedded DSL.
+Zuo is a Racket variant in the sense that program files start with
+`#lang`, and the module path after `#lang` determines the parsing and
+expansion of the file content. That's how the `make`-like DSL is
+defined, and even the base Zuo language is defined by layers of
+`#lang`s. One of the early layers implements macros.
+Some Example Scripts
+See [`local/hello.zuo`](local/hello.zuo),
+[`local/image.zuo`](local/image.zuo), and
+Building and Running Zuo
+Compile `zuo.c` with a C compiler. No additional are files needed,
+other than system and C library headers. No compiler flags should be
+needed, although flags like `-o zuo` or `-O2` are a good idea.
+You can also use `configure`, `make`, and `make install`, where `make`
+targets mostly invoke a Zuo script after compiling `zuo.c`. If you
+don't use `configure` but compile to `zuo` in the current directory,
+then `./zuo build.zuo` and `./zuo build.zuo install` (omit the `./` on Windows)
+will do the same thing as `make` and `make install` with a default
+The Zuo executable runs only modules. If you run Zuo with no
+command-line arguments, then it loads `main.zuo`. Otherwise, the first
+argument to Zuo is a file to run or a directory containing a
+`main.zuo` to run, and additional arguments are delivered to that Zuo
+program via the `runtime-env` procedure. Running the command
+`./zuo build install`, for example, runs the `build/main.zuo` program
+with the argument `install`. Whatever initial script is run, if it has
+a `main` submodule, that submodule is also run.
+Library Modules and Startup Performance
+Except for the built-in `zuo/kernel` language module, Zuo finds
+languages and modules through a collection of libraries. By default,
+Zuo looks for a directory `lib` relative to the executable as the root
+of the library-collection tree. You can supply an alternate collection
+path with the `-X` command-line flag.
+You can also create an instance of Zuo with a set of libraries
+embedded as a heap image. Embedding a heap image has two advantages:
+ * No extra directory of library modules is necessary.
+ * Zuo can start especially quickly, competitive with the fastest
+   command-line programs.
+The `local/image.zuo` script generates a `.c` file that is a copy of
+`zuo.c` plus embedded modules. By default, the `zuo` module and its
+dependencies are included, but you can specify others with `++lib`. In
+addition, the default collection-root path is disabled in the
+generated copy, unless you supply `--keep-collects` to
+When you use `configure` and `make` or `./zuo build.zuo`, the default
+build target creates a `to-run/zuo` that embeds the `zuo` library, as
+well as a `to-install/zuo` that has the right internal path to find
+other libraries after `make install` or `./zuo build.zuo install`.
+You can use heap images without embedding. The `dump-heap-and-exit`
+Zuo kernel permitive creates a heap image, and a `-B` or `--boot`
+command-line flag for Zuo uses the given boot image on startup.
+A boot image is machine-independent, whether in a stand-alone file or
+embedded in `.c` source.
+Embedding Zuo in Another Application
+Zuo can be embedded in a larger application, with or without an
+embedded boot image. To support embedding, compile `zuo.c` or the
+output of `local/image.zuo` with the `ZUO_EMBEDDED` preprocessor macro
+defined (to anything); the `zuo.h` header will be used in that case,
+and `zuo.h` should also be used by the embedding application.
+Documentation for the embedding API is provided as comments within
+More Information
+Install the `zuo-doc` directory as a package in Racket to render the
+documentation there.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,105 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "local/image.zuo")
+;; Exports `targets` and also defines a `main` submodule
+;; that handles command-line arguments and builds a target
+;; in a `make`-like way
+(provide-targets targets-at)
+;; The `targets-at` function generates targets, and `to-dir` determines
+;; the build directory --- so these targets could be used by another
+;; build script that wants the output in a subdirectory, for example
+(define (targets-at at-dir [vars (hash)])
+  ;; The `configure` script writes configuration info to "Makefile", so
+  ;; use that if it's available, or use defaults otherwise
+  (define Makefile (at-dir "Makefile"))
+  (define config-in
+    (cond
+      [(file-exists? Makefile) (config-file->hash Makefile)]
+      ;; no `configure`-generated `Makefile`, so use defaults
+      [(eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'unix)
+       (hash 'INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local"
+             'CC "cc"
+             'CFLAGS "-O2")]
+      [else
+       (hash 'INSTALL_PREFIX "C:\\Program Files\\Zuo"
+             'CC "cl.exe"
+             'CFLAGS "/O2")]))
+  (define config (foldl (lambda (key config)
+                          (hash-set config key (hash-ref vars key)))
+                        config-in
+                        (hash-keys vars)))
+  (define install-prefix (hash-ref config 'INSTALL_PREFIX))
+  ;; Get a target for "image_zuo.c" from `image.zuo`
+  (define image_zuo.c
+    (image-target (hash 'output (at-dir "image_zuo.c")
+                        'libs (map string->symbol (string-split (hash-ref config 'EMBED_LIBS "zuo")))
+                        'keep-collects? #t)))
+  ;; We'll build two executables; they are the same except for the
+  ;; embedded libary path, so we have a target maker parameterized
+  ;; over that choice
+  (define (exe-target name lib-path)
+    (target (at-dir (add-exe name))
+            (lambda (path token)
+              (rule (list image_zuo.c
+                          (input-data-target 'config config)
+                          (quote-module-path))
+                    (lambda ()
+                      (define l (split-path path))
+                      (when (car l) (mkdir-p (car l)))
+                      (c-compile path
+                                 (list (target-path image_zuo.c))
+                                 (config-merge config
+                                               'CPPFLAGS
+                                               (string->shell (~a "-DZUO_LIB_PATH=" lib-path)))))))))
+  (define (add-exe name)
+    (if (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows)
+        (~a name ".exe")
+        name))
+  ;; The library path gets used as a C string constant, which isn't
+  ;; trivial because there are likely to be backslashes on Windows
+  (define (as-c-string path) (~s path)) ; probably a good enough approximation
+  ;; The two executable targets
+  (define zuo-to-run (exe-target "to-run/zuo" (as-c-string (find-relative-path "to-run"
+                                                                               (at-source "lib")))))
+  (define zuo-to-install (exe-target "to-install/zuo" (as-c-string (build-path install-prefix "lib"))))
+  ;; A phony target to build both executables, which we'll list first
+  ;; so it's used as the default target
+  (define zuos-to-run-and-install
+    (target 'zuos-to-run-and-install
+            (lambda (token)
+              (phony-rule (list zuo-to-run zuo-to-install)
+                          void))))
+  ;; A phony target to install
+  (define install
+    (target 'install
+            (lambda (token)
+              (phony-rule (list zuo-to-install)
+                          (lambda ()
+                            (define (say-copy cp a b)
+                              (displayln (~a "copying " a " to " b))
+                              (cp a b))
+                            (mkdir-p install-prefix)
+                            (mkdir-p (build-path install-prefix "bin"))
+                            (define dest-exe (build-path install-prefix "bin" "zuo"))
+                            (when (file-exists? dest-exe) (rm dest-exe)) ; needed for macOS
+                            (say-copy cp (target-name zuo-to-install) dest-exe)
+                            (mkdir-p (build-path install-prefix "lib"))
+                            (say-copy cp*
+                                      (at-source "lib" "zuo")
+                                      (build-path install-prefix "lib" "zuo")))))))
+  ;; Return all the targets
+  (list zuos-to-run-and-install
+        image_zuo.c
+        zuo-to-run
+        zuo-to-install
+        install))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure
@@ -1,0 +1,77 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+srcdir=`dirname "$0"`
+: ${CC:="cc"}
+: ${CFLAGS:="-O2"}
+while [ $# != 0 ] ; do
+  case $1 in
+    --embed=*)
+      embed=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^--embed=//'`
+      ;;
+    --big)
+      embed="zuo zuo/hygienic"
+      ;;
+    --prefix=*)
+      installprefix=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^--prefix=//'`
+      LIB_PATH=${installprefix}/share/zuo
+      ;;
+    --help)
+      help=yes
+      ;;
+    CC=*)
+      CC=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^CC=//'`
+      ;;
+    CPPFLAGS=*)
+      CPPFLAGS=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^CPPFLAGS=//'`
+      ;;
+    CFLAGS=*)
+      CFLAGS=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^CFLAGS=//'`
+      cflagsset=yes
+      ;;
+    LDFLAGS=*)
+      LDFLAGS=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^LDFLAGS=//'`
+      ;;
+    LIBS=*)
+      LIBS=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^LIBS=//'`
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "option '$1' unrecognized or missing an argument; try $0 --help"
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+if [ "$help" = "yes" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "Options (defaults shown in parens):"
+  echo "  --prefix=<pathname>               installation root ($installprefix)"
+  echo "  --embed=\"<lib> ...\"               embed <lib>s in executable (zuo)"
+  echo "  --big                             shorthand for --embed=\"zuo zuo/hygienic\""
+  echo "  CC=<C compiler>                   C compiler"
+  echo "  CPPFLAGS=<C preprocessor flags>   C preprocessor flags"
+  echo "  CFLAGS=<C compiler flags>         C compiler flags"
+  echo "  LDFLAGS=<linker flags>            additional linker flags"
+  echo "  LIBS=<libraries>                  additional libraries"
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  exit 0
+echo "srcdir = ${srcdir}" > Makefile
+echo "EMBED_LIBS = ${embed}" >> Makefile
+echo "CC = ${CC}" >> Makefile
+echo "CPPFLAGS = ${CPPFLAGS}" >> Makefile
+echo "CFLAGS = ${CFLAGS}" >> Makefile
+echo "LDFLAGS = ${LDFLAGS}" >> Makefile
+echo "LIBS = ${LIBS}" >> Makefile
+echo "INSTALL_PREFIX = ${installprefix}" >> Makefile
+cat ${srcdir}/Makefile.in >> Makefile
+echo "#lang zuo" > main.zuo
+echo "(require "'"'"${srcdir}/build.zuo"'"'")" >> main.zuo
+echo "(build/command-line* targets-at at-source)" >> main.zuo
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/base.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+#lang zuo/kernel
+(let ([maker (hash-ref (module->hash 'zuo/private/base) 'make-language #f)])
+  (maker 'zuo/private/base/main))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/bounce.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+#lang zuo/base
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/build.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,953 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(require "cmdline.zuo"
+         "thread.zuo"
+         "config.zuo"
+         "private/build-db.zuo")
+(provide (rename-out [make-target target]
+                     [make-rule rule]
+                     [make-phony-rule phony-rule])
+         input-file-target
+         input-data-target
+         target-name
+         target-path
+         target-shell
+         target?
+         token?
+         rule?
+         phony-rule?
+         sha1?
+         file-sha1
+         no-sha1
+         build
+         build/command-line
+         build/command-line*
+         build/dep
+         build/no-dep
+         find-target
+         make-at-dir
+         provide-targets
+         bounce-to-targets
+         command-target?
+         command-target->target
+         make-targets)
+;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Targets and rules
+;; A token represents a build in progress, used by a target's `get-rule` or `build`
+;; function to make recursive call or get SHA-1s (possibly cached)
+(struct token (target      ; the target that received this token
+               ch          ; a channel to access the build state
+               seen        ; to detect dependency cycles
+               resource-ch ; build state's resource channel
+               uni?))      ; build state's `uni?` flag
+(struct target (key       ; shortcut: `string->symbol` of the path
+                name      ; a symbol or path relative to the current directory
+                get-rule  ; (name token -> rule), where `name` is relative to current directory
+                kind      ; 'normal, 'input, or 'phony
+                options)) ; keys include 'precious?, 'command?, and 'co-outputs
+;; A rule is a result from `get-rule`:
+(struct rule (deps        ; list of targets
+              build       ; (-> any), called when deps SHA-1s different than recorded
+              sha1))      ; #f => computed via `file-sha1`
+;; A phony target returns a phony-rule, instead:
+(struct phony-rule (deps
+                    build))
+;; During a target's `get-rule` or `build`, calls to `build/dep`
+;; trigger recording of additional dependencies
+(define no-sha1 "")
+(define phony-sha1 (string->uninterned-symbol "x")) ; internal use
+(define (sha1? s)
+  (or (and (string? s)
+           (or (= (string-length s) 40)
+               (string=? s no-sha1)
+               ;; also allow a concatenation of SHA-1s for multi-file targets
+               (and (>= (string-length s) 40)
+                    (= 0 (modulo (string-length s) 40)))))
+      (eq? s phony-sha1)))
+;; public constructor
+(define make-target
+  (let ([target
+         (lambda (name get-rule [options (hash)])
+           (unless (or (symbol? name) (path-string? name))
+             (arg-error 'target "path string or symbol" name))
+           (unless (procedure? get-rule) (arg-error 'target "procedure" get-rule))
+           (unless (hash? options) (arg-error 'target "hash table" options))
+           (cond
+             [(symbol? name)
+              (let ([key (string->uninterned-symbol (symbol->string name))]
+                    [get-rule (get-phony-rule->get-rule get-rule)])
+                (target key name get-rule 'phony options))]
+             [else
+              (let ([key (string->symbol name)])
+                (target key name get-rule 'normal options))]))])
+    target))
+;; public constructor
+(define make-rule
+  (let ([rule
+         (lambda (deps [build #f] [sha1 #f])
+           (let ([norm-deps (and (list? deps) (map coerce-to-target deps))])
+             (unless (and norm-deps (andmap target? norm-deps))
+               (arg-error 'rule "list of targets" deps))
+             (unless (or (not build)
+                         (procedure? build))
+               (arg-error 'rule "procedure or #f" build))
+             (unless (or (not sha1) (sha1? sha1))
+               (arg-error 'rule "sha1 or #f" sha1))
+             (rule norm-deps build sha1)))])
+    rule))
+;; An input-file target has no dependencies
+(define (input-file-target path)
+  (unless (path-string? path) (arg-error 'input-file-target "path string" path))
+  (target (string->symbol path)
+          path
+          (lambda (path token)
+            (rule '()
+                  (lambda () (error "missing input file" path))
+                  #f))
+          'input
+          (hash)))
+(define (coerce-to-target t)
+  (if (path-string? t)
+      (input-file-target t)
+      t))
+(define (coerce-to-target* t)
+  (if (list? t)
+      (let ([l (map coerce-to-target t)])
+        (if (andmap target? l)
+            (make-target (string->uninterned-symbol "multi")
+                         (lambda (token)
+                           (phony-rule l void)))
+            t))
+      (coerce-to-target t)))
+;; An input-data target supplies its SHA-1 up front
+(define (input-data-target name v)
+  (unless (symbol? name) (arg-error 'input-data-target "symbol" name))
+  (target (symbol->key name)
+          name
+          (lambda (path token) (make-rule '() #f (string-sha1 (~s v))))
+          'input
+          (hash)))
+(define make-phony-rule
+  (let ([phony-rule
+         (lambda (deps build)
+           (unless (and (list? deps)
+                        (andmap target? deps))
+             (arg-error 'phony-rule "list of targets" deps))
+           (unless (procedure? build)
+             (arg-error 'phony-rule "procedure" build))
+           (phony-rule deps build))])
+    phony-rule))
+(define (get-phony-rule->get-rule get-phony-rule)
+  (lambda (path token . args) ; extra args possible with 'command option
+    (define r (apply get-phony-rule (cons token args)))
+    (unless (phony-rule? r)
+      (error "build: target result is not a phony rule" r))
+    (rule (phony-rule-deps r)
+          (lambda ()
+            ((phony-rule-build r))
+            phony-sha1)
+          phony-sha1)))
+(define (target-path t)
+  (unless (target? t) (arg-error 'target-path "target" t))
+  (let ([n (target-name t)])
+    (if (symbol? n)
+        (error "target-path: target does not have a path name" t)
+        n)))
+(define (target-shell t)
+  (unless (target? t) (arg-error 'target-path "target" t))
+  (let ([n (target-name t)])
+    (if (symbol? n)
+        (error "target-shell: target does not have a path name" t)
+        (string->shell n))))
+(define (target-db-dir t)
+  (hash-ref (target-options t) 'db-dir #f))
+;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Build state and loop
+;; When a target is built, the build result is recorded as
+;;   (list sha1 (list dep-sym-or-path-rel-to-target sha1) ..)
+;; This result is in the `target-state` field of a build state, while
+;; `db` holds the same-shaped information from the previous build.
+;; The `time-cache` field of a build state is a shortcut for getting
+;; input-file SHA-1s on the assumption that a SHA-1 recorded last time
+;; is still right if the file's timestamp hasn't changed.
+;; Where the contracts below say "dep-sha1s", that's a hash table
+;; mapping a dependency's key to a SHA-1.
+(struct build-state (ch            ; channel to hold the state while target is running
+                     target-state  ; key -> (cons sha1 dep-sha1s) | 'pending | channel
+                     target-accum  ; key -> dep-sha1s
+                     db            ; key -> (cons sha1 dep-sha1s) | #t [for db file itself]
+                     time-cache    ; key -> (cons timestamp sha1)
+                     saw-targets   ; key -> target [to detect multiple for same output]
+                     resource-ch   ; channel with available resources enqueued
+                     log?          ; logging enabled?
+                     uni?))        ; just one job?
+;; Main entry point to build a target `t`
+(define (build t-in [token #f] [options (hash)])
+  (let ([t (coerce-to-target* t-in)])
+    (unless (target? t) (arg-error 'build "target or list of targets" t-in))
+    (unless (hash? options) (arg-error 'build "hash table" options))
+    (unless (or (not token) (token? token)) (arg-error 'build "build token or #f" token))
+    (let* ([resource-ch (and token (token-resource-ch token))]
+           [num-jobs (if token
+                         ;; we only need whether it's 1 job or more:
+                         (if (token-uni? token) 1 2)
+                         (hash-ref options 'jobs (default-jobs)))]
+           [seen (if token
+                     (token-seen token)
+                     (hash))])
+      ;; Start a threading context, so we can have parallel build tasks
+      ((if token (lambda (th) (th)) call-in-main-thread)
+       (lambda ()
+         (define ch (channel))
+         (define state (build-state ch
+                                    (hash)
+                                    (hash)
+                                    (hash)
+                                    (hash)
+                                    (hash)
+                                    (or resource-ch
+                                        (make-resources num-jobs))
+                                    (or (hash-ref options 'log? #f)
+                                        (assoc "ZUO_BUILD_LOG" (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env)))
+                                    (= num-jobs 1)))
+         (when resource-ch
+           (release-resource state "nested"))
+         (do-build t state seen #t)
+         (when resource-ch
+           (acquire-resource state "continue from nested")))))))
+(define (build/maybe-dep t-in token add-dep?)
+  (unless (token? token) (arg-error 'build/dep "build token" token))
+  (let ([t (coerce-to-target t-in)])
+    (unless (target? t) (arg-error 'build/dep "target" t-in))
+    (when (and (symbol? (target-name t))
+               (not (symbol? (target-name (token-target token)))))
+      (error "build/dep: cannot recur with a phony or data target"))
+    (let* ([state (get-state (token-ch token) "dep")]
+           [acquire? (cond
+                       [(eq? 'input (target-kind t))
+                        ;; This shortcut avoids release a resource that may
+                        ;; be needed to complete a target and having other
+                        ;; targets run (and potentially fail) meanwhile
+                        #f]
+                       [else
+                        (release-resource state "dep")
+                        #t])]
+           [state (do-build t state (token-seen token) #t)]
+           [state (if add-dep?
+                      (record-target-accumulated state (token-target token) t)
+                      state)])
+      (put-state (token-ch token) state "dep")
+      (when acquire?
+        (acquire-resource state "continue from dep")))))
+(define (build/dep t-in token)
+  (build/maybe-dep t-in token #t))
+(define (build/no-dep t-in token)
+  (build/maybe-dep t-in token #f))
+;; Detects already built or cycles, and waits for in-progress (as
+;; represented by a channel) to complete
+(define (do-build t state seen top?)
+  (cond
+    [(hash-ref seen (target-key t) #f)
+     (error "build: dependency cycle" (target-name t))]
+    [else
+     (let ([state (ensure-consistent state t)])
+       (define current (target-state state t))
+       (cond
+         [(not current) (force-build t (build-input-or-unbuilt t state seen top?))]
+         [(channel? current) (force-build t state)]
+         [else state]))]))
+;; Blocks until an in-progress target completes
+(define (force-build t state)
+  (define current (target-state state t))
+  (cond
+    [(channel? current)
+     ;; Waiting on the channel might block, so relinquish state
+     (put-state (build-state-ch state) state "force")
+     (channel-get current)
+     ;; Put value back to potentially satisfy some other waiting thread:
+     (channel-put current 'still-done)
+     (get-state (build-state-ch state) "force")]
+    [else state]))
+;; Shortcut for plain inputs, otherwise starts a build
+(define (build-input-or-unbuilt t state seen top?)
+  (when (build-state-log? state) (alert (~a "checking " (target-name t))))
+  (cond
+    [(eq? (target-kind t) 'input)
+     ;; no dependencies, not need for a thread to build, etc.
+     (define r ((target-get-rule t) (target-name t) #f))
+     (define sha1 (or (rule-sha1 r) (file-sha1/state (target-path t) state)))
+     (when (equal? sha1 no-sha1) ((rule-build r)))
+     (update-target-state state t (list sha1))]
+    [else (build-unbuilt t state seen top?)]))
+;; Starts a build for a specific target
+(define (build-unbuilt t state seen top?)
+  (define path (target-name t))
+  (define co-outputs (if (string? path)
+                         (hash-ref (target-options t) 'co-outputs '())
+                         '()))
+  (define alert-top? (and top? (not (hash-ref (target-options t) 'quiet? #f))))
+  (define dep-top? (and alert-top? (symbol? path)))
+  (define new-seen (hash-set seen (target-key t) #t))
+  ;; delete a target file if we don't finish:
+  (define path-handle (and (path-string? path)
+                           (not (hash-ref (target-options t) 'precious? #f))
+                           (cleanable-file path)))
+  ;; get previously recorded result, possibly loading from a file
+  ;; that is cached in the build state
+  (define loaded-state (load-sha1s state t path))
+  (define prev-ts (previous-target-state loaded-state (target-key t)))
+  (define prev-sha1 (car prev-ts))
+  (define prev-dep-sha1s/raw-symbols (cdr prev-ts))
+  ;; record a channel as the start's current build state
+  (define result-ch (channel))
+  (define queued-state (update-target-state loaded-state t result-ch))
+  (define tok (token t
+                     (build-state-ch state)
+                     new-seen
+                     (build-state-resource-ch state)
+                     (build-state-uni? state)))
+  (put-state (token-ch tok) queued-state "rule")
+  ;; first phase of the target: get a rule
+  (define r ((target-get-rule t) (target-name t) tok))
+  (unless (rule? r)
+    (error "build: target result is not a rule" r))
+  (define deps (rule-deps r))
+  (define sha1 (or (rule-sha1 r) (if (pair? co-outputs)
+                                     (files-sha1 (cons path co-outputs) tok)
+                                     (file-sha1 path tok))))
+  (define to-build (rule-build r))
+  (define build-to-sha1? (and (rule-sha1 r) #t))
+  ;; if we recorded any data targets, we need to fix up the keys
+  (define prev-dep-sha1s (foldl (lambda (dep-key dep-sha1s)
+                                  (cond
+                                    [(symbol-key? dep-key)
+                                     (let ([actual-key (translate-key dep-key deps t)])
+                                       (hash-set (hash-remove dep-sha1s dep-key)
+                                                 actual-key
+                                                 (hash-ref dep-sha1s dep-key)))]
+                                    [else dep-sha1s]))
+                                prev-dep-sha1s/raw-symbols
+                                (hash-keys prev-dep-sha1s/raw-symbols)))
+  (define rule-state (get-state (token-ch tok) "rule"))
+  ;; trigger builds of dependencies, but don't want for them to complete
+  (for-each (make-fetch-dep rule-state new-seen dep-top?) deps)
+  ;; now that they're all potentially started, wait for completions
+  (define new-state
+    (foldl (lambda (dep state) (do-build dep state new-seen dep-top?))
+           rule-state
+           deps))
+  ;; extract results, assemble in a hash table: <rel-path> -> <sha1>
+  (define dep-reported-sha1s
+    (foldl (lambda (dep dep-sha1s)
+             (add-dependent-target-state dep dep-sha1s new-state))
+           (hash)
+           deps))
+  (define dep-sha1s
+    (cdr (merge-target-accumulated new-state t (cons #f dep-reported-sha1s))))
+  ;; calling the build step for `t` might generate more dependencies, but those
+  ;; extra dependencies are supposed to be determined only by the ones declared
+  ;; so far; so, if the dependencies declares so far are consistent with recorded
+  ;; dependencies, and if the target's current hash matches the prvious result,
+  ;; then we can assume that the extra dependencies generated previously are still
+  ;; the extra dependencies this time
+  (define same-so-far?
+    (and (log-changed (and (equal? sha1 prev-sha1) (not (equal? sha1 no-sha1))) path state)
+         (andmap (lambda (dep-key)
+                   (log-changed (equal? (hash-ref dep-sha1s dep-key)
+                                        (hash-ref prev-dep-sha1s dep-key #f))
+                                dep-key
+                                state))
+                 (hash-keys dep-sha1s))))
+  (define more-deps
+    (if same-so-far?
+        (foldl (lambda (dep-key more-sha1s)
+                 ;; currently, we assume that any additional dependencies
+                 ;; added in the build phase were and would be inputs
+                 (if (or (hash-ref dep-sha1s dep-key #f)
+                         (symbol-key? dep-key))
+                     more-sha1s
+                     (cons (input-file-target (symbol->string dep-key))
+                           more-sha1s)))
+               '()
+               (hash-keys prev-dep-sha1s))
+        '()))
+  (for-each (make-fetch-dep new-state new-seen dep-top?) more-deps)
+  (define newer-state
+    (foldl (lambda (dep state) (do-build dep state new-seen dep-top?))
+           new-state
+           more-deps))
+  (define all-dep-sha1s
+    (foldl (lambda (dep dep-sha1s)
+             (add-dependent-target-state dep dep-sha1s newer-state))
+           dep-sha1s
+           more-deps))
+  ;; compare to recorded result, and rebuild if different
+  (cond
+    [(and same-so-far?
+          (andmap (lambda (dep-key)
+                    (log-changed (equal? (hash-ref all-dep-sha1s dep-key #f)
+                                         (hash-ref prev-dep-sha1s dep-key #f))
+                                 dep-key
+                                 state))
+                  (hash-keys all-dep-sha1s)))
+     ;; no need to rebuild
+     (when path-handle (cleanable-cancel path-handle))
+     (when (and (or alert-top? (hash-ref (target-options t) 'noisy? #f))
+                (equal? prev-sha1 sha1)
+                (not (equal? sha1 phony-sha1)))
+       (alert (~a (target-name t) " is up to date")))
+     (define done-state (update-target-state newer-state t (cons sha1 all-dep-sha1s)))
+     (channel-put result-ch 'done)
+     done-state]
+    [else
+     (unless to-build
+       (error "build: out-of-date target has no build procedure" (target-name t)))
+     (define (build-one finish)
+       (let* ([maybe-sha1 (to-build)] ; build!
+              [sha1 (if build-to-sha1?
+                        maybe-sha1
+                        (if (pair? co-outputs)
+                            (files-sha1 (cons path co-outputs) tok)
+                            (file-sha1 path tok)))])
+         (unless (sha1? sha1)
+           (error "build: target-build result is not a sha1" sha1))
+         (when (equal? sha1 no-sha1)
+           (error "rule for target did not create it" (if (pair? co-outputs)
+                                                          (cons path co-outputs)
+                                                          path)))
+         (when path-handle (cleanable-cancel path-handle))
+         (finish
+          (lambda (state)
+            ;; record result:
+            (let* ([ts (if (eq? sha1 phony-sha1)
+                           (cons no-sha1 (hash))
+                           (cons sha1 dep-sha1s))]
+                   [ts (merge-target-accumulated state t ts)]
+                   [state (update-target-state/record-sha1s state t ts co-outputs)])
+              (channel-put result-ch 'done)
+              state)))))
+     (let ([state-ch (build-state-ch newer-state)])
+       (cond
+         [(hash-ref (target-options t) 'eager? #f)
+          ;; run build in this thread
+          (put-state state-ch newer-state "build")
+          (build-one (lambda (proc) (proc (get-state state-ch "build"))))]
+         [else
+          ;; run build in its own thread
+          (thread (lambda ()
+                    (acquire-resource newer-state path) ; limits process parallelism
+                    (build-one
+                     (lambda (proc)
+                       (release-resource newer-state path)
+                       (let* ([state (get-state state-ch "tbuild")]
+                              [state (proc state)])
+                         (put-state state-ch state "tbuild"))))))
+          newer-state]))]))
+(define (make-fetch-dep state seen top?)
+  (if (build-state-uni? state)
+      void
+      (let ([state-ch (build-state-ch state)])
+        (lambda (dep)
+          ;; No one waits for the this thread's work, and it doesn't
+          ;; actually use the build result. It just creates a demand for
+          ;; the build result, so the demand exists concurrent to waiting
+          ;; on dependencies.
+          (thread (lambda ()
+                    (let* ([state (get-state state-ch "fetch")]
+                           [state (do-build dep state seen top?)])
+                      (put-state state-ch state "fetch"))))))))
+;; Alternative entry point suitable for use from a script's `main`
+(define (build/command-line targets [opts (hash)])
+  (unless (and (list? targets) (andmap target? targets))
+    (arg-error 'build/command-line "list of targets" targets))
+  (unless (hash? opts)
+    (arg-error 'build/command-line "hash table" opts))
+  (command-line
+   :args-in (or (hash-ref opts 'args #f) (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args))
+   :usage (or (hash-ref opts 'usage #f)
+              "[<option> ...] <target> ...")
+   :init opts
+   :once-each
+   [opts ("-j" "--jobs") n "Use <n> parallel jobs"
+         (let ([v (string->integer n)])
+           (if (and v (> v 0))
+               (hash-set opts 'jobs v)
+               (error "not a positive integer" n)))]
+   :args
+   args
+   (lambda (opts)
+     (cond
+       [(null? args) (if (null? targets)
+                         (error "no targets to build")
+                         (build (car targets) #f opts))]
+       [else
+        (let ([target1 (find-target (car args) targets (lambda () #f))])
+          (cond
+            [(and target1 (hash-ref (target-options target1) 'command? #f))
+             ;; provide extra arguments to the target:
+             (build (command-target->target target1 (cdr args)) #f opts)]
+            [else
+             ;; treat all arguments as targets:
+             (let ([run-targets (map (lambda (arg)
+                                       (or (find-target arg targets (lambda () #f))
+                                           (error (~a "unknown target: " arg))))
+                                     args)])
+               (build (if (= (length run-targets) 1)
+                          (car run-targets)
+                          (make-target (string->uninterned-symbol "multi")
+                                       (lambda (token)
+                                         (make-phony-rule run-targets void))))
+                      #f
+                      opts))]))]))))
+(define (build/command-line* targets-at [at-dir build-path] [opts (hash)])
+  (let* ([args (or (hash-ref opts 'args #f) (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args))])
+    (define (var-split str)
+      (let* ([alpha? (lambda (c) (or (and (>= c (char "a")) (<= c (char "z")))
+                                     (and (>= c (char "A")) (<= c (char "Z")))
+                                     (= c (char "_"))))]
+             [alphanum? (lambda (c) (or (alpha? c)
+                                        (and (>= c (char "0")) (<= c (char "9")))))])
+        (and (> (string-length str) 1)
+             (alpha? (string-ref str 0))
+             (let loop ([i 0])
+               (cond
+                 [(= i (string-length str)) #f]
+                 [(= (char "=") (string-ref str i))
+                  (cons (string->symbol (substring str 0 i)) (substring str (+ i 1)))]
+                 [(alphanum? (string-ref str i)) (loop (+ i 1))]
+                 [else #f])))))
+    (let loop ([args args] [accum-args '()] [vars (hash)])
+      (cond
+        [(null? args) (build/command-line
+                       (targets-at at-dir vars)
+                       (let* ([opts (hash-set opts 'args (reverse accum-args))]
+                              [opts (hash-set opts 'usage
+                                              "[<option> | <var>=<val>] ... [<target> | <var>=<val>] ...")])
+                         opts))]
+        [(string=? (car args) "--") (loop '() (append (reverse args) accum-args) vars)]
+        [else
+         (let ([var+val (var-split (car args))])
+           (if var+val
+               (loop (cdr args) accum-args (hash-set vars (car var+val) (cdr var+val)))
+               (loop (cdr args) (cons (car args) accum-args) vars)))]))))
+(define (find-target name targets [fail-k (lambda () (error "target not found" name))])
+  (unless (path-string? name) (arg-error 'find-target "path string" name))
+  (unless (and (list? targets) (andmap target? targets))
+    (arg-error 'find-target "list of targets" targets))
+  (unless (procedure? fail-k) (arg-error 'find-target "procedure" fail-k))
+  (define len (string-length name))
+  (define (matches? t-name)
+    (let* ([t-name (~a t-name)]
+           [t-len (string-length t-name)])
+      (and (>= t-len len)
+           (let ([start (- t-len len)])
+             (and (string=? name (substring t-name start))
+                  (or (= t-len len)
+                      (= (char "/") (string-ref t-name (- start 1)))
+                      (= (char "\\") (string-ref t-name (- start 1)))))))))
+  (or (ormap (lambda (t) (and (or (matches? (target-name t))
+                                  (ormap matches? (hash-ref (target-options t) 'co-outputs '())))
+                              t))
+             targets)
+      (fail-k)))
+(define (command-target? t)
+  (and (target? t)
+       (and (hash-ref (target-options t) 'command? #f) #t)))
+(define (command-target->target t args)
+  (unless (command-target? t) (arg-error 'command-target->target "command target" t))
+  (unless (list? args) (arg-error 'command-target->target "list" args))
+  (let ([new-get-rule (let ([get-rule (target-get-rule t)])
+                        (lambda (path token)
+                          (apply get-rule (list* path token args))))])
+    (target-set-options (target-set-get-rule t new-get-rule)
+                        (hash-remove (target-options t) 'command?))))
+(define (make-at-dir s)
+  (lambda paths
+    (unless (null? paths)
+      (unless (path-string? (car paths))
+	(arg-error 'at-dir "path string" (car paths))))
+    (for-each (lambda (path)
+                (unless (and (path-string? path)
+                             (relative-path? path))
+                  (arg-error 'at-dir "relative path string" path)))
+              (if (null? paths) '() (cdr paths)))
+    (if (and (pair? paths)
+	     (not (relative-path? (car paths))))
+	(apply build-path paths)
+	(apply build-path (cons s paths)))))
+;; Exports `targets`, which is a function that takes an `at-dir`
+;; function, while also setting up a `main` submodule to call
+;; `build/command-line`
+(define-syntax (provide-targets stx)
+  (unless (and (list? stx) (= 2 (length stx)))
+    (bad-syntax stx))
+  (define targets-at-id (cadr stx))
+  (unless (identifier? targets-at-id) (bad-syntax stx))
+  (define args-id (string->uninterned-symbol "args"))
+  (list (quote-syntax begin)
+        `(,(quote-syntax provide) (,(quote-syntax rename-out)
+                                   [,targets-at-id targets-at]))
+        `(,(quote-syntax module+)
+          main
+          (,(quote-syntax build/command-line*)
+           ,targets-at-id
+           ;; builds to current directory by default:
+           build-path))))
+(define-syntax (bounce-to-targets stx)
+  (unless (and (list? stx) (= 4 (length stx)))
+    (bad-syntax stx))
+  `(,(quote-syntax do-bounce-to-targets)
+    ,(quote-syntax at-source)
+    ,(list-ref stx 1)
+    ,(list-ref stx 2)
+    ,(list-ref stx 3)))
+(define (do-bounce-to-targets at-source config-file config-key script-file)
+  (unless (path-string? config-file) (arg-error 'bounce-to-targets "path string" config-file))
+  (unless (symbol? config-key) (arg-error 'bounce-to-targets "symbol" config-key))
+  (unless (path-string? script-file) (arg-error 'bounce-to-targets "path string" script-file))
+  (define config (config-file->hash (at-source config-file)))
+  (build/command-line* (dynamic-require ((make-at-dir (or (car (split-path config-file)) "."))
+                                         (hash-ref config 'srcdir)
+                                         script-file)
+                                        'targets-at)
+                       at-source))
+;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Helpers for reading and updating build state
+(define (target-state state t)
+  (hash-ref (build-state-target-state state) (target-key t) #f))
+(define (add-dependent-target-state dep dep-sha1s state)
+  (define ts (target-state state dep))
+  (define sha1 (car ts))
+  (hash-set dep-sha1s (target-key dep) (if (eq? sha1 phony-sha1) no-sha1 sha1)))
+(define (record-target-accumulated state for-t t)
+  (let* ([accum-key (target-key for-t)]
+         [dep-sha1s (hash-ref (build-state-target-accum state) accum-key (hash))]
+         [dep-sha1s (add-dependent-target-state t dep-sha1s state)])
+    (build-state-set-target-accum state (hash-set (build-state-target-accum state) accum-key dep-sha1s))))
+(define (merge-target-accumulated state t ts)
+  (let ([more-dep-sha1s (hash-ref (build-state-target-accum state) (target-key t) #f)])
+    (if more-dep-sha1s
+        (cons (car ts)
+              (foldl (lambda (dep-key dep-sha1s)
+                       (hash-set dep-sha1s dep-key (hash-ref more-dep-sha1s dep-key)))
+                     (cdr ts)
+                     (hash-keys more-dep-sha1s)))
+        ts)))
+(define (update-target-state state t ts)
+  (build-state-set-target-state state
+                                (hash-set (build-state-target-state state)
+                                          (target-key t)
+                                          ts)))
+(define (update-target-state/record-sha1s state t ts co-outputs)
+  (unless (eq? 'phony (target-kind t))
+    (db-record-target-sha1s (target-db-dir t) (target-name t) ts co-outputs))
+  (update-target-state state t ts))
+(define (load-sha1s state t path)
+  (cond
+    [(symbol? path) state]
+    [else
+     (define db+tc (db-load-sha1s (target-db-dir t)
+                                  path
+                                  (build-state-db state)
+                                  (build-state-time-cache state)))
+     (if db+tc
+         (let ([state (build-state-set-db state (car db+tc))])
+           (build-state-set-time-cache state (cdr db+tc)))
+         state)]))
+(define (previous-target-state state key)
+  (or (hash-ref (build-state-db state) key #f)
+      (cons no-sha1 (hash))))
+(define (ensure-consistent state t)
+  (let* ([saw (build-state-saw-targets state)]
+         [old-t (hash-ref saw (target-key t) #f)])
+    (cond
+      [old-t
+       (unless (or (eq? t old-t)
+                   (eq? (target-kind t) 'input)
+                   (eq? (target-kind old-t) 'input))
+         (error "build: multiple targets for same output" (target-name t)))
+       state]
+      [else
+       (build-state-set-saw-targets state (hash-set saw (target-key t) t))])))
+(define (file-sha1 path token)
+  (unless (path-string? path) (arg-error 'file-sha1 "path string" path))
+  (unless (or (not token) (token? token)) (error 'file-sha1 "build-token" token))
+  (let ([state (and token (get-state (token-ch token) "sha1"))])
+    (when state (put-state (token-ch token) state "sha1"))
+    (file-sha1/state path state)))
+(define (files-sha1 paths token)
+  (let ([sha1s (map (lambda (path) (file-sha1 path token)) paths)])
+    (if (ormap (lambda (s) (string=? s no-sha1)) sha1s)
+        no-sha1
+        (apply ~a sha1s))))
+(define (file-sha1/state path state)
+  (or (file-sha1/cached path (and state (build-state-time-cache state)))
+      no-sha1))
+;; translate a data key as loaded from a previous-run to a key as
+;; instantiated for this run
+(define (translate-key key deps t)
+  (let ([sym (symbol-key->symbol key)])
+    (or (ormap (lambda (dep)
+                 (and (eq? (target-name dep) sym)
+                      (target-key dep)))
+               deps)
+        key)))
+;; see also "private/build-db.zuo"
+;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Generic helpers
+(define (get-state ch who)
+  (channel-get ch))
+(define (put-state ch state who)
+  (channel-put ch state))
+(define (make-resources n)
+  (define ch (channel))
+  (let loop ([n n])
+    (unless (= n 0)
+      (channel-put ch 'go)
+      (loop (- n 1))))
+  ch)
+(define (acquire-resource state who)
+  (channel-get (build-state-resource-ch state))
+  (void))
+(define (release-resource state who)
+  (channel-put (build-state-resource-ch state) 'go))
+(define (log-changed same? who state)
+  (unless same?
+    (when (build-state-log? state)
+      (let ([who (if (and (symbol? who) (symbol-key? who))
+                     (~a "'" who)
+                     who)])
+        (alert (~a who " changed")))))
+  same?)
+(define (default-jobs)
+  (let ([a (assoc "ZUO_JOBS" (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env '()))])
+    (or (and a (string->integer (cdr a)))
+        1)))
+;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+;; `make`-like target and dependency declaration
+(define (make-targets specs)
+  (unless (list? specs) (arg-error 'make-targets "list") specs)
+  (for-each (lambda (spec)
+              (unless (and (list? spec)
+                           (pair? spec)
+                           (or (and (eq? (car spec) ':db-dir)
+                                    (= 2 (length spec))
+                                    (path-string? (list-ref spec 1)))
+                               (and
+                                (or (and (eq? (car spec) ':target)
+                                         (>= (length spec) 4)
+                                         (procedure? (list-ref spec 3))
+                                         (or (path-string? (list-ref spec 1))
+                                             (symbol? (list-ref spec 1))
+                                             (and (pair? (list-ref spec 1))
+                                                  (list? (list-ref spec 1))
+                                                  (andmap path-string? (list-ref spec 1))))
+                                         (andmap (lambda (t) (hash-ref keyword-to-option t #f))
+                                                 (list-tail spec 4)))
+                                    (and (eq? (car spec) ':depend)
+                                         (= 3 (length spec))
+                                         (or (path-string? (list-ref spec 1))
+                                             (and (list? (list-ref spec 1))
+                                                  (andmap path-string? (list-ref spec 1))))))
+                                (list? (list-ref spec 2))
+                                (andmap (lambda (dep) (or (path-string? dep) (symbol? dep) (target? dep)))
+                                        (list-ref spec 2)))))
+                (error "make-targets: bad specification line" spec)))
+            specs)
+  (define target-specs (filter (lambda (spec) (eq? ':target (car spec))) specs))
+  (define phony-keys (foldl (lambda (spec phony-keys)
+                              (let ([name (list-ref spec 1)])
+                                (if (symbol? name)
+                                    (hash-set phony-keys name (string->uninterned-symbol (symbol->string name)))
+                                    phony-keys)))
+                            (hash)
+                            target-specs))
+  (define (name->key name) (if (symbol? name)
+                               (or (hash-ref phony-keys name #f)
+                                   (error "make-targets: missing phony target for dependency" name))
+                               (string->symbol name)))
+  (define deps (foldl (lambda (spec deps)
+                        (cond
+                          [(eq? (car spec) ':db-dir)
+                           (when (hash-ref deps ':db-dir #f)
+                             (error "make-targets: multiple `:db-dir` lines"))
+                           (hash-set deps ':db-dir (list-ref spec 1))]
+                          [else
+                           (foldl (lambda (path deps)
+                                    (let ([key (name->key path)])
+                                      (hash-set deps key
+                                                (append (reverse (list-ref spec 2))
+                                                        (hash-ref deps key '())))))
+                                  deps
+                                  (let ([ps (list-ref spec 1)])
+                                    (if (list? ps)
+                                        ps
+                                        (list ps))))]))
+                      (hash)
+                      specs))
+  (define target-vars (foldl (lambda (spec target-vars)
+                               (let* ([names (list-ref spec 1)]
+                                      [name (if (pair? names) (car names) names)]
+                                      [key (name->key name)]
+                                      [var (variable key)])
+                                 (cond
+                                   [(pair? names)
+                                    (foldl (lambda (name target-vars)
+                                             (let ([key (name->key name)])
+                                               (when (hash-ref target-vars key #f)
+                                                 (error "make-targets: duplicate target" name))
+                                               (hash-set target-vars key var)))
+                                           target-vars
+                                           (if (pair? names)
+                                               names
+                                               (list name)))]
+                                   [else
+                                    (when (hash-ref target-vars key #f)
+                                      (error "make-targets: duplicate target" name))
+                                    (hash-set target-vars key var)])))
+                             (hash)
+                             target-specs))
+  (define dep->target (lambda (dep)
+                        (if (target? dep)
+                            dep
+                            (let ([var (hash-ref target-vars (name->key dep) #f)])
+                              (if var
+                                  (variable-ref var)
+                                  (input-file-target dep))))))
+  (define shared-options (let ([db-dir (hash-ref deps ':db-dir #f)])
+                           (if db-dir
+                               (hash 'db-dir db-dir)
+                               (hash))))
+  (define targets (foldl (lambda (spec targets)
+                           (let* ([names (list-ref spec 1)]
+                                  [name (if (pair? names) (car names) names)]
+                                  [key (name->key name)]
+                                  [var (hash-ref target-vars key)]
+                                  [get-deps (lambda ()
+                                              (if (pair? names)
+                                                  (apply append
+                                                         (map (lambda (name)
+                                                                (let ([key (name->key name)])
+                                                                  (map dep->target (reverse (hash-ref deps key '())))))
+                                                              names))
+                                                  (map dep->target (reverse (hash-ref deps key '())))))]
+                                  [t (make-target name
+                                                  (if (symbol? name)
+                                                      (lambda (token . args)
+                                                        (make-phony-rule (get-deps)
+                                                                         (lambda ()
+                                                                           (apply (list-ref spec 3) (cons token args)))))
+                                                      (lambda (path token)
+                                                        (make-rule (get-deps)
+                                                                   (lambda ()
+                                                                     ((list-ref spec 3) path token)))))
+                                                  (foldl (lambda (tag options)
+                                                           (hash-set options (hash-ref keyword-to-option tag) #t))
+                                                         (let* ([options shared-options]
+                                                                [options (if (pair? names)
+                                                                             (hash-set options 'co-outputs (cdr names))
+                                                                             options)])
+                                                           options)
+                                                         (if (eq? (car spec) ':target)
+                                                             (list-tail spec 4)
+                                                             '())))])
+                             (variable-set! var t)
+                             (cons t targets)))
+                         '()
+                         target-specs))
+  (reverse targets))
+(define keyword-to-option
+  (hash ':precious 'precious?
+        ':command 'command?
+        ':noisy 'noisy?
+        ':quiet 'quiet?
+        ':eager 'eager?))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/c.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,122 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(require "shell.zuo")
+(provide c-compile
+         c-link
+         c-ar
+         .c->.o
+         .exe
+         .a
+         config-include
+         config-define
+         config-merge)
+(define (c-compile .o .c config)
+  (unless (path-string? .o) (arg-error 'c-compile "path string" .o))
+  (unless (or (path-string? .c)
+              (and (list? .c) (andmap path-string? .c)))
+    (arg-error 'c-compile "path string or list of paths strings" .c))
+  (unless (hash? config) (arg-error 'c-compile "hash table" config))
+  (define windows? (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows))
+  (define lookup (make-lookup config))
+  (define command
+    (build-shell (or (lookup 'CC)
+                     (if windows?
+                         "cl.exe"
+                         "cc"))
+                 (or (lookup 'CPPFLAGS) "")
+                 (or (lookup 'CFLAGS) "")
+                 (if windows? (if (path-string? .c) "/Fo:" "/Fe:") "-o") (string->shell .o)
+                 (if (string? .c)
+                     (build-shell "-c" (string->shell .c))
+                     (apply build-shell (map string->shell .c)))
+                 (if (string? .c)
+                     ""
+                     (build-shell (or (lookup 'LDFLAGS) "")
+                                  (or (lookup 'LIBS) "")))))
+  (shell/wait command (hash 'desc "compile")))
+(define (c-link .exe ins config)
+  (unless (path-string? .exe) (arg-error 'c-link "path string" .exe))
+  (unless (and (list? ins) (andmap path-string? ins)) (arg-error 'c-link "list of path strings" ins))
+  (unless (hash? config) (arg-error 'c-link "hash table" config))
+  (define windows? (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows))
+  (define lookup (make-lookup config))
+  (define command
+    (build-shell (or (lookup 'CC)
+                     (if windows?
+                         "cl.exe"
+                         "cc"))
+                 (or (lookup 'CFLAGS) "")
+                 (if windows? "/Fe:" "-o") (string->shell .exe)
+                 (string-join (map string->shell ins))
+                 (or (lookup 'LDFLAGS) "")
+                 (or (lookup 'LIBS) "")))
+  (shell/wait command (hash 'desc "link")))
+(define (c-ar .a ins config)
+  (unless (path-string? .a) (arg-error 'c-ar "path string" .exe))
+  (unless (and (list? ins) (andmap path-string? ins)) (arg-error 'c-ar "list of path strings" ins))
+  (unless (hash? config) (arg-error 'c-ar "hash table" config))
+  (define windows? (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows))
+  (define lookup (make-lookup config))
+  (shell/wait
+   (build-shell (or (lookup 'AR)
+                    (if windows?
+                        "lib.exe"
+                        "ar"))
+                (or (lookup 'ARFLAGS) "")
+                (string->shell (if windows? (~a "/OUT:" .a) .a))
+                (string-join (map string->shell ins)))
+   (hash 'desc
+         "library creation")))
+(define (make-lookup config)
+  (lambda (key) (hash-ref config key #f)))
+(define (.c->.o .c)
+  (unless (path-string? .c) (arg-error '.c->.o "path string" .c))
+  (path-replace-extension .c (if (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows)
+                                 ".obj"
+                                 ".o")))
+(define (.exe name)
+  (unless (path-string? name) (arg-error '.exe "string" name))
+  (if (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows)
+      (~a name ".exe")
+      name))
+(define (.a name)
+  (unless (path-string? name) (arg-error '.a "string" name))
+  (if (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows)
+      (~a name ".lib")
+      (let ([l (split-path name)])
+        (build-path (or (car l) ".") (~a "lib" (cdr l) ".a")))))
+(define (config-include config . paths)
+  (unless (hash? config) (arg-error 'config-include "hash table" config))
+  (foldl (lambda (path config)
+           (unless (path-string? path) (arg-error 'config-include "path string" path))
+           (do-config-merge config 'CPPFLAGS (~a "-I" (string->shell path))))
+         config
+         paths))
+(define (config-define config . defs)
+  (unless (hash? config) (arg-error 'config-define "hash table" config))
+  (foldl (lambda (def config)
+           (unless (string? def) (arg-error 'config-define "string" def))
+           (do-config-merge config 'CPPFLAGS (~a "-D" (string->shell def))))
+         config
+         defs))
+(define (config-merge config key shell-str)
+  (unless (hash? config) (arg-error 'config-merge "hash table" config))
+  (unless (symbol? key) (arg-error 'config-merge "symbol" key))
+  (unless (string? shell-str) (arg-error 'config-merge "string" shell-str))
+  (do-config-merge config key shell-str))
+(define (do-config-merge config key shell-str)
+  (define now-str (hash-ref config key ""))
+  (hash-set config key (build-shell now-str shell-str)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/cmdline.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,172 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(require "private/cmdline-run.zuo"
+         (only-in "private/base/define-help.zuo"
+                  check-args))
+(provide command-line)
+(define-syntax (command-line stx)
+  (unless (list? stx) (bad-syntax stx))
+  (define all-stx stx)
+  (define cmd-id 'cmd)
+  (define (formals->spec stx)
+    (define (id->desc id) (~a "<" (syntax-e id) ">"))
+    (let loop ([stx stx] [rev-reqd '()] [rev-opt '()])
+      (cond
+        [(identifier? stx) (list (reverse rev-reqd)
+                                 (reverse (cons (id->desc stx) rev-opt))
+                                 '...)]
+        [(null? stx) (list (reverse rev-reqd) (reverse rev-opt))]
+        [(identifier? (car stx)) (loop (cdr stx)
+                                       (cons (id->desc (car stx))
+                                             rev-reqd)
+                                       rev-opt)]
+        [else (loop (cdr stx)
+                    rev-reqd
+                    (cons (id->desc (caar stx))
+                          rev-opt))])))
+  (define (parse-flag-line mode group-id accum line-stx)
+    (define maybe-cmd-id (and (and (pair? all-stx)
+                                   (identifier? (car all-stx)))
+                              (car line-stx)))
+    (define stx (if maybe-cmd-id
+                    (cdr line-stx)
+                    line-stx))
+    (unless (and (list? stx)
+                 (>= (length stx) 2))
+      (syntax-error "command-line: bad syntax for flag" line-stx))
+    (unless (or (string? (car stx))
+                (and (list? (car stx))
+                     (andmap string? (car stx))))
+      (syntax-error "command-line: bad flag-string list for flag" line-stx))
+    ;; check identifiers and then help string/sequence, with at least one more:
+    (unless (let loop ([stx (cdr stx)])
+              (cond
+                [(null? (cdr stx)) #f]
+                [(string? (car stx)) #t]
+                [(list? (car stx)) #t]
+                [(identifier? (car stx)) (loop (cdr stx))]
+                [else #f]))
+      (syntax-error "command-line: missing or misplaced help string/sequence for flag" line-stx))
+    (define flags (if (string? (car stx)) (list (car stx)) (car stx)))
+    (define ids (let loop ([stx (cdr stx)])
+                  (if (identifier? (car stx))
+                      (cons (car stx) (loop (cdr stx)))
+                      '())))
+    (define help-str (let loop ([stx (cdr stx)])
+                       (if (identifier? (car stx))
+                           (loop (cdr stx))
+                           (car stx))))
+    (define body (let loop ([stx (cdr stx)])
+                   (if (identifier? (car stx))
+                       (loop (cdr stx))
+                       (cdr stx))))
+    (define flag-id (string->uninterned-symbol "flag-handler"))
+    (define key (or group-id (and (not (eq? mode 'multi)) flag-id)))
+    (define proc `(,(quote-syntax flag-parser)
+                   ',key
+                   (,(quote-syntax lambda)
+                    ,ids
+                    ,@(if maybe-cmd-id
+                          `((,(quote-syntax lambda) (,maybe-cmd-id) ,@body))
+                          body))
+                   ',(formals->spec ids)))
+    (define spec (list (map (lambda (id) (~a "<" (syntax-e id) ">")) ids)
+                       '()))
+    (define accum+expr
+      (hash-set accum 'flags-expr
+                `(,(quote-syntax let)
+                  ((,flag-id ,proc))
+                  ,(let loop ([flags flags])
+                     (if (null? flags)
+                         (hash-ref accum 'flags-expr)
+                         `(,(quote-syntax cons)
+                           (,(quote-syntax cons) ,(car flags) ,flag-id)
+                           ,(loop (cdr flags))))))))
+    (hash-set accum+expr 'help
+              (cons (list (quote-syntax list)
+                          (list (quote-syntax quote) key)
+                          (list (quote-syntax quote) flags)
+                          (list (quote-syntax quote) spec)
+                          (if (string? help-str)
+                              (list (quote-syntax list) help-str)
+                              (cons (quote-syntax list) help-str)))
+                    (hash-ref accum 'help '()))))
+  (define (expected-mode stx)
+    (syntax-error "command-line: expected tag like `:multi` or `:args`" (car stx)))
+  (define (check-already accum what)
+    (when (hash-ref accum what #f)
+      (syntax-error (~a "command-line: multiple `:" what "` clauses") all-stx)))
+  (let loop ([stx (cdr stx)] [mode #f] [group-id #f] [accum (hash 'flags-expr (quote-syntax '()))])
+    (cond
+      [(null? stx)
+       (list (quote-syntax run-cmdline)
+             (hash-ref accum 'program (quote-syntax (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'script "[script]")))
+             (hash-ref accum 'init (quote-syntax (hash)))
+             (hash-ref accum 'args-in (quote-syntax (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args '())))
+             (hash-ref accum 'flags-expr)
+             (hash-ref accum 'finish (quote-syntax (lambda () (lambda (cmd) cmd))))
+             (hash-ref accum 'finish-spec (quote-syntax '(() ())))
+             (hash-ref accum 'usage #f)
+             (cons (quote-syntax list) (reverse (hash-ref accum 'help '()))))]
+      [(identifier? (car stx))
+       (define head (syntax-e (car stx)))
+       (cond
+         [(eq? head ':multi) (loop (cdr stx) 'multi #f accum)]
+         [(eq? head ':once-each) (loop (cdr stx) 'once #f accum)]
+         [(eq? head ':once-any) (loop (cdr stx) 'once (string->uninterned-symbol "once") accum)]
+         [(eq? head ':init)
+          (unless (pair? (cdr stx))
+            (syntax-error "command-line: missing expression for `:init`" all-stx))
+          (check-already accum 'init)
+          (loop (cddr stx) #f #f (hash-set accum 'init (cadr stx)))]
+         [(eq? head ':args)
+          (unless (>= (length stx) 3)
+            (syntax-error "command-line: bad syntax at `:args`" all-stx))
+          (check-args all-stx (cadr stx))
+          (loop '() #f #f (hash-set (hash-set accum
+                                              'finish `(,(quote-syntax lambda)
+                                                        ,(cadr stx)
+                                                        ,@(cddr stx)))
+                                    'finish-spec `(,(quote-syntax quote)
+                                                   ,(formals->spec (cadr stx)))))]
+         [(eq? head ':args-in)
+          (unless (pair? (cdr stx))
+            (syntax-error "command-line: bad syntax at `:args-in`" all-stx))
+          (check-already accum 'args-in)
+          (loop (cddr stx) #f #f (hash-set accum 'args-in (list (quote-syntax check-args-in) (cadr stx))))]
+         [(eq? head ':program)
+          (unless (pair? (cdr stx))
+            (syntax-error "command-line: bad syntax at `:program`" all-stx))
+          (check-already accum 'program)
+          (loop (cddr stx) #f #f (hash-set accum 'program (list (quote-syntax check-program) (cadr stx))))]
+         [(eq? head ':usage)
+          (unless (pair? (cdr stx))
+            (syntax-error "command-line: bad syntax at `:usage`" all-stx))
+          (check-already accum 'usage)
+          (loop (cddr stx) #f #f (hash-set accum 'usage (list (quote-syntax check-usage) (cadr stx))))]
+         [else (expected-mode stx)])]
+      [(not mode)
+       (expected-mode stx)]
+      [else
+       (loop (cdr stx) mode group-id (parse-flag-line mode group-id accum (car stx)))])))
+(define (check-args-in args)
+  (unless (and (list? args) (andmap string? args))
+    (error "command-line: result for `:args-in` is not a list of strings" args))
+  args)
+(define (check-program prog)
+  (unless (string? prog)
+    (error "command-line: result for `:program` is not a string" prog))
+  prog)
+(define (check-usage usage)
+  (unless (string? usage)
+    (error "command-line: result for `:usage` is not a string" usage))
+  usage)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/config.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(provide config-file->hash)
+(define (config-file->hash path [vars (hash)])
+  (unless (path-string? path) (arg-error 'config->hash "path string" path))
+  (unless (hash? vars) (arg-error 'config->hash "hash table" vars))
+  (define content (file->string path))
+  (define no-cr-content (string-join (string-split content "\r") ""))
+  (define lines (string-split (string-join (string-split no-cr-content "\\\n") "") "\n"))
+  (define config
+    (foldl (lambda (line accum)
+             (define positions ; (list var-start var-end =-pos) or #f
+               (let loop ([i 0] [start #f] [end #f])
+                 (cond
+                   [(= i (string-length line)) #f]
+                   [else
+                    (let ([c (string-ref line i)])
+                      (cond
+                        [(= (char "=") c) (and start (list start (or end i) i))]
+                        [(or (= (char "_") c)
+                             (and (<= (char "a") c)
+                                  (<= c (char "z")))
+                             (and (<= (char "A") c)
+                                  (<= c (char "Z")))
+                             (and (<= (char "0") c)
+                                  (<= c (char "9"))))
+                         (and (not end)
+                              (loop (+ i 1) (or start i) #f))]
+                        [(= (char " ") c)
+                         (if start
+                             (loop (+ i 1) start (or end i))
+                             (loop (+ i 1) #f #f))]
+                        [else #f]))])))
+             (cond
+               [positions
+                (define var (string->symbol (substring line (car positions) (cadr positions))))
+                (define rhs (substring line (+ (list-ref positions 2) 1) (string-length line)))
+                (hash-set accum var (string-trim rhs))]
+               [else accum]))
+           (hash)
+           lines))
+  (foldl (lambda (key config)
+           (hash-set config key (hash-ref vars key) ))
+         config
+         (hash-keys vars)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/datum.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+#lang zuo/kernel
+;; `#lang zuo/datum` creates a module that just exports S-expressions,
+;; which can useful with `include` for building `zuo` and `zuo/hygienic`
+;; from a shared source
+(hash 'read-and-eval
+      (lambda (str start mod-path)
+        (let ([es (string-read str start mod-path)])
+          (hash 'datums es))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/glob.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,156 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(provide glob-match?
+         glob->matcher)
+(define (glob-match? glob str)
+  (unless (string? glob) (arg-error 'glob-match? "string" glob))
+  (unless (string? str) (arg-error 'glob-match? "string" str))
+  ((compile-glob 'glob-match? glob #f) str))
+(define (glob->matcher glob)
+  (unless (string? glob) (arg-error 'glob->matcher "string" glob))
+  (let ([m (compile-glob 'glob->matcher glob #f)])
+    (lambda (str)
+      (unless (string? str) (error "glob matcher: not a string" str))
+      (m str))))
+(define (compile-glob who glob no-dot?)
+  (let ([glen (string-length glob)])
+    (let loop ([i 0] [k (lambda (pred len)
+                          (if len
+                              (lambda (str)
+                                (and (= len (string-length str))
+                                     (pred str 0)))
+                              (lambda (str)
+                                (pred str 0))))])
+      (cond
+        [(= i (string-length glob))
+         (k (lambda (str pos) #t)
+            0)]
+        [(literal? glob i glen)
+         (let ([literal (substring glob i glen)])
+           (k (lambda (str pos)
+                (string=? literal (substring str pos (string-length str))))
+              (- glen i)))]
+        [else
+         (let ([c (string-ref glob i)])
+           (cond
+             [(= (char "?") c)
+              (loop (+ i 1)
+                    (lambda (next len)
+                      (if len
+                          (k (if (and no-dot? (= i 0))
+                                 (lambda (str pos) (if (= (char ".") (string-ref str pos))
+                                                       #f
+                                                       (next str (+ pos 1))))
+                                 (lambda (str pos) (next str (+ pos 1))))
+                             (+ len 1))
+                          (k (if (and no-dot? (= i 0))
+                                 (lambda (str pos) (and (< pos (string-length str))
+                                                        (if (= (char ".") (string-ref str pos))
+                                                            #f
+                                                            (next str (+ pos 1)))))
+                                 (lambda (str pos) (and (< pos (string-length str))
+                                                        (next str (+ pos 1)))))
+                             #f))))]
+             [(= (char "*") c)
+              (loop (+ i 1)
+                    (lambda (next len)
+                      (k (let ([here (if len
+                                         (lambda (str pos)
+                                           (and (>= (string-length str) (+ pos len))
+                                                (next str (- (string-length str) len))))
+                                         (letrec ([star (lambda (str pos)
+                                                          (or (next str pos)
+                                                              (and (< pos (string-length str))
+                                                                   (star str (+ pos 1)))))])
+                                           star))])
+                           (if (and no-dot? (= i 0))
+                               (lambda (str pos) (and (> (string-length str) pos)
+                                                      (not (= (char ".") (string-ref str pos)))
+                                                      (here str pos)))
+                               here))
+                         #f)))]
+             [(= (char "[") c)
+              (let* ([j (let loop ([j (+ i 1)] [mode 'start])
+                          (if (= j glen)
+                              (error (~a who ": unclosed square bracket in glob" glob))
+                              (let ([c (string-ref glob j)])
+                                (cond
+                                  [(= (char "]") c)
+                                   (if (eq? mode 'inside)
+                                       j
+                                       (loop (+ j 1) 'inside))]
+                                  [(= (char "^") c)
+                                   (if (eq? mode 'start)
+                                       (loop (+ j 1) 'second)
+                                       (loop (+ j 1) 'inside))]
+                                  [else (loop (+ j 1) 'inside)]))))]
+                     [invert? (and (> j (+ i 1))
+                                   (= (char "^") (string-ref glob (+ i 1))))]
+                     [ranges (substring glob (+ i (if invert? 2 1)) j)]
+                     [make-str (lambda (n c)
+                                 (let loop ([n n])
+                                   (cond
+                                     [(= n 0) ""]
+                                     [(= n 1) (string c)]
+                                     [else (let ([a (quotient n 2)])
+                                             (~a (loop a) (loop (- n a))))])))]
+                     [table (make-str 256 (if invert? (char "y") (char "n")))]
+                     [table (if (and no-dot? (= i 0))
+                                (~a (substring table 0 (char ".")) "n" (substring table (+ (char ".") 1) 256))
+                                table)]
+                     [table (let loop ([table table] [k 0])
+                              (cond
+                                [(= k (string-length ranges)) table]
+                                [(and (<= k (- (string-length ranges) 3))
+                                      (= (char "-") (string-ref ranges (+ k 1))))
+                                 (let ([start (string-ref ranges k)]
+                                       [end (string-ref ranges (+ k 2))])
+                                   (unless (<= start end)
+                                     (error (~a who ": bad range in glob") glob))
+                                   (loop (~a (substring table 0 start)
+                                             (make-str (- (+ end 1) start) (if invert? (char "n") (char "y")))
+                                             (substring table (+ end 1) 256))
+                                         (+ k 3)))]
+                                [else (let ([c (string-ref ranges k)])
+                                        (loop (~a (substring table 0 c)
+                                                  (if invert? "n" "y")
+                                                  (substring table (+ c 1) 256))
+                                              (+ k 1)))]))])
+                (loop (+ j 1)
+                      (lambda (next len)
+                        (if len
+                            (k (lambda (str pos)
+                                 (and (= (char "y") (string-ref table (string-ref str pos)))
+                                      (next str (+ pos 1))))
+                               (+ len 1))
+                            (k (lambda (str pos)
+                                 (and (< pos (string-length str))
+                                      (= (char "y") (string-ref table (string-ref str pos)))
+                                      (next str (+ pos 1))))
+                               #f)))))]
+             [else (loop (+ i 1)
+                         (lambda (next len)
+                           (if len
+                               (k (lambda (str pos)
+                                    (and (= c (string-ref str pos))
+                                         (next str (+ pos 1))))
+                                  (+ len 1))
+                               (k (lambda (str pos)
+                                    (and (< pos (string-length str))
+                                         (= c (string-ref str pos))
+                                         (next str (+ pos 1))))
+                                  #f))))]))]))))
+(define (literal? glob start end)
+  (let loop ([start start])
+    (cond
+      [(= start end) #t]
+      [else
+       (let ([c (string-ref glob start)])
+         (and (not (or (= c (char "*"))
+                       (= c (char "?"))
+                       (= c (char "["))))
+              (loop (+ start 1))))])))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+#lang zuo/kernel
+(let ([maker (hash-ref (module->hash 'zuo/private/base-hygienic) 'make-language #f)])
+  ;; `zuo/hygenic` is analogous to `zuo/base`, not `zuo` 
+  (maker 'zuo/private/base-hygienic/main))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/main.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+#lang zuo/kernel
+(let ([maker (hash-ref (module->hash 'zuo/private/base) 'make-language #f)])
+  (maker 'zuo/private/main))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/and-or.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,82 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "../pair.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo")
+(provide or
+         and
+         cond else
+         when
+         unless)
+(define-syntax or
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (if (list? stx)
+        (if (null? (cdr stx))
+            #f
+            (if (null? (cddr stx))
+                (cadr stx)
+                (list (quote-syntax let) (list (list 'tmp (cadr stx)))
+                      (list (quote-syntax if) 'tmp
+                            'tmp
+                            (cons (quote-syntax or) (cddr stx))))))
+        (bad-syntax stx))))
+(define-syntax and
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (if (list? stx)
+        (if (null? (cdr stx))
+            #t
+            (if (null? (cddr stx))
+                (cadr stx)
+                (list (quote-syntax if) (cadr stx)
+                      (cons (quote-syntax and) (cddr stx))
+                      #f)))
+        (bad-syntax stx))))
+(define-syntax else misplaced-syntax)
+(define-syntax cond
+  (context-consumer
+   (lambda (stx free-id=? name)
+     (if (and (list? stx)
+              (letrec ([ok-clauses?
+                        (lambda (l)
+                          (or (null? l)
+                              (let ([cl (car l)])
+                                (and (list? cl)
+                                     (>= (length cl) 2)
+                                     (ok-clauses? (cdr l))))))])
+                (ok-clauses? (cdr stx))))
+         (if (null? (cdr stx))
+             (list (quote-syntax void))
+             (let ([cl1 (cadr stx)]
+                   [cls (cddr stx)])
+               (list 'if (if (and (null? cls)
+                                  (identifier? (car cl1))
+                                  (free-id=? 'else (car cl1)))
+                             #t
+                             (car cl1))
+                     (cons (quote-syntax let) (cons '() (cdr cl1)))
+                     (if (null? cls)
+                         '(void)
+                         (cons (quote-syntax cond) cls)))))
+         (bad-syntax stx)))))
+(define-syntax when
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (if (and (list? stx)
+             (>= (length stx) 3))
+        (list 'if (cadr stx)
+              (cons (quote-syntax let) (cons '() (cddr stx)))
+              '(void))
+        (bad-syntax stx))))
+(define-syntax unless
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (if (and (list? stx)
+             (>= (length stx) 3))
+        (list 'if (cadr stx)
+              '(void)
+              (cons (quote-syntax let) (cons '() (cddr stx))))
+        (bad-syntax stx))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/bind-struct.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,91 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; simple transparent structs
+(define (make-maker tag) (lambda (v) (cons tag v)))
+(define (make-? tag) (lambda (v) (and (pair? v) (eq? tag (car v)))))
+(define (make-?? tag1 tag2) (lambda (v) (and (pair? v) (or (eq? tag1 (car v))
+                                                           (eq? tag2 (car v))))))
+(define any-ref cdr) ; not bothering to check a tag
+;; A binding that's a core form recognized by the expander
+(define make-core-form (make-maker 'core-form))
+(define core-form? (make-? 'core-form))
+(define form-id any-ref)
+;; A binding for a local variable
+(define make-local (make-maker 'local))
+(define local? (make-? 'local))
+(define local-id any-ref)
+;; A binding for a definition
+(define make-defined (make-maker 'defined))
+(define defined? (make-? 'defined))
+;; A `letrec` bindind or an imported definition
+(define make-local-variable (make-maker 'local-variable))
+;; A `variable` is a definition or `letrec`
+(define variable? (make-?? 'local-variable 'defined))
+(define variable-var any-ref)
+;; A macro is specifically an imported macro:
+(define make-macro (make-maker macro-protocol))
+(define macro-implementation any-ref)
+;; A macro defined in the current moddule:
+(define make-defined-macro (make-maker 'defined-macro))
+(define defined-macro? (make-? 'defined-macro))
+(define defined-macro-proc any-ref)
+;; Imported or current-module macro
+(define macro? (make-?? macro-protocol 'defined-macro))
+;; A `literal` wrapper is needed for a pair as a value; any
+;; other kind of value is distinct from our "record"s
+(define make-literal (make-maker 'literal))
+(define literal? (make-? 'literal))
+(define literal-val any-ref)
+;; Wraps a binding to indicate that's from the initial import,
+;; so it's shadowable by `require`
+(define make-initial-import (make-maker 'initial))
+(define initial-import? (make-? 'initial))
+(define initial-import-bind any-ref)
+;; Wraps a binding to give it an identity that persists across
+;; imports
+(define make-specific (make-maker 'specific))
+(define specific? (make-? 'specific))
+(define (specific-label s) (cdr (any-ref s)))
+(define (unwrap-specific v)
+  (if (specific? v)
+      (car (any-ref v))
+      v))
+(define (as-specific v)
+  (make-specific (cons v (string->uninterned-symbol "u"))))
+(define (specific=? a b)
+  (if (specific? a)
+      (if (specific? b)
+          (eq? (specific-label a) (specific-label b))
+          #f)
+      (eq? a b)))
+;; bubbles `specific` outside `initial-import`
+(define (initial-import bind)
+  (let* ([label (and (specific? bind)
+                     (specific-label bind))]
+         [bind (unwrap-specific bind)]
+         [bind (make-initial-import bind)])
+    (if label
+        (make-specific (cons bind label))
+        bind)))
+(define context-consumer-key (string->uninterned-symbol "ctxer"))
+(define (context-consumer proc)
+  (unless (procedure? proc) (error "context-consumer: not a procedure" proc))
+  (opaque context-consumer-key proc))
+(define (context-consumer? v) (and (opaque-ref context-consumer-key v #f) #t))
+(define (context-consumer-procedure v) (opaque-ref context-consumer-key v #f))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/bind.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,67 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; Creation of the initial bindings and managing imports/exports
+;; A binding can be any non-pair value or one of the record
+;; types described in "struct.zuo"
+(define (make-core-initial-bind bind)
+  (as-specific (make-initial-import bind)))
+;; Start with kernel-supplied primitives
+(define kernel-provides
+  (let* ([ht (kernel-env)])
+    (foldl (lambda (sym provides)
+             (hash-set provides sym (make-core-initial-bind (hash-ref ht sym #f))))
+           (hash)
+           (hash-keys ht))))
+;; Add expander-defined syntactic forms
+(define top-form-provides
+  (foldl (lambda (sym provides)
+           (hash-set provides sym (make-core-initial-bind (make-core-form sym))))
+         kernel-provides
+         '(lambda let letrec quote if begin
+                  define define-syntax require provide module+
+                  quote-syntax quote-module-path
+                  include)))
+;; Add some functions/constants defined in the expander
+(define top-provides
+  (let* ([provides top-form-provides]
+         [add (lambda (provides name val) (hash-set provides name (make-core-initial-bind val)))]
+         [provides (add provides 'identifier? identifier?)]
+         [provides (add provides 'syntax-e checked-syntax-e)]
+         [provides (add provides 'syntax->datum checked-syntax->datum)]
+         [provides (add provides 'datum->syntax checked-datum->syntax)]
+         [provides (add provides 'bound-identifier=? bound-identifier=?)]
+         [provides (add provides 'context-consumer context-consumer)]
+         [provides (add provides 'context-consumer? context-consumer?)]
+         [provides (add provides 'dynamic-require dynamic-require)])
+    provides))
+;; Used to convert a local binding into one that goes in a provides
+;; table, so suitable to import into another module
+(define (export-bind bind ctx binds)
+  (let* ([label (and (specific? bind)
+                     (specific-label bind))]
+         [bind (unwrap-specific bind)]
+         [bind (if (initial-import? bind)
+                   (initial-import-bind bind)
+                   bind)]
+         [bind (cond
+                 [(defined? bind)
+                  (make-local-variable (variable-var bind))]
+                 [(defined-macro? bind)
+                  (make-exported-macro (defined-macro-proc bind) ctx)]
+                 [else bind])])
+    (if label
+        (make-specific (cons bind label))
+        bind)))
+;; in case `all-from-out` is used on the initial import,
+;; adds all the current ids in `binds` as nominally imported
+(define (initial-nominals mod-path provides)
+  (list (cons mod-path
+              (map (lambda (sym) (cons sym (hash-ref provides sym #f)))
+                   (hash-keys provides)))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/check-dups.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "and-or.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo"
+         "../list.zuo")
+(provide check-duplicates)
+(define check-duplicates
+  (lambda (args)
+    (foldl (lambda (id seen)
+             (when (ormap (lambda (seen-id)
+                            (bound-identifier=? id seen-id))
+                          seen)
+               (duplicate-identifier id))
+             (cons id seen))
+           '()
+           args)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/define-help.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "../pair.zuo"
+         "and-or.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo"
+         "../list.zuo"
+         "let.zuo"
+         "check-dups.zuo")
+(provide check-args
+         make-define)
+(define check-args
+  (lambda (stx args)
+    (let ([arg-names
+           (let loop ([args args] [must-opt? #f])
+             (cond
+               [(identifier? args) ; rest arg
+                (list args)]
+               [(pair? args)
+                (cond
+                  [(and (identifier? (car args))
+                        (not must-opt?))
+                   (cons (car args) (loop (cdr args) #f))]
+                  [(and (list? (car args))
+                        (= 2 (length (car args)))
+                        (identifier? (caar args)))
+                   (cons (caar args) (loop (cdr args) #t))]
+                  [else
+                   (syntax-error (~a (syntax-e (car stx)) ": bad syntax at argument")
+                                 (car args))])]
+               [(null? args) '()]
+               [else (bad-syntax stx)]))])
+      (check-duplicates arg-names)
+      arg-names)))
+(define make-define
+  (lambda (orig-define opt-lambda)
+    (lambda (stx)
+      (unless (and (list? stx) (>= (length stx) 3)) (bad-syntax stx))
+      (let ([head (cadr stx)])
+        (cond
+          [(identifier? head)
+           ;; regular define
+           (cons orig-define (cdr stx))]
+          [(and (pair? head)
+                (identifier? (car head)))
+           ;; procedure shorthand
+           (let* ([name (car head)]
+                  [args (cdr head)])
+             (check-args stx args)
+             (list orig-define name (list* opt-lambda args (cddr stx))))]
+          [else (bad-syntax stx)])))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/define.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "define-help.zuo"
+         "opt-lambda.zuo")
+(provide (rename-out [define-var-or-proc define]
+                     [define-syntax-var-or-proc define-syntax]))
+(define-syntax define-var-or-proc
+  (make-define (quote-syntax define) (quote-syntax lambda)))
+(define-syntax define-syntax-var-or-proc
+  (make-define (quote-syntax define-syntax) (quote-syntax lambda)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/dynamic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(define (dynamic-require mod-path sym)
+  (unless (module-path? mod-path) (arg-error 'dynamic-require "module-path" mod-path))
+  (unless (symbol? sym) (arg-error 'dynamic-require "symbol" sym))
+  (let* ([ht (module->hash mod-path)]
+         [provides (hash-ref ht 'macromod-provides #f)])
+    (unless provides
+      (error "dynamic-require: not a compatible module" mod-path))
+    (let* ([bind (hash-ref provides sym #f)])
+      (unless bind (error "dynamic-require: no such provide" sym))
+      (let ([bind (unwrap-specific bind)])
+        (cond
+          [(variable? bind) (variable-ref (variable-var bind))]
+          [(literal? bind) (literal-val bind)]
+          [else bind])))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/entry.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; The `read-and-eval` entry point for a language using the expander
+(define (make-read-and-eval make-initial-state)
+  (lambda (str start mod-path)
+    (let* ([es (string-read str start mod-path)]
+           [ctx (make-module-context mod-path)]
+           [es (map (lambda (e) (datum->syntax ctx e)) es)]
+           [parse (make-parse ctx mod-path)]
+           [initial-state (make-initial-state ctx)]
+           [es+state+modtop (expand-sequence es initial-state empty-modtop mod-path ctx parse)]
+           [es (car es+state+modtop)]
+           [state (cadr es+state+modtop)]
+           [modtop (cadr (cdr es+state+modtop))]
+           [outs (resolve-provides (modtop-provides modtop) state ctx mod-path)]
+           [body (map (lambda (e) (add-print (parse e #f state))) es)]
+           [submods (parse-submodules (modtop-modules modtop) state mod-path ctx parse)])
+      (kernel-eval (cons 'begin (cons '(void) body)))
+      (hash 'macromod-provides outs
+            'submodules submods
+            merge-bindings-export-key (make-export-merge-binds ctx (state-binds state))))))
+ ;; makes `#lang zuo/private/base[-hygienic] work:
+ 'read-and-eval (make-read-and-eval (lambda (ctx)
+                                      (make-state (binds-create top-provides ctx)
+                                                  (initial-nominals language-mod-path top-provides))))
+ ;; makes `(require zuo/private/base[hygienic])` work:
+ 'macromod-provides top-provides
+ ;; for making a new `#lang` with initial imports from `mod-path`:
+ 'make-language
+ (lambda (mod-path)
+   (let* ([mod (module->hash mod-path)]
+          [provides (hash-ref mod 'macromod-provides #f)]
+          [m-binds (hash-ref mod merge-bindings-export-key #f)])
+     (unless provides 
+       (syntax-error "not a compatible module for initial imports" mod-path))
+     (hash 'read-and-eval
+           (make-read-and-eval
+            (lambda (ctx)
+              (merge-binds (make-state (binds-create provides ctx)
+                                       (initial-nominals mod-path provides))
+                           m-binds)))
+           'macromod-provides (hash-ref (module->hash mod-path) 'macromod-provides #f)))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/free-id-eq.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(define free-id=?
+  (lambda (binds id1 id2)
+    (let* ([bind1 (resolve* binds id1 #f)]
+           [bind2 (resolve* binds id2 #f)])
+      (or (specific=? bind1 bind2)
+          (and (not bind1)
+               (not bind2)
+               (eq? (syntax-e id1) (syntax-e id2)))))))
+(define (apply-macro* proc s name free-id=?)
+  (let ([c-proc (context-consumer-procedure proc)])
+    (if c-proc
+        (c-proc s free-id=? (and name (symbol->string (syntax-e name))))
+        (proc s))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/let.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "../pair.zuo"
+         "and-or.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo"
+         "../list.zuo"
+         "check-dups.zuo")
+(provide (rename-out [let-or-named-let let])
+         let*)
+(define-syntax let-or-named-let
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (cond
+      [(not (pair? stx)) (bad-syntax stx)]
+      [(and (pair? (cdr stx))
+            (identifier? (cadr stx)))
+       ;; named `let`
+       (unless (and (list? stx)
+                    (>= (length stx) 4))
+         (bad-syntax stx))
+       (let ([name (cadr stx)]
+             [bindings (cadr (cdr stx))])
+         (for-each (lambda (binding)
+                     (unless (and (list? binding)
+                                  (= 2 (length binding))
+                                  (identifier? (car binding)))
+                       (syntax-error "named let: bad syntax at binding" binding)))
+                   bindings)
+         (let ([args (map car bindings)]
+               [inits (map cadr bindings)])
+           (check-duplicates args)
+           (cons (list (quote-syntax letrec)
+                       (list (list name
+                                   (list* (quote-syntax lambda)
+                                          args
+                                          (cddr (cdr stx)))))
+                       name)
+                 inits)))]
+      [else (cons (quote-syntax let) (cdr stx))])))
+(define-syntax let*
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (unless (and (list? stx) (>= (length stx) 3))
+      (bad-syntax stx))
+    (let ([bindings (cadr stx)])
+      (unless (list? bindings) (bad-syntax stx))
+      (for-each (lambda (binding)
+                  (unless (and (list? binding)
+                               (= 2 (length binding))
+                               (identifier? (car binding)))
+                    (syntax-error "let*: bad syntax at binding" binding)))
+                bindings)
+      (letrec ([nest-bindings
+                (lambda (bindings)
+                  (if (null? bindings)
+                      (cons (quote-syntax begin) (cddr stx))
+                      (list (quote-syntax let) (list (car bindings))
+                            (nest-bindings (cdr bindings)))))])
+        (nest-bindings bindings)))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/lib.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(define (caar p) (car (car p)))
+(define (cadr p) (car (cdr p)))
+(define (cdar p) (cdr (car p)))
+(define (cddr p) (cdr (cdr p)))
+(define map
+  (letrec ([map (lambda (f vs)
+                  (if (null? vs)
+                      '()
+                      (cons (f (car vs)) (map f (cdr vs)))))])
+    map))
+(define map2
+  (letrec ([map2 (lambda (f vs v2s)
+                   (if (null? vs)
+                       '()
+                       (cons (f (car vs) (car v2s))
+                             (map2 f (cdr vs) (cdr v2s)))))])
+    map2))
+(define (foldl f init vs)
+  (letrec ([fold (lambda (vs accum)
+                   (if (null? vs)
+                       accum
+                       (fold (cdr vs) (f (car vs) accum))))])
+    (fold vs init)))
+(define (ormap f vs)
+  (letrec ([ormap (lambda (vs)
+                    (if (null? vs)
+                        #f
+                        (or (f (car vs)) (ormap (cdr vs)))))])
+    (ormap vs)))
+(define (mod-path=? a b)
+  (if (or (symbol? a) (symbol? b))
+      (eq? a b)
+      (string=? a b)))
+(define (gensym sym)
+  (string->uninterned-symbol (symbol->string sym)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/main.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "and-or.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo"
+         "../pair.zuo"
+         "../list.zuo"
+         "let.zuo"
+         "define.zuo"
+         "opt-lambda.zuo"
+         "quasiquote.zuo"
+         "more-syntax.zuo"
+         "../more.zuo"
+         "struct.zuo")
+(provide (all-from-out "and-or.zuo"
+                       "syntax-error.zuo"
+                       "../pair.zuo"
+                       "../list.zuo"
+                       "let.zuo"
+                       "define.zuo"
+                       "opt-lambda.zuo"
+                       "quasiquote.zuo"
+                       "more-syntax.zuo"
+                       "../more.zuo"
+                       "struct.zuo"))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/more-syntax.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "and-or.zuo"
+         "../pair.zuo"
+         "../list.zuo"
+         "define.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo")
+(provide char
+         at-source)
+(define-syntax (char stx)
+  (if (and (list? stx)
+           (= 2 (length stx))
+           (string? (cadr stx))
+           (= 1 (string-length (cadr stx))))
+      (string-ref (cadr stx) 0)
+      (bad-syntax stx)))
+(define (combine-path base)
+  (lambda paths
+    (cond
+      [(pair? paths)
+       (unless (path-string? (car paths))
+         (arg-error 'at-source "path string" (car paths)))
+       (for-each (lambda (path)
+                   (unless (and (path-string? path)
+                                (relative-path? path))
+                     (arg-error 'at-source "relative path string" path)))
+                 (cdr paths))
+       (if (relative-path? (car paths))
+           (apply build-path (cons (or (car (split-path base)) ".") paths))
+           (apply build-path paths))]
+      [else
+       (or (car (split-path base)) ".")])))
+(define-syntax (at-source stx)
+  (if (list? stx)
+      (cons (quote-syntax (combine-path (quote-module-path)))
+            (cdr stx))
+      (if (identifier? stx)
+          (quote-syntax (combine-path (quote-module-path)))
+          (bad-syntax stx))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/opt-lambda.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,67 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "../pair.zuo"
+         "and-or.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo"
+         "define-help.zuo"
+         "let.zuo")
+(provide (rename-out [opt-lambda lambda]))
+(define-syntax opt-lambda
+  (context-consumer
+   (lambda (stx free=? name)
+     (unless (and (list? stx) (>= (length stx) 3)) (bad-syntax stx))
+     (let* ([args (cadr stx)]
+            [plain? (let loop ([args args])
+                      (cond
+                        [(null? args) #t]
+                        [(identifier? args) #t]
+                        [else (and (pair? args)
+                                   (identifier? (car args))
+                                   (loop (cdr args)))]))])
+       (cond
+         [plain?
+          (cons (quote-syntax lambda) (cdr stx))]
+         [else
+          (let ([all-args (check-args stx args)])
+            (let loop ([args args] [rev-plain-args '()])
+              (cond
+                [(identifier? (car args))
+                 (loop (cdr args) (cons (car args) rev-plain-args))]
+                [else
+                 (let* ([args-id (string->uninterned-symbol "args")])
+                   (list (quote-syntax lambda)
+                         (append (reverse rev-plain-args) args-id)
+                         (let loop ([args args])
+                           (cond
+                             [(null? args)
+                              (list (quote-syntax if) (list (quote-syntax null?) args-id)
+                                    (cons (quote-syntax let) (cons (list) (cddr stx)))
+                                    (list (quote-syntax opt-arity-error)
+                                          (list (quote-syntax quote) name)
+                                          (cons (quote-syntax list)
+                                                all-args)
+                                          args-id))]
+                             [(identifier? args)
+                              (cons (quote-syntax let)
+                                    (cons (list (list args args-id))
+                                          (cddr stx)))]
+                             [else
+                              (list (quote-syntax let)
+                                    (list (list (caar args)
+                                                (list (quote-syntax if)
+                                                      (list (quote-syntax null?) args-id)
+                                                      (car (cdar args))
+                                                      (list (quote-syntax car) args-id))))
+                                    (list (quote-syntax let)
+                                          (list (list args-id
+                                                      (list (quote-syntax if)
+                                                            (list (quote-syntax null?) args-id)
+                                                            (quote-syntax '())
+                                                            (list (quote-syntax cdr) args-id))))
+                                          (loop (cdr args))))]))))])))])))))
+(define opt-arity-error
+  (lambda (name base-args extra-args)
+    (arity-error name (append base-args extra-args))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/parse-lib.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; Helpers for "parse.zuo" that depends on the implementation of
+;; syntax objects
+(define (name-lambda name form)
+  (if name
+      ;; `zuo/kernel` recognizes this pattern to name the form
+      (cons 'lambda (cons (cadr form) (cons (symbol->string (syntax-e name)) (cddr form))))
+      form))
+(define (syntax-error msg s)
+  (error (~a msg ": " (~s (syntax->datum s)))))
+(define (bad-syntax s)
+  (syntax-error "bad syntax" s))
+(define (duplicate-identifier id s)
+  (error "duplicate identifier:" (syntax-e id) (syntax->datum s)))
+(define (id-sym-eq? id sym)
+  (and (identifier? id)
+       (eq? (syntax-e id) sym)))
+(define (unwrap-mod-path mod-path)
+  (if (identifier? mod-path)
+      (syntax-e mod-path)
+      mod-path))
+(define (add-binding state id binding)
+  (state-set-binds state (add-binding* (state-binds state) id binding)))
+(define (resolve state id same-defn-ctx?)
+  (let* ([bind (resolve* (state-binds state) id same-defn-ctx?)]
+         [bind (unwrap-specific bind)])
+    (if (initial-import? bind)
+        (initial-import-bind bind)
+        bind)))
+(define (merge-binds state m-binds)
+  (if m-binds
+      (state-set-binds state (merge-binds* (state-binds state) m-binds))
+      state))
+(define (new-defn-context state)
+  (state-set-binds state (new-defn-context* (state-binds state))))
+(define (nest-bindings new-cls body)
+  (letrec ([nest-bindings (lambda (new-cls)
+                            (if (null? new-cls)
+                                body
+                                (list 'let (list (car new-cls))
+                                      (nest-bindings (cdr new-cls)))))])
+    (nest-bindings (reverse new-cls))))
+;; Use to communicate a `variable-set!` form from `define` to `parse`:
+(define set-var-tag (string->uninterned-symbol "setvar"))
+(define (print-result v)
+  (unless (eq? v (void))
+    (alert (~v v))))
+(define (add-print s)
+  (list print-result s))
+(define (no-wrap s) s)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/parse.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,489 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; This is the main parser/expander, to be included in a context that
+;; plugs in the implementation of syntax objects and macros (so,
+;; hygienic or not)
+;; The `expand-...` functions handle the top-level sequence, while
+;; `parse-...` is for expressions
+(include "parse-lib.zuo")
+(define (expand-define s state k)
+  (unless (and (list? s) (= 3 (length s)) (identifier? (cadr s)))
+    (bad-syntax s))
+  (let* ([id (cadr s)]
+         [id-bind (resolve state id #t)])
+    (when (or (defined? id-bind)
+              (defined-macro? id-bind))
+      (syntax-error "duplicate definition" id))
+    (let* ([sym (syntax-e id)]
+           [def-id (gensym sym)]
+           [id+rhs (list id (cadr (cdr s)))]
+           [vars (state-variables state)])
+      (cond
+        [(not vars) ; => at module top
+         ;; generate inlined variable
+         (let* ([var (variable sym)]
+                [state (add-binding state id (as-specific (make-defined var)))]
+                ;; construct an expression with the var inlined:
+                [new-s (cons set-var-tag (cons var id+rhs))])
+           (k new-s state))]
+        [else
+         ;; generate local-variable creation
+         (let* ([state (add-binding state id (make-defined def-id))]
+                [state (state-set-variables state
+                                            (cons (list def-id (list variable (list 'quote sym)))
+                                                  vars))]
+                ;; construct an expression to set the var:
+                [new-s (cons set-var-tag (cons def-id id+rhs))])
+           (k new-s state))]))))
+(define (expand-define-syntax s state parse)
+  (unless (and (list? s) (= 3 (length s)) (identifier? (cadr s)))
+    (bad-syntax s))
+  (let* ([id (cadr s)]
+         [id-bind (resolve state id #t)])
+    (when (or (defined? id-bind)
+              (defined-macro? id-bind))
+      (syntax-error "duplicate definition" id))
+    (let* ([e (parse (cadr (cdr s)) id state)]
+           [proc (kernel-eval e)])
+      (unless (or (procedure? proc) (context-consumer? proc))
+        (error "define-syntax: not a procedure or context consumer" proc))
+      (add-binding state id (as-specific (make-defined-macro proc))))))
+(define (expand-require s state mod-path)
+  (let* ([check-renames
+          ;; syntax check on renaming clauses `ns`
+          (lambda (r ns id-ok?)
+            (map (lambda (n) (unless (or (and id-ok?
+                                              (identifier? n))
+                                         (and (list? n)
+                                              (= 2 (length n))
+                                              (identifier? (car n))
+                                              (identifier? (cadr n))))
+                               (bad-syntax r)))
+                 ns))]
+         [make-rename-filter
+          ;; used to apply `ns` renaming clauses to an imported identifier
+          (lambda (ns only?)
+            (lambda (sym)
+              (letrec ([loop (lambda (ns)
+                               (cond
+                                 [(null? ns) (if only? #f sym)]
+                                 [(id-sym-eq? (car ns) sym) sym]
+                                 [(and (pair? (car ns))
+                                       (id-sym-eq? (caar ns) sym))
+                                  (syntax-e (cadr (car ns)))]
+                                 [else (loop (cdr ns))]))])
+                (loop ns))))]
+         [make-provides-checker
+          ;; used to check whether set of provided is consistent with `ns`
+          (lambda (ns)
+            (lambda (provides)
+              (map (lambda (n)
+                     (let ([id (if (pair? n) (car n) n)])
+                       (unless (hash-ref provides (syntax-e id) #f)
+                         (syntax-error "identifier is not in required set" id))))
+                   ns)))])
+    ;; parse each `require` clause `r:
+    (foldl (lambda (r state)
+             (let* ([req-ctx (car s)]
+                    [req-path+filter+check
+                     (cond
+                       [(string? r) (list r (lambda (sym) sym) void)]
+                       [(identifier? r) (list (syntax-e r) (lambda (sym) sym) void)]
+                       [(pair? r)
+                        (unless (and (list? r) (pair? (cdr r))) (bad-syntax r))
+                        (let* ([ns (cddr r)])
+                          (cond
+                            [(id-sym-eq? (car r) 'only-in)
+                             (check-renames r ns #t)
+                             (list (cadr r) (make-rename-filter ns #t) (make-provides-checker ns))]
+                            [(id-sym-eq? (car r) 'rename-in)
+                             (check-renames r ns #f)
+                             (list (cadr r) (make-rename-filter ns #f) (make-provides-checker ns))]
+                            [else (bad-syntax r)]))]
+                       [else (bad-syntax r)])]
+                    [req-path (car req-path+filter+check)]
+                    [filter (cadr req-path+filter+check)]
+                    [check (cadr (cdr req-path+filter+check))]
+                    [in-mod-path (build-module-path mod-path req-path)]
+                    [mod (module->hash in-mod-path)]
+                    [provides (hash-ref mod 'macromod-provides #f)]
+                    [m-binds (hash-ref mod merge-bindings-export-key #f)]
+                    [state (merge-binds state m-binds)]
+                    [state (init-nominal state (unwrap-mod-path req-path))])
+               (unless provides (syntax-error "not a compatible module" r))
+               (check provides)
+               ;; add each provided binding (except as filtered)
+               (foldl (lambda (sym state)
+                        (let* ([as-sym (filter sym)])
+                          (cond
+                            [(not as-sym) state]
+                            [else
+                             ;; check whether it's bound already
+                             (let* ([as-id (datum->syntax req-ctx as-sym)]
+                                    [current-bind (resolve* (state-binds state) as-id #f)]
+                                    [req-bind (hash-ref provides sym #f)]
+                                    [add-binding/record-nominal
+                                     (lambda ()
+                                       (let* ([state (add-binding state as-id req-bind)])
+                                         (record-nominal state (unwrap-mod-path req-path) as-sym req-bind)))])
+                               (cond
+                                 [(not current-bind)
+                                  ;; not already bound, so import is ok
+                                  (add-binding/record-nominal)]
+                                 [(initial-import? (unwrap-specific current-bind))
+                                  ;; `require` can shadow an initial import
+                                  (add-binding/record-nominal)]
+                                 [(specific=? current-bind req-bind)
+                                  ;; re-import of same variable or primitive, also ok
+                                  state]
+                                 [(or (defined? current-bind)
+                                      (defined-macro? current-bind))
+                                  ;; definition shadows import
+                                  state]
+                                 [else
+                                  (syntax-error "identifier is already imported" as-id)]))])))
+                      state
+                      (hash-keys provides))))
+           state
+           (cdr s))))
+(define (expand-include s mod-path)
+  (unless (and (list? s) (= 2 (length s)))
+    (bad-syntax s))
+  (let* ([include-ctx (car s)]
+         [in-mod-path (unwrap-mod-path (cadr s))]
+         [in-mod-path (build-module-path mod-path in-mod-path)]
+         [mod (module->hash in-mod-path)]
+         [datums (hash-ref mod 'datums #f)])
+    (unless datums (error "not an includable module" in-mod-path))
+    (map (lambda (e) (datum->syntax include-ctx e)) datums)))
+;; expand top-level forms and gather imports and definitions
+(define (expand-sequence es state modtop mod-path ctx parse)
+  (letrec ([expand-seq
+            (lambda (es accum state modtop)
+              (cond
+                [(null? es) (list (reverse accum) state modtop)]
+                [else
+                 (let* ([s (car es)])
+                   (cond
+                     [(pair? s)
+                      (let* ([rator (car s)]
+                             [bind (and (identifier? rator)
+                                        (resolve state rator #f))])
+                        (cond
+                          [(macro? bind)
+                           (apply-macro bind s ctx (state-binds state) #f
+                                        (lambda (new-s new-binds)
+                                          (let ([new-state (state-set-binds state new-binds)])
+                                            (expand-seq (cons new-s (cdr es)) accum new-state modtop))))]
+                          [(core-form? bind)
+                           (let ([bind (form-id bind)])
+                             (cond
+                               [(eq? bind 'begin)
+                                (unless (list? s) (bad-syntax s))
+                                (expand-seq (append (cdr s) (cdr es)) accum state modtop)]
+                               [(eq? bind 'define)
+                                (expand-define s
+                                               state
+                                               (lambda (new-s new-state)
+                                                 (expand-seq (cdr es) (cons new-s accum) new-state modtop)))]
+                               [(eq? bind 'define-syntax)
+                                (let ([new-state (expand-define-syntax s state parse)])
+                                  (expand-seq (cdr es) accum new-state modtop))]
+                               [(eq? bind 'provide)
+                                (if modtop
+                                    ;; save provides to handle at the end:
+                                    (let ([new-modtop (modtop-set-provides modtop (cons s (modtop-provides modtop)))])
+                                      (expand-seq (cdr es) accum state new-modtop))
+                                    (syntax-error "nested provides not allowed" s))]
+                               [(eq? bind 'module+)
+                                (if modtop
+                                    ;; save submodules to handle at the end:
+                                    (let ([new-modtop (modtop-set-modules modtop (cons s (modtop-modules modtop)))])
+                                      (expand-seq (cdr es) accum state new-modtop)) 
+                                    (syntax-error "nested submodules not allowed" s))]
+                               [(eq? bind 'require)
+                                (let ([new-state (expand-require s state mod-path)])
+                                  (expand-seq (cdr es) accum new-state modtop))]
+                               [(eq? bind 'include)
+                                (let ([new-es (append (expand-include s mod-path) (cdr es))])
+                                  (expand-seq new-es accum state modtop))]
+                               [else
+                                (expand-seq (cdr es) (cons s accum) state modtop)]))]
+                          [else (expand-seq (cdr es) (cons s accum) state modtop)]))]
+                     [else (expand-seq (cdr es) (cons s accum) state modtop)]))]))])
+    (expand-seq es '() state modtop)))
+;; parse a provide form after the module body has been expanded
+(define (resolve-provide s state ctx mod-path outs)
+  (unless (list? s) (bad-syntax s))
+  (foldl (lambda (p outs)
+           (let* ([add-provide (lambda (outs id as-sym)
+                                 (let* ([binds (resolve* (state-binds state) id #f)]
+                                        [bind binds]
+                                        [old-bind (hash-ref outs as-sym #f)])
+                                   (unless bind
+                                     (syntax-error "provided identifier not bound" id))
+                                   (when (and old-bind
+                                              (not (specific=? bind old-bind)))
+                                     (syntax-error "already provided as different binding" as-sym))
+                                   (hash-set outs as-sym (export-bind bind ctx binds))))]
+                  [bad-provide-form (lambda () (syntax-error "bad provide clause" p))])
+             (cond
+               [(identifier? p) (add-provide outs p (syntax-e p))]
+               [(pair? p)
+                (unless (list? p) (bad-provide-form))
+                (let ([form (car p)])
+                  (cond
+                    [(id-sym-eq? form 'rename-out)
+                     (foldl (lambda (rn outs)
+                              (unless (and (list? rn) (= 2 (length rn))
+                                           (identifier? (car rn)) (identifier? (cadr rn)))
+                                (bad-provide-form))
+                              (add-provide outs (car rn) (syntax-e (cadr rn))))
+                            outs
+                            (cdr p))]
+                    [(id-sym-eq? form 'all-from-out)
+                     (foldl (lambda (req-path outs)
+                              (let* ([prov-ctx (car s)]
+                                     [sym+binds (lookup-nominal state (unwrap-mod-path req-path))])
+                                (unless sym+binds (syntax-error "module not required" req-path))
+                                (foldl (lambda (sym+bind outs)
+                                         (let* ([sym (car sym+bind)]
+                                                [id (datum->syntax prov-ctx sym)]
+                                                [bind (resolve* (state-binds state) id #f)])
+                                           (cond
+                                             [(not (specific=? bind (cdr sym+bind)))
+                                              ;; shadowed by definition or other import
+                                              outs]
+                                             [else
+                                              (add-provide outs id sym)])))
+                                       outs
+                                       sym+binds)))
+                            outs
+                            (cdr p))]
+                    [else (bad-provide-form)]))]
+               [else (bad-provide-form)])))
+         outs
+         (cdr s)))
+(define (resolve-provides provides state ctx mod-path)
+  (foldl (lambda (s outs)
+           (resolve-provide s state ctx mod-path outs))
+         (hash)
+         (reverse provides)))
+(define (parse-body orig-s es name state mod-path ctx parse wrap-e)
+  ;; It could be natural and correct to create a new scope for this
+  ;; body's definition context. That turns out to be unnecessary, though,
+  ;; due to the way our binding table is accumulated in `state` instead of
+  ;; a global mutable table like Racket's; that functional accumulator, plus
+  ;; the fact that all body positions are just inside a binding, combine to act
+  ;; as a kind of "outside edge" scope.
+  (let* ([outside-vars (state-variables state)]
+         [state (state-set-variables state '())] ; inital empty vars for this body
+         [es+state+modtop (expand-sequence es state #f mod-path ctx parse)]
+         [es (car es+state+modtop)]
+         [state (cadr es+state+modtop)]
+         [vars (state-variables state)] ; get var binding clauses for this body
+         [state (state-set-variables state outside-vars)]
+         [body (cond
+                 [(null? es) (syntax-error "empty body after expansion" orig-s)]
+                 [(null? (cdr es)) (wrap-e (parse (car es) name state))]
+                 [else (cons 'begin (map (lambda (s) (wrap-e (parse s #f state))) es))])])
+    (nest-bindings vars body)))
+(define (parse-lambda s name state mod-path ctx parse)
+  (unless (>= (length s) 3) (bad-syntax s))
+  (let* ([formals (cadr s)]
+         [new-formals (letrec ([reformal (lambda (f seen)
+                                           (cond
+                                             [(null? f) '()]
+                                             [(identifier? f)
+                                              (when (ormap (lambda (sn) (bound-identifier=? f sn)) seen)
+                                                (duplicate-identifier f s))
+                                              (gensym (syntax-e f))]
+                                             [(pair? f)
+                                              (let* ([a (car f)])
+                                                (unless (identifier? a) (bad-syntax s))
+                                                (cons (reformal a seen)
+                                                      (reformal (cdr f) (cons a seen))))]
+                                             [else (bad-syntax s)]))])
+                        (reformal formals '()))]
+         [new-scope (make-scope "lambda")]
+         [state (new-defn-context state)]
+         [state (letrec ([add-formals (lambda (state formals new-formals)
+                                        (cond
+                                          [(identifier? formals)
+                                           (let* ([id (add-scope formals new-scope)])
+                                             (add-binding state id (make-local new-formals)))]
+                                          [(pair? new-formals)
+                                           (add-formals (add-formals state (cdr formals) (cdr new-formals))
+                                                        (car formals)
+                                                        (car new-formals))]
+                                          [else state]))])
+                  (add-formals state formals new-formals))])
+    (name-lambda name
+                 (list 'lambda
+                       new-formals
+                       (parse-body s (add-scope (cddr s) new-scope) #f state mod-path ctx parse no-wrap)))))
+(define (parse-let s name state mod-path ctx parse)
+  (unless (>= (length s) 3) (bad-syntax s))
+  (let* ([cls (cadr s)]
+         [orig-state state]
+         [new-scope (make-scope "let")]
+         [state (new-defn-context state)])
+    (unless (list? cls) (bad-syntax s))
+    (letrec ([parse-clauses
+              (lambda (cls new-cls state seen)
+                (cond
+                  [(null? cls)
+                   (nest-bindings (reverse new-cls)
+                                  (parse-body s (add-scope (cddr s) new-scope) name state mod-path ctx parse no-wrap))]
+                  [else
+                   (let* ([cl (car cls)])
+                     (unless (and (list? cl) (= 2 (length cl))) (bad-syntax s))
+                     (let* ([id (car cl)])
+                       (unless (identifier? id) (bad-syntax s))
+                       (when (ormap (lambda (sn) (bound-identifier=? id sn)) seen)
+                         (duplicate-identifier id s))
+                       (let* ([new-id (gensym (syntax-e id))])
+                         (parse-clauses (cdr cls)
+                                        (cons (list new-id (parse (cadr cl) id orig-state))
+                                              new-cls)
+                                        (add-binding state (add-scope id new-scope) (make-local new-id))
+                                        (cons id seen)))))]))])
+      (parse-clauses cls '() state '()))))
+(define (parse-letrec s name state mod-path ctx parse)
+  (unless (>= (length s) 3) (bad-syntax s))
+  (let* ([cls (cadr s)]
+         [new-scope (make-scope "letrec")]
+         [state (new-defn-context state)])
+    (unless (list? cls) (bad-syntax s))
+    ;; use mutable variables to tie knots
+    (letrec ([bind-all (lambda (x-cls new-ids state seen)
+                         (cond
+                           [(null? x-cls)
+                            (nest-bindings
+                             (map (lambda (new-id)
+                                    (list new-id (list variable (list 'quote new-id))))
+                                  new-ids)
+                             (cons 'begin
+                                   (append (map2 (lambda (cl new-id)
+                                                   (list variable-set! (car new-ids)
+                                                         (let ([rhs (cadr (car cls))])
+                                                           (parse (add-scope rhs new-scope) (caar cls) state))))
+                                                 cls
+                                                 (reverse new-ids))
+                                           (list
+                                            (parse-body s (add-scope (cddr s) new-scope) name state mod-path ctx parse no-wrap)))))]
+                           [else
+                            (let* ([cl (car x-cls)])
+                              (unless (and (list? cl) (= 2 (length cl))) (bad-syntax s))
+                              (let* ([id (car cl)])
+                                (unless (identifier? id) (bad-syntax s))
+                                (when (ormap (lambda (sn) (bound-identifier=? id sn)) seen)
+                                  (duplicate-identifier id s))
+                                (let ([new-id (gensym (syntax-e id))])
+                                  (bind-all (cdr x-cls)
+                                            (cons new-id new-ids)
+                                            (add-binding state (add-scope id new-scope) (make-local-variable new-id))
+                                            (cons id seen)))))]))])
+      (bind-all cls '() state '()))))
+(define (parse-submodules modules state mod-path ctx parse)
+  ;; each submodule become a thunk in the result table
+  (let ([combined (foldl (lambda (mod accum)
+                           (unless (and (list? mod) (>= (length mod) 2) (identifier? (cadr mod)))
+                             (bad-syntax mod))
+                           (let ([name (syntax-e (cadr mod))]
+                                 [body (cddr mod)])
+                             (hash-set accum name (append body (hash-ref accum name (list (void)))))))
+                         (hash)
+                         modules)])
+    (foldl (lambda (name mods)
+             (let* ([es (hash-ref combined name)]
+                    [body (parse-body es es name state mod-path ctx parse add-print)])
+               (hash-set mods name
+                         (kernel-eval (list 'lambda '() body)))))
+           (hash)
+           (hash-keys combined))))
+(define (make-parse ctx mod-path)
+  (letrec ([parse
+            (lambda (s name state)
+              (cond
+                [(pair? s)
+                 (let* ([rator (car s)]
+                        [bind (and (identifier? rator)
+                                   (resolve state rator #f))])
+                   (cond
+                     [(macro? bind)
+                      (apply-macro bind s ctx (state-binds state) name
+                                   (lambda (new-s new-binds)
+                                     (parse new-s name (state-set-binds state new-binds))))]
+                     [(core-form? bind)
+                      (unless (list? s) (bad-syntax s))
+                      (let ([bind (form-id bind)])
+                        (cond
+                          [(eq? bind 'lambda)
+                           (parse-lambda s name state mod-path ctx parse)]
+                          [(eq? bind 'let)
+                           (parse-let s name state mod-path ctx parse)]
+                          [(eq? bind 'letrec)
+                           (parse-letrec s name state mod-path ctx parse)]
+                          [(eq? bind 'quote)
+                           (unless (= 2 (length s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                           (list 'quote (syntax->datum (cadr s)))]
+                          [(eq? bind 'quote-syntax)
+                           (unless (= 2 (length s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                           (syntax-quote (cadr s) ctx (state-binds state))]
+                          [(eq? bind 'quote-module-path)
+                           (unless (= 1 (length s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                           (list 'quote mod-path)]
+                          [(eq? bind 'if)
+                           (unless (= 4 (length s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                           (list 'if
+                                 (parse (cadr s) #f state)
+                                 (parse (cadr (cdr s)) name state)
+                                 (parse (cadr (cddr s)) name state))]
+                          [(eq? bind 'begin)
+                           (unless (pair? (cdr s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                           (let ([es (map (lambda (e) (parse e #f state)) (cdr s))])
+                             (if (null? (cdr es))
+                                 (car es)
+                                 (cons 'begin es)))]
+                          [else
+                           (map (lambda (e) (parse e #f state)) s)]))]
+                     [(eq? rator set-var-tag) ; form created by `expand-define`
+                      (let ([rhs (parse (cadr (cddr s)) (cadr (cdr s)) state)])
+                        (list variable-set! (cadr s) rhs))]
+                     [(and (eq? bind void) (null? (cdr s))) (void)] ; ad hoc optimization
+                     [(and (eq? bind hash) (null? (cdr s))) (hash)] ; ad hoc optimization
+                     [(list? s) (map (lambda (e) (parse e #f state)) s)]
+                     [else (bad-syntax s)]))]
+                [(identifier? s)
+                 (let* ([bind (resolve state s #f)])
+                   (cond
+                     [(core-form? bind) (bad-syntax s)]
+                     [(local? bind) (local-id bind)]
+                     [(variable? bind) (list variable-ref (variable-var bind))]
+                     [(literal? bind) (literal-val bind)]
+                     [(macro? bind)
+                      (apply-macro bind s ctx state name
+                                   (lambda (new-s new-state)
+                                     (parse new-s name state)))]
+                     [(not bind) (syntax-error "unbound identifier" s)]
+                     [(pair? bind) (syntax-error "cannot expand foreign syntax" s)]
+                     [else bind]))]
+                [(null? s) (bad-syntax s)]
+                [else s]))])
+    parse))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/quasiquote.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "../pair.zuo"
+         "and-or.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo"
+         "../list.zuo"
+         "let.zuo")
+(provide quasiquote
+         unquote
+         unquote-splicing)
+(define-syntax quasiquote
+  (context-consumer
+   (lambda (stx free-id=? name)
+     (unless (and (list? stx) (= (length stx) 2))
+       (bad-syntax stx))
+     (let ([quot (quote-syntax quote)])
+       (let loop ([s (cadr stx)] [depth 0])
+         (let ([loop-pair (lambda (combine combine-name a d depth)
+                            (let ([a (loop a depth)]
+                                  [d (loop d depth)])
+                              (if (and (pair? a)
+                                       (eq? (car a) quot)
+                                       (pair? d)
+                                       (eq? (car d) quot))
+                                  (list quot (combine (cadr a) (cadr d)))
+                                  (list combine-name a d))))])
+           (cond
+             [(pair? s)
+              (let ([a (car s)])
+                (cond
+                  [(and (identifier? a)
+                        (free-id=? (syntax-e a) 'unquote))
+                   (unless (= (length s) 2)
+                     (bad-syntax s))
+                   (if (= depth 0)
+                       (cadr s)
+                       (loop-pair list (quote-syntax list) a (cadr s) (- depth 1)))]
+                  [(and (identifier? a)
+                        (free-id=? (syntax-e a) 'unquote-splicing))
+                   (syntax-error "misplaced splicing unquote" s)]
+                  [(and (pair? a)
+                        (identifier? (car a))
+                        (free-id=? (syntax-e (car a)) 'unquote-splicing))
+                   (unless (= (length a) 2)
+                     (bad-syntax a))
+                   (if (= depth 0)
+                       (if (null? (cdr s))
+                           (cadr a)
+                           (list (quote-syntax append) (cadr a) (loop (cdr s) depth)))
+                       (loop-pair cons (quote-syntax cons) a (cdr s) depth))]
+                  [(and (identifier? a)
+                        (free-id=? (syntax-e a) 'quasiquote))
+                   (unless (= (length s) 2)
+                     (bad-syntax s))
+                   (loop-pair list (quote-syntax list) a (cadr s) (+ depth 1))]
+                  [else
+                   (loop-pair cons (quote-syntax cons) a (cdr s) depth)]))]
+             [else (list quot s)])))))))
+(define-syntax unquote misplaced-syntax)
+(define-syntax unquote-splicing misplaced-syntax)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/state.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; The state of expansion is a combinion of
+;;  * bindings
+;;  * defined variables being lifted, or #f for a module top
+;;  * "nominals", which is information about `require`s that is
+;;    used to implement `(provide (all-from-out ....))`
+(define make-state (lambda (binds nominals) (cons binds (cons #f nominals))))
+(define state-binds car)
+(define state-variables cadr)
+(define state-nominals cddr)
+(define (state-set-binds state binds) (cons binds (cdr state)))
+(define (state-set-nominals state nominals) (cons (car state) (cons (cadr state) nominals)))
+(define (state-set-variables state variables) (cons (car state) (cons variables (cddr state))))
+;; helper to lookup or update nominals:
+(define (call-with-nominal state mod-path default-ids k)
+  (let* ([fronted
+          (letrec ([assoc-to-front
+                    (lambda (l)
+                      (cond
+                        [(null? l) (list (cons mod-path default-ids))]
+                        [(mod-path=? mod-path (caar l)) l]
+                        [else (let ([new-l (assoc-to-front (cdr l))])
+                                (cons (car new-l) (cons (car l) (cdr new-l))))]))])
+            (assoc-to-front (state-nominals state)))])
+    (k (cdar fronted)
+       (lambda (new-sym+bs)
+         (let* ([new-noms (cons (cons (caar fronted) new-sym+bs)
+                                (cdr fronted))])
+           (state-set-nominals state new-noms))))))
+(define (init-nominal state mod-path)
+  (call-with-nominal state mod-path '()
+                     (lambda (sym+binds install)
+                       (install sym+binds))))
+(define (record-nominal state mod-path sym bind)
+  (call-with-nominal state mod-path '()
+                     (lambda (sym+binds install)
+                       (install (cons (cons sym bind) sym+binds)))))
+(define (lookup-nominal state mod-path)
+  (call-with-nominal state mod-path #f
+                     (lambda (sym+binds install)
+                       sym+binds)))
+;; in case `all-from-out` is used on the initial import,
+;; adds all the current ids in `binds` as nominally imported
+(define (initial-nominals mod-path sym+bs)
+  (list (cons mod-path sym+bs)))
+;; Module top-level state contains provides and submodules
+(define empty-modtop (cons '() '()))
+(define modtop-provides car)
+(define modtop-modules cdr)
+(define (modtop-set-provides modtop provides) (cons provides (cdr modtop)))
+(define (modtop-set-modules modtop modules) (cons (car modtop) modules))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/struct.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(require "and-or.zuo"
+         "syntax-error.zuo"
+         "../pair.zuo"
+         "../list.zuo"
+         "define.zuo"
+         "let.zuo"
+         "quasiquote.zuo"
+         "../more.zuo")
+(provide struct)
+(define-syntax struct
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (unless (and (list? stx)
+                 (= (length stx) 3)
+                 (identifier? (cadr stx)))
+      (bad-syntax stx))
+    (define name (cadr stx))
+    (define fields (cadr (cdr stx)))
+    (unless (and (list? fields)
+                 (andmap identifier? fields))
+      (bad-syntax stx))
+    (define key `(,(quote-syntax quote)
+                  ,(string->uninterned-symbol (symbol->string (syntax-e name)))))
+    (define name? (string->symbol (datum->syntax name (~a (syntax-e name) "?"))))
+    `(,(quote-syntax begin)
+      (,(quote-syntax define) ,name
+                              (,(quote-syntax lambda)
+                               ,fields
+                               (,(quote-syntax opaque) ,key
+                                                       (,(quote-syntax list) ,@fields))))
+      (,(quote-syntax define) (,name? v) (,(quote-syntax and)
+                                          (,(quote-syntax opaque-ref) ,key v #f)
+                                          #t))
+      ,@(let loop ([fields fields] [index 0])
+          (cond
+            [(null? fields) '()]
+            [else
+             (let ([field (car fields)])
+               (let ([ref (datum->syntax field (string->symbol (~a (syntax-e name)
+                                                                   "-"
+                                                                   (syntax-e field))))]
+                     [set (datum->syntax field (string->symbol (~a (syntax-e name)
+                                                                   "-set-"
+                                                                   (syntax-e field))))])
+                 (define mk
+                   (lambda (head res)
+                     `(,(quote-syntax define) ,head
+                                              (,(quote-syntax let)
+                                               ([c (,(quote-syntax opaque-ref) ,key v #f)])
+                                               (,(quote-syntax if)
+                                                c
+                                                ,res
+                                                (,(quote-syntax arg-error)
+                                                 (,(quote-syntax quote) ,(car head))
+                                                 ,(symbol->string (syntax-e name))
+                                                 v))))))
+                 (cons
+                  `(,(quote-syntax begin)
+                    ,(mk `(,ref v) `(,(quote-syntax list-ref) c ,index))
+                    ,(mk `(,set v a) `(,(quote-syntax opaque) ,key (,(quote-syntax list-set) c ,index a))))
+                  (loop (cdr fields)
+                        (+ index 1)))))])))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-common/syntax-error.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(provide syntax-error
+         bad-syntax
+         misplaced-syntax
+         duplicate-identifier)
+(define syntax-error
+  (lambda (msg stx)
+    (error (~a msg ": " (~s (syntax->datum stx))))))
+(define bad-syntax
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (syntax-error "bad syntax" stx)))
+(define misplaced-syntax
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (syntax-error "misplaced syntax" stx)))
+(define duplicate-identifier
+  (lambda (stx)
+    (syntax-error "duplicate identifier" stx)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#lang zuo/private/stitcher
+;; Instantiates the expander for hygienic, set-of-scopes macros
+(define macro-protocol 'scope-sets)
+(define merge-bindings-export-key 'scope-sets-bindings)
+(define language-mod-path 'zuo/private/base-hygienic)
+(include "base-common/lib.zuo")
+(include "base-common/bind-struct.zuo")
+(include "base-common/state.zuo")
+(include "base-hygienic/syntax.zuo")
+(include "base-common/dynamic.zuo")
+(include "base-common/bind.zuo")
+(include "base-common/parse.zuo")
+(include "base-common/entry.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/and-or.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/and-or.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/check-dups.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/check-dups.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/define-help.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/define-help.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/define.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/define.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/let.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/let.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/main.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(provide (all-from-out zuo/private/base-hygienic))
+(include "../base-common/main.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/more-syntax.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/more-syntax.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/opt-lambda.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/opt-lambda.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/quasiquote.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/quasiquote.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/struct.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/struct.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/syntax-error.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base-hygienic
+(include "../base-common/syntax-error.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base-hygienic/syntax.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,227 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; This set-of-scopes implementation is based on the "pico" branch of
+;;   https://github.com/mflatt/expander/
+(define (make-scope name) (string->uninterned-symbol name))
+(define (set-add ht v) (hash-set ht v #t))
+(define set-remove hash-remove)
+(define (set-flip ht v)
+  (let ([ht2 (hash-remove ht v)])
+    (if (eq? ht ht2)
+        (hash-set ht v #t)
+        ht2)))
+(define (scope-set=? sc1 sc2)
+  (and (hash-keys-subset? sc1 sc2)
+       (hash-keys-subset? sc2 sc1)))
+;; A syntax object is an opaque record combining a symbol with scopes
+(define syntax-tag (string->uninterned-symbol "syntax"))
+(define identifier (lambda (sym scopes) (opaque syntax-tag (cons sym scopes))))
+(define identifier? (lambda (v) (symbol? (car (opaque-ref syntax-tag v '(#f . #f))))))
+(define syntax-e (lambda (v) (car (opaque-ref syntax-tag v #f))))
+(define identifier-scopes (lambda (v) (cdr (opaque-ref syntax-tag v #f))))
+(define datum->syntax
+  (letrec ([datum->syntax (lambda (ctx v)
+                            (cond
+                              [(symbol? v) (identifier v (identifier-scopes ctx))]
+                              [(pair? v) (cons (datum->syntax ctx (car v))
+                                               (datum->syntax ctx (cdr v)))]
+                              [else v]))])
+    datum->syntax))
+(define syntax->datum
+  (letrec ([syntax->datum (lambda (s)
+                            (cond
+                              [(identifier? s) (syntax-e s)]
+                              [(pair? s) (cons (syntax->datum (car s))
+                                               (syntax->datum (cdr s)))]
+                              [else s]))])
+    syntax->datum))
+(define checked-syntax-e
+  (let ([syntax-e (lambda (stx)
+                    (unless (identifier? stx)
+                      (arg-error 'syntax-e "syntax object" stx))
+                    (syntax-e stx))])
+    syntax-e))
+(define checked-datum->syntax
+  (let ([datum->syntax (lambda (ctx v)
+                         (unless (identifier? ctx)
+                           (arg-error 'datum->syntax "syntax object" ctx))
+                         (datum->syntax ctx v))])
+    datum->syntax))
+(define checked-syntax->datum syntax->datum)
+;; Note: no lazy propagation, so this isn't going to scale well
+(define adjust-scope
+  (letrec ([adjust-scope
+            (lambda (s scope op)
+              (cond
+                [(pair? s) (cons (adjust-scope (car s) scope op)
+                                 (adjust-scope (cdr s) scope op))]
+                [(identifier? s) (identifier (syntax-e s)
+                                             (op (identifier-scopes s) scope))]
+                [else s]))])
+    adjust-scope))
+(define (add-scope s scope) (adjust-scope s scope set-add))
+(define (remove-scope s scope) (adjust-scope s scope set-remove))
+(define (flip-scope s scope) (adjust-scope s scope set-flip))
+;; Unlike the "pico" expander, this one has some support for modules.
+;; To avoid a global mutable table (which the kernel does not allow!),
+;; we pull in binding information from another module whenever we
+;; require a module. That merge is somewhat expensive, so as a
+;; shortcut, a `binds` pairs the binding table with a "merged" table
+;; to record when a merge has already been performed from each module.
+(define make-binds cons)
+(define binds-hash car)
+(define binds-merged cdr)
+(define (binds-set-hash binds ht) (cons ht (cdr binds)))
+(define (add-binding* binds id binding)
+  (let* ([sym (syntax-e id)]
+         [sc (identifier-scopes id)]
+         [ht (binds-hash binds)]
+         [sym-binds (hash-ref ht sym (hash))]
+         [k-scope (car (hash-keys sc))] ; relying on deterministic order
+         [sc+bs (hash-ref sym-binds k-scope '())]
+         [sym-binds (hash-set sym-binds k-scope (cons (cons sc binding) sc+bs))])
+    (binds-set-hash binds (hash-set ht sym sym-binds))))
+(define (find-all-matching-bindings binds id)
+  (let* ([sym (syntax-e id)]
+         [id-sc (identifier-scopes id)]
+         [sym-binds (hash-ref (binds-hash binds) sym #f)])
+    (if (not sym-binds)
+        '()
+        (foldl (lambda (scope lst)
+                 (foldl (lambda (sc+b lst)
+                          (let* ([sc (car sc+b)])
+                            (if (hash-keys-subset? sc id-sc)
+                                (cons sc+b lst)
+                                lst)))
+                        lst
+                        (hash-ref sym-binds scope '())))
+               '()
+               (hash-keys sym-binds)))))
+(define (check-unambiguous id max-sc+b candidate-sc+bs)
+  (map (lambda (sc+b)
+         (unless (hash-keys-subset? (car sc+b)
+                                    (car max-sc+b))
+           (error "ambiguous" (syntax-e id))))
+       candidate-sc+bs))
+(define (resolve* binds id same-defn-ctx?)
+  (let* ([candidate-sc+bs (find-all-matching-bindings binds id)])
+    (cond
+      [(pair? candidate-sc+bs)
+       (let* ([max-sc+binding (foldl (lambda (sc+b max-sc+b)
+                                       (if (> (hash-count (car max-sc+b))
+                                              (hash-count (car sc+b)))
+                                           max-sc+b
+                                           sc+b))
+                                     (car candidate-sc+bs)
+                                     (cdr candidate-sc+bs))])
+         (check-unambiguous id max-sc+binding candidate-sc+bs)
+         (if same-defn-ctx?
+             (and (scope-set=? (identifier-scopes id)
+                               (car max-sc+binding))
+                  (cdr max-sc+binding))
+             (cdr max-sc+binding)))]
+      [else #f])))
+(define (bound-identifier=? id1 id2)
+  (unless (identifier? id1) (arg-error 'bound-identifier=? "syntax object" id1))
+  (unless (identifier? id2) (arg-error 'bound-identifier=? "syntax object" id2))
+  (and (eq? (syntax-e id1) (syntax-e id2))
+       (scope-set=? (identifier-scopes id1)
+                    (identifier-scopes id2))))
+(include "../base-common/free-id-eq.zuo")
+;; Definition-context tracking is covered by scopes
+(define (new-defn-context* binds)
+  binds)
+;; The merge step described above at `make-binds`
+(define (merge-binds* binds key+m-binds)
+  (let* ([merged (binds-merged binds)]
+         [key (car key+m-binds)])
+    (cond
+      [(hash-ref merged key #f)
+       ;; already merged
+       binds]
+      [else
+       (let* ([merged (hash-set merged key #t)]
+              [ht (binds-hash binds)]
+              [m-ht (binds-hash (cdr key+m-binds))]
+              [new-ht (foldl (lambda (sym ht)
+                               (let* ([sym-ht (hash-ref ht sym (hash))]
+                                      [m-sym-ht (hash-ref m-ht sym #f)]
+                                      [new-sym-ht
+                                       (foldl (lambda (s sym-ht)
+                                                (hash-set sym-ht
+                                                          s
+                                                          (append (hash-ref m-sym-ht s '())
+                                                                  (hash-ref sym-ht s '()))))
+                                              sym-ht
+                                              (hash-keys m-sym-ht))])
+                                 (hash-set ht sym new-sym-ht)))
+                             ht
+                             (hash-keys m-ht))])
+         (make-binds new-ht merged))])))
+;; Convert an expansion context plus bindings to mergable key+binds
+(define (make-export-merge-binds ctx binds)
+  (cons (car (hash-keys (identifier-scopes ctx))) binds))
+;; A fresh module context has a fresh scope
+(define (make-module-context mod-path)
+  (let* ([mod-scope (make-scope "module")]
+         [ctx (identifier 'module (hash mod-scope #t))])
+    ctx))
+;; Creates a binding table from an initial imports and a
+;; context that was just created from `make-module-context`
+(define (binds-create provides ctx)
+  (let* ([sc (identifier-scopes ctx)]
+         [scope (car (hash-keys sc))])
+    (let ([binds-ht (foldl (lambda (sym binds-ht)
+                             (let ([bind (hash-ref provides sym #f)])
+                               (hash-set binds-ht sym (hash scope (list (cons sc bind))))))
+                           (hash)
+                           (hash-keys provides))])
+      (make-binds binds-ht (hash)))))
+;; Implements the `quote-syntax` form
+(define (syntax-quote v mod-ctx binds)
+  (list 'quote v))
+(define (apply-macro m s ctx binds name k)
+  (let* ([apply-macro
+          (lambda (proc ctx)
+            (let* ([new-scope (make-scope "macro")]
+                   [s (add-scope s new-scope)]
+                   [s (apply-macro* proc s name (lambda (a b)
+                                                  (free-id=? binds (datum->syntax ctx a)
+                                                             (datum->syntax ctx b))))]
+                   [s (datum->syntax ctx s)]
+                   [s (flip-scope s new-scope)])
+              (k s binds)))])
+    (cond
+      [(defined-macro? m) (apply-macro (defined-macro-proc m) ctx)]
+      [else
+       (let* ([implementation (macro-implementation m)]
+              [proc (car implementation)]
+              [ctx (cdr implementation)])
+         (apply-macro proc ctx))])))
+;; Convert a local macro to one that can be used as imported elsewhere
+(define (make-exported-macro proc ctx)
+  (make-macro (cons proc ctx)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#lang zuo/private/stitcher
+;; Instantiates the expander for non-hygenic-by-default macros
+(define macro-protocol 'defmacro)
+(define merge-bindings-export-key 'defmacro-bindings)
+(define language-mod-path 'zuo/private/base)
+(include "base-common/lib.zuo")
+(include "base-common/bind-struct.zuo")
+(include "base-common/state.zuo")
+(include "base/s-exp.zuo")
+(include "base-common/dynamic.zuo")
+(include "base-common/bind.zuo")
+(include "base-common/parse.zuo")
+(include "base-common/entry.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/and-or.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/and-or.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/check-dups.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/check-dups.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/define-help.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/define-help.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/define.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/define.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/let.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/let.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/main.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(provide (all-from-out zuo/private/base))
+(include "../base-common/main.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/more-syntax.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/more-syntax.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/opt-lambda.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/opt-lambda.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/quasiquote.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/quasiquote.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/s-exp.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,157 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; A context is just a distinct identity used in binding tables
+(define (make-module-context mod-path)
+  (string->uninterned-symbol "module"))
+;; A syntactic-closure syntax object pairs a symbol with a context
+(define syntactic-closure-tag (string->uninterned-symbol "identifier"))
+(define (syntactic-closure sym ctx) (opaque syntactic-closure-tag (cons sym ctx)))
+(define (syntactic-closure? v) (and (opaque-ref syntactic-closure-tag v #f) #t))
+(define (syntactic-closure-sym sc) (car (opaque-ref syntactic-closure-tag sc #f)))
+(define (syntactic-closure-ctx sc) (cdr (opaque-ref syntactic-closure-tag sc #f)))
+(define (identifier? v)
+  (or (symbol? v)
+      (syntactic-closure? v)))
+(define (syntax-e x)
+  (if (symbol? x)
+      x
+      (syntactic-closure-sym x)))
+(define (datum->syntax ctx d) d)
+(define syntax->datum
+  (letrec ([syntax->datum
+            (lambda (stx)
+              (cond
+                [(pair? stx) (cons (syntax->datum (car stx))
+                                   (syntax->datum (cdr stx)))]
+                [(identifier? stx) (syntax-e stx)]
+                [else stx]))])
+    syntax->datum))
+(define checked-syntax-e
+  (let ([syntax-e (lambda (x)
+                    (unless (identifier? x) (arg-error 'syntax-e "syntax object" x))
+                    (syntax-e x))])
+    syntax-e))
+(define checked-datum->syntax
+  (let ([datum->syntax (lambda (ctx d)
+                         (unless (identifier? ctx) (arg-error 'datum->syntax "syntax object" ctx))
+                         d)])
+    datum->syntax))
+(define checked-syntax->datum syntax->datum)
+;; Binding information has three parts:
+;;   * ctx                : the current binding context
+;;   * sym -> ctx         : the per-symbol default context for plain symbols
+;;   * ctx -> sym -> bind : the binding table
+(define (make-binds ctx sym-hash ctx-hash) (cons ctx (cons sym-hash ctx-hash)))
+(define binds-ctx car)
+(define binds-sym-hash cadr)
+(define binds-ctx-hash cddr)
+(define (binds-set-ctx binds ctx) (cons ctx (cdr binds)))
+(define (binds-set-ctx-hash binds ctx-hash) (cons (car binds) (cons (cadr binds) ctx-hash)))
+(define (binds-create ht ctx)
+  (make-binds ctx
+              (foldl (lambda (sym sym-hash)
+                       (hash-set sym-hash sym ctx))
+                     (hash)
+                     (hash-keys ht))
+              (hash ctx ht)))
+;; We don't need scopes, but these functions are here to line
+;; up with the set-of-scopes API
+(define (make-scope name) #f)
+(define (add-scope e scope) e)
+;; Install a new binding
+(define (add-binding-at binds sym ctx bind)
+  (let* ([sym-hash (binds-sym-hash binds)]
+         [ctx-hash (binds-ctx-hash binds)])
+    (make-binds (binds-ctx binds)
+                (hash-set sym-hash sym ctx)
+                (hash-set ctx-hash ctx (hash-set (hash-ref ctx-hash ctx (hash)) sym bind)))))
+(define (add-binding* binds id bind)
+  (if (symbol? id)
+      (add-binding-at binds
+                      id (binds-ctx binds)
+                      bind)
+      (add-binding-at binds
+                      (syntactic-closure-sym id) (syntactic-closure-ctx id)
+                      bind)))
+;; Find the binding for an identifier
+(define (resolve-at binds sym ctx same-defn-ctx?)
+  (and (or (not same-defn-ctx?)
+           (eq? ctx (binds-ctx binds)))
+       (hash-ref (hash-ref (binds-ctx-hash binds) ctx (hash)) sym #f)))
+(define (resolve* binds id same-defn-ctx?)
+  (if (symbol? id)
+      (resolve-at binds
+                  id (hash-ref (binds-sym-hash binds) id (binds-ctx binds))
+                  same-defn-ctx?)
+      (resolve-at binds
+                  (syntactic-closure-sym id) (syntactic-closure-ctx id)
+                  same-defn-ctx?)))
+(define (new-defn-context* binds)
+  (binds-set-ctx binds (string->uninterned-symbol "def")))
+;; When we require a module, we need to pull in binding information
+;; from the macro's module; the separate module contexts keep different binding
+;; information from getting mixed up
+(define (merge-binds* binds ctx+m-binds)
+  (let* ([ctx-hash (binds-ctx-hash binds)]
+         [ctx (car ctx+m-binds)])
+    (if (hash-ref ctx-hash ctx #f)
+        ;; must be merged already
+        binds
+        (let* ([m-ctx-hash (binds-ctx-hash (cdr ctx+m-binds))]
+               [new-ctx-hash (foldl (lambda (ctx ctx-hash)
+                                      (hash-set ctx-hash ctx (hash-ref m-ctx-hash ctx #f)))
+                                    ctx-hash
+                                    (hash-keys m-ctx-hash))])
+          (binds-set-ctx-hash binds new-ctx-hash)))))
+;; Convert an expansion context plus bindings to mergable ctx+binds
+(define (make-export-merge-binds ctx binds)
+  (cons ctx binds))
+(define (bound-identifier=? a b)
+  (unless (identifier? a) (arg-error 'bound-identifier=? "syntax object" a))
+  (unless (identifier? b) (arg-error 'bound-identifier=? "syntax object" b))
+  (or (and (syntactic-closure? a)
+           (syntactic-closure? b)
+           (eq? (syntactic-closure-sym a) (syntactic-closure-sym b))
+           (eq? (syntactic-closure-ctx a) (syntactic-closure-ctx b)))
+      (eq? a b)))
+(include "../base-common/free-id-eq.zuo")
+;; syntax-quote turns a symbol into a syntactic closure, and leaves everything
+;; else alone; the closure captures the enclosing context where the symbol is
+;; currently bound, or the module context if it's not bound
+(define (syntax-quote v mod-ctx binds)
+  (letrec ([syntax-quote
+            (lambda (v)
+              (cond
+                [(pair? v) (list 'cons (syntax-quote (car v)) (syntax-quote (cdr v)))]
+                [(null? v) '()]
+                [(symbol? v)
+                 (list 'quote (syntactic-closure v (hash-ref (binds-sym-hash binds) v mod-ctx)))]
+                [else v]))])
+    (syntax-quote v)))
+(define (apply-macro m s ctx binds name k)
+  (let ([proc (if (defined-macro? m)
+                  (defined-macro-proc m)
+                  (macro-implementation m))])
+    (k (apply-macro* proc s name (lambda (a b) (free-id=? binds a b)))
+       binds)))
+;; Convert a local macro to one that can be used as imported elsewhere
+(define (make-exported-macro proc ctx)
+  (make-macro proc))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/struct.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/struct.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/base/syntax-error.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(include "../base-common/syntax-error.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/build-db.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,230 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+;; Build results for each target are stored in the target's directory
+;; in "_zuo.db". Since multiple targets are likely to be in the same
+;; directory, the goal here is to be able to load information for all
+;; the targets at once.
+;; A timestamp-based SHA-1 cache for input files is stored in
+;; "_zuo_tc.db" alongside "_zuo.db" --- in the directory of a target
+;; that depends on the input files, not in the input file's directory
+;; (which is likely to be in the source tree). An input used by
+;; targets in different directories will have information cached in
+;; each of those directories. The cache may also include information
+;; for non-input targets that are dependencies, just because it's
+;; easier to not distinguish when writing.
+;; Paths are stored in the ".db" files as absolute (when they started
+;; that way in a target) or relative to the file's directory. The
+;; format of each file is a top-level sequence of
+;;   (<rel-path> . <info>)
+;; For "_zuo.db", it's more specifically
+;;   (<rel-path> <sha1> (<dep-rel-path> <sha1>) ...)
+;; For "_zuo_tc.db", it's
+;;   (<rel-path> (<time-secs> . <time-msec>) <sha1>)
+(provide db-record-target-sha1s
+         db-load-sha1s
+         file-sha1/cached
+         path->absolute-path
+         dir-part
+         symbol->key
+         symbol-key?
+         symbol-key->symbol)
+;; for serialization and deserialization of dep-sha1s tables
+(define (hash->list ht db-dir)
+  (map (lambda (k) (list (serialize-key k db-dir) (hash-ref ht k)))
+       (hash-keys ht)))
+(define (list->hash l db-dir)
+  (foldl (lambda (p ht) (hash-set ht (deserialize-key (car p) db-dir) (cadr p)))
+         (hash)
+         l))
+(define (serialize-key key db-dir)
+  (if (symbol-key? key)
+      (symbol-key->symbol key)
+      ;; otherwise, represents a path
+      (let ([path (symbol->string key)])
+        (if (relative-path? path)
+            (find-relative-path db-dir
+                                (if (relative-path? db-dir)
+                                    path
+                                    (path->complete-path path)))
+            path))))
+(define (deserialize-key key db-dir)
+  (if (string? key)
+      (string->symbol (if (relative-path? key)
+                          (build-path db-dir key)
+                          key))
+      (symbol->key key)))
+;; All relative file names are stored relative to `db-dir`, which
+;; defaults to the directory of target-path. Meanwhile, `target-path`
+;; and keys in an incoming ts are (or outgoing ts must be) relative to
+;; the current directory.
+(define (db-paths maybe-db-dir target-path k)
+  (define target-dir+name (split-path target-path))
+  (define target-dir (or (car target-dir+name) "."))
+  (define db-dir (or maybe-db-dir target-dir))
+  (define rel-target-path
+    (if (relative-path? target-path)
+        (if maybe-db-dir
+            (find-relative-path maybe-db-dir target-path)
+            (cdr target-dir+name))
+        target-path))
+  (define db-path (build-path db-dir "_zuo.db"))
+  (define tc-path (build-path db-dir "_zuo_tc.db"))
+  (k rel-target-path db-dir db-path tc-path))
+;; Records the result of a build of `name`, mainly storing the
+;; SHA-1 and dep SHA-1s in "_zuo.db", but also recording a timestamp
+;; plus SHA-1 for dependencies in "_zuo_tc.db".
+;; All relative file names are stored relative to `db-dir`, which
+;; defaults to the directory of target-path. On entry, `target-path`
+;; and keys in `ts` are relative to the current directory.
+(define (db-record-target-sha1s maybe-db-dir target-path ts co-outputs)
+  (db-paths
+   maybe-db-dir target-path
+   (lambda (rel-target-path db-dir db-path tc-path)
+     (define db-content
+       (if (file-exists? db-path)
+           (string-read (file->string db-path) 0 db-path)
+           '()))
+     (define dep-sha1s-l (hash->list (cdr ts) db-dir))
+     (define new-db-content (reassoc (list* rel-target-path (car ts) dep-sha1s-l) db-content))
+     (update-file db-path new-db-content)
+     (unless (ormap (lambda (p) (string=? (car p) "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")) (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env))
+       (define tc-content
+         (if (file-exists? tc-path)
+             (string-read (file->string tc-path) 0 tc-path)
+             '()))
+       (define new-tc-content
+         (foldl (lambda (dep tc-content)
+                  (define dep-name (car dep))
+                  (cond
+                    [(symbol? dep-name) tc-content]
+                    [else
+                     (define time (file-timestamp (if (relative-path? dep-name)
+                                                      (build-path db-dir dep-name)
+                                                      dep-name)))
+                     (cond
+                       [time (reassoc (list dep-name time (substring (cadr dep) 0 40)) tc-content)]
+                       [else tc-content])]))
+                tc-content
+                (if (pair? co-outputs)
+                    (append (split-sha1s rel-target-path co-outputs (car ts) db-dir)
+                            dep-sha1s-l)
+                    (cons (list rel-target-path (car ts)) dep-sha1s-l))))
+       (update-file tc-path new-tc-content)))))
+;; Loads previous-build information for `abs-path`, as well as cached
+;; SHA-1s for things that might be dependencies; loading needs to
+;; happen only once per directory that has a (non-input) build target
+(define (db-load-sha1s maybe-db-dir target-path db tc)
+  (db-paths
+   maybe-db-dir target-path
+   (lambda (name db-dir db-path tc-path)
+     (define key (string->symbol db-path))
+     (cond
+       [(hash-ref db key #f)
+        ;; already loaded
+        #f]
+       [else
+        ;; if loading fails, then we'll delete files on the
+        ;; grounds that they must be in bad shape
+        (define (read-in path table deserialize)
+          (suspend-signal) ; don't lose the file as a result of Ctl-C
+          (define c-handle (cleanable-file path))
+          (define content (if (file-exists? path)
+                              (string-read (file->string path) 0 path)
+                              '()))
+          (define new
+            (foldl (lambda (name+val table)
+                     (define name (car name+val))
+                     (define key (string->symbol (if (relative-path? name)
+                                                     (build-path db-dir name)
+                                                     name)))
+                     (hash-set table key (deserialize (cdr name+val))))
+                   table
+                   content))
+          (cleanable-cancel c-handle)
+          (resume-signal)
+          new)
+        (define new-db (read-in db-path (hash-set db key #t)
+                                (lambda (v)
+                                  (cons (car v)
+                                        (list->hash (cdr v) db-dir)))))
+        (define new-tc (read-in tc-path tc (lambda (v) v)))
+        (cons new-db new-tc)]))))
+;; Helpers to get an input file's SHA-1, possibly cached
+(define (file-sha1/cached path time-cache)
+  (let ([timestamp (file-timestamp path)])
+    (and timestamp
+         (let ([cached (and time-cache
+                            (hash-ref time-cache
+                                      (string->symbol path)
+                                      #f))])
+           (if (and cached
+                    (equal? (car cached) timestamp))
+               (cadr cached)
+               (string-sha1 (file->string path)))))))
+;; Split "sha1", which should have a sha1 for each of `rel-target-path`
+;; and each element of `co-outputs`, into a list of sha1s
+(define (split-sha1s rel-target-path co-outputs sha1 db-dir)
+  (cons (list rel-target-path (substring sha1 0 40))
+        (let loop ([co-outputs co-outputs] [start 40])
+          (cond
+            [(null? co-outputs) '()]
+            [else
+             (let ([co-output (car co-outputs)])
+               (cons (list (if (relative-path? co-output)
+                               (find-relative-path db-dir co-output)
+                               co-output)
+                           (substring sha1 start (+ start 40)))
+                     (loop (cdr co-outputs) (+ start 40))))]))))
+;; Atomic write by write-to-temporary-and-move
+(define (update-file path new-content)
+  (define path-tmp (~a path "-tmp"))
+  (display-to-file (string-join (map ~s new-content) "\n") path-tmp :truncate)
+  (when (eq? 'windows (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type))
+    (when (file-exists? path) (rm path)))
+  (mv path-tmp path))
+;; Like `hash-set`, but for an association list
+(define (reassoc pr content)
+  (cond
+    [(null? content) (list pr)]
+    [(string=? (caar content) (car pr)) (cons pr (cdr content))]
+    [else (cons (car content) (reassoc pr (cdr content)))]))
+(define (file-timestamp path)
+  (define s (stat path))
+  (and s (list (hash-ref s 'modify-time-seconds)
+               (hash-ref s 'modify-time-nanoseconds))))
+(define (path->absolute-path p)
+  (if (relative-path? p)
+      (build-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir) p)
+      p))
+(define (dir-part path)
+  (if (symbol? path)
+      "."
+      (or (car (split-path path)) ".")))
+(define (symbol->key name)
+  (string->uninterned-symbol (~a "!" (symbol->string name))))
+(define (symbol-key? sym)
+  (let ([str (symbol->string sym)])
+    (and (= (char "!") (string-ref str 0))
+         (not (eq? sym (string->symbol str))))))
+(define (symbol-key->symbol sym)
+  (let ([str (symbol->string sym)])
+    (string->symbol (substring str 1 (string-length str)))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/cmdline-run.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,159 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(provide run-cmdline
+         flag-parser)
+(define (run-cmdline program cmd args flags finish-handler finish-spec usage help-specs)
+  (define (finish cmd args)
+    (define expected (+ (length (car finish-spec))
+                        (length (cdr finish-spec))))
+    (unless (if (null? (cddr finish-spec))
+                (and (>= (length args) (length (car finish-spec)))
+                     (<= (length args) (+ (length (car finish-spec))
+                                          (length (cadr finish-spec)))))
+                (>= (length args) (length (car finish-spec))))
+      (error (~a program
+                 ": expected "
+                 (let ([s (spec->expected-string finish-spec)])
+                   (if (string=? "" s)
+                       "no command-line arguments"
+                       (~a "arguments " s)))
+                 (if (null? args)
+                     ""
+                     (~a "\n  given arguments:\n   "
+                         (string-join (map ~a args) "\n   "))))))
+    (apply-cmd "arguments handler" (apply finish-handler args) cmd))
+  (let loop ([pend-flags '()] [args args] [saw (hash)] [cmd cmd])
+    (cond
+      [(and (null? args) (null? pend-flags)) (finish cmd args)]
+      [else
+       (let* ([arg (if (pair? pend-flags) (car pend-flags) (car args))]
+              [pend-flags (if (pair? pend-flags) (cdr pend-flags) '())]
+              [args (if (pair? pend-flags) args (cdr args))]
+              [a (assoc arg flags)])
+         (cond
+           [a ((cdr a) program pend-flags (cons arg args) cmd saw loop)]
+           [(string=? arg "--") (if (null? pend-flags)
+                                    (finish cmd args)
+                                    (loop (append pend-flags (list arg)) args saw cmd))]
+           [(or (string=? arg "--help")
+                (string=? arg "-h"))
+            (show-help program finish-spec usage help-specs flags)
+            (exit 0)]
+           [(and (> (string-length arg) 2)
+                 (= (string-ref arg 0) (char "-"))
+                 (not (= (string-ref arg 1) (char "-"))))
+            (loop (split-flags arg) args saw cmd)]
+           [(and (> (string-length arg) 0)
+                 (or (= (string-ref arg 0) (char "-"))
+                     (= (string-ref arg 0) (char "+"))))
+            (error (~a program ": unrecognized flag " arg))]
+           [else (finish cmd (cons arg args))]))])))
+(define (split-flags s)
+  (let loop ([i 1])
+    (if (= i (string-length s))
+        '()
+        (cons (string (char "-") (string-ref s i))
+              (loop (+ i 1))))))
+(define (spec->expected-string spec)
+  (~a (string-join (car spec))
+      (let ([dots (if (null? (cddr spec)) "" " ...")])
+        (if (null? (cadr spec))
+            dots
+            (~a " [" (string-join (cadr spec)) dots "]")))))
+(define (flag-parser key handler spec)
+  (lambda (program pend-flags flag+args cmd saw k)
+    (when key
+      (when (hash-ref saw key #f)
+        (error (~a program ": redundant or conflicting flag " (car flag+args)))))
+    (define new-saw (if key (hash-set saw key #t) saw))
+    (define args (cdr flag+args))
+    (unless (>= (length args) (length (car spec)))
+      (error (~a program
+                 ": expected more arguments for "
+                 (car flag+args)
+                 " "
+                 (spec->expected-string spec))))
+    (define consumed (if (= 3 (length spec))
+                         args
+                         (let loop ([args args] [need (length (car spec))] [allow (length (cadr spec))])
+                           (cond
+                             [(= (+ need allow) 0) '()]
+                             [(null? args) '()]
+                             [else (cons (car args)
+                                         (loop (cdr args)
+                                               (if (= need 0) 0 (- need 1))
+                                               (if (= need 0) (- allow 1) allow)))]))))
+    (define rest-args (list-tail args (length consumed)))
+    (k pend-flags rest-args new-saw (apply-cmd (~a "handler for " (car flag+args))
+                                               (apply handler consumed)
+                                               cmd))))
+(define (apply-cmd who handler cmd)
+  (if (procedure? handler)
+      (handler cmd)
+      (error (~a " did not produce a procedure to receive accumulated state"))))
+(define (show-help program finish-spec usage help-specs flags)
+  (displayln
+   (~a "usage: " program " "
+       (or usage
+           (~a "[<option> ...]"
+               (let ([s (spec->expected-string finish-spec)])
+                 (if (string=? s "")
+                     ""
+                     (~a " " s)))))))
+  (display "\n<option> is one of\n\n")
+  (let loop ([help-specs help-specs] [in-key #f])
+    (unless (null? help-specs)
+      (define next-key (and (pair? (cdr help-specs))
+                            (caar (cdr help-specs))))
+      (define help-spec (car help-specs))
+      (define key (car help-spec))
+      (define flags (list-ref help-spec 1))
+      (define spec (list-ref help-spec 2))
+      (define text (list-ref help-spec 3))
+      (displayln (~a (cond
+                       [(not key) "*"]
+                       [(eq? key in-key) "|"]
+                       [(eq? key next-key) "/"]
+                       [(eq? key next-key) "|"]
+                       [else " "])
+                     " "
+                     (string-join flags ", ")))
+      (let loop ([text text])
+        (when (pair? text)
+          (displayln (~a (cond
+                           [(eq? key next-key) "|"]
+                           [(and key (eq? key in-key))
+                            (if (null? (cdr text))
+                                "\\"
+                                "|")]
+                           [else " "])
+                         "    "
+                         (car text)))
+          (loop (cdr text))))
+      (loop (cdr help-specs) key)))
+  (display (~a "  --help" (if (assoc "-h" flags) "" ", -h") "\n"
+               "     Show this help\n"
+               "  --\n"
+               "     Do not treat any remaining argument as a switch (at this level)\n"
+               "\n"))
+  (define any-mult? (ormap (lambda (help-spec) (not (car help-spec))) help-specs))
+  (define any-excl? (let loop ([help-specs help-specs] [key #f])
+                      (and (pair? help-specs)
+                           (or (and key (eq? key (caar help-specs)))
+                               (loop (cdr help-specs) (caar help-specs))))))
+  (when any-mult?
+    (display " *   Asterisks indicate options allowed multiple times.\n"))
+  (when any-excl?
+    (display " /|\\ Brackets indicate mutually exclusive options.\n"))
+  (when (or any-mult? any-excl?)
+    (display "\n"))
+  (display (~a " Multiple single-letter switches can be combined after\n"
+               " one `-`. For example, `-h-` is the same as `-h --`.\n")))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/list.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,115 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+;; See note in "pair.zuo" about language choice
+(require "base/and-or.zuo")
+(provide list*
+         list-tail
+         map
+         for-each
+         foldl
+         andmap
+         ormap
+         filter)
+(define list*
+  (lambda (val . vals)
+    (if (null? vals)
+        val
+        (cons val (apply list* vals)))))
+(define list-tail
+  (lambda (l n)
+    (unless (and (integer? n) (>= n 0)) (arg-error 'list-tail "index" n))
+    (letrec ([list-tail (lambda (n l)
+                          (cond
+                            [(= n 0) l]
+                            [(pair? l) (list-tail (- n 1) (cdr l))]
+                            [else (error "list-tail: encountered a non-pair" l)]))])
+      (list-tail n l))))
+(define foldl
+  (lambda (f init lst)
+    (unless (procedure? f) (arg-error 'foldl "procedure" f))
+    (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'foldl "list" lst))
+    (letrec ([foldl (lambda (accum lst)
+                      (if (null? lst)
+                          accum
+                          (foldl (f (car lst) accum) (cdr lst))))])
+      (foldl init lst))))
+;; Other functions could be written with `foldl`, but we write them
+;; directly so that a more helpful name shows up stack traces
+(define map
+  (lambda (f lst . lsts)
+    (unless (procedure? f) (arg-error 'map "procedure" f))
+    (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'map "list" lst))
+    (cond
+      [(null? lsts)
+       (letrec ([map (lambda (lst)
+                       (if (null? lst)
+                           '()
+                           (cons (f (car lst)) (map (cdr lst)))))])
+         (map lst))]
+      [else
+       (letrec ([check (lambda (lsts)
+                         (unless (null? lsts)
+                           (unless (list? (car lsts))
+                             (arg-error 'map "list" (car lsts)))
+                           (unless (= (length lst) (length (car lsts)))
+                             (error "map: lists have different lengths" (cons lst lsts)))
+                           (check (cdr lsts))))])
+         (check lsts))
+       (let ([map1 map])
+         (letrec ([map (lambda (lsts)
+                         (if (null? (car lsts))
+                             '()
+                             (cons (apply f (map1 car lsts))
+                                   (map (map1 cdr lsts)))))])
+           (map (cons lst lsts))))])))
+(define for-each
+  (lambda (f lst)
+    (unless (procedure? f) (arg-error 'for-each "procedure" f))
+    (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'for-each "list" lst))
+    (letrec ([for-each (lambda (lst)
+                         (unless (null? lst)
+                           (f (car lst))
+                           (for-each (cdr lst))))])
+      (for-each lst))))
+(define andmap
+  (lambda (f lst)
+    (unless (procedure? f) (arg-error 'andmap "procedure" f))
+    (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'andmap "list" lst))
+    (letrec ([andmap (lambda (lst)
+                       (cond
+                         [(null? lst) #t]
+                         [(null? (cdr lst)) (f (car lst))]
+                         [else (and (f (car lst)) (andmap (cdr lst)))]))])
+      (andmap lst))))
+(define ormap
+  (lambda (f lst)
+    (unless (procedure? f) (arg-error 'ormap "procedure" f))
+    (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'ormap "list" lst))
+    (letrec ([ormap (lambda (lst)
+                      (cond
+                        [(null? lst) #f]
+                        [(null? (cdr lst)) (f (car lst))]
+                        [else (or (f (car lst)) (ormap (cdr lst)))]))])
+      (ormap lst))))
+(define filter
+  (lambda (f lst)
+    (unless (procedure? f) (arg-error 'filter "procedure" f))
+    (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'filter "list" lst))
+    (letrec ([filter (lambda (lst)
+                       (if (null? lst)
+                           '()
+                           (if (f (car lst))
+                               (cons (car lst) (filter (cdr lst)))
+                               (filter (cdr lst)))))])
+      (filter lst))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/looper.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,108 @@
+#lang zuo/kernel
+;; The `zuo/private/looper` language is like `zuo/kernel`, but adds
+;; `letrec`, `cond`, and `let*` --- because implementing simple
+;; transformations like `or` and `and` is especially tedious without
+;; those. This language use is to implement `zuo/private/stitcher`.
+(let ([convert-var (variable 'convert)])
+  (let ([convert (lambda (s) ((variable-ref convert-var) s))])
+    (begin
+      (variable-set!
+       convert-var
+       (lambda (s)
+         (if (pair? s)
+             (if (eq? (car s) 'letrec)
+                 (let ([no (lambda () (error (~a "letrec: bad looper syntax: " (~s s))))])
+                   (let ([clauses (if (pair? (cdr s))
+                                      (car (cdr s))
+                                      #f)])
+                     (if (if (list? clauses)
+                             (if (= 1 (length clauses))
+                                 (= 2 (length (car clauses)))
+                                 #f)
+                             #f)
+                         (let ([id (car (car clauses))])
+                           (let ([rhs (car (cdr (car clauses)))])
+                             (if (if (pair? rhs)
+                                     (eq? 'lambda (car rhs))
+                                     #f)
+                                 (let ([var (string->uninterned-symbol "recvar")])
+                                   (list 'let
+                                         (list (list var (list 'variable (list 'quote id))))
+                                         (list 'let
+                                               (list (list id
+                                                           (list 'lambda (car (cdr rhs))
+                                                                 (cons (list 'variable-ref var)
+                                                                       (car (cdr rhs))))))
+                                               (list 'begin
+                                                     (list variable-set!
+                                                           var
+                                                           (let ([lam (convert rhs)])
+                                                             (if #t ; keep-names?
+                                                                 (cons (car lam)
+                                                                       (cons (car (cdr lam))
+                                                                             (cons (symbol->string id)
+                                                                                   (cdr (cdr lam)))))
+                                                                 lam)))
+                                                     (let ([body (cdr (cdr s))])
+                                                       (if (if (list? body)
+                                                               (pair? body)
+                                                               #f)
+                                                           (convert (if (null? (cdr body))
+                                                                        (car body)
+                                                                        (cons 'begin body)))
+                                                           (no)))))))
+                                 (no))))
+                         (no))))
+                 (if (eq? (car s) 'cond)
+                     (if (not (list? s))
+                         (error (~a "cond: bad looper syntax: " (~s s)))
+                         (if (null? (cdr s))
+                             '(void)
+                             (let ([cl (car (cdr s))])
+                               (if (if (list? cl)
+                                       (>= (length cl) 2)
+                                       #f)
+                                   (let ([rhs (convert (cons 'begin (cdr cl)))])
+                                     (if (null? (cdr (cdr s)))
+                                         (if (eq? (car cl) 'else)
+                                             rhs
+                                             (list 'if (car cl) rhs '(void)))
+                                         (list 'if (car cl) rhs
+                                               (convert (cons 'cond (cdr (cdr s)))))))
+                                   (error (~a "cond clause: bad looper syntax: " (~s cl)))))))
+                     (if (eq? (car s) 'let*)
+                         (if (if (list? s)
+                                 (if (= (length s) 3)
+                                     (list? (car (cdr s)))
+                                     #f)
+                                 #f)
+                             (let ([clauses (car (cdr s))])
+                               (if (null? clauses)
+                                   (convert (car (cdr (cdr s))))
+                                   (let ([cl (car clauses)])
+                                     (if (if (list? cl)
+                                             (if (= (length cl) 2)
+                                                 (symbol? (car cl))
+                                                 #f)
+                                             #f)
+                                         (convert (list 'let (list cl)
+                                                        (cons 'let*
+                                                              (cons (cdr clauses)
+                                                                    (cdr (cdr s))))))
+                                         (error (~a "let* clause: bad looper syntax: " (~s cl)))))))
+                             (error (~a "let*: bad looper syntax: " (~s s))))
+                         (if (eq? (car s) 'quote)
+                             s
+                             (cons (convert (car s))
+                                   (convert (cdr s)))))))
+             (if (eq? s 'looper-eval) ; this is how we expose looper's eval to the next layer
+                 (lambda (e) (kernel-eval (convert e)))
+                 s))))
+      (hash 'read-and-eval
+            (lambda (str start mod-path)
+              (let ([es (string-read str start mod-path)])
+                (if (= 1 (length es))
+                    (kernel-eval (convert (car es)))
+                    (error "looper: only one expression allowed"))))))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/main-hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+#lang zuo/hygienic/base
+(require zuo/hygienic/cmdline)
+(provide (all-from-out zuo/private/base-hygienic/main
+                       zuo/hygienic/cmdline))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/main.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(require zuo/cmdline
+         zuo/config
+         zuo/thread
+         zuo/build
+         zuo/shell
+         zuo/c
+         zuo/glob)
+(provide (all-from-out zuo/private/base/main
+                       zuo/cmdline
+                       zuo/config
+                       zuo/thread
+                       zuo/build
+                       zuo/shell
+                       zuo/c
+                       zuo/glob))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/more.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,418 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+(require "base/and-or.zuo"
+         "base/let.zuo"
+         "base/define.zuo"
+         "list.zuo"
+         "base/more-syntax.zuo")
+(provide void?
+         boolean?
+         string-tree?
+         equal?
+         assoc
+         member
+         remove
+         sort
+         file-exists?
+         directory-exists?
+         link-exists?
+         explode-path
+         simple-form-path
+         find-relative-path
+         path-replace-extension
+         path-only
+         file-name-from-path
+         path->complete-path
+         ls*
+         mkdir-p
+         rm*
+         cp*
+         :error :truncate :must-truncate :append :update :can-update
+         display
+         displayln
+         file->string
+         display-to-file
+         string<?
+         string->integer
+         string-join
+         string-trim
+         find-executable-path
+         system-type)
+(define (void? v) (eq? v (void)))
+(define (boolean? v) (or (eq? v #t) (eq? v #f)))
+(define (string-tree? v)
+  (or (string? v)
+      (and (list? v)
+           (andmap string-tree? v))))
+(define (equal? a b)
+  (or (eq? a b)
+      (cond
+        [(pair? a)
+         (and (pair? b)
+              (equal? (car a) (car b))
+              (equal? (cdr a) (cdr b)))]
+        [(string? a) (and (string? b)
+                          (string=? a b))]
+        [(integer? a) (and (integer? b)
+                           (= a b))]
+        [(hash? a) (and (hash? b)
+                        (= (hash-count a) (hash-count b))
+                        (hash-keys-subset? a b)
+                        (andmap (lambda (k)
+                                  (equal? (hash-ref a k #f)
+                                          (hash-ref b k #f)))
+                                (hash-keys a)))]
+        [else #f])))
+(define (assoc k lst)
+  (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'assoc "list" lst))
+  (letrec ([assoc (lambda (lst)
+                    (cond
+                      [(null? lst) #f]
+                      [else
+                       (let ([a (car lst)])
+                         (unless (pair? a)
+                           (error "assoc: non-pair found in list" a))
+                         (if (equal? (car a) k)
+                             a
+                             (assoc (cdr lst))))]))])
+    (assoc lst)))
+(define (member k lst)
+  (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'member "list" lst))
+  (letrec ([member (lambda (lst)
+                     (cond
+                       [(null? lst) #f]
+                       [else
+                        (if (equal? k (car lst))
+                            lst
+                            (member (cdr lst)))]))])
+    (member lst)))
+(define (remove k lst)
+  (unless (list? lst) (arg-error 'remove "list" lst))
+  (letrec ([remove (lambda (lst)
+                     (cond
+                       [(null? lst) '()]
+                       [else
+                        (if (equal? k (car lst))
+                            (cdr lst)
+                            (cons (car lst) (remove (cdr lst))))]))])
+    (remove lst)))
+(define (sort ls less-than?)
+  (unless (list? ls) (arg-error 'sort "list" ls))
+  (unless (procedure? less-than?) (arg-error 'sort "procedure" less-than?))
+  (let sort ([ls ls] [len (length ls)])
+    (cond
+      [(< len 2) ls]
+      [else (let ([half (quotient len 2)])
+              (let merge ([a (sort (list-tail ls half) (- len half))]
+                          [b (sort (list-tail (reverse ls) (- len half)) half)])
+                (cond
+                  [(null? a) b]
+                  [(null? b) a]
+                  [(less-than? (car b) (car a)) (cons (car b) (merge a (cdr b)))]
+                  [else (cons (car a) (merge (cdr a) b))])))])))
+(define (file-exists? p)
+  (unless (path-string? p) (arg-error 'file-exists? "path string" p))
+  (let ([s (stat p)])
+    (and s (eq? (hash-ref s 'type) 'file))))
+(define (directory-exists? p)
+  (unless (path-string? p) (arg-error 'directory-exists?: "path string" p))
+  (let ([s (stat p)])
+    (and s (eq? (hash-ref s 'type) 'dir))))
+(define (link-exists? p)
+  (unless (path-string? p) (arg-error 'link-exists? "path string" p))
+  (let ([s (stat p #f)])
+    (and s (eq? (hash-ref s 'type) 'link))))
+(define (explode-path p)
+  (unless (path-string? p) (arg-error 'explode-path "path string" p))
+  (define l (split-path p))
+  (if (not (car l))
+      (list (cdr l))
+      (append (explode-path (car l)) (list (cdr l)))))
+(define (simple-form-path p)
+  (apply build-path (explode-path p)))
+(define (convert-wrt wrts wrt ups)
+  (cond
+    [(equal? (car wrts) "..")
+     (let ([here (let loop ([here (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir)] [ups ups])
+                   (cond
+                     [(= ups 0) here]
+                     [else
+                      (let ([l (split-path here)])
+                        (if (not (car l))
+                            (error "find-relative-path: too many ups" wrt)
+                            (loop (car l) (- ups 1))))]))])
+       (let loop ([wrts wrts] [here here] [accum '()])
+         (cond
+           [(and (pair? wrts)
+                 (equal? (car wrts) ".."))
+            (let ([l (split-path here)])
+              (if (not (car l))
+                  (error "find-relative-path: too many ups" wrt)
+                  (loop (cdr wrts) (car l) (cons (cdr l) accum))))]
+           [else (append (map (lambda (p) "..") wrts) accum)])))]
+    [else (map (lambda (p) "..") wrts)]))
+(define (find-relative-path wrt p)
+  (unless (path-string? wrt)
+    (arg-error 'find-relative-path "path string" wrt))
+  (unless (path-string? p)
+    (arg-error 'find-relative-path "path string" p))
+  (cond
+    [(relative-path? wrt)
+     (if (relative-path? p)
+         (do-find-relative-path wrt p #t)
+         p)]
+    [else
+     (if (relative-path? p)
+         (do-find-relative-path wrt (path->complete-path p) #t)
+         (do-find-relative-path wrt p #f))]))
+(define (do-find-relative-path wrt p rel?)
+  (define wrts (explode-path wrt))
+  (cond
+    [(string=? (car wrts) ".") p]
+    [else
+     (define ps (explode-path p))
+     (if (or rel? (equal? (car ps) (car wrts)))
+         ;; The `ups` accumulator effectively counts shared ".."s at the front of `wrts`
+         ;; and `ps`, which is needed if `wrts` has more ".."s
+         (let loop ([ps (if (string=? (car ps) ".") (cdr ps) ps)] [wrts wrts] [ups 0])
+           (cond
+             [(null? wrts) (if (null? ps) "." (apply build-path ps))]
+             [(null? ps) (apply build-path (convert-wrt wrts wrt ups))]
+             [(equal? (car ps) (car wrts)) (loop (cdr ps) (cdr wrts) (+ ups 1))]
+             [else (apply build-path (append (convert-wrt wrts wrt ups) ps))]))
+         p)]))
+(define (path-replace-extension path-in suffix)
+  (unless (path-string? path-in) (arg-error 'path-replace-extension "path string" path-in))
+  (unless (string? suffix) (arg-error 'path-replace-extension "string" suffix))
+  (define l (split-path path-in))
+  (define path (cdr l))
+  (define new-path
+    (let loop ([i (string-length path)])
+      (cond
+        [(<= i 1) (~a path suffix)]
+        [else
+         (let ([i (- i 1)])
+           (if (= (string-ref path i) (char "."))
+               (~a (substring path 0 i) suffix)
+               (loop i)))])))
+  (if (car l)
+      (build-path (car l) new-path)
+      new-path))
+(define (split-file-path who p dir-k dir-file-k)
+  (unless (path-string? p) (arg-error who "path string" p))
+  (let ([c (string-ref p (- (string-length p) 1))])
+    (cond
+      [(or (= c (char "/"))
+           (and (= c (char "\\"))
+                (eq? 'windows (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type))))
+       (dir-k p)]
+      [else
+       (define l (split-path p))
+       (if (or (and (not (car l))
+                    (not (relative-path? p)))
+               (string=? (cdr l) ".")
+               (string=? (cdr l) ".."))
+           (dir-k p)
+           (dir-file-k l))])))
+(define (path-only p)
+  (split-file-path 'path-only p (lambda (d) d) (lambda (l) (or (car l) "."))))
+(define (file-name-from-path p)
+  (split-file-path 'file-name-from-path p (lambda (d) #f) (lambda (l) (cdr l))))
+(define (path->complete-path p)
+  (unless (path-string? p) (arg-error 'path->complete-path "path string" p))
+  (if (relative-path? p)
+      (build-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir) p)
+      p))
+(define (ls* dir)
+  (unless (path-string? dir) (arg-error 'ls* "path string" dir))
+  (map (lambda (p) (build-path dir p)) (ls dir)))
+(define (mkdir-p p)
+  (unless (path-string? p) (arg-error 'mkdir-p "path string" p))
+  (unless (directory-exists? p)
+    (let ([l (split-path p)])
+      (when (car l) (mkdir-p (car l)))
+      (mkdir p))))
+(define (rm* p)
+  (unless (path-string? p) (arg-error 'rm* "path string" p))
+  (define info (stat p #f))
+  (when info
+    (define type (hash-ref info 'type))
+    (cond
+      [(eq? type 'file) (rm p)]
+      [(eq? type 'link) (rm p)]
+      [else
+       (for-each (lambda (e)
+                   (rm* (build-path p e)))
+                 (ls p))
+       (rmdir p)])))
+(define (cp* src dest)
+  (unless (path-string? src) (arg-error 'cp* "path string" src))
+  (unless (path-string? dest) (arg-error 'cp* "path string" dest))
+  (define info (stat src #f))
+  (when info
+    (define type (hash-ref info 'type))
+    (cond
+      [(eq? type 'file) (cp src dest)]
+      [(eq? type 'link)
+       (when (stat dest #f) (rm dest))
+       (symlink (readlink src) dest)]
+      [else
+       (unless (directory-exists? dest) (mkdir dest))
+       (for-each (lambda (e)
+                   (cp* (build-path src e) (build-path dest e)))
+                 (ls src))])))
+(define :error (hash 'exists 'error))
+(define :truncate (hash 'exists 'truncate))
+(define :must-truncate (hash 'exists 'must-truncate))
+(define :append (hash 'exists 'append))
+(define :update (hash 'exists 'update))
+(define :can-update (hash 'exists 'can-update))
+(define (display v)
+  (fd-write (fd-open-output 'stdout) (~a v)))
+(define (displayln v)
+  (fd-write (fd-open-output 'stdout) (~a v "\n")))
+(define (file->string path)
+  (unless (path-string? path) (arg-error 'file->string "path string" path))
+  (define fd (fd-open-input path))
+  (define content (fd-read fd eof))
+  (fd-close fd)
+  content)
+(define (display-to-file str path [options (hash)])
+  (unless (string? str) (arg-error 'display-to-file "string" str))
+  (unless (path-string? path) (arg-error 'display-to-file "path string" path))
+  (define fd (fd-open-output path options))
+  (fd-write fd str)
+  (fd-close fd))
+(define (string<? a b)
+  (unless (string? a) (arg-error 'string<? "string" a))
+  (unless (string? b) (arg-error 'string<? "string" b))
+  (let string<? ([i 0])
+    (cond
+      [(= i (string-length a)) (< i (string-length b))]
+      [(= i (string-length b)) #t]
+      [(< (string-ref a i) (string-ref b i)) #t]
+      [(> (string-ref a i) (string-ref b i)) #f]
+      [else (string<? (+ i 1))])))
+(define (string->integer s)
+  (unless (string? s) (arg-error 'string->integer "string" s))
+  (let ([len (string-length s)])
+    (and (not (= len 0))
+         (let ([neg? (= (string-ref s 0) (char "-"))])
+           (and (not (and neg? (= len 1)))
+                (let string->integer ([n 0] [i (if neg? 1 0)])
+                  (cond
+                    [(= i (string-length s))
+                     (if neg? (- n) n)]
+                    [else
+                     (let ([c (string-ref s i)])
+                       (cond
+                         [(and (>= c 48) (<= c 57))
+                          (let ([n (+ (* n 10) (- c 48))])
+                            (if (< n 0)
+                                ;; overflow has one edge care where it's ok
+                                (and neg? (= (+ i 1) (string-length s)) (= n -9223372036854775808) n)
+                                (string->integer n (+ i 1))))]
+                         [else #f]))])))))))
+(define (string-join strs [sep " "])
+  (unless (and (list? strs) (andmap string? strs))
+    (arg-error 'string-join "list of strings" strs))
+  (unless (string? sep) (arg-error 'string-join "string" strs))
+  (apply ~a (let loop ([strs strs])
+              (cond
+                [(null? strs) '()]
+                [(null? (cdr strs)) strs]
+                [else (list* (car strs) sep (loop (cdr strs)))]))))
+(define (string-trim str [sep-str " "])
+  (unless (string? str) (arg-error 'string-trim "string" str))
+  (unless (and (string? sep-str) (> (string-length sep-str) 0))
+    (arg-error 'string-trim "nonempty string" sep-str))
+  (let* ([len (string-length str)]
+         [sep-len (string-length sep-str)]
+         [match-at? (lambda (i)
+                      (and (= (string-ref str i) (string-ref sep-str 0))
+                           (string=? (substring str i (+ i sep-len)) sep-str)))])
+    (if (< len sep-len)
+        str
+        (let ([start (let loop ([i 0])
+                       (cond
+                         [(> i (- len sep-len)) i]
+                         [(match-at? i) (loop (+ i sep-len))]
+                         [else i]))]
+              [end (let loop ([i len])
+                     (cond
+                       [(< i sep-len) i]
+                       [(match-at? (- i sep-len)) (loop (- i sep-len))]
+                       [else i]))])
+          (if (> end start)
+              (substring str start end)
+              "")))))
+(define (find-executable-path exe)
+  (unless (path-string? exe) (arg-error 'find-executable-path "path string" exe))
+  (define windows? (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows))
+  (define (try-exe p)
+    (or (and (file-exists? p) p)
+        (and windows?
+             (let ([p (~a p ".exe")])
+               (and (file-exists? p) p)))))
+  (cond
+    [(and (relative-path? exe)
+          (not (car (split-path exe))))
+     (define PATH (ormap (lambda (p)
+                           (and ((if windows? string-ci=? string=?) (car p) "PATH")
+                                (cdr p)))
+                         (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env '())))
+     (and PATH
+          (ormap (lambda (dir)
+                   (and (path-string? dir)
+                        (try-exe (build-path dir exe))))
+                 (cons (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir)
+                       (string-split PATH (if windows? ";" ":")))))]
+    [else (try-exe exe)]))
+(define (system-type)
+  (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/pair.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+#lang zuo/private/base
+;; This module could be implemented in either `base` or
+;; `base-hygienic`, but use use `base` to keep it faster
+;; (at least for `base`-only programs)
+(provide caar
+         cadr
+         cdar
+         cddr)
+(define bad
+  (lambda (who v)
+    (error (~a who ": not a valid argument") v)))
+(define caar
+  (lambda (v)
+    (if (pair? v)
+        (let ([a (car v)])
+          (if (pair? a)
+              (car a)
+              (bad 'caar v)))
+        (bad 'caar v))))
+(define cadr
+  (lambda (v)
+    (if (pair? v)
+        (let ([d (cdr v)])
+          (if (pair? d)
+              (car d)
+              (bad 'cadr v)))
+        (bad 'cadr v))))
+(define cdar
+  (lambda (v)
+    (if (pair? v)
+        (let ([a (car v)])
+          (if (pair? a)
+              (cdr a)
+              (bad 'cdar v)))
+        (bad 'cdar v))))
+(define cddr
+  (lambda (v)
+    (if (pair? v)
+        (let ([d (cdr v)])
+          (if (pair? d)
+              (cdr d)
+              (bad 'cddr v)))
+        (bad 'cddr v))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/private/stitcher.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,269 @@
+#lang zuo/private/looper
+;; A module in the `zuo/private/stitcher` language is a sequence of
+;; `define`s followed by a `hash` construction. Each `define` is like
+;; a `let*` clause in that it can only directly refer to earlier
+;; definitions.
+;; An `include` form is allowed at the same level as `define`s to
+;; substitute the S-expression content of a module that is implemented
+;; in the `zuo/datum` language.
+;; Grammar for the right-hand side of a definition:
+;; <expr> = <id>
+;;        | <literal>
+;;        | (quote <datum>)
+;;        | (lambda <formals> <expr> ...+)
+;;        | (let ([<id> <expr>] ...) <expr> ...+)
+;;        | (let* ([<id> <expr>] ...) <expr> ...+)
+;;        | (letrec ([<id> <expr>]) <expr> ...+)   ; note: single <id>
+;;        | (cond [<expr> <expr> ...+] ...)        ; `else` ok as last
+;;        | (if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
+;;        | (and <expr> ...)
+;;        | (or <expr> ...)
+;;        | (when <expr> <expr> ...+)
+;;        | (unless <expr> <expr> ...+)
+;;        | (begin <expr> ...+)
+;; Like `zuo/kernel`, syntactic forms in the stitcher language are
+;; still referenced by "keyword" in the sense that the names cannot be
+;; shadowed.
+;; Definitions are evaluated one at a time, and defined values are
+;; inlined in place of references later in the module. So, this is
+;; something like top-level evaluation, and something like partial
+;; evaluation. Free identifiers are detected and rejected before each
+;; definition is evaluated.
+(let* ([bad-syntax (lambda (s)
+                     (error (~a (car s) ": bad stitcher syntax: " (~s s))))]
+       [maybe-begin (lambda (l)
+                      (if (null? (cdr l))
+                          (car l)
+                          (cons 'begin l)))]
+       [ok-binding-clause? (lambda (l)
+                             (if (list? l)
+                                 (if (= (length l) 2)
+                                     (symbol? (car l))
+                                     #f)
+                                 #f))]
+       [local (string->uninterned-symbol "local")]
+       [cons-path (letrec ([cons-path (lambda (l path)
+                                        (if (null? l)
+                                            '()
+                                            (cons (cons (car l) path)
+                                                  (cons-path (cdr l) path))))])
+                    cons-path)])
+  (letrec ([compile
+            (lambda (s env maybe-name)
+              (let ([recur (lambda (e) (compile e env #f))])
+                (cond
+                  [(list? s)
+                   (cond
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'quote)
+                      (if (= 2 (length s))
+                          s
+                          (bad-syntax s))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'lambda)
+                      (if (>= (length s) 3)
+                          (let ([keep-names? #t])
+                            (let ([args (car (cdr s))])
+                              (letrec ([extend-env (lambda (args env)
+                                                     (cond
+                                                       [(null? args) env]
+                                                       [(symbol? args) (hash-set env args local)]
+                                                       [(pair? args) (extend-env (cdr args)
+                                                                                 (hash-set env (car args) local))]
+                                                       [else (bad-syntax s)]))])
+                                (let ([env (extend-env args env)])
+                                  (let ([body (compile (maybe-begin (cdr (cdr s))) env #f)])
+                                    (if (if keep-names? maybe-name #f)
+                                        (let ([name (symbol->string maybe-name)])
+                                          (list 'lambda args name body))
+                                        (list 'lambda args body)))))))
+                          (bad-syntax s))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'letrec) ; still restricted to a single binding
+                      (if (>= (length s) 3)
+                          (let ([clauses (car (cdr s))])
+                            (if (if (list? clauses)
+                                    (if (= 1 (length clauses))
+                                        (ok-binding-clause? (car clauses))
+                                        #f)
+                                    #f)
+                                (let ([id (car (car clauses))])
+                                  (let ([env (hash-set env id local)])
+                                    (list 'letrec (list (list id
+                                                              (compile (car (cdr (car clauses))) env #f)))
+                                          (compile (maybe-begin (cdr (cdr s))) env maybe-name))))
+                                (bad-syntax s)))
+                          (bad-syntax s))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'let)
+                      (if (>= (length s) 3)
+                          (letrec ([compile-clauses
+                                    (lambda (clauses body-env)
+                                      (cond
+                                        [(null? clauses)
+                                         (compile (maybe-begin (cdr (cdr s))) body-env maybe-name)]
+                                        [(pair? clauses)
+                                         (let ([clause (car clauses)])
+                                           (if (ok-binding-clause? clause)
+                                               (let ([id (car clause)])
+                                                 (list 'let
+                                                       (list (list id (compile (car (cdr clause)) env id)))
+                                                       (compile-clauses (cdr clauses) (hash-set body-env id local))))
+                                               (bad-syntax s)))]
+                                        [else (bad-syntax s)]))])
+                            (compile-clauses (car (cdr s)) env))
+                          (bad-syntax s))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'let*)
+                      (if (>= (length s) 3)
+                          (letrec ([expand-let* (lambda (clauses env)
+                                                  (cond
+                                                    [(null? clauses)
+                                                     (compile (maybe-begin (cdr (cdr s))) env maybe-name)]
+                                                    [(pair? clauses)
+                                                     (let ([clause (car clauses)])
+                                                       (if (ok-binding-clause? clause)
+                                                           (let ([id (car clause)])
+                                                             (list 'let
+                                                                   (list (list id (compile (car (cdr clause)) env id)))
+                                                                   (expand-let* (cdr clauses) (hash-set env id local))))
+                                                           (bad-syntax s)))]
+                                                    [else (bad-syntax s)]))])
+                            (expand-let* (car (cdr s)) env))
+                          (bad-syntax s))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'or)
+                      (letrec ([expand-or (lambda (l)
+                                            (cond
+                                              [(null? l) #f]
+                                              [(null? (cdr l)) (recur (car l))]
+                                              [else
+                                               (let ([tmp (string->uninterned-symbol "ortmp")])
+                                                 (list 'let
+                                                       (list (list tmp (recur (car l))))
+                                                       (list 'if
+                                                             tmp
+                                                             tmp
+                                                             (expand-or (cdr l)))))]))])
+                        (expand-or (cdr s)))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'and)
+                      (letrec ([expand-and (lambda (l)
+                                             (cond
+                                               [(null? l) #t]
+                                               [(null? (cdr l)) (recur (car l))]
+                                               [else (list 'if
+                                                           (recur (car l))
+                                                           (expand-and (cdr l))
+                                                           #f)]))])
+                        (expand-and (cdr s)))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'cond)
+                      (letrec ([expand-cond (lambda (l)
+                                              (cond
+                                                [(null? l) (void)]
+                                                [(if (list? (car l))
+                                                     (>= (length (car l)) 2)
+                                                     #f)
+                                                 (let ([lhs (car (car l))])
+                                                   (let ([rhs (maybe-begin (cdr (car l)))])
+                                                     (cond
+                                                       [(eq? lhs 'else)
+                                                        (if (null? (cdr l))
+                                                            (recur rhs)
+                                                            (bad-syntax s))]
+                                                       [else (list 'if
+                                                                   (recur lhs)
+                                                                   (recur (maybe-begin (cdr (car l))))
+                                                                   (expand-cond (cdr l)))])))]
+                                                [else (bad-syntax s)]))])
+                        (expand-cond (cdr s)))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'when)
+                      (if (>= (length s) 2)
+                          (list 'if
+                                (recur (car (cdr s)))
+                                (recur (maybe-begin (cdr (cdr s))))
+                                '(void))
+                          (bad-syntax s))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'unless)
+                      (if (>= (length s) 2)
+                          (list 'if
+                                (recur (car (cdr s)))
+                                '(void)
+                                (recur (maybe-begin (cdr (cdr s)))))
+                          (bad-syntax s))]
+                     [(eq? (car s) 'if)
+                      (if (= (length s) 4)
+                          (list 'if
+                                (recur (car (cdr s)))
+                                (recur (car (cdr (cdr s))))
+                                (recur (car (cdr (cdr (cdr s))))))
+                          (bad-syntax s))]
+                     [(if (eq? (car s) 'hash) (null? (cdr s)) #f) ; ad hoc optimization
+                      (hash)]
+                     [(if (eq? (car s) 'void) (null? (cdr s)) #f) ; ad hoc optimization
+                      (void)]
+                     [else (letrec ([do-app (lambda (s)
+                                              (if (null? s)
+                                                  '()
+                                                  (cons (recur (car s))
+                                                        (do-app (cdr s)))))])
+                             (if (eq? (car s) 'begin)
+                                 (cons 'begin (do-app (cdr s)))
+                                 (do-app s)))])]
+                  [(pair? s) (error (~a "bad stitcher syntax: " (~s s)))]
+                  [(symbol? s)
+                   (let ([v (hash-ref env s env)]) ; using `env` as a "not there" value
+                     (cond
+                       [(eq? v env) (error (~a "unbound variable in stitcher: " (~s s)))]
+                       [(eq? v local) s]
+                       [(symbol? v) (list 'quote v)]
+                       [(pair? v) (list 'quote v)]
+                       [else v]))]
+                  [else s])))])
+    (hash 'read-and-eval
+          (lambda (str start mod-path)
+            (let ([es (string-read str start mod-path)])
+              (letrec ([stitch
+                        (lambda (es env)
+                          (cond
+                            [(null? es) (error "stitcher module did not end with hash")]
+                            [else
+                             (let* ([e+path (car es)]
+                                    [e (car e+path)]
+                                    [a (if (pair? e) (car e) #f)])
+                               (cond
+                                 [(eq? a 'hash)
+                                  (if (null? (cdr es))
+                                      (looper-eval (compile e env #f))
+                                      (error (~a "stitcher hash is not last: " (~s e))))]
+                                 [(eq? a 'define)
+                                  (let ([lhs (if (>= (length e) 3)
+                                                 (car (cdr e))
+                                                 #f)])
+                                    (cond
+                                      [(symbol? lhs)
+                                       (if (= (length e) 3)
+                                           (let ([v (looper-eval (compile (car (cdr (cdr e))) env lhs))])
+                                             (stitch (cdr es) (hash-set env lhs v)))
+                                           (bad-syntax e))]
+                                      [(pair? lhs)
+                                       (let ([id (car lhs)])
+                                         (if (symbol? id)
+                                             (let ([v (looper-eval (compile (cons 'lambda (cons (cdr lhs) (cdr (cdr e)))) env id))])
+                                               (stitch (cdr es) (hash-set env id v)))
+                                             (bad-syntax e)))]
+                                      [else (bad-syntax e)]))]
+                                 [(eq? a 'include)
+                                  (if (= 2 (length e))
+                                      (let* ([name (car (cdr e))]
+                                             [mod-path (cdr e+path)]
+                                             [mod-path (build-module-path mod-path name)]
+                                             [mod (module->hash mod-path)])
+                                        (let ([inc-es (hash-ref mod 'datums #f)])
+                                          (if inc-es
+                                              (stitch (append (cons-path inc-es mod-path) (cdr es)) env)
+                                              (error "not stitcher-includable module" name))))
+                                      (bad-syntax e))]
+                                 [else
+                                  (error (~a "stitcher definition or include expected: " (~s e)))]))]))])
+                (stitch (cons-path es mod-path) (kernel-env))))))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/shell.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,69 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(require "thread.zuo")
+(provide shell
+         shell/wait
+         build-shell)
+(define (shell arg . args)
+  (call-with-command
+   'shell
+   (cons arg args)
+   (lambda (command options)
+     (cond
+       [(eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'unix)
+        (process "/bin/sh" "-c" command options)]
+       [else
+        (let ([cmd (build-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'sys-dir) "cmd.exe")])
+          (process cmd (~a cmd " /c \"" command "\"") (hash-set options 'exact? #t)))]))))
+(define (shell/wait arg . args)
+  (call-with-command
+   'shell/wait
+   (cons arg args)
+   (lambda (command options)
+     (unless (hash-ref options 'quiet? #f)
+       (displayln (let ([dir (hash-ref options 'dir #f)])
+                    (if dir
+                        (~a "cd " (string->shell dir) " && " command)
+                        command))))
+     (define p (shell command (hash-remove (hash-remove
+                                            (hash-remove options 'quiet?)
+                                            'no-thread?)
+                                           'desc)))
+     (if (hash-ref options 'no-thread? #f)
+         (process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
+         (thread-process-wait (hash-ref p 'process)))
+     (unless (= 0 (process-status (hash-ref p 'process)))
+       (error (~a (hash-ref options 'desc "shell command") " failed"))))))
+(define (call-with-command who args k)
+  (let loop ([args args] [accum '()])
+    (cond
+      [(null? args)
+       (k (do-build-shell who (reverse accum))
+          (hash))]
+      [(and (hash? (car args))
+            (null? (cdr args))
+            (pair? accum))
+       (k (do-build-shell who (reverse accum))
+          (car args))]
+      [else
+       (loop (cdr args) (cons (car args) accum))])))
+(define (build-shell . strs)
+  (do-build-shell 'build-sehll strs))
+(define (do-build-shell who . strs)
+  (let ([strs (let loop ([strs strs])
+                (cond
+                  [(null? strs) '()]
+                  [else
+                   (let ([a (car strs)])
+                     (cond
+                       [(string? a) (if (string=? a "")
+                                        (loop (cdr strs))
+                                        (cons a (loop (cdr strs))))]
+                       [(list? a) (loop (append a (cdr strs)))]
+                       [else (arg-error who "string or list" a)]))]))])
+    (string-join strs)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/zuo/thread.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,199 @@
+#lang zuo/base
+(provide call-in-main-thread
+         (rename-out
+          [make-thread thread]
+          [make-channel channel])
+         thread?
+         channel?
+         channel-put
+         channel-get
+         thread-process-wait)
+(struct thread (id))
+(struct channel (id))
+(struct ch (hd tl w-hd w-tl)) ; channel state: queues of values and waiters
+;; a `state` represents the state of the thread scheduler, such as
+;; enqeued threads and channel contentl from a client perspective,
+;; channels offer a form of state among communicating threadsl this
+;; state is implemented through delimited continuations (i.e., in the
+;; style of effect handlers)
+(struct state (hd          ; list of thunks
+               tl          ; list of thunks
+               channels    ; channel-id -> channel
+               processes)) ; list of (cons (list handle ...) k)
+;; state requests from threads, distinct from anything else a thread
+;; might return:
+(struct state-get-msg (k))
+(struct state-put-msg (state k))
+(define thread-tag (string->uninterned-symbol "thread"))
+(define (check-in-thread who)
+  (unless (continuation-prompt-available? thread-tag)
+    (error (~a who ": not in a thread context"))))
+;; a request is issued by discarding the current continuation
+(define empty-k (call/prompt (lambda () (call/cc (lambda (k) k))) thread-tag))
+;; runs thunk as a thread in a new scheduler; any created threads or
+;; channels are specific to the scheduler; returns the result of the
+;; main thread when no threads can run; waits on processes only if
+;; there's nothing else to do
+(define (call-in-main-thread thunk)
+  (raw-make-channel ; make a channel to hold the main thread's result
+   (state '() '() (hash) '())
+   (lambda (chl st)
+     ;; for the scheduler loop, it's convenient to break out the head
+     ;; thunk of the thread queue, which starts out as being the main
+     ;; thread's thunk
+     (let loop ([st st] [hd-thunk (lambda () (channel-put chl (thunk)))])
+       (cond
+         [hd-thunk
+          (let ([v (call/prompt hd-thunk thread-tag)])
+            ;; the thread either made a state request or has terminated
+            (cond
+              [(state-get-msg? v)
+               (loop st (lambda () ((state-get-msg-k v) st)))]
+              [(state-put-msg? v)
+               (loop (state-put-msg-state v) (lambda () ((state-put-msg-k v) (void))))]
+              [else (loop st #f)]))]
+         [(pair? (state-hd st))
+          (loop (state-set-hd st (cdr (state-hd st))) (car (state-hd st)))]
+         [(pair? (state-tl st))
+          (loop (state-set-hd (state-set-tl st '()) (reverse (state-tl st))) #f)]
+         [(pair? (state-processes st))
+          (let* ([ps+ks (state-processes st)]
+                 [p (apply process-wait (apply append (map car ps+ks)))]
+                 [ps+k (ormap (lambda (ps+k) (and (member p (car ps+k)) ps+k))
+                              ps+ks)]
+                 [st (state-set-processes st (filter (lambda (e) (not (eq? e ps+k)))
+                                                     ps+ks))])
+            (loop st (lambda () ((cdr ps+k) p))))]
+         [else
+          (raw-channel-get st chl
+                           (lambda (v st) v)
+                           (lambda (st)
+                             (error "call-in-thread: main thread is stuck")))])))))
+(define (enqueue-thread st thunk)
+  (state-set-tl st (cons thunk (state-tl st))))
+(define (raw-make-channel st k)
+  (let ([id (string->uninterned-symbol "ch")])
+    (k (channel id)
+       (state-set-channels st (hash-set (state-channels st)
+                                        id
+                                        (ch '() '() '() '()))))))
+;; gets or sets the state
+(define (current-state . st)
+  (cond
+    [(null? st)
+     (call/cc
+      (lambda (k)
+        (empty-k (state-get-msg k))))]
+    [(null? (cdr st))
+     (call/cc
+      (lambda (k)
+        (empty-k (state-put-msg (car st) k))))]
+    [else (arity-error 'current-state st)]))
+;; suspends the current thread; it must have been enqueued with
+;; a process or channel if it's going to be resumed
+(define (yield)
+  (empty-k (void)))
+(define make-thread
+  (let ([thread
+         (lambda (thunk)
+           (unless (procedure? thunk)
+             (arg-error 'thread "procedure" thunk))
+           (check-in-thread 'thread)
+           (define th (thread (string->uninterned-symbol "thread")))
+           (let ([st (current-state)])
+             (current-state (enqueue-thread st (lambda () (thunk)))))
+           th)])
+    thread))
+(define make-channel
+  (let ([channel
+         (lambda ()
+           (check-in-thread 'channel)
+           (raw-make-channel
+            (current-state)
+            (lambda (ch st)
+              (current-state st)
+              ch)))])
+    channel))
+(define (channel-put chl v)
+  (unless (channel? chl) (arg-error 'channel-put "channel" chl))
+  (check-in-thread 'channel-put)
+  (let* ([st (current-state)]
+         [chs (state-channels (current-state))]
+         [ch (hash-ref chs (channel-id chl) #f)])
+    (unless ch (error "channel-put: does not belong to the running thread group" ch))
+    (define (update-ch st ch) (state-set-channels st (hash-set chs (channel-id chl) ch)))
+    (let loop ([ch ch])
+      (let ([w-hd (ch-w-hd ch)])
+        (cond
+          [(pair? w-hd)
+           (let ([waiter (car (ch-w-hd ch))]
+                 [ch (ch-set-w-hd ch (cdr (ch-w-hd ch)))])
+             (let* ([st (update-ch st ch)])
+               (current-state (enqueue-thread st (lambda () (waiter v))))
+               (void)))]
+          [else
+           (let* ([w-tl (ch-w-tl ch)])
+             (cond
+               [(null? w-tl)
+                (current-state (update-ch st (ch-set-tl ch (cons v (ch-tl ch)))))
+                (void)]
+               [else
+                (loop (ch-set-w-tl (ch-set-w-hd ch (reverse w-tl)) '()))]))])))))
+(define (raw-channel-get st chl k yield-k)
+  (let* ([chs (state-channels st)]
+         [ch (hash-ref chs (channel-id chl) #f)])
+    (unless ch (error "channel-get: does not belong to the running thread group" ch))
+    (define (update-ch st ch) (state-set-channels st (hash-set chs (channel-id chl) ch)))
+    (let loop ([ch ch])
+      (let ([hd (ch-hd ch)])
+        (cond
+          [(pair? hd)
+           (k (car hd)
+              (update-ch st (ch-set-hd ch (cdr hd))))]
+          [else
+           (let* ([tl (ch-tl ch)])
+             (cond
+               [(null? tl)
+                (call/cc
+                 (lambda (k)
+                   (yield-k (update-ch st (ch-set-w-tl ch (cons k (ch-w-tl ch)))))))]
+               [else
+                (loop (ch-set-tl (ch-set-hd ch (reverse tl)) '()))]))])))))
+(define (channel-get chl)
+  (unless (channel? chl) (arg-error 'channel-get "channel" chl))
+  (check-in-thread 'channel-get)
+  (raw-channel-get (current-state) chl
+                   (lambda (v st)
+                     (current-state st)
+                     v)
+                   (lambda (st)
+                     (current-state st)
+                     (yield))))
+(define (thread-process-wait p . ps)
+  (for-each (lambda (p)
+              (unless (handle? p) (arg-error 'thread-process-wait "handle" p)))
+            (cons p ps))
+  (check-in-thread 'thread-process-wait)
+  (call/cc
+   (lambda (k)
+     (let ([st (current-state)])
+       (current-state (state-set-processes st (cons (cons (cons p ps) k) (state-processes st))))
+       (yield)))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/hello.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+#lang zuo
+"Hello, world!"
+;; If you don't want the quotes:
+;;  (alert "Hello, world!")
+;; If you don't want it in blue:
+;;  (displayln "Hello, world!")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/image.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,168 @@
+#lang zuo
+;; This module works in three modes:
+;;   * as a library to provide `embed-image`
+;;      - that's the `embed-image` provided function, obviously
+;;   * as a script that parses command-line arguments to drive `embed-image`
+;;      - that's the `(module+ main ...)` below
+;;   * as a build component that provides a target to drive `embed-image`
+;;      - that's the `image-target` provided function, which takes
+;;        the same hash-table specification as `embed-image`, but returns a
+;;        target instead of immediately generating output
+(provide embed-image   ; hash? -> void?
+         image-target) ; hash? -> target?
+;; `embed-image` recognizes the following keys in its argument:
+;;  * 'output : #f or destination path string; #f (default) means to stdout
+;;  * 'libs: list of module-path symbols; default is '(zuo)
+;;  * 'deps: a file to record files reda to create the image; presence
+;;     along with non-#f 'output enables a potetial 'up-to-date result
+;;  * 'keep-collects?: boolean for whether to keep the collection library
+;;     path enabled; default is #f
+(module+ main
+  (define cmd
+    (command-line
+     :once-each
+     [cmd "-o" file "Output to <file> instead of stdout"
+          (hash-set cmd 'output file)]
+     :multi
+     [cmd "++lib" module-path "Embed <module-path> and its dependencies"
+          (hash-set cmd 'libs (cons (string->symbol module-path)
+                                    (hash-ref cmd 'libs '())))]
+     :once-each
+     [cmd "--deps" file "Write dependencies to <file>"
+          (hash-set cmd 'deps file)]
+     [cmd "--keep-collects" "Keep library collection path enabled"
+          (hash-set cmd 'keep-collects? #t)]))
+  (embed-image cmd))
+(define (image-target cmd)
+  (target
+   (hash-ref cmd 'output) ; the output file; `target` uses SHA-1 on this
+   (lambda (path token)
+     ;; when a target is demanded, we report dependencies and more via `rule`
+     (rule
+      ;; dependencies:
+      (list (at-source ".." "zuo.c") ; original "zuo.c" that is converted to embed libraries
+            (quote-module-path)       ; this script
+            (input-data-target 'config (hash-remove cmd 'output))) ; configuration
+      ;; rebuild function (called if the output file is out of date):
+      (lambda ()
+        ;; get `embed-image` to tell us which module files it used:
+        (define deps-file (path-replace-extension path ".dep"))
+        ;; generated the output file
+        (embed-image (let* ([cmd (hash-set cmd 'output path)]
+                            [cmd (hash-set cmd 'deps deps-file)])
+                       cmd))
+        ;; register each source module as a discovered dependency:
+        (for-each (lambda (p) (build/dep p token))
+                  (string-read (file->string deps-file) 0 deps-file)))))))
+(define (embed-image cmd)
+  (define given-libs (hash-ref cmd 'libs '()))
+  (define libs (if (null? given-libs)
+                   '(zuo)
+                   given-libs))
+  (define deps-file (hash-ref cmd 'deps #f))
+  (define c-file (hash-ref cmd 'output #f))
+  (when c-file
+    (displayln (~a "generating " c-file " embedding these libraries: " (string-join (map ~s libs)))))
+  (when deps-file
+    (display-to-file "" deps-file :truncate))
+  (define deps-h (and deps-file (cleanable-file deps-file)))
+  (define image
+    (let ([ht (apply process
+                     (append
+                      (list (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe))
+                      (if deps-file
+                          (list "-M" deps-file)
+                          (list))
+                      (list "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe))))])
+      (define p (hash-ref ht 'process))
+      (define in (hash-ref ht 'stdin))
+      (define out (hash-ref ht 'stdout))
+      (fd-write in "#lang zuo/kernel\n")
+      (fd-write in "(begin\n")
+      (for-each (lambda (lib)
+                  (fd-write in (~a "(module->hash '" lib ")\n")))
+                libs)
+      (fd-write in "(dump-image-and-exit (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash))))\n")
+      (fd-close in)
+      (let ([image (fd-read out eof)])
+        (fd-close out)
+        (process-wait p)
+        (unless (= 0 (process-status p))
+          (error "image dump failed"))
+        image)))
+  (define zuo.c (fd-read (fd-open-input (at-source ".." "zuo.c")) eof))
+  (define out (if c-file
+                  (fd-open-output c-file (hash 'exists 'truncate))
+                  (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash))))
+  (define lines (let ([l (reverse (string-split zuo.c "\n"))])
+		  ;; splitting on newlines should leave us with an empty last string
+		  ;; that doesn't represent a line
+  		  (reverse (if (and (pair? l) (equal? "" (car l)))
+			       (cdr l)
+			       l))))
+  (define (~hex v)
+    (if (= v 0)
+        "0"
+        (let loop ([v v] [accum '()])
+          (if (= v 0)
+              (apply ~a accum)
+              (loop (quotient v 16)
+                    (cons (let ([i (bitwise-and v 15)])
+                            (substring "0123456789abcdef" i (+ i 1)))
+                          accum))))))
+  (define embedded-image-line "#define EMBEDDED_IMAGE 0")
+  (define embedded-image-line/cr (~a embedded-image-line "\r"))
+  (for-each
+   (lambda (line)
+     (cond
+       [(or (string=? line embedded-image-line)
+            (string=? line embedded-image-line/cr))
+        (define nl (if (string=? line embedded-image-line/cr) "\r\n" "\n"))
+        (unless (hash-ref cmd 'keep-collects? #f)
+          (fd-write out (~a "#define ZUO_LIB_PATH NULL" nl)))
+        (fd-write out (~a "#define EMBEDDED_IMAGE 1" nl))
+        (fd-write out (~a "static zuo_uint32_t emedded_boot_image_len = "
+                          (quotient (string-length image) 4)
+                          ";" nl))
+        (fd-write out (~a "static zuo_uint32_t emedded_boot_image[] = {" nl))
+        (let ([accum->line (lambda (accum) (apply ~a (reverse (cons nl accum))))])
+          (let loop ([i 0] [col 0] [accum '()])
+            (cond
+              [(= i (string-length image))
+               (unless (null? accum)
+                 (fd-write out (accum->line accum)))]
+              [(= col 8)
+               (fd-write out (accum->line accum))
+               (loop i 0 '())]
+              [else
+               (loop (+ i 4) (+ col 1)
+                     (cons (~a " 0x" (~hex (string-u32-ref image i)) ",")
+                           accum))])))
+        (fd-write out (~a " 0 };" nl))]
+       [else
+        (fd-write out (~a line "\n"))]))
+   lines)
+  (when c-file (fd-close out))
+  (when deps-h
+    (cleanable-cancel deps-h)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/repl.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+#lang zuo
+;; Zuo is really not for interctive evaluation, but `kernel-eval` does
+;; exist...
+(alert "REPL for single-line kernel expressions:")
+(define in (fd-open-input 'stdin))
+(define out (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash)))
+(fd-write out "> ")
+(let loop ([pending ""])
+  (define line-end (let loop ([i 0])
+                     (cond
+                       [(= i (string-length pending)) #f]
+                       [(= (string-ref pending i) (char "\n")) (+ i 1)]
+                       [else (loop (+ i 1))])))
+  (define (read-and-eval s)
+    (for-each (lambda (e)
+                (alert (~v (kernel-eval e))))
+              (string-read s)))
+  (cond
+    [line-end
+     (read-and-eval (substring pending 0 line-end))
+     (fd-write out "> ")
+     (loop (substring pending line-end (string-length pending)))]
+    [else
+     (define input (fd-read in 1))
+     (if (eq? input eof)
+         (read-and-eval pending)
+         (loop (~a pending input)))]))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/tree.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,78 @@
+#lang zuo
+;; This module implements a simple version of the `tree` program,
+;; which shows the content of a directory in tree form.
+;; Another script could use this `tree` function...
+(provide tree)
+;; ... but if this script is the main one passed to Zuo,
+;; then the `main` submodule is run, which parses command-line
+;; arguments and call `tree`.
+(module+ main
+  ;; Imitates Racket's `command-line` form, but we have to explicitly
+  ;; thread through `accum`, because there's no state
+  (command-line
+   :init (hash) ; initial accumulator (but `(hash)` is the default, anyway)
+   :once-each
+   ;; Each flag clause starts with the accumulator id
+   [accum ("-a") "Include names that start with `.`"
+          (hash-set accum 'all? #t)]
+   [accum ("-h") "Show file sizes human-readable"
+          (hash-set accum 'h-size? #t)]
+   :args ([dir "."])
+   (lambda (accum) ; args handler as procedure to receive the accumulator
+     (if (directory-exists? dir)
+         (tree dir
+               (hash-ref accum 'all? #f)
+               (hash-ref accum 'h-size? #f))
+         (error (~a (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'script)
+                    ": no such directory: "
+                    dir))))))
+;; Recur using `ls` to get a directory's content
+(define (tree dir show-all? show-size?)
+  (displayln dir)
+  (let tree ([dir dir] [depth 0])
+    (define elems (sort (ls dir) string<?))
+    (let in-dir ([elems (if show-all? elems (filter not-dot? elems))])
+      (unless (null? elems)
+        (define elem (car elems))
+        (define elem-path (build-path dir elem))
+        (define s (stat elem-path))
+        (let loop ([depth depth])
+          (unless (= depth 0)
+            (display "│  ")
+            (loop (- depth 1))))
+        (if (null? (cdr elems))
+            (display "└─ ")
+            (display "├─ "))
+        (when show-size?
+          (display (~a "[" (human-readable (hash-ref s 'size)) "] ")))
+        (displayln elem)
+        (when (eq? (hash-ref s 'type) 'dir)
+          (tree elem-path (+ depth 1)))
+        (in-dir (cdr elems))))))
+(define not-dot?
+  (let ([dot? (glob->matcher ".*")])
+    (lambda (s) (not (dot? s)))))
+;; Arithmetic is not Zuo's strong suit, since it supports only
+;; 64-bit signed integers
+(define (human-readable n)
+  (define (decimal n)
+    (define d (quotient 1024 10))
+    (define dec (quotient (+ (modulo n 1024) (quotient d 2)) d))
+    (~a (quotient n (* 1024)) "." dec))
+  (define s
+    (cond
+      [(< n 1024) (~a n)]
+      [(< n (quotient (* 1024 1024) 10)) (~a (decimal n) "K")]
+      [else (~a (decimal (quotient n 1024)) "M")]))
+  (if (< (string-length s) 4)
+      (~a (substring "    " (string-length s)) s)
+      s))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+#lang zuo
+ alert
+ (append
+  (list ""
+        "Welcome to Zuo!"
+        ""
+        "This message is from \"main.zuo\"."
+        ""
+        "Probably, you're seeing this message because you ran Zuo with no arguments,"
+        "in which case \"main.zuo\" in the current directory is loaded by default."
+        ""
+        "If you want to run your own program, supply the program's path as an argument."
+        "A program file will start with `#lang`, and most likely it starts `#lang zuo`."
+        "Additional arguments are made available to the target program through the"
+        "`command-line-arguments` procedure (in languages like `#lang zuo`, at least)."
+        ""
+        "If you want to type in a program directly, supply the empty string \"\" in"
+        "place of a file path. You'll still need to start the program with something"
+        "like `#lang zuo`."
+        "")))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/c.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "c")
+(check (config-merge (hash 'CFLAGS "-O2") 'CFLAGS "-g")
+       (hash 'CFLAGS "-O2 -g"))
+(check (config-define (hash 'CFLAGS "-O2") "ZUO")
+       (hash 'CFLAGS "-O2" 'CPPFLAGS "-DZUO"))
+(check (config-define (hash 'CPPFLAGS "-DSLOW") "ZUO")
+       (hash 'CPPFLAGS "-DSLOW -DZUO"))
+(check (config-include (hash 'CPPFLAGS "-DSLOW") "zuo/private")
+       (hash 'CPPFLAGS "-DSLOW -Izuo/private"))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cleanable.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,82 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "cleanables")
+(define adios-file (build-path tmp-dir "adios.txt"))
+(define (check-cleaned pre post expect-status expect-exist?)
+  (run-zuo* '("")
+            (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+                (~s
+                 `(begin
+                    ,@pre
+                    (define cl (cleanable-file ,adios-file))
+                    ,@post)))
+            (lambda (status out err)
+              (check status expect-status)))
+  (check (file-exists? adios-file) expect-exist?))
+(fd-close (fd-open-output adios-file :truncate))
+(check-cleaned '()
+               '()
+               0
+               #f)
+(check-cleaned `((void (fd-open-output ,adios-file :truncate)))
+               '()
+               0
+               #f)
+(check-cleaned `((void (fd-open-output ,adios-file :truncate)))
+               '((car '()))
+               1
+               #f)
+(check-cleaned `((void (fd-open-output ,adios-file :truncate)))
+               '((cleanable-cancel cl))
+               0
+               #t)
+;; check that a process doesn't exit before a subprocess,
+;; even when it doesn't explicitly wait, or that it does exit
+;; in no-wait mode
+(define (check-sub no-wait?)
+  (define sub.zuo (build-path tmp-dir "sub.zuo"))
+  (define inner.zuo (build-path tmp-dir "inner.zuo"))
+  (let ([o (fd-open-output sub.zuo :truncate)])
+    (fd-write o (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+                    (~s `(void (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
+                                        ,inner.zuo
+                                        ,(if no-wait?
+                                             '(hash 'cleanable? #f)
+                                             '(hash)))))))
+    (fd-close o))
+  (let ([o (fd-open-output inner.zuo :truncate)])
+    (fd-write o (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+                    (~s `(let ([in (fd-open-input 'stdin)]
+                               [out (fd-open-output 'stdout)])
+                           (define s (fd-read in 1))
+                           (fd-write out s)
+                           (fd-read in 1)))))
+    (fd-close o))
+  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
+                     sub.zuo
+                     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
+  (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
+  (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
+  (cond
+    [no-wait? (process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))]
+    [else (check (process-status (hash-ref p 'process)) 'running)])
+  (fd-write to "x")
+  (check (fd-read from 1) "x")
+  (unless no-wait?
+    (check (process-status (hash-ref p 'process)) 'running))
+  (fd-write to "y")
+  (process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
+  (check (process-status (hash-ref p 'process)) 0))
+(check-sub #f)
+(check-sub #f)
+(check-sub #t)
+(check-arg-fail (cleanable-file 10) not-path)
+(check-arg-fail (cleanable-cancel 10) "cleanable handle")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cycle.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "cycle")
+(define cycle-file (build-path tmp-dir "cycle.zuo"))
+(define out (fd-open-output cycle-file :truncate))
+(fd-write out (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+                  "(require \"cycle.zuo\")\n"))
+(fd-close out)
+(check (run-zuo `(require ,(if (relative-path? cycle-file)
+			       (build-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir) cycle-file)
+			       cycle-file))
+                (lambda (status out err)
+                  (and (not (= status 0))
+                       (equal? out "")
+		       (contains? err "cycle in module loading")))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/equal.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+;; We need certain things to work for checking even to work, but all
+;; we can do is assume that things work...
+(alert "equal") 
+(check #t)
+(check (not #f))
+(check (eq? 'apple 'apple))
+(check (not (eq? 'apple 'banana)))
+(check (not (eq? 'apple "apple")))
+(check (string=? "apple" "apple"))
+(check (not (string=? "apple" "banana")))
+(check (string-ci=? "apple" "aPPle"))
+(check (not (string-ci=? "apple" "banana")))
+(check (= 1 1))
+(check (not (= 1 -1)))
+(check (equal? 1 1))
+(check (equal? "apple" "apple"))
+(check (equal? "apple" "apple"))
+(check (equal? '("apple") '("apple")))
+(check (equal? '(0 "apple") '(0 "apple")))
+(check (not (equal? '("apple") '("banana"))))
+(check (not (equal? '(0 "apple") '(0 "banana"))))
+(check (equal? (hash 'a 1) (hash 'a 1)))
+(check (not (equal? (hash 'a 1) (hash 'b 1))))
+(check (not (equal? (hash 'a 1) (hash 'a 2))))
+(check (not (equal? "apple" 'other)))
+(check (not (equal? 'other "apple")))
+(check (not (equal? 1 'other)))
+(check (not (equal? 'other 1)))
+(check (not (equal? 1 (hash 'a 1))))
+(check (not (equal? (hash 'a 1) 1)))
+(check-fail (= 1 'apple) not-integer)
+(check-fail (= 'apple 1) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (string=? 1 "apple") not-string)
+(check-arg-fail (string=? "apple" 1) not-string)
+(check-arg-fail (string-ci=? 1 "apple") not-string)
+(check-arg-fail (string-ci=? "apple" 1) not-string)
+(check (eq? (void) (void)))
+(check (void? (void)))
+(check (not (void? 'void)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/example-common.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,923 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; This is an early version of the macro expander, preserved here
+;; as a large-ish example that's useful to check how long expansion takes.
+(let* ([caar (lambda (p) (car (car p)))]
+       [cadr (lambda (p) (car (cdr p)))]
+       [cdar (lambda (p) (cdr (car p)))]
+       [cddr (lambda (p) (cdr (cdr p)))]
+       [map (lambda (f vs)
+              (letrec ([map (lambda (vs)
+                              (if (null? vs)
+                                  '()
+                                  (cons (f (car vs)) (map (cdr vs)))))])
+                (map vs)))]
+       [map2 (lambda (f vs v2s)
+               (letrec ([map (lambda (vs v2s)
+                               (if (null? vs)
+                                   '()
+                                   (cons (f (car vs) (car v2s))
+                                         (map (cdr vs) (cdr v2s)))))])
+                 (map vs v2s)))]
+       [foldl (lambda (f init vs)
+                (letrec ([fold (lambda (vs accum)
+                                 (if (null? vs)
+                                     accum
+                                     (fold (cdr vs) (f (car vs) accum))))])
+                  (fold vs init)))]
+       [ormap (lambda (f vs)
+                (letrec ([ormap (lambda (vs)
+                                  (if (null? vs)
+                                      #f
+                                      (or (f (car vs)) (ormap (cdr vs)))))])
+                  (ormap vs)))]
+       [make-scope (lambda (name) (string->uninterned-symbol name))]
+       [set-add (lambda (ht v) (hash-set ht v #t))]
+       [set-remove hash-remove]
+       [set-flip (lambda (ht v)
+                   (let ([ht2 (hash-remove ht v)])
+                     (if (eq? ht ht2)
+                         (hash-set ht v #t)
+                         ht2)))]
+       [scope-set=? (lambda (sc1 sc2)
+                      (and (hash-keys-subset? sc1 sc2)
+                           (hash-keys-subset? sc2 sc1)))]
+       [empty-prop (hash)]
+       [prop-add (lambda (prop s) (hash-set prop s 'add))]
+       [prop-remove (lambda (prop s) (hash-set prop s 'remove))]
+       [prop-flip (lambda (prop s)
+                    (let ([v (hash-ref prop s #f)])
+                      (cond
+                        [(not v) (hash-set prop s 'flip)]
+                        [(eq? v 'flip) (hash-remove prop s)]
+                        [(eq? v 'add) (hash-set prop s 'remove)]
+                        [else (hash-set prop s 'add)])))]
+       [syntax-tag (string->uninterned-symbol "syntax")]
+       [identifier (lambda (id scopes) (opaque syntax-tag (cons id scopes)))]
+       [lazy-prop-pair (lambda (vec) (opaque syntax-tag vec))]
+       [syntax? (lambda (v) (and (opaque-ref syntax-tag v #f) #t))]
+       [identifier? (lambda (v) (symbol? (car (opaque-ref syntax-tag v '(#f . #f)))))]
+       [lazy-prop-pair? (lambda (v) (pair? (car (opaque-ref syntax-tag v '(#f . #f)))))]
+       [identifier-e (lambda (v) (car (opaque-ref syntax-tag v #f)))]
+       [identifier-scopes (lambda (v) (cdr (opaque-ref syntax-tag v #f)))]
+       [syntax-raw-content (lambda (v) (opaque-ref syntax-tag v #f))] ; returns # for non-syntaz
+       [datum->syntax (letrec ([datum->syntax (lambda (ctx v)
+                                                (cond
+                                                  [(syntax? v) v]
+                                                  [(symbol? v) (identifier v (identifier-scopes ctx))]
+                                                  [(pair? v) (cons (datum->syntax ctx (car v))
+                                                                   (datum->syntax ctx (cdr v)))]
+                                                  [else v]))])
+                        datum->syntax)]
+       [syntax->datum (letrec ([syntax->datum (lambda (s)
+                                                (cond
+                                                  [(identifier? s) (identifier-e s)]
+                                                  [(lazy-prop-pair? s) (syntax->datum (car (syntax-raw-content s)))]
+                                                  [(pair? s) (cons (syntax->datum (car s))
+                                                                   (syntax->datum (cdr s)))]
+                                                  [else s]))])
+                        syntax->datum)]
+       [adjust-scope (lambda (s scope op prop-op)
+                       (cond
+                         [(pair? s) (lazy-prop-pair (cons s (prop-op empty-prop scope)))]
+                         [else (let* ([c (syntax-raw-content s)])
+                                 (if c
+                                     (let ([a (car c)])
+                                       (if (symbol? a)
+                                           (identifier a (op (cdr c) scope))
+                                           (lazy-prop-pair (cons (car c)
+                                                                 (prop-op (cdr c) scope)))))
+                                     s))]))]
+       [add-scope (lambda (s scope) (adjust-scope s scope set-add prop-add))]
+       [remove-scope (lambda (s scope) (adjust-scope s scope set-remove prop-remove))]
+       [flip-scope (lambda (s scope) (adjust-scope s scope set-flip prop-flip))]
+       [apply-prop (lambda (prop s)
+                     (cond
+                       [(= 0 (hash-count prop)) s]
+                       [else (let* ([c (syntax-raw-content s)])
+                               (cond
+                                 [(and c (pair? (car c)) (= 0 (hash-count prop)))
+                                  (lazy-prop-pair (cons (car c) prop))]
+                                 [(pair? s) (lazy-prop-pair (cons s prop))]
+                                 [else
+                                  (foldl (lambda (scope s)
+                                           (let ([op (hash-ref prop scope #f)])
+                                             (cond
+                                               [(eq? op 'add) (add-scope s scope)]
+                                               [(eq? op 'remove) (remove-scope s scope)]
+                                               [else (flip-scope s scope)])))
+                                         s
+                                         (hash-keys prop))]))]))]
+       [syntax-e (lambda (s) (let ([c (syntax-raw-content s)])
+                               (if c
+                                   (let ([a (car c)])
+                                     (if (symbol? a)
+                                         a
+                                         (let ([prop (cdr c)])
+                                           (cons (apply-prop prop (car a))
+                                                 (apply-prop prop (cdr a))))))
+                                   s)))]
+       [stx-pair? (lambda (p) (or (pair? p) (lazy-prop-pair? p)))]
+       [stx-car (lambda (p) (if (pair? p)
+                                (car p)
+                                (let ([c (syntax-raw-content p)])
+                                  (if (and c (pair? (car c)))
+                                      (apply-prop (cdr c) (car (car c)))
+                                      (error "stx-car: not a syntax pair" p)))))]
+       [stx-cdr (lambda (p) (if (pair? p)
+                                (cdr p)
+                                (let ([c (syntax-raw-content p)])
+                                  (if (and c (pair? (car c)))
+                                      (apply-prop (cdr c) (cdr (car c)))
+                                      (error "stx-cdr: not a syntax pair" p)))))]
+       [stx-list? (letrec ([stx-list?
+                            (lambda (p)
+                              (cond
+                                [(null? p) #t]
+                                [(pair? p) (stx-list? (cdr p))]
+                                [else (let ([c (syntax-raw-content p)])
+                                        (and c
+                                             (let ([pr (car c)])
+                                               (and (pair? pr) (stx-list? (cdr pr))))))]))])
+                    stx-list?)]
+       [stx->list (letrec ([stx->list
+                            (lambda (p)
+                              (cond
+                                [(null? p) '()]
+                                [(pair? p) (let ([r (stx->list (cdr p))])
+                                             (and r (cons (car p) r)))]
+                                [else (let ([c (syntax-raw-content p)])
+                                        (and c
+                                             (let* ([a (car c)])
+                                               (and (pair? a)
+                                                    (let* ([prop (cdr c)]
+                                                           [r (stx->list (apply-prop prop (cdr a)))])
+                                                      (and r (cons (apply-prop prop (car a))
+                                                                   r)))))))]))])
+                    stx->list)]
+       [stx-length (letrec ([stx-length
+                             (lambda (p)
+                               (cond
+                                 [(null? p) 0]
+                                 [(pair? p) (+ 1 (stx-length (cdr p)))]
+                                 [else (let ([c (syntax-raw-content p)])
+                                         (if c
+                                             (let ([a (car c)])
+                                               (if (pair? a)
+                                                   (+ 1 (stx-length (cdr a)))
+                                                   0))
+                                             0))]))])
+                     stx-length)]
+       [stx-caar (lambda (p) (stx-car (stx-car p)))]
+       [stx-cadr (lambda (p) (stx-car (stx-cdr p)))]
+       [stx-cdar (lambda (p) (stx-cdr (stx-car p)))]
+       [stx-cddr (lambda (p) (stx-cdr (stx-cdr p)))]
+       [add-binding* (lambda (binds id binding)
+                       (let* ([sym (identifier-e id)]
+                              [sc (identifier-scopes id)]
+                              [sym-binds (hash-ref binds sym (hash))]
+                              [k-scope (car (hash-keys sc))] ; relying on deterministic order
+                              [sc+bs (hash-ref sym-binds k-scope '())]
+                              [sym-binds (hash-set sym-binds k-scope (cons (cons sc binding) sc+bs))])
+                         (hash-set binds sym sym-binds)))]
+       [find-all-matching-bindings (lambda (binds id)
+                                     (let* ([sym (identifier-e id)]
+                                            [id-sc (identifier-scopes id)]
+                                            [sym-binds (hash-ref binds sym #f)])
+                                       (if (not sym-binds)
+                                           '()
+                                           (foldl (lambda (scope lst)
+                                                    (foldl (lambda (sc+b lst)
+                                                             (let* ([sc (car sc+b)])
+                                                               (if (hash-keys-subset? sc id-sc)
+                                                                   (cons sc+b lst)
+                                                                   lst)))
+                                                           lst
+                                                           (hash-ref sym-binds scope '())))
+                                                  '()
+                                                  (hash-keys sym-binds)))))]
+       [check-unambiguous (lambda (id max-sc+b candidate-sc+bs)
+                            (map (lambda (sc+b)
+                                   (unless (hash-keys-subset? (car sc+b)
+                                                              (car max-sc+b))
+                                     (error "ambiguous" (identifier-e id))))
+                                 candidate-sc+bs))]
+       [resolve* (lambda (binds id)
+                   (let* ([candidate-sc+bs (find-all-matching-bindings binds id)])
+                     (cond
+                       [(pair? candidate-sc+bs)
+                        (let* ([max-sc+binding (foldl (lambda (sc+b max-sc+b)
+                                                        (if (> (hash-count (car max-sc+b))
+                                                               (hash-count (car sc+b)))
+                                                            max-sc+b
+                                                            sc+b))
+                                                      (car candidate-sc+bs)
+                                                      (cdr candidate-sc+bs))])
+                          (check-unambiguous id max-sc+binding candidate-sc+bs)
+                          (cdr max-sc+binding))]
+                       [else #f])))]
+       [make-state (lambda (binds nominals) (cons binds (cons (hash) nominals)))]
+       [state-binds car]
+       [state-merged cadr]
+       [state-nominals cddr]
+       [state-set-binds (lambda (state binds) (cons binds (cdr state)))]
+       [state-set-merged (lambda (state merged) (cons (car state) (cons merged (cddr state))))]
+       [state-set-nominals (lambda (state nominals) (cons (car state) (cons (cadr state) nominals)))]
+       [merge-binds (lambda (state key m-binds)
+                      (let* ([merged (state-merged state)])
+                        (cond
+                          [(hash-ref merged key #f)
+                           ;; already merged
+                           state]
+                          [else
+                           (let* ([merged (hash-set merged key #t)]
+                                  [binds (state-binds state)]
+                                  [new-binds
+                                   ;; merge bindings from `m-binds` to `binds`:
+                                   (foldl (lambda (sym binds)
+                                            (let* ([sym-ht (hash-ref binds sym (hash))]
+                                                   [m-sym-ht (hash-ref m-binds sym #f)]
+                                                   [new-sym-ht
+                                                    (foldl (lambda (s sym-ht)
+                                                             (hash-set sym-ht
+                                                                       s
+                                                                       (append (hash-ref m-sym-ht s '())
+                                                                               (hash-ref sym-ht s '()))))
+                                                           sym-ht
+                                                           (hash-keys m-sym-ht))])
+                                              (hash-set binds sym new-sym-ht)))
+                                          binds
+                                          (hash-keys m-binds))])
+                             (state-set-binds (state-set-merged state merged) new-binds))])))]
+       [mod-path=? (lambda (a b) (if (or (symbol? a) (symbol? b))
+                                     (eq? a b)
+                                     (string=? a b)))]
+       [call-with-nominal (lambda (state mod-path default-ids k)
+                            (let* ([mod-path (if (identifier? mod-path)
+                                                 (identifier-e mod-path)
+                                                 mod-path)]
+                                   [fronted
+                                    (letrec ([assoc-to-front
+                                              (lambda (l)
+                                                (cond
+                                                  [(null? l) (list (cons mod-path default-ids))]
+                                                  [(mod-path=? mod-path (caar l)) l]
+                                                  [else (let ([new-l (assoc-to-front (cdr l))])
+                                                          (cons (car new-l) (cons (car l) (cdr new-l))))]))])
+                                      (assoc-to-front (state-nominals state)))])
+                              (k (cdar fronted)
+                                 (lambda (new-sym+bs)
+                                   (let* ([new-noms (cons (cons (caar fronted) new-sym+bs)
+                                                          (cdr fronted))])
+                                     (state-set-nominals state new-noms))))))]
+       [record-nominal (lambda (state mod-path sym bind)
+                         (call-with-nominal state mod-path '()
+                                            (lambda (sym+binds install)
+                                              (install (cons (cons sym bind) sym+binds)))))]
+       [lookup-nominal (lambda (state mod-path)
+                         (call-with-nominal state mod-path #f
+                                            (lambda (sym+binds install)
+                                              sym+binds)))]
+       [initial-nominals (lambda (binds mod-path)
+                           ;; in case `all-from-out` is used on the initial import,
+                           ;; add all the current ids in `binds` as nominally imported
+                           (let* ([sym+bs (foldl (lambda (sym sym+bs)
+                                                   (let* ([sym-ht (hash-ref binds sym #f)])
+                                                     (foldl (lambda (scope sym+bs)
+                                                              (let ([sc+bs (hash-ref sym-ht scope #f)])
+                                                                (foldl (lambda (sc+b sym+bs)
+                                                                         (cons (cons sym (cdr sc+b))
+                                                                               sym+bs))
+                                                                       sym+bs
+                                                                       sc+bs)))
+                                                            sym+bs
+                                                            (hash-keys sym-ht))))
+                                                 '()
+                                                 (hash-keys binds))])
+                             (list (cons mod-path sym+bs))))]
+       [bound-identifier=? (lambda (id1 id2)
+                             (unless (identifier? id1) (error "bound-identifier?: not an identifier" id1))
+                             (unless (identifier? id2) (error "bound-identifier?: not an identifier" id2))
+                             (and (eq? (identifier-e id1) (identifier-e id2))
+                                  (scope-set=? (identifier-scopes id1)
+                                               (identifier-scopes id2))))]
+       [id-sym-eq? (lambda (id sym) (and (identifier? id) (eq? (identifier-e id) sym)))]
+       ;; simple transparent structs
+       [make-maker (lambda (tag) (lambda (v) (cons tag v)))]
+       [make-? (lambda (tag) (lambda (v) (and (pair? v) (eq? tag (car v)))))]
+       [make-?? (lambda (tag1 tag2) (lambda (v) (and (pair? v) (or (eq? tag1 (car v))
+                                                                   (eq? tag2 (car v))))))]
+       [any-ref cdr] ; not bothering to check a tag
+       [make-core-form (make-maker 'core-form)]
+       [core-form? (make-? 'core-form)]
+       [form-id any-ref]
+       [make-local (make-maker 'local)]
+       [local? (make-? 'local)]
+       [local-id any-ref]
+       [make-defined (make-maker 'defined)]
+       [defined? (make-? 'defined)]
+       [make-local-variable (make-maker 'local-variable)]
+       [variable? (make-?? 'local-variable 'defined)]
+       [variable-var any-ref]
+       [make-macro (make-maker 'macro)]
+       [macro-proc+key+ctx+binds any-ref]
+       [make-defined-macro (make-maker 'defined-macro)]
+       [defined-macro? (make-? 'defined-macro)]
+       [defined-macro-proc any-ref]
+       [macro? (make-?? 'macro 'defined-macro)]
+       [make-literal (make-maker 'literal)]
+       [literal? (make-? 'literal)]
+       [literal-val any-ref]
+       [make-initial-import (make-maker 'initial)]
+       [initial-import? (make-? 'initial)]
+       [initial-import-bind any-ref]
+       [make-specific (make-maker 'specific)]
+       [specific? (make-? 'specific)]
+       [specific-label (lambda (s) (cdr (any-ref s)))]
+       [unwrap-specific (lambda (v) (if (specific? v)
+                                        (car (any-ref v))
+                                        v))]
+       [as-specific (lambda (v) (make-specific (cons v (string->uninterned-symbol "u"))))]
+       [specific=? (lambda (a b) (if (specific? a)
+                                     (if (specific? b)
+                                         (eq? (specific-label a) (specific-label b))
+                                         #f)
+                                     (eq? a b)))]
+       [add-binding (lambda (state id binding)
+                      (state-set-binds state (add-binding* (state-binds state) id binding)))]
+       [resolve (lambda (state id)
+                  (let* ([bind (resolve* (state-binds state) id)]
+                         [bind (unwrap-specific bind)])
+                    (if (initial-import? bind)
+                        (initial-import-bind bind)
+                        bind)))]
+       [free-id=? (lambda (state id1 id2)
+                    (let* ([bind1 (resolve* (state-binds state) id1)]
+                           [bind2 (resolve* (state-binds state) id2)])
+                      (or (specific=? bind1 bind2)
+                          (and (not bind1)
+                               (not bind2)
+                               (eq? (identifier-e id1) (identifier-e id2))))))]
+       [core-sc (hash 'core #t)]
+       [make-core-initial-bind (lambda (bind) (hash 'core (list (cons core-sc (as-specific (make-initial-import bind))))))]
+       [kernel-binds (let* ([ht (kernel-env)])
+                       (foldl (lambda (sym binds)
+                                (cond
+                                  [(or (eq? sym 'eval)
+                                       (eq? sym 'dynamic-require))
+                                   ;; skip things related to the `zuo/kernel` evaluator
+                                   binds]
+                                  [else
+                                   (hash-set binds sym (make-core-initial-bind (hash-ref ht sym #f)))]))
+                              (hash)
+                              (hash-keys ht)))]
+       [top-form-binds (foldl (lambda (sym binds)
+                                (hash-set binds sym (make-core-initial-bind (make-core-form sym))))
+                              kernel-binds
+                              '(lambda let letrec quote if begin
+                                       define define-syntax require provide
+                                       quote-syntax))]
+       [top-binds (let* ([binds top-form-binds]
+                         [add (lambda (binds name val) (hash-set binds name (make-core-initial-bind val)))]
+                         [binds (add binds 'identifier? identifier?)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'stx-pair? stx-pair?)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'stx-car stx-car)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'stx-cdr stx-cdr)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'stx-list? stx-list?)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'stx->list stx->list)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'stx-length stx-length)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'syntax-e syntax-e)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'syntax->datum syntax->datum)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'datum->syntax datum->syntax)]
+                         [binds (add binds 'bound-identifier=? bound-identifier=?)])
+                    binds)]
+       [export-bind (lambda (bind mod-scope ctx binds)
+                      ;; convert a local binding into one suitable to import
+                      (let* ([label (and (specific? bind)
+                                         (specific-label bind))]
+                             [bind (unwrap-specific bind)]
+                             [bind (if (initial-import? bind)
+                                       (initial-import-bind bind)
+                                       bind)]
+                             [bind (cond
+                                     [(defined? bind)
+                                      (make-local-variable (variable-var bind))]
+                                     [(defined-macro? bind)
+                                      (make-macro (list (defined-macro-proc bind) mod-scope ctx binds))]
+                                     [else bind])])
+                        (if label
+                            (make-specific (cons bind label))
+                            bind)))]
+       [initial-import-bind (lambda (bind)
+                              (let* ([label (and (specific? bind)
+                                                 (specific-label bind))]
+                                     [bind (unwrap-specific bind)]
+                                     [bind (make-initial-import bind)])
+                                (if label
+                                    (make-specific (cons bind label))
+                                    bind)))]
+       [gensym (lambda (sym) (string->uninterned-symbol (symbol->string sym)))]
+       [maybe-begin (lambda (d) (if (null? (stx-cdr d)) (stx-car d) (cons (identifier 'begin core-sc) d)))]
+       [name-lambda (lambda (form id)
+                      (if (and (pair? form)
+                               (eq? (car form) 'lambda))
+                          ;; `zuo/kernel` recognizes this pattern to name the form
+                          `(lambda ,(cadr form) ,(symbol->string (identifier-e id)) ,(cadr (cdr form)))
+                          form))]
+       [syntax-error (lambda (msg s) (error (~a msg ": " (~s (syntax->datum s)))))]
+       [bad-syntax (lambda (s) (syntax-error "bad syntax" s))]
+       [duplicate-identifier (lambda (id s) (error "duplicate identifier:" (identifier-e id) (syntax->datum s)))]
+       [procedure-arity-mask (lambda (p) -1)]
+       [apply-macro (lambda (m s ctx state k)
+                      (let* ([apply-macro
+                              (lambda (proc ctx state)
+                                (let* ([new-scope (make-scope "macro")]
+                                       [s (add-scope s new-scope)]
+                                       [s (if (= 4 (bitwise-and (procedure-arity-mask proc) 4))
+                                              (proc s (lambda (a b) (free-id=? state a b)))
+                                              (proc s))]
+                                       [s (datum->syntax ctx s)]
+                                       [s (flip-scope s new-scope)])
+                                  (k s state)))])
+                        (cond
+                          [(defined-macro? m) (apply-macro (defined-macro-proc m) ctx state)]
+                          [else
+                           (let* ([proc+key+ctx+binds (macro-proc+key+ctx+binds m)]
+                                  [proc (car proc+key+ctx+binds)]
+                                  [key (cadr proc+key+ctx+binds)]
+                                  [ctx (cadr (cdr proc+key+ctx+binds))]
+                                  [m-binds (cadr (cddr proc+key+ctx+binds))])
+                             (apply-macro proc ctx (merge-binds state key m-binds)))])))]
+       [expand-define (lambda (s state k)
+                        (unless (and (stx-list? s) (= 3 (stx-length s)) (identifier? (stx-cadr s)))
+                          (bad-syntax s))
+                        (let* ([id (stx-cadr s)]
+                               [id-bind (resolve state id)])
+                          (when (or (defined? id-bind)
+                                    (defined-macro? id-bind))
+                            (syntax-error "duplicate definition" id))
+                          (let* ([sym (identifier-e id)]
+                                 [def-id (gensym sym)]
+                                 [var (variable sym)]
+                                 [new-state (add-binding state id (as-specific (make-defined var)))]
+                                 [new-s `(,variable-set! ,var (,name-lambda ,(stx-cadr (stx-cdr s)) ,id))])
+                            (k new-s new-state))))]
+       [expand-define-syntax (lambda (s state parse)
+                               (unless (and (stx-list? s) (= 3 (stx-length s)) (identifier? (stx-cadr s)))
+                                 (bad-syntax s))
+                               (let* ([id (stx-cadr s)]
+                                      [id-bind (resolve state id)])
+                                 (when (or (defined? id-bind)
+                                           (defined-macro? id-bind))
+                                   (syntax-error "duplicate definition" id))
+                                 (let* ([e (parse (stx-cadr (stx-cdr s)) state)]
+                                        [proc ('eval (name-lambda e id))])
+                                   (add-binding state id (as-specific (make-defined-macro proc))))))]
+       [expand-provide (lambda (s state provides mod-path)
+                         (unless (stx-list? s) (bad-syntax s))
+                         (foldl (lambda (p provides)
+                                  (let* ([add-provide (lambda (provides id as-sym)
+                                                        (let* ([old-id (hash-ref provides as-sym #f)])
+                                                          (when (and old-id
+                                                                     (not (free-id=? state old-id id)))
+                                                            (syntax-error "already provided as different binding" as-sym))
+                                                          (hash-set provides as-sym id)))]
+                                         [bad-provide-form (lambda () (syntax-error "bad provide clause" p))])
+                                    (cond
+                                      [(identifier? p) (add-provide provides p (identifier-e p))]
+                                      [(stx-pair? p)
+                                       (unless (stx-list? p) (bad-provide-form))
+                                       (let ([form (stx-car p)])
+                                         (cond
+                                           [(id-sym-eq? form 'rename-out)
+                                            (foldl (lambda (rn provides)
+                                                     (unless (and (stx-list? rn) (= 2 (stx-length rn))
+                                                                  (identifier? (stx-car rn)) (identifier? (stx-cadr rn)))
+                                                       (bad-provide-form))
+                                                     (add-provide provides (stx-car rn) (identifier-e (stx-cadr rn))))
+                                                   provides
+                                                   (stx->list (stx-cdr p)))]
+                                           [(id-sym-eq? form 'all-from-out)
+                                            (foldl (lambda (req-path provides)
+                                                     (let* ([prov-sc (identifier-scopes (stx-car s))]
+                                                            [sym+binds (lookup-nominal state req-path)])
+                                                       (unless sym+binds (syntax-error "module not required" req-path))
+                                                       (foldl (lambda (sym+bind provides)
+                                                                (let* ([sym (car sym+bind)]
+                                                                       [id (identifier sym prov-sc)]
+                                                                       [bind (resolve* (state-binds state) id)])
+                                                                  (cond
+                                                                    [(not (specific=? bind (cdr sym+bind)))
+                                                                     ;; shadowed by definition or other import
+                                                                     provides]
+                                                                    [else
+                                                                     (add-provide provides id sym)])))
+                                                              provides
+                                                              sym+binds)))
+                                                   provides
+                                                   (stx->list (stx-cdr p)))]
+                                           [else (bad-provide-form)]))]
+                                      [else (bad-provide-form)])))
+                                provides
+                                (stx->list (stx-cdr s))))]
+       [expand-require (lambda (s state mod-path)
+                         (let* ([check-renames
+                                 ;; syntax check on renaming clauses `ns`
+                                 (lambda (r ns id-ok?)
+                                   (map (lambda (n) (unless (or (and id-ok?
+                                                                     (identifier? n))
+                                                                (and (stx-list? n)
+                                                                     (= 2 (stx-length n))
+                                                                     (identifier? (stx-car n))
+                                                                     (identifier? (stx-cadr n))))
+                                                      (bad-syntax r)))
+                                        (stx->list ns)))]
+                                [make-rename-filter
+                                 ;; used to apply `ns` renaming clauses to an imported identifier
+                                 (lambda (ns only?)
+                                   (lambda (sym)
+                                     (letrec ([loop (lambda (ns)
+                                                      (cond
+                                                        [(null? ns) (if only? #f sym)]
+                                                        [(id-sym-eq? (stx-car ns) sym) sym]
+                                                        [(and (stx-pair? (stx-car ns))
+                                                              (id-sym-eq? (stx-caar ns) sym))
+                                                         (syntax-e (stx-cadr (stx-car ns)))]
+                                                        [else (loop (stx-cdr ns))]))])
+                                       (loop ns))))]
+                                [make-provides-checker
+                                 ;; used to check whether set of provided is consistent with `ns`
+                                 (lambda (ns)
+                                   (lambda (provides)
+                                     (map (lambda (n)
+                                            (let ([id (if (pair? n) (car n) n)])
+                                              (unless (hash-ref provides (identifier-e id) #f)
+                                                (syntax-error "identifier is not in required set" id))))
+                                          (stx->list ns))))])
+                           ;; parse each `require` clause `r:
+                           (foldl (lambda (r state)
+                                    (let* ([req-sc (identifier-scopes (stx-car s))]
+                                           [req-path+filter+check
+                                            (cond
+                                              [(string? r) (list r (lambda (sym) sym) void)]
+                                              [(identifier? r) (list (identifier-e r) (lambda (sym) sym) void)]
+                                              [(stx-pair? r)
+                                               (unless (and (stx-list? r) (stx-pair? (stx-cdr r))) (bad-syntax r))
+                                               (let* ([ns (stx-cddr r)])
+                                                 (cond
+                                                   [(id-sym-eq? (stx-car r) 'only-in)
+                                                    (check-renames r ns #t)
+                                                    (list (stx-cadr r) (make-rename-filter ns #t) (make-provides-checker ns))]
+                                                   [(id-sym-eq? (stx-car r) 'rename-in)
+                                                    (check-renames r ns #f)
+                                                    (list (stx-cadr r) (make-rename-filter ns #f) (make-provides-checker ns))]
+                                                   [else (bad-syntax r)]))]
+                                              [else (bad-syntax r)])]
+                                           [req-path (car req-path+filter+check)]
+                                           [filter (cadr req-path+filter+check)]
+                                           [check (cadr (cdr req-path+filter+check))]
+                                           [in-mod-path (if (string? req-path)
+                                                            (module-path-join req-path (car (split-path mod-path)))
+                                                            (syntax->datum req-path))]
+                                           [mod ('dynamic-require in-mod-path)]
+                                           [provides (hash-ref mod 'macromod-provides #f)])
+                                      (unless provides (syntax-error "not a compatible module" r))
+                                      (check provides)
+                                      ;; add each provided binding (except as filtered)
+                                      (foldl (lambda (sym state)
+                                               (let* ([as-sym (filter sym)])
+                                                 (cond
+                                                   [(not as-sym) state]
+                                                   [else
+                                                    ;; check whether it's bound already
+                                                    (let* ([as-id (identifier as-sym req-sc)]
+                                                           [current-bind (resolve* (state-binds state) as-id)]
+                                                           [req-bind (hash-ref provides sym #f)]
+                                                           [add-binding/record-nominal
+                                                            (lambda ()
+                                                              (let* ([state (add-binding state as-id req-bind)])
+                                                                (record-nominal state req-path as-sym req-bind)))])
+                                                      (cond
+                                                        [(not current-bind)
+                                                         ;; not already bound, so import is ok
+                                                         (add-binding/record-nominal)]
+                                                        [(initial-import? (unwrap-specific current-bind))
+                                                         ;; `require` can shadow an initial import
+                                                         (add-binding/record-nominal)]
+                                                        [(specific=? current-bind req-bind)
+                                                         ;; re-import of same variable or primitive, also ok
+                                                         state]
+                                                        [(or (defined? current-bind)
+                                                             (defined-macro? current-bind))
+                                                         ;; definition shadows import
+                                                         state]
+                                                        [else
+                                                         (syntax-error "identifier is already imported" as-id)]))])))
+                                             state
+                                             (hash-keys provides))))
+                                  state
+                                  (stx->list (stx-cdr s)))))]
+       [expand-top-sequence
+        ;; expand top-level forms and gather imports and definitions
+        (lambda (es state mod-path ctx parse)
+          (letrec ([expand-top
+                    (lambda (es accum state provides)
+                      (cond
+                        [(null? es) (list (reverse accum) state provides)]
+                        [else
+                         (let* ([s (stx-car es)])
+                           (cond
+                             [(stx-pair? s)
+                              (let* ([rator (stx-car s)]
+                                     [bind (and (identifier? rator)
+                                                (resolve state rator))])
+                                (cond
+                                  [(macro? bind)
+                                   (apply-macro bind s ctx state
+                                                (lambda (new-s new-state)
+                                                  (expand-top (cons new-s (cdr es)) accum new-state provides)))]
+                                  [(core-form? bind)
+                                   (let ([bind (form-id bind)])
+                                     (cond
+                                       [(eq? bind 'begin)
+                                        (unless (stx-list? s) (bad-syntax s))
+                                        (expand-top (append (stx->list (stx-cdr s)) (cdr es)) accum state provides)]
+                                       [(eq? bind 'define)
+                                        (expand-define s
+                                                       state
+                                                       (lambda (new-s new-state)
+                                                         (expand-top (cdr es) (cons new-s accum) new-state provides)))]
+                                       [(eq? bind 'define-syntax)
+                                        (let ([new-state (expand-define-syntax s state parse)])
+                                          (expand-top (cdr es) accum new-state provides))]
+                                       [(eq? bind 'provide)
+                                        (let ([new-provides (expand-provide s state provides mod-path)])
+                                          (expand-top (cdr es) accum state new-provides))]
+                                       [(eq? bind 'require)
+                                        (let ([new-state (expand-require s state mod-path)])
+                                          (expand-top (cdr es) accum new-state provides))]
+                                       [else
+                                        (expand-top (cdr es) (cons s accum) state provides)]))]
+                                  [else (expand-top (cdr es) (cons s accum) state provides)]))]
+                             [else (expand-top (cdr es) (cons s accum) state provides)]))]))])
+            (expand-top es '() state (hash))))]
+       [parse-lambda (lambda (s state parse)
+                       (unless (>= (stx-length s) 3) (bad-syntax s))
+                       (let* ([formals (stx-cadr s)]
+                              [new-formals (letrec ([reformal (lambda (f seen)
+                                                                (cond
+                                                                  [(null? f) '()]
+                                                                  [(identifier? f)
+                                                                   (when (ormap (lambda (sn) (bound-identifier=? f sn)) seen)
+                                                                     (duplicate-identifier f s))
+                                                                   (gensym (syntax-e f))]
+                                                                  [(stx-pair? f)
+                                                                   (let* ([a (stx-car f)])
+                                                                     (unless (identifier? a) (bad-syntax s))
+                                                                     (cons (reformal a seen)
+                                                                           (reformal (stx-cdr f) (cons a seen))))]
+                                                                  [else (bad-syntax s)]))])
+                                             (reformal formals '()))]
+                              [new-scope (make-scope "lambda")]
+                              [state (letrec ([add-formals (lambda (state formals new-formals)
+                                                             (cond
+                                                               [(identifier? formals)
+                                                                (let* ([id (add-scope formals new-scope)])
+                                                                  (add-binding state id (make-local new-formals)))]
+                                                               [(pair? new-formals)
+                                                                (add-formals (add-formals state (stx-cdr formals) (cdr new-formals))
+                                                                             (stx-car formals)
+                                                                             (car new-formals))]
+                                                               [else state]))])
+                                       (add-formals state formals new-formals))])
+                         `(lambda ,new-formals
+                            ,(parse (maybe-begin (add-scope (stx-cddr s) new-scope)) state))))]
+       [nest-bindings (lambda (new-cls body)
+                        (letrec ([nest-bindings (lambda (new-cls)
+                                                  (if (null? new-cls)
+                                                      body
+                                                      `(let (,(car new-cls))
+                                                         ,(nest-bindings (cdr new-cls)))))])
+                          (nest-bindings (reverse new-cls))))]
+       [parse-let (lambda (s state parse)
+                    (unless (>= (stx-length s) 3) (bad-syntax s))
+                    (let* ([cls (stx-cadr s)]
+                           [orig-state state]
+                           [new-scope (make-scope "let")])
+                      (unless (stx-list? cls) (bad-syntax s))
+                      (letrec ([parse-clauses
+                                (lambda (cls new-cls state seen)
+                                  (cond
+                                    [(null? cls)
+                                     (nest-bindings (reverse new-cls)
+                                                    (parse (maybe-begin (add-scope (stx-cddr s) new-scope)) state))]
+                                    [else
+                                     (let* ([cl (stx-car cls)])
+                                       (unless (and (stx-list? cl) (= 2 (stx-length cl))) (bad-syntax s))
+                                       (let* ([id (stx-car cl)])
+                                         (unless (identifier? id) (bad-syntax s))
+                                         (when (ormap (lambda (sn) (bound-identifier=? id sn)) seen)
+                                           (duplicate-identifier id s))
+                                         (let* ([new-id (gensym (identifier-e id))])
+                                           (parse-clauses (stx-cdr cls)
+                                                          (cons (list new-id (name-lambda
+                                                                              (parse (stx-cadr cl) orig-state)
+                                                                              id))
+                                                                new-cls)
+                                                          (add-binding state (add-scope id new-scope) (make-local new-id))
+                                                          (cons id seen)))))]))])
+                        (parse-clauses cls '() state '()))))]
+       [parse-letrec (lambda (s state parse)
+                       (unless (>= (stx-length s) 3) (bad-syntax s))
+                       (let* ([cls (stx-cadr s)]
+                              [orig-state state]
+                              [new-scope (make-scope "letrec")])
+                         (unless (stx-list? cls) (bad-syntax s))
+                         ;; use mutable variables to tie knots
+                         (letrec ([bind-all (lambda (x-cls new-ids state seen)
+                                              (cond
+                                                [(null? x-cls)
+                                                 (nest-bindings
+                                                  (map (lambda (new-id)
+                                                         `[,new-id (,variable ',new-id)])
+                                                       new-ids)
+                                                  `(begin
+                                                     (begin . ,(map2 (lambda (cl new-id)
+                                                                       `(,variable-set! ,(car new-ids)
+                                                                                        ,(name-lambda
+                                                                                          (let ([rhs (stx-cadr (stx-car cls))])
+                                                                                            (parse (add-scope rhs new-scope) state))
+                                                                                          (stx-caar cls))))
+                                                                     (stx->list cls)
+                                                                     (reverse new-ids)))
+                                                     ,(parse (maybe-begin (add-scope (stx-cddr s) new-scope)) state)))]
+                                                [else
+                                                 (let* ([cl (stx-car x-cls)])
+                                                   (unless (and (stx-list? cl) (= 2 (stx-length cl))) (bad-syntax s))
+                                                   (let* ([id (stx-car cl)])
+                                                     (unless (identifier? id) (bad-syntax s))
+                                                     (when (ormap (lambda (sn) (bound-identifier=? id sn)) seen)
+                                                       (duplicate-identifier id s))
+                                                     (let ([new-id (gensym (identifier-e id))])
+                                                       (bind-all (stx-cdr x-cls)
+                                                                 (cons new-id new-ids)
+                                                                 (add-binding state (add-scope id new-scope) (make-local-variable new-id))
+                                                                 (cons id seen)))))]))])
+                           (bind-all cls '() state '()))))]
+       [make-parse
+        (lambda (ctx)
+          (letrec ([parse
+                    (lambda (s state)
+                      (cond
+                        [(stx-pair? s)
+                         (let* ([rator (stx-car s)]
+                                [bind (and (identifier? rator)
+                                           (resolve state rator))])
+                           (cond
+                             [(macro? bind)
+                              (apply-macro bind s ctx state
+                                           (lambda (new-s new-state)
+                                             (parse new-s new-state)))]
+                             [(core-form? bind)
+                              (unless (stx-list? s) (bad-syntax s))
+                              (let ([bind (form-id bind)])
+                                (cond
+                                  [(eq? bind 'lambda)
+                                   (parse-lambda s state parse)]
+                                  [(eq? bind 'let)
+                                   (parse-let s state parse)]
+                                  [(eq? bind 'letrec)
+                                   (parse-letrec s state parse)]
+                                  [(eq? bind 'quote)
+                                   (unless (= 2 (stx-length s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                                   `(quote ,(syntax->datum (stx-cadr s)))]
+                                  [(eq? bind 'quote-syntax)
+                                   (unless (= 2 (stx-length s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                                   `(quote ,(stx-cadr s))]
+                                  [(eq? bind 'if)
+                                   (unless (= 4 (stx-length s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                                   `(if ,(parse (stx-cadr s) state)
+                                        ,(parse (stx-cadr (stx-cdr s)) state)
+                                        ,(parse (stx-cadr (stx-cddr s)) state))]
+                                  [(eq? bind 'begin)
+                                   (unless (stx-pair? (stx-cdr s)) (bad-syntax s))
+                                   (let ([es (map (lambda (e) (parse e state)) (stx->list (stx-cdr s)))])
+                                     (if (null? (cdr es))
+                                         (car es)
+                                         (cons 'begin es)))]
+                                  [else
+                                   (map (lambda (e) (parse e state)) (stx->list s))]))]
+                             [(eq? rator name-lambda) ; form created by `define` to propagate name
+                              (name-lambda (parse (stx-cadr s) state) (stx-cadr (stx-cdr s)))]
+                             [else (map (lambda (e) (parse e state)) (stx->list s))]))]
+                        [(identifier? s)
+                         (let* ([bind (resolve state s)])
+                           (cond
+                             [(core-form? bind) (bad-syntax s)]
+                             [(local? bind) (local-id bind)]
+                             [(variable? bind) `(,variable-ref ,(variable-var bind))]
+                             [(literal? bind) (literal-val bind)]
+                             [(macro? bind)
+                              (apply-macro bind s ctx state
+                                           (lambda (new-s new-state)
+                                             (parse new-s state)))]
+                             [(not bind) (syntax-error "unbound identifier" s)]
+                             [else bind]))]
+                        [(null? s) (bad-syntax s)]
+                        [else s]))])
+            parse))]
+       [make-read-and-eval
+        (lambda (make-initial-state)
+          (lambda (str start mod-path)
+            (let* ([es (string-read (substring str start (string-length str)))]
+                   [mod-scope (make-scope "module")]
+                   [ctx (identifier 'module (set-add core-sc mod-scope))]
+                   [es (map (lambda (e) (datum->syntax ctx e)) es)]
+                   [parse (make-parse ctx)]
+                   [initial-state (make-initial-state ctx)]
+                   [es+state+provides (expand-top-sequence es initial-state mod-path ctx parse)]
+                   [es (car es+state+provides)]
+                   [state (cadr es+state+provides)]
+                   [binds (state-binds state)]
+                   [provides (cadr (cdr es+state+provides))]
+                   [outs (foldl (lambda (as-sym outs)
+                                  (let* ([id (hash-ref provides as-sym #f)]
+                                         [bind (resolve* (state-binds state) id)])
+                                    (unless bind (syntax-error "provided identifier not bound" id))
+                                    (hash-set outs as-sym (export-bind bind mod-scope ctx binds))))
+                                (hash)
+                                (hash-keys provides))]
+                   [print-result (lambda (v)
+                                   (unless (eq? v (void))
+                                     (alert (~v v))))]
+                   [add-print (lambda (s) `(,print-result ,s))])
+              ('eval (cons 'begin (cons '(void) (map (lambda (e) (add-print (parse e state))) es))))
+              (hash 'macromod-provides outs))))])
+  (eq?
+   'done
+   (hash
+    ;; makes `#lang zuo/private/macromod work:
+    'read-and-eval (make-read-and-eval (lambda (ctx)
+                                         (make-state top-binds
+                                                     (initial-nominals top-binds 'zuo/private/macromod))))
+    ;; makes `(require zuo/private/macromod)` work:
+    'macromod-provides (foldl (lambda (sym provides)
+                                (hash-set provides sym (hash-ref top-binds sym #f)))
+                              (hash)
+                              (hash-keys top-binds))
+    ;; for making a new `#lang` with some initial imports:
+    'make-read-and-eval-with-initial-imports-from
+    (lambda (mod-path)
+      (let* ([mod ('dynamic-require mod-path)]
+             [provides (hash-ref mod 'macromod-provides #f)])
+        (unless provides 
+          (syntax-error "not a compatible module for initial imports" mod-path))
+        (make-read-and-eval
+         (lambda (ctx)
+           (let* ([binds (foldl (lambda (sym binds)
+                                  (let* ([id (datum->syntax ctx sym)]
+                                         [bind (initial-import-bind (hash-ref provides sym #f))])
+                                    (add-binding* binds id bind)))
+                                (hash)
+                                (hash-keys provides))])
+             (make-state binds (initial-nominals binds mod-path))))))))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/example-hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo/hygienic
+(include "example-common.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/example.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo
+(include "example-common.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fib-common.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+;; The classic toy benchmark
+(provide fib)
+(define input
+  (let ([args (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)])
+    (if (null? args)
+        30
+        (string->integer (car args)))))
+(define (fib n)
+  (cond
+    [(= n 0) 1]
+    [(= n 1) 1]
+    [else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))]))
+(fib input)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fib-hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+#lang zuo/hygienic
+;; Performance should be the same as the non-hygienic parsing, but we
+;; may want to check on the startup overhead of `zuo/hygienic`
+(include "fib-common.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fib.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#lang zuo
+(include "fib-common.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/file-handle.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,132 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "file handles")
+(check (not (handle? 1)))
+(check (not (handle? '(handle))))
+(check eof eof)
+(check (eq? eof eof))
+(check (handle? (fd-open-input 'stdin)))
+(check (handle? (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash))))
+(check (handle? (fd-open-output 'stderr (hash))))
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output 'stdin (hash)) "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-input 'stdout) "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-input 'stderr) "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash 'exists 'truncate)) "non-empty options")
+(let ([out (fd-open-output (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt") :truncate)])
+  (check (handle? out))
+  (check (void? (fd-write out "one")))
+  (check (void? (fd-close out)))
+  (check (handle? out)))
+(check-fail (let ([out (fd-open-output ,(build-path tmp-dir "handle2.txt") :truncate)])
+              (fd-close out)
+              (fd-close out))
+            "not an open")
+(let ([in (fd-open-input (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt"))])
+  (check (handle? in))
+  (check (fd-read in 1) "o")
+  (check (fd-read in 2) "ne")
+  (check (fd-read in 1) eof)
+  (check (fd-read in 0) "")
+  (check (void? (fd-close in)))
+  (check (handle? in)))
+(let ([in (fd-open-input (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt"))])
+  (check (fd-read in eof) "one")
+  (check (fd-read in 1) eof)
+  (check (fd-read in eof) "")
+  (check (void? (fd-close in))))
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output 'no :error) "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output "" :error) "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-input 'no) "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-input "") "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-read 'no 0) "not an open input")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-write 'no "") "not an open output")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-close 'oops) "not an open input or output")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output "file" 'oops) "not a hash table")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output "file" (hash 'oops 'truncate)) "unrecognized option")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output "file" (hash 'exists 'oops)) "invalid exists mode")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output ,(build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")
+                                :error)
+                "file open failed")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output ,(build-path (build-path tmp-dir "no-such-dir")
+                                             "handle0.txt")
+                                :error)
+                "file open failed")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output ,(build-path tmp-dir "nonesuch.txt")
+                                :must-truncate)
+                "file open failed")
+(check-arg-fail (fd-open-output ,(build-path tmp-dir "nonesuch.txt")
+                                :update)
+                "file open failed")
+(let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")
+                          :append)])
+  (fd-write fd " two")
+  (fd-close fd)
+  (define in (fd-open-input (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")))
+  (check (fd-read in eof) "one two")
+  (fd-close in))
+(let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")
+                          :must-truncate)])
+  (fd-write fd "[three]")
+  (fd-close fd)
+  (define in (fd-open-input (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")))
+  (check (fd-read in eof) "[three]")
+  (fd-close in))
+(let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")
+                          :update)])
+  (fd-write fd "4")
+  (fd-close fd)
+  (define in (fd-open-input (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")))
+  (check (fd-read in eof) "4three]")
+  (fd-close in))
+(let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")
+                          :can-update)])
+  (fd-write fd "50")
+  (fd-close fd)
+  (define in (fd-open-input (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")))
+  (check (fd-read in eof) "50hree]")
+  (fd-close in))
+(let ([fd (begin
+            (rm (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt"))
+            (fd-open-output (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")
+                            :can-update))])
+  (fd-write fd "six")
+  (fd-close fd)
+  (define in (fd-open-input (build-path tmp-dir "handle1.txt")))
+  (check (fd-read in eof) "six")
+  (fd-close in))
+(let ([not-there (build-path tmp-dir "handle0.txt")])
+  (when (file-exists? not-there) (rm not-there))
+  (check-arg-fail (fd-open-input ,not-there) "file open failed"))
+(let ()
+  (define path (build-path tmp-dir "handle2.txt"))
+  (define out (fd-open-output path :truncate))
+  (define big (apply ~a (let loop ([i 10000])
+                          (if (= i 0)
+                              '()
+                              (cons "hello" (loop (- i 1)))))))
+  (fd-write out big)
+  (fd-close out)
+  (let ()
+    (define in (fd-open-input path))
+    (check (equal? big (fd-read in eof)))
+    (check (fd-read in 1) eof)
+    (fd-close in))
+  (let ()
+    (define in (fd-open-input path))
+    (define len (quotient (string-length big) 2))
+    (check (equal? (fd-read in len) (substring big 0 len)))
+    (check (fd-read in 1) (string (string-ref big len)))
+    (fd-close in)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/filesystem.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,157 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "filesystem")
+(check (hash? (stat tmp-dir #f)))
+(check (stat (build-path tmp-dir "nonesuch.txt") #f) #f)
+(let ([s (stat tmp-dir #f)])
+  (check (hash-ref s 'type) 'dir))
+(check (directory-exists? tmp-dir))
+(check (file-exists? tmp-dir) #f)
+(check (link-exists? tmp-dir) #f)
+(check-arg-fail (stat 10) not-path)
+(define now (current-time))
+(define exists.txt (build-path tmp-dir "exists.txt"))
+(let ([fd (fd-open-output exists.txt :truncate)])
+  (fd-write fd "xyz")
+  (fd-close fd))
+(define exists2.txt (build-path tmp-dir "exists2.txt"))
+(fd-close (fd-open-output exists2.txt :can-update))
+(check (file-exists? exists.txt))
+(check (file-exists? exists2.txt))
+(check (directory-exists? exists2.txt) #f)
+(check (link-exists? exists2.txt) #f)
+(check-arg-fail (file-exists? 10) not-path)
+(check-arg-fail (directory-exists? 10) not-path)
+(check-arg-fail (link-exists? 10) not-path)
+(let ([s (stat exists.txt #f)])
+  (check (hash? s))
+  (check (hash-ref s 'type) 'file)
+  (check (hash-ref s 'size) 3)
+  ;; Seems to be too precise for some Linux configurations:
+  #;
+  (check (or (> (hash-ref s 'modify-time-seconds) (car now))
+	     (and (= (hash-ref s 'modify-time-seconds) (car now))
+		  (>= (hash-ref s 'modify-time-nanoseconds) (cdr now)))))
+  (check (>= (hash-ref s 'modify-time-seconds) (car now)))
+  (let ([s2 (stat exists.txt #t)])
+    (check s s2))
+  (let ([s2 (stat exists2.txt #t)])
+    (check (hash? s2))
+    (check (not (equal? (hash-ref s 'inode) (hash-ref s2 'inode))))
+    (check (equal? (hash-ref s 'device-id) (hash-ref s2 'device-id)))))
+(let ([l (ls tmp-dir)])
+  (check (pair? (member "exists.txt" l)))
+  (check (pair? (member "exists2.txt" l))))
+(check-arg-fail (ls 10) not-path)
+(rm exists2.txt)
+(check (stat exists2.txt #t) #f)
+(check (member "exists2.txt" (ls tmp-dir)) #f)
+(define sub-dir (build-path tmp-dir "sub"))
+(rm* sub-dir)
+(check (directory-exists? sub-dir) #f)
+(check (mkdir sub-dir) (void))
+(check (directory-exists? sub-dir))
+(check-arg-fail (mkdir 10) not-path)
+(define sub-sub-dir (build-path sub-dir "subsub"))
+(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir) #f)
+(check (mkdir sub-sub-dir) (void))
+(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir))
+(check (rmdir sub-sub-dir) (void))
+(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir) #f)
+(check (mkdir sub-sub-dir) (void))
+(fd-close (fd-open-output (build-path sub-sub-dir "apple") :can-update))
+(fd-close (fd-open-output (build-path sub-sub-dir "banana") :can-update))
+(fd-close (fd-open-output (build-path sub-sub-dir "cherry") :can-update))
+(fd-close (fd-open-output (build-path sub-dir "donut") :can-update))
+(check (length (ls sub-dir)) 2)
+(check (length (ls sub-sub-dir)) 3)
+(check (void? (mv (build-path sub-sub-dir "banana")
+                  (build-path sub-dir "banana"))))
+(check (length (ls sub-dir)) 3)
+(check (length (ls sub-sub-dir)) 2)
+(check (void? (mv (build-path sub-dir "banana")
+                  (build-path sub-sub-dir "eclair"))))
+(let ([l (ls sub-sub-dir)])
+  (check (pair? (member "apple" l)))
+  (check (pair? (member "cherry" l)))
+  (check (pair? (member "eclair" l)))
+  (check (not (member "banana" l))))
+(check-arg-fail (mv 10 "x") not-path)
+(check-arg-fail (mv "x" 10) not-path)
+(check-fail (rm ,sub-dir) "failed")
+(check-arg-fail (rm 10) not-path)
+(rm* sub-dir)
+(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir) #f)
+(check (directory-exists? sub-dir) #f)
+(check-arg-fail (rm* 10) not-path)
+(mkdir-p sub-sub-dir)
+(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir))
+(check (directory-exists? sub-dir))
+(check-arg-fail (mkdir-p 10) not-path)
+(when (eq? 'unix (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type))
+  (let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path sub-dir "high") :can-update)])
+    (fd-write fd "HIGH")
+    (fd-close fd))
+  (let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path sub-sub-dir "low") :can-update)])
+    (fd-write fd "LOW")
+    (fd-close fd))
+  (define (get path)
+    (let ([fd (fd-open-input path)])
+      (define v (fd-read fd eof))
+      (fd-close fd)
+      v))
+  (symlink "low" (build-path sub-sub-dir "below"))
+  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "below")) "LOW")
+  (check (readlink (build-path sub-sub-dir "below")) "low")
+  (check (hash-ref (stat (build-path sub-sub-dir "below") #f) 'type) 'link)
+  (check (hash-ref (stat (build-path sub-sub-dir "below") #t) 'type) 'file)
+  (check (link-exists? (build-path sub-sub-dir "below")))
+  (check (rm (build-path sub-sub-dir "below")) (void))
+  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "low")) "LOW")
+  (symlink "../high" (build-path sub-sub-dir "above"))
+  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "above")) "HIGH")
+  (check (readlink (build-path sub-sub-dir "above")) "../high")
+  (check (rm (build-path sub-sub-dir "above")) (void))
+  (check (get (build-path sub-dir "high")) "HIGH")
+  (symlink ".." (build-path sub-sub-dir "again"))
+  (check (link-exists? (build-path sub-sub-dir "again")))
+  (check (hash-ref (stat (build-path sub-sub-dir "again") #f) 'type) 'link)
+  (check (hash-ref (stat (build-path sub-sub-dir "again") #t) 'type) 'dir)
+  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "again" "high")) "HIGH")
+  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "again" "subsub" "low")) "LOW")
+  (check (ls sub-dir) (ls (build-path sub-sub-dir "again")))
+  (rm* sub-sub-dir)
+  (check (get (build-path sub-dir "high")) "HIGH")
+  (void))
+(check-arg-fail (readlink 10) not-path)
+(check-arg-fail (symlink 10 "a") not-path)
+(check-arg-fail (symlink "a" 10) not-path)
+(rm* sub-dir)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/form-common.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,216 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(check 1 1)
+(check cons cons)
+(check-fail oops "unbound identifier: oops")
+(check (cons 1 2) '(1 . 2))
+(check-fail (cons 1 . 2) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (cons . 2) bad-stx)
+(check (procedure? (lambda (x) x)) #t)
+(check (procedure? (lambda (x y) x)) #t)
+(check (procedure? (lambda (x y . z) x)) #t)
+(check (procedure? (lambda (x y . z) x x)) #t)
+(check (procedure? (lambda (x [y x] . z) x x)) #t)
+(check-fail (lambda) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda . x) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda 5 x) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda (x x) x) "duplicate identifier")
+(check-fail (lambda (x . x) x) "duplicate identifier")
+(check-fail (lambda (x y x) x) "duplicate identifier")
+(check-fail (lambda (x y . x) x) "duplicate identifier")
+(check-fail (lambda (x y . z) . x) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda (x y . 5) x) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda ([x 1] y . z) x) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda (x [y . 1] . z) x) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda (x [y 1 2] . z) x) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda 5 x) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda x 1 . 2) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (lambda x 1 2 . 3) bad-stx)
+(check-fail lambda bad-stx)
+(check ((lambda (x y z) (list z x)) 1 2 3) '(3 1))
+(check ((lambda (x y [z (+ x y)]) (list z x)) 1 2 30) '(30 1))
+(check ((lambda (x y [z (+ x y)]) (list z x)) 1 2) '(3 1))
+(check ((lambda (x [y (+ x 2)] [z (+ x y)]) (list z x)) 1) '(4 1))
+(check-fail ((lambda (x) x)) arity)
+(check-fail ((lambda (x) x) 1 2) arity)
+(check-fail ((lambda (x . z) x)) arity)
+(check (procedure? (lambda (x) x)) #t)
+(check (quote cons) 'cons)
+(check-fail (quote) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (quote cons list) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (quote . cons) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (quote cons . list) bad-stx)
+(check-fail quote bad-stx)
+(check (if #t 1 2) 1)
+(check (if 0 1 2) 1)
+(check (if #f 1 2) 2)
+(check-fail (if) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (if . 1) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (if 1) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (if 1 . 2) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (if 1 2) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (if 1 2 . 3) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (if 1 2 3 . 4) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (if 1 2 3 4) bad-stx)
+(check-fail if bad-stx)
+(check (let ([x 1]) x) 1)
+(check (let ([x 1]) (let ([x 2]) x)) 2)
+(check (let ([x 1]) (list (let ([x 2]) x) x)) '(2 1))
+(check (let ([x 1] [y 2]) (let ([x y] [y x]) (list y x))) '(1 2))
+(check (let* ([x 1]) x) 1)
+(check (let* ([x 1]) (let ([x 2]) x)) 2)
+(check (let* ([x 1]) (list (let* ([x 2]) x) x)) '(2 1))
+(check (let* ([x 1] [y 2]) (let* ([x y] [y x]) (list y x))) '(2 2))
+(check (letrec ([x 1]) x) 1)
+(check (letrec ([x 1]) (let ([x 2]) x)) 2)
+(check (letrec ([x 1]) (list (letrec ([x 2]) x) x)) '(2 1))
+(check-fail (letrec ([x y] [y x]) (list y x)) "undefined")
+(define (check-bad-lets let-id)
+  (check-fail (,let-id) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id . x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ()) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id (x) x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x]) x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x . 1]) x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x 1 . 2]) x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x 1 2]) x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([1 2]) x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x 2] . y) x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x 2] y) x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x 2])) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x 2]) . x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x 2]) x . x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,let-id ([x 2]) x x . x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail ,let-id bad-stx))
+(check-bad-lets 'let)
+(check-bad-lets 'letrec)
+(check-bad-lets 'let*)
+(check (begin 1) 1)
+(check (begin 1 2) 2)
+(check (begin 1 2 3 4) 4)
+(check-fail (list (begin)) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (begin . 1) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (begin 1 2 3 . 4) bad-stx)
+(check-fail begin bad-stx)
+(check (and) #t)
+(check (and 1) 1)
+(check (and 1 2) 2)
+(check (and #f (quotient 1 0)) #f)
+(check-fail and bad-stx)
+(check-fail (and . 1) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (and 1 . 2) bad-stx)
+(check (or) #f)
+(check (or 1) 1)
+(check (or 1 2) 1)
+(check (or #f 2) 2)
+(check (or #t (quotient 1 0)) #t)
+(check-fail or bad-stx)
+(check-fail (or . 1) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (or 1 . 2) bad-stx)
+(check (when 1 2) 2)
+(check (when 1 2 3) 3)
+(check (when #f 2) (void))
+(check-fail when bad-stx)
+(check-fail (when . #t) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (when #t) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (when #t . 1) bad-stx)
+(check (unless 1 2) (void))
+(check (unless #f 2 3) 3)
+(check (unless #f 2) 2)
+(check-fail unless bad-stx)
+(check-fail (unless . #t) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (unless #t) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (unless #t . 1) bad-stx)
+(check (cond) (void))
+(check (cond [1 2]) 2)
+(check (cond [else 2]) 2)
+(check (cond [#f 2]) (void))
+(check (cond [#f 2] [#t 'ok]) 'ok)
+(check (cond [#f 2] [else 'ok]) 'ok)
+(check (cond [#f 1 2] [else 'yes 'ok]) 'ok)
+(check (cond [#t 1 2] [else 'yes 'ok]) 2)
+(check-fail cond bad-stx)
+(check-fail (cond . 1) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (cond []) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (cond [1]) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (cond [1 . 2]) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (cond [1 2] . 5) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (cond [else 2] [else 10]) "misplaced syntax")
+(check-fail else "misplaced syntax")
+(check `x 'x)
+(check `1 1)
+(check `() '())
+(check `((1 (#t x))) '((1 (#t x))))
+(check `,(+ 1 1) 2)
+(check `(1 ,(+ 1 1) 3) '(1 2 3))
+(check `(1 `,(+ 1 1) 3) '(1 `,(+ 1 1) 3))
+(check `(1 `,,(+ 1 1) 3) '(1 `,2 3))
+(check `(1 `,(0 . ,(+ 1 1)) 3) '(1 `,(0 . 2) 3))
+(check `(1 ,@(list 2 3) 4) '(1 2 3 4))
+(check `(,@(list 2 3) 4) '(2 3 4))
+(check `(,@(list 2 3) . 4) '(2 3 . 4))
+(check `(1 ,@4) '(1 . 4))
+(check `unquote 'unquote)
+(check `(1 . unquote) '(1 . unquote))
+(check-fail* 'unquote #f "misplaced syntax")
+(check-fail* 'unquote-splicing #f "misplaced syntax")
+(check-fail* '`(1 . ,@(list 2 3)) #f "misplaced splicing unquote")
+(check (module-path? (quote-module-path)))
+(check (pair? (member (cdr (split-path (quote-module-path))) '("form.zuo" "form-hygienic.zuo"))))
+(define (reverse-rest x . y) (cons x (reverse y)))
+(check (reverse-rest 1 2 3) '(1 3 2))
+(define (combiner x [y (+ x 2)] [z (+ x y)] . rest)
+  (list z x rest))
+(check (combiner 1) '(4 1 ()))
+(check (combiner 1 10 20 30 40) '(20 1 (30 40)))
+(define (check-bad-defines define-id)
+  (check-fail ,define-id bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id . x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id x) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id x 1 2) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id x . 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id x 1 . 2) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id 1 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (x)) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (x) . 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (x) 1 . 2) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (1) 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (x . 1) 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (x 1) 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (x [y]) 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (x [y 1 2]) 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id (x [y . 1]) 1) bad-stx)
+  (check-fail (,define-id ([y 1] x) 1) bad-stx))
+(check-bad-defines 'define)
+(check-bad-defines 'define-syntax)
+(define bad-macro "not a procedure or context consumer")
+(check-fail (define-syntax whatever 19) "not a procedure or context consumer")
+(check-fail (context-consumer 19) "not a procedure")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/form-hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+#lang zuo/hygienic
+(require "harness-hygienic.zuo")
+(alert "syntactic forms, hygienic expander")
+(include "form-common.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/form.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "syntactic forms")
+(include "form-common.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/glob.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,88 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "glob")
+(check (glob-match? "apple" "apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "apple" "banana") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "" ""))
+(check (glob-match? "" "x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x" "") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "a*le" "apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "a*le" "ale"))
+(check (glob-match? "a*le" "aple"))
+(check (glob-match? "a*le" "a//p//le"))
+(check (glob-match? "a*le" "appe") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "a*le" "pple") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "a*?le" "apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "a*?le" "aple"))
+(check (glob-match? "a*?le" "ale") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "*le" "apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "*le" ".apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "*le" "apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "*le" ".apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-c]x" "x0x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-c]x" "xax"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-c]x" "xbx"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-c]x" "xcx"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-c]x" "xdx") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-c]x" "x[x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-c]x" "x]x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[0-9][A-Z]x" "x0Ax"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[0-9][A-Z]x" "x9Zx"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[0-9][A-Z]x" "xA0x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[0-9a]x" "x0x"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[0-9a]x" "xax"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[0-9a]x" "xbx") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[0-9a]x" "x-x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[-0-9a]x" "x-x"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[0-9a-]x" "x-x"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[]0-9a]x" "x]x"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[]0-9a]x" "x0x"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[]0-9a]x" "x[x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-]x" "x-x"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[a-]x" "x.x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[^0-9a]x" "x_x"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[^0-9a]x" "x0x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[^0-9a]x" "x5x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[^0-9a]x" "x9x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[^0-9a]x" "xax") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[^0-9a]x" "xbx"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[^0-9a]x" "xbx"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[^^]x" "xbx"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[^^]x" "x^x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[^-]x" "x-x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[^x]x" "x-x"))
+(check (glob-match? "x[^]]x" "x]x") #f)
+(check (glob-match? "x[^]]x" "x-x"))
+(check (glob-match? "**e" "apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "**" "apple"))
+(check (glob-match? "**z" "apple") #f)
+(check (procedure? (glob->matcher "a*c")))
+(check ((glob->matcher "a*c") "abxyzc"))
+(define-syntax (check-glob-fail stx)
+  `(check-fail (begin
+                 (require zuo/glob)
+                 ,(cadr stx))
+               ,(list-ref stx 2)))
+(check-glob-fail (glob-match? 10 "a") not-string)
+(check-glob-fail (glob-match? "a" 10) not-string)
+(check-glob-fail (glob->matcher 10) not-string)
+(check-glob-fail (glob->matcher "[") "unclosed square bracket")
+(check-glob-fail (glob->matcher "[]") "unclosed square bracket")
+(check-glob-fail (glob->matcher "[^]") "unclosed square bracket")
+(check-glob-fail (glob->matcher "[z-a]") "bad range")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/harness-common.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,138 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(provide check
+         check-fail
+         check-fail*
+         check-arg-fail
+         check-output
+         run-zuo*
+         run-zuo
+         contains?
+         bad-stx
+         arity
+         not-integer
+         not-string
+         not-path
+         tmp-dir)
+(define (check* e a b)
+  (unless (equal? a b)
+    (error (~a "failed: "
+               (~s e)
+               "\n  result: " (~v a)
+               "\n  result: " (~v b)))))
+(define-syntax (check stx)
+  (unless (list? stx) (bad-syntax stx))
+  (list* (quote-syntax check*)
+         (list (quote-syntax quote) stx)
+         (let ([len (length (cdr stx))])
+           (cond
+             [(= 1 len) (cons #t (cdr stx))]
+             [(= 2 len) (cdr stx)]
+             [else (bad-syntax stx)]))))
+(define (run-zuo* args input k)
+  (define p (apply process
+                   (cons (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe #f)
+                         (append args
+                                 (list (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe 'stderr 'pipe))))))
+  (fd-write (hash-ref p 'stdin) input)
+  (fd-close (hash-ref p 'stdin))
+  (define out (fd-read (hash-ref p 'stdout) eof))
+  (define err (fd-read (hash-ref p 'stderr) eof))
+  (fd-close (hash-ref p 'stdout))
+  (fd-close (hash-ref p 'stderr))
+  (process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
+  (k (process-status (hash-ref p 'process)) out err))
+(define (run-zuo e k)
+  (run-zuo* '("") (~a "#lang " language-name " " (~s e)) k))
+(define (contains? err msg)
+  (let loop ([i 0])
+    (and (not (> i (- (string-length err) (string-length msg))))
+         (or (string=? (substring err i (+ i (string-length msg))) msg)
+             (loop (+ i 1))))))
+(define (check-fail* e who msg)
+  (run-zuo
+   e
+   (lambda (status out err)
+     (when (= 0 status)
+       (error (~a "check-fail: failed to fail: " (~s e)
+                  "\n  stdout: " (~s out)
+                  "\n  stderr: " (~s err))))
+     (unless (contains? err msg)
+       (error (~a "check-fail: didn't find expected message: " (~s e)
+                  "\n  expected: " (~s msg)
+                  "\n  stderr: " (~s err))))
+     (when who
+       (let* ([who (symbol->string who)]
+              [len (string-length who)])
+         (unless (and (> (string-length err) len)
+                      (string=? (substring err 0 len) who))
+           (error (~a "check-fail: didn't find expected who: " (~s e)
+                      "\n  expected: " who
+                      "\n  stderr: " (~s err)))))))))
+(define-syntax (check-fail stx)
+  (unless (and (list? stx) (= 3 (length stx))) (bad-syntax stx))
+  (list (quote-syntax check-fail*)
+        (list (quote-syntax quasiquote) (cadr stx))
+        #f
+        (cadr (cdr stx))))
+(define-syntax (check-arg-fail stx)
+  (unless (and (list? stx) (= 3 (length stx))
+               (pair? (cadr stx)) (identifier? (car (cadr stx))))
+    (bad-syntax stx))
+  (list (quote-syntax check-fail*)
+        (list (quote-syntax quasiquote) (cadr stx))
+        (list (quote-syntax quote) (car (cadr stx)))
+        (cadr (cdr stx))))
+(define (check-output* e stdout stderr)
+  (run-zuo
+   e
+   (lambda (status out err)
+     (unless ((if (equal? stderr "") (lambda (v) v) not)
+              (= 0 status))
+       (error (~a "check-output: process failed: " (~s e)
+                  "\n  stdout: " (~s out)
+                  "\n  stderr: " (~s err))))
+     (unless (and (equal? out stdout)
+                  (equal? err stderr))
+       (error (~a "check-output: process failed: " (~s e)
+                  "\n  stdout: " (~s out)
+                  "\n  expect: " (~s stdout)
+                  "\n  stderr: " (~s err)
+                  "\n  expect: " (~s stderr)))))))
+(define-syntax (check-output stx)
+  (unless (list? stx) (bad-syntax stx))
+  (cond
+    [(= 3 (length stx))
+     (list (quote-syntax check-output*)
+           (list (quote-syntax quote) (cadr stx))
+           (list-ref stx 2)
+           "")]
+    [(= 4 (length stx))
+     (list (quote-syntax check-output*)
+           (list (quote-syntax quote) (cadr stx))
+           (list-ref stx 2)
+           (list-ref stx 3))]
+    [else (bad-syntax stx)]))
+;; Some common error messages
+(define bad-stx "bad syntax")
+(define arity "wrong number of arguments")
+(define not-integer "not an integer")
+(define not-string "not a string")
+(define not-path "not a path string")
+(define tmp-dir (build-path (car (split-path (quote-module-path))) ".." "build" "tmp"))
+(mkdir-p tmp-dir)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/harness-hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+#lang zuo/hygienic
+(define language-name 'zuo/hygienic)
+(include "harness-common.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/harness.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+#lang zuo
+(define language-name 'zuo/base)
+(include "harness-common.zuo")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hash.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "hash tables")
+(check (hash? (hash)))
+(check (not (hash? 'apple)))
+(check (hash-ref (hash 'a 1) 'a #f) 1)
+(check (hash-ref (hash 'a 1) 'b #f) #f)
+(check (hash-ref (hash 'a 1) 'b 'no) 'no)
+(check-arg-fail (hash-ref 0 0 0) "not a hash table")
+(check-arg-fail (hash-ref (hash) 0 0) "not a symbol")
+(check (hash-set (hash 'a 1) 'b 2) (hash 'a 1 'b 2))
+(check (hash-ref (hash-set (hash 'a 1) 'b 2) 'a #f) 1)
+(check (hash-ref (hash-set (hash 'a 1) 'b 2) 'b #f) 2)
+(check (hash-ref (hash-set (hash 'a 1) 'b 2) 'c #f) #f)
+(check-arg-fail (hash-set 0 0 0) "not a hash table")
+(check-arg-fail (hash-set (hash) 0 0) "not a symbol")
+(check (hash-remove (hash 'a 1) 'a) (hash))
+(check (hash-remove (hash 'a 1) 'b) (hash 'a 1))
+(check (hash-remove (hash 'a 1 'b 2) 'a) (hash 'b 2))
+(check (hash-ref (hash-remove (hash 'a 1) 'a) 'a #f) #f)
+(check-arg-fail (hash-remove 0 0) "not a hash table")
+(check-arg-fail (hash-remove (hash) 0) "not a symbol")
+(check (hash-count (hash)) 0)
+(check (hash-count (hash 'a 1 'a 2 'b 3)) 2)
+(check (hash-count (hash-set (hash 'a 1 'b 3) 'c 3)) 3)
+(check (hash-count (hash-remove (hash 'a 1 'b 3) 'b)) 1)
+(check-arg-fail (hash-count 0) "not a hash table")
+(check (hash-keys (hash)) '())
+(check (hash-keys (hash 'a 1)) '(a))
+(check (let ([keys (hash-keys (hash 'a 1 'b 2))])
+         (or (equal? keys '(a b))
+             (equal? keys '(b a)))))
+(check (length (hash-keys (hash 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3))) 3)
+(check (length (hash-keys (hash 'a 1 'b 2 'a 3))) 2)
+(check-arg-fail (hash-keys 0) "not a hash table")
+(check (hash-keys-subset? (hash) (hash 'a 1)) #t)
+(check (hash-keys-subset? (hash 'a 1) (hash)) #f)
+(check (hash-keys-subset? (hash 'a 1) (hash 'a 1 'b 2)) #t)
+(check (hash-keys-subset? (hash 'b 2) (hash 'a 1 'b 2)) #t)
+(check (hash-keys-subset? (hash 'a 1 'b 2) (hash 'a 1)) #f)
+(check (hash-keys-subset? (hash 'a 1 'b 2) (hash 'b 1)) #f)
+(check-arg-fail (hash-keys-subset? 0 (hash)) "not a hash table")
+(check-arg-fail (hash-keys-subset? (hash) 0) "not a hash table")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/image.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "image")
+(define dump.zuo (build-path tmp-dir "dump.zuo"))
+(define image-file (build-path tmp-dir "image.boot"))
+(define (try-dump lang)
+  (define out (fd-open-output dump.zuo :truncate))
+  (fd-write out (~a "#lang " lang "\n"
+                    "(dump-image-and-exit (fd-open-output (car (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)) :truncate))\n"))
+  (fd-close out)
+  (check (run-zuo* (list dump.zuo image-file)
+                   ""
+                   (lambda (status out err)
+                     (= status 0))))
+  (run-zuo* (list "-X" "" "-B" image-file "")
+            (~a "#lang " lang " 10")
+            (lambda (status out err)
+              (check (and (= status 0) lang) lang)
+              (check out "10\n")
+              (check err ""))))
+(try-dump "zuo")
+(try-dump "zuo/hygienic")
+(check-arg-fail (dump-image-and-exit "oops") "open output file")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integer.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,159 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "predicate")
+(check (integer? 10))
+(check (not (integer? 'a)))
+(check (not (integer? '(1 . 2))))
+(alert "arithmetic")
+(check (+ 1 2) 3)
+(check (+ 1 -2) -1)
+(check (+ 1 2 3 4) 10)
+(check (+) 0)
+(check (+ 1) 1)
+(check (+ 4294967296 1) 4294967297)
+(check (+ -4294967296 1) -4294967295)
+(check (+ 4294967296 1) 4294967297)
+(check (+ -9223372036854775808 1) -9223372036854775807)
+(check (- -9223372036854775808 1) 9223372036854775807)
+(check (+ 9223372036854775807 1) -9223372036854775808)
+(check-arg-fail (+ 1 'apple) not-integer)
+(check (- 2 1) 1)
+(check (- 2 -1) 3)
+(check (- 1 2 3 4) -8)
+(check (- 1) -1)
+(check (- 0) 0)
+(check (- -9223372036854775808) -9223372036854775808)
+(check (- -9223372036854775807) 9223372036854775807)
+(check-arg-fail (-) arity)
+(check-arg-fail (- 1 'apple) not-integer)
+(check (* 10 2) 20)
+(check (* 10 -2) -20)
+(check (* 1 2 3 4) 24)
+(check (*) 1)
+(check (* 10) 10)
+(check (* 10 0) 0)
+(check (* 4294967296 4294967296) 0)
+(check (* 4294967296 -4294967296) 0)
+(check (* 4294967296 4294967297) 4294967296)
+(check (* 4294967296 -4294967297) -4294967296)
+(check (* 2147483648 4294967296) -9223372036854775808)
+(check (* -9223372036854775808 1) -9223372036854775808)
+(check (* -9223372036854775808 -1) -9223372036854775808)
+(check (* 9223372036854775807 -1) -9223372036854775807)
+(check (* -9223372036854775807 -1) 9223372036854775807)
+(check-arg-fail (* 1 'apple) not-integer)
+(check (quotient 5 2) 2)
+(check (quotient 1 2) 0)
+(check (quotient -5 2) -2)
+(check (quotient 5 -2) -2)
+(check (quotient -9223372036854775808 4294967296) -2147483648)
+(check (quotient -9223372036854775808 1) -9223372036854775808)
+(check (quotient -9223372036854775808 -1) -9223372036854775808)
+(check (quotient 9223372036854775807 -1) -9223372036854775807)
+(check (quotient -9223372036854775807 -1) 9223372036854775807)
+(check-arg-fail (quotient -5) arity)
+(check-arg-fail (quotient 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (quotient 5 0) "divide by zero")
+(check (modulo 5 2) 1)
+(check (modulo 2 2) 0)
+(check (modulo -5 2) -1)
+(check (modulo 5 -2) 1)
+(check (modulo -9223372036854775808 1) 0)
+(check (modulo -9223372036854775808 -1) 0)
+(check (modulo 9223372036854775807 -1) 0)
+(check (modulo -9223372036854775807 -1) 0)
+(check (modulo -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807) -1)
+(check (modulo 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808) 9223372036854775807)
+(check-arg-fail (modulo -5) arity)
+(check-arg-fail (modulo 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (modulo 5 0) "divide by zero")
+(alert "ordering")
+(check (= 1 1))
+(check (= -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808))
+(check (<= 1 1))
+(check (<= 1 2))
+(check (<= -2 -1))
+(check (not (<= -1 -2)))
+(check (<= -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808))
+(check (<= -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807))
+(check (not (<= 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808)))
+(check-arg-fail (<= 'apple 5) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (<= 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(check (not (< 1 1)))
+(check (< 1 2))
+(check (< -2 -1))
+(check (not (< -1 -2)))
+(check (not (< -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808)))
+(check (< -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807))
+(check (not (< 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808)))
+(check-arg-fail (< 'apple 5) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (< 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(check (not (> 1 1)))
+(check (> 2 1))
+(check (> -1 -2))
+(check (not (> -2 -1)))
+(check (not (> -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808)))
+(check (> 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808))
+(check (not (> -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807)))
+(check-arg-fail (> 'apple 5) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (> 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(check (>= 1 1))
+(check (>= 2 1))
+(check (>= -1 -2))
+(check (not (>= -2 -1)))
+(check (>= -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808))
+(check (>= 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808))
+(check (not (>= -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807)))
+(check-arg-fail (>= 'apple 5) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (>= 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(alert "bitwise")
+(check 1 (bitwise-and 3 1))
+(check 0 (bitwise-and 2 1))
+(check 42 (bitwise-and -1 42))
+(check -42 (bitwise-and -1 -42))
+(check 0 (bitwise-and -1 0))
+(check 0 (bitwise-and -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807))
+(check-arg-fail (bitwise-and 'apple 5) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (bitwise-and 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(check 3 (bitwise-ior 3 1))
+(check 3 (bitwise-ior 2 1))
+(check -1 (bitwise-ior -1 42))
+(check 42 (bitwise-ior 0 42))
+(check -42 (bitwise-ior 0 -42))
+(check -1 (bitwise-ior -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807))
+(check-arg-fail (bitwise-ior 'apple 5) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (bitwise-ior 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(check 2 (bitwise-xor 3 1))
+(check 3 (bitwise-xor 2 1))
+(check -43 (bitwise-xor -1 42))
+(check 42 (bitwise-xor 0 42))
+(check -42 (bitwise-xor 0 -42))
+(check -1 (bitwise-xor -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807))
+(check-arg-fail (bitwise-xor 'apple 5) not-integer)
+(check-arg-fail (bitwise-xor 5 'apple) not-integer)
+(check -1 (bitwise-not 0))
+(check 0 (bitwise-not -1))
+(check 41 (bitwise-not -42))
+(check -43 (bitwise-not 42))
+(check 9223372036854775807 (bitwise-not -9223372036854775808))
+(check-arg-fail (bitwise-not 'apple) not-integer)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kernel.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,93 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "kernel eval")
+(define bad-kernel-stx "bad kernel syntax")
+(check (kernel-eval 1) 1)
+(check (kernel-eval 'cons) cons)
+(check (kernel-eval '(cons 1 2)) '(1 . 2))
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(cons 1 . 2)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(cons . 2)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check (procedure? (kernel-eval '(lambda (x) x))) #t)
+(check (procedure? (kernel-eval '(lambda (x x) x))) #t)
+(check (procedure? (kernel-eval '(lambda (x . x) x))) #t)
+(check (procedure? (kernel-eval '(lambda (x x) "name" x))) #t)
+(check ((kernel-eval '(lambda (x x) x)) #f 2) 2)
+(check ((kernel-eval '(lambda (x x . x) x)) #f 2 3 4) '(3 4))
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda . x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda (x x))) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda (x x . x) . x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda (x y . x) . x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda (x x . 5) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda 5 x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda x #f 2)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(lambda x #f . 2)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval 'lambda) "undefined: 'lambda")
+(check (((kernel-eval '(lambda (lambda) (lambda x x))) 1) 2) '(2))
+(check (kernel-eval '(quote cons)) 'cons)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(quote)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(quote cons list)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(quote . cons)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(quote cons . list)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval 'quote) "undefined: 'quote")
+(check (kernel-eval '(if #t 1 2)) 1)
+(check (kernel-eval '(if 0 1 2)) 1)
+(check (kernel-eval '(if #f 1 2)) 2)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(if)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(if . 1)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(if 1)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(if 1 . 2)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(if 1 2)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(if 1 2 . 3)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(if 1 2 3 . 4)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(if 1 2 3 4)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval 'if) "undefined: 'if")
+(check (kernel-eval '(let ([x 1]) x)) 1)
+(check (kernel-eval '(let ([x 1]) (let ([x 2]) x))) 2)
+(check (kernel-eval '(let ([x 1]) (list (let ([x 2]) x) x))) '(2 1))
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let . x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ())) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let () x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let (x) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x]) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x . 1]) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x 1 . 2]) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x 1 2]) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([1 2]) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x 2] . y) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x 2] y) x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x 2]))) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x 2]) . x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x 2]) x . x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(let ([x 2]) x x)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval 'let) "undefined: 'let")
+(check (kernel-eval '(begin 1)) 1)
+(check (kernel-eval '(begin 1 2)) 2)
+(check (kernel-eval '(begin 1 2 3 4)) 4)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(begin)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(begin . 1)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval '(begin 1 2 3 . 4)) bad-kernel-stx)
+(check-fail (kernel-eval 'begin) "undefined: 'begin")
+(check (andmap (lambda (k)
+                 (eq? (kernel-eval k) (hash-ref (kernel-env) k #f)))
+               (hash-keys (kernel-env))))
+(check (kernel-eval
+        (let loop ([i 10000])
+          (if (= i 0)
+              "ok"
+              `(kernel-eval ',(loop (- i 1))))))
+       "ok")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/macro-common.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,103 @@
+#lang zuo/datum
+(define macro-dir (build-path tmp-dir "macros"))
+(rm* macro-dir)
+(mkdir macro-dir)
+(check ((lambda lambda lambda) 3) '(3))
+(check (let ([let 10]) let) 10)
+(check (let ([let 11]) (let* ([let let]) let)) 11)
+(check (let ([quote list]) '1) '(1))
+(let ()
+  (define-syntax (let-one stx)
+    (list (quote-syntax let)
+          (list (list (cadr stx) 1))
+          (cadr (cdr stx))))
+  (check (let-one x (list x x)) '(1 1))
+  (check (let-one x (let ([let 0]) (list x let x))) '(1 0 1)))
+(let ([five 5])
+  (define-syntax (let-five stx)
+    (list (quote-syntax let)
+          (list (list (cadr stx) (quote-syntax five)))
+          (cadr (cdr stx))))
+  (check (let-five x (list x x)) '(5 5))
+  (check (let-five x (let ([five 10]) (list x x))) '(5 5))
+  (check (let ([five 10]) (let-five x (list x x))) '(5 5)))
+(define (make-file* path content)
+  (let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path macro-dir path) :truncate)])
+    (fd-write fd (~a "#lang " lang-name "\n"
+                     (~s (cons 'begin content))))
+    (fd-close fd)))
+(define-syntax (make-file stx)
+  (list (quote-syntax make-file*)
+        (cadr stx)
+        (cons (quote-syntax list)
+              (map (lambda (c) (list (quote-syntax quote) c))
+                   (cddr stx)))))
+(make-file "exports-macro.zuo"
+           (provide macro)
+           (define (my-list . x) x)
+           (define-syntax (macro stx)
+             (list (quote-syntax my-list)
+                   (cadr stx)
+                   (cadr stx))))
+(make-file "uses-macro.zuo"
+           (require "exports-macro.zuo")
+           (provide macro-to-macro)
+           (define hello "hi")
+           (macro hello)
+           (define-syntax (macro-to-macro stx)
+             (list (quote-syntax list)
+                   (list (quote-syntax macro) (cadr stx))
+                   (list (quote-syntax macro) (cadr stx)))))
+(run-zuo* (list (build-path macro-dir "uses-macro.zuo"))
+          ""
+          (lambda (status out err)
+            (check err "")
+            (check status 0)
+            (check out "(list \"hi\" \"hi\")\n")))
+(make-file "uses-macro-to-macro.zuo"
+           (require "uses-macro.zuo")
+           (define-syntax (go stx) (quote-syntax 'went))
+           (macro-to-macro go))
+(run-zuo* (list (build-path macro-dir "uses-macro-to-macro.zuo"))
+          ""
+          (lambda (status out err)
+            (check err "")
+            (check status 0)
+            (check out "(list \"hi\" \"hi\")\n(list (list 'went 'went) (list 'went 'went))\n")))
+(make-file "exports-helper.zuo"
+           (provide doubled)
+           (define (my-list . x) x)
+           (define (doubled stx)
+             (list (quote-syntax my-list)
+                   stx
+                   stx)))
+(make-file "uses-helper.zuo"
+           (provide macro)
+           (require "exports-helper.zuo")
+           (define-syntax (macro stx)
+             (doubled (cadr stx))))
+(make-file "uses-macro-with-helper.zuo"
+           (require "uses-helper.zuo")
+           (define hello "hi")
+           (macro hello))
+(run-zuo* (list (build-path macro-dir "uses-macro-with-helper.zuo"))
+          ""
+          (lambda (status out err)
+            (check err "")
+            (check status 0)
+            (check out "(list \"hi\" \"hi\")\n")))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/macro-hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+#lang zuo/hygienic
+(require "harness-hygienic.zuo")
+(alert "macros, hygienic expander")
+(define lang-name 'zuo/hygienic)
+(include "macro-common.zuo")
+(define module-five 5)
+(define-syntax (let-module-five stx)
+  (list (quote-syntax let)
+        (list (list (cadr stx) 'module-five)) ; coerced to defining context
+        (cadr (cdr stx))))
+(check (let-module-five x (list x x)) '(5 5))
+(check (let-module-five x (let ([module-five 10]) (list x x))) '(5 5))
+(check (let ([module-five 10]) (let-module-five x (list x x))) '(5 5))
+(let ([five 5])
+  (define-syntax (let-five stx)
+    (list (quote-syntax let)
+          (list (list (cadr stx) (datum->syntax (car stx) 'five))) ; non-hygienic
+          (cadr (cdr stx))))
+  (check (let-five x (list x x)) '(5 5))
+  (check (let-five x (let ([five 10]) (list x x))) '(5 5))
+  (check (let ([five 10]) (let-five x (list x x))) '(10 10)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/macro.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "macros")
+(define lang-name 'zuo)
+(include "macro-common.zuo")
+(let ([five 5])
+  (define-syntax (let-five stx)
+    (list (quote-syntax let)
+          (list (list (cadr stx) 'five)) ; can get captured
+          (cadr (cdr stx))))
+  (check (let-five x (list x x)) '(5 5))
+  (check (let-five x (let ([five 10]) (list x x))) '(5 5))
+  (check (let ([five 10]) (let-five x (list x x))) '(10 10)))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/main.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "equal.zuo")
+(require "integer.zuo")
+(require "pair.zuo")
+(require "string.zuo")
+(require "symbol.zuo")
+(require "hash.zuo")
+(require "procedure.zuo")
+(require "path.zuo")
+(require "opaque.zuo")
+(require "variable.zuo")
+(require "module-path.zuo")
+(require "kernel.zuo")
+(require "read+print.zuo")
+(require "syntax.zuo")
+(require "syntax-hygienic.zuo")
+(require "file-handle.zuo")
+(require "process.zuo")
+(require "filesystem.zuo")
+(require "cleanable.zuo")
+(require "image.zuo")
+(require "shell.zuo")
+(require "c.zuo")
+(require "cycle.zuo")
+(require "form.zuo")
+(require "form-hygienic.zuo")
+(require "macro.zuo")
+(require "macro-hygienic.zuo")
+(alert "... tests passed!")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/module-path.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "module paths")
+(check (module-path? 'zuo))
+(check (module-path? 'zuo/main))
+(check (module-path? 'zuo/private/main))
+(check (module-path? '/zuo) #f)
+(check (module-path? 'zuo/) #f)
+(check (module-path? 'zuo//main) #f)
+(check (module-path? 'zuo?) #f)
+(check (module-path? 'zuo/?/x) #f)
+(check (module-path? "main.zuo"))
+(check (module-path? "private/main.zuo"))
+(check (module-path? "private/../main.zuo"))
+(check (module-path? "./../main.zuo"))
+(check (module-path? "main"))
+(check (module-path? "main.rkt"))
+(check (module-path? " main.zuo "))
+(check (module-path? "") #f)
+(check (module-path? "a\0b") #f)
+(check (module-path? 1) #f)
+(check (module-path? '(zuo)) #f)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo "list.zuo") 'zuo/list)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo/main "list.zuo") 'zuo/list)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo/private/main "list.zuo") 'zuo/private/list)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo "helper/list.zuo") 'zuo/helper/list)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo/main "helper/list.zuo") 'zuo/helper/list)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo/private/main "helper/list.zuo") 'zuo/private/helper/list)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo/private/main "../list.zuo") 'zuo/list)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo/private/main "./list.zuo") 'zuo/private/list)
+(check (build-module-path 'zuo/private/main "./././../././list.zuo") 'zuo/list)
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo "list") "lacks \".zuo\"")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo "../list.zuo") "too many up elements")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo "x//list.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo "..//list.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo "list@.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo "@/list.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo "list.rkt") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo "x.y/list.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "list.zuo") "lib/zuo/list.zuo")
+(check (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "../list.zuo") "lib/list.zuo")
+(check (build-module-path "lib.zuo" "list.zuo") "list.zuo")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "list") "lacks \".zuo\"")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "x//list.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "..//list.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "list@.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "@/list.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "list.rkt") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "lib/zuo/main.zuo" "x.y/list.zuo") "not a relative module library path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "" "x.zuo") "not a module path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 1 "x.zuo") "not a module path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path "main.zuo" 1) "not a module path")
+(check-arg-fail (build-module-path 'zuo 1) "not a module path")
+(check (hash? (module->hash 'zuo)))
+(check-arg-fail (module->hash 8) "not a module path")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/opaque.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "opaque records")
+(check (not (pair? (opaque 'hello "hi"))))
+(check (opaque-ref 'hello (opaque 'hello "hi") #f) "hi")
+(check (opaque-ref 'not-hello (opaque 'hello "hi") #f) #f)
+(check (opaque-ref (string->uninterned-symbol "hello") (opaque 'hello "hi") #f) #f)
+(check (opaque-ref 'hello (opaque (string->uninterned-symbol "hello") "hi") #f) #f)
+(check (opaque-ref (opaque 'hello "hi") 'hello #f) #f)
+(check (opaque-ref 10 10 #f) #f)
+(check (opaque-ref 10 10 'no) 'no)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pair.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,138 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "pairs")
+(check (null? '()))
+(check (null? 10) #f)
+(check (null? '(1)) #f)
+(check (pair? '()) #f)
+(check (pair? 10) #f)
+(check (pair? '(1)))
+(check (list? '()))
+(check (list? 10) #f)
+(check (list? '(1)))
+(check (list? '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+(check (list? '(1 . 2)) #f)
+(check (list? '(1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7)) #f)
+(check (cons 1 2) '(1 . 2))
+(check (car '(1 2)) 1)
+(check (car '(1 . 2)) 1)
+(check-arg-fail (car '()) "not a pair")
+(check-arg-fail (car 'apple) "not a pair")
+(check (cdr '(1 . 2)) 2)
+(check (cdr '(1 2)) '(2))
+(check-arg-fail (cdr '()) "not a pair")
+(check-arg-fail (cdr 'apple) "not a pair")
+(check (list) '())
+(check (list 1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
+(check (list* 1) 1)
+(check (list* 1 2 3) '(1 2 . 3))
+(check-fail (list*) arity)
+(check (append) '())
+(check (append 1) 1)
+(check (append '(1 2)) '(1 2))
+(check (append '(1 2) 3) '(1 2 . 3))
+(check (append '(1 2) '(3 4)) '(1 2 3 4))
+(check (append '(1 2) '(3 4) 5) '(1 2 3 4 . 5))
+(check (reverse '()) '())
+(check (reverse '(1 2 3)) '(3 2 1))
+(check-arg-fail (reverse 1) "not a list")
+(check-arg-fail (reverse '(1 . 2)) "not a list")
+(check (list-ref '(1) 0) 1)
+(check (list-ref '(1 . 2) 0) 1)
+(check (list-ref '(1 2 3 . 4) 2) 3)
+(check-arg-fail (list-ref '(1 . 2) 1) "encountered a non-pair")
+(check (list-set '(1) 0 'x) '(x))
+(check (list-set '(1 . 2) 0 'x) '(x . 2))
+(check (list-set '(1 2 3 . 4) 2 'x) '(1 2 x . 4))
+(check-arg-fail (list-set '(1 . 2) 1 'x) "encountered a non-pair")
+(check (list-tail '() 0) '())
+(check (list-tail 1 0) 1)
+(check (list-tail '(1 . 2) 1) 2)
+(check (list-tail '(1 2 3 . 4) 2) '(3 . 4))
+(check-arg-fail (list-tail '(1 . 2) 2) "encountered a non-pair")
+(check (caar '((1) (2))) 1)
+(check-arg-fail (caar 1) "not a valid argument")
+(check-arg-fail (caar '(1)) "not a valid argument")
+(check (cadr '((1 2) (3 4))) '(3 4))
+(check-arg-fail (cadr 1) "not a valid argument")
+(check-arg-fail (cadr '(1)) "not a valid argument")
+(check (cdar '((1 2) (3 4))) '(2))
+(check-arg-fail (cdar 1) "not a valid argument")
+(check-arg-fail (cdar '(1 . 2)) "not a valid argument")
+(check (cddr '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) '((5 6)))
+(check-arg-fail (cddr 1) "not a valid argument")
+(check-arg-fail (cddr '(1 . 2)) "not a valid argument")
+(check (map (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) '(0 1 2)) '(1 2 3))
+(check (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2 3) '(-10 -20 -30)) '(-9 -18 -27))
+(check-arg-fail (map 1 '()) "not a procedure")
+(check-arg-fail (map (lambda (a) a) 1) "not a list")
+(check-arg-fail (map (lambda (a) a) '(1) 1) "not a list")
+(check-arg-fail (map (lambda (a b) a) '(1) '(1 2)) "lists have different lengths")
+(check (for-each (lambda (x) x) '(1 2 3)) (void))
+(check-output (for-each alert '(1 2 3)) "1\n2\n3\n")
+(check-arg-fail (for-each (lambda (a) a) 1) "not a list")
+(check-arg-fail (for-each 9 '(1 2)) "not a procedure")
+(check (foldl (lambda (x a) (+ a x)) 7 '(0 1 2)) 10)
+(check-arg-fail (foldl (lambda (x a) (+ a x)) 7 7) "not a list")
+(check-arg-fail (foldl 10 0 '(1)) "not a procedure")
+(check (andmap integer? '(1 2 3)))
+(check (andmap integer? '()))
+(check (andmap (lambda (x) (< x 10)) '(1 2 3)))
+(check (andmap (lambda (x) (< x 3)) '(1 2 3)) #f)
+(check (andmap (lambda (x) (< x 3)) '(1 2 3 "oops")) #f)
+(check-arg-fail (andmap 10 '(1)) "not a procedure")
+(check-arg-fail (andmap (lambda (x) (< x 3)) '(1 2 3 . "oops")) "not a list")
+(check (ormap integer? '(1 2 3)))
+(check (ormap string? '(1 2 3)) #f)
+(check (ormap string? '("a" 2 3)) #t)
+(check (ormap (lambda (x) (< x 10)) '(1 "oops")))
+(check-arg-fail (ormap 10 '(1)) "not a procedure")
+(check-arg-fail (ormap (lambda (x) (< x 3)) '(1 2 3 . "oops")) "not a list")
+(check (member "x" '()) #f)
+(check (member "x" '("x" y z)) '("x" y z))
+(check (member "x" '(x "x" y z)) '("x" y z))
+(check-arg-fail (member "x" "y") "not a list")
+(check (assoc "x" '()) #f)
+(check (assoc "x" '(("x" . x) y z)) '("x" . x))
+(check (assoc "x" '((x . x) ("x" . x) y z)) '("x" . x))
+(check-arg-fail (assoc "x" "y") "not a list")
+(check-arg-fail (assoc "y" '((x . x) ("x" . x) y z)) "non-pair found in list")
+(check (filter (lambda (x) (> x 7)) '()) '())
+(check (filter (lambda (x) (> x 7)) '(1 11 2 12 3 13 4)) '(11 12 13))
+(check-arg-fail (filter "x" '()) "not a procedure")
+(check-arg-fail (filter (lambda (x) #t) "y") "not a list")
+(check (sort '() <) '())
+(check (sort '(1 2 3 4) <) '(1 2 3 4))
+(check (sort '(3 4 2 1) <) '(1 2 3 4))
+(check (sort '("z" "d" "a" "m" "p" "q" "w" "f" "b") string<?)
+       '("a" "b" "d" "f" "m" "p" "q" "w" "z"))
+(check-arg-fail (sort "x" <) "not a list")
+(check-arg-fail (sort '() "x") "not a procedure")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/path.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,154 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "paths")
+(check (path-string? "x"))
+(check (path-string? "") #f)
+(check (path-string? "xy\0z") #f)
+(check (path-string? 'apple) #f)
+(define unix? (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'unix))
+(check (build-path "x" "y") (if unix? "x/y" "x\\y"))
+(check (build-path "." "y") "y")
+(check (build-raw-path "." "y") (if unix? "./y" ".\\y"))
+(check (build-path ".." "y") (if unix? "../y" "..\\y"))
+(check (build-path "x" ".") "x")
+(check (build-raw-path "x" ".") (if unix? "x/." "x\\."))
+(check (build-path "x" "..") ".")
+(check (build-raw-path "x" "..") (if unix? "x/.." "x\\.."))
+(check (build-path "x/y/z/./.." "..") "x/")
+(check (build-raw-path "x/y/z/./.." "..") (if unix? "x/y/z/./../.." "x/y/z/./..\\.."))
+(check (build-path "x/y/./.." "..") ".")
+(check (build-path "x/y/./.." "../../..") (if unix? "../.." "..\\.."))
+(check (build-path "x/y/./.." "../q/../..") "..")
+(check (build-path "x/" "y") (if unix? "x/y" "x/y"))
+(check (build-path "x//" "y") (if unix? "x//y" "x//y"))
+(check (build-path "x\\" "y") (if unix? "x\\/y" "x\\y"))
+(check (build-path "x" "y/z") (if unix? "x/y/z" "x\\y\\z"))
+(check (build-raw-path "x" "y/z") (if unix? "x/y/z" "x\\y/z"))
+(check (build-path "x/y" "z") (if unix? "x/y/z" "x/y\\z"))
+(check (build-path "x/y/" "z") (if unix? "x/y/z" "x/y/z"))
+(check (build-path "/x" "z") (if unix? "/x/z" "/x\\z"))
+(check-arg-fail (build-path "" "z") "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (build-path "z" "") "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (build-path 0 "z") "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (build-path "z" 0) "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (build-path "z" "/x") "path is not relative")
+(check (build-path "x") "x")
+(check (build-path "x" "y" "z") (if unix? "x/y/z" "x\\y\\z"))
+(check (split-path "x/y") '("x/" . "y"))
+(check (split-path "x/y/") '("x/" . "y"))
+(check (split-path "x//y/") '("x//" . "y"))
+(check (split-path "x/y///") '("x/" . "y"))
+(check (split-path "x") '(#f . "x"))
+(check (split-path "x/") '(#f . "x"))
+(check (split-path "x//") '(#f . "x"))
+(check (split-path "x\\y") (if unix? '(#f . "x\\y") '("x\\" . "y")))
+(check (split-path "/") '(#f . "/"))
+(check-arg-fail (split-path "") "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (split-path 0) "not a path string")
+(unless unix?
+  (check (split-path "c:/") '(#f . "c:/"))
+  (check (split-path "c:///") '(#f . "c:/"))
+  (check (split-path "c:/x") '("c:/" . "x"))
+  (check (split-path "c:/x/") '("c:/" . "x"))
+  (check (split-path "c:\\") '(#f . "c:\\"))
+  (check (split-path "c:\\x") '("c:\\" . "x"))
+  (check (split-path "//mach/drive/") '(#f . "//mach/drive/"))
+  (check (split-path "//mach/drive/\\\\") '(#f . "//mach/drive/"))
+  (check (split-path "//mach/drive/z") '("//mach/drive/" . "z"))
+  (check (split-path "\\\\mach\\drive\\") '(#f . "\\\\mach\\drive\\"))
+  (check (split-path "\\\\mach\\drive\\z") '("\\\\mach\\drive\\" . "z"))
+  (check (split-path "\\\\?\\c:\\elem") '("\\\\?\\c:\\" . "elem"))
+  (check (split-path "\\\\?\\c:\\") '(#f . "\\\\?\\c:\\")))
+(check (relative-path? "x/y"))
+(check (relative-path? "x/y/"))
+(check (relative-path? "/x/") #f)
+(check (relative-path? "/") #f)
+(check (relative-path? "\\x") unix?)
+(check-arg-fail (relative-path? "") "not a path string")
+(check-arg-fail (relative-path? 0) "not a path string")
+(check (path-string? (at-source "adjacent.txt")))
+(check (at-source) (path-only (quote-module-path)))
+(check (procedure? at-source))
+(check-fail (at-source . x) bad-stx)
+(check (simple-form-path "a//b//c/d/../f/g")
+       (if unix?
+           "a/b/c/f/g"
+           "a\\b\\c\\f\\g"))
+(check (simple-form-path "a//b//c/d/.././../f/g")
+       (if unix?
+           "a/b/f/g"
+           "a\\b\\f\\g"))
+(check (simple-form-path "../../a//b//c/d")
+       (if unix?
+           "../../a/b/c/d"
+           "..\\..\\a\\b\\c\\d"))
+(check (find-relative-path "home/zuo/src" "home/zuo/src/private/optimize")
+       (build-path "private" "optimize"))
+(check (find-relative-path "home/zuo/src" "home/zuo/lib")
+       (build-path ".." "lib"))
+(check (find-relative-path "home/zuo/src" "home/zuo/src")
+       ".")
+(check (find-relative-path "home/zuo/src" "tmp/cache")
+       (build-path ".." ".." ".." "tmp" "cache"))
+(check (find-relative-path "." "tmp/cache")
+       (build-path "tmp" "cache"))
+(check (find-relative-path "tmp/cache" ".")
+       (build-path ".." ".."))
+(check (find-relative-path "../bin/tarm64osx/bin/" "main.o")
+       (build-path ".." ".." ".." (cdr (split-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir))) "main.o"))
+(let ([l (reverse (explode-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir)))])
+  (when (> (length l) 3)
+    (check (find-relative-path "../../../bin/tarm64osx/bin/" "../main.o")
+           (build-path ".." ".." ".." (list-ref l 2) (list-ref l 1) "main.o"))))
+(check (find-relative-path "tmp/cache" "/home/zuo/src")
+       "/home/zuo/src")
+(when unix?
+  (check (find-relative-path "/home/zuo/src" "/home/zuo/src/private/optimize")
+         "private/optimize")
+  (check (find-relative-path "/home/zuo/src" "/home/zuo/lib")
+         "../lib")
+  (check (find-relative-path "/home/zuo/src" "/home/zuo/src")
+         ".")
+  (check (find-relative-path "/home/zuo/src" "/tmp/cache")
+         "../../../tmp/cache"))
+(check (path-only "hello.txt") ".")
+(check (path-only ".") ".")
+(check (path-only "greeting/hello.txt") "greeting/")
+(check (path-only "in/greeting/hello.txt") "in/greeting/")
+(check (path-only "/") "/")
+(check (path-only "a/") "a/")
+(check (path-only "a\\") (if unix? "." "a\\"))
+(check (path-only "a/.") "a/.")
+(check (path-only "a/..") "a/..")
+(check-arg-fail (path-only 10) not-path)
+(check (file-name-from-path "hello.txt") "hello.txt")
+(check (file-name-from-path ".") #f)
+(check (file-name-from-path "greeting/hello.txt") "hello.txt")
+(check (file-name-from-path "in/greeting/hello.txt") "hello.txt")
+(check (file-name-from-path "/") #f)
+(check (file-name-from-path "a/") #f)
+(check (file-name-from-path "a\\") (if unix? "a\\" #f))
+(check (file-name-from-path "a/.") #f)
+(check (file-name-from-path "a/..") #f)
+(check-arg-fail (file-name-from-path 10) not-path)
+(check (path-replace-extension "a.c" ".o") "a.o")
+(check (path-replace-extension "p/a.c" ".o") (build-path "p" "a.o"))
+(check (path-replace-extension "p/.rc" ".o") (build-path "p" ".rc.o"))
+(check-arg-fail (path-replace-extension 10 "x") not-path)
+(check-arg-fail (path-replace-extension "x" 10) not-string)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/procedure.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "procedures")
+(check (procedure? procedure?))
+(check (procedure? (lambda (x) x)))
+(check (procedure? (lambda args args)))
+(check (procedure? apply))
+(check (procedure? call/cc))
+(check (procedure? (call/cc (lambda (k) k))))
+(check (not (procedure? 1)))
+(check (apply + '()) 0)
+(check (apply + '(1)) 1)
+(check (apply + '(1 2)) 3)
+(check (apply + '(1 2 3 4)) 10)
+(check (apply apply (list + '(1 2))) 3)
+(check-fail (apply +) arity)
+(check-fail (apply '(+ 1 2)) arity)
+(check-fail (apply apply (cons + '(1 2))) arity)
+(check-arg-fail (apply + 1) "not a list")
+(check (call/cc (lambda (k) (+ 1 (k 'ok)))) 'ok)
+(check (let ([f (call/cc (lambda (k) k))])
+         (if (procedure? f)
+             (f 10)
+             f))
+       10)
+(check-fail (call/cc 1) "not a procedure")
+(check (call/prompt (lambda () 10)) 10)
+(check (let ([k (call/prompt
+                 (lambda ()
+                   (call/cc (lambda (k) k))))])
+         (+ 1 (call/prompt (lambda () (k 11)))))
+       12)
+(check (let ([k (call/prompt
+                 (lambda ()
+                   (call/cc
+                    (lambda (esc)
+                      (+ 1
+                         (* 2
+                            (call/cc
+                             (lambda (k) (esc k)))))))))])
+         (list (call/prompt (lambda () (k 3)))
+               (call/prompt (lambda () (k 4)))))
+       (list 7 9))
+(check-fail (call/prompt 1) "not a procedure")
+(check (let ([k (call/prompt
+                 (lambda ()
+                   (call/cc
+                    (lambda (esc)
+                      (+ 1
+                         (* 2
+                            (call/comp esc)))))))])
+         (list (k 30)
+               (k 40)))
+       (list 61 81))
+(check-arg-fail (call/comp 1) "not a procedure")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/process.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,146 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "processes")
+(define zuo.exe (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe))
+(define answer.txt (build-path tmp-dir "answer.txt"))
+;; check process without redirection, inculding multiple processes
+(let ()
+  (define echo-to-file.zuo (build-path tmp-dir "echo-to-file.zuo"))
+  (let ([out (fd-open-output echo-to-file.zuo :truncate)])
+    (fd-write out (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+                      (~s '(let* ([args (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)]
+                                  [out (fd-open-output (car args) :truncate)])
+                             (fd-write out (cadr args))))))
+    (fd-close out))
+  (let ([ht (process zuo.exe
+                     echo-to-file.zuo
+                     (list answer.txt
+                           "anybody home?"))])
+    (check (hash? ht))
+    (check (= 1 (hash-count ht)))
+    (check (handle? (hash-ref ht 'process)))
+    (let ([p (hash-ref ht 'process)])
+      (check (handle? p))
+      (check (process-wait p) p)
+      (check (process-wait p p p) p)
+      (check (handle? p))
+      (check (process-status p) 0))
+    (let ([in (fd-open-input answer.txt)])
+      (check (fd-read in eof) "anybody home?")
+      (fd-close in)))
+  (define answer2.txt (build-path tmp-dir "answer2.txt"))
+  (let ([ht1 (process zuo.exe echo-to-file.zuo answer.txt "one")]
+        [ht2 (process zuo.exe (list echo-to-file.zuo answer2.txt) "two")])
+    (define p1 (hash-ref ht1 'process))
+    (define p2 (hash-ref ht2 'process))
+    (define pa (process-wait p1 p2))
+    (define pb (process-wait (if (eq? p1 pa) p2 p1)))
+    (check (or (and (eq? p1 pa) (eq? p2 pb))
+               (and (eq? p1 pb) (eq? p2 pa))))
+    (check (process-status p1) 0)
+    (check (process-status p2) 0)
+    (check (process-wait p1) p1)
+    (check (process-wait p2) p2)
+    (define pc (process-wait p1 p2))
+    (check (or (eq? pc p1) (eq? pc p2)))
+    (let ([in (fd-open-input answer.txt)])
+      (check (fd-read in eof) "one")
+      (fd-close in))
+    (let ([in (fd-open-input answer2.txt)])
+      (check (fd-read in eof) "two")
+      (fd-close in))))
+;; check setting the process directory and environment variables
+(let ([path->absolute-path (lambda (p) (if (relative-path? p)
+                                           (build-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir) p)
+                                           p))])
+  (define runtime-to-file
+    (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+        (~s `(let* ([out (fd-open-output ,(path->absolute-path answer.txt) :truncate)])
+               (fd-write out (~s (cons
+                                  (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir)
+                                  (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env))))))))
+  (let ([ht (process zuo.exe "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe))])
+    (check (hash? ht))
+    (check (= 2 (hash-count ht)))
+    (check (handle? (hash-ref ht 'process)))
+    (check (handle? (hash-ref ht 'stdin)))
+    (fd-write (hash-ref ht 'stdin) runtime-to-file)
+    (fd-close (hash-ref ht 'stdin))
+    (process-wait (hash-ref ht 'process))
+    (check (process-status (hash-ref ht 'process)) 0)
+    (let ()
+      (define in (fd-open-input answer.txt))
+      (define dir+env (car (string-read (fd-read in eof))))
+      (fd-close in)
+      (check (car dir+env) (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir))
+      (check (andmap (lambda (p)
+                       (define p2 (assoc (car p) (cdr dir+env)))
+                       (and p2 (equal? (cdr p) (cdr p2))))
+                     (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env)))))
+  (let* ([env (list (cons "HELLO" "there"))]
+         [ht (process zuo.exe "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe
+                                       'dir tmp-dir
+                                       'env env))])
+    (fd-write (hash-ref ht 'stdin) runtime-to-file)
+    (fd-close (hash-ref ht 'stdin))
+    (process-wait (hash-ref ht 'process))
+    (check (process-status (hash-ref ht 'process)) 0)
+    (let ()
+      (define in (fd-open-input answer.txt))
+      (define dir+env (car (string-read (fd-read in eof))))
+      (fd-close in)
+      (define (dir-identity d) (hash-ref (stat d #t) 'inode))
+      (check (dir-identity (car dir+env)) (dir-identity tmp-dir))
+      (check (andmap (lambda (p)
+                       (define p2 (assoc (car p) (cdr dir+env)))
+                       (and p2 (equal? (cdr p) (cdr p2))))
+                     env)))))
+;; make sure that the file descriptor for one process's pipe isn't
+;; kept open by a second process
+(let ()
+  (define ht1 (process zuo.exe "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
+  (define ht2 (process zuo.exe "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe)))
+  (define in1 (hash-ref ht1 'stdin))
+  (fd-write in1 "#lang zuo 'hello")
+  (fd-close in1)
+  (check (fd-read (hash-ref ht1 'stdout) eof) "'hello\n")
+  (process-wait (hash-ref ht1 'process))
+  (fd-close (hash-ref ht1 'stdout))
+  (define in2 (hash-ref ht2 'stdin))
+  (fd-write in2 "#lang zuo")
+  (fd-close in2)
+  (process-wait (hash-ref ht2 'process))
+  (void))
+;; check transfer of UTF-8 arguments and related
+(define (check-process-arg arg)
+  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
+		     ""
+		     arg
+		     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
+  (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
+  (fd-write to "#lang zuo (displayln (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args))")
+  (fd-close to)
+  (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
+  (define s (fd-read from eof))
+  (process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
+  (check s (~a"(" arg ")\n")))
+(check-process-arg "\316\273")
+(check-process-arg "a b c")
+(check-process-arg "a \"b\" c")
+(check-process-arg "a \"b c")
+(check-process-arg "a \\b c")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/read+print.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,71 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "reading and printing")
+(check (string-read "  1 (apple) \n 2   \n\n" 0) '(1 (apple) 2))
+(check (string-read "  1 (apple) \n 2   \n\n" 3) '((apple) 2))
+(check (string-read "" 0) '())
+(check (string-read "x" 1) '())
+(check-fail (string-read "(" 0) "missing closer")
+(check-fail (string-read 'apple 0) not-string)
+(check-fail (string-read "x" "y") not-integer)
+(check-fail (string-read "x" 2) "out of bounds")
+(check-fail (string-read "x" -2) "out of bounds")
+(check (~v 1 '(apple) "banana") "1 (list 'apple) \"banana\"")
+(check (~v 1 '(apple . pie) (string->uninterned-symbol "banana")) "1 (cons 'apple 'pie) #<symbol:banana>")
+(check (~s 1 '(apple) "banana") "1 (apple) \"banana\"")
+(check (~s 1 '(apple . pie) (string->uninterned-symbol "banana")) "1 (apple . pie) #<symbol:banana>")
+(check (~a 1 '(apple) "banana") "1(apple)banana")
+(check (~a 1 '(apple . pie) (string->uninterned-symbol "banana")) "1(apple . pie)banana")
+(define table
+  (list
+   (list #t "#t" "#t" "#t")
+   (list #f "#f" "#f" "#f")
+   (list 1 "1" "1" "1")
+   (list 0 "0" "0" "0")
+   (list -1 "-1" "-1" "-1")
+   (list 'apple "'apple" "apple" "apple")
+   (list (string->uninterned-symbol "banana") "#<symbol:banana>" "#<symbol:banana>" "banana")
+   (list "cherry" "\"cherry\"" "\"cherry\"" "cherry")
+   (list (cons "cherry" 'pie) "(cons \"cherry\" 'pie)" "(\"cherry\" . pie)" "(cherry . pie)")
+   (list (list* 1 2 3) "(list* 1 2 3)" "(1 2 . 3)" "(1 2 . 3)")
+   (list (hash 'a "x") "(hash 'a \"x\")" "#hash((a . \"x\"))" "#hash((a . x))")
+   (list apply "#<procedure:apply>" "#<procedure:apply>" "#<procedure:apply>")
+   (list call/cc "#<procedure:call/cc>" "#<procedure:call/cc>" "#<procedure:call/cc>")
+   (list (let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) f) "#<procedure:f>" "#<procedure:f>" "#<procedure:f>")
+   (list (opaque 'donut 5) "#<donut>" "#<donut>" "#<donut>")
+   (list (variable 'elderberry) "#<variable:elderberry>" "#<variable:elderberry>" "#<variable:elderberry>")
+   (list (void) "#<void>" "#<void>" "#<void>")))
+(for-each (lambda (row)
+            (apply (lambda (v pr wr di)
+                     (check (~v v) pr)
+                     (check (~s v) wr)
+                     (check (~a v) di))
+                   row))
+          table)
+(check-output (alert "hello" 'x) "hello: 'x\n")
+(check-output (alert 'hello 'x) "'hello 'x\n")
+(check-output (alert 'hello 'x 3 4) "'hello 'x 3 4\n")
+(check-output (error "hello" 'x) "" "hello: 'x\n")
+(check-output (error 'hello 'x) "" "'hello 'x\n")
+(check-output (error 'hello 'x 3 4) "" "'hello 'x 3 4\n")
+(check-fail (arity-error 'hello '()) not-string)
+(check-fail (arity-error "hello" 'oops) "not a list")
+(check-output (arity-error "hello" '(1 () "apple")) "" "hello: wrong number of arguments: 1 '() \"apple\"\n")
+(check (~s (let loop ([i 10000])
+             (if (= i 0)
+                 '()
+                 (list (loop (- i 1))))))
+       (apply ~a
+              (let loop ([i 10000] [accum '()])
+                (if (= i 0)
+                    (cons "()" accum)
+                    (cons "(" (loop (- i 1) (cons ")" accum)))))))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/shell.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "shell")
+(define unix? (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'unix))
+(when unix?
+  (let ([p (shell "echo hi" (hash 'stdout 'pipe))])
+    (check (fd-read (hash-ref p 'stdout) eof) "hi\n")
+    (fd-close (hash-ref p 'stdout))
+    (process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
+    (check (process-status (hash-ref p 'process)) 0)))
+(check (build-shell "x" "" "y" "" "" "z" "") "x y z")
+(check (build-shell "x" "" '("y" "" "" "z") "") "x y z")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/string.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,122 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "strings")
+(check (string? "apple"))
+(check (string? #"apple"))
+(check (string? ""))
+(check (not (string? 'apple)))
+(check (not (string? 10)))
+(check (string 48 97) "0a")
+(check (string) "")
+(check-fail (string -1) "not an integer in [0, 255]")
+(check-fail (string 256) "not an integer in [0, 255]")
+(check-fail (string "a") "not an integer in [0, 255]")
+(check (string 2 17) "\002\021")
+(check (string 2 17) "\2\21")
+(check (string 2 17) "\02\21")
+(check (string 2 32 17) "\2 \21")
+(check (string 2 32 17) "\02 \21")
+(check (string 2 32 17 32) "\02 \21 ")
+(check (string 34 49) "\421")
+(check (string-length "") 0)
+(check (string-length "apple") 5)
+(check-fail (string-length 'apple) not-string)
+(check (string-ref "0123" 0) 48)
+(check (string-ref "0123" 2) 50)
+(check-fail (string-ref "0123" 4) "out of bounds")
+(check-fail (string-ref "0123" -1) "out of bounds")
+(check (substring "0123" 0 0) "")
+(check (substring "0123" 0 1) "0")
+(check (substring "0123" 0 4) "0123")
+(check (substring "0123" 4 4) "")
+(check-fail (substring "0123" -1 0) "out of bounds")
+(check-fail (substring "0123" 5 6) "out of bounds")
+(check-fail (substring "0123" -1 5) "out of bounds")
+(check-fail (substring "0123" 1 5) "out of bounds")
+(check-fail (substring "0123" 1 0) "index less than starting")
+(check (string-u32-ref "\000\000\000\000" 0) 0)
+(check (string-u32-ref "\000\004\004\000" 0) (+ (* 256 4) (* 256 256 4)))
+(check (string-u32-ref "\003\000\000\003" 0) (+ 3 (* 256 256 256 3)))
+(check (string-u32-ref "\377\000\000\377" 0) (+ 255 (* 256 256 256 255)))
+(check (string-u32-ref "__\000\000\000\000!" 2) 0)
+(check (string-u32-ref "__\000\004\004\000!" 2) (+ (* 256 4) (* 256 256 4)))
+(check (string-u32-ref "__\003\000\000\003!" 2) (+ 3 (* 256 256 256 3)))
+(check (string-u32-ref "__\377\000\000\377!" 2) (+ 255 (* 256 256 256 255)))
+(check (char "0") 48)
+(check (char "\377") 255)
+(check-fail (char) bad-stx)
+(check-fail (char "0" "more") bad-stx)
+(check-fail (char . "0") bad-stx)
+(check (string-split " apple pie  " " ") '("" "apple" "pie" "" ""))
+(check (string-split "__apple____pie__" "__") '("" "apple" "" "pie" ""))
+(check (string-split " apple pie  ") '("apple" "pie"))
+(check-fail (string-split 10) not-string)
+(check-fail (string-split "apple" "") "not a nonempty string")
+(check (string-join '("a" "b" "c")) "a b c")
+(check (string-join '("a" "b" "c") "x") "axbxc")
+(check (string-join '("a" "b" "c") "") "abc")
+(check (string-join '()) "")
+(check (string-join '() "x") "")
+(check-fail (string-join 10) "not a list of strings")
+(check-fail (string-join '("x") 10) not-string)
+(check (string-trim "   a   ") "a")
+(check (string-trim "   a  b  c   ") "a  b  c")
+(check (string-trim "   a   " "  ") " a ")
+(check (string-trim "     a     " "  ") " a ")
+(check-fail (string-trim 10) not-string)
+(check-fail (string-trim "apple" "") "not a nonempty string")
+(let ([s "hello! /  \\  \\\\  // \\\" \"\\ the:re/547\\65\"13\"2-*()*^$*&^'|'&~``'"])
+  (let i-loop ([i 0])
+    (let j-loop ([j i])
+      (let* ([s (substring s i j)])
+        (check (shell->strings (string->shell s)) (list s))
+        (check (shell->strings (~a "  " (string->shell s) "   ")) (list s)))
+      (unless (= j (string-length s)) (j-loop (+ j 1))))
+    (unless (= i (string-length s)) (i-loop (+ i 1)))))
+(check (string-sha1 "hello\n") "f572d396fae9206628714fb2ce00f72e94f2258f")
+(check (string->integer "10") 10)
+(check (string->integer "-10") -10)
+(check (string->integer "-0") 0)
+(check (string->integer "-") #f)
+(check (string->integer "") #f)
+(check (string->integer "12x") #f)
+(check (string->integer "9223372036854775807") 9223372036854775807)
+(check (string->integer "9223372036854775808") #f)
+(check (string->integer "-9223372036854775807") -9223372036854775807)
+(check (string->integer "-9223372036854775808") -9223372036854775808)
+(check (string->integer "-9223372036854775809") #f)
+(check (string->integer "000000000000000000000007") 7)
+(check-fail (string->integer 1) not-string)
+(check (string<? "a" "b") #t)
+(check (string<? "a" "apple") #t)
+(check (string<? "b" "apple") #f)
+(check (string<? "banana" "a") #f)
+(check (string<? "" "") #f)
+(check (string<? "" "x") #t)
+(check-fail (string<? 1 "") not-string)
+(check-fail (string<? "" 1) not-string)
+(check (string-tree? "a"))
+(check (string-tree? '("a")))
+(check (string-tree? '("a" "b" ("c") () (((("d")))))))
+(check (string-tree? 'a) #f)
+(check (string-tree? '("a" "b" ("c") () ((((d)))))) #f)
+(check (string-tree? '("a" "b" ("c") () (((("d" . "c")))))) #f)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/symbol.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "symbols")
+(check (symbol? 'apple))
+(check (symbol? (string->uninterned-symbol "apple")))
+(check (not (symbol? "apple")))
+(check (not (symbol? 10)))
+(check (symbol->string 'apple) "apple")
+(check-arg-fail (symbol->string "apple") "not a symbol")
+(check (eq? 'apple (string->symbol "apple")))
+(check (not (eq? 'apple (string->uninterned-symbol "apple"))))
+(check (not (eq? (string->uninterned-symbol "apple")
+                 (string->uninterned-symbol "apple"))))
+(check (not (equal? 'apple (string->uninterned-symbol "apple"))))
+(check-arg-fail (string->symbol 'apple) not-string)
+(check-arg-fail (string->uninterned-symbol 'apple) not-string)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax-hygienic.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#lang zuo/hygienic
+(require "harness-hygienic.zuo")
+(alert "hygienic syntax")
+(check (identifier? (quote-syntax x)))
+(check (not (identifier? 'x)))
+(check (not (identifier? #f)))
+(check (not (identifier? (quote-syntax (x y)))))
+(check (not (identifier? '(x y))))
+(check (andmap identifier? (quote-syntax (x y))))
+(check (syntax-e (quote-syntax x)) 'x)
+(check-fail (syntax-e 'x) "not a syntax object")
+(check (syntax->datum 'x) 'x)
+(check (syntax->datum (quote-syntax x)) 'x)
+(check (syntax->datum (quote-syntax (x y))) '(x y))
+(check (syntax->datum '(1 #f)) '(1 #f))
+(check (not (symbol? (datum->syntax (quote-syntax x) 'y))))
+(check (syntax-e (datum->syntax (quote-syntax x) 'y)) 'y)
+(check-fail (datum->syntax 'x 'y) "not a syntax object")
+(check (bound-identifier=? (quote-syntax x) (quote-syntax x)))
+(check (not (bound-identifier=? (quote-syntax x) (quote-syntax y))))
+(check-fail (syntax-e #f) "not a syntax object")
+(check-fail (syntax-e '(x y)) "not a syntax object")
+(check-fail (bound-identifier=? '(x) 'x) "not a syntax object")
+(check-fail (bound-identifier=? 'x '(x)) "not a syntax object")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "syntax objects")
+(check (identifier? (quote-syntax x)))
+(check (identifier? 'x))
+(check (not (identifier? #f)))
+(check (not (identifier? (quote-syntax (x y)))))
+(check (not (identifier? '(x y))))
+(check (andmap identifier? (quote-syntax (x y))))
+(check (syntax-e (quote-syntax x)) 'x)
+(check (syntax-e 'x) 'x)
+(check-arg-fail (syntax-e #f) "not a syntax object")
+(check-arg-fail (syntax-e '(x y)) "not a syntax object")
+(check (syntax->datum 'x) 'x)
+(check (syntax->datum (quote-syntax x)) 'x)
+(check (syntax->datum (quote-syntax (x y))) '(x y))
+(check (syntax->datum '(1 #f)) '(1 #f))
+(check (datum->syntax 'x 'y) 'y)
+(check (datum->syntax (quote-syntax x) 'y) 'y)
+(check (syntax-e (datum->syntax (quote-syntax x) 'y)) 'y)
+(check-arg-fail (datum->syntax '(x) 'y) "not a syntax object")
+(check (bound-identifier=? 'x 'x))
+(check (bound-identifier=? (quote-syntax x) (quote-syntax x)))
+(check (not (bound-identifier=? (quote-syntax x) (quote-syntax y))))
+(check (not (bound-identifier=? 'x (quote-syntax x))))
+(check-arg-fail (bound-identifier=? '(x) 'x) "not a syntax object")
+(check-arg-fail (bound-identifier=? 'x '(x)) "not a syntax object")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/thread.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,158 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "threads")
+(check (call-in-main-thread
+        (lambda ()
+          (define ch (channel))
+          (define msgs (channel))
+          (thread (lambda () (channel-put msgs (list "read" (channel-get ch)))))
+          (thread (lambda () (channel-put msgs "write") (channel-put ch 'hello)))
+          (list (channel-get msgs)
+                (channel-get msgs))))
+       '("write" ("read" hello)))
+(check (call-in-main-thread
+        (lambda ()
+          (define ch (channel))
+          (define go (channel))
+          (for-each (lambda (i) (channel-put ch i)) '(a b c d))
+          (thread (lambda ()
+                    (for-each (lambda (v) (channel-put ch (list v (channel-get ch))))
+                              '(1 2 3 4))
+                    (channel-put go 'ok)))
+          (channel-get go)
+          (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) '(_ _ _ _))))
+       '((1 a) (2 b) (3 c) (4 d)))
+(check (call-in-main-thread
+        (lambda ()
+          (define ch (channel))
+          (define go (channel))
+          (define ls '(a b c d))
+          (for-each (lambda (i) (channel-put ch i)) ls)
+          (for-each (lambda (v)
+                      (thread (lambda ()
+                                (channel-put ch (list v (channel-get ch)))
+                                (channel-put go 'ok))))
+                    (map symbol->string ls))
+          (for-each (lambda (i) (channel-get go)) ls)
+          (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) '(_ _ _ _))))
+       ;; this is the result for now, at least, since everything is deterministic
+       ;; and the scheduler's enquring strategy adds a new thread to the front
+       '(("d" a) ("c" b) ("b" c) ("a" d)))
+;; Each thread starts a process, but the wait might immediately succeed every time
+(check (let ([r (call-in-main-thread
+                 (lambda ()
+                   (define ch (channel))
+                   (define ls '(a b c d))
+                   (for-each (lambda (id)
+                               (thread
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
+                                                     ""
+                                                     (~a id)
+                                                     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
+                                  (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
+                                  (fd-write to (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+                                                   (~s '(alert (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)))))
+                                  (fd-close to)
+                                  (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
+                                  (define str (fd-read from eof))
+                                  (fd-close from)
+                                  (thread-process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
+                                  (channel-put ch str))))
+                             ls)
+                   (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) ls)))])
+         (and (= (length r) 4)
+              (andmap (lambda (s) (member s r))
+                      '("(list \"a\")\n" "(list \"b\")\n" "(list \"c\")\n" "(list \"d\")\n"))
+              #t)))
+;; Each thread starts a process, relies on the main thread to finish it
+(check (let ([r (call-in-main-thread
+                 (lambda ()
+                   (define ch (channel))
+                   (define done (channel))
+                   (define ls '(a b c d))
+                   (for-each (lambda (id)
+                               (thread
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
+                                                     ""
+                                                     (~a id)
+                                                     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
+                                  (channel-put ch p)
+                                  (thread-process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
+                                  (channel-put done 'ok))))
+                             ls)
+                   (define results
+                     (map (lambda (i)
+                            (define p (channel-get ch))
+                            (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
+                            (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
+                            (fd-write to (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+                                             (~s '(alert (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)))))
+                            (fd-close to)
+                            (define str (fd-read from eof))
+                            (fd-close from)
+                            str)
+                          ls))
+                   (for-each (lambda (id) (channel-get done)) ls)
+                   results))])
+         (and (= (length r) 4)
+              (andmap (lambda (s) (member s r))
+                      '("(list \"a\")\n" "(list \"b\")\n" "(list \"c\")\n" "(list \"d\")\n"))
+              #t)))
+;; Each thread starts a process, main thread waits on all
+(check (let ([r (call-in-main-thread
+                 (lambda ()
+                   (define ch (channel))
+                   (define go (channel))
+                   (define ls '(a b c d))
+                   (for-each (lambda (id)
+                               (thread
+                                (lambda ()
+                                  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
+                                                     ""
+                                                     (~a id)
+                                                     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
+                                  (channel-put ch (hash-ref p 'process))
+                                  (channel-get go)
+                                  (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
+                                  (fd-write to (~a "#lang zuo\n"
+                                                   (~s '(alert (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)))))
+                                  (fd-close to)
+                                  (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
+                                  (define str (fd-read from eof))
+                                  (fd-close from)
+                                  (channel-put ch str))))
+                             ls)
+                   (define ps (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) ls))
+                   (for-each (lambda (i) (channel-put go i)) ls)
+                   (let loop ([ps ps])
+                     (unless (null? ps)
+                       (define p (apply thread-process-wait ps))
+                       (loop (remove p ps))))
+                   (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) ls)))])
+         (and (= (length r) 4)
+              (andmap (lambda (s) (member s r))
+                      '("(list \"a\")\n" "(list \"b\")\n" "(list \"c\")\n" "(list \"d\")\n"))
+              #t)))
+(check-fail (begin
+              (require zuo/thread)
+              (call-in-main-thread
+               (lambda () (channel-get (channel)))))
+            "main thread is stuck")
+(check-fail (begin
+              (require zuo/thread)
+              (call-in-main-thread
+               (lambda ()
+                 ((call/prompt (lambda () (call/cc (lambda (k) k)))) 0))))
+            "main thread is stuck")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/variable.zuo
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+#lang zuo
+(require "harness.zuo")
+(alert "variables")
+(check (variable? (variable 'alice)))
+(check (not (variable? 'alice)))
+(check-fail (variable-ref (variable 'alice)) "undefined: alice")
+(check-fail (variable-ref 'alice) "not a variable")
+(check (let ([a (variable 'alice)])
+         (variable-set! a 'home)
+         (list (variable-ref a) (variable-ref a)))
+       '(home home))
+(check-fail (let ([a (variable 'alice)])
+              (variable-set! a 'home)
+              (variable-set! a 'home))
+            "variable already has a value")
+(check-fail (variable-set! 'alice 'home) "not a variable")
+(check-arg-fail (variable 10) "not a symbol")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/defzuomodule.rkt
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+#lang at-exp racket/base
+(require scribble/manual)
+(provide defzuomodule)
+@(define-syntax-rule (defzuomodule zuo/x)
+   (begin
+     @defmodule[zuo/x #:no-declare #:packages ()]
+     @declare-exporting[zuo zuo/x #:packages () #:use-sources (zuo-doc/fake-zuo)]
+     @para{The @racketmodname[zuo/x] module is reprovided by @racketmodname[zuo].}))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/fake-kernel.rkt
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#lang racket/base
+(define-syntax-rule (define-fake id ...)
+  (begin
+    (provide id ...)
+    (define id 'id) ...))
+(define-syntax-rule (intro-define-fake)
+  (define-fake
+    lambda
+    let
+    quote
+    if
+    define
+    begin))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/fake-zuo-hygienic.rkt
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+#lang racket/base
+(define-syntax-rule (define-fake id ...)
+  (begin
+    (provide id ...)
+    (define id 'id) ...))
+(define-syntax-rule (intro-define-fake)
+  (define-fake
+    identifier?
+    syntax-e
+    syntax->datum
+    datum->syntax
+    bound-identifier=?))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/fake-zuo.rkt
@@ -1,0 +1,238 @@
+#lang racket/base
+(define-syntax-rule (define-fake id ...)
+  (begin
+    (provide id ...)
+    (define id 'id) ...))
+(define-syntax-rule (intro-define-fake)
+  (define-fake
+    lambda
+    let
+    let*
+    letrec
+    if
+    and
+    or
+    when
+    unless
+    begin
+    cond
+    quote
+    quasiquote
+    unquote
+    unquote-splicing
+    quote-syntax
+    define
+    define-syntax
+    include
+    require
+    provide
+    module+
+    quote-module-path
+    pair?
+    null?
+    integer?
+    string?
+    symbol?
+    hash?
+    list?
+    procedure?
+    path-string?
+    module-path?
+    relative-path?
+    handle?
+    boolean?
+    void
+    apply
+    call/cc
+    call/prompt
+    continuation-prompt-available?
+    context-consumer
+    context-consumer?
+    cons
+    car
+    cdr
+    list
+    append
+    reverse
+    length
+    member
+    assoc
+    remove
+    list-ref
+    list-set
+    andmap
+    ormap
+    map
+    filter
+    foldl
+    for-each
+    not
+    eq?
+    equal?
+    void?
+    +
+    -
+    *
+    quotient
+    modulo
+    <
+    <=
+    =
+    >=
+    >
+    bitwise-and
+    bitwise-ior
+    bitwise-xor
+    bitwise-not
+    string-length
+    string-ref
+    string-u32-ref
+    substring
+    string=?
+    string-ci=?
+    string->symbol
+    string->uninterned-symbol
+    symbol->string
+    string
+    string-sha1
+    char
+    string-split string-join string-trim
+    string-tree?
+    hash
+    hash-ref
+    ref
+    hash-set
+    hash-remove
+    hash-keys
+    hash-count
+    hash-keys-subset?
+    opaque
+    opaque-ref
+    build-path
+    split-path
+    at-source
+    variable?
+    variable
+    variable-ref
+    variable-set!
+    identifier?
+    syntax-e
+    syntax->datum
+    datum->syntax
+    bound-identifier=?
+    syntax-error
+    bad-syntax
+    misplaced-syntax
+    duplicate-identifier
+    fd-open-input
+    fd-open-output
+    fd-close
+    fd-read
+    fd-write
+    eof
+    fd-terminal?
+    file->string
+    display-to-file
+    stat
+    ls rm mv mkdir rmdir symlink readlink cp
+    current-time
+    system-type
+    file-exists?
+    directory-exists?
+    link-exists?
+    explode-path
+    simple-form-path
+    find-relative-path
+    build-raw-path
+    path-replace-extension
+    path-only
+    file-name-from-path
+    path->complete-path
+    ls* rm* cp* mkdir-p
+    :error :truncate :must-truncate :append :update :can-update
+    cleanable-file
+    cleanable-cancel
+    process
+    process-status
+    process-wait
+    find-executable-path
+    shell->strings
+    string->shell
+    error
+    alert
+    ~v
+    ~a
+    ~s
+    arity-error
+    arg-error
+    display displayln
+    string-read
+    module->hash
+    build-module-path
+    kernel-env
+    kernel-eval
+    runtime-env
+    dump-image-and-exit
+    exit
+    suspend-signal resume-signal
+    command-line
+    target
+    rule
+    phony-rule
+    input-file-target
+    input-data-target
+    target-path
+    target-name
+    target?
+    token?
+    rule?
+    phony-rule?
+    sha1?
+    file-sha1
+    no-sha1
+    build
+    build/command-line
+    build/command-line*
+    build/dep
+    build/no-dep
+    provide-targets
+    find-target
+    make-at-dir
+    make-targets
+    command-target?
+    command-target->target
+    bounce-to-targets
+    shell
+    shell/wait
+    build-shell
+    call-in-main-thread
+    thread? thread channel? channel channel-put channel-get
+    thread-process-wait
+    config-file->hash))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/info.rkt
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+#lang info
+(define deps '("base"
+               "scribble-lib"
+               "at-exp-lib"
+               "racket-doc"))
+(define scribblings '(("zuo.scrbl" (multi-page) (language))))
+(define pkg-desc "Documentation for the Zuo build language")
+(define pkg-authors '(mflatt))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/lang-zuo-datum.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@title{Zuo Data as Module}
+A module in the @racketmodname[zuo/datum] language ``exports'' its
+content as a list of S-expressions. The export is not a
+@racket[provide] in the sense of the @racketmodname[zuo] language.
+Instead, the module's representation (see @secref["module-protocol"])
+is just a hash table mapping @racket['datums] to the list of
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/lang-zuo-hygienic.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,71 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@(require (for-label (except-in zuo-doc/fake-zuo
+                                identifier?
+                                syntax-e
+                                syntax->datum
+                                datum->syntax
+                                bound-identifier=?)
+                     zuo-doc/fake-zuo-hygienic)
+          "real-racket.rkt")
+@title[#:tag "zuo-hygienic"]{Zuo with Hygienic Macros}
+@defmodulelang[zuo/hygienic #:no-declare #:packages ()]
+@declare-exporting[zuo/hygienic #:packages () #:use-sources(zuo-doc/fake-zuo-hygienic)]
+The @racketmodname[zuo/hygienic] language provides the same set of
+bindings as @racketmodname[zuo/base], but with hygienic macros. Its
+macro-expansion protocol uses a different representation of
+identifiers and binding scope, and different rules for
+@racket[quote-syntax] and macros:
+ @item{A @racketmodname[zuo/hygienic] term's representation always
+       uses identifier syntax objects in place of symbols. A macro
+       will never receive a plain symbol in its input, and if the
+       macro produces a term with plain symbol, it is automatically
+       coerced to a syntax object using the scope of the module that
+       defines the macro.}
+ @item{A syntax object's context includes a @defterm{set of scopes},
+       instead of just one @tech{scope}. Before expanding forms in a
+       new context, a fresh scope representation is added to every
+       identifier appearing within the context. An reference is
+       resolved by finding the binding identifier with the most
+       specific set of scopes that is a subset of the referencing
+       identifier's scopes.}
+ @item{In addition to binding contexts, a specific macro invocation is
+       also represented by a scope: a fresh scope is added to every
+       syntax object introduced by a macro expansion. This fresh scope
+       means that an identifier introduced by the expansion can only
+       bind identifiers that were introduced by the same expansion.
+       Meanwhile, a @racket[quote-syntax]-imposed scope on an
+       introduced identifier prevents it from being bound by an
+       identifier that's at the macro-use site and not visible at the
+       macro-definition site.}
+ @item{The @racket[quote-syntax] form produces an identifier syntax
+       object with all of its scope intact. That syntax object
+       acquires additional scope if it is returned from a macro
+       expander into a new context.}
+These differences particularly affect the functions that operate on
+@tech{syntax objects}:
+@defproc[(identifier? [v any?]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(syntax-e [v identifier?]) symbol?]
+@defproc[(syntax->datum [v any?]) any?]
+@defproc[(datum->syntax [ctx identifier?] [v any?]) any?]
+@defproc[(bound-identifier=? [id1 identifier?]
+                             [id2 identifier?]) boolean?]
+Unlike the @racketmodname[zuo] function, @racket[identifier?] does not
+recognize a plain symbol as an identifier. The @racket[datum->syntax]
+function converts symbols in @racket[v] to syntax objects using the
+context of @racket[ctx].}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/lang-zuo-kernel.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,111 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@(require (for-label zuo-doc/fake-kernel
+                     (except-in zuo-doc/fake-zuo
+                                lambda
+                                let
+                                quote
+                                if
+                                define
+                                begin))
+          "real-racket.rkt")
+@title[#:tag "zuo-kernel"]{Zuo Kernel Language}
+@defmodulelang[zuo/kernel #:no-declare #:packages ()]
+@declare-exporting[zuo-doc/fake-kernel #:packages ()]
+The body of a @racketmodname[zuo/kernel] module is a single expression
+using a set of core @seclink["kernel-syntax"]{syntactic forms}
+and @seclink["kernel-primitives"]{primitives}. The expression
+must produce a @tech{hash table} that serves as the module's
+representation (see @secref["module-protocol"]).
+@section[#:tag "kernel-syntax"]{Syntactic Forms}
+@defform[#:link-target? #f #:id not-id id]
+@defform[#:link-target? #f #:id not-literal literal]
+@defform[#:link-target? #f #:id not-expr (expr expr ...)]
+@defform[(lambda formals maybe-name maybe-arity-mask expr)
+         #:grammar ([formals (id ...)
+                             id
+                             (id ... . id)]
+                    [maybe-name string
+                                code:blank]
+                    [maybe-arity-mask integer
+                                      code:blank])]
+@defform[(quote datum)]
+@defform[(if expr expr expr)]
+@defform[(let ([id expr]) expr)]
+@defform[(begin expr ...+)]
+These forms are analogous to a variable reference, literal, procedure
+application, @realracket*[lambda quote if let begin] in
+@racketmodname[racket], but often restricted to a single expression or
+binding clause. Unlike the corresponding @racketmodname[racket] or
+@racketmodname[zuo] forms, the names of syntactic forms are not
+shadowed by a @racket[lambda] or @racket[let] binding, and they refer
+to syntactic forms only at the head of a term. A reference to an
+unbound variable is a run-time error. If an @racket[id] appears
+multiple times in @racket[formals], the last instance shadows the
+A @racket[lambda] form can optionally include a name and/or
+arity mask. If an arity mask is provided, it must be a subset of the mask
+implied by the @racket[formals]. If @racket[formals] allows 63 or more
+arguments, then it must allow any number of arguments (to be
+consistent with the possible arities expressed by a mask).
+Although @racket[let] and @racket[begin] could be encoded with
+@racket[lambda] easily enough, they're useful shortcuts to make
+explicit internally.}
+@section[#:tag "kernel-primitives"]{Primitives}
+The following names provided by @racketmodname[zuo] are also available
+in @racketmodname[zuo/kernel] (and the values originate there):
+  pair? null? list? cons car cdr list append reverse length
+  list-ref list-set
+  integer? + - * quotient modulo < <= = >= >
+  bitwise-and bitwise-ior bitwise-xor bitwise-not
+  string? string-length string-ref string-u32-ref substring string
+  string=? string-ci=? string-sha1 string-split
+  symbol? symbol->string string->symbol string->uninterned-symbol
+  hash? hash hash-ref hash-set hash-remove
+  hash-keys hash-count hash-keys-subset?
+  procedure? apply call/cc call/prompt
+  eq? not void
+  opaque opaque-ref
+  path-string? build-path build-raw-path split-path relative-path?
+  module-path? build-module-path
+  variable? variable variable-ref variable-set!
+  handle? fd-open-input fd-open-output fd-close fd-read fd-write eof
+  fd-terminal? cleanable-file cleanable-cancel
+  stat ls rm mv mkdir rmdir symlink readlink cp
+  runtime-env current-time
+  process process-status process-wait string->shell shell->strings
+  string-read ~v ~a ~s alert error arity-error arg-error 
+  kernel-env kernel-eval module->hash dump-image-and-exit exit
+  suspend-signal resume-signal
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/lang-zuo.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,1327 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@(require (for-label zuo-doc/fake-zuo)
+          "real-racket.rkt")
+@title[#:tag "zuo-base"]{Zuo Base Language}
+@defmodule[#:multi (zuo zuo/base) #:no-declare #:lang #:packages ()]
+@declare-exporting[zuo zuo/base #:packages () #:use-sources (zuo-doc/fake-zuo)]
+The @racketmodname[zuo] language is Zuo's default language. It's meant
+to be familiar to Racket programmers, and the description here leans
+heavily on comparisons and the Racket documentation, for now. Zuo
+forms and functions tend use traditional Racket names, even when a
+different choice might be made in a fresh design, and even when the
+Zuo construct is not exactly the same. Filesystem operations, however,
+tend to use the names of Unix programs, which are much shorter than
+Racket's long names.
+The @racketmodname[zuo/base] language includes most of the bindings
+from @racketmodname[zuo], but not the ones that are from
+@racketmodname[zuo/cmdline], @racketmodname[zuo/build],
+@racketmodname[zuo/shell], @racketmodname[zuo/thread],
+@racketmodname[zuo/glob], or @racketmodname[zuo/config].
+@section{Syntax and Evaluation Model}
+A @racketmodname[zuo] module consists of a sequence of definitions
+(e.g., @racket[define]), macro definitions (e.g.,
+@racket[define-syntax]), imports (e.g., @racket[require]), exports
+(e.g., @racket[provides]), and expressions (e.g., @racket[5]). Loading
+the module first @deftech{expands} it, and then @deftech{evaluates}
+it. A module is loaded only once, so if a module is demanded more than
+once, the result of the first load is used.
+The expansion process expands macro uses, loads imported modules, and
+evaluates macro definitions as such forms are encountered for the
+module body. Expansion creates a binding for each definition as
+encountered, but does not expand or evaluate the definition, yet.
+Expansion of definitions and expressions is deferred until all forms
+in the module body have been processed. Some expression forms have
+local definition contexts, which can include further imports and macro
+definitions, so expansion at those points nests the same two-step
+process as used for the module body.
+Evaluation of a module evaluates its definitions and expressions (some
+of which may have been introduced by macro expansion) in order.
+Definitions bind mutually recursively within the enclosing module or
+definition context, and referencing a defined variable before its
+evaluation is an error. The value of each expression in a module body
+is printed using @racket[alert] compiled with @racket[~v].
+A module's provided variables and syntax are made available to other
+modules that import it. Variables and macros that are not provided are
+completely inaccessible outside of the module.
+There are no @defterm{phases} in the sense of Racket. When
+@racketmodname[zuo] macro expansion encountered an import, it makes
+all of the imported module's exports immediately available for use in
+macro implementations, both variables and macros. For example, an
+imported macro might be used both to implement a macro body and in
+nearby run-time code or even run-time code generated by the macro's
+expansion. The absence of a phase separation is related to way that
+each module is evaluated only once, and it's made workable in part by
+the absence of mutable data structures in Zuo, and in part because
+there is no support for compiling a @racketmodname[zuo] module and
+saving it separate from it's instantiation in a Zuo process or saved
+Zuo macros consume a representation of syntax that uses plain pairs,
+numbers, strings, etc., but with an identifier @tech{syntax object}
+potentially in place of a symbol. Even for symbols, using a syntax
+object is optional; by using @racket[quote-syntax] to create a syntax
+object, a macro can generate a term with identifiers bound at the
+macro's definition site, instead of a use site's, but the macro
+expander does not impose or automate that binding. See
+@racket[quote-syntax] for more information.
+@; ----------------------------------------
+@section{Binding and Control Forms}
+A @racketmodname[zuo] syntactic form is either a @deftech{definition}
+form or an @deftech{expression forms}. Expressions can appear in
+definition contexts, but not vice versa. In descriptions of syntactic
+forms @racket[_body ...+] refers to a context that allows definition
+forms, but the last form in the expansion of the definition context
+must be an expression form.
+@subsection{Expression Forms}
+@defform[(lambda formals body ...+)
+         #:grammar ([formals (id ... [id expr] ...)
+                             id
+                             (id ... [id expr] ... . id)])]{
+Analogous to @realracket[lambda] in @racketmodname[racket], but
+without keyword arguments.}
+@defform[#:link-target? #f #:id not-expr (expr expr ...)]{
+A function call, where the initial @racket[expr] is not an identifier
+bound to a macro.}
+@defform*[[(let ([id val-expr] ...) body ...+)
+           (let proc-id ([id init-expr] ...) body ...+)]]
+@defform[(let* ([id val-expr] ...) body ...+)]
+@defform[(letrec ([id val-expr] ...) body ...+)]
+Just like @realracket*[let let* letrec] in @racketmodname[racket].}
+@defform[(if test-expr then-expr else-expr)]
+@defform[(and expr ...)]
+@defform[(or expr ...)]
+@defform[(when test-expr body ...+)]
+@defform[(unless test-expr body ...+)]
+@defform[#:literals (else)
+         (cond cond-clause ...)
+         #:grammar ([cond-clause [test-expr then-body ...+]
+                                 [else then-body ...+]])]
+@defform[#:id else else]
+@defform[(begin expr ...+)]
+Just like @realracket*[if and or when unless cond else begin] in
+@racketmodname[racket], except that @racket[cond] is more limited.}
+@defform[(quote datum)]
+@defform[(quasiquote datum)]
+@defform[#:id unquote unquote]
+@defform[#:id unquote-splicing unquote-splicing]
+Just like @realracket*[quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing] from
+@defform[(quote-syntax datum)]{
+Analogous to @realracket[quote-syntax] from @racketmodname[racket],
+but only identifiers have a specialized syntax-object representation
+in place of symbols. Tree structure in @racket[datum] represented
+using plain pairs, and non-identifier elements of @racket[datums] are
+represented with plain numbers, strings, etc.
+A Zuo module's representation starts with plain pairs and symbols, a
+macro procedure can receive terms containing plain symbols, and it can
+return a term with plain symbols. A symbol non-hygienically acquires a
+@tech{scope} at the point where its binding is resolved or where it
+creates a binding.
+A @deftech{scope} corresponds to a particular binding context. It can
+be a module context, an internal definition context, or a binding site
+for an expression form like the formals of a @racket[lambda] or the
+right-hand side of a @racket[letrec].
+An identifier @tech{syntax object} created by @racket[quote-syntax] closes
+over a binding at the point where it is created, closing over the
+enclosing module scope if the identifier is not (yet) bound. The
+closure does not change if the identifier is nested in a later
+@racket[quote-syntax] form. Identifiers that are introduced by macros
+are not automatically given a scope or otherwise distinguished from
+identifiers that appeared as input to a macro, and a plain symbol is
+implicitly coerced to a syntax object only at the point where it binds
+or where its binding is resolved as a reference.
+There is no @realracket[quasisyntax], @realracket[unsyntax], or
+@realracket[unsyntax-splicing] analog, since @racket[quasiquote],
+@racket[unquote], and @racket[unquote-splicing] are already convenient
+enough for most purposes. To generate a fresh symbol for the output of
+a macro expansion, use @racket[string->uninterned-symbol].}
+Returns the module path of the enclosing module.}
+@subsection{Definition Forms}
+@defform*[[(define id expr)
+           (define (id . formals) body ...++)]]{
+Like @realracket*[define] from @racketmodname[racket], but without
+keyword arguments, optional arguments, or header nesting for curried
+@defform*[[(define-syntax id expr)
+           (define-syntax (id . formals) body ...++)]]{
+Analogous to @realracket*[define-syntax] from @racketmodname[racket],
+binds @racket[id] as a macro. The value of @racket[expr] must be
+either a procedure (of one argument) or a value constructed by
+If @racket[expr] produces a @racket[context-consumer] wrapper, then
+when @racket[id] is used for a macro invocation, the wrapped procedure
+receives three arguments: the macro use as syntax, a function that
+acts like @realracket[free-identifier=?], and either @racket[#f] or an
+inferred-name string. (In @racketmodname[racket],
+@realracket[free-identifier=?] and @realracket[syntax-local-name] are
+implicitly parameterized over the context of a macro invocation.
+Explicitly providing a comparison procedure and name string to a macro
+implementation, instead, avoids the implicit parameterization.)
+See @racket[quote-syntax] for more information about the
+representation of syntax that a macro function consumes and produces.}
+@defform[(struct id (field-id ...))]{
+Analogous to @realracket*[struct] from @racketmodname[racket], but
+defining only @racket[id] as a constructor,
+@racket[id]@racketidfont{?} as a predicate,
+@racket[id]@racketidfont{-}@racket[field-id] as an accessor for each
+@racket[field-id], and
+@racket[id]@racketidfont{-set-}@racket[field-id] as a
+functional-update operation (along the lines of
+@realracket[struct-copy]) for each @racket[field-id].}
+@defform[(include module-path)]{
+Splices the content of the module identified by @racket[module-path],
+assuming that @racket[module-path] is implemented in a language like
+@defform[#:literals (only-in rename-in)
+         (require spec ...)
+         #:grammar ([spec module-path
+                          (only-in module-path
+                                   maybe-renamed-id ...)
+                          (rename-in module-path
+                                     renamed-id ...)]
+                    [maybe-renamed-id id
+                                      renamed-id]
+                    [renamed-id [provided-id id]])]
+@defform[#:literals (all-from-out)
+         (provide spec ...)
+         #:grammar ([spec id
+                          (rename-out renamed-id ...)
+                          (all-from-out module-path)]
+                    [maybe-renamed-id id
+                                      renamed-id]
+                    [renamed-id [id provided-id]])]
+Like @realracket*[require provide] from @racketmodname[racket], but a
+@racket[require] can appear in any definition context, while
+@racket[provide] is not allowed in @tech{submodules}.}
+@defform[(module+ id defn-or-expr ...)]{
+Declares a kind of @deftech{submodule}, roughly analogous to
+@realracket[module+] from @racketmodname[racket], but without allowing
+submodules nested in submodules.
+A submodule becomes a procedure of zero arguments that is a mapped
+from the symbol form of @racket[id] in the encloding module's
+representation as a hash table (see @secref["module-protocol"]).
+Calling the procedure evaluates the @racket[defn-or-expr] content of
+the submodule, where expression results are printed and the procedure
+result is @racket[(void)].
+When Zuo loads a starting module (see @secref["running"]), it checks
+for a @racketidfont{main} submodule and runs it if one is found.}
+@; ----------------------------------------
+Zuo booleans are written @racket[#t] or @racket[#true] and @racket[#f]
+or @racket[#false]. Any value other than @racket[#f] counts as true
+for conditionals.
+@defproc[(boolean? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(not [v any/c]) boolean?]
+Just like @realracket*[boolean? not] from @racket[racket].}
+@defproc[(eq? [v1 any/c] [v2 any/c]) boolean?]{
+Analogous to @realracket[eq?] from @racket[racket], but even small Zuo
+numbers are not necessarily @racket[eq?] when they are @racket[=].}
+@defproc[(equal? [v1 any/c] [v2 any/c]) boolean?]{
+Analogous to @realracket[equal?] from @racket[racket].}
+A Zuo number corresponds to a 64-bit two's complement representation
+with modular arithmetic (i.e., wraparound on overflow). It is always
+written in decimal form with a leading @litchar{-} for negative
+@defproc[(integer? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is an integer, @racket[#f] otherwise.}
+@defproc[(+ [z integer?] ...) integer?]
+@defproc*[([(- [z integer?]) integer?]
+           [(- [z integer?] [w integer?] ...+) integer?])]
+@defproc[(* [z integer?] ...) integer?]
+@defproc[(quotient [n integer?] [m integer?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(modulo [n integer?] [m integer?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(= [z integer?] [w integer?]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(< [x integer?] [y integer?]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(<= [x integer?] [y integer?]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(> [x integer?] [y integer?]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(>= [x integer?] [y integer?] ...) boolean?]
+@defproc[(bitwise-ior [n integer?] [m integer?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(bitwise-and [n integer?] [m integer?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(bitwise-xor [n integer?] [m integer?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(bitwise-not [n integer?])  integer?]
+Analogous to @realracket*[+ - * quotient modulo = < <= > >=
+bitwise-ior bitwise-and bitwise-xor bitwise-not] from
+@racketmodname[racket], but on Zuo integers and sometimes constrained
+to two arguments.}
+@section{Pairs and Lists}
+Zuo pairs and lists work the same as in Racket with the same textual
+@defproc[(pair? [v any/c])
+         boolean?]
+@defproc[(null? [v any/c])
+         boolean?]
+@defproc[(list? [v any/c])
+         boolean?]
+@defproc[(cons [a any/c] [d any/c])
+         pair?]
+@defproc[(car [p pair?])
+         any/c]
+@defproc[(cdr [p pair?])
+         any/c]
+@defproc[(list [v any/c] ...)
+         list?]
+@defproc[(list* [v any/c] ... [tail any/c])
+         any/c]
+@defproc*[([(append [lst list?] ...) list?]
+           [(append [lst list?] ... [v any/c]) any/c])]
+@defproc[(reverse [lst list?]) list?]
+@defproc[(length [lst list?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(list-ref [lst pair?] [pos integer?]) any/c]
+@defproc[(list-set [lst pair?] [pos integer?] [v any/c]) any/c]
+@defproc[(list-tail [lst any/c] [pos integer?]) any/c]
+Just like @realracket*[pair? null? cons car cdr list? list* append
+reverse list-ref list-set list-tail] from @racketmodname[racket], except that
+@racket[list?] takes time proportional to the length of the list.}
+@defproc[(caar [p pair?]) any/c]
+@defproc[(cadr [p pair?]) any/c]
+@defproc[(cdar [p pair?]) any/c]
+@defproc[(cddr [p pair?]) any/c]
+Just like @realracket*[caar cadr cdar cddr] from @racketmodname[racket].}
+@defproc[(map [proc procedure?] [lst list?] ...+)
+         list?]
+@defproc[(for-each [proc procedure?] [lst list?])
+         void?]
+@defproc[(foldl [proc procedure?] [init any/c] [lst list?])
+         any/c]
+@defproc[(andmap [proc procedure?] [lst list?])
+          any/c]
+@defproc[(ormap [proc procedure?] [lst list?])
+         any/c]
+@defproc[(filter [proc procedure?] [lst list?])
+         list?]
+@defproc[(sort [lst list?] [less-than? procedure?])
+         list?]
+Like @realracket*[map for-each foldl andmap ormap filter] from
+@racketmodname[racket], but mostly restricted to a single list.}
+@defproc[(member [v any/c] [lst list?])
+         (or/c pair? #f)]
+@defproc[(assoc [v any/c] [lst list?])
+         (or/c pair? #f)]
+@defproc[(remove [v any/c] [lst list?])
+         (or/c pair? #f)]
+Like @realracket*[member assoc remove] from @racketmodname[racket].}
+Zuo @deftech{strings} are sequences of bytes.
+@defproc[(string? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(string [char integer?] ...) string?]
+@defproc[(string-length [str string?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(string-ref [str string?] [k integer?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(substring [str string?]
+                    [start integer?]
+                    [end integer? (string-length str)]) string?]
+@defproc[(string=? [str1 string?] [str2 string?]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(string-ci=? [str1 string?] [str2 string?]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(string<? [str1 string?] [str2 string?]) boolean?]
+Analogous to @realracket*[string? string string-length string-ref substring
+string=? string<?] from @racketmodname[racket], or more precisely analogous to
+@realracket*[bytes? bytes-length bytes-ref subbytes bytes=? bytes-ci=?] from
+@defproc[(string-u32-ref [str string?] [k integer?]) integer?]{
+Returns the two's complement interpretation of four bytes in
+@racket[str] starting at index @racket[k] using the host machine's
+@defproc[(string->integer [str string?]) (or/c integer? #f)]{
+Tries to parse @racket[str] as an integer returning @racket[#f] if
+that fails.}
+@defproc[(string-sha1 [str string?]) string?]{
+Returns the SHA-1 hash of @racket[str] as a 40-digit hexadecimal string.}
+@defform[(char str)]{
+Expands to @racket[(string-ref str 0)], where @racket[str] must be a
+string of length 1.}
+@defproc*[([(string-split [str string?]) list?]
+           [(string-split [str string?] [sep string?]) list?])]{
+Breaks @racket[str] into a sequence of substrings that have a
+non-empty separator string in between. When @racket[sep] is not
+provided, @racket[" "] is used as the separator, and empty strings are
+filtered from the result list. When @racket[sep] is provided, empty
+strings are @emph{not} filtered from the result list.}
+@defproc[(string-join [strs list?] [sep string? " "]) string?]{
+Concatenates the strings in @racket[strs] with @racket[sep] between
+each pair of strings.}
+@defproc[(string-trim [str string?] [edge-str string? " "]) string?]{
+Removes any number of repetitions of @racket[edge-str] from the start
+and end of @racket[str].}
+@defproc[(string-tree? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is a string or if it is a list where
+@racket[string-tree?] returns @racket[#t] for each element,
+@racket[#f] otherwise. The flattened form of a string tree is a list
+of its strings in order. See also @racket[process] and
+Zuo symbols are @deftech{interned} by the reader, where two interned
+symbols are @racket[eq?] when they have the same string content. An
+@deftech{uninterned} symbol is @racket[eq?] only to itself. Zuo
+symbols are the only kind of value that can be used as a key for a Zuo
+@tech{hash table}.
+The textual representation of symbols does not include escapes for
+special character, analogous to the way @litchar{|} works in Racket.
+Symbols with those characters will print in a way that cannot be read
+back into Zuo.
+@defproc[(symbol? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(symbol->string [sym symbol?]) string?]
+@defproc[(string->symbol [str string?]) symbol?]
+@defproc[(string->uninterned-symbol [str string?]) symbol?]
+Analogous to @realracket*[symbol? symbol->string string->symbol
+string->uninterned-symbol] from @racketmodname[racket].}
+@section{Hash Tables (Persistent Maps)}
+Zuo @tech{hash tables} do not actually have anything to do with
+hashing, but they're called that for similarly to Racket. A hash table
+maps symbols to other values, and updating a hash table produces a new
+hash table (which, internally, may share with the original).
+Hash table print in a way analogous to Racket, but there is no reader
+support to convert the textual form back into a hash table value.
+@defproc[(hash? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(hash [key symbol?] [val any/c] ... ...) hash?]
+@defproc*[([(hash-ref [hash hash?]
+                      [key symbol?])
+            any/c]
+           [(hash-ref [hash hash?]
+                      [key symbol?]
+                      [failure-value any/c])
+            any/c])]
+@defproc[(hash-set [hash (and/c hash? immutable?)]
+                   [key symbol?]
+                   [v any/c])
+         hash?]
+@defproc[(hash-remove [hash (and/c hash? immutable?)]
+                      [key symbol?])
+         hash?]
+@defproc[(hash-keys [hash hash?]) (listof symbol?)]
+@defproc[(hash-count [hash hash?]) integer?]
+@defproc[(hash-keys-subset? [hash1 hash?] [hash2 hash?])
+         boolean?]
+Analogous to @realracket*[hash? hash hash-ref hash-set hash-remove
+hash-keys hash-count hash-keys-subset?] from @racketmodname[racket].
+Besides being constrained to symbol keys, there is one additional
+difference: the third argument to @racket[hash-ref], when supplied,
+is always used as a value to return if a key is missing, as
+opposed to a failure thunk.}
+@defproc[(procedure? [v any/c]) any/c]
+@defproc[(apply [proc procedure?] [lst list?]) any/c]
+@defproc[(call/cc [proc procedure?]) any/c]
+@defproc[(call/prompt [proc procedure?] [tag symbol?]) any/c]
+@defproc[(continuation-prompt-available? [tag symbol?]) boolean?]
+Like @realracket*[procedure? apply call/cc
+call-with-continuation-prompt continuation-prompt-available?] from
+@racketmodname[racket], but @racket[apply] accepts only two arguments,
+@racket[call/cc] has no prompt-tag argument and captures up to the
+nearest enclosing prompt of any tag, @racket[call/prompt] expects a
+symbol for a prompt tag, and @racket[continuation-prompt-available?]
+checks only whether the immediately enclosing prompt has the given tag.}
+A @deftech{path string} is is a @tech{string} that is not non-empty
+and to contains no nul bytes.
+@defproc[(path-string? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is a path string, @racket[#f] otherwise.}
+@defproc[(relative-path? [path path-string?]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is a relative path, @racket[#f] otherwise.}
+@defproc[(build-raw-path [base path-string?] [rel path-string?] ...) path-string?]{
+Combines @racket[base] path (absolute or relative) with the relative
+paths @racket[rel], adding path separators as needed.}
+@defproc[(build-path [base path-string?] [rel path-string?] ...) path-string?]{
+Similar to @racket[build-raw-path], but any @filepath{.} or
+@filepath{..} element in a @racket[rel] is syntactically eliminated,
+and separators in @racket[rel] are normalized. Removing @filepath{..}
+elements may involve syntactically resolving elements at the end of
+@racket[base]. Furthermore, if base is at some point reduced to
+@racket["."], it will not be prefixed on the result.}
+@defproc[(split-path [path path-string?]) pair?]{
+Splits @racket[path] into its directory (if any) and a final element
+components. If @racket[path] has only a single element, the
+@racket[car] of the result is @racket[#f], and the @racket[cdr] is
+@racket[path] unchanged; otherwise, the final element is returned
+without trailing separators.}
+@defproc[(explode-path [path path-string?]) (listof path-string?)]{
+Split @racket[path] into a list of individual path elements by
+repeatedly applying @racket[split-path].}
+@defproc[(simple-form-path [path path-string?]) path-string?]{
+Syntactically normalizes @racket[path] by eliminating @filepath{.} and
+@filepath{..} elements (except for @filepath{..} at the start that
+cannot be eliminated), removing redundant path separators, and making
+all path separators the platform default (on Windows).}
+@defproc[(find-relative-path [base path-string?] [path path-string?]) path-string?]{
+Attempts to finds a path relative to @racket[base] that accesses the
+same file or directory as @racket[path]. Both @racket[base] and
+@racket[path] must be normalized in the sense of
+@racket[simple-form-path], otherwise @filepath{.} and @filepath{..}
+elements are treated normal path elements. Assuming that @racket[base]
+and @racket[path] are normalized, the result is always normalized.
+The result path depends on whether @racket[base] and @racket[path] are
+relative or absolute:
+ @item{If both are relative, the result is always a relative path. If
+       @racket[base] starts with @filepath{..} elements that are not
+       matched by @racket[path], then elements are drawn from
+       @racket[(hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir)].}
+ @item{If both are absolute, the result is absolute if @racket[base]
+       and @racket[path] do not share a root element, otherwise the
+       result is relative.}
+ @item{If @racket[path] is absolute and @racket[base] is relative,
+       @racket[path] is returned as-is. The intent of this mode is to
+       preserve the ``absoluteness'' of @racket[path] in a setting
+       that otherwise works in terms of relative paths.}
+ @item{If @racket[base] is absolute and @racket[path] is relative,
+       @racket[path] is converted to absolute via
+       @racket[path->complete-path], and the result is as when both
+       are absolute (so, the result may still be absolute).}
+@defproc[(path-only [path path-string?]) path-string?]{
+Returns @racket[path] without its final path element in the case that
+@racket[path] is not syntactically a directory. If @racket[path] has
+only a single, non-directory path element, @racket["."] is returned.
+If @racket[path] is syntactically a directory, then @racket[path] is
+returned unchanged.}
+@defproc[(file-name-from-path [path path-string?]) (or/c path-string? #f)]{
+Returns the last element of @racket[path] in the case that
+@racket[path] is not syntactically a directory, @racket[#f]
+@defproc[(path->complete-path [path path-string?]) path-string?]{
+Returns @racket[path] if it is absolute, otherwise returns
+@racket[(build-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir) path)].}
+@defproc[(path-replace-extension [path path-string?] [suffix string?]) path-string?]{
+Removes any @litchar{.} suffix from the last element of @racket[path],
+and then appends @racket[suffix] to the end of the path. A @litchar{.}
+at the start of a path element does not count as a file suffix.}
+Expands to a function that acts like @racket[build-path] starting from
+the enclosing module's directory. That is, expands to a function
+roughly equivalent to
+@racketblock[(lambda args
+               (apply build-path (cons (path-only (quote-module-path))
+                                       args)))]
+If the argument to the function is an absolute path, however, the
+enclosing module's directory is ignored, and the function acts simply
+like @racket[build-path].}
+@section{Opaque Records}
+@defproc[(opaque [key any/c] [val any/c]) any/c]{
+Returns an opaque record that encapsulates @racket[val] with access
+allowed via @racket[key].}
+@defproc[(opaque-ref [key any/c] [v any/c] [failure-val any/c]) any/c]{
+Returns the value encapsulated in @racket[v] if its is an opaque
+object with access allowed via @racket[key], @racket[failure-val] otherwise.}
+A @tech{variable} is a value with a name that contains an another
+value. The contained value is initially undefined, and attempting to
+access the contained value before it's set results in an error where
+the variable's name is used in the error message. A variable's
+contained value can be set only once.
+@defproc[(variable? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is a variable, @racket[#f] otherwise.}
+@defproc[(variable [name symbol?]) variable?]{
+Creates a variable named by @racket[name] and without a value until
+one is installed with @racket[variable-set!].}
+@defproc[(variable-set! [var variable?] [val any/c]) void?]{
+Sets the value contained by @racket[var] to @racket[val] or errors if
+@racket[var] already has a contained value.}
+@defproc[(variable-ref [var variable?]) any/c]{
+Returns the value contained by @racket[var] or errors if @racket[var]
+does not yet have a contained value.}
+@section{Modules and Evaluation}
+A @deftech{module path} is a path string or a symbol, where a symbol
+must contain only the letters @litchar{A}-@litchar{Z},
+@litchar{a}-@litchar{z}, @litchar{A}-@litchar{Z},
+@litchar{0}-@litchar{9}, @litchar{-}, @litchar{+}, @litchar{+}, or
+@litchar{/}. Furthermore, @litchar{/} in a symbol module path cannot
+be at the start, end, or adjacent to another @litchar{/}.
+@defproc[(module-path? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is a @tech{module path}, @racket[#f]
+@defproc[(build-module-path [base module-path?] [rel-path path-string?]) module-path?]{
+Analogous to @racket[build-path], but for @tech{module paths}. The
+@racket[rel-path] string must end with @litchar{.zou}, and the
+characters of @racket[rel-path] must be allowable in a symbol module
+paths, except for a @litchar{.} in @filepath{.} and @filepath{..}
+elements or a @litchar{.zuo} suffix.}
+@defproc[(module->hash [mod-path module-path?]) hash?]{
+Loads @racket[mod-path] if it has not been loaded already, and returns
+the @tech{hash table} representation of the loaded module. See also
+@defproc[(dynamic-require [mod-path module-path?] [export symbol?]) any/c]{
+Like @racket[module->hash], but extracts an exported value. The module
+referenced by @racket[mod-path] must be implemented in
+@racketmodname[zuo], @racketmodname[zuo/hygienic], or a derived
+compatible language.}
+@defproc[(kernel-eval [s-exp any/c]) any/c]{
+Evaluates a term as if it appeared in a @racketmodname[zuo/kernel] module
+(but the result does not have to be a @tech{hash table}).}
+@defproc[(kernel-env) hash?]{
+Returns a @tech{hash table} that maps each primitive and constant name
+available in the body of a @racketmodname[zuo/kernel] module to its value.}
+@defproc[(void? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is the unique @deftech{void} value,
+@racket[#f] otherwise.}
+@defproc[(void [v any/c] ...) void?]{
+Accepts any number of arguments and ignored them, returning the void
+@section{Reading and Writing Objects}
+@defproc[(string-read [str string?] [start integer? 0] [where any/c #f]) list?]{
+Reads all S-expressions in @racket[str], starting at index
+@racket[start] and returning a list of the S-expressions (in order as
+they appeared in the string). The @racket[where] argument, if not
+@racket[#f], is used to report the source of errors.}
+@defproc[(~v [v any/c] ...) string?]
+@defproc[(~a [v any/c] ...) string?]
+@defproc[(~s [v any/c] ...) string?]
+Like @realracket*[~v ~a ~s], but with no formatting options. These
+three format options corresponds to @realracket[print] style,
+@realracket[display] style, and @realracket[write] style,
+Unlike uninterned symbols in @racketmodname[racket], Zuo uninterned
+symbols format in @realracket[print] and @realracket[write] styles with
+@litchar{#<symbol:}...@litchar{>}. @tech{Opaque objects},
+@tech{handles}, and @tech{variables} print with
+@litchar{#<:}...@litchar{>} notation in all styles.}
+@defproc[(display [v any/c]) void?]
+@defproc[(displayln [v any/c]) void?]
+Convenience output functions that are analogous to @realracket*[display
+displayln] from @racketmodname[racket]. They use @racket[~a] and
+@racket[(fd-open-output 'stdout)].}
+@defproc[(error [v any/c] ...) void?]{
+Errors (and exits) after printing the @racket[v]s to standard error,
+using an error color if standard error is a terminal.
+If the first @racket[v] is a string, its character are printed output
+@realracket[display]-style, and then @litchar{: } is printed. All
+other @racket[v]s (including the first one if it's not a string) are
+combined using @racket[~v], and that resulting string is written
+@defproc[(alert [v any/c] ...) void?]{
+Prints to standard output using the same formatting rules as
+@racket[error], but in an alert color for terminals. This function is
+useful for simple logging and debugging tasks.}
+@defproc[(arity-error [name (or/c string? #f)] [args list?]) void?]{
+Errors (and exits) after printing an error about @racket[name]
+receiving the wrong number of arguments, where @racket[args] are the
+arguments that were supplied.}
+@defproc[(arg-error [who symbol?] [what string?] [v any/c]) void?]{
+Errors (and exits) after printing an error from @racket[who] about a
+@racket[what] expected in place of @racket[v].}
+@section{Syntax Objects}
+A @deftech{syntax object} combines a symbol with a binding scope,
+where the two are used to determine a binding when the identifier is
+used in a macro expansion.
+@defproc[(identifier? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(syntax-e [v identifier?]) symbol?]
+@defproc[(syntax->datum [v any/c]) any/c]
+@defproc[(datum->syntax [ctx identifier?] [v any/c]) any/c]
+@defproc[(bound-identifier=? [id1 identifier?]
+                             [id2 identifier?]) boolean?]
+Analogous to @realracket*[identifier? syntax-e syntax->datum
+datum->syntax bound-identifier=?] from @racketmodname[racket]. Plain
+symbols count as an identifier, however, and for
+@racket[bound-identifier=?], a symbol is equal only to itself. The
+@racket[datum->syntax] function always just returns its second
+@defproc[(syntax-error [message string?] [stx any/c]) void?]{
+Exits as an error after printing @racket[message], @litchar{: }, and
+@racket[(~s (syntax->datum stx))].}
+@defproc[(bad-syntax [stx any/c]) void?]
+@defproc[(misplaced-syntax [stx any/c]) void?]
+@defproc[(duplicate-identifier [stx any/c]) void?]
+Calls @racket[syntax-error] with a suitable error message and @racket[stx].}
+@defproc[(context-consumer [proc procedure]) context-consumer?]
+@defproc[(context-consumer? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+The @racket[context-consumer] constructor wraps a procedure to
+indicate that it expects three arguments as a macro transformer; see
+@racket[define-syntax] for more information. The
+@racket[context-consumer?] predicate recognizes values produced by
+@section{Files, Streams, and Processes}
+Files, input and out streams more generally, and processes are all
+represented as @tech{handles}.
+@defproc[(handle? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is a @tech{handle}, @racket[#f]
+@defproc[(fd-open-input [filename (or/c path-string? 'stdin integer?)]
+                        [options hash? (hash)])
+         handle?]{
+Opens a file for reading, obtains a reference to standard input when
+@racket[filename] is @racket['stdin], or (on Unix) obtains a
+reference to an existing file descriptor when @racket[filename]
+is an integer. The result handle can be used
+with @racket[fd-read] and closed with @racket[fd-close].
+No keys are currently recognized for @racket[options], so it must be
+an empty hash table.}
+@defproc[(fd-open-output [filename (or/c path-string? 'stdout 'stderr integer?)]
+                         [options hash? (hash)]) handle?]
+@defthing[:error hash?]
+@defthing[:truncate hash?]
+@defthing[:must-truncate hash?]
+@defthing[:append hash?]
+@defthing[:update hash?]
+@defthing[:can-update hash?]
+The @racket[fd-open-output] procedure opens a file for writing,
+obtains a reference to standard output when @racket[filename] is
+@racket['stdout], obtains a reference to standard error when
+@racket[filename] is @racket['stderr], or (on Unix) obtains a
+reference to an existing file descriptor when @racket[filename]
+is an integer. When opening a file,
+@racket[options] specifies options as described below, but
+@racket[options] must be empty for @racket['stdout] or
+@racket['stderr]. The result handle can be used with @racket[fd-write]
+and closed with @racket[fd-close].
+In @racket[options], a single key is currently recognized:
+@racket['exists]. The mapping for @racket['exists] must be one of the
+symbols accepted for @racket[#:exists] by
+@realracket[open-output-file] from @racketmodname[racket], but not
+@racket['replace] or @racket['truncate/replace], and the default
+mapping is @racket['error]. Any other key in @racket[options] is an
+The @racket[:error], @racket[:truncate], @racket[:must-truncate],
+@racket[:append], @racket[:update], and @racket[:can-update] hash
+tables each map @racket['exists] to the corresponding mode.}
+@defproc[(fd-close [handle handle?]) void?]{
+Closes the file or stream associated with @racket[handle], if it
+refers to an open input or output stream. Any other kind of
+@racket[handle] triggers an error.}
+@defproc[(fd-read [handle handle?] [amount (or/c integer? eof 'avail)]) (or/c string? eof)]{
+Reads from the input file or input stream associated with
+@racket[handle], erroring for any other kind of @racket[handle]. The
+@racket[amount] argument can be a non-negative integer to read up to
+that many bytes, @racket[eof] to read all content up to an
+end-of-file, or @racket['avail] where supported (on Unix) to read as
+many bytes as available in non-blocking mode. The result is
+@racket[eof] if @racket[amount] is not @racket[0] or @racket['avail]
+and no bytes are available before an end-of-file; otherwise, it is a
+string containing the read bytes.
+The number of bytes in the returned string can be less than
+@racket[amount] if the number of currently available bytes is less
+than @racket[amount] but at least one byte. The result can be an empty
+string only if @racket[amount] is @racket[0] or @racket['avail].}
+@defproc[(fd-write [handle handle?] [str string?]) void?]{
+Writes the bytes of @racket[str] to the output file or output stream
+associated with @racket[handle], erroring for any other kind of
+@defproc[(fd-terminal? [handle handle?] [check-ansi? any/c #f]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if the open input or output stream associated with
+@racket[handle] is a terminal, @racket[#f] otherwise. If
+@racket[check-ansi?] is true, the result is @racket[#t] only if the
+terminal is likely to support ANSI escape codes.
+When using ANSI escapes that change the character style, consider
+bracketing a change and restore with @racket[suspend-signal] and
+@racket[resume-signal] to avoid leaving a terminal in a mangled state
+after Ctl-C.}
+@defproc[(fd-valid? [handle handle?]) boolean?]{
+Reports whether a file descriptor opened by appears to be a valid file
+descriptor, which is potentially useful after supplying an integer to
+@racket[fd-open-input] or @racket[fd-open-output] }
+@defproc[(file->string [name path-string]) string?]
+@defproc[(display-to-file [str string?] [name path-string] [options hash? (hash)]) void?]
+Convenience function to open @racket[name] and read its content into a
+string or to write @racket[str] as its new content.}
+@defthing[eof any/c]{
+A constant representing an end-of-file.}
+@defproc[(cleanable-file [name path?]) handle?]
+@defproc[(cleanable-cancel [cleanable handle?]) void?]
+The @racket[cleanable-file] function register @racket[name] as a file
+name to delete on any exit, including errors or termination signals,
+unless @racket[cleanable-cancel] is called on the handle to cancel the
+clean-up action.}
+@defproc[(process [executable path-string?] [args string-tree?] ... [options hash? (hash)]) hash?]{
+Creates a new process to run @racket[executable] with arguments as the
+flattened sequence @racket[args]. The result is a @tech{hash table} that at least
+contains the key @racket['process] mapped to a handle representing the
+new process. The process handle can be used with @racket[process-wait]
+and @racket[process-status].
+If @racket[options] is supplied, it controls the process creation and
+may cause additional keys to be mapped in the result. The recognized
+keys are as follows, and supplying an unrecognized key in
+@racket[options] is an error:
+@item{@racket['dir] mapped to a path string: the working directory of
+      the new porcess; if @racket[executable] is a relative path, it
+      is relative to this directory}
+@item{@racket['env] mapped to a list of pairs of strings: environment
+      variables for the new process, where the @racket[car] or each
+      pair is an environment variable name and the @racket[cdr] is its
+      value}
+@item{@racket['stdin] mapped to @racket['pipe]: creates a new output
+      stream connected to the new process's standard input; the result
+      hash table contains @racket['stdin] mapped to the new stream handle}
+@item{@racket['stdin] mapped to an input stream: supplies (a copy of)
+      the input stream as the new process's standard input}
+@item{@racket['stdout] mapped to @racket['pipe]: creates a new input
+      stream connected to the new process's standard output; the
+      result hash table contains @racket['stdout] mapped to the new
+      stream handle}
+@item{@racket['stdout] mapped to an output stream: supplies (a copy
+      of) the output stream as the new process's standard input}
+@item{@racket['stderr] mapped to @racket['pipe]: creates a new input
+      stream connected to the new process's standard error; the result
+      hash table contains @racket['stderr] mapped to the new stream
+      handle}
+@item{@racket['stderr] mapped to an output stream: supplies (a copy
+      of) the output stream as the new process's standard error}
+@item{@racket['cleanable?] mapped to boolean (or any value): if
+      @racket[#f], the Zuo process can exit without waiting for the
+      created process to terminate; otherwise, and by default, the Zuo
+      process waits for every processes created with @racket[process]
+      to terminate before exiting itself, whether exiting normally, by
+      an error, or by a received termination signal (such as Ctl-C).}
+@item{@racket['exact?] mapped to boolean (or any value): if not
+      @racket[#f], a single @racket[arg] must be provided, and it is
+      provided as-is for the created process's command line on
+      Windows. A non-@racket[#f] value for @racket['exact?] is not
+      allowed on Unix.}
+@item{@racket['exec?] mapped to boolean (or any value): if not
+      @racket[#f], the target executable is run in the current
+      process, after waiting for any other subprocesses and deleting
+      cleanables. A non-@racket[#f] value for @racket['exact?] is not
+      allowed on Windows or, more generally, when @racket[(hash-ref
+      (runtime-env) 'can-exec?)] produced @racket[#f].}
+See also @racket[shell].}
+@defproc[(process-wait [process handle?] ...) handle?]{
+Waits until the process represented by a @racket[process] has
+terminated, erroring if a @racket[process] is any other kind of
+handle. The result is the handle for a terminated process that's one
+of the argument @racket[process] handles; waiting again on the same
+handle will produce a result immediately.}
+@defproc[(process-status [process handle?]) (or/c 'running integer?)]{
+Returns @racket['running] if the process represented by
+@racket[process] is still running, the exit value if the process has
+exited (@racket[0] normally means succes), erroring for any other kind
+of handle.}
+@defproc[(find-executable-path [name path-string?]) (or/c path-string? #f)]{
+Returns an absolute path to a file @racket[name], potentially by
+consulting the @envvar{PATH} environment variable. If @racket[name] is
+an absolute path already, and if a file @racket[name] exists, the
+@racket[name] is returned as-is---except that @filepath{.exe} is added
+on Windows if it produces an existent path name while @racket[name] by
+itself does not exist. Otherwise, if a file exists relative to path in
+@envvar{PATH} (with @filepath{.exe} potentially added on Windows),
+that file's path is returned.
+The @envvar{PATH} environment variable is treated as a list of
+@litchar{:}-separated paths on Unix and @litchar{;}-separated paths on
+Windows. On Windows, the current directory is automatically added to
+the start of @envvar{PATH}.}
+@defproc[(string->shell [str string?]) string?]
+@defproc[(shell->strings [str string?] [starts-exe? any/c #f]) list?]
+The @racket[string->shell] function converts a string to a
+command-line fragment that encodes the same string. The
+@racket[shell->strings] function takes a command-line fragment and
+parses it into a list of strings in the same way the shell would. On
+Windows, the shell parses an executable name differently than
+arguments in a command, so provide a true value as
+@racket[starts-exe?] if the command-line fragment @racket[str] starts
+with an executable name.}
+@defproc[(stat [name path-string?] [follow-links? any/c #t]) (or/c hash? #f)]{
+Returns information about the file, directory, or link referenced by
+@racket[name]. If @racket[follow-links?] is @racket[#f], then when
+@racket[name] refers to a link, information is reported about the
+link; otherwise, information is reported about the target of a link.
+If no such file, directory, or link exists, the result is @racket[#f].
+Otherwise, the hash table has similar keys and values as
+@realracket[file-or-directory-stat] from @racketmodname[racket], but
+with only certain keys per platform:
+ @item{Unix: @racket['device-id], @indexed-racket['inode],
+       @racket['mode], @racket['type] (abbreviated),
+       @racket['hardlink-count], @racket['user-id],
+       @racket['group-id], @racket['device-id-for-special-file],
+       @racket['size], @racket['block-size], @racket['block-count],
+       @racket['access-time-seconds], @racket['modify-time-seconds],
+       @racket['change-time-seconds],
+       @racket['access-time-nanoseconds],
+       @racket['modify-time-nanoseconds], and
+       @racket['change-time-nanoseconds]}
+ @item{Windows: @racket['device-id], @indexed-racket['inode],
+       @racket['mode] (read and write bits only), @racket['type]
+       (abbreviated), @racket['hardlink-count], @racket['size],
+       @racket['access-time-seconds], @racket['modify-time-seconds],
+       @racket['creation-time-seconds],
+       @racket['access-time-nanoseconds],
+       @racket['modify-time-nanoseconds], and
+       @racket['creation-time-nanoseconds]}
+The abbreviated @racket['type] field contains @racket['file],
+@racket['dir], or @racket['link], with @racket['link] only on Unix and
+only when @racket[follow-links?] is @racket[#f].}
+@defproc[(ls [dir path-string?]) list?]{
+Returns a list of path strings for files in @racket[dir].}
+@defproc[(ls* [dir path-string?]) list?]{
+Like @racket[ls], but builds a path using @racket[dir] for each
+element of the result list.}
+@defproc[(rm [name path-string?]) void?]{
+Deletes the file or link @racket[name].}
+@defproc[(rm* [name path-string?]) void?]{
+Deletes the file, directory, or link @racket[name], including the
+directory content if @racket[name] refers to a directory (and not to a
+link to a directory). Unlike @racket[rm], it's not an error if
+@racket[name] does not refer to an existing file, directory, or link.}
+@defproc[(mv [name path-string?] [new-name path-string?]) void?]{
+Renames the file, directory, or link @racket[name] to @racket[new-name].}
+@defproc[(mkdir [dir path-string?]) void?]{
+Creates a directory @racket[dir].}
+@defproc[(mkdir-p [dir path-string?]) void?]{
+Creates a directory @racket[dir] if it does not already exist, along
+with its ancector directories.}
+@defproc[(rmdir [dir path-string?]) void?]{
+Deletes a directory @racket[dir].}
+@defproc[(symlink [target path-string?] [name path-string?]) void?]{
+Creates a symbolic link @racket[name] with the content @racket[target]. This
+function is not supported on Windows.}
+@defproc[(readlink [name path-string?]) void?]{
+Gets the content of a link @racket[name]. This function is not
+supported on Windows.}
+@defproc[(cp [source path-string?] [destination path-string?]) void?]{
+Copies the file at @racket[source] to @racket[destination],
+preserving permissions and replacing (or attempting to replace)
+@racket[destination] if it exists.}
+@defproc[(cp* [source path-string?] [destination path-string?]) void?]{
+Copies the file, directory, or link @racket[source] to a corresponding
+new file, directory, or link @racket[destination], including the
+directory content if @racket[source] refers to a directory (and not to
+a link to a directory),.}
+@defproc[(file-exists? [name path-string?]) booelan?]
+@defproc[(directory-exists? [name path-string?]) booelan?]
+@defproc[(link-exists? [name path-string?]) booelan?]
+Uses @racket[stat] to check for a file, directory, or link,
+@section{Run Time Configuration}
+@defproc[(runtime-env) hash?]{
+Returns a @tech{hash table} containing information about the current
+Zuo process. The hash table includes the following keys:
+@item{@racket['args]: comment-line arguments provided when the
+      process was started, not counting Zuo configuration arguments or
+      the name of a script to run}
+@item{@racket['dir]: the current directory}
+@item{@racket['env]: a list of pairs of strings for environment variables}
+@item{@racket['script]: the script provided to Zuo to run, which might
+      be @racket[""] to indicate a script read from standard input}
+@item{@racket['exe]: an absolute path for the running Zuo executable}
+@item{@racket['system-type]: @racket['unix] or @racket['windows]}
+@item{@racket['sys-dir] (Windows only): the path to the system directory}
+@item{@racket['can-exec?]: a boolean whether @racket[process] supports
+      a true value for the @racket['exec?] option}
+@item{@racket['version]: Zuo's version number as an integer}
+@defproc[(system-type) symbol?]{
+Returns @racket[(hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type)].}
+@defproc[(current-time) pair?]{
+Reports the current wall-clock time as a pair: seconds since January
+1, 1970 and additional nanoseconds.}
+@defproc[(dump-image-and-exit [output handle?]) void?]{
+Writes an image of the current Zuo process to @racket[output], which
+must be an open output file or stream, and then exits.
+This function is intended to be used after some set of modules has
+been loaded, so that the loaded modules are included in the image. The
+dump fails if if any @tech{handle} is encountered as reachable from
+loaded modules, however.}
+@defproc[(exit [status integer? 0]) void?]{
+Exits the Zuo process with the given @racket[status], where @racket[0]
+normally means ``success.''}
+@defproc[(suspend-signal) void?]
+@defproc[(resume-signal) void?]
+Suspends or resumes recognition of termination signals, such as Ctl-C.
+Calls can be nested, and each call to @racket[suspend-signal] must be
+balanced by a call to @racket[resume-signal] to re-enable signal
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/overview.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,324 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@(require (for-label zuo-doc/fake-zuo))
+@title{Zuo Overview}
+Zuo is a Racket variant in the sense that program files start with
+@hash-lang[], and the module path after @hash-lang[] determines the
+parsing and expansion of the file content. Zuo, however, has a
+completely separate implementation. So, even though its programs start
+with @hash-lang[], Zuo programs are not meant to be run via Racket.
+While @racket[@#,hash-lang[] @#,racketmodname[zuo/base]] accesses a
+base language, the primary intended use of Zuo is with
+@racket[@#,hash-lang[] @#,racketmodname[zuo]], which includes the
+@racketmodname[zuo/build] library for using @seclink["zuo-build"]{Zuo
+as a @tt{make} replacement}.
+The name ``Zuo'' is derived from the Chinese word for ``make.''
+@section[#:tag "running"]{Building and Running Zuo}
+Compile @filepath{zuo.c} from the Zuo sources with a C compiler. No
+additional are files needed for compilation, other than system and
+C-library headers. No compiler flags should be needed, although flags
+like @exec{-o zuo} or @exec{-O2} are a good idea.
+You can also use @exec{configure}, @exec{make}, and @exec{make
+install}, where @exec{make} targets mostly invoke a Zuo script after
+compiling @filepath{zuo.c}. If you don't use @exec{configure} but
+compile to @exec{zuo} in the current directory, then @exec{./zuo
+build.zuo} and @exec{./zuo build.zuo install} (omit the @exec{./} on Windows)
+will do the same thing as @exec{make} and @exec{make install} with
+a default configuration.
+The Zuo executable runs only modules. If you run Zuo with no
+command-line arguments, then it loads @filepath{main.zuo} in the
+current directory. Otherwise, the first argument to Zuo is a file to
+run or a directory containing a @filepath{main.zuo} to run, and
+additional arguments are delivered to that program via the
+@racket[runtime-env] procedure. Either way, if this initial script has
+a @racketidfont{main} submodule, the submodule is run.
+Note that starting Zuo with the argument @filepath{.} equivalent to
+the argument @filepath{./main.zuo}, which is a convenient shorthand
+for using @exec{zuo} as a replacement for @exec{make} while still
+passing arguments. When Zuo receives the empty string (which would be
+invalid as a file path) as a first argument, it reads a module from
+standard input.
+@section{Library Modules and Startup Performance}
+Except for the built-in @racketmodname[zuo/kernel] language module,
+Zuo finds languages and modules through a collection of libraries. By
+default, Zuo looks for a directory @filepath{lib} relative to the
+executable as the root of the library-collection tree. You can supply
+an alternate collection path with the @Flag{X} command-line flag.
+You can also create an instance of Zuo with a set of libraries
+embedded as an image. Embedding an image has two advantages:
+ @item{No extra directory of library modules is necessary, as long as
+       all relevant libraries are embedded.}
+ @item{Zuo can start especially quickly, competitive with the fastest
+       command-line programs.}
+The @filepath{local/image.zuo} script included with the Zuo sources
+generates a @filepath{.c} file that is a copy of @filepath{zuo.c} plus
+embedded modules. By default, the @racketmodname[zuo] module and its
+dependencies are included, but you can specify others with
+@DPFlag{lib}. In addition, the default collection-root path is
+disabled in the generated copy, unless you supply
+@DFlag{keep-collects} when running @filepath{image.zuo}.
+When you use @exec{configure} and @exec{make} @exec{./zuo build.zuo} to
+build Zuo, the default build target creates a @filepath{to-run/zuo}
+that embeds the @racketmodname[zuo] library, as well as a
+@filepath{to-install/zuo} that has the right internal path to find
+other libraries after @exec{make install} or @exec{./zuo build.zuo
+You can use images without embedding. The @racket[dump-image-and-exit]
+Zuo kernel permitive creates an image containing all loaded modules,
+and a @Flag{B} or @DFlag{boot} command-line flag for Zuo uses the
+given boot image on startup.
+A boot image is machine-independent, whether in a stand-alone file or
+embedded in @filepath{.c} source.
+@section{Embedding Zuo in Another Application}
+Zuo can be embedded in a larger application, with or without an
+embedded boot image. To support embedding, compile @filepath{zuo.c} or
+the output of @filepath{local/image.zuo} with the @tt{ZUO_EMBEDDED}
+preprocessor macro defined (to anything); the @filepath{zuo.h} header
+will be used in that case, and @filepath{zuo.h} should also be used by
+the embedding application. Documentation for the embedding API is
+provided as comments within @filepath{zuo.h}.
+@section{Zuo Datatypes}
+Zuo's kernel supports the following kinds of data:
+ @item{booleans;}
+ @item{integers as 64-bit two's complement with modular arithmetic}
+ @item{strings as byte strings (optionally prefixed with @litchar{#}
+       and with @litchar{\n}, @litchar{\r}, @litchar{\t},
+       @litchar{\"}, @litchar{\\}, and octal escapes);}
+ @item{symbols, both interned (never garbage collected) and
+       uninterned;}
+ @item{lists;}
+ @item{@deftech{hash tables}, which are symbol-keyed persistent maps
+       (and don't actually employ hashing internally);}
+ @item{procedures, including first-class continuations reified as
+        procedures;}
+ @item{@deftech{variables}, which are named, set-once, single-valued
+       containers;}
+ @item{@deftech{opaque objects} that pair a key and a value, where the
+       value can be accessed only by supplying the key (which is
+       typically kept private using lexical scope); and}
+ @item{@deftech{handles}, which represent system resources like files
+       or processes.}
+Notable omissions include floating-point numbers, characters, Unicode
+strings, and vectors. Paths are represented using byte strings (with
+an implied UTF-8 encoding for Windows wide-character paths).
+@section{Zuo Implementation and Macros}
+The @filepath{zuo.c} source implements @racketmodname[zuo/kernel],
+which is a syntactically tiny language plus around 100 primitive
+procedures. Since Zuo is intended for scripting, it's heavy on
+filesystem, I/O, and process primitives, and almost half of the
+primitives are for those tasks (while another 1/3 of the primitives are
+just for numbers, strings, and @tech{hash tables}).
+Zuo data structures are immutable except for @tech{variable} values,
+and even a variable is set-once; attempting to get a value of the
+variable before it has been set is an error. (Variables are used to
+implement @racket[letrec], for example.) Zuo is not purely functional,
+because it includes imperative I/O and errors, but it actively
+discourages in-process state by confining imperative actions to
+external interactions. Along those lines, an error in Zuo always
+terminates the program; there is no exception system (and therefore no
+way within Zuo to detect early use of an unset variable).
+The @racketmodname[zuo] language is built on top of
+@racketmodname[zuo/kernel], but not directly. There's an internal
+``looper'' language that just adds simple variants of @racket[letrec],
+@racket[cond], and @racket[let*], because working without those is
+especially tedious. Then there's an internal ``stitcher'' language
+that is the only use of the ``looper'' language; it adds its own
+@racket[lambda] (which implicit @racket[begin]) @racket[let] (with
+multiple clauses), @racket[let*], @racket[letrec] (with multiple
+binding clauses), @racket[and], @racket[or], @racket[when],
+@racket[unless], and a kind of @racket[define] and @racket[include].
+Two macro implementations are built with the ``stitcher'' layer. One
+is based on the same set-of-scopes model as Racket, and that macro
+system is used for and provided by @racketmodname[zuo/hygienic]. The
+other is non-hygienic and uses a less expressive model of scope, which
+a programmer might notice if, say, writing macro-generating macros;
+that macro system is used for and provided by @racketmodname[zuo],
+because it's a lot faster and adequate for most scripting purposes.
+The two macro system implementations are mostly the same source, which
+is parameterized over the representation of scope and binding, and
+implemented through a combination of @racketmodname[zuo/datum] and the
+``stitcher'' layer's @racket[include].
+Naturally, you can mix and match @racketmodname[zuo] and
+@racketmodname[zuo/hygienic] modules in a program, but you can't use
+macros from one language within the other language. More generally,
+Zuo defines a @hash-lang[] protocol that lets you build arbitrary new
+languages (from the character/byte level), as long as they ultimately
+can be expressed in @racketmodname[zuo/kernel].
+@section[#:tag "module-protocol"]{Zuo Module Protocol}
+At Zuo's core, a module is represented as a @tech{hash table}. There
+are no constraints on the keys of the hash table, and different layers
+on top of the core module protocol can assign meanings to keys. For
+example, the @racketmodname[zuo] and @racketmodname[zuo/hygienic]
+layers use a common key for accessing @racket[provide]d bindings, but
+different keys for propagating binding information for macro
+The core module system assigns a meaning to one key,
+@racket['read-and-eval], which is supplied by a module that implements
+a @hash-lang[] language. The value of @racket['read-and-eval] is a
+procedure of three arguments:
+ @item{a string for the text of a module using the language,}
+ @item{a position within the string that starts a module body after
+       @hash-lang[] and the language name, and}
+ @item{a module path that will be mapped to the result of evaluating
+       the module (i.e., the path to the text's source).}
+The procedure must return a hash table representing the evaluated
+module. A @racket['read-and-eval] procedure might use
+@racket[string-read] to read input, it might use
+@racket[kernel-eval] to evaluate read or generated terms, and it might
+use @racket[module->hash] to access other modules in the process of
+parsing a new module---but a @racket['read-and-eval] procedure is
+under no obligation to use any of those.
+A call @racket[(module->hash _M)] primitive checks whether the module
+@racket[_M] is already loaded and returns its hash table if so. The
+@racket[zuo/kernel] module is always preloaded, but other modules may
+be preloaded in an image that was created by
+@racket[dump-image-and-exit]. If a module @racket[_M] is not already
+loaded, @racket[module->hash] reads the beginning of @racket[_M]'s
+source to parse the @hash-lang[] specification and get the path of the
+language module @racket[_L]; a recursive call @racket[(module->hash
+_L)] gets @racket[_L], and @racket[_L]'s @racket['read-and-eval]
+procedure is applied to the source of @racket[_M] to get @racket[_M]'s
+representation as a hash. That representation is both recorded for
+future use and returned from the original @racket[(module->hash _M)]
+The Zuo startup sequence assigns a meaning to a second key in a
+module's hash table: @racket['submodules]. The value of
+@racket['submodules] should be a hash table that maps keys to thunks,
+each representing a submodule. When Zuo runs an initial script, it
+looks for a @racket['main] submodule and runs it (i.e., calls the
+thunk) if present.
+@section[#:tag "paths"]{Path Handling}
+Working with paths is a central issue in many scripting tasks, and
+it's certainly a key problem for a build system. Zuo embeds some
+specific choices about how to work with paths:
+ @item{Zuo relies on syntactic normalization of paths. For example,
+       starting with @filepath{a/b} and building @filepath{../c} from
+       there produces the path @filepath{a/c}, even if @filepath{a/b}
+       on the filesystem is a symbolic link to to the relative path
+       @filepath{x/y/z}---in which case the filesystem would resolve
+       @filepath{a/b/../c} the same as @filepath{a/x/y/z/../c}, which
+       is @filepath{a/z/y/c} and not @filepath{a/c}.
+       In short, mixing directory symbolic links with Zuo's path
+       functions can be different than what the filesystem would do,
+       so take care to avoid cases that would not work. Symbolic links
+       to files will not create problems, so consider just never using
+       directory links.}
+ @item{There is no way to change the working directory of the Zuo
+       process. Having a fixed current directory means that relative
+       paths work in many more situations than they would otherwise.
+       Relative paths are communicated to system facilities still in
+       relative form, leaving it up to the operating system to resolve
+       the path relative to the current working directory.
+       When starting a subprocess, you can pick the working directory
+       for the subprocess. In that case, you must take care to adjust
+       relative paths communicated to the process, and
+       @racket[find-relative-path] can help.}
+ @item{Zuo uses and propagates relative paths as much as possible.
+       This convention is partly enabled by the fact that the working
+       directory cannot change within the Zuo process. It also helps
+       avoid trouble from a mismatch between syntactic and
+       filesystem-based path resolution, as might be created with
+       symbolic directory links; for example, even if you used
+       symbolic links or one of multiple filesystem mounts to access a
+       Zuo working tree, staying within that tree avoids complications
+       with the path that reaches the tree.
+       The way that you start a Zuo script affects the script's
+       operation in terms of absolute or relative paths. If you start
+       a Zuo script with a relative patch, such as @exec{zuo
+       scripts/go.zuo}, the @racket[quote-module-path] form will
+       report a relative path for the enclosing script. If you start
+       it with an absolute path, such as @exec{zuo
+       /home/racket/scripts/go.zuo}, then @racket[quote-module-path]
+       reports an absolute path. Similarly, with
+       @racketmodname[zuo/build], when you use a relative path to
+       refer to a dependency, then information about the dependency
+       can be recorded in relative form, but referring to a dependency
+       with an absolute path means that information is recorded with
+       an absolute path (even if that could be made relative to the
+       dependent target's path).}
+ @item{The @racket[build/build] library encourages an explicit
+       distinction between ``source'' and ``build'' directories,
+       neither of which necessarily corresponds to the current working
+       directory. This distinction, along with the fact that the
+       working directory doesn't change, helps to create composable
+       build scripts. See @secref["build-targets"] for more
+       information.}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/real-racket.rkt
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#lang at-exp racket/base
+(require scribble/manual
+         (for-syntax racket/base)
+         (for-label racket/base
+                    racket/contract/base
+                    racket/cmdline))
+(provide realracket
+         realracket*
+         (for-label any/c
+                    listof
+                    ->))
+(define-syntax (realracket stx)
+  (syntax-case stx ()
+    [(_ id) @#`racket[#,(datum->syntax #'here (syntax-e #'id))]]))
+(define-syntax (realracket* stx)
+  (syntax-case stx ()
+    [(_ id) @#'realracket[id]]
+    [(_ id1 id2) @#'elem{@realracket[id1] and @realracket[id2]}]
+    [(_ id1 id2 id3) @#'elem{@realracket[id1], @realracket[id2], and @realracket[id3]}]
+    [(_ id0 id ...) @#'elem{@realracket[id0], @realracket*[id ...]}]))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/zuo-build.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,608 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@(require scribble/bnf
+          (for-label zuo-doc/fake-zuo
+                     racket/contract/base)
+          "defzuomodule.rkt")
+@(define shake-url "https://shakebuild.com/")
+@title[#:tag "zuo-build"]{Zuo as a @tt{make} Replacement}
+The @racketmodname[zuo/build] library is modeled on @exec{make} and
+@hyperlink[shake-url]{Shake} for tracking dependencies
+and build steps. The library has two layers:
+ @item{The core @tech{target} datatype and build engine, as reflected
+       by functions like @racket[target] and @racket[build].}
+ @item{A makefile-like, declarative form for dependencies as
+       implemented by the @racket[make-targets] function.}
+A @tech{target} represents either an input to a build (such as a
+source file) or a generated output, and a target can depend on any
+number of other targets. A target's output is represented by 40-character
+string that is normally a SHA-1 hash; the @racket[build] procedure
+records hashes and dependencies in a database located alongside
+non-input targets, so it can avoid rebuilding targets when nothing has
+changed since the last build. Unlike @tt{make}, timestamps are used
+only as a shortcut to avoiding computing the SHA-1 of a file (i.e., if
+the timestamp has not changes, the SHA-1 result is assumed to be
+``Recursive make'' is encouraged in the sense that a target's build
+rule can call @racket[build] to start a nested build, or it can call
+@racket[build/dep] to build or register a dependency that is
+discovered in the process of building.
+@section[#:tag "make-target"]{Creating Targets}
+Construct a @deftech{target} with either @racket[input-file-target]
+(given a file name), @racket[input-data-target] (given a value whose
+@racket[~s] form is hashed), or @racket[target] (given a filename for a
+real target or a symbol for a @tech{phony} target).
+Only a target created with @racket[target] can have dependencies, but
+they are not specified when @racket[target] is called, because
+computing dependencies for a target may involve work that can be
+skipped if the target isn't needed. Instead, @racket[target] takes a
+@racket[_get-rule] procedure that will be called if the dependencies
+are needed. The @racket[_get-rule] procedure returns up to three
+results in a @racket[rule] record: a list of dependencies; the hash of
+an already-built version of the target, if one exists, where
+@racket[file-sha1] is used by default; and a @racket[_rebuild]
+procedure that is called if the returned hash, the hash of
+dependencies (rebuilt if needed), and recorded results from a previous
+build together determine that a rebuild is needed.
+When a target's @racket[_rebuild] function is called, it optionally
+returns a hash for the result of the build if the target's
+@racket[rule] had one, otherwise @racket[file-sha1] is used to get a
+result hash. Either way, it's possible that the result hash is the
+same the one returned by @racket[_get-rule]; that is, maybe a
+dependency of the target changed, but the change turned out not to
+affect the built result. In that case, rebuilding for other targets
+that depend on this one can be short-circuited.
+Finally, in the process of building a target, a @racket[_rebuild]
+procedure may discover additional dependencies. A discovered
+dependency sent to @racket[build/dep] is recorded as a dependency of
+the target in addition to the ones that were reported by
+@racket[_get-deps]. Any changes in these additional targets trigger a
+rebuild of the target in the future. Meanwhile, the build system
+assumes that if none of the dependencies change, then the set of
+additional dependencies discovered by @racket[_rebuild] would be the
+same; that assumption allows the build system to skip
+@racket[_rebuild] and its discoveries if none of the dependencies have
+A @deftech{phony} target is like a regular target, but one that always
+needs to be rebuilt. A typical use of a phony target is to give a name
+to a set of ``top-level'' targets or to implement an action along the
+lines of @exec{make install}. Create a phony target with
+@racket[target] and a symbol name.
+A target can declare multiple outputs by specifying additional outputs
+in a @racket['co-outputs] option. The target's @racket[_rebuild]
+procedure will be called if any of the additional outputs are missing
+or not consistent with the result of an earlier build.
+In many cases, a plain path string can be used as a target as a
+shorthand for applying @racket[input-file-target] to the path string.
+@section[#:tag "build-targets"]{Building Targets}
+There is no global list of targets that @racket[build] draws from.
+Instead, @racket[build] starts with a given target, and it learns
+about other targets a @racket[_get-dep] procedures return them and as
+@racket[_rebuild] procedures expose them via @racket[build/dep]. If
+@racket[build] discovers multiple non-input targets with the same
+filename, then it reports an error.
+The @racket[build/command-line] function is a convenience to implement
+get @tt{make}-like command-line handling for building targets. The
+@racket[build/command-line] procedure takes a list of targets, and it
+calls @racket[build] on one or more of them based on command-line
+arguments (with help from @racket[find-target]).
+All relative paths are considered relative to the start-time current
+directory. This convention works well for running a Zuo script that's
+in a source directory while the current directory is the build
+directory, as long as the script references source files with
+@racket[at-source] to make them relative to the script. For
+multi-directory builds, a good convention is for each directory to
+have a script that exports a @racketidfont{targets-at} procedure,
+where @racketidfont{targets-at} takes an @racket[_at-dir] procedure
+(supplied as just @racket[build-path] by default) to apply to each
+target path when building a list of targets, and a hash table of
+variables (analogous to variables that a makefile might provide to
+another makefile via @tt{make} arguments).
+As a further convenience following the @racketidfont{targets-at}
+model, the @racket[provide-targets] form takes an identifier for such a
+@racketidfont{targets-at} procedure, and it both exports
+@racketidfont{targets-at} and creates a @racket[main] @tech{submodule}
+that calls @racket[build/command-line*] on with the
+@racketidfont{targets-at} procedure.
+As a naming convention, consider using @filepath{main.zuo} in a
+directory where build results are intended to be written, but use
+@filepath{build.zuo} in a source directory that is intended to be
+(potentially) separate from the build directory. In other words, use
+@filepath{main.zuo} as a replacement for @filepath{Makefile} and
+@filepath{build.zuo} as a replacement for @filepath{Makefile.in} in a
+@exec{configure}-style build. You may even have a @exec{configure}
+script that generates a @filepath{main.zuo} script in a build
+directory so that @exec{zuo .} is a replacement for @exec{make}.
+The generated @filepath{main.zuo} could import the source directory's
+@filepath{build.zuo} and calls @racket[build/command-line*] on with
+the imported @racketidfont{targets-at} procedure plus
+@#,hash-lang[] @#,racketmodname[zuo]
+(require @#,elem[@racketvalfont{"}@nonterm{srcdir}@racketvalfont{/build.zuo"}])
+(build/command-line* targets-at at-source)
+However, correctly encoding @nonterm{srcdir} can be tricky when
+working from something like a shell configure script or batch file to
+generate @filepath{main.zuo}. You may find it easier to write the path
+to a separate file using a shell-variable assignment syntax, and then
+have the generated @filepath{main.zuo} read from that file. The
+@racket[bounce-to-targets] form implements that pattern. For example,
+if @filepath{Mf-config} is written in the same directory with a
+@litchar{srcdir=} line to specify the source directory (where no
+escapes are needed for the path after @litchar{=}), then a
+@filepath{mzin.zuo} of them form
+@#,hash-lang[] @#,racketmodname[zuo]
+(bounce-to-targets "Mf-config" 'srcdir "build.zuo")
+reads @filepath{Mf-config} to find and dispatch to
+@filepath{build.zuo} in the same way as the earlier example module.
+@section{Recording Results}
+Build results are stored in a @filepath{_zuo.db} file in the same
+directory as a target (by default). Cached SHA-1 results with associated
+file timestamps are stored in a @filepath{_zuo_tc.db} in the same
+directory (i.e., the cached value for dependency is kept with the
+target, which is in a writable build space, while an input-file target
+might be in a read-only source space). A target's options can specify
+an alternative directory to use for @filepath{_zuo.db} and
+@filepath{_zuo_tc.db}. Timestamp recording in @filepath{_zuo_tc.db}
+is disabled if the @envvar{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} environment variable is set.
+In the unfortunate case that a @filepath{_zuo.db} or
+@filepath{_zuo_tc.db} file gets mangled, then it may trigger an error
+that halts the build system, but the @filepath{_zuo.db} or
+@filepath{_zuo_tc.db} file will be deleted in reaction to the error.
+Another attempt at the build should recover, while perhaps rebuilding
+more than it would have otherwise, since the result of previous builds
+might have been lost.
+Specify a location for the @filepath{_zuo.db} and
+@filepath{_zuo_tc.db} files associated with a target via the
+@racket['db-dir] target option. The @racket[make-targets] function
+recognizes as @racket[:db-dir] clause to set the option for all of the
+targets that it creates.
+A build runs in a @tech{threading context}, so a target's
+@racket[_get-deps] or @racket[_rebuild] procedure can use
+@racket[thread-process-wait] can be used to wait on a process. Doing
+so can enable parallelism among targets, depending on the
+@racket['jobs] option provided to @racket[build] or
+@racket[build/command-line], a @DFlag{jobs} command-line argument
+parsed by @racket[build/command-line], or the @envvar{ZUO_JOBS}
+environment variable.
+When calling @racket[build] for a nested build from a target's
+@racket[_get-deps] or @racket[_rebuild] procedures, supply the
+@tech{build token} that is passed to @racket[_get-deps] to the
+@racket[build] call. That way, parallelism configured for the
+enclosing build will be extended to the nested build.
+@section{Build API}
+@defproc[(target? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is @tech{target}, @racket[#f]
+@defproc[(target-name [t target?]) (or/c symbol? path-string?)]{
+Returns the name of a target, which is a path for most targets, but a
+symbol for an input-data target or a @tech{phony} target.}
+@defproc[(target-path [t target?]) path-string?]{
+The same as @racket[target-name] for a target whose name is a path,
+and an error for other targets.}
+@defproc[(target-shell [t target?]) string?]{
+Composes @racket[target-path] with @racket[string->shell]. Use this
+when getting a target name to include in a shell command.}
+@defproc[(input-file-target [path path-string?]) target?]{
+Creates a @tech{target} that represents an input file. An input-file
+target has no build procedure, and it's state is summarized as a hash
+via @racket[file-sha1].}
+@defproc[(input-data-target [name symbol?] [content any/c]) target?]{
+Similar to @racket[input-file-target] for a would-be file that
+contains @racket[(~s content)].
+The result of @racket[(symbol->string name)] must be distinct among
+all the input-data dependencies of a particular target, but it does
+not need to be globally unique.}
+@defproc*[([(target [name path-string?]
+                    [get-deps (path-string? token? . -> . rule?)]
+                    [options hash? (hash)])
+            target?]
+           [(target [name symbol?]
+                    [get-deps (token? . -> . phony-rule?)]
+                    [options hash? (hash)])
+            target?])]{
+Creates a @tech{target} that can have dependencies. If @racket[name]
+is a path string, then it represents a file build target whose results
+are recorded to avoid rebuilding. If @racket[name] is a symbol, then
+it represents a @tech{phony} target that is always rebuilt.
+In the case of a file target, @racket[get-deps] receives @racket[name]
+back, because that's often more convenient for constructing a target
+when applying an @racket[_at-dir] function to create @racket[name].
+The @deftech{build token} argument to @racket[get-deps] represents the
+target build in progress. It's useful with @racket[file-sha1] to take
+advantage of caching, with @racket[build/dep] to report
+discovered targets, and with @racket[build/no-dep] or @racket[build].
+The following keys are recognized in @racket[options]:
+@item{@racket['co-outputs] mapped to a list of path strings: paths
+      that are also generated by the target in addition to
+      @racket[name] when @racket[name] is a path string; the target's
+      build function will be called if the combination of
+      @racket[name] and these files is out-of-date.}
+@item{@racket['precious?] mapped to any value: if non-@racket[#f] for
+      a non-phony target, @racket[name] is not deleted if the
+      @racket[get-deps] function or its result's @racket[_rebuild]
+      function fails.}
+@item{@racket['command?] mapped to any value: if non-@racket[#f], when
+      @racket[build/command-line] runs the target as the first one
+      named on the command line, all arguments from the command line
+      after the target name are provided @racket[_get-deps] as
+      additional arguments. When building a target directly instead
+      of through @racket[build/command-line], use
+      @racket[command-target->target] to supply arguments.}
+@item{@racket['noisy?] mapped to any value: if non-@racket[#f], then a
+      message prints via @racket[alert] whenever when the target is
+      found to be already up to date.}
+@item{@racket['quiet?] mapped to any value: if non-@racket[#f], then
+      even when @racket[build] runs the target directly or as the
+      dependency of a @tech{phony} target, it does not print a message
+      via @racket[alert] when the target is up to date, unless the
+      target is also noisy. When a phony target is quiet, it builds
+      its dependencies as quiet.}
+@item{@racket['eager?] mapped to any value: if non-@racket[#f], then
+      the target's build step is not run in a separate thread, which
+      has the effect of ordering the build step before others that do
+      run in a separate thread.}
+@item{@racket['db-dir] mapped to a path or @racket[#f]: if
+      non-@racket[#f], build information for the target is stored in
+      @filepath{_zuo.db} and @filepath{_zuo_tc.db} files in the
+      specified directory, instead of the directory of @racket[path].}
+@defproc[(rule [dependencies (listof (or/c target? path-string?))]
+               [rebuild (or/c (-> (or/c sha1? any/c)) #f) #f]
+               [sha1 (or/c sha1? #f) #f])
+         rule?]
+@defproc[(rule? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+The @racket[rule] procedure combines the three results expected from a
+procedure passed to @racket[target]. See @secref["make-target"].
+A path string can be reported as a dependency in
+@racket[dependencies], in which case it is coerced to a target using
+@racket[input-file-target]. If @racket[sha1] is @racket[#f],
+@racket[file-sha1] is used to compute the target's current hash, and
+@racket[rebuild] is not expected to return a hash. If @racket[sha1] is
+not @racket[#f], then if @racket[rebuild] is called, it must return a
+new hash.}
+@defproc[(phony-rule [dependencies (listof (or/c target? path-string?))]
+                     [rebuild (-> any/c)])
+         phony-rule?]
+@defproc[(phony-rule? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+The @racket[phony-rule] procedure combines the two results expected
+from a procedure passed to @racket[target] to create a @tech{phony}
+target. Compared to the non-phonu protocol, the result SHA-1 is
+@defproc[(token? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
+Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is a token representing a target
+build, @racket[#f] otherwise.}
+@defproc[(build [target (or/c target? path-string? (listof (or/c target? path-string?)))]
+                [token (or/c #f token?) #f]
+                [options hash? (hash)])
+         void?]{
+Builds @racket[target] as a fresh build process, independent of any
+that might already be running (in the sense described below). A list
+of targets as @racket[target] is coerced to a phony target that
+depends on the given list.
+If @racket[target] is a path, then it is coerced to target via
+@racket[input-file-target], but the only effect will be to compute the
+file's SHA-1 or error if the file does not exist.
+The @racket[options] argument supplies build options, and the
+following keys are recognized:
+@item{@racket['jobs] mapped to a positive integer: controls the
+      maximum build steps that are allowed to proceed concurrently,
+      and this concurrency turns into parallelism when a task uses a
+      process and @racket[thread-process-wait]; the @envvar{ZUO_JOBS}
+      environment variable determines the default if it is set,
+      otherwise the default is 1}
+@item{@racket['log?] mapped to any value: enables logging of rebuild
+      reasons via @racket[alert] when the value is not @racket[#f];
+      logging also can be enabled by setting the
+      @envvar{ZUO_BUILD_LOG} environment variable}
+If @racket[token] is not @racket[#f], it must be a @tech{build token}
+that was passed to a target's @racket[_get-deps] to represent a build
+in progress (but paused to run this one). The new build process uses
+parallelism available within the in-progress build for the new build
+Whether or not @racket[token] is @racket[#f], the new build is
+independent of other builds in the sense that target results for
+others build are not reused for this one. That is, other builds and
+this one might check the states of some of the same files, but any
+triggered actions are separate, and @tech{phony} targets are similarly
+triggered independently. Use @racket[build/dep] or
+@racket[build/no-dep], instead, to recursively trigger targets within
+the same build.}
+@defproc[(build/dep [target (or target? path-string?)] [token token?]) void?]{
+Like @racket[build], but continues a build in progress as represented
+by a @racket[token] that was passed to a target's @racket[_get-deps]
+or @racket[_rebuild] procedure. Targets reachable through
+@racket[target] may have been built or have be in progress already,
+for example. After @racket[target] is built, it is registered as a
+dependency of the target that received @racket[token] (if the target
+is not @tech{phony}).}
+@defproc[(build/no-dep [target (or target? path-string?)] [token token?]) void?]{
+Like @racket[build/dep] to continue a build in progress, but does not
+register a dependency. Using @racket[build/no-dep] has an effect
+similar to @hyperlink[shake-url]{Shake}'s ``order only'' dependencies.}
+@defproc[(build/command-line [targets (listof target?)] [options hash? (hash)]) void?]{
+Parses command-line arguments to build one or more targets in
+@racket[targets], where the first one is built by default. The
+@racket[options] argument is passed along to @racket[build], but may
+be adjusted via command-line flags such as @DFlag{jobs}.
+If @racket[options] has a mapping for @racket['args], the value is
+used as the command-line arguments to parse instead of
+@racket[(hash-ref (system-env) 'args)]. If @racket[options] has a
+mapping for @racket['usage], the value is used as the usage options
+@defproc[(build/command-line* [targets-at (procedure? hash? . -> . (listof target?))]
+                              [at-dir (path-string? ... . -> . path-string?) build-path]
+                              [options hash? (hash)])
+         void?]{
+Adds a layer of target-variable parsing to
+@racket[build/command-line]. Command-line arguments of the form
+@nonterm{name}@litchar{=}@nonterm{value} are parsed as variable
+assignments, where @nonterm{name} is formed by @litchar{a}-@litchar{z},
+@litchar{A}-@litchar{Z}, @litchar{_}, and @litchar{0}-@litchar{9}, but
+not starting @litchar{0}-@litchar{9}. These variables can appear
+anywhere in the command line and are removed from the argument list
+sent on to @racket[build/command-line], but no argument after a
+@racket{--} argument is parsed as a variable assignment.
+The @racket[targets-at] procedure is applied to @racket[at-dir] and a
+hash table of variables, where each variable name is converted to a
+symbol and the value is left exact as after @litchar{=}.}
+@defproc[(find-target [name string?]
+                      [targets (listof target?)]
+                      [fail-k procedure? (lambda () (error ....))])
+         (or/c target? #f)]{
+Finds the first target in @racket[targets] that is a match for
+@racket[name], returning @racket[#f] is not match is found. A
+@racket[name] matches when it is the same as n entire symbol or path
+target name or when it matches a suffix that is preceded by
+@litchar{/} or @litchar{\\}. If no match is found, @racket[fail-k]
+is called in tail position.}
+@defproc[(make-at-dir [path path-string?]) (path-string?  ... . -> . path-string?)]{
+Creates a function that is similar to on created by @racket[at-source],
+but relative to @racket[path].}
+@defproc[(command-target? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(command-target->target [target command-target?]
+                                 [args list?])
+         target?]
+The @racket[command-target?] predicate recognizes a target with the
+@racket['target?] option, and @racket[command-target->target] converts
+such a target to one where @racket[args] are the argument when the
+target is built.}
+@defproc[(file-sha1 [file path-string?] [token (or/c token? #f)]) sha1?]
+@defproc[(sha1? [v any/c]) booelan?]
+The @racket[file-sha1] procedure returns the SHA-1 hash of the content
+of @racket[file], or it returns @racket[no-sha1] if @racket[file] does
+not exist.
+The @racket[sha1?] predicate recognizes values that are either a
+40-character string or @racket[no-sha1].}
+@defthing[no-sha1 sha1? ""]{
+The empty string represents a non-existent target or one that needs to
+be rebuilt.}
+@defform[(provide-targets targets-at-id)]{
+Provides @racket[targets-at-id] as @racketidfont{targets-at}, and
+creates a @racketidfont{main} submodule that runs
+@racket[(build/command-line* targets-at-id build-path)]. A script
+using @racket[provide-targets] thus works as a makefile-like script or
+as an input to a larger build.}
+@defform[(bounce-to-targets config-file-expr key-symbol-expr script-file-expr)]{
+Chains to targets from (the path produced by)
+@racket[script-file-expr] relative to the directory recorded in (the
+file whose path is produced by) @racket[config-file-expr] using the
+key (produced by) @racket[key-symbol-expr], supplying the enclosing
+script's directory as the target directory.
+The path produced by @racket[config-file-expr] is interpreted relative
+to the enclosing module. If the path in that file for
+@racket[key-symbol-expr] is relative, it is treated relative to the
+@racket[config-file-expr] path.
+See @secref["build-targets"] for an explanation of how
+@racket[bounce-to-targets] is useful. The expansion of
+@racket[bounce-to-targets] is roughly as follows:
+  (define config (config-file->hash (at-source config-file-expr)))
+  (define at-config-dir (make-at-dir (or (car (split-path config-file)) ".")))
+  (define script-file (at-config-dir (hash-ref config key-symbol-expr)
+                                     script-file-expr))
+  (build/command-line* (dynamic-require script-file 'targets-at)
+                       at-source)
+@defproc[(make-targets [specs list?]) list?]{
+Converts a @tt{make}-like specification into a list of targets for use
+with @racket[build]. In this @tt{make}-like specification, extra
+dependencies can be listed separately from a build rule, and
+dependencies can be written in terms of paths instead of @tech{target}
+Although it might seem natural for this @tt{make}-like specification
+to be provided as a syntactic form, typical makefiles use patterns and
+variables to generate sets of rules. In Zuo, @racket[map] and similar
+are available for generating sets of rules. So, @racket[make-targets]
+takes an S-expression representation of the declaration as
+@racket[specs], and plain old quasiquote and splicing can be used to
+construct @racket[specs].
+The @racket[specs] argument is a list of @defterm{lines}, where each
+line has one of the following shapes:
+  `[:target ,_path (,_dep-path-or-target ...) ,_build-proc ,_option ...]
+  `[:depend ,_path (,_dep-path-or-target ...)]
+  `[:target (,_path ...) (,_dep-path-or-target ...) ,_build-proc ,_option ...]
+  `[:depend (,_path ...) (,_dep-path-or-target ...)]
+  `[:db-dir ,_path]
+A @racket[':target] line defines a build rule that is implemented by
+@racket[_build-proc], while a @racket[':depend] line adds extra
+dependencies for a @racket[_path] that also has a @racket[':target]
+line. A @racket[':depend] line with multiple @racket[_path]s is the
+same as a sequence of @racket[':depend] lines with the same
+@racket[_dep-path-or-target] list, but a @racket[':target] line with multiple
+@racket[_path]s creates a single target that builds all of the
+In @racket[':target] and @racket[':depend] lines, a @racket[_path] is
+normally a path string, but it can be a symbol for a @tech{phony}
+target. When a @racket[':target] has multiple @racket[_path]s, they
+must all be path strings.
+A @racket[_build-proc] accepts a path (if not phony) and a @tech{build
+token}, just like a @racket[_get-deps] procedure for @racket[target],
+but @racket[_build-proc] should build the target like the
+@racket[_rebuild] procedure for @racket[rule] (or @racket[phony-rule]).
+When a @racket[':target] line has multiple @racket[_path]s, only the
+first one is passed to the @racket[_build-proc].
+A @racket[_dep-path-or-target] is normally a path string. If it is the
+same path as the @racket[_path] of a @racket[':target] line, then a
+dependency is established on that target. If
+@racket[_dep-path-or-target] is any other path string, it is coerced
+to an input-file target. A @racket[_dep-path-or-target] can also be a
+target that is created outside the @racket[make-targets] call.
+An @racket[_option] can be @racket[':precious], @racket[':command],
+@racket[':noisy], @racket[':quiet], or @racket[':eager] to set the
+corresponding option (see @racket[target]) in a target.}
+A @racket[':db-dir] line (appearing at most once) specifies where
+build information should be recorded for all targets. Otherwise, the
+build result for each target is stored in the target's directory.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/zuo-lib.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,318 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@(require scribble/bnf
+          (for-label zuo-doc/fake-zuo
+                     racket/contract/base)
+          "real-racket.rkt"
+          "defzuomodule.rkt")
+@title[#:tag "zuo-lib" #:style '(toc)]{Zuo Libraries}
+The @racketmodname[zuo] language includes libraries added to
+@racketmodname[zuo/base] to support scripting and build tasks.
+@; ------------------------------------------------------------
+@section[#:tag "zuo-cmdline"]{Command-Line Parsing}
+@defform[#:literals(:program :usage :args-in :init :multi :once-each :once-any :args)
+         (command-line flag-clause ... args-clause)
+         #:grammar ([flag-clause (code:line :program expr)
+                                 (code:line :usage expr)
+                                 (code:line :args-in expr)
+                                 (code:line :init expr)
+                                 (code:line :multi flag-spec ...)
+                                 (code:line :once-each flag-spec ...)
+                                 (code:line :once-any flag-spec ...)]
+                    [flag-spec (accum-id flags id ... help-spec
+                                         accum-body ...+)
+                               (flags id ... help-spec
+                                      proc-body ...+)]
+                    [flags string
+                           (string ...)]
+                    [help-spec string
+                               (string-expr ...)]
+                    [args-clause code:blank
+                                 (code:line :args args-formals
+                                                  proc-body ...)])]{
+Analogous to @realracket*[command-line] from
+One small difference is that @racket[:args-in] is used to specify a
+list of incoming arguments instead of @racket[#:argv] for an incoming
+vector of arguments. The default @racket[:args-in] uses
+@racket[(hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args '())]. Another difference is the
+addition of @racket[:usage], which supplies a usage-options string
+as an alternative to the one inferred from an @racket[:args] clause.
+A more significant difference is that @racketmodname[zuo] does not
+have mutable data structures, so an explicit accumulator must be
+threaded through flag parsing. An @racket[:init] clause provides the
+initial accumulator value defaulting to @racket[(hash)]. Each
+@racket[flag-spec] either starts with an @racket[accum-id], which is
+bound to the value accumulated so far, or its body produces a function
+to receive the accumulated value; either way, the result of the body
+or procedure is a new accumulated value. Finally, the body of an
+@racket[args-clause] must produce a function to receive the
+accumulated value.}
+@; ------------------------------------------------------------
+@section[#:tag "zuo-glob"]{Glob Matching}
+@defproc[(glob->matcher [glob string?]) procedure?]{
+Creates a procedure that takes a string and reports @racket[#t] if the
+string matches the pattern @racket[glob], @racket[#f] otherwise.
+The pattern language of @racket[glob] is based on shell globbing:
+ @item{@litchar{?} matches any character;}
+ @item{@litchar{*} matches any squence of characters; and}
+ @item{@litchar{[}@italic{range}@litchar{]} matches any character in
+       @italic{range}, and @litchar{[^}@italic{range}@litchar{]}
+       matches any character not in @italic{range}.}
+In a @italic{range}, most characters stand for themselves as elements
+of the range, including @litchar{*} and @litchar{?}, including
+@litchar{]} when it appears first, and including @litchar{-} when it
+appears first or last. When @litchar{-} appears between two characters
+in @italic{range}, then the second character's value must be at least
+as large as the first, and all character in from the first (inclusive)
+to the second (inclusive) are included in the range.
+A leading @litchar{.} or a @litchar{/} in an input string are not
+treated specially. That is, @racket["*"] matches @racket[".apple"] and
+@racket["a/pple"] as well as @racket["apple"]. Use @racket[split-path]
+and a secondary check for a leading @litchar{.} to imitate shell-like
+path-sensitive globbing.}
+@defproc[(glob-match? [glob string?] [str string?]) boolean?]{
+Equivalent to @racket[((glob->matcher glob) str)].}
+@; ------------------------------------------------------------
+@section[#:tag "zuo-thread"]{Cooperative Threads}
+To use cooperative threads, create a @deftech{threading context} with
+@racket[call-in-main-thread], and perform a thread operations---such
+as creating a new thread with @racket[thread] or a channel with
+@racket[channel]---during the body of the thunk provided to
+@racket[call-in-main-thread]. Threads can block either on channels or
+on a process handle as from @racket[process]. Only one thread runs at
+a time, where a thread switch happens only when a thread terminates or
+uses a (potentially) blocking operation.
+@defproc[(call-in-main-thread [thunk procedure]) any/c]{
+Creates a new @tech{threading context}, calling @racket[thunk] in the
+main thread of the context, and returning the value of @racket[thunk]
+after all threads in the context have either completed or are blocked
+on a channel. An error is reported if no thread can run and the main
+thread is blocked on a channel.}
+@defproc[(thread [thunk procedure?]) thread?]
+@defproc[(thread? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(channel) channel?]
+@defproc[(channel? [v any/c]) boolean?]
+@defproc[(channel-put [ch channel?] [v any/c]) channel?]
+@defproc[(channel-get [ch channel?]) any/c]
+Analogous to @realracket*[thread thread? make-channel channel? channel-put
+channel-get] from @racketmodname[racket], but channels are
+asynchronous (with an unbounded queue) instead of synchronous.
+Except for @racket[thread?] and @racket[channel?], these procedures
+can be used only in a @tech{threading context}. A channel can be used
+only in the threading context where it was created.
+Beware that attempting to use these operations outside of a threading
+context will @emph{not} necessarily trigger an error, and may instead
+deliver an opaque threading request to the enclosing continuation
+@defproc[(thread-process-wait [process handle?] ...) handle?]{
+Like @racket[process-wait], but can only be used in a @tech{threading
+context}, and counts as a blocking operation that can allow other
+threads to run.}
+@; ------------------------------------------------------------
+@section[#:tag "zuo-shell"]{Shell Commands}
+@defproc[(shell [command string-tree?] ... [options hash? (hash)]) hash?]{
+Like @racket[process], but runs the combination of @racket[command]
+strings as a shell command (via @exec{/bin/sh} on Unix or
+@exec{cmd.exe} on Windows).
+The @racket[command] strings are combined into a single command string
+in the same as by @racket[build-shell]. Spaces in a @racket[command]
+are left as-is; so, for example, @racket["ls -a"] as a sole
+@racket[command] string is the same as a sequence @racket["ls"] then
+@racket["-a"]. Use @racket[string->shell] to protect characters like
+spaces, and especially to convert from a path (that might have spaces
+or other special characters) to part of a command.}
+@defproc[(shell/wait [command string-tree?] ... [options hash? (hash)])
+         void?]{
+Like @racket[shell], but first @racket[displayln]s the command string,
+uses @racket[thread-process-wait] (or @racket[process-wait] if
+@racket[options] has a true value for @racket['no-thread?]) to wait on
+the shell process, and reports an error if the process has a
+non-@racket[0] exit code.
+If @racket[options] includes @racket['quiet?] mapped to a true value,
+then @racket[command] is not shown using @racket[displayln]. If
+@racket[options] includes @racket['desc] mapped to a string value, the
+string is used in place of @racket["shell command"] when reporting an
+error. Any @racket['quiet?], @racket['no-thread?], or @racket['desc]
+mapping is removed from @racket[options] before passing it on to
+@defproc[(build-shell [shell-strs string-tree?] ...) string?]{
+Appends the flattened @racket[shell-strs] sequence with separating
+spaces to form a larger shell-command sequence. An empty-string among
+@racket[shell-strs] is dropped, instead of creating extra spaces.
+Note that @racket[build-shell] does @emph{not} attempt to protect any of the
+@racket[shell-strs] as a literal. Use @racket[string->shell] to convert
+an individual path or literal string to a shell-command argument
+encoding that string.}
+@; ------------------------------------------------------------
+@section[#:tag "zuo-c"]{C Tools}
+The C-tool procedures provided by @racketmodname[zuo/c] accept a
+@deftech{tool configuration} hash table to describe a C compiler,
+linker, archiver, and associated flags. When potential configuration
+is missing, a default suitable for the current system is used. Values
+in a tool configuration hash table are shell-command fragments, not
+individual arguments. For example, it could make sense to configure
+@racket['CC] as @racket["libtool cc"], which would run @exec{libtool}
+in compilation mode, instead of trying to run a compile whose
+executable name includes a space.
+The following keys are recognized in a tool configuration:
+@item{@racket['CC]: a C compiler}
+@item{@racket['CPPFLAGS]: C preprocessor flags}
+@item{@racket['CFLAGS]: C compilation and linking flags}
+@item{@racket['LDFLAGS]: C linker flags}
+@item{@racket['LIBS]: additional C libraries}
+@item{@racket['AR]: library archiver}
+@item{@racket['ARFLAGS]: library archiver flags}
+@defproc*[([(c-compile [.o path-string?] [.c path-string?] [config hash?]) void?]
+           [(c-compile [out path-string?] [ins (listof path-string?)] [config hash?]) void?])]{
+Compiles @racket[.c] to @racket[.o] using the @tech{tool
+configuration} @racket[config], or combines compiling and linking by
+with @racket[ins] compiled and linked to @racket[out] using
+@defproc[(c-link [.exe path-string?] [ins (listof path-string?)] [config hash?]) void?]{
+Links the files @racket[ins] to create the executable @racket[.exe]
+using the @tech{tool configuration} @racket[config].}
+@defproc[(c-ar [.a path-string?] [ins (listof path-string?)] [config hash?]) void?]{
+Combines the object files @racket[ins] to create the archive
+@racket[.a] using the @tech{tool configuration} @racket[config].}
+@defproc[(.c->.o [.c path-string?]) path-string?]{
+Adjusts the filename @racket[.c] to be the conventional name of its
+compiled object file on the current system.}
+@defproc[(.exe [name path-string?]) path-string?]{
+Adds @filepath{.exe} to the end of @racket[name] if conventional on
+the current system.}
+@defproc[(.a [name path-string?]) path-string?]{
+Derives the conventional archive name for a library @racket[name] on
+the current system.}
+@defproc[(config-merge [config hash?] [key symbol?] [shell-str string?]) hash?]{
+Adds @racket[shell-str] to the shell-command fragment for @racket[key]
+in the @tech{tool configuration} @racket[config].}
+@defproc[(config-include [config hash?] [path path-string?] ...) hash?]{
+Adds the @racket[path]s as include directories in the @tech{tool
+configuration} @racket[config].}
+@defproc[(config-define [config hash?] [def string?] ...) hash?]{
+Adds the preprocessor definitions @racket[def]s to preprocessor flags
+in the @tech{tool configuration} @racket[config].}
+@; ------------------------------------------------------------
+@section[#:tag "zuo-config"]{Configuration Parsing}
+@defproc[(config-file->hash [file path-string?] [overrides hash? (hash)]) hash?]{
+Parses @racket[file] as having configuration lines of the form
+@nonterm{name} @litchar{=} @nonterm{value}, with any number of ignored
+spaces at the start of the line, end of the line, or around the
+@litchar{=}, and with a trailing @litchar{\} on a line deleted along
+with its newline (to create a single line). Each @nonterm{name}
+consists of alphanumeric characters and @litchar{_}; the symbol form
+of the name is used as a key in the resulting hash table, mapped to
+the @nonterm{value} as a string. Lines in @racket[file] that do not
+match the configuration format are ignored. If a same @nonterm{name}
+is configured multiple times, the last mapping overrides earlier
+After reading @racket[file], keys from @racket[overrides] are merged
+to the result hash table, where values in @racket[overrides] replace
+ones read from @racket[file].}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo-doc/zuo.scrbl
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#lang scribble/manual
+@title{Zuo: A Tiny Racket for Scripting}
+You should use Racket to write scripts. But for the case where you
+need something much smaller than Racket for some reason, or the case
+you're trying to script the build of Racket itself, Zuo is a tiny
+Racket with primitives for dealing with files and running processes.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo.c
@@ -1,0 +1,6948 @@
+/* Like Zuo overall, the kernel implementation here is layered as much
+   as possible. There should be little need for forward function
+   declarations. */
+#define ZUO_VERSION 1
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
+# define ZUO_WINDOWS
+# define ZUO_UNIX
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+# include <fcntl.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+# include <errno.h>
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/wait.h>
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <sys/time.h>
+# include <time.h>
+# include <dirent.h>
+# include <signal.h>
+# include <windows.h>
+# include <direct.h>
+# include <io.h>
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <fcntl.h>
+#if 0
+# include <assert.h>
+# define ASSERT(x) assert(x)
+# define ASSERT(x) do { } while (0)
+/* `zuo_int_t` should be a 64-bit integer type, so we don't have to
+   worry about Y2038 or large file sizes. `zuo_int32_t` should be a
+   32-bit integer type, obviously. `zuo_intptr_t` is an integer the
+   same width as a pointer. */
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef int64_t zuo_int_t;
+typedef uint64_t zuo_uint_t;
+typedef int32_t zuo_int32_t;
+typedef uint32_t zuo_uint32_t;
+typedef intptr_t zuo_intptr_t;
+typedef int zuo_raw_handle_t;
+/* avoiding stdint to work with very old compilers */
+typedef long long zuo_int_t;
+typedef unsigned long long zuo_uint_t;
+typedef int zuo_int32_t;
+typedef unsigned int zuo_uint32_t;
+# ifdef _WIN64
+typedef long long zuo_intptr_t;
+# else
+typedef long zuo_intptr_t;
+# endif
+typedef HANDLE zuo_raw_handle_t;
+/* the "image.zuo" script looks for this line: */
+#ifndef ZUO_LIB_PATH
+# define ZUO_LIB_PATH "lib"
+static const char *zuo_lib_path = ZUO_LIB_PATH;
+# include "zuo.h"
+/* configurable lower bound on how much space to use: */
+# define ZUO_MIN_HEAP_SIZE (32*1024*1024)
+/* run-time configuration                                               */
+static const char *zuo_file_logging = NULL;
+static int zuo_logging = 0;
+static int zuo_probe_each = 0;
+static int zuo_probe_counter = 0;
+static void zuo_configure() {
+  const char *s;
+  if ((s = getenv("ZUO_LIB_PATH"))) {
+    zuo_lib_path = s;
+  }
+  if (getenv("ZUO_LOG"))
+    zuo_logging = 1;
+  if ((s = getenv("ZUO_PROBE_EACH"))) {
+    while (isdigit(*s)) {
+      zuo_probe_each = (zuo_probe_each * 10) + (s[0] - '0');
+      s++;
+    }
+  }
+/* object layouts                                                       */
+typedef enum {
+  zuo_singleton_tag,
+  zuo_pair_tag,
+  zuo_integer_tag,
+  zuo_string_tag,
+  zuo_symbol_tag,
+  zuo_trie_node_tag,
+  zuo_variable_tag,
+  zuo_primitive_tag,
+  zuo_closure_tag,
+  zuo_handle_tag,
+  zuo_opaque_tag,
+  zuo_cont_tag,
+  zuo_forwarded_tag
+} zuo_tag_t;
+typedef struct zuo_t {
+  zuo_int32_t tag;
+  /* every subtype must have more to make it at least as
+     large as `zuo_forwarded_t` */
+} zuo_t;
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_t *forward;
+} zuo_forwarded_t;
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_int32_t index;
+} zuo_fasl_forwarded_t;
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_int_t i;
+} zuo_integer_t;
+#define ZUO_INT_I(p)  (((zuo_integer_t *)(p))->i)
+#define ZUO_UINT_I(p) ((zuo_uint_t)(((zuo_integer_t *)(p))->i))
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_t *car;
+  zuo_t *cdr;
+} zuo_pair_t;
+#define ZUO_CAR(p) (((zuo_pair_t *)(p))->car)
+#define ZUO_CDR(p) (((zuo_pair_t *)(p))->cdr)
+# define _zuo_car(p) zuo_car(p)
+# define _zuo_cdr(p) zuo_cdr(p)
+# define _zuo_car(p) ZUO_CAR(p)
+# define _zuo_cdr(p) ZUO_CDR(p)
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_intptr_t len; /* must be at the same place as forwarding */
+  unsigned char s[1];
+} zuo_string_t;
+/* Since `len` overlaps with forwarding, we can tentatively get the "length" from any object */
+#define ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj) (((zuo_string_t *)(obj))->len)
+#define ZUO_STRING_ALLOC_SIZE(len) (sizeof(zuo_string_t) + (len))
+#define ZUO_STRING_PTR(obj) ((char *)&((zuo_string_t *)(obj))->s)
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_int32_t id;
+  zuo_t *str;
+} zuo_symbol_t;
+typedef struct zuo_trie_node_t {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_int_t count;
+  zuo_t *key;
+  zuo_t *val;
+  struct zuo_t* next[ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR];
+} zuo_trie_node_t;
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_t *name;
+  zuo_t *val;
+} zuo_variable_t;
+typedef zuo_t *(*zuo_dispatcher_proc_t)(void *proc, zuo_t *arguments);
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_dispatcher_proc_t dispatcher;
+  void *proc;
+  zuo_int32_t arity_mask;
+  zuo_t *name;
+} zuo_primitive_t;
+/* only try to count up to this high for arity checking: */
+#define ZUO_MAX_PRIM_ARITY 10
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_t *lambda;
+  zuo_t *env;
+} zuo_closure_t;
+typedef enum {
+  zuo_handle_open_fd_in_status,
+  zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status,
+  zuo_handle_closed_status,
+  zuo_handle_process_running_status,
+  zuo_handle_process_done_status,
+  zuo_handle_cleanable_status,
+} zuo_handle_status_t;
+typedef struct zuo_handle_t {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_int_t id;
+  union {
+    struct {
+      zuo_handle_status_t status;
+      union {
+        zuo_raw_handle_t handle;
+        zuo_int_t result;
+      } u;
+    } h;
+    zuo_t *forward; /* make sure the object is big enough */
+  } u;
+} zuo_handle_t;
+#define ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(obj) (((zuo_handle_t *)(obj))->u.h.u.handle)
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_t *tag;
+  zuo_t *val;
+} zuo_opaque_t;
+typedef enum {
+  zuo_apply_cont,
+  zuo_begin_cont,
+  zuo_let_cont,
+  zuo_if_cont,
+  zuo_done_cont
+} zuo_cont_tag_t;
+typedef struct zuo_cont_t {
+  zuo_t obj;
+  zuo_cont_tag_t tag;
+  zuo_t *data;
+  zuo_t *env;
+  zuo_t *in_proc; /* string or #f */
+  zuo_t *next;
+} zuo_cont_t;
+/* GC roots: */
+static struct {
+  /* Roots kept in an image dump: */
+  struct {
+    /* singleton values */
+    zuo_t *o_undefined; /* internal use only */
+    zuo_t *o_true;
+    zuo_t *o_false;
+    zuo_t *o_null;
+    zuo_t *o_eof;
+    zuo_t *o_void;
+    zuo_t *o_empty_hash;
+    /* sentinel for the interpreter */
+    zuo_t *o_done_k;
+    /* intrinsic functions that manipulate interpreter state */
+    zuo_t *o_apply;
+    zuo_t *o_call_cc;
+    zuo_t *o_call_prompt;
+    zuo_t *o_kernel_eval;
+    /* private primitives */
+    zuo_t *o_kernel_read_string;
+    zuo_t *o_module_to_hash_star;
+    zuo_t *o_get_read_and_eval;
+    zuo_t *o_register_module;
+    /* symbol table, root environment, and modules */
+    zuo_t *o_intern_table;
+    zuo_t *o_top_env;
+    zuo_t *o_modules;
+    /* symbols for kernel core forms */
+    zuo_t *o_quote_symbol;
+    zuo_t *o_lambda_symbol;
+    zuo_t *o_let_symbol;
+    zuo_t *o_begin_symbol;
+    zuo_t *o_if_symbol;
+  } image;
+  /* Roots that are not included in a dump: */
+  struct {
+    /* CEK-style interp--continue registers */
+    zuo_t *o_interp_e;
+    zuo_t *o_interp_v;
+    zuo_t *o_interp_env;
+    zuo_t *o_interp_k;
+    zuo_t *o_interp_in_proc; /* used for a stack trace on error */
+    zuo_t *o_interp_meta_k; /* list of (cons <cont> <tag>) */
+    /* for cycle detection */
+    zuo_t *o_pending_modules;
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    /* process status table and fd table */
+    zuo_t *o_pid_table;
+    zuo_t *o_fd_table;
+    zuo_t *o_cleanable_table;
+    /* startup info */
+    zuo_t *o_library_path;
+    zuo_t *o_runtime_env;
+    /* data to save across a GC that's possibly triggered by interp */
+    zuo_t *o_stash;
+  } runtime;
+} zuo_roots;
+#define z zuo_roots.image
+#define Z zuo_roots.runtime
+static zuo_int32_t zuo_symbol_count = 0;
+static zuo_int32_t zuo_handle_count = 0;
+/* sanity checks                                                        */
+void zuo_panic(const char *s) {
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
+  exit(1);
+void zuo_check_sanity() {
+  if (sizeof(zuo_int32_t) != 4)
+    zuo_panic("wrong int32 size");
+  if (sizeof(zuo_int_t) != 8)
+    zuo_panic("wrong int size");
+  if ((void*)&(((zuo_string_t *)NULL)->len) != (void*)&(((zuo_forwarded_t *)NULL)->forward))
+    zuo_panic("string len field misplaced");
+/* signal forward declarations                                          */
+static zuo_t *zuo_resume_signal();
+static zuo_t *zuo_suspend_signal();
+/* memory manager                                                       */
+#define ALLOC_ALIGN(i) (((i) + (sizeof(zuo_intptr_t) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(zuo_intptr_t) -1))
+static zuo_int_t heap_size = ZUO_MIN_HEAP_SIZE;
+static void *to_space = NULL;
+static zuo_int_t allocation_offset = 0;
+static zuo_int_t total_allocation = 0;
+static zuo_int_t gc_threshold = 0;
+typedef struct old_space_t {
+  void *space;
+  struct old_space_t *next;
+} old_space_t;
+static old_space_t *old_spaces;
+static zuo_t *zuo_new(int tag, zuo_int_t size) {
+  zuo_t *obj;
+  ASSERT(size >= sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+  size = ALLOC_ALIGN(size);
+  if (to_space == NULL) {
+    to_space = malloc(heap_size);
+    gc_threshold = heap_size;
+  }
+  if (allocation_offset + size > heap_size) {
+    old_space_t *new_old_spaces;
+    new_old_spaces = malloc(sizeof(old_space_t));
+    new_old_spaces->space = to_space;
+    new_old_spaces->next = old_spaces;
+    old_spaces = new_old_spaces;
+    if (heap_size < size)
+      heap_size = size * 2;
+    to_space = malloc(heap_size);
+    allocation_offset = 0;
+  }
+  obj = (zuo_t *)((char *)to_space + allocation_offset);
+  obj->tag = tag;
+  allocation_offset += size;
+  total_allocation += size;
+  return obj;
+static zuo_int_t object_size(zuo_int32_t tag, zuo_int_t maybe_string_len) {
+  switch(tag) {
+  case zuo_singleton_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t);
+  case zuo_integer_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_integer_t);
+  case zuo_string_tag:
+    return ZUO_STRING_ALLOC_SIZE(maybe_string_len);
+  case zuo_pair_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_pair_t);
+  case zuo_symbol_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_symbol_t);
+  case zuo_trie_node_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_trie_node_t);
+  case zuo_variable_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_variable_t);
+  case zuo_primitive_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_primitive_t);
+  case zuo_closure_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_closure_t);
+  case zuo_handle_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_handle_t);
+  case zuo_opaque_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_opaque_t);
+  case zuo_cont_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_cont_t);
+  default:
+  case zuo_forwarded_tag:
+    return sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t);
+  }
+void zuo_update(zuo_t **addr_to_update) {
+  zuo_t *obj = *addr_to_update;
+  if (obj->tag != zuo_forwarded_tag) {
+    zuo_int_t size = ALLOC_ALIGN(object_size(obj->tag, ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj)));
+    zuo_t *new_obj = (zuo_t *)((char *)to_space + allocation_offset);
+    allocation_offset += size;
+    memcpy(new_obj, obj, size);
+    obj->tag = zuo_forwarded_tag;
+    ((zuo_forwarded_t *)obj)->forward = new_obj;
+  }
+  *addr_to_update = ((zuo_forwarded_t *)obj)->forward;
+static void zuo_trace(zuo_t *obj) {
+  switch(obj->tag) {
+  case zuo_singleton_tag:
+  case zuo_integer_tag:
+  case zuo_string_tag:
+  case zuo_handle_tag:
+  case zuo_forwarded_tag:
+    break;
+  case zuo_pair_tag:
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_pair_t *)obj)->car);
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_pair_t *)obj)->cdr);
+    break;
+  case zuo_symbol_tag:
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_symbol_t *)obj)->str);
+    break;
+  case zuo_trie_node_tag:
+    {
+      int i;
+      zuo_update(&((zuo_trie_node_t *)obj)->key);
+      zuo_update(&((zuo_trie_node_t *)obj)->val);
+      for (i = 0; i < ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR; i++)
+        zuo_update(&((zuo_trie_node_t *)obj)->next[i]);
+    }
+    break;
+  case zuo_variable_tag:
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_variable_t *)obj)->name);
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_variable_t *)obj)->val);
+    break;
+  case zuo_primitive_tag:
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_primitive_t *)obj)->name);
+    break;
+  case zuo_closure_tag:
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_closure_t *)obj)->lambda);
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_closure_t *)obj)->env);
+    break;
+  case zuo_opaque_tag:
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->tag);
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->val);
+    break;
+  case zuo_cont_tag:
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_cont_t *)obj)->data);
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_cont_t *)obj)->env);
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_cont_t *)obj)->in_proc);
+    zuo_update(&((zuo_cont_t *)obj)->next);
+    break;
+  }
+static void zuo_trace_objects() {
+  zuo_int_t trace_offset = 0;
+  while (trace_offset < allocation_offset) {
+    zuo_t *obj = (zuo_t *)((char *)to_space + trace_offset);
+    zuo_trace(obj);
+    trace_offset += ALLOC_ALIGN(object_size(obj->tag, ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj)));
+  }
+static void zuo_finish_gc(void *old_space, old_space_t *old_old_spaces) {
+  free(old_space);
+  while (old_old_spaces != NULL) {
+    old_space_t *next_old_old_spaces = old_old_spaces->next;
+    free(old_old_spaces->space);
+    free(old_old_spaces);
+    old_old_spaces = next_old_old_spaces;
+  }
+  total_allocation = allocation_offset;
+  gc_threshold = total_allocation * 2;
+  if (gc_threshold < ZUO_MIN_HEAP_SIZE)
+    gc_threshold = ZUO_MIN_HEAP_SIZE;
+static void zuo_collect() {
+  void *old_space = to_space;
+  old_space_t *old_old_spaces = old_spaces;
+  zuo_suspend_signal();
+  old_spaces = NULL;
+  heap_size = total_allocation;
+  to_space = malloc(heap_size);
+  allocation_offset = 0;
+  /* roots */
+  {
+    zuo_t **p = (zuo_t **)&zuo_roots;
+    int i, len;
+    len = sizeof(zuo_roots) / sizeof(zuo_t*);
+    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+      zuo_update(p+i);
+    }
+  }
+  /* collect */
+  zuo_trace_objects();
+  /* cleanup */
+  zuo_finish_gc(old_space, old_old_spaces);
+  zuo_resume_signal();
+static void zuo_check_collect() {
+  if (total_allocation >= gc_threshold)
+    zuo_collect();
+static void zuo_replace_heap(void *space, zuo_int_t size, zuo_int_t offset) {
+  allocation_offset = offset;
+  zuo_finish_gc(to_space, old_spaces);
+  old_spaces = NULL;
+  heap_size = size;
+  to_space = space;
+/* table of primitives used for fasl                                    */
+static zuo_primitive_t zuo_registered_prims[ZUO_MAX_PRIMITIVE_COUNT];
+static int zuo_registered_prim_count;
+static void zuo_register_primitive(zuo_dispatcher_proc_t dispatcher, void *proc, zuo_int32_t arity_mask) {
+  if (zuo_registered_prim_count == ZUO_MAX_PRIMITIVE_COUNT)
+    zuo_panic("primitive table is too small");
+  zuo_registered_prims[zuo_registered_prim_count].dispatcher = dispatcher;
+  zuo_registered_prims[zuo_registered_prim_count].proc = proc;
+  zuo_registered_prims[zuo_registered_prim_count].arity_mask = arity_mask;
+  zuo_registered_prim_count++;
+static zuo_int32_t zuo_primitive_to_id(zuo_primitive_t *obj) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < zuo_registered_prim_count; i++)
+    if (obj->proc == zuo_registered_prims[i].proc)
+      return i;
+  zuo_panic("could not find primitive");
+  return 0;
+static void zuo_id_to_primitive(zuo_int32_t i, zuo_primitive_t *obj) {
+  obj->dispatcher = zuo_registered_prims[i].dispatcher;
+  obj->proc = zuo_registered_prims[i].proc;
+  obj->arity_mask = zuo_registered_prims[i].arity_mask;
+/* heap fasl                                                            */
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_int32_t magic;
+  zuo_int32_t map_size;      /* in int32s */
+  zuo_int32_t image_size;    /* in int32s */
+  zuo_int32_t symbol_count;
+} zuo_fasl_header_t;
+static zuo_int32_t zuo_magic() {
+  /* gets magic specific to the current machine's endianness */
+  return *(zuo_int32_t *)"\0zuo";
+typedef enum {
+  zuo_fasl_out,
+  zuo_fasl_in
+} zuo_fasl_mode_t;
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_fasl_mode_t mode;
+} zuo_fasl_stream_t;
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_fasl_stream_t stream;
+  void *heap, *shadow_heap;
+  zuo_int32_t heap_size;
+  zuo_t **objs;
+  zuo_int32_t *map; /* offset in image */
+  zuo_int32_t map_size, map_offset;
+  zuo_int32_t *image;
+  zuo_int32_t image_size, image_offset;
+} zuo_fasl_stream_out_t;
+typedef struct {
+  zuo_fasl_stream_t stream;
+  void *heap;
+  zuo_int32_t heap_size;
+  zuo_int32_t *map;
+  zuo_int32_t *image;
+  zuo_int32_t offset;
+} zuo_fasl_stream_in_t;
+static void zuo_ensure_image_room(zuo_fasl_stream_out_t *stream) {
+  if (stream->image_size == stream->image_offset) {
+    zuo_int32_t *new_image = malloc(stream->image_size * 2 * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+    memcpy(new_image, stream->image, (stream->image_offset) * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+    free(stream->image);
+    stream->image = new_image;
+    stream->image_size *= 2;
+  }
+static void zuo_ensure_map_room(zuo_fasl_stream_out_t *stream) {
+  if (stream->map_size == stream->map_offset) {
+    zuo_t **new_objs = malloc(stream->map_size * 2 * sizeof(zuo_t*));
+    zuo_int32_t *new_map = malloc(stream->map_size * 2 * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+    memcpy(new_objs, stream->objs, (stream->map_offset) * sizeof(zuo_t*));
+    memcpy(new_map, stream->map, (stream->map_offset) * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+    free(stream->objs);
+    free(stream->map);
+    stream->objs = new_objs;
+    stream->map = new_map;
+    stream->map_size *= 2;
+  }
+static void zuo_fasl_ref(zuo_t **_obj, zuo_fasl_stream_t *_stream) {
+  if (_stream->mode == zuo_fasl_in) {
+    zuo_fasl_stream_in_t *stream = (zuo_fasl_stream_in_t *)_stream;
+    zuo_int32_t delta = stream->map[stream->image[stream->offset++]];
+    *_obj = (zuo_t *)((char *)stream->heap + delta);
+  } else {
+    zuo_fasl_stream_out_t *stream = (zuo_fasl_stream_out_t *)_stream;
+    zuo_t *obj = *_obj;
+    zuo_intptr_t delta = ((char *)obj) - ((char *)stream->heap);
+    zuo_t *shadow_obj = (zuo_t *)(((char *)stream->shadow_heap) + delta);
+    ASSERT((delta >= 0) && (delta < stream->heap_size));
+    zuo_ensure_image_room(stream);
+    if (shadow_obj->tag == zuo_forwarded_tag) {
+      stream->image[stream->image_offset++] = ((zuo_fasl_forwarded_t *)shadow_obj)->index;
+    } else {
+      zuo_ensure_map_room(stream);
+      shadow_obj->tag = zuo_forwarded_tag;
+      ((zuo_fasl_forwarded_t *)shadow_obj)->index = stream->map_offset;
+      stream->image[stream->image_offset++] = stream->map_offset;
+      stream->objs[stream->map_offset++] = *_obj;
+    }
+  }
+static void zuo_fasl_int32(zuo_int32_t *_i, zuo_fasl_stream_t *_stream) {
+  if (_stream->mode == zuo_fasl_in) {
+    zuo_fasl_stream_in_t *stream = (zuo_fasl_stream_in_t *)_stream;
+    *_i = stream->image[stream->offset++];
+  } else {
+    zuo_fasl_stream_out_t *stream = (zuo_fasl_stream_out_t *)_stream;
+    zuo_ensure_image_room(stream);
+    stream->image[stream->image_offset++] = *_i;
+  }
+#define BUILD_INT(lo, hi) (((zuo_int_t)(hi) << 32) | ((zuo_int_t)(lo) & 0xFFFFFFFF))
+static void zuo_fasl_int(zuo_int_t *_i, zuo_fasl_stream_t *_stream) {
+  zuo_int32_t lo, hi;
+  lo = *_i & (zuo_int_t)0xFFFFFFFF;
+  hi = *_i >> 32;
+  zuo_fasl_int32(&lo, _stream);
+  zuo_fasl_int32(&hi, _stream);
+  *_i = BUILD_INT(lo, hi);
+static void zuo_fasl_char(unsigned char *_c, zuo_fasl_stream_t *stream) {
+  zuo_int32_t i = *_c;
+  zuo_fasl_int32(&i, stream);
+  *_c = i;
+static void zuo_fasl(zuo_t *obj, zuo_fasl_stream_t *stream) {
+  {
+    zuo_int32_t tag = obj->tag;
+    zuo_fasl_int32(&tag, stream);
+    obj->tag = tag;
+  }
+  switch(obj->tag) {
+  case zuo_singleton_tag:
+    break;
+  case zuo_integer_tag:
+    zuo_fasl_int(&((zuo_integer_t *)obj)->i, stream);
+    break;
+  case zuo_string_tag:
+    {
+      int i;
+      zuo_int_t len = ((zuo_string_t *)obj)->len;
+      /* restore assumes that a string starts with its length */
+      zuo_fasl_int(&len, stream);
+      ((zuo_string_t *)obj)->len = len;
+      for (i = 0; i < ((zuo_string_t *)obj)->len; i++)
+        zuo_fasl_char(&((zuo_string_t *)obj)->s[i], stream);
+    }
+    break;
+  case zuo_pair_tag:
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_pair_t *)obj)->car, stream);
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_pair_t *)obj)->cdr, stream);
+    break;
+  case zuo_symbol_tag:
+    zuo_fasl_int32(&((zuo_symbol_t *)obj)->id, stream);
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_symbol_t *)obj)->str, stream);
+    break;
+  case zuo_trie_node_tag:
+    {
+      int i;
+      zuo_int32_t mask;
+      if (stream->mode == zuo_fasl_in)
+        zuo_fasl_int32(&mask, stream);
+      else {
+        mask = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR; i++)
+          if (((zuo_trie_node_t *)obj)->next[i] != z.o_undefined)
+            mask |= (1 << i);
+        zuo_fasl_int32(&mask, stream);
+      }
+      zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_trie_node_t *)obj)->key, stream);
+      zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_trie_node_t *)obj)->val, stream);
+      for (i = 0; i < ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR; i++)
+        if (mask & (1 << i))
+          zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_trie_node_t *)obj)->next[i], stream);
+        else
+          ((zuo_trie_node_t *)obj)->next[i] = z.o_undefined;
+    }
+    break;
+  case zuo_variable_tag:
+    {
+      zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_variable_t *)obj)->name, stream);
+      zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_variable_t *)obj)->val, stream);
+      break;
+    }
+  case zuo_primitive_tag:
+    {
+      zuo_int32_t primitive_id;
+      if (stream->mode == zuo_fasl_out) {
+        primitive_id = zuo_primitive_to_id((zuo_primitive_t *)obj);
+        zuo_fasl_int32(&primitive_id, stream);
+      } else {
+        zuo_fasl_int32(&primitive_id, stream);
+        zuo_id_to_primitive(primitive_id, (zuo_primitive_t *)obj);
+      }
+      zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_primitive_t *)obj)->name, stream);
+    }
+    break;
+  case zuo_closure_tag:
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_closure_t *)obj)->lambda, stream);
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_closure_t *)obj)->env, stream);
+    break;
+  case zuo_opaque_tag:
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->tag, stream);
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->val, stream);
+    break;
+  case zuo_cont_tag:
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_cont_t *)obj)->data, stream);
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_cont_t *)obj)->env, stream);
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_cont_t *)obj)->in_proc, stream);
+    zuo_fasl_ref(&((zuo_cont_t *)obj)->next, stream);
+    break;
+  case zuo_handle_tag:
+    zuo_panic("cannot dump heap with handles");
+    break;
+  case zuo_forwarded_tag:
+    ASSERT(0);
+    break;
+  }
+static void zuo_fasl_roots(zuo_fasl_stream_t *stream) {
+  zuo_t **p = (zuo_t **)&zuo_roots.image;
+  int i, len = sizeof(zuo_roots.image) / sizeof(zuo_t*);
+  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+    zuo_fasl_ref(p+i, stream);
+static char *zuo_fasl_dump(zuo_int_t *_len) {
+  zuo_fasl_stream_out_t stream;
+  zuo_int32_t total_size, header_size = sizeof(zuo_fasl_header_t) / sizeof(zuo_int32_t);
+  zuo_int32_t *dump;
+  zuo_int32_t map_done;
+  /* make sure everything is in contiguous memory: */
+  zuo_collect();
+  stream.stream.mode = zuo_fasl_out;
+  stream.heap = to_space;
+  stream.heap_size = allocation_offset;
+  stream.shadow_heap = malloc(allocation_offset);
+  memset(stream.shadow_heap, 0, allocation_offset);
+  stream.map_size = 1024;
+  stream.map_offset = 0;
+  stream.map = malloc(stream.map_size * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+  stream.objs = malloc(stream.map_size * sizeof(zuo_t*));
+  stream.image_size = 4096;
+  stream.image_offset = 0;
+  stream.image = malloc(stream.image_size * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+  zuo_fasl_roots(&stream.stream);
+  /* analogous to the collector's trace_objects loop: */
+  for (map_done = 0; map_done < stream.map_offset; map_done++) {
+    zuo_t *obj = stream.objs[map_done];
+    /* register location of this object in the image */
+    stream.map[map_done] = stream.image_offset;
+    zuo_fasl(obj, &stream.stream);
+  }
+  total_size = header_size + stream.map_offset + stream.image_offset;
+  dump = malloc(total_size * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+  ((zuo_fasl_header_t *)dump)->magic = zuo_magic();
+  ((zuo_fasl_header_t *)dump)->map_size = stream.map_offset;
+  ((zuo_fasl_header_t *)dump)->image_size = stream.image_offset;
+  ((zuo_fasl_header_t *)dump)->symbol_count = zuo_symbol_count;
+  memcpy(dump + header_size, stream.map, stream.map_offset * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+  memcpy(dump + header_size + stream.map_offset, stream.image, stream.image_offset * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+  free(stream.image);
+  free(stream.objs);
+  free(stream.map);
+  free(stream.shadow_heap);
+  *_len = total_size * sizeof(zuo_int32_t);
+  return (char *)dump;
+#define SWAP_ENDIAN(n) \
+  ((((n) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((n) & 0xFF00) << 8) | (((n) & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | (((n) >> 24) & 0xFF))
+static void zuo_fasl_restore(char *dump_in, zuo_int_t len) {
+  zuo_fasl_stream_in_t stream;
+  zuo_int32_t *dump = (zuo_int32_t *)dump_in, i, map_len, alloc_factor = 2;
+  zuo_int32_t header_size = sizeof(zuo_fasl_header_t) / sizeof(zuo_int32_t);
+  zuo_int32_t magic = zuo_magic();
+  if (((zuo_fasl_header_t *)dump)->magic != magic) {
+    if (((zuo_fasl_header_t *)dump)->magic == SWAP_ENDIAN(magic)) {
+      /* adapt little-endian to big-endian, or vice versa */
+      for (i = 0; i < len / sizeof(zuo_int32_t); i++)
+        dump[i] = SWAP_ENDIAN(dump[i]);
+    } else
+      zuo_panic("image does not start with zuo magic");
+  }
+  map_len = ((zuo_fasl_header_t *)dump)->map_size;
+  stream.stream.mode = zuo_fasl_in;
+  stream.map = dump + header_size;
+  stream.image = dump + header_size + map_len;
+  stream.heap_size = 0;
+  stream.offset = 0;
+  /* compute heap size and replace image offsets with heap offsets */
+  for (i = 0; i < map_len; i++) {
+    zuo_int32_t delta = stream.map[i];
+    zuo_int32_t tag = stream.image[delta];
+    zuo_int_t sz;
+    ASSERT((tag >= 0) && (tag < zuo_forwarded_tag));
+    if (tag == zuo_string_tag)
+      sz = object_size(tag, BUILD_INT(stream.image[delta+1], stream.image[delta+2]));
+    else
+      sz = object_size(tag, 0);
+    stream.map[i] = stream.heap_size;
+    stream.heap_size += ALLOC_ALIGN(sz);
+  }
+  stream.heap = malloc(stream.heap_size * alloc_factor);
+  zuo_fasl_roots(&stream.stream);
+  for (i = 0; i < map_len; i++) {
+    zuo_t *obj = (zuo_t *)((char *)stream.heap + stream.map[i]);
+    zuo_fasl(obj, &stream.stream);
+  }
+  zuo_symbol_count = ((zuo_fasl_header_t *)dump)->symbol_count;
+  zuo_handle_count = 0;
+  zuo_replace_heap(stream.heap, stream.heap_size * alloc_factor, stream.heap_size);
+/* object constructors                                                  */
+static zuo_t *zuo_integer(zuo_int_t i) {
+  zuo_integer_t *obj = (zuo_integer_t *)zuo_new(zuo_integer_tag, sizeof(zuo_integer_t));
+  obj->i = i;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_cons(zuo_t *car, zuo_t *cdr) {
+  zuo_pair_t *obj = (zuo_pair_t *)zuo_new(zuo_pair_tag, sizeof(zuo_pair_t));
+  obj->car = car;
+  obj->cdr = cdr;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_uninitialized_string(zuo_intptr_t len) {
+  zuo_string_t *obj = (zuo_string_t *)zuo_new(zuo_string_tag, ZUO_STRING_ALLOC_SIZE(len));
+  obj->len = len;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_sized_string(const char *str, zuo_intptr_t len) {
+  zuo_t *obj = zuo_uninitialized_string(len);
+  memcpy(ZUO_STRING_PTR(obj), str, len);
+  ZUO_STRING_PTR(obj)[len] = 0;
+  return obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_string(const char *str) {
+  return zuo_sized_string(str, strlen(str));
+static zuo_t *zuo_trie_node() {
+  int i;
+  zuo_trie_node_t *obj = (zuo_trie_node_t *)zuo_new(zuo_trie_node_tag, sizeof(zuo_trie_node_t));
+  obj->count = 0;
+  obj->key = z.o_undefined;
+  obj->val = z.o_undefined;
+  for (i = 0; i < ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR; i++)
+    obj->next[i] = z.o_undefined;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_make_symbol_from_string(zuo_t *str) {
+  zuo_symbol_t *obj = (zuo_symbol_t *)zuo_new(zuo_symbol_tag, sizeof(zuo_symbol_t));
+  obj->id = zuo_symbol_count++;
+  obj->str = str;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_make_symbol(const char *in_str) {
+  return zuo_make_symbol_from_string(zuo_string(in_str));
+/* If `str_obj` is undefined, it's allocated as needed.
+   If `str_obj` us false, the result can be false. */
+static zuo_t *zuo_symbol_from_string(const char *in_str, zuo_t *str_obj) {
+  const unsigned char *str = (const unsigned char *)in_str;
+  zuo_int_t i;
+  zuo_trie_node_t *node = (zuo_trie_node_t *)z.o_intern_table;
+  for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
+    int c = str[i], lo = c & ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_MASK, hi = c >> ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_BITS;
+    if (node->next[lo] == z.o_undefined) {
+      if (str_obj == z.o_false)
+        return z.o_false;
+      node->next[lo] = zuo_trie_node();
+    }
+    node = (zuo_trie_node_t *)node->next[lo];
+    if (node->next[hi] == z.o_undefined)
+      node->next[hi] = zuo_trie_node();
+    node = (zuo_trie_node_t *)node->next[hi];
+  }
+  if (node->val == z.o_undefined) {
+    if (str_obj == z.o_false)
+      return z.o_false;
+    else if (str_obj == z.o_undefined)
+      node->val = zuo_make_symbol(in_str);
+    else
+      node->val = zuo_make_symbol_from_string(str_obj);
+  }
+  /* the symbol table doesn't use the `key` field */
+  return node->val;
+static zuo_t *zuo_symbol(const char *in_str) {
+  return zuo_symbol_from_string(in_str, z.o_undefined);
+static zuo_t *zuo_variable(zuo_t *name) {
+  zuo_variable_t *obj = (zuo_variable_t *)zuo_new(zuo_variable_tag, sizeof(zuo_variable_t));
+  obj->name = name;
+  obj->val = z.o_undefined;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitive(zuo_dispatcher_proc_t dispatcher, void *proc, zuo_int32_t arity_mask, zuo_t *name) {
+  zuo_register_primitive(dispatcher, proc, arity_mask);
+  /* if `name` is undefined, we're just registering a primitive to be used for an image */
+  if (name == z.o_undefined)
+    return z.o_undefined;
+  else {
+    zuo_primitive_t *obj = (zuo_primitive_t *)zuo_new(zuo_primitive_tag, sizeof(zuo_primitive_t));
+    obj->dispatcher = dispatcher;
+    obj->proc = proc;
+    obj->arity_mask = arity_mask;
+    obj->name = name;
+    return (zuo_t *)obj;
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_closure(zuo_t *lambda, zuo_t *env) {
+  zuo_closure_t *obj = (zuo_closure_t *)zuo_new(zuo_closure_tag, sizeof(zuo_closure_t));
+  obj->lambda = lambda;
+  obj->env = env;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_handle(zuo_raw_handle_t handle, zuo_handle_status_t status) {
+  zuo_handle_t *obj = (zuo_handle_t *)zuo_new(zuo_handle_tag, sizeof(zuo_handle_t));
+  obj->id = zuo_handle_count++;
+  obj->u.h.u.handle = handle;
+  obj->u.h.status = status;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_opaque(zuo_t *tag, zuo_t *val) {
+  zuo_opaque_t *obj = (zuo_opaque_t *)zuo_new(zuo_opaque_tag, sizeof(zuo_opaque_t));
+  obj->tag = tag;
+  obj->val = val;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_cont(zuo_cont_tag_t tag, zuo_t *data, zuo_t *env, zuo_t *in_proc, zuo_t *next) {
+  zuo_cont_t *obj = (zuo_cont_t *)zuo_new(zuo_cont_tag, sizeof(zuo_cont_t));
+  obj->tag = tag;
+  obj->data = data;
+  obj->env = env;
+  obj->in_proc = in_proc;
+  obj->next = next;
+  return (zuo_t *)obj;
+/* tries                                                                */
+/* A trie is used for the symbol table and for "hash tables" that are
+   symbol-keyed persistent maps. */
+static zuo_t *trie_lookup(zuo_t *trie, zuo_int_t id) {
+  ASSERT(trie->tag == zuo_trie_node_tag);
+  while (id > 0) {
+    trie = ((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->next[id & ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_MASK];
+    if (trie == z.o_undefined) return z.o_undefined;
+    id = id >> ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_BITS;
+  }
+  return ((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->val;
+static zuo_t *zuo_trie_lookup(zuo_t *trie, zuo_t *sym) {
+  return trie_lookup(trie, ((zuo_symbol_t *)sym)->id);
+/* trie mutation, used only for the inital env */
+static void trie_set(zuo_t *trie, zuo_int_t id, zuo_t *key, zuo_t *val) {
+  while (id > 0) {
+    zuo_t *next = ((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->next[id & ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_MASK];
+    if (next == z.o_undefined) {
+      next = zuo_trie_node();
+      ((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->next[id & ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_MASK] = next;
+      trie = next;
+    } else
+      trie = next;
+    id = id >> ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_BITS;
+  }
+  ((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->key = key;
+  ((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->val = val;
+static void zuo_trie_set(zuo_t *trie, zuo_t *sym, zuo_t *val) {
+  ASSERT(trie_lookup(trie, ((zuo_symbol_t *)sym)->id) == z.o_undefined);
+  trie_set(trie, ((zuo_symbol_t *)sym)->id, sym, val);
+  ((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->count++;
+static zuo_trie_node_t *trie_clone(zuo_t *trie) {
+  zuo_trie_node_t *new_trie = (zuo_trie_node_t *)zuo_new(zuo_trie_node_tag, sizeof(zuo_trie_node_t));
+  memcpy(new_trie, trie, sizeof(zuo_trie_node_t));
+  return new_trie;
+static zuo_t *trie_extend(zuo_t *trie, zuo_int_t id, zuo_t *key, zuo_t *val, int *added) {
+  zuo_trie_node_t *new_trie;
+  if (trie == z.o_undefined) {
+    new_trie = (zuo_trie_node_t *)zuo_trie_node();
+    trie = (zuo_t *)new_trie;
+    *added = 1;
+  } else
+    new_trie = trie_clone(trie);
+  if (id > 0) {
+    int i = id & ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_MASK;
+    new_trie->next[i] = trie_extend(((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->next[i], id >> ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_BITS, key, val, added);
+    new_trie->count += *added;
+  } else {
+    if (new_trie->val == z.o_undefined) *added = 1;
+    new_trie->count += *added;
+    new_trie->key = key;
+    new_trie->val = val;
+  }
+  return (zuo_t *)new_trie;
+static zuo_t *zuo_trie_extend(zuo_t *trie, zuo_t *sym, zuo_t *val) {
+  int added = 0;
+  return trie_extend(trie, ((zuo_symbol_t *)sym)->id, sym, val, &added);
+static zuo_t *trie_remove(zuo_t *trie, zuo_int_t id, int depth) {
+  zuo_trie_node_t *new_trie;
+  if (trie == z.o_undefined)
+    return z.o_undefined;
+  else if (id > 0) {
+    int i = id & ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_MASK;
+    zuo_t *sub_trie = trie_remove(((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->next[i], id >> ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR_BITS, depth+1);
+    if (sub_trie == ((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->next[i])
+      return trie;
+    new_trie = trie_clone(trie);
+    ((zuo_trie_node_t *)new_trie)->next[i] = sub_trie;
+    new_trie->count -= 1;
+    if ((sub_trie != z.o_undefined)
+        || (new_trie->val != z.o_undefined))
+      return (zuo_t *)new_trie;
+  } else {
+    if (((zuo_trie_node_t *)trie)->val == z.o_undefined)
+      return trie;
+    new_trie = trie_clone(trie);
+    new_trie->count -= 1;
+    new_trie->key = z.o_undefined;
+    new_trie->val = z.o_undefined;
+  }
+  if (depth > 0) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR; i++)
+      if (new_trie->next[i] != z.o_undefined)
+        return (zuo_t *)new_trie;
+    return z.o_undefined;
+  }
+  return (zuo_t *)new_trie;
+static zuo_t *zuo_trie_remove(zuo_t *trie, zuo_t *sym) {
+  return trie_remove(trie, ((zuo_symbol_t *)sym)->id, 0);
+static int zuo_trie_keys_subset_p(zuo_t *trie1_in, zuo_t *trie2_in) {
+  if (trie1_in == trie2_in)
+    return 1;
+  else if (trie1_in == z.o_undefined)
+    return 1;
+  else if (trie2_in == z.o_undefined)
+    return 0;
+  else {
+    zuo_trie_node_t *trie1 = (zuo_trie_node_t *)trie1_in;
+    zuo_trie_node_t *trie2 = (zuo_trie_node_t *)trie2_in;
+    int i;
+    if (trie1->count > trie2->count)
+      return 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR; i++) {
+      if (!zuo_trie_keys_subset_p(trie1->next[i], trie2->next[i]))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_trie_keys(zuo_t *trie_in, zuo_t *accum) {
+  int i;
+  zuo_trie_node_t *trie = (zuo_trie_node_t *)trie_in;
+  if (trie->key != z.o_undefined)
+    accum = zuo_cons(trie->key, accum);
+  for (i = 0; i < ZUO_TRIE_BFACTOR; i++) {
+    if (trie->next[i] != z.o_undefined)
+      accum = zuo_trie_keys(trie->next[i], accum);
+  }
+  return accum;
+/* terminal support                                                     */
+static int zuo_ansi_ok = 1;
+static void zuo_init_terminal() {
+  int i;
+  HANDLE h;
+  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+    _setmode(i, _O_BINARY);
+    if (i != 0) {
+      h = GetStdHandle((i == 1) ? STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE : STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+      if (GetFileType(h) == FILE_TYPE_CHAR) {
+        /* Try to enable ANSI escape codes, which should work for a recent
+           enough version of Windows */
+        DWORD mode = 0;
+        GetConsoleMode(h, &mode);
+# endif
+        zuo_ansi_ok = SetConsoleMode(h, mode | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static zuo_raw_handle_t zuo_get_std_handle(int which) {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  return which;
+  HANDLE h;
+  switch (which) {
+  case 0:
+    which = STD_INPUT_HANDLE;
+    break;
+  case 1:
+    which = STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE;
+    break;
+  default:
+    which = STD_ERROR_HANDLE;
+    break;
+  }
+  return GetStdHandle(which);
+int zuo_is_terminal(zuo_raw_handle_t fd) {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  return isatty(fd);
+  if (GetFileType((HANDLE)fd) == FILE_TYPE_CHAR) {
+    DWORD mode;
+    if (GetConsoleMode((HANDLE)fd, &mode))
+      return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static void zuo_print_terminal(int which, const char *str) {
+  if (zuo_is_terminal(zuo_get_std_handle(which))) {
+    fprintf((which == 1) ? stdout : stderr, "%s", str);
+  }
+static void zuo_error_color() {
+  zuo_suspend_signal();
+  zuo_print_terminal(2, "\033[91m");
+static void zuo_alert_color() {
+  zuo_suspend_signal();
+  zuo_print_terminal(1, "\033[94m");
+static void zuo_normal_color(int which) {
+  zuo_print_terminal(which, "\033[0m");
+  fflush((which == 1) ? stdout : stderr);
+  zuo_resume_signal();
+/* printing                                                             */
+typedef enum {
+  zuo_print_mode,
+  zuo_write_mode,
+  zuo_display_mode
+} zuo_print_mode_t;
+typedef struct {
+  char *s;
+  zuo_int_t size, len;
+} zuo_out_t;
+static void out_init(zuo_out_t *out) {
+  out->size = 32;
+  out->len = 0;
+  out->s = malloc(out->size);
+static void out_done(zuo_out_t *out) {
+  free(out->s);
+static void out_char(zuo_out_t *out, int c) {
+  if (out->len == out->size) {
+    zuo_int_t new_size = out->size * 2;
+    char *s = malloc(new_size);
+    memcpy(s, out->s, out->size);
+    free(out->s);
+    out->s = s;
+    out->size = new_size;
+  }
+  out->s[out->len++] = c;
+static void out_string(zuo_out_t *out, const char *s) {
+  while (*s != 0) {
+    out_char(out, *s);
+    s++;
+  }
+static void zuo_out(zuo_out_t *out, zuo_t *obj, zuo_print_mode_t mode) {
+  /* recur to zuo_out directly only for atomic thigs, otherwise use `stack` */
+  zuo_t *stack = z.o_null;
+  /* slight hack: use various singletons for recur mode */
+# define ZUO_OUT_RECUR       z.o_false
+# define ZUO_OUT_PAIR_RECUR  z.o_true
+# define ZUO_OUT_HASH1_RECUR z.o_eof
+# define ZUO_OUT_HASH_RECUR  z.o_null
+  while (1) {
+    if (obj == z.o_undefined)
+      out_string(out, "#<undefined>");
+    else if (obj == z.o_null) {
+      if (mode == zuo_print_mode)
+        out_string(out, "'");
+      out_string(out, "()");
+    } else if (obj == z.o_false)
+      out_string(out, "#f");
+    else if (obj == z.o_true)
+      out_string(out, "#t");
+    else if (obj == z.o_eof)
+      out_string(out, "#<eof>");
+    else if (obj == z.o_void)
+      out_string(out, "#<void>");
+    else if (obj->tag == zuo_integer_tag) {
+      zuo_int_t i = ZUO_INT_I(obj), di, n, w, add_back = 0;
+      if (i < 0) {
+        out_char(out, '-');
+        i = (zuo_int_t)(0-(zuo_uint_t)i);
+        if (i < 0) {
+          /* min int */
+          i = -(i+1);
+          add_back = 1;
+        }
+      }
+      di = i / 10;
+      for (n = 1, w = 1; di >= n; n *= 10, w++);
+      while (n >= 1) {
+        out_char(out, '0' + (i / n));
+        i = i - ((i / n) * n);
+        n /= 10;
+        i += add_back;
+        add_back = 0;
+      }
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_string_tag) {
+      zuo_string_t *str = (zuo_string_t *)obj;
+      if (mode == zuo_display_mode) {
+        int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < str->len; i++)
+          out_char(out, str->s[i]);
+      } else {
+        int i;
+        out_string(out, "\"");
+        for (i = 0; i < str->len; i++) {
+          int c = str->s[i];
+          if ((c == '"') || (c == '\\')) {
+            out_char(out, '\\');
+            out_char(out, c);
+          } else if (c == '\n') {
+            out_char(out, '\\');
+            out_char(out, 'n');
+          } else if (c == '\r') {
+            out_char(out, '\\');
+            out_char(out, 'r');
+          } else if (c == '\t') {
+            out_char(out, '\\');
+            out_char(out, 't');
+          } else if (isprint(c)) {
+            out_char(out, c);
+          } else {
+            out_char(out, '\\');
+            if ((c == 0) && ((str->s[i+1] < '0') || (str->s[i+1] > '7')))
+              out_char(out, '0');
+            else {
+              out_char(out, '0' + ((c >> 6) & 0x7));
+              out_char(out, '0' + ((c >> 3) & 0x7));
+              out_char(out, '0' + ((c >> 0) & 0x7));
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        out_string(out, "\"");
+      }
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_symbol_tag) {
+      if ((mode == zuo_display_mode)
+          || (obj == zuo_symbol_from_string(ZUO_STRING_PTR(((zuo_symbol_t *)obj)->str), z.o_false))) {
+        if (mode == zuo_print_mode)
+          out_char(out, '\'');
+        zuo_out(out, ((zuo_symbol_t *)obj)->str, zuo_display_mode);
+      } else {
+        out_string(out, "#<symbol:");
+        zuo_out(out, ((zuo_symbol_t *)obj)->str, zuo_display_mode);
+        out_string(out, ">");
+      }
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+      zuo_pair_t *p = (zuo_pair_t *)obj;
+      out_char(out, '(');
+      if (mode == zuo_print_mode) {
+        zuo_t *p2 = (zuo_t *)p;
+        while (p2->tag == zuo_pair_tag)
+          p2 = ((zuo_pair_t *)p2)->cdr;
+        if (p2 == z.o_null)
+          out_string(out, "list ");
+        else if (ZUO_CDR(p)->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+          out_string(out, "cons ");
+        else
+          out_string(out, "list* ");
+      }
+      stack = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(ZUO_OUT_PAIR_RECUR, p->cdr), stack);
+      stack = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(ZUO_OUT_RECUR, p->car), stack);
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_primitive_tag) {
+      out_string(out, "#<procedure:");
+      zuo_out(out, ((zuo_primitive_t *)obj)->name, zuo_display_mode);
+      out_string(out, ">");
+    } else if (obj == z.o_apply) {
+      out_string(out, "#<procedure:apply>");
+    } else if (obj == z.o_call_cc) {
+      out_string(out, "#<procedure:call/cc>");
+    } else if (obj == z.o_call_prompt) {
+      out_string(out, "#<procedure:call/prompt>");
+    } else if (obj == z.o_kernel_eval) {
+      out_string(out, "#<procedure:kernel-eval>");
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_closure_tag) {
+      zuo_t *dd = ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CDR(((zuo_closure_t *)obj)->lambda));
+      out_string(out, "#<procedure");
+      if (ZUO_CAR(dd)->tag == zuo_string_tag) {
+        out_string(out, ":");
+        zuo_out(out, ZUO_CAR(dd), zuo_display_mode);
+      }
+      out_string(out, ">");
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_opaque_tag) {
+      out_string(out, "#<");
+      if ((((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->tag->tag == zuo_string_tag)
+          || (((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->tag->tag == zuo_symbol_tag))
+        zuo_out(out, ((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->tag, zuo_display_mode);
+      else
+        out_string(out, "opaque");
+      out_string(out, ">");
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_trie_node_tag) {
+      zuo_t *keys = zuo_trie_keys(obj, z.o_null);
+      if (mode == zuo_print_mode) {
+        out_string(out, "(hash");
+        if (keys != z.o_null)
+          out_string(out, " ");
+      } else
+        out_string(out, "#hash(");
+      stack = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(ZUO_OUT_HASH1_RECUR, zuo_cons(keys, obj)), stack);
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_handle_tag) {
+      out_string(out, "#<handle>");
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_cont_tag) {
+      out_string(out, "#<continuation>");
+    } else if (obj->tag == zuo_variable_tag) {
+      out_string(out, "#<variable:");
+      zuo_out(out, ((zuo_variable_t *)obj)->name, zuo_display_mode);
+      out_string(out, ">");
+    } else {
+      out_string(out, "#<garbage>");
+    }
+    while (1) {
+      if (stack == z.o_null)
+        return;
+      else {
+        zuo_pair_t *op = (zuo_pair_t *)ZUO_CAR(stack);
+        if (op->car == ZUO_OUT_RECUR) {
+          stack = ZUO_CDR(stack);
+          obj = op->cdr;
+          break;
+        } else if (op->car == ZUO_OUT_PAIR_RECUR) {
+          obj = op->cdr;
+          if (obj->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+            zuo_pair_t *p = (zuo_pair_t *)obj;
+            out_char(out, ' ');
+            obj = p->car;
+            op->cdr = p->cdr; /* reuse stack frame */
+            break;
+          } else if (obj == z.o_null) {
+            stack = _zuo_cdr(stack);
+            out_char(out, ')');
+          } else {
+            if (mode != zuo_print_mode) {
+              out_char(out, ' ');
+              out_char(out, '.');
+            }
+            out_char(out, ' ');
+            op->cdr = z.o_null; /* reuse stack frame */
+            break;
+          }
+        } else if ((op->car == ZUO_OUT_HASH1_RECUR)
+                   || (op->car == ZUO_OUT_HASH_RECUR)) {
+          zuo_pair_t *p = (zuo_pair_t *)op->cdr;
+          zuo_t *keys = p->car;
+          zuo_t *ht = p->cdr;
+          if (op->car == ZUO_OUT_HASH_RECUR) {
+            /* close key--value pair */
+            if (mode != zuo_print_mode)
+              out_string(out, ")");
+          }
+          if (keys != z.o_null) {
+            zuo_t *key = ZUO_CAR(keys);
+            if (op->car == ZUO_OUT_HASH_RECUR) {
+              /* space after previous pair */
+              out_string(out, " ");
+            }
+            if (mode != zuo_print_mode)
+              out_string(out, "(");
+            zuo_out(out, key, mode); /* a symbol */
+            if (mode == zuo_print_mode)
+              out_string(out, " ");
+            else
+              out_string(out, " . ");
+            obj = zuo_trie_lookup(ht, key);
+            op->car = ZUO_OUT_HASH_RECUR; /* reuse stack frame */
+            p->car = ZUO_CDR(keys);
+            break;
+          } else {
+            stack = _zuo_cdr(stack);
+            out_string(out, ")");
+          }
+        } else {
+          zuo_panic("unrecognized operation on stack");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static void zuo_fout(FILE *fout, zuo_t *obj, zuo_print_mode_t mode) {
+  zuo_out_t out;
+  out_init(&out);
+  zuo_out(&out, obj, mode);
+  fwrite(out.s, 1, out.len, fout);
+  out_done(&out);
+static zuo_t *zuo_to_string(zuo_t *objs, zuo_print_mode_t mode) {
+  zuo_out_t out;
+  zuo_t *str;
+  out_init(&out);
+  while (objs->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+    zuo_out(&out, ZUO_CAR(objs), mode);
+    objs = ZUO_CDR(objs);
+    if ((mode != zuo_display_mode) && (objs != z.o_null))
+      out_char(&out, ' ');
+  }
+  if (objs != z.o_null)
+    zuo_out(&out, objs, mode);
+  str = zuo_sized_string(out.s, out.len);
+  out_done(&out);
+  return str;
+static void zuo_fprint(FILE *out, zuo_t *obj) {
+  zuo_fout(out, obj, zuo_print_mode);
+static void zuo_fdisplay(FILE *out, zuo_t *obj) {
+  zuo_fout(out, obj, zuo_display_mode);
+static void zuo_fwrite(FILE *out, zuo_t *obj) {
+  zuo_fout(out, obj, zuo_write_mode);
+static void done_dump_name(zuo_t *showed_name, int repeats) {
+  if (showed_name != z.o_false) {
+    if (repeats > 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, " {%d}", repeats+1);
+      repeats = 0;
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  }
+static void zuo_stack_trace() {
+  zuo_t *k = Z.o_interp_k, *meta_k = Z.o_interp_meta_k;
+  zuo_t *showed_name  = z.o_false;
+  int repeats = 0;
+  do {
+    while (k != z.o_done_k) {
+      zuo_t *name = ((zuo_cont_t *)k)->in_proc;
+      if (name->tag == zuo_string_tag) {
+        if (name == showed_name)
+          repeats++;
+        else {
+          done_dump_name(showed_name, repeats);
+          repeats = 0;
+          showed_name = name;
+          fprintf(stderr, " in %s", ZUO_STRING_PTR(name));
+        }
+      }
+      k = ((zuo_cont_t *)k)->next;
+    }
+    if (meta_k != z.o_null) {
+      k = _zuo_car(_zuo_car(meta_k));
+      meta_k = _zuo_cdr(meta_k);
+    }
+  } while (k != z.o_done_k);
+  done_dump_name(showed_name, repeats);
+static void zuo_clean_all(); /* a necessary forward reference */
+static void zuo_exit_int(int v) {
+  zuo_clean_all();
+  exit(v);
+static void zuo_sync_in_case_of_fail() {
+  /* make sure state consulted by zuo_fail() is in "no context" mode */
+  Z.o_interp_k = z.o_done_k;
+  Z.o_interp_meta_k = z.o_null;
+  Z.o_cleanable_table = z.o_undefined;
+static void zuo_fail(const char *str) {
+  if (str[0] != 0)
+    zuo_error_color();
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str);
+  zuo_normal_color(2);
+  zuo_stack_trace();
+  zuo_exit_int(1);
+static void zuo_show_err1w(const char *who, const char *str, zuo_t *obj) {
+  if (who != NULL)
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", who);
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", str);
+  zuo_fprint(stderr, obj);
+static void zuo_fail1w(const char *who, const char *str, zuo_t *obj) {
+  zuo_error_color();
+  zuo_show_err1w(who, str, obj);
+  zuo_fail("");
+static void zuo_fail1w_errno(const char *who, const char *str, zuo_t *obj) {
+  const char *msg = strerror(errno);
+  zuo_error_color();
+  zuo_show_err1w(who, str, obj);
+  fprintf(stderr, " (%s)", msg);
+  zuo_fail("");
+static void zuo_fail1(const char *str, zuo_t *obj) {
+  zuo_fail1w(NULL, str, obj);
+static void zuo_fail_arg(const char *who, const char *what, zuo_t *obj) {
+  const char *not_a;
+  zuo_t *msg;
+  if ((what[0] == 'a') || (what[0] == 'e') || (what[0] == 'i') || (what[0] == 'o') || (what[0] == 'u'))
+    not_a = "not an ";
+  else
+    not_a = "not a ";
+  msg = zuo_to_string(zuo_cons(zuo_string(not_a), zuo_cons(zuo_string(what), z.o_null)), zuo_display_mode);
+  zuo_fail1w(who, ZUO_STRING_PTR(msg), obj);
+static void check_string(const char *who, zuo_t *obj) {
+  if (obj->tag != zuo_string_tag)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "string", obj);
+static void check_symbol(const char *who, zuo_t *obj) {
+  if (obj->tag != zuo_symbol_tag)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "symbol", obj);
+static void check_integer(const char *who, zuo_t *n) {
+  if (n->tag != zuo_integer_tag)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "integer", n);
+static void check_hash(const char *who, zuo_t *obj) {
+  if (obj->tag != zuo_trie_node_tag)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "hash table", obj);
+/* reading                                                              */
+static const char *symbol_chars = "~!@#$%^&*-_=+:<>?/.";
+static void zuo_read_fail2(const unsigned char *s, zuo_int_t *_o, zuo_t *where,
+                           const char *msg, const char *msg2) {
+  const char *in_s = "";
+  const char *where_s = "";
+  if ((where != z.o_undefined) && (where != z.o_false)) {
+    in_s = " in ";
+    where_s = ZUO_STRING_PTR(zuo_to_string(where, zuo_write_mode));
+  }
+  zuo_error_color();
+  fprintf(stderr, "read: %s%s at position %d%s%s", msg, msg2, (int)*_o, in_s, where_s);
+  zuo_fail("");
+static void zuo_read_fail(const unsigned char *s, zuo_int_t *_o, zuo_t *where,
+                          const char *msg) {
+  zuo_read_fail2(s, _o, where, msg, "");
+static int peek_input(const unsigned char *s, zuo_int_t *_o, const char *want) {
+  int i, c;
+  for (i = 0; want[i]; i++) {
+    if (s[(*_o)+i] != want[i])
+      return 0;
+  }
+  c = s[(*_o)+i];
+  if ((c != 0) && (isdigit(c) || isalpha(c) || strchr(symbol_chars, c)))
+    return 0;
+  return 1;
+static int all_digits_before_delim(const unsigned char *s, zuo_int_t i) {
+  while (isdigit(s[i]) || isalpha(s[i]) || strchr(symbol_chars, s[i])) {
+    if (!isdigit(s[i]))
+      return 0;
+    i++;
+  }
+  return 1;
+static zuo_t *zuo_in(const unsigned char *s, zuo_int_t *_o, zuo_t *where, int skip_whitespace_only) {
+  /* use `stack` insteda of recurring */
+  zuo_t *stack = z.o_null, *obj;
+  int c;
+  /* slight hack: use various singletons for recur mode */
+# define ZUO_IN_DISCARD_RECUR       z.o_undefined
+# define ZUO_IN_QUOTE_RECUR         z.o_true
+# define ZUO_IN_PAREN_LIST_RECUR    z.o_false
+# define ZUO_IN_PAREN_PAIR_RECUR    z.o_null
+# define ZUO_IN_PAREN_END_RECUR     z.o_eof
+# define ZUO_IN_BRACKET_LIST_RECUR  z.o_void
+# define ZUO_IN_BRACKET_PAIR_RECUR  z.o_empty_hash
+# define ZUO_IN_BRACKET_END_RECUR   z.o_apply
+  while (1) {
+    /* skip whitespace */
+    while (1) {
+      while (isspace(s[*_o]))
+        (*_o)++;
+      if (s[*_o] == ';') {
+        while ((s[*_o] != '\n') && (s[*_o] != 0))
+          (*_o)++;
+      } else if (s[*_o] == '#' && s[(*_o) + 1] == ';') {
+        (*_o) += 2;
+        stack = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(ZUO_IN_DISCARD_RECUR, z.o_null), stack);
+      } else
+        break;
+    }
+    if ((stack == z.o_null) && skip_whitespace_only)
+      return z.o_null;
+    c = s[*_o];
+    if ((stack != z.o_null) && (ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CAR(stack)) == ZUO_IN_PAREN_END_RECUR)) {
+      if (c != ')')
+        zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "expected closer after dot");
+      (*_o)++;
+      obj = ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CAR(stack)));
+      stack = ZUO_CDR(stack);
+    } else if ((stack != z.o_null) && (ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CAR(stack)) == ZUO_IN_BRACKET_END_RECUR)) {
+      if (c != ']')
+        zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "expected closer after dot");
+      (*_o)++;
+      obj = ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CAR(stack)));
+      stack = ZUO_CDR(stack);
+    } else if (c == 0)
+      obj = z.o_eof;
+    else if ((c == '(') || (c == '[')) {
+      (*_o)++;
+      obj = z.o_undefined; /* => skip whitespace next */
+      stack = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(((c == '(')
+                                 ? ZUO_IN_PAREN_LIST_RECUR
+                                 : ZUO_IN_BRACKET_LIST_RECUR),
+                                zuo_cons(z.o_null, z.o_null)),
+                       stack);
+    } else if ((c == ')') || (c == ']')) {
+      zuo_t *want_list = ((c == ')') ? ZUO_IN_PAREN_LIST_RECUR : ZUO_IN_BRACKET_LIST_RECUR);
+      zuo_t *want_pair = ((c == ')') ? ZUO_IN_PAREN_PAIR_RECUR : ZUO_IN_BRACKET_PAIR_RECUR);
+      if ((stack != z.o_null)
+          && ((ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CAR(stack)) == want_list)
+              || (ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CAR(stack)) == want_pair))) {
+        obj = ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CAR(stack)));
+        stack = ZUO_CDR(stack);
+      } else {
+        zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "unbalanced closer");
+        obj = z.o_undefined;
+      }
+      (*_o)++;
+    } else if ((c == '"') || ((c == '#') && (s[(*_o)+1] == '"'))) {
+      zuo_int_t sz = 32;
+      zuo_int_t len = 0;
+      char *s2 = malloc(sz);
+      if (c == '#')
+        (*_o)++;
+      (*_o)++;
+      while (1) {
+        if (sz == len) {
+          char *s3 = malloc(sz * 2);
+          memcpy(s3, s2, sz);
+          free(s2);
+          s2 = s3;
+          sz = sz * 2;
+        }
+        c = s[*_o];
+        if (c == 0) {
+          zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "missing closing doublequote");
+        } else if (c == '"') {
+          (*_o)++;
+          break;
+        } else if (c == '\\') {
+          int c2 = s[(*_o)+1];
+          if ((c2 == '\\') || (c2 == '"')) {
+            s2[len++] = c2;
+            (*_o) += 2;
+          } else if (c2 == 'n') {
+            s2[len++] = '\n';
+            (*_o) += 2;
+          } else if (c2 == 'r') {
+            s2[len++] = '\r';
+            (*_o) += 2;
+          } else if (c2 == 't') {
+            s2[len++] = '\t';
+            (*_o) += 2;
+          } else if ((c2 >= '0') && (c2 <= '7')) {
+            int v = c2 - '0', c3;
+            (*_o) += 2;
+            c3 = s[*_o];
+            if ((c3 >= '0') && (c3 <= '7')) {
+              v = (v << 3) + (c3 - '0');
+              (*_o) += 1;
+              if (c2 <= '3') {
+                c3 = s[*_o];
+                if ((c3 >= '0') && (c3 <= '7')) {
+                  v = (v << 3) + (c3 - '0');
+                  (*_o) += 1;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            s2[len++] = v;
+          } else
+            zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "bad character after backslash");
+        } else if (c == '\n') {
+          zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "newline in string literal");
+        } else if (c == '\r') {
+          zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "carriage return in string literal");
+        } else {
+          s2[len++] = c;
+          (*_o)++;
+        }
+      }
+      obj = zuo_sized_string(s2, len);
+      free(s2);
+    } else if (c == '#') {
+      (*_o)++;
+      if (peek_input(s, _o, "true")) {
+        (*_o) += 4;
+        obj = z.o_true;
+      } else if (peek_input(s, _o, "false")) {
+        (*_o) += 5;
+        obj = z.o_false;
+      } else if (peek_input(s, _o, "t")) {
+        (*_o) += 1;
+        obj = z.o_true;
+      } else if (peek_input(s, _o, "f")) {
+        (*_o) += 1;
+        obj = z.o_false;
+      } else {
+        zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "bad hash mark");
+        obj = z.o_undefined;
+      }
+    } else if ((isdigit(c) || ((c == '-') && isdigit(s[(*_o)+1])))
+               && all_digits_before_delim(s, (*_o) + 1)) {
+      zuo_uint_t n;
+      int neg = (c == '-');
+      if (neg) (*_o)++;
+      n = s[*_o] - '0';
+      (*_o)++;
+      while (isdigit(s[*_o])) {
+        zuo_uint_t new_n = (10 * n) + (s[*_o] - '0');
+        if (new_n < n)
+          zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "integer overflow");
+        n = new_n;
+        (*_o)++;
+      }
+      if (neg) {
+        n = 0 - n;
+        if ((zuo_int_t)n > 0)
+          zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "integer overflow");
+        obj = zuo_integer((zuo_int_t)n);
+      } else {
+        if ((zuo_int_t)n < 0)
+          zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "integer overflow");
+        obj = zuo_integer((zuo_int_t)n);
+      }
+    } else if (c == '\'') {
+      (*_o)++;
+      stack = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(ZUO_IN_QUOTE_RECUR, zuo_symbol("quote")), stack);
+      obj = z.o_undefined;
+    } else if (c == '`') {
+      (*_o)++;
+      stack = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(ZUO_IN_QUOTE_RECUR, zuo_symbol("quasiquote")), stack);
+      obj = z.o_undefined;
+    } else if (c == ',') {
+      int splicing = 0;
+      (*_o)++;
+      if (s[*_o] == '@') {
+        splicing = 1;
+        (*_o)++;
+      }
+      stack = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(ZUO_IN_QUOTE_RECUR, (splicing
+                                                     ? zuo_symbol("unquote-splicing")
+                                                     : zuo_symbol("unquote"))),
+                       stack);
+      obj = z.o_undefined;
+    } else if ((c == '.') && !(isalpha(s[*_o+1]) || isdigit(s[*_o+1]) || strchr(symbol_chars, s[*_o+1]))) {
+      if ((stack != z.o_null) && (ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CAR(stack)) == ZUO_IN_PAREN_LIST_RECUR))
+      else if ((stack != z.o_null) && (ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CAR(stack)) == ZUO_IN_BRACKET_LIST_RECUR))
+      else
+        zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "misplaced `.`");
+      (*_o)++;
+      obj = z.o_undefined;
+      } else if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || strchr(symbol_chars, c)) {
+      zuo_t *sym;
+      zuo_int_t start = *_o, len;
+      char *s2;
+      while (1) {
+        c = s[*_o];
+        if ((c != 0) && (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || strchr(symbol_chars, c)))
+          (*_o)++;
+        else
+          break;
+      }
+      len = (*_o) - start;
+      s2 = malloc(len+1);
+      memcpy(s2, s + start, len);
+      s2[len] = 0;
+      sym = zuo_symbol(s2);
+      free(s2);
+      obj = sym;
+    } else {
+      char sc[2];
+      sc[0] = c;
+      sc[1] = 0;
+      zuo_fail1w("read", "unrecognized character", zuo_string(sc));
+      obj = z.o_null;
+    }
+    while (1) {
+      if (obj == z.o_undefined)
+        break;
+      else if (stack == z.o_null)
+        return obj;
+      else {
+        zuo_pair_t *op = (zuo_pair_t *)ZUO_CAR(stack);
+        if (op->car == ZUO_IN_QUOTE_RECUR) {
+          if (obj == z.o_eof)
+            zuo_read_fail2(s, _o, where, "end of file after ",
+                           ZUO_STRING_PTR(((zuo_symbol_t *)op->cdr)->str));
+          obj = zuo_cons(op->cdr, zuo_cons(obj, z.o_null));
+          stack = ZUO_CDR(stack);
+        } else if (op->car == ZUO_IN_DISCARD_RECUR) {
+          if (obj == z.o_eof)
+            zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "end of file after comment hash-semicolon");
+          stack = ZUO_CDR(stack);
+          break;
+        } else if ((op->car == ZUO_IN_PAREN_LIST_RECUR)
+                   || (op->car == ZUO_IN_BRACKET_LIST_RECUR)) {
+          if (obj == z.o_eof) {
+            zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "missing closer");
+            return z.o_undefined;
+          } else {
+            zuo_t *pr = zuo_cons(obj, z.o_null);
+            if (ZUO_CAR(op->cdr) == z.o_null)
+              ZUO_CAR(op->cdr) = pr;
+            else
+              ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CDR(op->cdr)) = pr;
+            ZUO_CDR(op->cdr) = pr;
+            break;
+          }
+        } else if ((op->car == ZUO_IN_PAREN_PAIR_RECUR)
+                   || (op->car == ZUO_IN_BRACKET_PAIR_RECUR)) {
+          if (obj == z.o_eof) {
+            zuo_read_fail(s, _o, where, "end of file after dot");
+            return z.o_undefined;
+          } else {
+            ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CDR(op->cdr)) = obj;
+            if (op->car == ZUO_IN_PAREN_PAIR_RECUR)
+              op->car = ZUO_IN_PAREN_END_RECUR;
+            else
+              op->car = ZUO_IN_BRACKET_END_RECUR;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_read(zuo_t *str, zuo_t *start_i, zuo_t *where) {
+  const char *who = "string-read";
+  zuo_int_t len, start, i;
+  zuo_t *first = z.o_null, *last = z.o_null, *p;
+  const char *s;
+  zuo_int_t o;
+  check_string(who, str);
+  len = ZUO_STRING_LEN(str);
+  if (start_i == z.o_undefined)
+    start = 0;
+  else {
+    check_integer(who, start_i);
+    start = ZUO_INT_I(start_i);
+    if ((start < 0) || (start > len))
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "starting index is out of bounds", start_i);
+  }
+  s = ZUO_STRING_PTR(str);
+  o = start;
+  for (i = start; i < len; i++)
+    if (s[i] == 0)
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "nul character in input", str);
+  while (1) {
+    zuo_t *obj = zuo_in((const unsigned char *)s, &o, where, 0);
+    if (obj == z.o_eof)
+      break;
+    p = zuo_cons(obj, z.o_null);
+    if (first == z.o_null)
+      first = p;
+    else
+      ((zuo_pair_t *)last)->cdr = p;
+    last = p;
+  }
+  return first;
+static int zuo_is_symbol_module_char(int c) {
+  return (c != 0) && (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || strchr("-_+/", c));
+static zuo_t *zuo_read_language(const char *s_in, zuo_int_t *_post, zuo_t *where) {
+  const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)s_in;
+  zuo_int_t o = 0, i, j;
+  const char *expect = "#lang ";
+  zuo_t *r;
+  zuo_in(s, &o, where, 1);
+  for (i = 0; expect[i]; i++) {
+    if (s[o+i] != expect[i])
+      zuo_read_fail(s, &o, where, "expected #lang followed by a space");
+  }
+  for (j = 0; 1; j++) {
+    int c = s[o+i+j];
+    if (!zuo_is_symbol_module_char(c))
+      break;
+  }
+  if (!j || !((s[o+i+j] == 0) || isspace(s[o+i+j])))
+    zuo_read_fail(s, &o, where, "expected module library path after #lang");
+  r = zuo_sized_string((char *)s+o+i, j);
+  r = zuo_symbol_from_string(ZUO_STRING_PTR(r), r);
+  *_post = o+i+j;
+  return r;
+/* primitive wrapper/dispatchers                                        */
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitive0(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)())proc)();
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitive0(zuo_t *(*f)(), zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitive0, (void *)f, (1 << 0), name);
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitive1(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)(zuo_t *))proc)(ZUO_CAR(args));
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitive1(zuo_t *(*f)(zuo_t *), zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitive1, (void *)f, (1 << 1), name);
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitive2(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *))proc)(ZUO_CAR(args), ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(args)));
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitive2(zuo_t *(*f)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *), zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitive2, (void *)f, (1 << 2), name);
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitive3(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *, zuo_t *))proc)(ZUO_CAR(args),
+                                                       ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(args)),
+                                                       ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CDR(args))));
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitive3(zuo_t *(*f)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *, zuo_t *), zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitive3, (void *)f, (1 << 3), name);
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitivea(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)(zuo_t *))proc)((args == z.o_null)
+                                     ? z.o_undefined
+                                     : ZUO_CAR(args));
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitivea(zuo_t *(*f)(zuo_t *), zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitivea, (void *)f, ((1 << 0) | (1 << 1)), name);
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitiveb(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *))proc)(ZUO_CAR(args),
+                                              ((ZUO_CDR(args) == z.o_null)
+                                               ? z.o_undefined
+                                               : ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(args))));
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitiveb(zuo_t *(*f)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *), zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitiveb, (void *)f, ((1 << 1) | (1 << 2)), name);
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitivec(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *, zuo_t *))proc)(ZUO_CAR(args), ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(args)),
+                                                       ((ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CDR(args)) == z.o_null)
+                                                        ? z.o_undefined
+                                                        : ZUO_CAR(ZUO_CDR(ZUO_CDR(args)))));
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitivec(zuo_t *(*f)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *, zuo_t *), zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitivec, (void *)f, ((1 << 2) | (1 << 3)), name);
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitiveC(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  zuo_t *a = ZUO_CAR(args), *b = z.o_undefined, *c = z.o_undefined;
+  args = ZUO_CDR(args);
+  if (args != z.o_null) {
+    b = ZUO_CAR(args);
+    args = ZUO_CDR(args);
+    if (args != z.o_null)
+      c = ZUO_CAR(args);
+  }
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *, zuo_t *))proc)(a, b, c);
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitiveC(zuo_t *(*f)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *, zuo_t *), zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitiveC, (void *)f, ((1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3)), name);
+static zuo_t *dispatch_primitiveN(void *proc, zuo_t *args) {
+  return ((zuo_t *(*)(zuo_t *))proc)(args);
+static zuo_t *zuo_primitiveN(zuo_t *(*f)(zuo_t *), zuo_int_t mask, zuo_t *name) {
+  return zuo_primitive(dispatch_primitiveN, (void *)f, mask, name);
+/* object primitives                                                    */
+static zuo_t *zuo_pair_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return (obj->tag == zuo_pair_tag) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_null_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return (obj == z.o_null) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_integer_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return (obj->tag == zuo_integer_tag) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return (obj->tag == zuo_string_tag) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_symbol_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return (obj->tag == zuo_symbol_tag) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_procedure_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return (((obj->tag == zuo_primitive_tag)
+           || (obj->tag == zuo_closure_tag)
+           || (obj->tag == zuo_cont_tag)
+           || (obj == z.o_apply)
+           || (obj == z.o_call_cc)
+           || (obj == z.o_call_prompt)
+           || (obj == z.o_kernel_eval))
+          ? z.o_true
+          : z.o_false);
+static zuo_t *zuo_hash_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return (obj->tag == zuo_trie_node_tag) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_list_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  while (obj->tag == zuo_pair_tag)
+    obj = ((zuo_pair_t *)obj)->cdr;
+  return (obj == z.o_null) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_car(zuo_t *obj) {
+  if (obj->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+    zuo_fail_arg("car", "pair", obj);
+  return ((zuo_pair_t *)obj)->car;
+static zuo_t *zuo_cdr(zuo_t *obj) {
+  if (obj->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+    zuo_fail_arg("cdr", "pair", obj);
+  return ((zuo_pair_t *)obj)->cdr;
+static zuo_t *zuo_list_ref(zuo_t *lst, zuo_t *index) {
+  const char *who = "list-ref";
+  zuo_int_t i;
+  if (index->tag == zuo_integer_tag)
+    i = ZUO_INT_I(index);
+  else
+    i = -1;
+  if (i < 0)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "not a nonnegative integer", index);
+  while ((i > 0) && (lst->tag == zuo_pair_tag)) {
+    lst = _zuo_cdr(lst);
+    i -= 1;
+  }
+  if (lst->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "encountered a non-pair", lst);
+  return _zuo_car(lst);
+static zuo_t *zuo_list_set(zuo_t *lst, zuo_t *index, zuo_t *val) {
+  const char *who = "list-set";
+  zuo_t *first = z.o_null, *last = z.o_null, *pr;
+  zuo_int_t i;
+  if (index->tag == zuo_integer_tag)
+    i = ZUO_INT_I(index);
+  else
+    i = -1;
+  if (i < 0)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "not a nonnegative integer", index);
+  if ((i == 0) && (lst->tag == zuo_pair_tag)) {
+    return zuo_cons(val, _zuo_cdr(lst));
+  } else {
+    while ((i > 0) && (lst->tag == zuo_pair_tag)) {
+      pr = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(lst), z.o_null);
+      if (first == z.o_null)
+        first = pr;
+      else
+        ((zuo_pair_t *)last)->cdr = pr;
+      last = pr;
+      lst = _zuo_cdr(lst);
+      i -= 1;
+    }
+    if (lst->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "encountered a non-pair", lst);
+    ((zuo_pair_t *)last)->cdr = zuo_cons(val, _zuo_cdr(lst));
+    return first;
+  }
+static zuo_int_t zuo_length_int(zuo_t *in_l) {
+  zuo_t *l = in_l;
+  zuo_int_t len = 0;
+  while (l->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+    l = ((zuo_pair_t *)l)->cdr;
+    len++;
+  }
+  if (l != z.o_null)
+    zuo_fail_arg("length", "list", in_l);
+  return len;
+static zuo_t *zuo_length(zuo_t *in_l) {
+  return zuo_integer(zuo_length_int(in_l));
+static zuo_t *zuo_reverse(zuo_t *in_l) {
+  zuo_t *l = in_l, *r = z.o_null;
+  while (l->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+    r = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(l), r);
+    l = _zuo_cdr(l);
+  }
+  if (l != z.o_null)
+    zuo_fail_arg("reverse", "list", in_l);
+  return r;
+static zuo_t *zuo_build_string(zuo_t *chars) {
+  zuo_int_t len = 0;
+  zuo_t *l, *str;
+  char *s;
+  for (l = chars; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(l);
+    if ((a->tag != zuo_integer_tag)
+        || (ZUO_INT_I(a) < 0)
+        || (ZUO_INT_I(a) > 255))
+      zuo_fail_arg("string", "integer in [0, 255]", a);
+    len++;
+  }
+  s = malloc(len);
+  len = 0;
+  for (l = chars; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l))
+    s[len++] = ZUO_INT_I(_zuo_car(l));
+  str = zuo_sized_string(s, len);
+  free(s);
+  return str;
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_length(zuo_t *obj) {
+  check_string("string-length", obj);
+  return zuo_integer(ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj));
+static zuo_int_t check_string_ref_index(const char *who, zuo_t *obj, zuo_t *i, int width) {
+  zuo_int_t idx;
+  check_string(who, obj);
+  check_integer(who, i);
+  idx = ZUO_INT_I(i);
+  if ((idx < 0) || ((idx + width) > ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj)))
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "index out of bounds for string", i);
+  return idx;
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_ref(zuo_t *obj, zuo_t *i) {
+  zuo_int_t idx = check_string_ref_index("string-ref", obj, i, 1);
+  return zuo_integer(((zuo_string_t *)obj)->s[idx]);
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_u32_ref(zuo_t *obj, zuo_t *i) {
+  zuo_int_t idx = check_string_ref_index("string-u32-ref", obj, i, 4);
+  zuo_uint32_t v;
+  memcpy(&v, (((zuo_string_t *)obj)->s + idx), sizeof(zuo_uint32_t));
+  return zuo_integer(v);
+static zuo_t *zuo_substring(zuo_t *obj, zuo_t *start_i, zuo_t *end_i) {
+  const char *who = "substring";
+  zuo_int_t s_idx, e_idx, len;
+  check_string(who, obj);
+  len = ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj);
+  check_integer(who, start_i);
+  s_idx = ZUO_INT_I(start_i);
+  if (end_i == z.o_undefined)
+    e_idx = len;
+  else {
+    check_integer(who, end_i);
+    e_idx = ZUO_INT_I(end_i);
+  }
+  if ((s_idx < 0) || (s_idx > len))
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "starting index out of bounds for string", start_i);
+  if ((e_idx < 0) || (e_idx > len))
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "ending index out of bounds for string", end_i);
+  if (e_idx < s_idx)
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "ending index less than starting index", end_i);
+  return zuo_sized_string((const char *)&((zuo_string_t *)obj)->s[s_idx], e_idx - s_idx);
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_to_symbol(zuo_t *obj) {
+  check_string("string->symbol", obj);
+  return zuo_symbol_from_string(ZUO_STRING_PTR(obj), obj);
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_to_uninterned_symbol(zuo_t *obj) {
+  check_string("string->uninterned-symbol", obj);
+  return zuo_make_symbol_from_string(obj);
+static zuo_t *zuo_symbol_to_string(zuo_t *obj) {
+  check_symbol("symbol->string", obj);
+  return ((zuo_symbol_t *)obj)->str;
+static zuo_t *zuo_hash(zuo_t *args) {
+  zuo_t *l, *ht;
+  for (l = args; l->tag == zuo_pair_tag; l = _zuo_cdr(_zuo_cdr(l))) {
+    if ((_zuo_car(l)->tag != zuo_symbol_tag)
+        || (_zuo_cdr(l)->tag != zuo_pair_tag))
+      break;
+  }
+  if (l != z.o_null)
+    zuo_fail1w("hash", "arguments not symbol keys interleaved with values", args);
+  ht = z.o_empty_hash;
+  for (l = args; l->tag == zuo_pair_tag; l = _zuo_cdr(_zuo_cdr(l)))
+    ht = zuo_trie_extend(ht, _zuo_car(l), _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(l)));
+  return ht;
+static zuo_t *zuo_hash_count(zuo_t *ht) {
+  check_hash("hash-count", ht);
+  return zuo_integer(((zuo_trie_node_t *)ht)->count);
+static zuo_t *zuo_hash_ref(zuo_t *ht, zuo_t *sym, zuo_t *defval) {
+  zuo_t *v;
+  const char *who = "hash-ref";
+  check_hash(who, ht);
+  check_symbol(who, sym);
+  v = zuo_trie_lookup(ht, sym);
+  if (v == z.o_undefined) {
+    if (defval == z.o_undefined) zuo_fail1w(who, "key is not present", sym);
+    v = defval;
+  }
+  return v;
+static zuo_t *zuo_hash_set(zuo_t *ht, zuo_t *sym, zuo_t *val) {
+  const char *who = "hash-set";
+  check_hash(who, ht);
+  check_symbol(who, sym);
+  return zuo_trie_extend(ht, sym, val);
+static zuo_t *zuo_hash_remove(zuo_t *ht, zuo_t *sym) {
+  const char *who = "hash-remove";
+  check_hash(who, ht);
+  check_symbol(who, sym);
+  return zuo_trie_remove(ht, sym);
+static zuo_t *zuo_hash_keys(zuo_t *ht) {
+  check_hash("hash-keys", ht);
+  return zuo_trie_keys(ht, z.o_null);
+static zuo_t *zuo_hash_keys_subset_p(zuo_t *ht, zuo_t *ht2) {
+  const char *who = "hash-keys-subset?";
+  check_hash(who, ht);
+  check_hash(who, ht2);
+  return zuo_trie_keys_subset_p(ht, ht2) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_opaque_ref(zuo_t *tag, zuo_t *obj, zuo_t *defval) {
+  if (obj->tag == zuo_opaque_tag) {
+    if (((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->tag == tag)
+      return ((zuo_opaque_t *)obj)->val;
+  }
+  return defval;
+static void check_ints(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m, const char *who) {
+  check_integer(who, n);
+  check_integer(who, m);
+static zuo_t *zuo_add(zuo_t *ns) {
+  zuo_uint_t i = 0;
+  while (ns != z.o_null) {
+    zuo_t *n = _zuo_car(ns);
+    check_integer("+", n);
+    i += ZUO_UINT_I(n);
+    ns = _zuo_cdr(ns);
+  }
+  return zuo_integer((zuo_int_t)i);
+static zuo_t *zuo_subtract(zuo_t *ns) {
+  zuo_uint_t i;
+  zuo_t *n = _zuo_car(ns);
+  check_integer("-", n);
+  i = ZUO_UINT_I(n);
+  ns = _zuo_cdr(ns);
+  if (ns == z.o_null) {
+    i = -i;
+  } else {
+    while (ns != z.o_null) {
+      n = _zuo_car(ns);
+      check_integer("-", n);
+      i -= ZUO_UINT_I(n);
+      ns = _zuo_cdr(ns);
+    }
+  }
+  return zuo_integer((zuo_int_t)i);
+static zuo_t *zuo_multiply(zuo_t *ns) {
+  zuo_uint_t i = 1;
+  while (ns != z.o_null) {
+    zuo_t *n = _zuo_car(ns);
+    check_integer("*", n);
+    i *= ZUO_UINT_I(n);
+    ns = _zuo_cdr(ns);
+  }
+  return zuo_integer((zuo_int_t)i);
+static zuo_t *zuo_quotient(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  const char *who = "quotient";
+  zuo_int_t m_i;
+  check_ints(n, m, who);
+  m_i = ZUO_UINT_I(m);
+  if (m_i == 0) zuo_fail1w(who, "divide by zero", m);
+  if (m_i == -1) {
+    /* avoid potential overflow a the minimum integer */
+    return zuo_integer((zuo_int_t)(0 - ZUO_UINT_I(n)));
+  }
+  return zuo_integer(ZUO_INT_I(n) / m_i);
+static zuo_t *zuo_modulo(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  const char *who = "modulo";
+  zuo_int_t m_i;
+  check_ints(n, m, who);
+  m_i = ZUO_UINT_I(m);
+  if (m_i == 0) zuo_fail1w(who, "divide by zero", m);
+  if (m_i == -1) {
+    /* avoid potential overflow a the minimum integer */
+    return zuo_integer(0);
+  }
+  return zuo_integer(ZUO_INT_I(n) % m_i);
+static zuo_t *zuo_not(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return (obj == z.o_false) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_eql(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  check_ints(n, m, "=");
+  return (ZUO_INT_I(n) == ZUO_INT_I(m)) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_lt(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  check_ints(n, m, "<");
+  return (ZUO_INT_I(n) < ZUO_INT_I(m)) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_le(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  check_ints(n, m, "<=");
+  return (ZUO_INT_I(n) <= ZUO_INT_I(m)) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_ge(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  check_ints(n, m, ">=");
+  return (ZUO_INT_I(n) >= ZUO_INT_I(m)) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_gt(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  check_ints(n, m, ">");
+  return (ZUO_INT_I(n) > ZUO_INT_I(m)) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_bitwise_and(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  check_ints(n, m, "bitwise-and");
+  return zuo_integer(ZUO_UINT_I(n) & ZUO_UINT_I(m));
+static zuo_t *zuo_bitwise_ior(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  check_ints(n, m, "bitwise-ior");
+  return zuo_integer(ZUO_UINT_I(n) | ZUO_UINT_I(m));
+static zuo_t *zuo_bitwise_xor(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  check_ints(n, m, "bitwise-xor");
+  return zuo_integer(ZUO_UINT_I(n) ^ ZUO_UINT_I(m));
+static zuo_t *zuo_bitwise_not(zuo_t *n) {
+  check_integer("bitwise-not", n);
+  return zuo_integer(~ZUO_UINT_I(n));
+static zuo_t *zuo_eq(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  return (n == m) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_eql(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  const char *who = "string=?";
+  check_string(who, n);
+  check_string(who, m);
+  return (((ZUO_STRING_LEN(n) == ZUO_STRING_LEN(m))
+           && !memcmp(ZUO_STRING_PTR(n), ZUO_STRING_PTR(m), ZUO_STRING_LEN(n)))
+          ? z.o_true
+          : z.o_false);
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_ci_eql(zuo_t *n, zuo_t *m) {
+  const char *who = "string-ci=?";
+  zuo_int_t i;
+  check_string(who, n);
+  check_string(who, m);
+  if (ZUO_STRING_LEN(n) != ZUO_STRING_LEN(m)) return z.o_false;
+  for (i = 0; i < ZUO_STRING_LEN(n); i++)
+    if (tolower(((zuo_string_t *)n)->s[i]) != tolower(((zuo_string_t *)m)->s[i]))
+      return z.o_false;
+  return z.o_true;
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_split(zuo_t *str, zuo_t *find_str) {
+  const char *who = "string-split";
+  zuo_t *l = z.o_null;
+  zuo_int_t start, i, find_len;
+  const char *fs;
+  int keep_empty;
+  check_string(who, str);
+  if (find_str != z.o_undefined) {
+    if (find_str->tag == zuo_string_tag)
+      find_len = ZUO_STRING_LEN(find_str);
+    else
+      find_len = 0;
+    if (find_len < 1)
+      zuo_fail_arg(who, "nonempty string", find_str);
+    fs = ZUO_STRING_PTR(find_str);
+    keep_empty = 1;
+  } else {
+    fs = " ";
+    find_len = 1;
+    keep_empty = 0;
+  }
+  start = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i <= ZUO_STRING_LEN(str) - find_len; i++) {
+    if (!memcmp(ZUO_STRING_PTR(str) + i, fs, find_len)) {
+      if ((start < i) || keep_empty)
+        l = zuo_cons(zuo_sized_string(ZUO_STRING_PTR(str) + start, i - start), l);
+      i += (find_len-1);
+      start = i+1;
+    }
+  }
+  if ((start < ZUO_STRING_LEN(str)) || keep_empty)
+    l = zuo_cons(zuo_sized_string(ZUO_STRING_PTR(str) + start, ZUO_STRING_LEN(str) - start), l);
+  return zuo_reverse(l);
+static zuo_t *zuo_tilde_v(zuo_t *objs) {
+  return zuo_to_string(objs, zuo_print_mode);
+static zuo_t *zuo_tilde_s(zuo_t *objs) {
+  return zuo_to_string(objs, zuo_write_mode);
+static zuo_t *zuo_tilde_a(zuo_t *objs) {
+  return zuo_to_string(objs, zuo_display_mode);
+static void zuo_falert(FILE* f, zuo_t *objs) {
+  if ((objs->tag == zuo_pair_tag)
+      && (_zuo_car(objs)->tag == zuo_string_tag)) {
+    zuo_fdisplay(f, _zuo_car(objs));
+    objs = _zuo_cdr(objs);
+    if (objs != z.o_null) fprintf(f, ": ");
+  }
+  zuo_fdisplay(f, zuo_tilde_v(objs));
+static zuo_t *zuo_error(zuo_t *objs) {
+  zuo_error_color();
+  zuo_falert(stderr, objs);
+  zuo_fail("");
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_alert(zuo_t *objs) {
+  zuo_alert_color();
+  zuo_falert(stdout, objs);
+  fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+  zuo_normal_color(1);
+  return z.o_void;
+static zuo_t *zuo_arg_error(zuo_t *name, zuo_t *what, zuo_t *arg) {
+  const char *who = "arg-error";
+  check_symbol(who, name);
+  check_string(who, what);
+  zuo_fail_arg(ZUO_STRING_PTR(((zuo_symbol_t *)name)->str), ZUO_STRING_PTR(what), arg);
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_arity_error(zuo_t *name, zuo_t *args) {
+  const char *who = "arity-error";
+  zuo_t *msg;
+  if ((name != z.o_false) && (name->tag != zuo_string_tag))
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "string or #f", name);
+  if (zuo_list_p(args) != z.o_true)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "list", args);
+  msg = zuo_tilde_a(zuo_cons((name == z.o_false) ? zuo_string("[procedure]") : name,
+                             zuo_cons(zuo_string(": wrong number of arguments: "),
+                                      zuo_cons((args == z.o_null)
+                                               ?  zuo_string("[no arguments]")
+                                               : zuo_tilde_v(args),
+                                               z.o_null))));
+  zuo_fail(ZUO_STRING_PTR(msg));
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static void zuo_fail_arity(zuo_t *rator, zuo_t *args) {
+  zuo_t *name;
+  if (rator->tag == zuo_primitive_tag)
+    name = ((zuo_symbol_t *)((zuo_primitive_t *)rator)->name)->str;
+  else if (rator == z.o_apply)
+    name = zuo_string("apply");
+  else if (rator == z.o_call_cc)
+    name = zuo_string("call/cc");
+  else if (rator == z.o_call_prompt)
+    name = zuo_string("call/prompt");
+  else if (rator == z.o_kernel_eval)
+    name = zuo_string("kernel-eval");
+  else if (rator->tag == zuo_closure_tag) {
+    zuo_t *body = _zuo_cdr(_zuo_cdr(((zuo_closure_t *)rator)->lambda));
+    if (_zuo_cdr(body) != z.o_null)
+      name =  _zuo_car(body);
+    else
+      name = z.o_false;
+  } else
+    name = z.o_false;
+  zuo_arity_error(name, args);
+static zuo_t *zuo_exit(zuo_t *val) {
+  if (val == z.o_undefined)
+    zuo_exit_int(0);
+  else if ((val->tag != zuo_integer_tag)
+           || (ZUO_INT_I(val) < 0)
+           || (ZUO_INT_I(val) > 255))
+    zuo_fail_arg("exit", "integer in [0, 255]", val);
+  else
+    zuo_exit_int(ZUO_INT_I(val));
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_list(zuo_t *objs) {
+  return objs;
+static zuo_t *zuo_append(zuo_t *objs) {
+  zuo_t *first = z.o_null, *last = NULL, *p;
+  zuo_t *l = objs, *a;
+  while ((l->tag == zuo_pair_tag)
+         && (_zuo_cdr(l)->tag == zuo_pair_tag)) {
+    a = _zuo_car(l);
+    while (a->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+      p = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(a), z.o_null);
+      if (last)
+        ((zuo_pair_t *)last)->cdr = p;
+      else
+        first = p;
+      last = p;
+      a = _zuo_cdr(a);
+    }
+    if (a != z.o_null)
+      zuo_fail_arg("append", "list", _zuo_car(l));
+    l = _zuo_cdr(l);
+  }
+  if (l->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+    if (last)
+      ((zuo_pair_t *)last)->cdr = _zuo_car(l);
+    else
+      first = _zuo_car(l);
+  }
+  return first;
+static zuo_t *zuo_prompt_avail_p(zuo_t *tag) {
+  check_symbol("continuation-prompt-available?", tag);
+  if (Z.o_interp_meta_k == z.o_null)
+    return z.o_false;
+  return ((tag == _zuo_cdr(_zuo_car(Z.o_interp_meta_k))) ? z.o_true : z.o_false);
+static zuo_t *zuo_variable_p(zuo_t *var) {
+  return (var->tag == zuo_variable_tag) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_make_variable(zuo_t *name) {
+  check_symbol("variable", name);
+  return zuo_variable(name);
+static zuo_t *zuo_variable_ref(zuo_t *var) {
+  zuo_t *val;
+  if (var->tag != zuo_variable_tag)
+    zuo_fail_arg("variable-ref", "variable", var);
+  val = ((zuo_variable_t *)var)->val;
+  if (val == z.o_undefined) {
+    zuo_error_color();
+    fprintf(stderr, "undefined: ");
+    zuo_fwrite(stderr, ((zuo_variable_t *)var)->name);
+    zuo_fail("");
+  }
+  return val;
+static zuo_t *zuo_variable_set(zuo_t *var, zuo_t *val) {
+  if (var->tag != zuo_variable_tag)
+    zuo_fail_arg("variable-set!", "variable", var);
+  if (((zuo_variable_t *)var)->val != z.o_undefined)
+    zuo_fail1w("variable-set!", "variable already has a value", var);
+  ((zuo_variable_t *)var)->val = val;
+  return z.o_void;
+static zuo_t *zuo_make_void(zuo_t *args) {
+  return z.o_void;
+static zuo_t *zuo_kernel_env() {
+  return z.o_top_env;
+/* interpreter                                                          */
+static void bad_form(zuo_t *e) {
+  zuo_error_color();
+  fprintf(stderr, "bad kernel syntax: ");
+  zuo_fwrite(stderr, e);
+  zuo_fail("");
+/* Not strictly necessary, but a handy sanity check on input expressions: */
+static void check_syntax(zuo_t *e) {
+  zuo_t *es = zuo_cons(e, z.o_null);
+  while (es != z.o_null) {
+    e = _zuo_car(es);
+    es = _zuo_cdr(es);
+    if (e->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+      zuo_t *rator = _zuo_car(e);
+      if (rator == z.o_quote_symbol) {
+        zuo_t *d = _zuo_cdr(e);
+        if ((d->tag != zuo_pair_tag) || (_zuo_cdr(d) != z.o_null))
+          bad_form(e);
+      } else if (rator == z.o_if_symbol) {
+        zuo_t *d = _zuo_cdr(e), *dd, *ddd;
+        if (d->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+          bad_form(e);
+        dd = _zuo_cdr(d);
+        if (dd->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+          bad_form(e);
+        ddd = _zuo_cdr(dd);
+        if ((ddd->tag != zuo_pair_tag) || (_zuo_cdr(ddd) != z.o_null))
+          bad_form(e);
+        es = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(ddd), es);
+        es = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(dd), es);
+        es = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(d), es);
+      } else if (rator == z.o_lambda_symbol) {
+        zuo_t *d = _zuo_cdr(e), *dd, *ad;
+        if (d->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+          bad_form(e);
+        ad = _zuo_car(d); /* formals */
+        dd = _zuo_cdr(d);
+        if (dd->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+          bad_form(e);
+        if (_zuo_cdr(dd) != z.o_null) {
+          if (_zuo_car(dd)->tag == zuo_string_tag) {
+            /* skip over name string */
+            dd = _zuo_cdr(dd);
+            if (dd->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+              bad_form(e);
+          } else
+            bad_form(e);
+        }
+        if (_zuo_cdr(dd) != z.o_null)
+          bad_form(e);
+        while (ad->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+          if (_zuo_car(ad)->tag != zuo_symbol_tag)
+            bad_form(e);
+          ad = _zuo_cdr(ad);
+        }
+        if ((ad != z.o_null)
+            && (ad->tag != zuo_symbol_tag))
+          bad_form(e);
+        es = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(dd), es);
+      } else if (rator == z.o_let_symbol) {
+        zuo_t *d = _zuo_cdr(e), *dd, *ad, *aad, *daad, *adaad;
+        if (d->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+          bad_form(e);
+        ad = _zuo_car(d); /* `((id rhs))` */
+        dd = _zuo_cdr(d);
+        if ((dd->tag != zuo_pair_tag) || (_zuo_cdr(dd) != z.o_null))
+          bad_form(e);
+        if ((ad->tag != zuo_pair_tag) || (_zuo_cdr(ad) != z.o_null))
+          bad_form(e);
+        aad = _zuo_car(ad); /* `(id rhs)` */
+        if ((aad->tag != zuo_pair_tag) || (_zuo_car(aad)->tag != zuo_symbol_tag))
+          bad_form(e);
+        daad = _zuo_cdr(aad); /* `(rhs)` */
+        if ((daad->tag != zuo_pair_tag) || (_zuo_cdr(daad) != z.o_null))
+          bad_form(e);
+        adaad = _zuo_car(daad); /* `rhs` */
+        es = zuo_cons(adaad, es);
+        es = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(dd), es);
+      } else if (rator == z.o_begin_symbol) {
+        zuo_t *l = _zuo_cdr(e);
+        if (l->tag != zuo_pair_tag)
+          bad_form(e);
+        while (l->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+          es = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(l), es);
+          l = _zuo_cdr(l);
+        }
+        if (l != z.o_null)
+          bad_form(e);
+      } else {
+        zuo_t *l = e;
+        while (l->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+          es = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(l), es);
+          l = _zuo_cdr(l);
+        }
+        if (l != z.o_null)
+          bad_form(e);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static zuo_t *env_extend(zuo_t *env, zuo_t *sym, zuo_t *val) {
+  ASSERT((env->tag == zuo_trie_node_tag) || (env->tag == zuo_pair_tag));
+  return zuo_cons(zuo_cons(sym, val), env);
+static zuo_t *env_lookup(zuo_t *env, zuo_t *sym) {
+  while (env->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+    zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(env);
+    if (_zuo_car(a) == sym)
+      return _zuo_cdr(a);
+    env = _zuo_cdr(env);
+  }
+  return zuo_trie_lookup(env, sym);
+static void interp_step() {
+  zuo_t *e = Z.o_interp_e;
+  if (zuo_probe_each) {
+    zuo_probe_counter++;
+    if ((zuo_probe_counter % zuo_probe_each) == 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "probe %d:\n", zuo_probe_counter);
+      zuo_stack_trace();
+    }
+  }
+  if (e->tag == zuo_symbol_tag) {
+    zuo_t *val = env_lookup(Z.o_interp_env, e);
+    if (val == z.o_undefined)
+      zuo_fail1("undefined", e);
+    Z.o_interp_v = val;
+  } else if (e->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+    zuo_t *rator = _zuo_car(e);
+    if (rator == z.o_quote_symbol) {
+      Z.o_interp_v = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(e));
+    } else if (rator == z.o_if_symbol) {
+      zuo_t *d = _zuo_cdr(e);
+      Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(d);
+      Z.o_interp_k = zuo_cont(zuo_if_cont,
+                              _zuo_cdr(d), Z.o_interp_env,
+                              Z.o_interp_in_proc,
+                              Z.o_interp_k);
+    } else if (rator == z.o_lambda_symbol) {
+      Z.o_interp_v = zuo_closure(Z.o_interp_e, Z.o_interp_env);
+    } else if (rator == z.o_let_symbol) {
+      zuo_t *d = _zuo_cdr(e);
+      Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(_zuo_car(_zuo_car(d))));
+      Z.o_interp_k = zuo_cont(zuo_let_cont,
+                              d, Z.o_interp_env,
+                              Z.o_interp_in_proc,
+                              Z.o_interp_k);
+    } else if (rator == z.o_begin_symbol) {
+      zuo_t *d = _zuo_cdr(e);
+      zuo_t *dd = _zuo_cdr(d);
+      Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(d);
+      if (dd != z.o_null)
+        Z.o_interp_k = zuo_cont(zuo_begin_cont,
+                                dd, Z.o_interp_env,
+                                Z.o_interp_in_proc,
+                                Z.o_interp_k);
+    } else {
+      Z.o_interp_e = rator;
+      Z.o_interp_k = zuo_cont(zuo_apply_cont,
+                              zuo_cons(z.o_null, _zuo_cdr(e)), Z.o_interp_env,
+                              Z.o_interp_in_proc,
+                              Z.o_interp_k);
+    }
+  } else
+    Z.o_interp_v = e;
+static void continue_step() {
+  zuo_cont_t *k = (zuo_cont_t *)Z.o_interp_k;
+  Z.o_interp_k = k->next;
+  Z.o_interp_in_proc = k->in_proc;
+  switch (k->tag) {
+  case zuo_apply_cont:
+    {
+      zuo_t *rev_vals = _zuo_car(k->data);
+      zuo_t *exps = _zuo_cdr(k->data);
+      rev_vals = zuo_cons(Z.o_interp_v, rev_vals);
+      if (exps == z.o_null) {
+        zuo_t *rator;
+        zuo_t *args = z.o_null;
+        int count = 0;
+        while (_zuo_cdr(rev_vals) != z.o_null) {
+          args = zuo_cons(_zuo_car(rev_vals), args);
+          count++;
+          rev_vals = _zuo_cdr(rev_vals);
+        }
+        rator = _zuo_car(rev_vals);
+        while (1) { /* loop in case of `apply` */
+          if (rator->tag == zuo_closure_tag) {
+            zuo_t *all_args = args;
+            zuo_closure_t *f = (zuo_closure_t *)rator;
+            zuo_t *env = f->env;
+            zuo_t *formals = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(f->lambda));
+            zuo_t *body = _zuo_cdr(_zuo_cdr(f->lambda));
+            zuo_t *body_d = _zuo_cdr(body);
+            if (body_d != z.o_null) {
+              zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(body);
+              if (a->tag == zuo_string_tag) {
+                Z.o_interp_in_proc = a;
+                body = body_d; /* skip over function name */
+                body_d = _zuo_cdr(body);
+              } else
+                Z.o_interp_in_proc = z.o_false;
+            } else
+              Z.o_interp_in_proc = z.o_false;
+            while (formals->tag == zuo_pair_tag) {
+              if (args == z.o_null)
+                break;
+              env = env_extend(env, _zuo_car(formals), _zuo_car(args));
+              args = _zuo_cdr(args);
+              formals = _zuo_cdr(formals);
+            }
+            if (formals->tag == zuo_symbol_tag)
+              env = env_extend(env, formals, args);
+            else if (formals != z.o_null || args != z.o_null)
+              zuo_fail_arity(rator, all_args);
+            Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(body);
+            Z.o_interp_env = env;
+            Z.o_interp_v = z.o_undefined;
+            break;
+          } else if (rator->tag == zuo_primitive_tag) {
+            zuo_primitive_t *f = (zuo_primitive_t *)rator;
+            if (f->arity_mask & ((zuo_uint_t)1 << ((count >= ZUO_MAX_PRIM_ARITY) ? ZUO_MAX_PRIM_ARITY : count)))
+              Z.o_interp_v = f->dispatcher(f->proc, args);
+            else
+              zuo_fail_arity(rator, args);
+            break;
+          } else if (rator->tag == zuo_cont_tag) {
+            if (count == 1) {
+              Z.o_interp_k = rator;
+              Z.o_interp_v = _zuo_car(args);
+            } else
+              zuo_fail_arity(rator, args);
+            break;
+          } else if (rator == z.o_apply) {
+            if (count != 2)
+              zuo_fail_arity(z.o_apply, args);
+            rator = _zuo_car(args);
+            args = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(args));
+            if (zuo_list_p(args) != z.o_true)
+              zuo_fail_arg("apply", "list", args);
+            count = zuo_length_int(args);
+            /* no break => loop to apply again */
+          } else if (rator == z.o_call_cc) {
+            if (count != 1)
+              zuo_fail_arity(z.o_call_cc, args);
+            rator = _zuo_car(args);
+            args = zuo_cons(Z.o_interp_k, z.o_null);
+            /* no break => loop to apply again */
+          } else if (rator == z.o_call_prompt) {
+            zuo_t *tag;
+            if (count != 2)
+              zuo_fail_arity(z.o_call_prompt, args);
+            rator = _zuo_car(args);
+            tag = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(args));
+            if (tag->tag != zuo_symbol_tag)
+              zuo_fail1w("call/prompt", "not a symbol", tag);
+            args = z.o_null;
+            Z.o_interp_meta_k = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(Z.o_interp_k, tag),
+                                         Z.o_interp_meta_k);
+            Z.o_interp_k = z.o_done_k;
+            /* no break => loop to apply again */
+          } else if (rator == z.o_kernel_eval) {
+            if (count != 1)
+              zuo_fail_arity(z.o_kernel_eval, args);
+            Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(args);
+            check_syntax(Z.o_interp_e);
+            Z.o_interp_meta_k = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(Z.o_interp_k, z.o_undefined),
+                                         Z.o_interp_meta_k);
+            Z.o_interp_v = z.o_undefined;
+            Z.o_interp_env = z.o_top_env;
+            Z.o_interp_k = z.o_done_k;
+            break;
+          } else
+            zuo_fail1("not a procedure for application", rator);
+        }
+      } else {
+        Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(exps);
+        Z.o_interp_env = k->env;
+        Z.o_interp_k = zuo_cont(zuo_apply_cont,
+                                zuo_cons(rev_vals, _zuo_cdr(exps)), Z.o_interp_env,
+                                Z.o_interp_in_proc,
+                                Z.o_interp_k);
+        Z.o_interp_v = z.o_undefined;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case zuo_let_cont:
+    Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(k->data));
+    Z.o_interp_env = env_extend(k->env, _zuo_car(_zuo_car(_zuo_car(k->data))), Z.o_interp_v);
+    Z.o_interp_v = z.o_undefined;
+    break;
+  case zuo_begin_cont:
+    {
+      zuo_t *d = _zuo_cdr(k->data);
+      Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(k->data);
+      Z.o_interp_env = k->env;
+      if (d != z.o_null)
+        Z.o_interp_k = zuo_cont(zuo_begin_cont,
+                                d, Z.o_interp_env,
+                                Z.o_interp_in_proc,
+                                Z.o_interp_k);
+      Z.o_interp_v = z.o_undefined;
+    }
+    break;
+  case zuo_if_cont:
+    {
+      if (Z.o_interp_v == z.o_false)
+        Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(k->data));
+      else
+        Z.o_interp_e = _zuo_car(k->data);
+      Z.o_interp_env = k->env;
+      Z.o_interp_v = z.o_undefined;
+    }
+    break;
+  case zuo_done_cont:
+    break;
+  }
+zuo_t *zuo_kernel_eval(zuo_t *e) {
+  check_syntax(e);
+  Z.o_interp_e = e;
+  Z.o_interp_v = z.o_undefined;
+  Z.o_interp_env = z.o_top_env;
+  Z.o_interp_k = z.o_done_k;
+  Z.o_interp_meta_k = z.o_null;
+  while (1) {
+    zuo_check_collect();
+    if (Z.o_interp_v == z.o_undefined) {
+      interp_step();
+    } else if (Z.o_interp_k == z.o_done_k) {
+      if (Z.o_interp_meta_k == z.o_null) {
+        zuo_t *v = Z.o_interp_v;
+        Z.o_interp_e = Z.o_interp_v = Z.o_interp_env = z.o_false;
+        return v;
+      } else {
+        Z.o_interp_k = _zuo_car(_zuo_car(Z.o_interp_meta_k));
+        Z.o_interp_meta_k = zuo_cdr(Z.o_interp_meta_k);
+      }
+    } else {
+      continue_step();
+    }
+  }
+/* environment variables                                                */
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+# include <crt_externs.h>
+#elif defined(ZUO_UNIX)
+extern char **environ;
+static wchar_t *zuo_to_wide(char *a) {
+  wchar_t *wa;
+  int walen, alen = strlen(a);
+  walen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, a, alen, NULL, 0);
+  wa = malloc((walen+1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
+  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, a, alen, wa, walen);
+  wa[walen] = 0;
+  return wa;
+static char *zuo_from_wide(const wchar_t *wa) {
+  char *a;
+  int alen, walen = wcslen(wa);
+  alen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wa, walen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+  a = malloc(alen+1);
+  alen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wa, walen, a, alen, NULL, NULL);
+  a[alen] = 0;
+  return a;
+static zuo_t *zuo_get_envvars()
+  zuo_t *first = z.o_null, *last = NULL, *pr;
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  {
+    zuo_int_t i, j;
+    char **ea, *p;
+# if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+    ea = *_NSGetEnviron();
+# else
+    ea = environ;
+# endif
+    for (i = 0; ea[i]; i++) {
+      p = ea[i];
+      for (j = 0; p[j] && p[j] != '='; j++) {
+      }
+      pr = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(zuo_sized_string(p, j), zuo_string(p+j+1)),
+                    z.o_null);
+      if (last == NULL) first = pr; else ZUO_CDR(last) = pr;
+      last = pr;
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    char *p;
+    wchar_t *e;
+    zuo_int_t i, start, j;
+    e = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
+    if (!e)
+      zuo_fail("failed to get environment variables");
+    i = 0;
+    while (e[i]) {
+      start = i;
+      while (e[i]) { i++; }
+      p = zuo_from_wide(e + start);
+      for (j = 0; p[j] && p[j] != '='; j++) {
+      }
+      p[j] = 0;
+      if (p[0] != 0) {
+        pr = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(zuo_string(p), zuo_string(p+j+1)),
+                      z.o_null);
+        if (last == NULL) first = pr; else ZUO_CDR(last) = pr;
+        last = pr;
+      }
+      free(p);
+      i++;
+    }
+    FreeEnvironmentStringsW(e);
+  }
+  return first;
+static void *zuo_envvars_block(const char *who, zuo_t *envvars)
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  char **r, *s;
+  intptr_t len = 0, slen, c, count = 0;
+  zuo_t *l;
+  for (l = envvars; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(l);
+    len += ZUO_STRING_LEN(_zuo_car(a));
+    len += ZUO_STRING_LEN(_zuo_cdr(a));
+    len += 2;
+    count++;
+  }
+  r = (char **)malloc((count+1) * sizeof(char*) + len);
+  s = (char *)(r + (count+1));
+  c = 0;
+  for (l = envvars; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(l);
+    r[c++] = s;
+    slen = ZUO_STRING_LEN(_zuo_car(a));
+    memcpy(s, ZUO_STRING_PTR(_zuo_car(a)), slen);
+    s[slen] = '=';
+    s = s + (slen + 1);
+    slen = ZUO_STRING_LEN(_zuo_cdr(a));
+    memcpy(s, ZUO_STRING_PTR(_zuo_cdr(a)), slen);
+    s[slen] = 0;
+    s = s + (slen + 1);
+  }
+  r[c] = NULL;
+  return r;
+  zuo_t *l;
+  zuo_int_t i;
+  zuo_int_t r_size = 256, r_len = 0, namelen, vallen, slen;
+  wchar_t *r = malloc(r_size * sizeof(wchar_t)), *name, *val;
+  for (l = envvars; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(l);
+    name = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(_zuo_car(a)));
+    val = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(_zuo_cdr(a)));
+    namelen = wcslen(name);
+    vallen = wcslen(val);
+    slen = namelen + vallen + 2;
+    if (r_len + slen >= r_size) {
+      zuo_int_t new_size = 2 * (r_size + r_len);
+      wchar_t *new_r = malloc(new_size * sizeof(wchar_t));
+      memcpy(new_r, r, r_size * sizeof(wchar_t));
+      free(r);
+      r = new_r;
+      r_size = new_size;
+    }
+    memcpy(r + r_len, name, namelen * sizeof(wchar_t));
+    r_len += namelen;
+    r[r_len++] = '=';
+    memcpy(r + r_len, val, vallen * sizeof(wchar_t));
+    r_len += vallen;
+    r[r_len++] = 0;
+    free(name);
+    free(val);
+  }
+  r[r_len] = 0;
+  return r;
+/* paths                                                                */
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+# define ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(c) ((c) == '/')
+# define ZUO_PATH_SEP '/'
+# define ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(c) (((c) == '/') || ((c) == '\\'))
+# define ZUO_PATH_SEP '\\'
+static int zuo_is_path_string(zuo_t *obj) {
+  zuo_int_t i;
+  if ((obj->tag != zuo_string_tag)
+      || ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj) == 0)
+    return 0;
+  for (i = ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj); i--; ) {
+    if (((zuo_string_t *)obj)->s[i] == 0)
+      return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
+static zuo_t *zuo_path_string_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  return zuo_is_path_string(obj) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static int zuo_is_module_path(zuo_t *obj, int *_saw_slash) {
+  if (obj->tag == zuo_symbol_tag) {
+    zuo_string_t *str = (zuo_string_t *)((zuo_symbol_t *)obj)->str;
+    if (str->len == 0)
+      str = NULL;
+    else {
+      zuo_int_t i, saw_slash = 0;
+      for (i = 0; i < str->len; i++) {
+        if (str->s[i] == '/') {
+          if ((i == 0) || (i == str->len-1) || (saw_slash == i))
+            return 0;
+          saw_slash = i+1;
+        }
+        if (!zuo_is_symbol_module_char(str->s[i]))
+          return 0;
+      }
+      *_saw_slash = (saw_slash > 0);
+    }
+    return 1;
+  } else
+    return zuo_is_path_string(obj);
+static zuo_t *zuo_module_path_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  int saw_slash;
+  return zuo_is_module_path(obj, &saw_slash) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static void check_path_string(const char *who, zuo_t *obj) {
+  if (!zuo_is_path_string(obj))
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "path string", obj);
+static void check_module_path(const char *who, zuo_t *obj) {
+  int saw_slash = 0;
+  if (!zuo_is_module_path(obj, &saw_slash))
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "module path", obj);
+static int zuo_path_is_absolute(const char *p) {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  return p[0] == '/';
+  return (ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(p[0])
+          || (isalpha(p[0])
+              && (p[1] == ':')
+	      && ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(p[2])));
+static zuo_t *zuo_relative_path_p(zuo_t *obj) {
+  check_path_string("relative-path?", obj);
+  return zuo_path_is_absolute(ZUO_STRING_PTR(obj)) ? z.o_false : z.o_true;
+static char *zuo_getcwd() {
+  char *dir;
+  char *s;
+  int len = 256;
+  s = malloc(len);
+  while (1) {
+    int bigger;
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    dir = getcwd(s, len);
+    bigger = !dir && (errno == ERANGE);
+    {
+      DWORD have = len / sizeof(wchar_t), want;
+      want = GetCurrentDirectoryW(have, (wchar_t *)s);
+      if (want == 0)
+        dir = NULL;
+      else {
+        dir = s;
+        bigger = want > have;
+      }
+    }
+    if (dir)
+      break;
+    if (bigger) {
+      free(s);
+      len *= 2;
+      s = malloc(len);
+    } else
+      break;
+  }
+  /* dir == s, unless failure */
+  if (!dir)
+    zuo_fail("error getting current directory");
+  dir = zuo_from_wide((wchar_t *)s);
+  free(s);
+  return dir;
+static zuo_t *zuo_current_directory() {
+  char *dir = zuo_getcwd();
+  zuo_t *obj;
+  obj = zuo_string(dir);
+  free(dir);
+  return obj;
+static zuo_t *zuo_split_path(zuo_t *p) {
+  zuo_int_t i, skip = 0;
+  int non_sep, tail_seps;
+  check_path_string("split-path", p);
+      && ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[1])) {
+    /* Treat a UNC drive the same as a root "/" */
+#   define ZUO_IS_NON_SEP(c) ((c) && !ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(c))
+    if (ZUO_IS_NON_SEP(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[2])) {
+      for (i = 3; ZUO_IS_NON_SEP(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[i]); i++) { }
+      if (ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[i])
+	  && ZUO_IS_NON_SEP(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[i+1])) {
+	for (i++; ZUO_IS_NON_SEP(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[i]); i++) { }
+	  skip = i;
+      }
+    }
+  } else if (isalpha(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[0])
+	     && (ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[1] == ':')
+	     && ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[2])) {
+    skip = 2;
+  }
+  /* Some things we are not handling about Windows paths:
+     - When a path has trailing whitespace, it's not supposed to
+       count as part of the last path element
+     - When a path starts `\\?\c:\`, then slashes are not supposed
+       to count as paht separators
+     - When a path starts `\\?\UNC\`, then the next two elements
+       are supposed to be part of the drive */
+  non_sep = tail_seps = 0;
+  for (i = ZUO_STRING_LEN(p); i-- > skip; ) {
+    if (ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)[i])) {
+      if (non_sep) {
+        i++;
+        return zuo_cons(zuo_sized_string(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p), i),
+                        zuo_sized_string(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p)+i,
+                                         ZUO_STRING_LEN(p)-i-tail_seps));
+      } else
+        tail_seps++;
+    } else
+      non_sep = 1;
+  }
+  if (tail_seps > 0) {
+    if (tail_seps == (ZUO_STRING_LEN(p) - skip))
+      tail_seps--;
+    p = zuo_sized_string(ZUO_STRING_PTR(p), ZUO_STRING_LEN(p)-tail_seps);
+  }
+  return zuo_cons(z.o_false, p);
+static zuo_t *zuo_build_raw_path2(zuo_t *pre, zuo_t *post) {
+  zuo_string_t *path;
+  zuo_uint_t len;
+  int add_sep;
+  /* add separator beteween `pre` and `post`? */
+  len = ZUO_STRING_LEN(pre);
+  if (ZUO_IS_PATH_SEP(((zuo_string_t *)pre)->s[len-1]))
+    add_sep = 0;
+  else {
+    len += 1;
+    add_sep = 1;
+  }
+  len += ZUO_STRING_LEN(post);
+  path = (zuo_string_t *)zuo_new(zuo_string_tag, ZUO_STRING_ALLOC_SIZE(len));
+  path->len = len;
+  path->s[len] = 0;
+  len = ZUO_STRING_LEN(pre);
+  memcpy(&path->s, ZUO_STRING_PTR(pre), len);
+  if (add_sep)
+    path->s[len++] = ZUO_PATH_SEP;
+  memcpy(&path->s[len], ZUO_STRING_PTR(post), ZUO_STRING_LEN(post));
+  return (zuo_t *)path;
+static zuo_t *zuo_build_path2(zuo_t *base, zuo_t *rel) {
+  /* Resolves "." and ".." elements of `rel` while adding to `base`,
+     potentially also resolving ".." or "." at the end of `base` as
+     needed to normalize the addition; also, if `base` is just ".",
+     possibly after resolving ".."s, then "." is not added to the
+     start of `rel`.
+     We don't check that `rel` is actually relative at this layer, and
+     internally we allow "adding" an absolute path to "."  as `base`.*/
+  zuo_t *exploded = z.o_null;
+  int ups;
+  do {
+    zuo_t *l;
+    l = zuo_split_path(rel);
+    exploded = zuo_cons(_zuo_cdr(l), exploded);
+    rel = _zuo_car(l);
+  } while (rel != z.o_false);
+  /* count extra ".."s to add to front */
+  ups = 0;
+  while (exploded != z.o_null) {
+    zuo_t *elem = _zuo_car(exploded);
+    if (!strcmp(ZUO_STRING_PTR(elem), ".")) {
+      /* drop element */
+      exploded = _zuo_cdr(exploded);
+    } else if (!strcmp(ZUO_STRING_PTR(elem), "..")) {
+      /* elem is ".." */
+      zuo_t *l = zuo_split_path(base);
+      zuo_t *base_elem = _zuo_cdr(l);
+      if (!strcmp(ZUO_STRING_PTR(base_elem), ".")) {
+        base = _zuo_car(l);
+        if (base == z.o_false) {
+          ups++;
+          exploded = _zuo_cdr(exploded);
+        }
+      } else if (!strcmp(ZUO_STRING_PTR(base_elem), "..")) {
+        /* shift ".." to `exploded` */
+        exploded = zuo_cons(base_elem, exploded);
+        base = _zuo_car(l);
+      } else {
+        base = _zuo_car(l);
+        exploded = _zuo_cdr(exploded);
+      }
+      if (base == z.o_false)
+        base = zuo_string(".");
+    } else {
+      if (!strcmp(ZUO_STRING_PTR(base), "."))
+        base = elem;
+      else
+        base = zuo_build_raw_path2(base, elem);
+      exploded = _zuo_cdr(exploded);
+    }
+  }
+  while ((ups--) > 0) {
+    if (!strcmp(ZUO_STRING_PTR(base), "."))
+      base = zuo_string("..");
+    else
+      base = zuo_build_raw_path2(zuo_string(".."), base);
+  }
+  return base;
+static zuo_t *zuo_build_path_multi(const char *who, zuo_t *paths,
+                                   zuo_t *(*build_path2)(zuo_t *, zuo_t *)) {
+  zuo_t *pre, *post;
+  pre = _zuo_car(paths);
+  check_path_string(who, pre);
+  paths = _zuo_cdr(paths);
+  while (1) {
+    if (paths == z.o_null)
+      return pre;
+    post = _zuo_car(paths);
+    paths = _zuo_cdr(paths);
+    check_path_string(who, post);
+    if (zuo_path_is_absolute(ZUO_STRING_PTR(post)))
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "additional path is not relative", post);
+    pre = build_path2(pre, post);
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_build_raw_path(zuo_t *paths) {
+  return zuo_build_path_multi("build-raw-path", paths, zuo_build_raw_path2);
+static zuo_t *zuo_build_path(zuo_t *paths) {
+  return zuo_build_path_multi("build-path", paths, zuo_build_path2);
+static zuo_t *zuo_normalize_input_path(zuo_t *path) {
+  /* Using "." is meant to work even if `path` is absolute: */
+  return zuo_build_path2(zuo_string("."), path);
+static zuo_t *zuo_path_to_complete_path(zuo_t *path) {
+  if (zuo_path_is_absolute(ZUO_STRING_PTR(path)))
+    return path;
+  else
+    return zuo_build_path2(zuo_current_directory(), path);
+zuo_t *zuo_library_path_to_file_path(zuo_t *path) {
+  zuo_t *strobj;
+  int saw_slash = 0;
+  if ((path->tag != zuo_symbol_tag)
+      || !zuo_is_module_path(path, &saw_slash))
+    zuo_fail_arg("module-path->path", "module library path", path);
+  if (Z.o_library_path == z.o_false)
+    zuo_fail1("no library path configured, cannot load module", path);
+  strobj = zuo_tilde_a(zuo_cons(((zuo_symbol_t *)path)->str,
+                                zuo_cons(saw_slash ? zuo_string("") : zuo_string("/main"),
+                                         zuo_cons(zuo_string(".zuo"),
+                                                  z.o_null))));
+  return zuo_build_path2(Z.o_library_path, strobj);
+zuo_t *zuo_parse_relative_module_path(const char *who, zuo_t *rel_mod_path, int *_ups, int strip_ups) {
+  zuo_int_t i = 0, len = ZUO_STRING_LEN(rel_mod_path);
+  unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)ZUO_STRING_PTR(rel_mod_path);
+  int bad = 0, ups = 1, ups_until = 0, saw_non_dot = 0, suffix = 0;
+  while (i < len) {
+    if (s[i] == '.') {
+      if (s[i+1] == '/')
+        i += 2;
+      else if (s[i+1] == '.') {
+        if (s[i+2] == '/')
+          i += 3;
+        else
+          bad = 1;
+        if (!saw_non_dot)
+          ups++;
+      } else if ((s[i+1] == 'z')
+                 && (s[i+2] == 'u')
+                 && (s[i+3] == 'o')
+                 && (s[i+4] == 0)) {
+        suffix = 4;
+        i += 4;
+        saw_non_dot = 1;
+      } else
+        bad = 1;
+      if (!saw_non_dot)
+        ups_until = i;
+    } else if (zuo_is_symbol_module_char(s[i])) {
+      saw_non_dot = 1;
+      if (s[i] == '/')
+        bad = 1;
+      else if (s[i+1] == '/')
+        i += 2;
+      else
+        i++;
+    } else
+      bad = 1;
+    if (bad)
+      zuo_fail_arg(who, "relative module library path", rel_mod_path);
+  }
+  if (suffix == 0)
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "relative module library path lacks \".zuo\"", rel_mod_path);
+  *_ups = ups;
+  if (strip_ups)
+    return zuo_sized_string((char *)s + ups_until, len - ups_until - suffix);
+  else
+    return rel_mod_path;
+zuo_t *zuo_build_module_path(zuo_t *base_mod_path, zuo_t *rel_mod_path) {
+  const char *who = "build-module-path";
+  int saw_slash = 0, ups = 0, strip_ups;
+  zuo_t *rel_str;
+  check_module_path(who, rel_mod_path);
+  if (!zuo_is_module_path(base_mod_path, &saw_slash))
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "module path", base_mod_path);
+  if (rel_mod_path->tag == zuo_symbol_tag)
+    return rel_mod_path;
+  /* When an absolute path is given, normalization is the caller's problem: */
+  if (zuo_path_is_absolute(ZUO_STRING_PTR(rel_mod_path)))
+    return rel_mod_path;
+  strip_ups = (base_mod_path->tag == zuo_symbol_tag);
+  rel_str = zuo_parse_relative_module_path(who, rel_mod_path, &ups, strip_ups);
+  if (base_mod_path->tag == zuo_symbol_tag) {
+    zuo_t *mod_path = ((zuo_symbol_t *)base_mod_path)->str;
+    if (!saw_slash)
+      mod_path = zuo_tilde_a(zuo_cons(mod_path, zuo_cons(zuo_string("/main"), z.o_null)));
+    while (ups) {
+      zuo_t *l = zuo_split_path(mod_path);
+      mod_path = _zuo_car(l);
+      if (mod_path == z.o_false)
+        zuo_fail1w(who, "too many up elements", rel_mod_path);
+      ups--;
+    }
+    mod_path = zuo_tilde_a(zuo_cons(mod_path, zuo_cons(rel_str, z.o_null)));
+    mod_path = zuo_string_to_symbol(mod_path);
+    if (!zuo_is_module_path(mod_path, &saw_slash))
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "relative path is not valid in a symbolic module path", rel_mod_path);
+    return mod_path;
+  } else {
+    base_mod_path = _zuo_car(zuo_split_path(base_mod_path));
+    if (base_mod_path == z.o_false)
+      base_mod_path = zuo_string(".");
+    return zuo_build_path2(base_mod_path, rel_str);
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_runtime_env() {
+  return Z.o_runtime_env;
+static zuo_t *zuo_make_runtime_env(zuo_t *exe_path, const char *load_file, int argc, char **argv) {
+  zuo_t *ht = z.o_empty_hash;
+  ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("exe"), exe_path);
+  {
+    zuo_t *l = z.o_null;
+    while (argc-- > 0)
+      l = zuo_cons(zuo_string(argv[argc]), l);
+    ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("args"), l);
+  }
+  ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("script"), zuo_string(load_file));
+  return ht;
+static zuo_t *zuo_finish_runtime_env(zuo_t *ht) {
+  ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("version"), zuo_integer(ZUO_VERSION));
+  ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("dir"), zuo_current_directory());
+  ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("env"), zuo_get_envvars());
+  {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    zuo_t *type = zuo_symbol("unix");
+    ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("can-exec?"), z.o_true);
+    zuo_t *type = zuo_symbol("windows");
+    ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("can-exec?"), z.o_true);
+    ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("system-type"), type);
+  }
+  {
+    int size;
+    wchar_t *wa;
+    char *a;
+    size = GetSystemDirectoryW(NULL, 0);
+    wa = (wchar_t *)malloc((size + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
+    GetSystemDirectoryW(wa, size + 1);
+    a = zuo_from_wide(wa);
+    ht = zuo_hash_set(ht, zuo_symbol("sys-dir"), zuo_string(a));
+    free(a);
+    free(wa);
+  }
+  return ht;
+/* optional arguments through a hash table                              */
+static zuo_t *zuo_consume_option(zuo_t **_options, const char *name) {
+  zuo_t *sym = zuo_symbol(name);
+  zuo_t *opt = zuo_trie_lookup(*_options, sym);
+  if (opt != z.o_undefined)
+    *_options = zuo_hash_remove(*_options, sym);
+  return opt;
+static void check_options_consumed(const char *who, zuo_t *options) {
+  if (((zuo_trie_node_t *)options)->count > 0) {
+    options = zuo_hash_keys(options);
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "unrecognized or unused option", _zuo_car(options));
+  }
+/* files/streams                                                        */
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+/* Maybe not necessary, since we use `SA_RESTART`, but just in case: */
+# define EINTR_RETRY(e) do { } while (((e) == -1) && (errno == EINTR))
+static zuo_t *zuo_fd_handle(zuo_raw_handle_t handle, zuo_handle_status_t status)  {
+  zuo_t *h = zuo_handle(handle, status);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  int added = 0;
+  Z.o_fd_table = trie_extend(Z.o_fd_table, handle, h, h, &added);
+  return h;
+static zuo_t *zuo_drain(zuo_raw_handle_t fd, zuo_int_t amount) {
+  /* amount as -1 => read until EOF
+     amount as -2 => non-blocking read on Unix */
+  zuo_t *s;
+  zuo_int_t sz = 256, offset = 0;
+  if ((amount >= 0) && (sz > amount))
+    sz = amount;
+  s = zuo_uninitialized_string(sz);
+  while ((amount < 0) || (offset < amount)) {
+    zuo_int_t got;
+    zuo_int_t amt = sz - offset;
+    if (amt > 4096) amt = 4096;
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    {
+      int nonblock = (amount == -2), old_fl, r;
+      if (nonblock) {
+        EINTR_RETRY(old_fl = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0));
+        if (old_fl == -1) zuo_fail("failed to access flags of file descriptor");
+        EINTR_RETRY(r = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, old_fl | O_NONBLOCK));
+        if (r == -1) zuo_fail("failed to set file descriptor as nonblocking");
+      } else
+        old_fl = 0;
+      EINTR_RETRY(got = read(fd, ZUO_STRING_PTR(s) + offset, amt));
+      if ((got < 0) && (errno == EAGAIN)) {
+        got = 0;
+        if (offset == 0)
+          amount = 0; /* don't return `eof` */
+      }
+      if (nonblock) {
+        EINTR_RETRY(r = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, old_fl));
+        if (r == -1) zuo_fail("failed to restore flags of file descriptor");
+      }
+    }
+    {
+      DWORD dgot;
+      if (!ReadFile(fd, ZUO_STRING_PTR(s) + offset, amt, &dgot, NULL)) {
+        if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
+          got = 0;
+        else
+          got = -1;
+      } else
+        got = dgot;
+    }
+    if (got < 0)
+      zuo_fail("error reading stream");
+    if (got == 0) {
+      break;
+    } else {
+      offset += got;
+      if (offset == sz) {
+        zuo_t *new_s;
+        zuo_int_t new_sz = sz*2;
+        if ((amount >= 0) && (new_sz > amount))
+          new_sz = amount;
+        new_s = zuo_uninitialized_string(new_sz);
+        memcpy(ZUO_STRING_PTR(new_s), ZUO_STRING_PTR(s), sz);
+        sz = new_sz;
+        s = new_s;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ZUO_STRING_PTR(s)[offset] = 0;
+  ZUO_STRING_LEN(s) = offset;
+  if ((offset == 0) && (amount > 0))
+    return z.o_eof;
+  return s;
+static void zuo_fill(const char *s, zuo_int_t len, zuo_raw_handle_t fd) {
+  zuo_int_t done = 0;
+  while (done < len) {
+    zuo_int_t did;
+    zuo_int_t amt = len - done;
+    if (amt > 4096) amt = 4096;
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    EINTR_RETRY(did = write(fd, s + done, amt));
+    {
+      DWORD ddid;
+      if (!WriteFile(fd, s + done, amt, &ddid, NULL))
+        did = -1;
+      else
+        did = ddid;
+    }
+    if (did < 0)
+      zuo_fail("error writing to stream");
+    done += did;
+  }
+static void zuo_close_handle(zuo_raw_handle_t handle)
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  EINTR_RETRY(close(handle));
+  CloseHandle(handle);
+static void zuo_close(zuo_raw_handle_t handle)
+  zuo_close_handle(handle);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  Z.o_fd_table = trie_remove(Z.o_fd_table, handle, 0);
+static zuo_raw_handle_t zuo_fd_open_input_handle(zuo_t *path, zuo_t *options) {
+  const char *who = "fd-open-input";
+  zuo_raw_handle_t fd;
+  if (options == z.o_undefined) options = z.o_empty_hash;
+  if (zuo_is_path_string(path)) {
+    check_hash(who, options);
+    check_options_consumed(who, options);
+    if (zuo_file_logging) {
+      FILE *lf = fopen(zuo_file_logging, "ab");
+      zuo_fwrite(lf, path);
+      fprintf(lf, "\n");
+      fclose(lf);
+    }
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    EINTR_RETRY(fd = open(ZUO_STRING_PTR(path), O_RDONLY));
+    if (fd == -1)
+      zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "file open failed", path);
+    wchar_t *wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(path));
+    fd = CreateFileW(wp,
+                     GENERIC_READ,
+                     NULL,
+                     OPEN_EXISTING,
+                     0,
+                     NULL);
+    if (fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "file open failed", path);
+    free(wp);
+    return fd;
+  } else if (path == zuo_symbol("stdin")) {
+    check_hash(who, options);
+    check_options_consumed(who, options);
+    fd = zuo_get_std_handle(0);
+    return fd;
+  } else {
+    if ((path->tag != zuo_integer_tag)
+        || (ZUO_INT_I(path) < 0))
+      zuo_fail_arg(who, "path string, 'stdin, or nonnegative integer", path);
+    check_hash(who, options);
+    check_options_consumed(who, options);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    fd = (zuo_raw_handle_t)ZUO_INT_I(path);
+    return fd;
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "integer file descriptors are not supported on Windows", path);
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_fd_open_input(zuo_t *path, zuo_t *options) {
+  return zuo_handle(zuo_fd_open_input_handle(path, options), zuo_handle_open_fd_in_status);
+static zuo_t *zuo_fd_open_output(zuo_t *path, zuo_t *options) {
+  zuo_t *fd_h;
+  const char *who = "fd-open-output";
+  zuo_raw_handle_t fd;
+  if (options == z.o_undefined) options = z.o_empty_hash;
+  if (zuo_is_path_string(path)) {
+    zuo_t *exists;
+    check_hash(who, options);
+    exists = zuo_consume_option(&options, "exists");
+    check_options_consumed(who, options);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    {
+      int mode = O_CREAT | O_EXCL;
+      if (exists != z.o_undefined) {
+        if (exists != zuo_symbol("error")) {
+          if (exists == zuo_symbol("truncate"))
+            mode = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
+          else if (exists == zuo_symbol("must-truncate"))
+            mode = O_TRUNC;
+          else if (exists == zuo_symbol("append"))
+            mode = O_CREAT | O_APPEND;
+          else if (exists == zuo_symbol("update"))
+            mode = 0;
+          else if (exists == zuo_symbol("can-update"))
+            mode = O_CREAT;
+          else
+            zuo_fail1w(who, "invalid exists mode", exists);
+        }
+      }
+      EINTR_RETRY(fd = open(ZUO_STRING_PTR(path), O_WRONLY | mode, 0666));
+      if (fd == -1)
+        zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "file open failed", path);
+    }
+    {
+      wchar_t *wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(path));
+      DWORD mode = CREATE_NEW;
+      int append = 0;
+      if (exists != z.o_undefined) {
+        if (exists != zuo_symbol("error")) {
+          if (exists == zuo_symbol("truncate"))
+            mode = CREATE_ALWAYS;
+          else if (exists == zuo_symbol("must-truncate"))
+            mode = TRUNCATE_EXISTING;
+          else if (exists == zuo_symbol("append")) {
+            mode = OPEN_ALWAYS;
+            append = 1;
+          } else if (exists == zuo_symbol("update"))
+            mode = OPEN_EXISTING;
+          else if (exists == zuo_symbol("can-update"))
+            mode = OPEN_ALWAYS;
+          else
+            zuo_fail1w(who, "invalid exists mode", exists);
+        }
+      }
+      fd = CreateFileW(wp,
+                       GENERIC_WRITE,
+                       NULL,
+                       mode,
+                       0,
+                       NULL);
+      if (fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+        zuo_fail1w(who, "file open failed", path);
+      free(wp);
+      if (append)
+	SetFilePointer(fd, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
+    }
+    fd_h = zuo_fd_handle(fd, zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status);
+    return fd_h;
+  } else if (path == zuo_symbol("stdout")) {
+    check_hash(who, options);
+    check_options_consumed(who, options);
+    fd = zuo_get_std_handle(1);
+    return zuo_handle(fd, zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status);
+  } else if (path == zuo_symbol("stderr")) {
+    check_hash(who, options);
+    check_options_consumed(who, options);
+    fd = zuo_get_std_handle(2);
+    return zuo_handle(fd, zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status);
+  } else {
+    if ((path->tag != zuo_integer_tag)
+        || (ZUO_INT_I(path) < 0))
+      zuo_fail_arg(who, "path string, 'stdout, 'stderr, or nonnegative integer", path);
+    check_hash(who, options);
+    check_options_consumed(who, options);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX    
+    fd = zuo_get_std_handle((zuo_raw_handle_t)ZUO_INT_I(path));
+    return zuo_handle(fd, zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status);
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "integer file descriptors are not supported on Windows", path);
+    return z.o_undefined;
+  }
+static void zuo_check_input_output_fd(const char *who, zuo_t *fd_h) {
+  if (fd_h->tag == zuo_handle_tag) {
+    zuo_handle_t *h = (zuo_handle_t *)fd_h;
+    if ((h->u.h.status == zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status)
+        || (h->u.h.status == zuo_handle_open_fd_in_status)) {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  zuo_fail_arg(who, "open input or output file descriptor", fd_h);
+static zuo_t *zuo_fd_close(zuo_t *fd_h) {
+  zuo_check_input_output_fd("fd-close", fd_h);
+  {
+    zuo_handle_t *h = (zuo_handle_t *)fd_h;
+    zuo_close(h->u.h.u.handle);
+    h->u.h.status = zuo_handle_closed_status;
+  }
+  return z.o_void;
+zuo_t *zuo_fd_write(zuo_t *fd_h, zuo_t *str) {
+  const char *who = "fd-write";
+  if ((fd_h->tag != zuo_handle_tag)
+      || ((zuo_handle_t *)fd_h)->u.h.status != zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "open output file descriptor", fd_h);
+  check_string(who, str);
+  zuo_fill(ZUO_STRING_PTR(str), ZUO_STRING_LEN(str), ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(fd_h));
+  return z.o_void;
+static zuo_t *zuo_fd_read(zuo_t *fd_h, zuo_t *amount) {
+  const char *who = "fd-read";
+  zuo_int_t amt = -1;
+  if ((fd_h->tag != zuo_handle_tag)
+      || ((zuo_handle_t *)fd_h)->u.h.status != zuo_handle_open_fd_in_status)
+    zuo_fail_arg(who, "open input file descriptor", fd_h);
+  if (amount != z.o_eof) {
+    if ((amount->tag == zuo_symbol_tag)
+        && (amount == zuo_symbol("avail"))) {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+      amt = -2;
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "non-blocking reads are not supported for file descriptor", fd_h);
+    } else if ((amount->tag == zuo_integer_tag)
+             && (ZUO_INT_I(amount) >= 0))
+      amt = ZUO_INT_I(amount);
+    else
+      zuo_fail_arg(who, "nonnegative integer, eof, or 'avail", amount);
+  }
+  return zuo_drain(ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(fd_h), amt);
+static zuo_t *zuo_fd_terminal_p(zuo_t *fd_h, zuo_t *ansi) {
+  zuo_check_input_output_fd("fd-ansi-terminal?", fd_h);
+  if ((ansi != z.o_undefined) && (ansi != z.o_false) && !zuo_ansi_ok)
+    return z.o_false;
+  return zuo_is_terminal(ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(fd_h)) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+static zuo_t *zuo_fd_valid_p(zuo_t *fd_h) {
+  zuo_check_input_output_fd("fd-valid?", fd_h);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  {
+    int r;
+    zuo_raw_handle_t fd;
+    fd = ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(fd_h);
+    EINTR_RETRY(r = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0));
+    return (r == -1) ? z.o_false : z.o_true;
+  }
+  return z.o_true;
+static char *zuo_string_to_c(zuo_t *obj) {
+  char *s;
+  zuo_int_t len;
+  check_string("string->c", obj);
+  len = ZUO_STRING_LEN(obj);
+  s = malloc(len + 1);
+  memcpy(s, ZUO_STRING_PTR(obj), len);
+  s[len] = 0;
+  return s;
+static zuo_t *zuo_dump_image_and_exit(zuo_t *fd_obj) {
+  zuo_int_t len;
+  char *dump;
+  zuo_raw_handle_t fd;
+  if ((fd_obj->tag != zuo_handle_tag)
+      || ((zuo_handle_t *)fd_obj)->u.h.status != zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status)
+    zuo_fail_arg("dump-image-and-exit", "open output file descriptor", fd_obj);
+  fd = ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(fd_obj);
+  /* no runtime state is preserved */
+  {
+    zuo_t **p = (zuo_t **)&zuo_roots.runtime;
+    int i, len;
+    len = sizeof(zuo_roots.runtime) / sizeof(zuo_t*);
+    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+      p[i] = z.o_undefined;
+    Z.o_interp_k = z.o_done_k; /* in case of a failure that might try to show a stack trace */
+    Z.o_interp_meta_k = z.o_null;
+  }
+  dump = zuo_fasl_dump(&len);
+  zuo_fill(dump, len, fd);
+  exit(0);
+static zuo_t *zuo_handle_p(zuo_t *var) {
+  return (var->tag == zuo_handle_tag) ? z.o_true : z.o_false;
+/* modules                                                              */
+static zuo_t *zuo_declare_kernel_module() {
+  /* We implement the `read-and-eval` or `zuo/kernel` and
+     `module->hash` here as hand-built closures. We can't make them
+     primitives, becase they need to use the `kernel-eval`
+     `apply` intrinsics. */
+  zuo_t *arg_id, *module_to_hash;
+  arg_id = zuo_symbol("arg");
+  {
+    zuo_t *read_and_eval_sym, *read_and_eval, *call, *mod;
+    /* read-and-eval = (lambda arg "read-and-eval"
+       .                 (kernel-eval (kernel-read-from-string arg))) */
+    read_and_eval_sym = zuo_symbol("read-and-eval");
+    call = zuo_cons(z.o_kernel_eval,
+                    zuo_cons(zuo_cons(z.o_kernel_read_string,
+                                      zuo_cons(arg_id, z.o_null)),
+                             z.o_null));
+    read_and_eval = zuo_closure(zuo_cons(z.o_lambda_symbol,
+                                         zuo_cons(arg_id,
+                                                  zuo_cons(((zuo_symbol_t *)read_and_eval_sym)->str,
+                                                           zuo_cons(call, z.o_null)))),
+                                z.o_empty_hash);
+    mod = zuo_trie_extend(z.o_empty_hash, read_and_eval_sym, read_and_eval);
+    z.o_modules = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(zuo_symbol("zuo/kernel"), mod), z.o_modules);
+  }
+  {
+    zuo_t *mod_ids, *args, *car_arg, *cdr_arg, *hash_p_arg, *module_to_hash_star_arg, *recur;
+    zuo_t *call, *apply, *reg_mod, *bind, *if_form, *body;
+    /* module->hash = (lambda (mod) "module->hash"
+       .                (let ([arg (module->hash* mod)])
+       .                  (if (hash? arg)
+       .                      arg
+       .                      (register-module
+       .                       mod
+       .                       (apply (get-read-and-eval (car arg) (module->hash (car arg))) (cdr arg))))) */
+    mod_ids = zuo_cons(zuo_symbol("mod"), z.o_null);
+    args = zuo_cons(arg_id, z.o_null);
+    car_arg = zuo_cons(zuo_trie_lookup(z.o_top_env, zuo_symbol("car")), args);
+    cdr_arg = zuo_cons(zuo_trie_lookup(z.o_top_env, zuo_symbol("cdr")), args);
+    hash_p_arg = zuo_cons(zuo_trie_lookup(z.o_top_env, zuo_symbol("hash?")), args);
+    module_to_hash_star_arg = zuo_cons(z.o_module_to_hash_star, mod_ids);
+    recur = zuo_cons(z.o_false, zuo_cons(car_arg, z.o_null));
+    call = zuo_cons(z.o_get_read_and_eval, zuo_cons(car_arg, zuo_cons(recur, z.o_null)));
+    apply = zuo_cons(z.o_apply, zuo_cons(call, zuo_cons(cdr_arg, z.o_null)));
+    reg_mod = zuo_cons(z.o_register_module, zuo_cons(_zuo_car(mod_ids), zuo_cons(apply, z.o_null)));
+    if_form = zuo_cons(z.o_if_symbol, zuo_cons(hash_p_arg, zuo_cons(arg_id, zuo_cons(reg_mod, z.o_null))));
+    bind = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(arg_id, zuo_cons(module_to_hash_star_arg, z.o_null)), z.o_null);
+    body = zuo_cons(z.o_let_symbol, zuo_cons(bind, zuo_cons(if_form, z.o_null)));
+    module_to_hash = zuo_closure(zuo_cons(z.o_lambda_symbol,
+                                          zuo_cons(mod_ids,
+                                                   zuo_cons(zuo_string("module->hash"),
+                                                            zuo_cons(body, z.o_null)))),
+                                 z.o_empty_hash);
+    ((zuo_pair_t *)recur)->car = module_to_hash; /* tie loop for recursive call */
+  }
+  return module_to_hash;
+static zuo_t *zuo_kernel_read_string(zuo_t *args) {
+  /* This primitive primitive claims to be `read-and-eval` in errors,
+     but it's actually just the reading part */
+  const char *who = "read-and-eval";
+  zuo_t *str, *start_i, *mod_path;
+  zuo_int_t start;
+  zuo_t *es;
+  /* Check arguments in case someone calls `read-and-eval` directly,
+     instead of through `#lang` */
+  if (zuo_length_int(args) != 3)
+    zuo_arity_error(zuo_string("read-and-eval"), args);
+  str = _zuo_car(args);
+  start_i = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(args));
+  mod_path = _zuo_car(_zuo_cdr(_zuo_cdr(args)));
+  check_string(who, str);
+  check_integer(who, start_i);
+  check_module_path(who, mod_path);
+  start = ZUO_INT_I(start_i);
+  if ((start < 0) || (start > ZUO_STRING_LEN(str)))
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "starting index is out of bounds", start_i);
+  es = zuo_string_read(str, start_i, mod_path);
+  if (es == z.o_null)
+    zuo_fail("zuo/kernel: no S-expression in input");
+  if (_zuo_cdr(es) != z.o_null)
+    zuo_fail("zuo/kernel: more than one S-expression in input");
+  return _zuo_car(es);
+static int zuo_module_path_equal(zuo_t *a, zuo_t *b) {
+  if (a->tag == zuo_symbol_tag)
+    return (a == b);
+  else if (b->tag == zuo_symbol_tag)
+    return 0;
+  else
+    return zuo_string_eql(a, b) == z.o_true;
+static void zuo_log_module_start(zuo_t *module_path) {
+  if (zuo_logging) {
+    int i;
+    if (zuo_logging > 1) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+    for (i = 1; i < zuo_logging; i++) fprintf(stderr, " ");
+    fprintf(stderr, "["); zuo_fdisplay(stderr, module_path);
+    fflush(stderr);
+    zuo_logging++;
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_module_to_hash_star(zuo_t *module_path) {
+  /* This primitive primitive implements the easy case of
+     `module->hash` when a module is declared. Otherwise, it bounces
+     back information needed to find the `#lang` module and eventually
+     call its `read- and-eval`.*/
+  zuo_t *file_path, *l;
+  check_module_path("module->hash", module_path);
+  /* check for already-loaded module */
+  for (l = z.o_modules; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(l);
+    if (zuo_module_path_equal(module_path, _zuo_car(a)))
+      return _zuo_cdr(a);
+  }
+  /* check for cycles module */
+  for (l = Z.o_pending_modules; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    if (zuo_module_path_equal(module_path, _zuo_car(l)))
+      zuo_fail1("cycle in module loading", module_path);
+  }
+  /* not already loaded */
+  Z.o_pending_modules = zuo_cons(module_path, Z.o_pending_modules);
+  if (module_path->tag == zuo_symbol_tag)
+    file_path = zuo_library_path_to_file_path(module_path);
+  else
+    file_path = module_path;
+  zuo_log_module_start(module_path);
+  {
+    zuo_raw_handle_t in;
+    zuo_t *str, *lang;
+    zuo_int_t post;
+    in = zuo_fd_open_input_handle(file_path, z.o_empty_hash);
+    str = zuo_drain(in, -1);
+    zuo_close_handle(in);
+    lang = zuo_read_language(ZUO_STRING_PTR(str), &post, module_path);
+    /* `car` is sent to `module->hash` recursively, and rest
+       are args to extracted `read-and-eval` */
+    return zuo_cons(lang, zuo_cons(str, zuo_cons(zuo_integer(post), zuo_cons(module_path, z.o_null))));
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_register_module(zuo_t *module_path, zuo_t *mod) {
+  /* Bookends the complicated case of `module->hash`, registering a
+     newly evaluated module. */
+  if (mod->tag != zuo_trie_node_tag)
+    zuo_fail1("module did not produce a hash table", module_path);
+  if ((Z.o_pending_modules == z.o_null)
+      || (module_path != _zuo_car(Z.o_pending_modules)))
+    zuo_fail1("attempting to register unexpected module", module_path);
+  z.o_modules = zuo_cons(zuo_cons(module_path, mod), z.o_modules);
+  Z.o_pending_modules = _zuo_cdr(Z.o_pending_modules);
+  if (zuo_logging) {
+    zuo_logging--;
+    fprintf(stderr, "]");
+    if (zuo_logging == 1)
+      fprintf(stderr, "]\n");
+    fflush(stderr);
+  }
+  return mod;
+static zuo_t *zuo_get_read_and_eval(zuo_t *lang, zuo_t *mod) {
+  /* The middle part of `module->hash`: makes sure the `#lang` module
+     really is a language module and returns its `read-and-eval` to be
+     applied. */
+  zuo_t *proc;
+  proc = zuo_trie_lookup(mod, zuo_symbol("read-and-eval"));
+  if (proc->tag != zuo_closure_tag)
+    zuo_fail1("not a language module path", lang);
+  return proc;
+static zuo_t *zuo_module_to_hash(zuo_t *module_path) {
+  /* This is a convenience function to be used only to start evaluation */
+  return zuo_kernel_eval(zuo_cons(zuo_trie_lookup(z.o_top_env, zuo_symbol("module->hash")),
+                                  zuo_cons(zuo_cons(z.o_quote_symbol,
+                                                    zuo_cons(module_path,
+                                                             z.o_null)),
+                                           z.o_null)));
+static zuo_t *zuo_eval_module(zuo_t *module_path, zuo_t *input_str) {
+  /* This is a convenience function to be used only to start evaluation */
+  zuo_t *lang, *read_and_eval, *mod;
+  zuo_int_t post;
+  zuo_log_module_start(module_path);
+  Z.o_pending_modules = zuo_cons(module_path, Z.o_pending_modules);
+  Z.o_stash = zuo_cons(module_path, Z.o_stash);
+  Z.o_stash = zuo_cons(input_str, Z.o_stash);
+  lang = zuo_read_language(ZUO_STRING_PTR(input_str), &post, module_path);
+  Z.o_stash = zuo_cons(lang, Z.o_stash);
+  mod = zuo_module_to_hash(lang);
+  lang = _zuo_car(Z.o_stash);
+  Z.o_stash = _zuo_cdr(Z.o_stash);
+  read_and_eval = zuo_get_read_and_eval(lang, mod);
+  input_str = _zuo_car(Z.o_stash);
+  Z.o_stash = _zuo_cdr(Z.o_stash);
+  module_path = _zuo_car(Z.o_stash);
+  mod = zuo_kernel_eval(zuo_cons(read_and_eval,
+                                 zuo_cons(input_str,
+                                          zuo_cons(zuo_integer(post),
+                                                   zuo_cons(module_path,
+                                                            z.o_null)))));
+  module_path = _zuo_car(Z.o_stash);
+  Z.o_stash = _zuo_cdr(Z.o_stash);
+  return zuo_register_module(module_path, mod);
+/* filesystem and time                                                  */
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+# define zuo_st_atim st_atimespec
+# define zuo_st_mtim st_mtimespec
+# define zuo_st_ctim st_ctimespec
+#elif defined(ZUO_WINDOWS)
+# define zuo_st_atim st_atime
+# define zuo_st_mtim st_mtime
+# define zuo_st_ctim st_ctime
+# define zuo_st_atim st_atim
+# define zuo_st_mtim st_mtim
+# define zuo_st_ctim st_ctim
+static zuo_t *zuo_filetime_pair(FILETIME *ft){
+  zuo_int_t t;
+  t = (((zuo_int_t)ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft->dwLowDateTime;
+  /* measurement interval is 100 nanoseconds = 1/10 microseconds, and
+     adjust by number of seconds between Windows (1601) and Unix (1970) epochs */
+  return zuo_cons(zuo_integer(t / 10000000 - 11644473600L),
+                  zuo_integer((t % 10000000) * 100));
+# define TO_INT64(a, b) (((zuo_int_t)(a) << 32) | (((zuo_int_t)b) & (zuo_int_t)0xFFFFFFFF))
+static zuo_t *zuo_stat(zuo_t *path, zuo_t *follow_links) {
+  const char *who = "stat";
+  zuo_t *result = z.o_empty_hash;
+  if (follow_links == z.o_undefined) follow_links = z.o_true;
+  check_path_string(who, path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  {
+    struct stat stat_buf;
+    int stat_result;
+    if (follow_links == z.o_false)
+      stat_result = lstat(ZUO_STRING_PTR(path), &stat_buf);
+    else
+      stat_result = stat(ZUO_STRING_PTR(path), &stat_buf);
+    if (stat_result != 0) {
+      if (errno != ENOENT)
+	zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", path);
+      return z.o_false;
+    }
+    if (S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode))
+      result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("type"), zuo_symbol("dir"));
+    else if (S_ISLNK(stat_buf.st_mode))
+      result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("type"), zuo_symbol("link"));
+    else
+      result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("type"), zuo_symbol("file"));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("mode"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_mode));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("device-id"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_dev));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("inode"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_ino));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("hardlink-count"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_nlink));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("user-id"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_uid));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("group-id"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_gid));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("device-id-for-special-file"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_rdev));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("size"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_size));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("block-size"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_blksize));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("block-count"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.st_blocks));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("access-time-seconds"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.zuo_st_atim.tv_sec));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("access-time-nanoseconds"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.zuo_st_atim.tv_nsec));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("modify-time-seconds"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.zuo_st_mtim.tv_sec));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("modify-time-nanoseconds"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.zuo_st_mtim.tv_nsec));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("creation-time-seconds"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.zuo_st_ctim.tv_sec));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("creation-time-nanoseconds"), zuo_integer(stat_buf.zuo_st_ctim.tv_nsec));
+  }
+  {
+    wchar_t *wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(path));
+    HANDLE fdh;
+    zuo_t *p;
+    fdh = CreateFileW(wp,
+                      0, /* not even read access => just get info */
+                      NULL,
+                      OPEN_EXISTING,
+                      FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS,
+                      NULL);
+    if (fdh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+      DWORD err = GetLastError();
+      if ((err != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) && (err != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND))
+	zuo_fail1w(who, "failed", path);
+      return z.o_false;
+    }
+    if (!GetFileInformationByHandle(fdh, &info))
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "failed", path);
+    CloseHandle(fdh);
+    if (info.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+      result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("type"), zuo_symbol("dir"));
+    else
+      result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("type"), zuo_symbol("file"));
+    if (info.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)
+      result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("mode"), zuo_integer(0444));
+    else
+      result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("mode"), zuo_integer(0666));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("device-id"), zuo_integer(info.dwVolumeSerialNumber));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("inode"), zuo_integer(TO_INT64(info.nFileIndexHigh, info.nFileIndexLow)));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("size"), zuo_integer(TO_INT64(info.nFileSizeHigh, info.nFileSizeLow)));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("hardlink-count"), zuo_integer(info.nNumberOfLinks));
+    p = zuo_filetime_pair(&info.ftCreationTime);
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("creation-time-seconds"), _zuo_car(p));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("creation-time-nanoseconds"), _zuo_cdr(p));
+    p = zuo_filetime_pair(&info.ftLastWriteTime);
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("modify-time-seconds"), _zuo_car(p));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("modify-time-nanoseconds"), _zuo_cdr(p));
+    p = zuo_filetime_pair(&info.ftLastAccessTime);
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("access-time-seconds"), _zuo_car(p));
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("access-time-nanoseconds"), _zuo_cdr(p));
+  }
+  return result;
+static zuo_t *zuo_rm(zuo_t *file_path) {
+  const char *who = "rm";
+  check_path_string(who, file_path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  if (unlink(ZUO_STRING_PTR(file_path)) == 0)
+    return z.o_void;
+  {
+    wchar_t *wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(file_path));
+    if (_wunlink(wp) == 0) {
+      free(wp);
+      return z.o_void;
+    }
+  }
+  zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", file_path);
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_mv(zuo_t *from_path, zuo_t *to_path) {
+  const char *who = "mv";
+  check_path_string(who, from_path);
+  check_path_string(who, to_path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  if (rename(ZUO_STRING_PTR(from_path), ZUO_STRING_PTR(to_path)) == 0)
+    return z.o_void;
+  {
+    wchar_t *from_wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(from_path));
+    wchar_t *to_wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(to_path));
+    (void)_wunlink(to_wp);
+    if (_wrename(from_wp, to_wp) == 0) {
+      free(from_wp);
+      free(to_wp);
+      return z.o_void;
+    }
+  }
+  zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", zuo_cons(from_path, zuo_cons(to_path, z.o_null)));
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_mkdir(zuo_t *dir_path) {
+  const char *who = "mkdir";
+  check_path_string(who, dir_path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  if (mkdir(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dir_path), 0777) == 0)
+    return z.o_void;
+  {
+    wchar_t *wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dir_path));
+    if (_wmkdir(wp) == 0) {
+      free(wp);
+      return z.o_void;
+    }
+  }
+  zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", dir_path);
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_rmdir(zuo_t *dir_path) {
+  const char *who = "rmdir";
+  check_path_string(who, dir_path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  if (rmdir(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dir_path)) == 0)
+    return z.o_void;
+  {
+    wchar_t *wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dir_path));
+    if (_wrmdir(wp) == 0) {
+      free(wp);
+      return z.o_void;
+    }
+  }
+  zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", dir_path);
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_ls(zuo_t *dir_path) {
+  const char *who = "ls";
+  check_path_string(who, dir_path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  {
+    DIR *dir;
+    struct dirent *e;
+    zuo_t *first = z.o_null, *last = NULL, *pr;
+    dir = opendir(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dir_path));
+    if (!dir)
+      zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", dir_path);
+    while ((e = readdir(dir))) {
+      if ((e->d_name[0] == '.')
+          && ((e->d_name[1] == 0)
+              || ((e->d_name[1] == '.')
+                  && (e->d_name[2] == 0)))) {
+        /* skip */
+      } else {
+        pr = zuo_cons(zuo_string(e->d_name), z.o_null);
+        if (last == NULL) first = pr; else ZUO_CDR(last) = pr;
+        last = pr;
+      }
+    }
+    closedir(dir);
+    return first;
+  }
+  {
+    wchar_t *wwildpath;
+    HANDLE handle;
+    WIN32_FIND_DATAW fileinfo;
+    char *s;
+    zuo_t *first = z.o_null, *last = NULL, *pr;
+    wwildpath = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(zuo_build_path2(dir_path, zuo_string("*"))));
+    handle = FindFirstFileW(wwildpath, &fileinfo);
+    if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+      zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", dir_path);
+    do {
+      if ((fileinfo.cFileName[0] == '.')
+          && ((fileinfo.cFileName[1] == 0)
+              || ((fileinfo.cFileName[1] == '.')
+                  && (fileinfo.cFileName[2] == 0)))) {
+        /* skip */
+      } else {
+        s = zuo_from_wide(fileinfo.cFileName);
+        pr = zuo_cons(zuo_string(s), z.o_null);
+        free(s);
+        if (last == NULL) first = pr; else ZUO_CDR(last) = pr;
+        last = pr;
+      }
+    } while (FindNextFileW(handle, &fileinfo));
+    FindClose(handle);
+    return first;
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_readlink(zuo_t *link_path) {
+  const char *who = "readlink";
+  check_path_string(who, link_path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  {
+    int len, buf_len = 256;
+    char *buffer = malloc(buf_len);
+    zuo_t *str;
+    while (1) {
+      len = readlink(ZUO_STRING_PTR(link_path), buffer, buf_len);
+      if (len == -1) {
+        zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", link_path);
+      } else if (len == buf_len) {
+        /* maybe too small */
+        free(buffer);
+        buf_len *= 2;
+        buffer = malloc(buf_len);
+      } else
+        break;
+    }
+    str = zuo_sized_string(buffer, len);
+    free(buffer);
+    return str;
+  }
+  zuo_fail("readlink: not supported on Windows");
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_ln(zuo_t *target_path, zuo_t *link_path) {
+  const char *who = "symlink";
+  check_path_string(who, target_path);
+  check_path_string(who, link_path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  if (symlink(ZUO_STRING_PTR(target_path), ZUO_STRING_PTR(link_path)) == 0)
+    return z.o_void;
+  zuo_fail("symlink: not supported on Windows");
+  zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "failed", zuo_cons(target_path, zuo_cons(link_path, z.o_null)));
+  return z.o_undefined;
+static zuo_t *zuo_cp(zuo_t *src_path, zuo_t *dest_path) {
+  const char *who = "cp";
+  check_path_string(who, src_path);
+  check_path_string(who, dest_path);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  int src_fd, dest_fd;
+  struct stat st_buf;
+  zuo_int_t len, amt;
+  char *buf;
+  EINTR_RETRY(src_fd = open(ZUO_STRING_PTR(src_path), O_RDONLY));
+  if (src_fd == -1)
+    zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source open failed", src_path);
+  if (fstat(src_fd, &st_buf) != 0)
+    zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source stat failed", src_path);
+  /* Permissions may be reduced by umask, but the intent here is to
+     make sure the file doesn't have more permissions than it will end
+     up with: */
+  EINTR_RETRY(dest_fd = open(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dest_path), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, st_buf.st_mode));
+  if (dest_fd == -1)
+    zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination open failed", dest_path);
+  buf = malloc(4096);
+  while (1) {
+    EINTR_RETRY(amt = read(src_fd, buf, 4096));
+    if (amt == 0)
+      break;
+    if (amt < 0)
+      zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "source read failed", src_path);
+    while (amt > 0) {
+      EINTR_RETRY(len = write(dest_fd, buf, amt));
+      if (len < 0)
+        zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination write failed", dest_path);
+      amt -= len;
+    }
+  }
+  EINTR_RETRY(close(src_fd));
+  if (fchmod(dest_fd, st_buf.st_mode) != 0)
+    zuo_fail1w_errno(who, "destination permissions update failed", dest_path);
+  EINTR_RETRY(close(dest_fd));
+  {
+    wchar_t *src_w = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(src_path));
+    wchar_t *dest_w = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dest_path));
+    if (!CopyFileW(src_w, dest_w, 0))
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "copy failed to destination", dest_path);
+    free(src_w);
+    free(dest_w);
+  }
+  return z.o_void;
+zuo_t *zuo_current_time() {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  /* clock_gettime() provides more precision but ay require linking
+     to an extra library */
+  struct timespec t;
+  if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t) != 0)
+    zuo_fail("error getting time");
+  return zuo_cons(zuo_integer(t.tv_sec),
+                  zuo_integer(t.tv_nsec));
+# else
+  struct timeval t;
+  if (gettimeofday(&t, NULL))
+    zuo_fail("error getting time");
+  return zuo_cons(zuo_integer(t.tv_sec),
+                  zuo_integer(t.tv_usec * 1000));
+# endif
+  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
+  return zuo_filetime_pair(&ft);
+/* signal handling  and cleanables                                      */
+static int zuo_signal_suspended = 0;
+static LONG zuo_handler_suspended;
+static BOOL WINAPI zuo_signal_received(DWORD op);
+static zuo_t *zuo_suspend_signal() {
+  if (zuo_signal_suspended++ == 0) {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    sigset_t set;
+    sigemptyset(&set);
+    sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
+    sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM);
+    sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
+    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
+    LONG old = InterlockedExchange(&zuo_handler_suspended, 1);
+    if (old == -1) {
+      /* signal-handling thread is trying to terminate the process,
+	 so just wait */
+      Sleep(INFINITE);
+    }
+  }
+  return z.o_void;
+static zuo_t *zuo_resume_signal() {
+  if (zuo_signal_suspended == 0)
+    return z.o_void;
+  if (--zuo_signal_suspended == 0) {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    sigset_t set;
+    sigemptyset(&set);
+    sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
+    sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM);
+    sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
+    sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL);
+    LONG old = InterlockedExchange(&zuo_handler_suspended, 0);
+    if (old == -1) {
+      zuo_signal_received(0);
+    }
+  }
+  return z.o_void;
+static void zuo_clean_all() {
+  zuo_t *keys, *l;
+  if (Z.o_cleanable_table == z.o_undefined)
+    return; /* must be an error during startup */
+  zuo_suspend_signal();
+  keys = zuo_trie_keys(Z.o_cleanable_table, z.o_null);
+  /* wait for all processes */
+  for (l = keys; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *k = _zuo_car(l);
+    zuo_t *v = trie_lookup(Z.o_cleanable_table, ((zuo_handle_t *)k)->id);
+    if (v->tag == zuo_handle_tag) {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+      int stat_loc;
+      EINTR_RETRY(waitpid(ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(v), &stat_loc, 0));
+      WaitForSingleObject(ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(v), INFINITE);
+    }
+  }
+  /* delete all cleanable files */
+  for (l = keys; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *k = _zuo_car(l);
+    zuo_t *v = trie_lookup(Z.o_cleanable_table, ((zuo_handle_t *)k)->id);
+    if (v->tag == zuo_string_tag) {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+      (void)unlink(ZUO_STRING_PTR(v));
+      wchar_t *wp = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(v));
+      _wunlink(wp);
+    }
+  }
+  Z.o_cleanable_table = z.o_empty_hash;
+  zuo_resume_signal();
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+static void zuo_signal_received() {
+  zuo_clean_all();
+  _exit(1);
+static BOOL WINAPI zuo_signal_received(DWORD op) {
+  if (InterlockedExchange(&zuo_handler_suspended, -1) == 0) {
+    zuo_clean_all();
+    _exit(1);
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+static void zuo_init_signal_handler() {
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  struct sigaction sa;
+  sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
+  sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
+  sa.sa_handler = zuo_signal_received;
+  sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
+  SetConsoleCtrlHandler(zuo_signal_received, TRUE);
+/* signal must be suspended */
+static void zuo_register_cleanable(zuo_t *p, zuo_t *v) {
+  int added = 0;
+  Z.o_cleanable_table = trie_extend(Z.o_cleanable_table, ((zuo_handle_t *)p)->id, p, v, &added);
+/* signal must be suspended */
+static void zuo_unregister_cleanable(zuo_t *p) {
+  Z.o_cleanable_table = trie_remove(Z.o_cleanable_table, ((zuo_handle_t *)p)->id, 0);
+static zuo_t *zuo_cleanable_file(zuo_t *path) {
+  zuo_t *p;
+  check_path_string("cleanable-file", path);
+  p = zuo_handle(0, zuo_handle_cleanable_status);
+  zuo_suspend_signal();
+  zuo_register_cleanable(p, path);
+  zuo_resume_signal();
+  return p;
+static zuo_t *zuo_cleanable_cancel(zuo_t *p) {
+  if ((p->tag != zuo_handle_tag)
+      || (((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.status != zuo_handle_cleanable_status))
+    zuo_fail_arg("cleanable-cancel", "cleanable handle", p);
+  zuo_suspend_signal();
+  zuo_unregister_cleanable(p);
+  zuo_resume_signal();
+  return z.o_void;
+/* shell command-line parsing                                           */
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+static char *zuo_string_to_shell_c(const char *s) {
+  zuo_intptr_t sz = 32, i = 0;
+  int quoting = 0;
+  unsigned char *p = malloc(sz);
+  if (*s == 0) {
+    p[i++] = '"';
+    quoting = 1;
+  }
+  while (*s) {
+    int c = *(unsigned char *)s;
+    s++;
+    if (i + 6 >= sz) {
+      unsigned char *p2 = malloc(sz * 2);
+      memcpy(p2, p, i);
+      free(p);
+      p = p2;
+      sz *= 2;
+    }
+    /* We can afford to be conservative about the characters that a shell
+       may find special */
+    if ((c == '"') || (c == '$') || (c == '`') || (c == '\\') || (c == '!')
+        || (c == '*') || (c == '@') || (c == '^')) {
+      if (quoting) {
+        p[i++] = '"';
+        quoting = 0;
+      }
+      p[i++] = '\'';
+      p[i++] = c;
+      p[i++] = '\'';
+    } else if (isspace(c) || (c == '\'') || (c == '|') || (c == '&') || (c == ';')
+               || (c == '(') || (c == ')') || (c == '<') || (c == '>')
+               || (c == '[') || (c == ']') || (c == '?')
+               || !isprint(c)) {
+      if (!quoting) {
+        p[i++] = '"';
+        quoting = 1;
+      }
+      p[i++] = c;
+    } else {
+      if (quoting) {
+        p[i++] = '"';
+        quoting = 0;
+      }
+      p[i++] = c;
+    }
+  }
+  if (quoting)
+    p[i++] = '"';
+  p[i] = 0;
+  return (char *)p;
+static char **zuo_shell_to_strings_c(char *buf, int skip_exe, zuo_intptr_t *_len) {
+  zuo_intptr_t i = 0, j = 0, arg_start = 0, cmd = 0;
+  int in_quote = 0, in_squote = 0, did_create = 0;
+  int maxargs = 32;
+  char **command = (char **)malloc((maxargs + 1) * sizeof(char *));
+  while (1) {
+    int c = ((unsigned char *)buf)[i];
+    if (c == 0)
+      in_quote = in_squote = 0;
+    if (in_quote) {
+      if (c == '"') {
+        in_quote = 0; i++;
+      } else if (c == '\\') {
+        /* a backslash only escapes when before certain characters: */
+        int next_c = ((unsigned char *)buf)[i+1];
+        if ((next_c == '$') || (next_c == '`') || (next_c == '\\') || (next_c == '\n')) {
+          buf[j++] = buf[i+1];
+          i += 2;
+        } else {
+          buf[j++] = buf[i++];
+        }
+      } else {
+        buf[j++] = buf[i++];
+      }
+    } else if (in_squote) {
+      if (c == '\'') {
+        in_squote = 0; i++;
+      } else {
+        buf[j++] = buf[i++];
+      }
+    } else if (c == '"') {
+      in_quote = 1; i++;
+      did_create = 1;
+    } else if (c == '\'') {
+      in_squote = 1; i++;
+      did_create = 1;
+    } else if (c == '\\') {
+      int next_c = ((unsigned char *)buf)[i+1];
+      if (next_c != '\n')
+        buf[j++] = c;
+      i += 2;
+    } else if (isspace(c) || (c == 0)) {
+      if ((j > arg_start) || did_create) {
+        buf[j++] = 0;
+        if (cmd == maxargs) {
+          char **new_command = (char **)malloc((2*maxargs + 1) * sizeof(char *));
+          memcpy(new_command, command, cmd * sizeof(char *));
+          free(command);
+          command = new_command;
+          maxargs *= 2;
+        }
+        command[cmd++] = buf+arg_start;
+      }
+      i++;
+      arg_start = j;
+      did_create = 0;
+      if (c == 0)
+        break;
+    } else
+      buf[j++] = buf[i++];
+  }
+  command[cmd] = NULL;
+  *_len = cmd;
+  return command;
+static char *zuo_string_to_shell_c(const char *s) {
+  char *naya;
+  int ds;
+  int has_space = 0, has_quote = 0, was_slash = 0;
+  if (!*s) return _strdup("\"\""); /* quote an empty argument */
+  for (ds = 0; s[ds]; ds++) {
+    if (isspace(s[ds]) || (s[ds] == '\'')) {
+      has_space = 1;
+      was_slash = 0;
+    } else if (s[ds] == '"') {
+      has_quote += 1 + (2 * was_slash);
+      was_slash = 0;
+    } else if (s[ds] == '\\') {
+      was_slash++;
+    } else
+      was_slash = 0;
+  }
+  if (has_space || has_quote) {
+    char *p;
+    int wrote_slash = 0;
+    naya = malloc(strlen(s) + 3 + 3*has_quote + was_slash);
+    naya[0] = '"';
+    for (p = naya + 1; *s; s++) {
+      if (*s == '"') {
+	while (wrote_slash--) {
+	  *(p++) = '\\';
+	}
+	*(p++) = '"'; /* endquote */
+	*(p++) = '\\';
+	*(p++) = '"'; /* protected */
+	*(p++) = '"'; /* start quote again */
+	wrote_slash = 0;
+      } else if (*s == '\\') {
+	*(p++) = '\\';
+	wrote_slash++;
+      } else {
+	*(p++) = *s;
+	wrote_slash = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    while (wrote_slash--) {
+      *(p++) = '\\';
+    }
+    *(p++) = '"';
+    *p = 0;
+    return naya;
+  }
+  return _strdup(s);
+/* This command-line parser is meant to be consistent with the MSVC
+   library for MSVC 2008 and later. The parser was is based on
+   Microsoft documentation plus the missing parsing rule reported at
+    http://daviddeley.com/autohotkey/parameters/parameters.htm#WINCRULES
+   The `skip_exe` flag is needed because an executble name is
+   is parsed differently(!). */
+static char **zuo_shell_to_strings_c(char *buf, int starts_exe, zuo_intptr_t *_len) {
+  int pos = 0;
+  int maxargs = 32;
+  char **command = (char **)malloc((maxargs + 1) * sizeof(char *));
+  unsigned char *parse, *created, *write;
+  int findquote = 0; /* i.e., inside a quoted block? */
+  parse = created = write = (unsigned char *)buf;
+  while (*parse) {
+    int did_create = 0;
+    while (*parse && isspace(*parse)) parse++;
+    while (*parse && (!isspace(*parse) || findquote)) {
+      if (*parse== '"') {
+        if (!starts_exe && findquote && (parse[1] == '"')) {
+          parse++;
+          *(write++) = '"';
+        } else {
+          findquote = !findquote;
+          did_create = 1;
+        }
+      } else if (!starts_exe && *parse== '\\') {
+	unsigned char *next;
+	for (next = parse; *next == '\\'; next++) { }
+	if (*next == '"') {
+	  /* Special handling: */
+	  int count = (next - parse), i;
+	  for (i = 1; i < count; i += 2) {
+	    *(write++) = '\\';
+	  }
+	  parse += (count - 1);
+	  if (count & 0x1) {
+	    *(write++) = '\"';
+	    parse++;
+	  }
+	} else
+	  *(write++) = *parse;
+      } else
+	*(write++) = *parse;
+      parse++;
+    }
+    if (*parse)
+      parse++;
+    *(write++) = 0;
+    if (*created || did_create) {
+      if (starts_exe > 0)
+        --starts_exe;
+      command[pos++] = (char *)created;
+      if (pos == maxargs) {
+	char **c2;
+	c2 = (char **)malloc(((2 * maxargs) + 1) * sizeof(char *));
+	memcpy(c2, command, maxargs * sizeof(char *));
+	maxargs *= 2;
+      }
+    }
+    created = write;
+  }
+  command[pos] = NULL;
+  *_len = pos;
+  return command;
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_to_shell(zuo_t *str) {
+  char *s;
+  check_string("string->shell", str);
+  s = zuo_string_to_shell_c(ZUO_STRING_PTR(str));
+  str = zuo_string(s);
+  free(s);
+  return str;
+static zuo_t *zuo_shell_to_strings(zuo_t *str, zuo_t *starts_exe) {
+  char *s, **argv;
+  zuo_t *lst;
+  zuo_intptr_t len;
+  check_string("shell->strings", str);
+  if (starts_exe == z.o_undefined) starts_exe = z.o_false;
+  s = zuo_string_to_c(str);
+  argv = zuo_shell_to_strings_c(s, starts_exe != z.o_false, &len);
+  for (lst = z.o_null; len--; )
+    lst = zuo_cons(zuo_string(argv[len]), lst);
+  free(argv);
+  free(s);
+  return lst;
+/* processes                                                            */
+static void zuo_pipe(zuo_raw_handle_t *_r, zuo_raw_handle_t *_w)
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  {
+    int fd[2], r;
+    EINTR_RETRY(r = pipe(fd));
+    if (r != 0)
+      zuo_fail("pipe creation failed");
+    *_r = fd[0];
+    *_w = fd[1];
+  }
+  {
+    HANDLE rh, wh;
+    if (!CreatePipe(_r, _w, NULL, 0))
+      zuo_fail("pipe creation failed");
+  }
+zuo_t *zuo_process(zuo_t *command_and_args)
+  const char *who = "process";
+  zuo_t *command = _zuo_car(command_and_args);
+  zuo_t *args = _zuo_cdr(command_and_args), *rev_args = z.o_null;
+  zuo_t *options = z.o_empty_hash, *opt;
+  zuo_t *dir, *l, *p_handle, *result;
+  int redirect_in, redirect_out, redirect_err, no_wait;
+  zuo_raw_handle_t pid, in, in_r, out, out_w, err, err_w;
+  int argc = 1, i, ok, can_options = 1;
+  char **argv;
+  void *env;
+  int as_child, exact_cmdline;
+  check_path_string(who, command);
+  for (l = args; l->tag == zuo_pair_tag; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(l);
+    if (a == z.o_null) {
+      /* skip */
+    } else if ((_zuo_car(l)->tag == zuo_pair_tag)
+               && (zuo_list_p(a) == z.o_true)) {
+      /* splice list */
+      if (_zuo_cdr(l) == z.o_null)
+        can_options = 0;
+      l = zuo_cons(a, zuo_append(zuo_cons(a, zuo_cons(_zuo_cdr(l), z.o_null))));
+    } else if (a->tag != zuo_string_tag) {
+      if (can_options && _zuo_cdr(l) == z.o_null) {
+        options = a;
+        if (options->tag != zuo_trie_node_tag)
+          zuo_fail_arg(who, "string, list, or hash table", options);
+      } else {
+        zuo_fail_arg(who, "string or list", a);
+      }
+    } else {
+      rev_args = zuo_cons(a, rev_args);
+      argc++;
+    }
+  }
+  argv = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (argc + 1));
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  if (!zuo_path_is_absolute(ZUO_STRING_PTR(command))
+      && (_zuo_car(zuo_split_path(command)) == z.o_false))
+    command = zuo_build_raw_path2(zuo_string("."), command);
+  argv[0] = zuo_string_to_c(command);
+  for (i = argc; i-- > 1; ) {
+    argv[i] = zuo_string_to_c(_zuo_car(rev_args));
+    rev_args = _zuo_cdr(rev_args);
+  }
+  argv[argc] = NULL;
+  redirect_in = redirect_out = redirect_err = 0;
+  in_r = in = zuo_get_std_handle(0);
+  out = out_w = zuo_get_std_handle(1);
+  err = err_w = zuo_get_std_handle(2);
+  opt = zuo_consume_option(&options, "stdin");
+  if (opt != z.o_undefined) {
+    if (opt == zuo_symbol("pipe")) {
+      redirect_in = 1;
+      zuo_pipe(&in_r, &in);
+    } else if ((opt->tag == zuo_handle_tag)
+               && (((zuo_handle_t *)opt)->u.h.status == zuo_handle_open_fd_in_status)) {
+      in_r = ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(opt);
+    } else
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "not 'pipe or an open input file descriptor", opt);
+  }
+  opt = zuo_consume_option(&options, "stdout");
+  if (opt != z.o_undefined) {
+    if (opt == zuo_symbol("pipe")) {
+      redirect_out = 1;
+      zuo_pipe(&out, &out_w);
+    } else if ((opt->tag == zuo_handle_tag)
+               && (((zuo_handle_t *)opt)->u.h.status == zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status)) {
+      out_w = ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(opt);
+    } else
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "not 'pipe or an open output file descriptor", opt);
+  }
+  opt = zuo_consume_option(&options, "stderr");
+  if (opt != z.o_undefined) {
+    if (opt == zuo_symbol("pipe")) {
+      redirect_err = 1;
+      zuo_pipe(&err, &err_w);
+    } else if ((opt->tag == zuo_handle_tag)
+               && (((zuo_handle_t *)opt)->u.h.status == zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status)) {
+      err_w = ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(opt);
+    } else
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "not 'pipe or an open output file descriptor", opt);
+  }
+  dir = zuo_consume_option(&options, "dir");
+  if (dir != z.o_undefined)
+    check_path_string(who, dir);
+  opt = zuo_consume_option(&options, "env");
+  if (opt != z.o_undefined) {
+    zuo_t *l;
+    for (l = opt; l->tag == zuo_pair_tag; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+      zuo_t *a = _zuo_car(l), *name, *val;
+      zuo_int_t i;
+      if (a->tag != zuo_pair_tag) break;
+      name = _zuo_car(a);
+      if (name->tag != zuo_string_tag) break;
+      for (i = ZUO_STRING_LEN(name); i--; ) {
+        int c = ZUO_STRING_PTR(name)[i];
+        if ((c == '=') || (c == 0)) break;
+      }
+      if (i >= 0) break;
+      val = _zuo_cdr(a);
+      if (val->tag != zuo_string_tag) break;
+    }
+    if (l != z.o_null)
+      zuo_fail_arg(who, "valid environment variables list", opt);
+    env = zuo_envvars_block(who, opt);
+  } else
+    env = NULL;
+  opt = zuo_consume_option(&options, "cleanable?");
+  if (opt == z.o_false)
+    no_wait = 1;
+  else
+    no_wait = 0;
+  opt = zuo_consume_option(&options, "exec?");
+  as_child = ((opt == z.o_false) || (opt == z.o_undefined));
+  if (!as_child)
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "'exec? mode not supported", opt);
+  opt = zuo_consume_option(&options, "exact?");
+  if ((opt == z.o_false) || (opt == z.o_undefined))
+    exact_cmdline = 0;
+  else {
+    exact_cmdline = 1;
+    if (argc != 2)
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "too many arguments for 'exact? mode", opt);
+  }
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  if (exact_cmdline)
+    zuo_fail1w(who, "'exact? mode not suported", opt);
+  check_options_consumed(who, options);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  {
+    zuo_t *open_fds = zuo_trie_keys(Z.o_fd_table, z.o_null);
+    zuo_suspend_signal();
+    if (as_child)
+      pid = fork();
+    else {
+      zuo_clean_all();
+      pid = 0;
+    }
+    if (pid > 0) {
+      /* This is the original process, which needs to manage the
+         newly created child process. */
+      ok = 1;
+    } else if (pid == 0) {
+      /* This is the new child process */
+      char *msg;
+      zuo_resume_signal();
+      if (in_r != 0) {
+        EINTR_RETRY(dup2(in_r, 0));
+        if (redirect_in)
+          EINTR_RETRY(close(in));
+      }
+      if (out_w != 1) {
+        EINTR_RETRY(dup2(out_w, 1));
+        if (redirect_out)
+          EINTR_RETRY(close(out));
+      }
+      if (err_w != 2) {
+        EINTR_RETRY(dup2(err_w, 2));
+        if (redirect_err)
+          EINTR_RETRY(close(err));
+      }
+      while (open_fds != z.o_null) {
+        EINTR_RETRY(close(ZUO_HANDLE_RAW(_zuo_car(open_fds))));
+        open_fds = _zuo_cdr(open_fds);
+      }
+      if ((dir == z.o_undefined)
+          || (chdir(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dir)) == 0)) {
+        if (env == NULL)
+          execv(argv[0], argv);
+        else
+          execve(argv[0], argv, env);
+        msg = "exec failed\n";
+      } else
+        msg = "chdir failed\n";
+      EINTR_RETRY(write(2, msg, strlen(msg)));
+      _exit(1);
+    } else {
+      ok = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    wchar_t *command_w, *cmdline_w, *wd_w;
+    STARTUPINFOW startup;
+    DWORD cr_flag;
+    if ((dir != z.o_undefined) && !zuo_path_is_absolute(ZUO_STRING_PTR(command)))
+      command = zuo_build_path2(dir, command);
+    command_w = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(command));
+    if (exact_cmdline)
+      cmdline_w = zuo_to_wide(argv[1]);
+    else {
+      char *cmdline;
+      int len = 9;
+      for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+        char *s = argv[i];
+        argv[i] = zuo_string_to_shell_c(s);
+        free(s);
+        len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
+      }
+      cmdline = malloc(len);
+      len = 0;
+      for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+        int alen = strlen(argv[i]);
+        memcpy(cmdline + len, argv[i], alen);
+        cmdline[len + alen] = ' ';
+        len += alen + 1;
+      }
+      cmdline[len-1] = 0;
+      cmdline_w = zuo_to_wide(cmdline);
+      free(cmdline);
+    }
+    memset(&startup, 0, sizeof(startup));
+    startup.cb = sizeof(startup);
+    startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
+    startup.hStdInput = in_r;
+    startup.hStdOutput = out_w;
+    startup.hStdError = err_w;
+    /* dup handles to make them inheritable */
+    if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), startup.hStdInput,
+			 GetCurrentProcess(), &startup.hStdInput,
+			 0, 1 /* inherit */,
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "input handle dup failed", command);
+    if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), startup.hStdOutput,
+			 GetCurrentProcess(), &startup.hStdOutput,
+			 0, 1 /* inherit */,
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "input handle dup failed", command);
+    if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), startup.hStdError,
+			 GetCurrentProcess(), &startup.hStdError,
+			 0, 1 /* inherit */,
+      zuo_fail1w(who, "input handle dup failed", command);
+    /* If none of the stdio handles are consoles, specifically
+       create the subprocess without a console: */
+    if (!zuo_is_terminal(startup.hStdInput)
+	&& !zuo_is_terminal(startup.hStdOutput)
+	&& !zuo_is_terminal(startup.hStdError))
+      cr_flag = CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
+    else
+      cr_flag = 0;
+    if (dir != z.o_undefined)
+      wd_w = zuo_to_wide(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dir));
+    else
+      wd_w = NULL;
+    zuo_suspend_signal();
+    ok = CreateProcessW(command_w, cmdline_w,
+                        NULL, NULL, 1 /*inherit*/,
+                        cr_flag, env, wd_w,
+                        &startup, &info);
+    free(command_w);
+    free(cmdline_w);
+    if (wd_w != NULL)
+      free(wd_w);
+    /* close inheritable dups */
+    CloseHandle(startup.hStdInput);
+    CloseHandle(startup.hStdOutput);
+    CloseHandle(startup.hStdError);
+    pid = info.hProcess;
+  }
+  if (ok) {
+    p_handle = zuo_handle(pid, zuo_handle_process_running_status);
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+    {
+      int added = 0;
+      Z.o_pid_table = trie_extend(Z.o_pid_table, pid, p_handle, p_handle, &added);
+    }
+    if (!no_wait)
+      zuo_register_cleanable(p_handle, p_handle);
+  }
+  zuo_resume_signal();
+  if (!ok)
+    zuo_fail("exec failed");
+  if (env != NULL)
+    free(env);
+  if (redirect_in)
+    zuo_close(in_r);
+  if (redirect_out)
+    zuo_close(out_w);
+  if (redirect_err)
+    zuo_close(err_w);
+  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+    free(argv[i]);
+  free(argv);
+  result = z.o_empty_hash;
+  result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("process"), p_handle);
+  if (redirect_in)
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("stdin"), zuo_fd_handle(in, zuo_handle_open_fd_out_status));
+  if (redirect_out)
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("stdout"), zuo_fd_handle(out, zuo_handle_open_fd_in_status));
+  if (redirect_err)
+    result = zuo_hash_set(result, zuo_symbol("stderr"), zuo_fd_handle(err, zuo_handle_open_fd_in_status));
+  return result;
+static int is_process_handle(zuo_t *p) {
+  return ((p->tag == zuo_handle_tag)
+          && ((((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.status != zuo_handle_process_done_status)
+              || (((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.status != zuo_handle_process_running_status)));
+zuo_t *zuo_process_status(zuo_t *p) {
+  if (!is_process_handle(p))
+    zuo_fail_arg("process-status", "process handle", p);
+  if (((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.status == zuo_handle_process_running_status)
+    return zuo_symbol("running");
+  else
+    return zuo_integer(((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.u.result);
+zuo_t *zuo_process_wait(zuo_t *pids_i) {
+  zuo_t *l;
+  for (l = pids_i; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+    zuo_t *p = _zuo_car(l);
+    if (!is_process_handle(p))
+      zuo_fail_arg("process-wait", "process handle", p);
+  }
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  /* loop until on of the handles is marked as done */
+  while (1) {
+    pid_t pid;
+    int stat_loc;
+    for (l = pids_i; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+      zuo_t *p = _zuo_car(l);
+      if (((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.status == zuo_handle_process_done_status)
+        return p;
+    }
+    /* wait for any process to exit, and update the corresponding handle */
+    EINTR_RETRY(pid = wait(&stat_loc));
+    /* there's a race here between having completed a wait() and a SIGINT
+       before we update the cleanables table, but it should be harmless,
+       because we won't start any new children in between, and the OS will
+       error for us on a double wait */
+    if (pid >= 0) {
+      zuo_t *p = trie_lookup(Z.o_pid_table, pid);
+      if (p->tag == zuo_handle_tag) {
+        ((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.status = zuo_handle_process_done_status;
+        if (WIFEXITED(stat_loc))
+          ((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.u.result = WEXITSTATUS(stat_loc);
+        else {
+          int r = WTERMSIG(stat_loc);
+          if (r == 0) r = 256;
+          ((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.u.result = r;
+        }
+        Z.o_pid_table = trie_remove(Z.o_pid_table, pid, 0);
+        zuo_suspend_signal();
+        zuo_unregister_cleanable(p);
+        zuo_resume_signal();
+      }
+    } else
+      zuo_fail("process wait failed");
+  }
+  /* loop until on of the handles is marked as done */
+  while (1) {
+    HANDLE *a = malloc(sizeof(HANDLE) * zuo_length_int(pids_i));
+    zuo_int_t i = 0;
+    for (l = pids_i; l != z.o_null; l = _zuo_cdr(l)) {
+      zuo_t *p = _zuo_car(l);
+      if (((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.status == zuo_handle_process_done_status) {
+	free(a);
+        return p;
+      } else {
+	DWORD w;
+	if (GetExitCodeProcess(sci, &w)) {
+	  if (w != STILL_ACTIVE) {
+            zuo_suspend_signal();
+            CloseHandle(sci);
+	    ((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.status = zuo_handle_process_done_status;
+	    ((zuo_handle_t *)p)->u.h.u.result = w;
+            zuo_unregister_cleanable(p);
+            zuo_resume_signal();
+	    free(a);
+	    return p;
+	  }
+	} else
+	  zuo_fail1w("process-wait", "status query failed", p);
+	a[i++] = sci;
+      }
+    }
+    (void)WaitForMultipleObjects(i, a, FALSE, INFINITE);
+    free(a);
+  }
+/* SHA-1                                                                */
+/* Based on
+    SHA-1 in C
+    By Steve Reid <sreid@sea-to-sky.net>
+  including changes by Saul Kravitz <Saul.Kravitz@celera.com>
+  and Ralph Giles <giles@ghostscript.com> */
+static int zuo_little_endian;
+static void zuo_init_sha1() {
+  zuo_little_endian = ((zuo_magic() & 0xF) == 0);
+typedef unsigned char zuo_uint8_t;
+typedef struct zuo_sha1_ctx_t {
+  unsigned int state[5];
+  unsigned int count[2];
+  unsigned char buffer[64];
+} zuo_sha1_ctx_t;
+#define ZUO_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE 20
+#define rol(value, bits) (((value) << (bits)) | ((value) >> (32 - (bits))))
+/* blk0() and blk() perform the initial expand; assumes input has been converted to bigendian */
+#define blk0(i) block->l[i]
+#define blk(i) (block->l[i&15] = rol(block->l[(i+13)&15]^block->l[(i+8)&15] \
+    ^block->l[(i+2)&15]^block->l[i&15],1))
+/* (R0+R1), R2, R3, R4 are the different operations used in SHA1 */
+#define R0(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=((w&(x^y))^y)+blk0(i)+0x5A827999+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+#define R1(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=((w&(x^y))^y)+blk(i)+0x5A827999+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+#define R2(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(w^x^y)+blk(i)+0x6ED9EBA1+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+#define R3(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(((w|x)&y)|(w&x))+blk(i)+0x8F1BBCDC+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+#define R4(v,w,x,y,z,i) z+=(w^x^y)+blk(i)+0xCA62C1D6+rol(v,5);w=rol(w,30);
+/* Hash a single 512-bit block. This is the core of the algorithm. */
+static void zuo_sha1_transform(zuo_uint32_t state[5], const zuo_uint8_t buffer[64]) {
+  zuo_uint32_t a, b, c, d, e;
+  typedef union {
+    zuo_uint8_t c[64];
+    zuo_uint32_t l[16];
+  } CHAR64LONG16;
+  CHAR64LONG16 *block;
+  block = (CHAR64LONG16 *) buffer;
+  if (zuo_little_endian) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+      block->l[i] = (rol(block->l[i], 24) & 0xFF00FF00) | (rol(block->l[i], 8) & 0x00FF00FF);
+  }
+  /* Copy context->state[] to working vars */
+  a = state[0];
+  b = state[1];
+  c = state[2];
+  d = state[3];
+  e = state[4];
+  /* 4 rounds of 20 operations each. Loop unrolled. */
+  R0(a,b,c,d,e, 0); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 1); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 2); R0(c,d,e,a,b, 3);
+  R0(b,c,d,e,a, 4); R0(a,b,c,d,e, 5); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 6); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 7);
+  R0(c,d,e,a,b, 8); R0(b,c,d,e,a, 9); R0(a,b,c,d,e,10); R0(e,a,b,c,d,11);
+  R0(d,e,a,b,c,12); R0(c,d,e,a,b,13); R0(b,c,d,e,a,14); R0(a,b,c,d,e,15);
+  R1(e,a,b,c,d,16); R1(d,e,a,b,c,17); R1(c,d,e,a,b,18); R1(b,c,d,e,a,19);
+  R2(a,b,c,d,e,20); R2(e,a,b,c,d,21); R2(d,e,a,b,c,22); R2(c,d,e,a,b,23);
+  R2(b,c,d,e,a,24); R2(a,b,c,d,e,25); R2(e,a,b,c,d,26); R2(d,e,a,b,c,27);
+  R2(c,d,e,a,b,28); R2(b,c,d,e,a,29); R2(a,b,c,d,e,30); R2(e,a,b,c,d,31);
+  R2(d,e,a,b,c,32); R2(c,d,e,a,b,33); R2(b,c,d,e,a,34); R2(a,b,c,d,e,35);
+  R2(e,a,b,c,d,36); R2(d,e,a,b,c,37); R2(c,d,e,a,b,38); R2(b,c,d,e,a,39);
+  R3(a,b,c,d,e,40); R3(e,a,b,c,d,41); R3(d,e,a,b,c,42); R3(c,d,e,a,b,43);
+  R3(b,c,d,e,a,44); R3(a,b,c,d,e,45); R3(e,a,b,c,d,46); R3(d,e,a,b,c,47);
+  R3(c,d,e,a,b,48); R3(b,c,d,e,a,49); R3(a,b,c,d,e,50); R3(e,a,b,c,d,51);
+  R3(d,e,a,b,c,52); R3(c,d,e,a,b,53); R3(b,c,d,e,a,54); R3(a,b,c,d,e,55);
+  R3(e,a,b,c,d,56); R3(d,e,a,b,c,57); R3(c,d,e,a,b,58); R3(b,c,d,e,a,59);
+  R4(a,b,c,d,e,60); R4(e,a,b,c,d,61); R4(d,e,a,b,c,62); R4(c,d,e,a,b,63);
+  R4(b,c,d,e,a,64); R4(a,b,c,d,e,65); R4(e,a,b,c,d,66); R4(d,e,a,b,c,67);
+  R4(c,d,e,a,b,68); R4(b,c,d,e,a,69); R4(a,b,c,d,e,70); R4(e,a,b,c,d,71);
+  R4(d,e,a,b,c,72); R4(c,d,e,a,b,73); R4(b,c,d,e,a,74); R4(a,b,c,d,e,75);
+  R4(e,a,b,c,d,76); R4(d,e,a,b,c,77); R4(c,d,e,a,b,78); R4(b,c,d,e,a,79);
+  /* Add the working vars back into context.state[] */
+  state[0] += a;
+  state[1] += b;
+  state[2] += c;
+  state[3] += d;
+  state[4] += e;
+static void zuo_sha1_init(zuo_sha1_ctx_t *context) {
+  /* SHA1 initialization constants */
+  context->state[0] = 0x67452301;
+  context->state[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
+  context->state[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
+  context->state[3] = 0x10325476;
+  context->state[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0;
+  context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0;
+/* Run your data through this. */
+static void zuo_sha1_update(zuo_sha1_ctx_t *context, const zuo_uint8_t *data, const zuo_intptr_t len) {
+  zuo_intptr_t i, j;
+  j = (context->count[0] >> 3) & 63;
+  if ((context->count[0] += len << 3) < (len << 3))
+    context->count[1]++;
+  context->count[1] += (len >> 29);
+  if ((j + len) > 63) {
+    memcpy(&context->buffer[j], data, (i = 64 - j));
+    zuo_sha1_transform(context->state, context->buffer);
+    for (; i + 63 < len; i += 64)
+      zuo_sha1_transform(context->state, data + i);
+    j = 0;
+  } else
+    i = 0;
+  memcpy(&context->buffer[j], &data[i], len - i);
+static int hex_char(int c) {
+  return (c < 10) ? (c + '0') : (c + 'a'-10);
+/* Add padding and return the message digest. */
+static void zuo_sha1_final(zuo_sha1_ctx_t *context, zuo_uint8_t digest[ZUO_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]) {
+  zuo_uint32_t i;
+  zuo_uint8_t finalcount[8];
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+    finalcount[i] = (unsigned char)((context->count[(i >= 4 ? 0 : 1)] >> ((3 - (i & 3)) * 8)) & 255);
+  zuo_sha1_update(context, (zuo_uint8_t *)"\200", 1);
+  while ((context->count[0] & 504) != 448)
+    zuo_sha1_update(context, (zuo_uint8_t *)"\0", 1);
+  zuo_sha1_update(context, finalcount, 8);
+  for (i = 0; i < ZUO_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; i++)
+    digest[i] = (zuo_uint8_t)((context->state[i >> 2] >> ((3 - (i & 3)) * 8)) & 255);
+static zuo_t *zuo_string_sha1(zuo_t *str) {
+  zuo_sha1_ctx_t context;
+  zuo_uint8_t digest[ZUO_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE];
+  char digest_hex[2 * ZUO_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE];
+  int i;
+  zuo_sha1_init(&context);
+  zuo_sha1_update(&context, (zuo_uint8_t *)ZUO_STRING_PTR(str), ZUO_STRING_LEN(str));
+  zuo_sha1_final(&context, digest);
+  for (i = 0; i < ZUO_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; i++) {
+    digest_hex[2*i] = hex_char(digest[i] >> 4);
+    digest_hex[2*i+1] = hex_char(digest[i] & 0xF);
+  }
+  return zuo_sized_string(digest_hex, 2 * ZUO_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE);
+/* executable self path                                                 */
+#if defined(__linux__)
+# include <errno.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+static char *zuo_self_path_c(const char *exec_file)
+  ssize_t len, blen = 256;
+  char *s = malloc(blen);
+  while (1) {
+    len = readlink("/proc/self/exe", s, blen-1);
+    if (len == (blen-1)) {
+      free(s);
+      blen *= 2;
+      s = malloc(blen);
+    } else if (len < 0) {
+      zuo_fail("failed to get self");
+    } else
+      break;
+  }
+  s[len] = 0;
+  return s;
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
+# include <sys/sysctl.h>
+# include <errno.h>
+static char *zuo_self_path_c(const char *exec_file)
+  int mib[4];
+  char *s;
+  size_t len;
+  int r;
+  mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+#if defined(__NetBSD__)
+  mib[1] = KERN_PROC_ARGS;
+  mib[2] = getpid();
+  mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
+  mib[3] = -1;
+  r = sysctl(mib, 4, NULL, &len, NULL, 0);
+  if (r < 0)
+    zuo_fail("failed to get self");
+  s = malloc(len);
+  r = sysctl(mib, 4, s, &len, NULL, 0);
+  if (r < 0)
+    zuo_fail("failed to get self");
+  return s;
+#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+# include <mach-o/getsect.h>
+# include <mach-o/dyld.h>
+static char *zuo_self_path_c(const char *exec_file)
+  uint32_t size = 1024;
+  char *s = malloc(size);
+  int r;
+  r = _NSGetExecutablePath(s, &size);
+  if (!r)
+    return s;
+  else {
+    free(s);
+    s = malloc(size);
+    r = _NSGetExecutablePath(s, &size);
+    if (!r)
+      return s;
+    zuo_fail("failed to get self");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+#elif defined(ZUO_WINDOWS)
+/* used outside this file: */
+static char *zuo_self_path_c(const char *exec_file)
+  wchar_t *path;
+  DWORD r, sz = 1024;
+  while (1) {
+    path = (wchar_t *)malloc(sz * sizeof(wchar_t));
+    r = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, sz);
+    if ((r == sz)
+        && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) {
+      free(path);
+      sz = 2 * sz;
+    } else
+      break;
+  }
+  return zuo_from_wide(path);
+/* Generic Unix: get executable path via argv[0] and the `PATH` environment variable */
+static int has_slash(const char *s) {
+  while (*s) {
+    if (s[0] == '/')
+      return 1;
+    s++;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static char *zuo_self_path_c(const char *exec_file)
+  if (zuo_path_is_absolute(exec_file)) {
+    /* Absolute path */
+    return strdup(exec_file);
+  } else if (has_slash(exec_file)) {
+    /* Relative path with a directory: */
+    return zuo_string_to_c(zuo_path_to_complete_path(zuo_string(exec_file)));
+  } else {
+    /* We have to find the executable by searching PATH: */
+    char *path = strdup(getenv("PATH")), *p;
+    zuo_t *m;
+    int more;
+    if (!path) {
+      path = "";
+    }
+    while (1) {
+      /* Try each element of path: */
+      for (p = path; *p && (*p != ':'); p++) { }
+      if (*p) {
+	*p = 0;
+	more = 1;
+      } else
+	more = 0;
+      if (!*path)
+	break;
+      m = zuo_build_path2(zuo_string(path), zuo_string(exec_file));
+      if (access(ZUO_STRING_PTR(m), X_OK) == 0)
+        return zuo_string_to_c(zuo_path_to_complete_path(m));
+      if (more)
+	path = p + 1;
+      else
+	break;
+    }
+    return strdup(exec_file);
+  }
+static zuo_t *zuo_self_path(const char *exec_file) {
+  char *s = zuo_self_path_c(exec_file);
+  zuo_t *str = zuo_string(s);
+  free(s);
+  return str;
+/* initialization                                                       */
+#define TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, make_prim)        \
+  do {                                           \
+    if (!will_load_image) {                      \
+      zuo_t *sym = zuo_symbol(name);             \
+      zuo_trie_set(z.o_top_env, sym, make_prim); \
+    } else {                                     \
+      zuo_t *sym = z.o_undefined;                \
+      (void)make_prim;                           \
+    }                                            \
+  } while (0)
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE0(name, proc) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitive0(proc, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1(name, proc) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitive1(proc, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2(name, proc) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitive2(proc, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE3(name, proc) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitive3(proc, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEa(name, proc) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitivea(proc, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEb(name, proc) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitiveb(proc, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEc(name, proc) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitivec(proc, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEC(name, proc) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitiveC(proc, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN(name, proc, mask) \
+  TRIE_SET_TOP_ENV(name, zuo_primitiveN(proc, mask, sym))
+#define ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_VALUE(name, val)  \
+  zuo_trie_set(z.o_top_env, zuo_symbol(name), val)
+static void zuo_primitive_init(int will_load_image) {
+  zuo_check_sanity();
+  zuo_configure();
+  zuo_init_terminal();
+  zuo_init_signal_handler();
+  zuo_init_sha1();
+  /* these initial constants and tables might get replaced by loading
+     an image, but we need them to register primitives: */
+  z.o_undefined = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+  z.o_null = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+  z.o_void = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+  z.o_done_k = zuo_cont(zuo_done_cont, z.o_undefined, z.o_undefined, z.o_undefined, z.o_undefined);
+  z.o_intern_table = zuo_trie_node();
+  z.o_top_env = zuo_trie_node();
+  zuo_sync_in_case_of_fail();
+  will_load_image = 1;
+# endif
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("pair?", zuo_pair_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("null?", zuo_null_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("integer?", zuo_integer_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("string?", zuo_string_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("symbol?", zuo_symbol_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("hash?", zuo_hash_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("list?", zuo_list_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("procedure?", zuo_procedure_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("path-string?", zuo_path_string_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("variable?", zuo_variable_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("handle?", zuo_handle_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("void", zuo_make_void, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("cons", zuo_cons);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("car", zuo_car);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("cdr", zuo_cdr);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("list-ref", zuo_list_ref);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE3("list-set", zuo_list_set);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("list", zuo_list, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("append", zuo_append, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("reverse", zuo_reverse);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("length", zuo_length);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("not", zuo_not);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("eq?", zuo_eq);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("+", zuo_add, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("-", zuo_subtract, -2);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("*", zuo_multiply, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("quotient", zuo_quotient);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("modulo", zuo_modulo);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("<", zuo_lt);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("<=", zuo_le);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("=", zuo_eql);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2(">=", zuo_ge);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2(">", zuo_gt);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("bitwise-and", zuo_bitwise_and);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("bitwise-ior", zuo_bitwise_ior);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("bitwise-xor", zuo_bitwise_xor);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("bitwise-not", zuo_bitwise_not);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("string", zuo_build_string, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("string-length", zuo_string_length);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("string-ref", zuo_string_ref);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("string-u32-ref", zuo_string_u32_ref);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEc("substring", zuo_substring);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("string=?", zuo_string_eql);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("string-ci=?", zuo_string_ci_eql);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEb("string-split", zuo_string_split);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("string->symbol", zuo_string_to_symbol);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("string->uninterned-symbol", zuo_string_to_uninterned_symbol);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("symbol->string", zuo_symbol_to_string);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEC("string-read", zuo_string_read);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("hash", zuo_hash, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEc("hash-ref", zuo_hash_ref);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE3("hash-set", zuo_hash_set);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("hash-remove", zuo_hash_remove);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("hash-keys", zuo_hash_keys);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("hash-count", zuo_hash_count);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("hash-keys-subset?", zuo_hash_keys_subset_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("opaque", zuo_opaque);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE3("opaque-ref", zuo_opaque_ref);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("build-path", zuo_build_path, -2);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("build-raw-path", zuo_build_raw_path, -2);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("split-path", zuo_split_path);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("relative-path?", zuo_relative_path_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("build-module-path", zuo_build_module_path);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("variable", zuo_make_variable);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("variable-ref", zuo_variable_ref);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("variable-set!", zuo_variable_set);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("continuation-prompt-available?", zuo_prompt_avail_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEb("fd-open-input", zuo_fd_open_input);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEb("fd-open-output", zuo_fd_open_output);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("fd-close", zuo_fd_close);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("fd-read", zuo_fd_read);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("fd-write", zuo_fd_write);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEb("fd-terminal?", zuo_fd_terminal_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("fd-valid?", zuo_fd_valid_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEb("stat", zuo_stat);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("rm", zuo_rm);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("mv", zuo_mv);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("mkdir", zuo_mkdir);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("rmdir", zuo_rmdir);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("ls", zuo_ls);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("symlink", zuo_ln);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("readlink", zuo_readlink);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("cp", zuo_cp);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE0("current-time", zuo_current_time);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("process", zuo_process, -2);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("process-status", zuo_process_status);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("process-wait", zuo_process_wait, -2);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE0("suspend-signal", zuo_suspend_signal);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE0("resume-signal", zuo_resume_signal);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("string->shell", zuo_string_to_shell);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEb("shell->strings", zuo_shell_to_strings);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("string-sha1", zuo_string_sha1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("cleanable-file", zuo_cleanable_file);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("cleanable-cancel", zuo_cleanable_cancel);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("error", zuo_error, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("alert", zuo_alert, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("~v", zuo_tilde_v, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("~a", zuo_tilde_a, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN("~s", zuo_tilde_s, -1);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE3("arg-error", zuo_arg_error);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE2("arity-error", zuo_arity_error);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEa("exit", zuo_exit);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("module-path?", zuo_module_path_p);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE0("kernel-env", zuo_kernel_env);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE0("runtime-env", zuo_runtime_env);
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVE1("dump-image-and-exit", zuo_dump_image_and_exit);
+  z.o_kernel_read_string = zuo_primitive1(zuo_kernel_read_string, z.o_void);
+  z.o_module_to_hash_star = zuo_primitive1(zuo_module_to_hash_star, z.o_void);
+  z.o_get_read_and_eval = zuo_primitive2(zuo_get_read_and_eval, z.o_void);
+  z.o_register_module = zuo_primitive2(zuo_register_module, z.o_void);
+static void zuo_image_init(char *boot_image) {
+  if (!boot_image) {
+    zuo_fasl_restore((char *)emedded_boot_image, emedded_boot_image_len * sizeof(zuo_int32_t));
+    zuo_sync_in_case_of_fail();
+  } else {
+# endif
+    if (boot_image) {
+      /* The image supplies constants and tables */
+      zuo_raw_handle_t in = zuo_fd_open_input_handle(zuo_string(boot_image), z.o_empty_hash);
+      zuo_t *dump = zuo_drain(in, -1);
+      zuo_close_handle(in);
+      zuo_fasl_restore(ZUO_STRING_PTR(dump), ZUO_STRING_LEN(dump));
+      zuo_sync_in_case_of_fail();
+    } else {
+      /* Create remaining constants and tables */
+      z.o_true = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+      z.o_false = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+      z.o_eof = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+      z.o_empty_hash = zuo_trie_node();
+      z.o_apply = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+      z.o_call_cc = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+      z.o_call_prompt = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+      z.o_kernel_eval = zuo_new(zuo_singleton_tag, sizeof(zuo_forwarded_t));
+      z.o_quote_symbol = zuo_symbol("quote");
+      z.o_lambda_symbol = zuo_symbol("lambda");
+      z.o_let_symbol = zuo_symbol("let");
+      z.o_begin_symbol = zuo_symbol("begin");
+      z.o_if_symbol = zuo_symbol("if");
+      z.o_modules = z.o_null;
+      ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_VALUE("apply", z.o_apply);
+      ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_VALUE("call/cc", z.o_call_cc);
+      ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_VALUE("call/prompt", z.o_call_prompt);
+      ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_VALUE("kernel-eval", z.o_kernel_eval);
+      ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_VALUE("eof", z.o_eof);
+      {
+        zuo_t *module_to_hash = zuo_declare_kernel_module();
+        ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_VALUE("module->hash", module_to_hash);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+# endif
+static void zuo_runtime_init(zuo_t *lib_path, zuo_t *runtime_env) {
+  Z.o_interp_e = Z.o_interp_env = Z.o_interp_v = Z.o_interp_in_proc = z.o_false;
+  Z.o_interp_k = z.o_done_k;
+  Z.o_interp_meta_k = z.o_null;
+  Z.o_pending_modules = z.o_null;
+  Z.o_stash = z.o_false;
+#ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+  Z.o_pid_table = z.o_empty_hash;
+  Z.o_fd_table = z.o_empty_hash;
+  Z.o_cleanable_table = z.o_empty_hash;
+  Z.o_library_path = lib_path; /* should be absolute or #f */
+  Z.o_runtime_env = zuo_finish_runtime_env(runtime_env);
+/* main                                                                 */
+int zuo_main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  char *load_file = NULL, *library_path = NULL, *boot_image = NULL;
+  char *argv0 = argv[0];
+  zuo_t *exe_path, *load_path, *lib_path;
+  argc--;
+  argv++;
+  while (argc > 0) {
+    if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[0], "--help")) {
+      fprintf(stdout, ("\n"
+                       "usage: %s [<option> ...] [<file-or-dir> <argument> ...]\n"
+                       "\n"
+                       "If <file-or-dir> is a file, it is used as a module path to load.\n"
+                       "If <file-or-dir> is a directory, \"main.zuo\" is loded.\n"
+                       "If <file-or-dir> is \"\", a module is read from stdin.\n"
+                       "The <argument>s are made available via the `system-env` procedure.\n"
+                       "\n"
+                       "Supported <option>s:\n"
+                       "\n"
+                       "  -B <file>, --boot <file>\n"
+                       "     Load dump from <file> as the initial image\n"
+                       "  -X <dir>, --collects <dir>\n"
+                       "     Use <dir> as the library-collection root, overriding `ZUO_LIB`;\n"
+                       "     the default is \"%s\" relative to the executable\n"
+                       "  -M <file>\n"
+                       "     Log the path of each opened file to <file>\n"
+                       "  --\n"
+                       "     No argument following this switch is used as a switch\n"
+                       "  -h, --help\n"
+                       "     Show this information and exit, ignoring other options\n"
+                       "\n"
+                       "If an <option> switch is provided multiple times, the last\n"
+                       "instance takes precedence.\n"
+                       "\n"),
+              argv0,
+              ((ZUO_LIB_PATH == NULL) ? "[disabled]" : ZUO_LIB_PATH));
+      exit(0);
+    } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-B") || !strcmp(argv[0], "--boot")) {
+      if (argc > 1) {
+        boot_image = argv[1];
+        argc -= 2;
+        argv += 2;
+      } else {
+        zuo_error_color();
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected a path after -B", argv0);
+        zuo_fail("");
+      }
+    } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-X") || !strcmp(argv[0], "--collects")) {
+      if (argc > 1) {
+        if (argv[1][0] == 0)
+          zuo_lib_path = NULL;
+        else
+          library_path = argv[1];
+        argc -= 2;
+        argv += 2;
+      } else {
+        zuo_error_color();
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected a path after -X", argv0);
+        zuo_fail("");
+      }
+    } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-M")) {
+      if (argc > 1) {
+        zuo_file_logging = argv[1];
+        argc -= 2;
+        argv += 2;
+      } else {
+        zuo_error_color();
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected a path after -M", argv0);
+        zuo_fail("");
+      }
+    } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "--")) {
+      argc--;
+      argv++;
+      break;
+    } else if (argv[0][0] == '-') {
+      zuo_error_color();
+      fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized flag: %s", argv0, argv[0]);
+      zuo_fail("");
+    } else
+      break;
+  }
+  if (argc > 0) {
+    load_file = argv[0];
+    argc--;
+    argv++;
+  }
+  /* Primitives must be registered before restoring an image */
+  zuo_primitive_init(boot_image != NULL);
+  zuo_image_init(boot_image);
+  exe_path = zuo_self_path(argv0);
+  if (library_path) {
+    lib_path = zuo_path_to_complete_path(zuo_string(library_path));
+  } else if (zuo_lib_path != NULL) {
+    lib_path = zuo_string(zuo_lib_path);
+    if (zuo_relative_path_p(lib_path) == z.o_true)
+      lib_path = zuo_build_path2(_zuo_car(zuo_split_path(exe_path)),
+                                 lib_path);
+  } else
+    lib_path = z.o_false;
+  if (load_file == NULL) {
+    load_file = "main.zuo";
+    load_path = zuo_string(load_file);
+    if (zuo_stat(load_path, z.o_true) == z.o_false) {
+      zuo_error_color();
+      fprintf(stderr, "%s: no file specified, and no \"main.zuo\" found", argv0);
+      zuo_fail("");
+    }
+  } else if (load_file[0] != 0) {
+    zuo_t *st;
+    load_path = zuo_string(load_file);
+    load_path = zuo_normalize_input_path(load_path);
+    st = zuo_stat(load_path, z.o_true);
+    if ((st != z.o_false)
+        && (zuo_trie_lookup(st, zuo_symbol("type")) == zuo_symbol("dir"))) {
+      if (!strcmp(load_file, "."))
+        load_path = zuo_string("main.zuo");
+      else
+        load_path = zuo_build_path2(load_path, zuo_string("main.zuo"));
+    }
+  } else
+    load_path = zuo_string("stdin");
+  /* Finish initialization */
+  zuo_runtime_init(lib_path, zuo_make_runtime_env(exe_path, load_file, argc, argv));
+  /* Run script */
+  {
+    zuo_t *mod_ht, *submods, *main_proc;
+    if (load_file[0] == 0) {
+      zuo_raw_handle_t in = zuo_fd_open_input_handle(zuo_symbol("stdin"), z.o_empty_hash);
+      zuo_t *input = zuo_drain(in, -1);
+      mod_ht = zuo_eval_module(load_path, input);
+    } else
+      mod_ht = zuo_module_to_hash(load_path);
+    submods = zuo_trie_lookup(mod_ht, zuo_symbol("submodules"));
+    if (submods->tag == zuo_trie_node_tag) {
+      main_proc = zuo_trie_lookup(submods, zuo_symbol("main"));
+      if (main_proc != z.o_undefined) {
+        if (zuo_procedure_p(main_proc) != z.o_true)
+          zuo_fail1("main is not a procedure", main_proc);
+        (void)zuo_kernel_eval(zuo_cons(main_proc, z.o_null));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  zuo_exit_int(0);
+  return 0;
+# ifdef ZUO_UNIX
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  return zuo_main(argc, argv);
+# endif
+# ifdef ZUO_WINDOWS
+#  if defined(__MINGW32__)
+int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
+		     LPSTR m_lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
+  zuo_intptr_t argc;
+  char **argv;
+  argv = zuo_shell_to_strings_c(zuo_from_wide(GetCommandLineW()), 1, &argc);
+  return zuo_main((int)argc, argv);
+#  else
+int wmain(int argc, wchar_t **w_argv) {
+  char **argv = (char **)malloc(argc * sizeof(char *));
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+    argv[i] = zuo_from_wide(w_argv[i]);
+  return zuo_main(argc, argv);
+#  endif
+# endif
+/* embedded API                                                         */
+void zuo_ext_primitive_init() {  zuo_primitive_init(0); }
+void zuo_ext_add_primitive(zuo_ext_primitive_t proc, int arity_mask, const char *name) {
+  int will_load_image = 0;
+  ZUO_TOP_ENV_SET_PRIMITIVEN(name, proc, arity_mask);
+void zuo_ext_image_init(char *boot_image) { zuo_image_init(boot_image); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_false() { return z.o_false; }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_true() { return z.o_true; }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_null() { return z.o_null; }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_void() { return z.o_void; }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_eof() { return z.o_eof; }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_empty_hash() { return z.o_empty_hash; }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_integer(long long i) { return zuo_integer((zuo_int_t)i); }
+long long zuo_ext_integer_value(zuo_ext_t *v) { return (long long)ZUO_INT_I(v); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_cons(zuo_ext_t *car, zuo_ext_t *cdr) { return zuo_cons(car, cdr); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_car(zuo_ext_t *obj) { return _zuo_car(obj); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_cdr(zuo_ext_t *obj) { return _zuo_cdr(obj); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_string(const char *str, long long len) { return zuo_sized_string(str, (zuo_intptr_t)len); }
+long long zuo_ext_string_length(zuo_ext_t *str) { return (long long)ZUO_STRING_LEN(str); }
+char *zuo_ext_string_ptr(zuo_ext_t *str) { return ZUO_STRING_PTR(str); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_symbol(const char *str) { return zuo_symbol(str); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_hash_ref(zuo_ext_t *ht, zuo_ext_t *key, zuo_ext_t *fail) { return zuo_hash_ref(ht, key, fail); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_hash_set(zuo_ext_t *ht, zuo_ext_t *key, zuo_ext_t *val) { return zuo_hash_set(ht, key, val); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_kernel_env() { return z.o_top_env; }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_apply(zuo_ext_t *proc, zuo_ext_t *args) {
+  /* special-case primtives, so this cna be used to perform primitive
+     operations without triggering a GC */
+  if (proc->tag == zuo_primitive_tag) {
+    zuo_primitive_t *f = (zuo_primitive_t *)proc;
+    return f->dispatcher(f->proc, args);
+  } else
+    return zuo_kernel_eval(zuo_cons(proc, args));
+void zuo_ext_runtime_init(zuo_ext_t *lib_path, zuo_ext_t *runtime_env) { zuo_runtime_init(lib_path, runtime_env); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_eval_module(zuo_ext_t *as_module_path, const char *content, long long len) {
+  return zuo_eval_module(as_module_path, zuo_sized_string(content, len));
+void zuo_ext_stash_push(zuo_ext_t *v) { Z.o_stash = zuo_cons(v, Z.o_stash); }
+zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_stash_pop() { zuo_t *v = _zuo_car(Z.o_stash); Z.o_stash = _zuo_cdr(Z.o_stash); return v; }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zuo.h
@@ -1,0 +1,150 @@
+/* This header is used only when embedding Zuo in a larger
+   application, and this file defines the embedding interface. 
+   To use an embedded Zuo, it must be initialized through the three
+   startup steps below. The space between those steps offer two
+   interposition opportunities: adding primitives before an image
+   (that might rely on the primitives) is loaded, and configuring
+   runtime information that is reported by `runtime-env`. */
+#ifndef ZUO_EXPORT
+# define ZUO_EXPORT extern
+/* The type `zuo_ext_t*` represents a Zuo value. All values are
+   subject to garbage collection or relocation during
+   `zuo_eval_module` or a `zuo_ext_apply` of a non-primitive to a
+   primitive that evaluates (`kernel-eval` or `module->hash`). Use
+   `zuo_ext_stash_push` and `zuo_ext_stash_pop` to save something
+   across a potential collection. */
+typedef struct zuo_t zuo_ext_t;
+/* ======================================================================== */
+   Startup step 1: initialize primitives, and maybe add your own. 
+   Any added primitives will appear in `kernel-env`, as well as being
+   propagated as `zuo/kernel`, `zuo`, etc., initial imports. To ensure
+   that images will work, primitives must be added in the same order,
+   always, and imagines will only work in an environment with the same
+   set of primitives.
+ */
+ZUO_EXPORT void zuo_ext_primitive_init();
+/* Add more primitives only after calling `zuo_ext_primitive_init`: */
+typedef zuo_ext_t *(*zuo_ext_primitive_t)(zuo_ext_t *args_list);
+ZUO_EXPORT void zuo_ext_add_primitive(zuo_ext_primitive_t proc, int arity_mask, const char *name);
+/* ======================================================================== */
+   Startup step 2: load a boot image, or initialize with the default
+   or embedded image if `boot_image_file` is NULL.
+ZUO_EXPORT void zuo_ext_image_init(char *boot_image_file);
+/* After calling `zuo_ext_image_init`, the following functions are available: */
+/* Functions that get a constant: */
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_false();
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_true();
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_null();
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_void();
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_eof();
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_empty_hash();
+/* Other data constructors and accessors: */
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_integer(long long i);
+ZUO_EXPORT long long zuo_ext_integer_value(zuo_ext_t *v);
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_cons(zuo_ext_t *car, zuo_ext_t *cdr);
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_car(zuo_ext_t *obj);
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_cdr(zuo_ext_t *obj);
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_string(const char *str, long long len);
+ZUO_EXPORT long long zuo_ext_string_length(zuo_ext_t *str);
+ZUO_EXPORT char *zuo_ext_string_ptr(zuo_ext_t *str);
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_symbol(const char *str);
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_hash_ref(zuo_ext_t *ht, zuo_ext_t *key, zuo_ext_t *fail);
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_hash_set(zuo_ext_t *ht, zuo_ext_t *key, zuo_ext_t *val);
+/* To get more functions, use a symbol key to look them up in the
+   kernel environment via `zuo_ext_hash_ref` --- but don't try to
+   load, evaluate, or use any modules, yet: */
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_kernel_env();
+/* At this stage, use `zuo_ext_apply` to apply primitives that don't
+   evaluate. After `zuo_ext_runtime_init`, use this to apply and
+   procedure. Arguments are in a list created with `zuo_ext_cons` and
+   `zuo_ext_null`: */
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_apply(zuo_ext_t *proc, zuo_ext_t *args);
+/* ======================================================================== */
+   Startup step 3: finalize `runtime-env` and the full path for
+   finding library modules. The `lib_path` argument can be `#f` to
+   disable library loading. The `runtime_env` hash table is used as
+   the starting point for a `runtime-env` result; include 'exe, 'args,
+   and 'script as appropriate; other keys like 'dir are added
+   automatically, while non-standard keys are allowed and preserved.
+ZUO_EXPORT void zuo_ext_runtime_init(zuo_ext_t *lib_path, zuo_ext_t *runtime_env);
+/* After `zuo_ext_runtime_init`, all functionality is available. You
+   can load a module from a file by extracting `module->hash` from the
+   kernel env. Or you can declare and run a module directly from
+   source text, giveing it a module path that is eiter a symbolic
+   library path or a file path. */
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_eval_module(zuo_ext_t *as_module_path, const char *content, long long len);
+/* For saving and retriving a value across an evaluation, which is
+   when a GC might happen: */
+ZUO_EXPORT void zuo_ext_stash_push(zuo_ext_t *v);
+ZUO_EXPORT zuo_ext_t *zuo_ext_stash_pop();
+/* Here's a simple example embedding application: */
+#if 0
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "zuo.h"
+static zuo_ext_t *random_five(zuo_ext_t *args) {
+  return zuo_ext_integer(5);
+int main() {
+  const char *prog = "#lang zuo/kernel (hash 'number (random-five))";
+  zuo_ext_t *ht, *v;
+  /* Step 1 */
+  zuo_ext_primitive_init();
+  zuo_ext_add_primitive(random_five, 1, "random-five");
+  /* Step 2 */
+  zuo_ext_image_init(NULL);
+  /* Step 3 */
+  zuo_ext_runtime_init(zuo_ext_false(), zuo_ext_empty_hash());
+  /* Run `prog`: */
+  ht = zuo_ext_eval_module(zuo_ext_symbol("five-app"), prog, strlen(prog));
+  /* Inspect the result: */
+  v = zuo_ext_hash_ref(ht, zuo_ext_symbol("number"), zuo_ext_false());
+  if (zuo_ext_apply(zuo_ext_hash_ref(zuo_ext_kernel_env(),
+                                     zuo_ext_symbol("integer?"),
+                                     zuo_ext_false()),
+                    zuo_ext_cons(v, zuo_ext_null()))
+      == zuo_ext_true())
+    printf("The answer was %d\n", (int)zuo_ext_integer_value(v));
+  else
+    printf("Something went wrong!\n");
+  return 0;