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ref: c00462f5113944f00820efd86b826d970d0e718c
parent: a67b8fc67211b758279928351dc1348cfd565877
author: Matthew Flatt <mflatt@racket-lang.org>
date: Tue Nov 15 02:54:53 CST 2022

local/image.zuo: support embedding an image from a file

Also, adjust the examples in "zuo.h" to clarify the interaction of new
primitives and images.

--- a/local/image.zuo
+++ b/local/image.zuo
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
 ;;  * 'libs: list of module-path symbols; default is '(zuo)
+;;  * 'image-file: an existing image, causing 'libs to be ignored;
+;;     default is #f
 ;;  * 'deps: a file to record files reda to create the image; presence
 ;;     along with non-#f 'output enables a potetial 'up-to-date result
@@ -36,6 +39,8 @@
           (hash-set cmd 'libs (cons (string->symbol module-path)
                                     (hash-ref cmd 'libs '())))]
+     [cmd "--image" file "Use <file> instead of creating a new image"
+          (hash-set cmd 'image-file file)]
      [cmd "--deps" file "Write dependencies to <file>"
           (hash-set cmd 'deps file)]
      [cmd "--keep-collects" "Keep library collection path enabled"
@@ -72,9 +77,15 @@
   (define deps-file (hash-ref cmd 'deps #f))
   (define c-file (hash-ref cmd 'output #f))
+  (define image-file (hash-ref cmd 'image-file #f))
+  (when (and image-file (pair? given-libs))
+    (error "Don't provide both libraries and an image file"))
   (when c-file
-    (displayln (~a "generating " c-file " embedding these libraries: " (string-join (map ~s libs)))))
+    (if image-file
+        (displayln (~a "generating " c-file " embedding " (~s image-file)))
+        (displayln (~a "generating " c-file " embedding these libraries: " (string-join (map ~s libs))))))
   (when deps-file
     (display-to-file "" deps-file :truncate))
@@ -81,29 +92,36 @@
   (define deps-h (and deps-file (cleanable-file deps-file)))
   (define image
-    (let ([ht (apply process
-                     (append
-                      (list (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe))
-                      (if deps-file
-                          (list "-M" deps-file)
-                          (list))
-                      (list "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe))))])
-      (define p (hash-ref ht 'process))
-      (define in (hash-ref ht 'stdin))
-      (define out (hash-ref ht 'stdout))
-      (fd-write in "#lang zuo/kernel\n")
-      (fd-write in "(begin\n")
-      (for-each (lambda (lib)
-                  (fd-write in (~a "(module->hash '" lib ")\n")))
-                libs)
-      (fd-write in "(dump-image-and-exit (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash))))\n")
-      (fd-close in)
-      (let ([image (fd-read out eof)])
-        (fd-close out)
-        (process-wait p)
-        (unless (= 0 (process-status p))
-          (error "image dump failed"))
-        image)))
+    (cond
+      [image-file
+       (define in (fd-open-input image-file))
+       (define image (fd-read in eof))
+       (fd-close in)
+       image]
+      [else
+       (let ([ht (apply process
+                        (append
+                         (list (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe))
+                         (if deps-file
+                             (list "-M" deps-file)
+                             (list))
+                         (list "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe))))])
+         (define p (hash-ref ht 'process))
+         (define in (hash-ref ht 'stdin))
+         (define out (hash-ref ht 'stdout))
+         (fd-write in "#lang zuo/kernel\n")
+         (fd-write in "(begin\n")
+         (for-each (lambda (lib)
+                     (fd-write in (~a "(module->hash '" lib ")\n")))
+                   libs)
+         (fd-write in "(dump-image-and-exit (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash))))\n")
+         (fd-close in)
+         (let ([image (fd-read out eof)])
+           (fd-close out)
+           (process-wait p)
+           (unless (= 0 (process-status p))
+             (error "image dump failed"))
+           image))]))
   (define zuo.c (fd-read (fd-open-input (at-source ".." "zuo.c")) eof))
   (define out (if c-file
--- a/zuo.h
+++ b/zuo.h
@@ -24,13 +24,16 @@
 /* ======================================================================== */
-   Startup step 1: initialize primitives, and maybe add your own. 
+   Startup step 1: initialize primitives, and maybe add your own.
    Any added primitives will appear in `kernel-env`, as well as being
-   propagated as `zuo/kernel`, `zuo`, etc., initial imports. To ensure
-   that images will work, primitives must be added in the same order,
-   always, and imagines will only work in an environment with the same
-   set of primitives.
+   propagated as `zuo/kernel`, `zuo`, etc., initial imports.
+   To ensure that images will work, primitives must be added in the
+   same order, always. Images will only work in an environment with
+   the same set of primitives, and using an iage without the
+   primitives will effectively remove them by using the image's
+   `kernel-env`.
 ZUO_EXPORT void zuo_ext_primitive_init();
@@ -117,8 +120,9 @@
 /* ======================================================================== */
-/* Here's a simple example embedding application that makes an extra
-   primitive `random-five` available: */
+/* Here's a example embedding application where the module is
+   implemented with `#lang zuo`, so we need to go through
+   `dynamic-require` to get provided values. */
 #if 0
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -125,17 +129,15 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include "zuo.h"
-static zuo_ext_t *random_five(zuo_ext_t *args) {
-  return zuo_ext_integer(5);
+/* Link with a copy of "zuo.c" created by `zuo local/image.zuo` so
+   that the `zuo` module is available. */
 int main() {
-  const char *prog = "#lang zuo/kernel (hash 'number (random-five))";
-  zuo_ext_t *ht, *v;
+  const char *prog = "#lang zuo (provide main) (define (main) (+ 1 2))";
+  zuo_ext_t *ht, *dynamic_require, *main, *v;
   /* Step 1 */
-  zuo_ext_add_primitive(random_five, 1, "random-five");
   /* Step 2 */
@@ -144,19 +146,25 @@
   zuo_ext_runtime_init(zuo_ext_false(), zuo_ext_empty_hash());
   /* Run `prog`: */
-  ht = zuo_ext_eval_module(zuo_ext_symbol("five-app"), prog, strlen(prog));
+  ht = zuo_ext_eval_module(zuo_ext_symbol("main-app"), prog, strlen(prog));
-  /* Inspect the result: */
-  v = zuo_ext_hash_ref(ht, zuo_ext_symbol("number"), zuo_ext_false());
-  if (zuo_ext_apply(zuo_ext_hash_ref(zuo_ext_kernel_env(),
-                                     zuo_ext_symbol("integer?"),
-                                     zuo_ext_false()),
-                    zuo_ext_cons(v, zuo_ext_null()))
-      == zuo_ext_true())
-    printf("The answer was %d\n", (int)zuo_ext_integer_value(v));
-  else
-    printf("Something went wrong!\n");
+  dynamic_require = zuo_ext_hash_ref(ht,
+                                     zuo_ext_symbol("dynamic-require"),
+                                     zuo_ext_false());
+  main = zuo_ext_apply(dynamic_require,
+                       zuo_ext_cons(zuo_ext_symbol("main-app"),
+                                    zuo_ext_cons(zuo_ext_symbol("main"),
+                                                 zuo_ext_null())));
+  v = zuo_ext_apply(main, zuo_ext_null());
+  printf("%s\n",
+         zuo_ext_string_ptr(zuo_ext_apply(zuo_ext_hash_ref(zuo_ext_kernel_env(),
+                                                           zuo_ext_symbol("~s"),
+                                                           zuo_ext_false()),
+                                          zuo_ext_cons(v, zuo_ext_null()))));
   return 0;
@@ -163,9 +171,10 @@
 /* ======================================================================== */
-/* Here's a example embedding application that doesn't need a new
-   primitive, but where the module is implemented with `#lang zuo`, so
-   we need to go through `dynamic-require` to get provided values: */
+/* Here's an example embedding application that makes an extra
+   primitive `random-five` available. Beware that this example will not
+   work when using an embedded image, however, unless the image is one
+   generated by enabling the dump after step 3. */
 #if 0
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -172,15 +181,17 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include "zuo.h"
-/* Link with a copy of "zuo.c" created by `zuo local/image.zuo` so
-   that the `zuo` module is available. */
+static zuo_ext_t *random_five(zuo_ext_t *args) {
+  return zuo_ext_integer(5);
 int main() {
-  const char *prog = "#lang zuo (provide main) (define (main) (+ 1 2))";
-  zuo_ext_t *ht, *dynamic_require, *main, *v;
+  const char *prog = "#lang zuo/kernel (hash 'number (random-five))";
+  zuo_ext_t *ht, *v;
   /* Step 1 */
+  zuo_ext_add_primitive(random_five, 1, "random-five");
   /* Step 2 */
@@ -188,25 +199,27 @@
   /* Step 3 */
   zuo_ext_runtime_init(zuo_ext_false(), zuo_ext_empty_hash());
+  if (0) {
+    const char *dump = "#lang zuo/kernel (dump-image-and-exit (fd-open-output \"image\"))";
+    (void)zuo_ext_eval_module(zuo_ext_symbol("dump"), dump, strlen(dump));
+    /* Afterward, use
+          zuo local/image.zuo --image image
+       to generate a ".c" file to link with this example. */
+  }
   /* Run `prog`: */
-  ht = zuo_ext_eval_module(zuo_ext_symbol("main-app"), prog, strlen(prog));
+  ht = zuo_ext_eval_module(zuo_ext_symbol("five-app"), prog, strlen(prog));
-  dynamic_require = zuo_ext_hash_ref(ht,
-                                     zuo_ext_symbol("dynamic-require"),
-                                     zuo_ext_false());
-  main = zuo_ext_apply(dynamic_require,
-                       zuo_ext_cons(zuo_ext_symbol("main-app"),
-                                    zuo_ext_cons(zuo_ext_symbol("main"),
-                                                 zuo_ext_null())));
-  v = zuo_ext_apply(main, zuo_ext_null());
-  printf("%s\n",
-         zuo_ext_string_ptr(zuo_ext_apply(zuo_ext_hash_ref(zuo_ext_kernel_env(),
-                                                           zuo_ext_symbol("~s"),
-                                                           zuo_ext_false()),
-                                          zuo_ext_cons(v, zuo_ext_null()))));
+  /* Inspect the result: */
+  v = zuo_ext_hash_ref(ht, zuo_ext_symbol("number"), zuo_ext_false());
+  if (zuo_ext_apply(zuo_ext_hash_ref(zuo_ext_kernel_env(),
+                                     zuo_ext_symbol("integer?"),
+                                     zuo_ext_false()),
+                    zuo_ext_cons(v, zuo_ext_null()))
+      == zuo_ext_true())
+    printf("The answer was %d\n", (int)zuo_ext_integer_value(v));
+  else
+    printf("Something went wrong!\n");
   return 0;