local variables in Ficl


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An Overview And A History

Named, locally scoped variables came late to Forth. Purists feel that experienced Forth programmers can (and should) write supportable code using only anonymous stack variables and good factoring, and they complain that novices use global variables too frequently. But local variables cost little in terms of code size and execution speed, and are very convenient for OO programming (where stack effects are more complex).

Ficl provides excellent support for local variables, and the purists be damned—we use 'em all the time.

Local variables can only be declared inside a definition, and are only visible in that definition. Please refer to the ANS standard for FORTH for more general information on local variables.

John-Hopkins Forth Argument Syntax

ANS Forth does not specify a complete local variable facility. Instead, it defines a foundation upon which to build one. Ficl comes with an adaptation of the Johns-Hopkins local variable syntax, as developed by John Hayes et al. However, Ficl extends this syntax with support for double-cell and floating-point numbers.

Here's the basic syntax of a JH-local variable declaration:

{ arguments | locals -- ignored }
(For experienced FORTH programmers: the declaration is designed to look like a stack comment, but it uses curly braces instead of parentheses.) Each section must list zero or more legal Ficl word names; comments and preprocessing are not allowed here. Here's what each section denotes:
  • The arguments section lists local variables which are initialized from the stack when the word executes. Each argument is set to the top value of the stack, starting at the rightmost argument name and moving left. You can have zero or more arguments.

  • The locals section lists local variables which are set to zero when the word executes. You can have zero or more locals.

  • Any characters between -- and } are treated as a comment, and ignored.
(The | and -- sections are optional, but they must appear in the order shown if they appear at all.)

Argument Types

Every time you specify a local variable (in either the arguments or the locals section), you can also specify the type of the local variable. By default, a local variable is a single-cell integer; you can specify that the local be a double-cell integer, and/or a floating-point number.

To specify the type of a local, specify one or more of the following single-character specifiers, followed by a colon (:).
1 single-cell
2 double-cell
d double-cell
f floating-point (use floating stack)
i integer (use data stack)
s single-cell
For instance, the argument f2:foo would specify a double-width floating-point number.

The type specifiers are read right-to left, and when two specifiers conflict, the rightmost one takes priority. So 2is1f2:foo would still specifiy a double-width floating-point number.

Note that this syntax only works for Ficl's JH-locals. Locals defined in some other way (say, with the FORTH standard word LOCALS|) will ignore this syntax, and the entire string will be used as the name of the local (type and all).

A Simple Example

: DEMONSTRATE-JH-LOCALS { c b a  f:float -- a+b f:float*2 }
	a b +
	2.0e float f*