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ref: 893452dfa012ebff43e5358688ee9adccc09c929
parent: 33880546bb44783dffbe3ef58a0068daab7355f6
author: asau <asau@ficl.sf.net>
date: Thu Aug 12 08:40:23 CDT 2010

Merging FICL 4.0.31.

--- a/softwords/classes.fr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +1,0 @@
-\ #if (FICL_WANT_OOP)
-\ ** ficl/softwords/classes.fr
-\ ** F I C L   2 . 0   C L A S S E S
-\ john sadler  1 sep 98
-\ Needs oop.fr
-.( loading ficl utility classes ) cr
-also oop definitions
-\ REF subclass holds a pointer to an object. It's
-\ mainly for aggregation to help in making data structures.
-object subclass c-ref
-    cell: .class
-    cell: .instance
-	: get   ( inst class -- refinst refclass )
-		drop 2@ ;
-	: set   ( refinst refclass inst class -- )
-		drop 2! ;
-object subclass c-byte
-	char: .payload
-	: get  drop c@ ;
-	: set  drop c! ;
-object subclass c-2byte
-	2 chars: .payload
-	: get  drop w@ ;
-	: set  drop w! ;
-object subclass c-4byte
-	4 chars: .payload
-	: get  drop q@ ;
-	: set  drop q! ;
-object subclass c-cell
-	cell: .payload
-	: get  drop @ ;
-	: set  drop ! ;
-\ ** C - P T R 
-\ Base class for pointers to scalars (not objects).
-\ Note: use c-ref to make references to objects. C-ptr
-\ subclasses refer to untyped quantities of various sizes.
-\ Derived classes must specify the size of the thing
-\ they point to, and supply get and set methods.
-\ All derived classes must define the @size method:
-\ @size ( inst class -- addr-units )
-\ Returns the size in address units of the thing the pointer
-\ refers to.
-object subclass c-ptr
-    c-cell obj: .addr
-    \ get the value of the pointer
-    : get-ptr   ( inst class -- addr )
-        c-ptr  => .addr  
-        c-cell => get  
-    ;
-    \ set the pointer to address supplied
-    : set-ptr   ( addr inst class -- )
-        c-ptr  => .addr  
-        c-cell => set  
-    ;
-    \ force the pointer to be null
-	: clr-ptr
-	    0 -rot  c-ptr => .addr  c-cell => set
-	;
-    \ return flag indicating null-ness
-	: ?null     ( inst class -- flag )
-	    c-ptr => get-ptr 0= 
-	;
-    \ increment the pointer in place
-    : inc-ptr   ( inst class -- )
-        2dup 2dup                   ( i c i c i c )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr  -rot      ( i c addr i c )
-        --> @size  +  -rot          ( addr' i c )
-        c-ptr => set-ptr
-    ;
-    \ decrement the pointer in place
-    : dec-ptr    ( inst class -- )
-        2dup 2dup                   ( i c i c i c )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr  -rot      ( i c addr i c )
-        --> @size  -  -rot          ( addr' i c )
-        c-ptr => set-ptr
-    ;
-    \ index the pointer in place
-    : index-ptr   { index 2:this -- }
-        this --> get-ptr              ( addr )
-        this --> @size  index *  +    ( addr' )
-        this --> set-ptr
-    ;
-\ ** C - C E L L P T R 
-\ Models a pointer to cell (a 32 or 64 bit scalar). 
-c-ptr subclass c-cellPtr
-    : @size   2drop  1 cells ;
-    \ fetch and store through the pointer
-	: get   ( inst class -- cell )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr @  
-    ;
-	: set   ( value inst class -- )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr !  
-    ;
-\ ** C - 4 B Y T E P T R
-\ Models a pointer to a quadbyte scalar 
-c-ptr subclass c-4bytePtr
-    : @size   2drop  4  ;
-    \ fetch and store through the pointer
-	: get   ( inst class -- value )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr q@  
-    ;
-	: set   ( value inst class -- )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr q!  
-    ;
- end-class
-\ ** C - 2 B Y T E P T R 
-\ Models a pointer to a 16 bit scalar
-c-ptr subclass c-2bytePtr
-    : @size   2drop  2  ;
-    \ fetch and store through the pointer
-	: get   ( inst class -- value )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr w@  
-    ;
-	: set   ( value inst class -- )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr w!  
-    ;
-\ ** C - B Y T E P T R 
-\ Models a pointer to an 8 bit scalar
-c-ptr subclass c-bytePtr
-    : @size   2drop  1  ;
-    \ fetch and store through the pointer
-	: get   ( inst class -- value )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr c@  
-    ;
-	: set   ( value inst class -- )
-        c-ptr => get-ptr c!  
-    ;
-previous definitions
-\ #endif
--- a/softwords/ficlclass.fr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +1,0 @@
-\ #if (FICL_WANT_OOP)
-\ ** ficl/softwords/ficlclass.fr
-\ Classes to model ficl data structures in objects
-\ This is a demo!
-\ John Sadler 14 Sep 1998
-\ ** C - W O R D
-\ Models a FICL_WORD
-object subclass c-word
-    c-word     ref: .link
-    c-2byte    obj: .hashcode
-    c-byte     obj: .flags
-    c-byte     obj: .nName
-    c-bytePtr  obj: .pName
-    c-cellPtr  obj: .pCode
-    c-4byte    obj: .param0
-    \ Push word's name...
-    : get-name   ( inst class -- c-addr u )
-        2dup
-        my=[ .pName get-ptr ] -rot
-        my=[ .nName get ]
-    ;
-    : next   ( inst class -- link-inst class )
-        my=> .link ;
-    : ?
-        ." c-word: " 
-        2dup --> get-name type cr
-    ;
-\ ** C - W O R D L I S T
-\ Models a FICL_HASH
-\ Example of use:
-\ get-current c-wordlist --> ref current
-\ current --> ?
-\ current --> .hash --> ?
-\ current --> .hash --> next --> ?
-object subclass c-wordlist
-    c-wordlist ref: .parent
-    c-ptr      obj: .name
-    c-cell     obj: .size
-    c-word     ref: .hash   ( first entry in hash table )
-    : ?
-        --> get-name ." ficl wordlist "  type cr ;
-    : push  drop  >search ;
-    : pop   2drop previous ;
-    : set-current   drop set-current ;
-    : get-name   drop wid-get-name ;
-    : words   { 2:this -- }
-        this my=[ .size get ] 0 do 
-            i this my=[ .hash index ]  ( 2list-head )
-            begin
-                2dup --> get-name type space
-                --> next over
-            0= until 2drop cr
-        loop
-    ;
-\ : named-wid  wordlist postpone c-wordlist  metaclass => ref ;
-\ ** C - F I C L S T A C K
-object subclass c-ficlstack
-    c-4byte    obj: .nCells
-    c-cellPtr  obj: .link
-    c-cellPtr  obj: .sp
-    c-4byte    obj: .stackBase
-    : init   2drop ;
-    : ?      2drop
-        ." ficl stack " cr ;
-    : top
-        --> .sp --> .addr --> prev --> get ;
-\ #endif