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ref: 90bf6a12d969275fb47171207dcfd89c65d17895
author: jsadler <jsadler@ficl.sf.net>
date: Tue Jun 6 23:16:46 CDT 2000

*** empty log message ***

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+# CVS default ignores begin
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+** d i c t . c
+** Forth Inspired Command Language - dictionary methods
+** Author: John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)
+** Created: 19 July 1997
+** This file implements the dictionary -- FICL's model of 
+** memory management. All FICL words are stored in the
+** dictionary. A word is a named chunk of data with its
+** associated code. FICL treats all words the same, even
+** precompiled ones, so your words become first-class
+** extensions of the language. You can even define new 
+** control structures.
+** 29 jun 1998 (sadler) added variable sized hash table support
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>          /* sprintf */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "ficl.h"
+static char *dictCopyName(FICL_DICT *pDict, STRINGINFO si);
+                        d i c t A b o r t D e f i n i t i o n
+** Abort a definition in process: reclaim its memory and unlink it
+** from the dictionary list. Assumes that there is a smudged 
+** definition in process...otherwise does nothing.
+** NOTE: this function is not smart enough to unlink a word that
+** has been successfully defined (ie linked into a hash). It
+** only works for defs in process. If the def has been unsmudged,
+** nothing happens.
+void dictAbortDefinition(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    pFW = pDict->smudge;
+    if (pFW->flags & FW_SMUDGE)
+        pDict->here = (CELL *)pFW->name;
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    return;
+                        a l i g n P t r
+** Aligns the given pointer to FICL_ALIGN address units.
+** Returns the aligned pointer value.
+void *alignPtr(void *ptr)
+#if FICL_ALIGN > 0
+    char *cp;
+    CELL c;
+    cp = (char *)ptr + FICL_ALIGN_ADD;
+    c.p = (void *)cp;
+    c.u = c.u & (~FICL_ALIGN_ADD);
+    ptr = (CELL *)c.p;
+    return ptr;
+                        d i c t A l i g n
+** Align the dictionary's free space pointer
+void dictAlign(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    pDict->here = alignPtr(pDict->here);
+                        d i c t A l l o t
+** Allocate or remove n chars of dictionary space, with
+** checks for underrun and overrun
+int dictAllot(FICL_DICT *pDict, int n)
+    char *cp = (char *)pDict->here;
+    if (n > 0)
+    {
+        if ((unsigned)n <= dictCellsAvail(pDict) * sizeof (CELL))
+            cp += n;
+        else
+            return 1;       /* dict is full */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        n = -n;
+        if ((unsigned)n <= dictCellsUsed(pDict) * sizeof (CELL))
+            cp -= n;
+        else                /* prevent underflow */
+            cp -= dictCellsUsed(pDict) * sizeof (CELL);
+    }
+    cp += n;
+    pDict->here = PTRtoCELL cp;
+    return 0;
+                        d i c t A l l o t C e l l s
+** Reserve space for the requested number of cells in the
+** dictionary. If nCells < 0 , removes space from the dictionary.
+int dictAllotCells(FICL_DICT *pDict, int nCells)
+    if (nCells > 0)
+    {
+        if (nCells <= dictCellsAvail(pDict))
+            pDict->here += nCells;
+        else
+            return 1;       /* dict is full */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        nCells = -nCells;
+        if (nCells <= dictCellsUsed(pDict))
+            pDict->here -= nCells;
+        else                /* prevent underflow */
+            pDict->here -= dictCellsUsed(pDict);
+    }
+    pDict->here += nCells;
+    return 0;
+                        d i c t A p p e n d C e l l
+** Append the specified cell to the dictionary
+void dictAppendCell(FICL_DICT *pDict, CELL c)
+    *pDict->here++ = c;
+    return;
+                        d i c t A p p e n d C h a r
+** Append the specified char to the dictionary
+void dictAppendChar(FICL_DICT *pDict, char c)
+    char *cp = (char *)pDict->here;
+    *cp++ = c;
+    pDict->here = PTRtoCELL cp;
+    return;
+                        d i c t A p p e n d W o r d
+** Create a new word in the dictionary with the specified
+** name, code, and flags. Name must be NULL-terminated.
+FICL_WORD *dictAppendWord(FICL_DICT *pDict, 
+                          char *name, 
+                          FICL_CODE pCode, 
+                          UNS8 flags)
+    SI_SETLEN(si, strlen(name));
+    SI_SETPTR(si, name);
+    return dictAppendWord2(pDict, si, pCode, flags);
+                        d i c t A p p e n d W o r d 2
+** Create a new word in the dictionary with the specified
+** STRINGINFO, code, and flags. Does not require a NULL-terminated
+** name.
+FICL_WORD *dictAppendWord2(FICL_DICT *pDict, 
+                           STRINGINFO si, 
+                           FICL_CODE pCode, 
+                           UNS8 flags)
+    char *name      = SI_PTR(si);
+    char *pName;
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    /*
+    ** NOTE: dictCopyName advances "here" as a side-effect.
+    ** It must execute before pFW is initialized.
+    */
+    pName         = dictCopyName(pDict, si);
+    pFW           = (FICL_WORD *)pDict->here;
+    pDict->smudge = pFW;
+    pFW->hash     = hashHashCode(si);
+    pFW->code     = pCode;
+    pFW->flags    = (UNS8)(flags | FW_SMUDGE);
+    pFW->nName    = (char)len;
+    pFW->name     = pName;
+    /*
+    ** Point "here" to first cell of new word's param area...
+    */
+    pDict->here   = pFW->param;
+    if (!(flags & FW_SMUDGE))
+        dictUnsmudge(pDict);
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    return pFW;
+                        d i c t A p p e n d U N S 3 2
+** Append the specified UNS32 to the dictionary
+void dictAppendUNS32(FICL_DICT *pDict, UNS32 u)
+    *pDict->here++ = LVALUEtoCELL(u);
+    return;
+                        d i c t C e l l s A v a i l
+** Returns the number of empty cells left in the dictionary
+int dictCellsAvail(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    return pDict->size - dictCellsUsed(pDict);
+                        d i c t C e l l s U s e d
+** Returns the number of cells consumed in the dicionary
+int dictCellsUsed(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    return pDict->here - pDict->dict;
+                        d i c t C h e c k
+** Checks the dictionary for corruption and throws appropriate
+** errors
+void dictCheck(FICL_DICT *pDict, FICL_VM *pVM, int nCells)
+    if ((nCells >= 0) && (dictCellsAvail(pDict) < nCells))
+    {
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "Error: dictionary full");
+    }
+    if ((nCells <= 0) && (dictCellsUsed(pDict) < -nCells))
+    {
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "Error: dictionary underflow");
+    }
+    if (pDict->nLists > FICL_DEFAULT_VOCS)
+    {
+        dictResetSearchOrder(pDict);
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "Error: search order overflow");
+    }
+    else if (pDict->nLists < 1)
+    {
+        dictResetSearchOrder(pDict);
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "Error: search order underflow");
+    }
+    return;
+                        d i c t C o p y N a m e
+** Copy up to nFICLNAME characters of the name specified by si into
+** the dictionary starting at "here", then NULL-terminate the name,
+** point "here" to the next available byte, and return the address of
+** the beginning of the name. Used by dictAppendWord.
+** N O T E S :
+** 1. "here" is guaranteed to be aligned after this operation.
+** 2. If the string has zero length, align and return "here"
+static char *dictCopyName(FICL_DICT *pDict, STRINGINFO si)
+    char *oldCP    = (char *)pDict->here;
+    char *cp       = oldCP;
+    char *name     = SI_PTR(si);
+    int   i        = SI_COUNT(si);
+    if (i == 0)
+    {
+        dictAlign(pDict);
+        return (char *)pDict->here;
+    }
+    if (i > nFICLNAME)
+        i = nFICLNAME;
+    for (; i > 0; --i)
+    {
+        *cp++ = *name++;
+    }
+    *cp++ = '\0';
+    pDict->here = PTRtoCELL cp;
+    dictAlign(pDict);
+    return oldCP;
+                        d i c t C r e a t e
+** Create and initialize a dictionary with the specified number
+** of cells capacity, and no hashing (hash size == 1).
+FICL_DICT  *dictCreate(unsigned nCells)
+    return dictCreateHashed(nCells, 1);
+FICL_DICT  *dictCreateHashed(unsigned nCells, unsigned nHash)
+    FICL_DICT *pDict;
+    size_t nAlloc;
+    nAlloc =  sizeof (FICL_DICT) + nCells      * sizeof (CELL)
+            + sizeof (FICL_HASH) + (nHash - 1) * sizeof (FICL_WORD *);
+    pDict = ficlMalloc(nAlloc);
+    assert(pDict);
+    pDict->size = nCells;
+    dictEmpty(pDict, nHash);
+    return pDict;
+                        d i c t D e l e t e 
+** Free all memory allocated for the given dictionary 
+void dictDelete(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    assert(pDict);
+    ficlFree(pDict);
+    return;
+                        d i c t E m p t y
+** Empty the dictionary, reset its hash table, and reset its search order.
+** Clears and (re-)creates the main hash table (pForthWords) with the
+** size specified by nHash.
+void dictEmpty(FICL_DICT *pDict, unsigned nHash)
+    FICL_HASH *pHash;
+    pDict->here = pDict->dict;
+    dictAlign(pDict);
+    pHash = (FICL_HASH *)pDict->here;
+    dictAllot(pDict, 
+              sizeof (FICL_HASH) + (nHash - 1) * sizeof (FICL_WORD *));
+    pHash->size = nHash;
+    hashReset(pHash);
+    pDict->pForthWords = pHash;
+    pDict->smudge = NULL;
+    dictResetSearchOrder(pDict);
+    return;
+                        d i c t H a s h S u m m a r y
+** Calculate a figure of merit for the dictionary hash table based
+** on the average search depth for all the words in the dictionary,
+** assuming uniform distribution of target keys. The figure of merit
+** is the ratio of the total search depth for all keys in the table
+** versus a theoretical optimum that would be achieved if the keys
+** were distributed into the table as evenly as possible. 
+** The figure would be worse if the hash table used an open
+** addressing scheme (i.e. collisions resolved by searching the
+** table for an empty slot) for a given size table.
+void dictHashSummary(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    FICL_HASH *pFHash;
+    FICL_WORD **pHash;
+    unsigned size;
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    unsigned i;
+    int nMax = 0;
+    int nWords = 0;
+    int nFilled;
+    double avg = 0.0;
+    double best;
+    int nAvg, nRem, nDepth;
+    dictCheck(dp, pVM, 0);
+    pFHash = dp->pSearch[dp->nLists - 1];
+    pHash  = pFHash->table;
+    size   = pFHash->size;
+    nFilled = size;
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+        int n = 0;
+        pFW = pHash[i];
+        while (pFW)
+        {
+            ++n;
+            ++nWords;
+            pFW = pFW->link;
+        }
+        avg += (double)(n * (n+1)) / 2.0;
+        if (n > nMax)
+            nMax = n;
+        if (n == 0)
+            --nFilled;
+    }
+    /* Calc actual avg search depth for this hash */
+    avg = avg / nWords;
+    /* Calc best possible performance with this size hash */
+    nAvg = nWords / size;
+    nRem = nWords % size;
+    nDepth = size * (nAvg * (nAvg+1))/2 + (nAvg+1)*nRem;
+    best = (double)nDepth/nWords;
+    sprintf(pVM->pad, 
+        "%d bins, %2.0f%% filled, Depth: Max=%d, Avg=%2.1f, Best=%2.1f, Score: %2.0f%%", 
+        size,
+        (double)nFilled * 100.0 / size, nMax,
+        avg, 
+        best,
+        100.0 * best / avg);
+    ficlTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+    return;
+                        d i c t I n c l u d e s
+** Returns TRUE iff the given pointer is within the address range of 
+** the dictionary.
+int dictIncludes(FICL_DICT *pDict, void *p)
+    return ((p >= (void *) &pDict->dict)
+        &&  (p <  (void *)(&pDict->dict + pDict->size)) 
+           );
+                        d i c t L o o k u p
+** Find the FICL_WORD that matches the given name and length.
+** If found, returns the word's address. Otherwise returns NULL.
+** Uses the search order list to search multiple wordlists.
+    FICL_HASH *pHash;
+    int i;
+    UNS16 hashCode   = hashHashCode(si);
+    assert(pDict);
+    ficlLockDictionary(1);
+    for (i = (int)pDict->nLists - 1; (i >= 0) && (!pFW); --i)
+    {
+        pHash = pDict->pSearch[i];
+        pFW = hashLookup(pHash, si, hashCode);
+    }
+    ficlLockDictionary(0);
+    return pFW;
+                        d i c t L o o k u p L o c
+** Same as dictLookup, but looks in system locals dictionary first...
+** Assumes locals dictionary has only one wordlist...
+FICL_WORD *dictLookupLoc(FICL_DICT *pDict, STRINGINFO si)
+    FICL_HASH *pHash = ficlGetLoc()->pForthWords;
+    int i;
+    UNS16 hashCode   = hashHashCode(si);
+    assert(pHash);
+    assert(pDict);
+    ficlLockDictionary(1);
+    /* 
+    ** check the locals dict first... 
+    */
+    pFW = hashLookup(pHash, si, hashCode);
+    /* 
+    ** If no joy, (!pFW) --------------------------v
+    ** iterate over the search list in the main dict 
+    */
+    for (i = (int)pDict->nLists - 1; (i >= 0) && (!pFW); --i)
+    {
+        pHash = pDict->pSearch[i];
+        pFW = hashLookup(pHash, si, hashCode);
+    }
+    ficlLockDictionary(0);
+    return pFW;
+                    d i c t R e s e t S e a r c h O r d e r
+** Initialize the dictionary search order list to sane state
+void dictResetSearchOrder(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    assert(pDict);
+    pDict->pCompile = pDict->pForthWords;
+    pDict->nLists = 1;
+    pDict->pSearch[0] = pDict->pForthWords;
+    return;
+                        d i c t S e t F l a g s
+** Changes the flags field of the most recently defined word:
+** Set all bits that are ones in the set parameter, clear all bits
+** that are ones in the clr parameter. Clear wins in case the same bit
+** is set in both parameters.
+void dictSetFlags(FICL_DICT *pDict, UNS8 set, UNS8 clr)
+    assert(pDict->smudge);
+    pDict->smudge->flags |= set;
+    pDict->smudge->flags &= ~clr;
+    return;
+                        d i c t S e t I m m e d i a t e 
+** Set the most recently defined word as IMMEDIATE
+void dictSetImmediate(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    assert(pDict->smudge);
+    pDict->smudge->flags |= FW_IMMEDIATE;
+    return;
+                        d i c t U n s m u d g e 
+** Completes the definition of a word by linking it
+** into the main list
+void dictUnsmudge(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW = pDict->smudge;
+    FICL_HASH *pHash = pDict->pCompile;
+    assert(pHash);
+    assert(pFW);
+    hashInsertWord(pHash, pFW);
+    pFW->flags &= ~(FW_SMUDGE);
+    return;
+                        d i c t W h e r e
+** Returns the value of the HERE pointer -- the address
+** of the next free cell in the dictionary
+CELL *dictWhere(FICL_DICT *pDict)
+    return pDict->here;
+                             h a s h H a s h C o d e
+** Generate a 16 bit hashcode from a character string using a rolling
+** shift and add stolen from PJ Weinberger of Bell Labs fame. Case folds
+** the name before hashing it...
+** N O T E : If string has zero length, returns zero.
+UNS16 hashHashCode(STRINGINFO si)
+    /* hashPJW */
+    UNS8 *cp;
+    UNS16 code = (UNS16)si.count;
+    UNS16 shift = 0;
+    if (si.count == 0)
+        return 0;
+    for (cp = (UNS8 *)si.cp; *cp && si.count; cp++, si.count--)
+    {
+        code = (UNS16)((code << 4) + tolower(*cp));
+        shift = (UNS16)(code & 0xf000);
+        if (shift)
+        {
+            code ^= (UNS16)(shift >> 8);
+            code ^= (UNS16)shift;
+        }
+    }
+    return (UNS16)code;
+                             h a s h R e s e t
+** Initialize a FICL_HASH to empty state.
+void hashReset(FICL_HASH *pHash)
+    unsigned i;
+    assert(pHash);
+    for (i = 0; i < pHash->size; i++)
+    {
+        pHash->table[i] = NULL;
+    }
+    pHash->link = NULL;
+    return;
+                         h a s h I n s e r t W o r d
+** Put a word into the hash table using the word's hashcode as
+** an index (modulo the table size).
+void hashInsertWord(FICL_HASH *pHash, FICL_WORD *pFW)
+    FICL_WORD **pList;
+    assert(pHash);
+    assert(pFW);
+    if (pHash->size == 1)
+    {
+        pList = pHash->table;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pList = pHash->table + (pFW->hash % pHash->size);
+    }
+    pFW->link = *pList;
+    *pList = pFW;
+    return;
+                             h a s h L o o k u p
+** Find a name in the hash table given the hashcode and text of the name.
+** Returns the address of the corresponding FICL_WORD if found, 
+** otherwise NULL.
+** Note: outer loop on link field supports inheritance in wordlists.
+** It's not part of ANS Forth - ficl only. hashReset creates wordlists
+** with NULL link fields.
+FICL_WORD *hashLookup(FICL_HASH *pHash, STRINGINFO si, UNS16 hashCode)
+    FICL_COUNT nCmp = (FICL_COUNT)si.count;
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    UNS16 hashIdx;
+    if (nCmp > nFICLNAME)
+        nCmp = nFICLNAME;
+    for (; pHash != NULL; pHash = pHash->link)
+    {
+        if (pHash->size > 1)
+            hashIdx = (UNS16)(hashCode % pHash->size);
+        else            /* avoid the modulo op for single threaded lists */
+            hashIdx = 0;
+        for (pFW = pHash->table[hashIdx]; pFW; pFW = pFW->link)
+        {
+            if ( (pFW->nName == si.count) 
+                && (!strincmp(si.cp, pFW->name, nCmp)) )
+                return pFW;
+            assert(pFW != pFW->link);
+        }
+    }
+    return NULL;
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+   <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+   <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="john sadler">
+   <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) [Netscape]">
+   <TITLE>ficl 2.0 release notes</TITLE>
+<B>ficl 2.0 release notes</B></H1></CENTER>
+<TD><B>Forth Inspired Command Language&nbsp;</B></TD>
+<TD ROWSPAN="4"><IMG SRC="Logo.jpg" HEIGHT=64 WIDTH=64></TD>
+<TD><B>Author: John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)</B></TD>
+<TD><B>Created: 19 July 1997&nbsp;</B></TD>
+<TD><B>Revision 2.0: 14 September 1998&nbsp;</B></TD>
+<A HREF="#whatis">What is ficl?</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#features">Ficl features</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#porting">Porting</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#manifest">Distribution source files</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#whatsnew">What's new in Ficl 2.0</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#objects">Objects in ficl</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#glossinstance">Instance variable glossary</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#glossclass">Class methods glossary</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#objectgloss">Object base-class methods glossary</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#stockclasses">Supplied Classes</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#extras">Ficl extras</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#ansinfo">ANS required information</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#links">Forth references</A></LI>
+<A HREF="#lawyerbait">Disclaimer &amp; License</A></LI>
+<HR WIDTH="100%"><A NAME="whatis"></A>What is ficl?</H2>
+<TD>Ficl (Forth-inspired command language) is an ANS Forth interpreter
+written in C. Unlike traditional Forths, this interpreter is designed to
+be embedded into other systems as a command/macro/development prototype
+<TD>Where Forths usually view themselves as the center of the system and
+expect the rest of the system to be coded in Forth, Ficl acts as a component
+of the system. It is easy to export code written in C or ASM to Ficl in
+the style of TCL, or to invoke Ficl code from a compiled module. This allows
+you to do incremental development in a way that combines the best features
+of threaded languages (rapid development, quick code/test/debug cycle,
+reasonably fast) with the best features of C (everyone knows it, easier
+to support large blocks of code, efficient, type checking). In addition,
+Ficl provides a simple object model that can act as an object oriented
+adapter for code written in C (or asm, Forth, C++...).&nbsp;
+<TD><B>Ficl Design goals</B>&nbsp;
+Target 32 bit processors&nbsp;</LI>
+Scripting, prototyping, and extension language for systems written also
+in C</LI>
+Supportable - code is as transparent as I can make it</LI>
+Interface to functions written in C</LI>
+Conform to the Forth DPANS 94</LI>
+Minimize porting effort - require an ANSI C runtime environment and minimal
+glue code</LI>
+Provide object oriented extensions</LI>
+<A NAME="features"></A>Ficl features</H3>
+Code is written in ANSI C for portability.</LI>
+Standard: Implements the ANS Forth CORE word set, part of the CORE EXT
+word-set, SEARCH and SEARCH EXT, TOOLS and part of TOOLS EXT, LOCAL and
+LOCAL EXT and various extras.</LI>
+Extensible: you can export code written in Forth, C, or asm in a straightforward
+way. Ficl provides open facilities for extending the language in an application
+specific way. You can even add new control structures (not surprising if
+you're familiar with Forth)</LI>
+Ficl and C can interact in two ways: Ficl can wrap C code, and C functions
+can invoke ficl code.</LI>
+Ficl is thread safe and re-entrant:&nbsp; Each Ficl virtual machine has
+an otherwise complete state, and each can be bound to a separate I/O channel
+(or none at all). All Ficl VMs share one system dictionary. An optional
+function called ficlLockDictionary() can control exclusive dictionary access.
+This function is stubbed out by default (See FICL_MULTITHREAD in sysdep.h).
+As long as there is only one "session" that can compile words into the
+dictionary, you do not need exclusive dictionary access for multithreading.</LI>
+Simple incorporation into existing systems: the sample implementation requires
+three Ficl function calls (see the example program in testmain.c).</LI>
+ROMable: Ficl is designed to work in RAM-based and ROM code / RAM data
+environments. It does require somewhat more memory than a pure ROM implementation
+because it builds its system dictionary in RAM at startup time.</LI>
+Written an ANSI C to be as simple as I can make it to understand, support,
+debug, and port. Compiles without complaint at /Az /W4 (require ANSI C,
+max warnings) under Microsoft VC++ 5.</LI>
+Does full 32 bit math (but you need to implement two mixed precision math
+primitives (see sysdep.c))</LI>
+Type 1 indirect threaded interpreter</LI>
+<HR WIDTH="100%"><A NAME="porting"></A>Porting ficl</H3>
+<TD>To install ficl on your target system, you need an ANSI C compiler
+and its runtime library. Inspect the system dependent macros and functions
+in <TT>sysdep.h</TT> and <TT>sysdep.c</TT> and edit them to suit your system.
+For example, <TT>INT16</TT> is a <TT>short</TT> on some compilers and an
+<TT>int</TT> on others. Check the default <TT>CELL</TT> alignment controlled
+by <TT>FICL_ALIGN</TT>. If necessary, add new definitions of <TT>ficlMalloc,
+ficlFree, ficlLockDictionary</TT>, and <TT>ficlTextOut</TT> to work with
+your operating system. Finally, use <TT>testmain.c</TT> as a guide to installing
+the ficl system and one or more virtual machines into your code. You do
+not need to include <TT>testmain.c</TT> in your build.&nbsp;
+<P>Feel free to stub out the double precision math functions (which are
+presently implemented as inline assembly because it's so easy on many 32
+bit processors) with kludge code that only goes to 32 bit precision. In
+most applications, you won't notice the difference. If you're doing a lot
+of number crunching, consider implementing them correctly.&nbsp;
+Build controls</H3>
+The file sysdep.h contains default values for build controls. Most of these
+are written such that if you define them on the compiler command line,
+the defaults are overridden. I suggest you take the defaults on everything
+below the "build controls" section until you're confident of your port.
+Beware of declaring too small a dictionary, for example. You need about
+3200 cells for a full system, about 2000 if you strip out most of the "soft"
+To-Do List (target system dependent words)</H3>
+Unimplemented system dependent <TT>CORE</TT> word: <TT>KEY</TT>&nbsp;</LI>
+Kludged <TT>CORE</TT> word: <TT>ACCEPT</TT></LI>
+&nbsp;<A NAME="manifest"></A>Ficl Source Files</H3>
+<TD>Declares most public functions and all data structures. Includes sysdep.h
+and math.h</TD>
+<TD>Declares system dependent functions and contains build control macros.
+Edit this file to port to another system.</TD>
+<TD>Declares functions for 64 bit math</TD>
+<TD>Exports ficlCompileCore(), the run-time dictionary builder, and contains
+all primitive words as static functions.</TD>
+<TD>Virtual Machine methods</TD>
+<TD>Stack methods</TD>
+<TD>System initialization, termination, and ficlExec</TD>
+<TD>Implementation of 64 bit math words (except the two unsigned primitives
+declared in sysdep.h and implemented in sysdep.c)</TD>
+<TD>Contains all of the "soft" words - those written in Forth and compiled
+by Ficl at startup time. Sources for these words are in the softwords directory.
+The files softcore.bat and softcore.pl generate softcore.c from the .fr
+<TD>Implementation of system dependent functions declared in sysdep.h</TD>
+<TD>Directory contains sources and translation scripts for the words defined
+in softcore.c. Softcore.c depends on most of the files in this directory.
+See softcore.bat for the actual list of files that contribute to softcore.c.</TD>
+<HR WIDTH="100%"><A NAME="whatsnew"></A>What's new in version 2.0</H2>
+New ANS Forth words: <TT>TOOLS</TT> and part of <TT>TOOLS EXT, SEARCH</TT>
+and <TT>SEARCH EXT, LOCALS</TT> and <TT>LOCALS EXT</TT> word sets, additional
+words from <TT>CORE EXT, DOUBLE</TT>, and <TT>STRING</TT>. (See the function
+ficlCompileCore in words.c for an alphabetical list by word-set).</LI>
+Simple <TT>USER</TT> variable support - a user variable is a virtual machine
+instance variable. User variables behave as <TT>VARIABLE</TT>s in all other
+Object oriented syntax extensions (see below)</LI>
+Optional stack underflow and overflow checking in many CORE words (enabled
+when FICL_ROBUST is set to 2)</LI>
+Various bug fixes</LI>
+Local Variables</H3>
+Ficl now includes support for <TT>LOCALS</TT> and <TT>LOCALS EXT</TT> words
+(all three of them!). I've implemented both of the local variable syntaxes
+suggested in DPANS Appendix A.13. Examples: (By the way, Ficl implements
+<TT>-ROT</TT> as <TT>: -rot&nbsp;&nbsp; 2 -roll ;</TT> )&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>\ Using LOCALS| from LOCALS EXT</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>: -rot&nbsp;&nbsp; ( a b c -- c a b )</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; locals| c b a |</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c a b&nbsp;</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>\ Using LOCAL END-LOCAL</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>: -rot&nbsp;&nbsp; ( a b c -- c a b )</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; local c</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; local b</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; local a</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; end-locals</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c a b</TT></B>&nbsp;
+Local variable support is optional because it adds a small amount of overhead
+to the outer interpreter. You can disable it by setting FICL_WANT_LOCALS
+to 0 in sysdep.h. Beware: much of the OOP code described below uses local
+variables, so if you disable locals, you're going to lose other capabilities
+too. Local variables can make Forth code quite a bit easier to read, so
+I'd encourage you to experiment with them.&nbsp;
+<BR>The default maximum number of local variables is 16. It's controlled
+by FICL_MAX_LOCALS in sysdep.h.&nbsp;
+Search Order</H3>
+Ficl implements many of the search order words in terms of two primitives
+called <TT>>SEARCH</TT> and <TT>SEARCH></TT>. As their names suggest (assuming
+you're familiar with Forth), they push and pop the search order stack.
+See the list of <A HREF="#extras">Ficl extras</A> for details.&nbsp;
+<BR>The standard does not appear to specify any conditions under which
+the search order is reset to a sane state. Ficl resets the search order
+to its default state whenever <TT>ABORT</TT> happens. This includes stack
+underflows and overflows. <TT>QUIT</TT> does not affect the search order.
+The minimum search order (set by <TT>ONLY</TT>) is equivalent to&nbsp;
+<BR>There is a default maximum of 16 wordlists in the search order. This
+can be changed by redefining FICL_DEFAULT_VOCS (declared in sysdep.h).&nbsp;
+Soft Words</H3>
+Many words from all the supported wordsets are written in Forth, and stored
+as a big string that Ficl compiles when it starts. The sources for all
+of these words are in directory ficl/softwords. There is a .bat file (softcore.bat)
+and a PERL 5 script (softcore.pl) that convert Forth files into the file
+softcore.c, so softcore.c is really dependent on the Forth sources. This
+is not reflected in the Visual C++ project database. For the time being,
+it's a manual step. You can edit softcore.bat to change the list of files
+that contribute to softcore.c.&nbsp;</TD>
+<HR WIDTH="100%"></H2>
+<A NAME="objects"></A>Objects in ficl</H2>
+<TD>Ficl is not the first Forth to include Object Oriented extensions.
+Ficl's OO syntax owes a debt to the work of John Hayes and Dick Pountain,
+among others. OO Ficl is different from other OO Forths in a few ways,
+though (some things never change). First, unlike several implementations,
+the syntax is documented (<A HREF="#ootutorial">below</A>) beyond the source
+code. In Ficl's spirit of working with C code, the OO syntax provides means
+to adapt existing data structures. I've tried to make Ficl's OO model simple
+and safe by unifying classes and objects, providing late binding by default,
+and separating namespaces so that methods and regular Forth words are not
+easily confused.&nbsp;
+Design goals of Ficl OO syntax</H3>
+Ficl's object extensions provide the traditional OO benefits of associating
+data with the code that manipulates it, and reuse through single inheritance.
+Ficl also has some unusual capabilities that support interoperation with
+systems written in C.&nbsp;
+Ficl objects are normally late bound for safety (late binding guarantees
+that the appropriate method will always be invoked for a particular object).
+Early binding is also available, provided you know the object's class at
+Ficl OOP supports single inheritance, aggregation, and arrays of objects.</LI>
+Classes have independent name spaces for their methods: methods are only
+visible in the context of a class or object. Methods can be overridden
+or added in subclasses; there is no fixed limit on the number of methods
+of a class or subclass.</LI>
+Ficl OOP syntax is regular and unified over classes and objects. This means
+that classes are a kind of object. Class methods include the ability to
+subclass and instantiate.</LI>
+Ficl can adapt legacy data structures with object wrappers. You can model
+a structure in a Ficl class, and create an instance that refers to an address
+in memory that holds the structure. The ref object can them manipulate
+the structure directly. This lets you wrap data structures written and
+instantiated in C.</LI>
+Ficl Object Model</H3>
+All classes in Ficl are derived from the common base class <TT>OBJECT</TT>.
+All classes are instances of <TT>METACLASS</TT>. This means that classes
+are objects, too. <TT>METACLASS</TT> implements the methods for messages
+sent to classes. Class methods create instances and subclasses, and give
+information about the class. Classes have exactly three elements:&nbsp;
+The address ( <TT>.CLASS</TT> ) of a parent class, or zero if it's a base
+class (only <TT>OBJECT</TT> and <TT>METACLASS</TT> have this property)</LI>
+The size ( <TT>.SIZE</TT> ) in address units of an instance of the class</LI>
+A wordlist ID ( <TT>.WID</TT> ) for the methods of the class</LI>
+In the figure below, <TT>METACLASS</TT> and <TT>OBJECT</TT> are system-supplied
+classes. The others are contrived to illustrate the relationships among
+derived classes, instances, and the two system base classes. The dashed
+line with an arrow at the end indicates that the object/class at the arrow
+end is an instance of the class at the other end. The vertical line with
+a triangle denotes inheritance.&nbsp;
+<P>Note for the curious: <TT>METACLASS</TT> behaves like a class - it responds
+to class messages and has the same properties as any other class. If you
+want to twist your brain in knots, you can think of <TT>METACLASS</TT>
+as an instance of itself.&nbsp;
+<IMG SRC="ficl_oop.jpg" VSPACE=10 HEIGHT=442 WIDTH=652>
+<A NAME="ootutorial"></A>Ficl OO Syntax Tutorial</H2>
+Ficl objects associate a class with an instance (really the storage for
+one set of instance variables). This is done explicitly, in that any Ficl
+object is represented by the cell pair:&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>( instance-addr class-addr )</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+on the stack. Whenever a named Ficl object executes, it leaves this "signature".
+All methods expect a class and instance on the stack when they execute,
+too. In many other OO languages, including C++, instances contain information
+about their classes (a vtable pointer, for example). By making this pairing
+explicit rather than implicit, Ficl can be OO about chunks of data that
+don't realize that they are objects, without sacrificing any robustness
+for native objects. Whenever&nbsp; you create an object in Ficl, you specify
+its class. After that, the object always pushes its class and the address
+of its payload when invoked by name.&nbsp;
+<P>Classes are special kinds of objects that store the methods of their
+instances, the size of an instance's payload, and a parent class pointer.
+Classes themselves are instances of a special base class called <TT>METACLASS</TT>,
+and all classes inherit from class <TT>OBJECT</TT>. This is confusing at
+first, but it means that Ficl has a very simple syntax for constructing
+and using objects. Class methods include subclassing (<TT>SUB</TT>), creating
+initialized and uninitialized instances (<TT>NEW</TT> and <TT>INSTANCE</TT>),
+and creating reference instances (<TT>REF</TT>). Classes also have methods
+for disassembling their methods (<TT>SEE</TT>), identifying themselves
+(<TT>ID</TT>), and listing their pedigree (<TT>PEDIGREE</TT>). All objects
+inherit methods for initializing instances and arrays of instances, for
+performing array operations, and for getting information about themselves.&nbsp;
+Methods and messages</H3>
+Methods are the chunks of code that objects execute in response to messages.
+A message is a request to an object for a behavior that the object supports.
+When it receives a message, the target object looks up a method that performs
+the behavior for its class, and executes it. Any specific message will
+be bound to different methods in different objects, according to class.
+This separation of messages and methods allows objects to behave polymorphically.
+(In Ficl, methods are words defined in the context of a class, and messages
+are the names of those words.) Ficl classes associate names with methods
+for their instances. Ficl provides a late-binding operator <TT>--></TT>
+that sends messages to objects at run-time, and an early-binding operator
+<TT>=></TT> that compiles a specific class's method. These operators are
+the only supported way to invoke methods. Regular Forth words are not visible
+to the method-binding operators,&nbsp; so there's no chance of confusing
+a message with a regular word of the same name.&nbsp;
+Tutorial (finally!)</H3>
+Since this is a tutorial, I'm assuming you're following along by typing
+the examples into ficlWin, the Win32 version of Ficl (or some other build
+that includes the OO part of softcore.c). I also assume that you're familiar
+with Forth. If not, please see one of the <A HREF="#links">references</A>,
+below. Ficl's OOP words are in vocabulary OOP, which is in the search order
+and is the compile wordlist when you start one of the executables from
+the release. To get to this state from the default search order (as set
+by <TT>ONLY</TT>), type:&nbsp;
+To start, we'll work with the two base classes <TT>OBJECT</TT> and <TT>METACLASS</TT>.
+Try this:&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>metaclass --> methods</TT>&nbsp;</B>&nbsp;</UL>
+The line above contains three words. The first is the name of a class,
+so it pushes its signature on the stack. Since all classes are instances
+of <TT>METACLASS</TT>, <TT>METACLASS</TT> behaves as if it is an instance
+of itself (this is the only class with this property). It pushes the same
+address twice: once for the class and once for the instance variables,
+since they are the same. The next word finds a method in the context of
+a class and executes it. In this case, the name of the method is <TT>methods</TT>.
+Its job is to list all the methods that a class knows. What you get when
+you execute this line is a list of all the class methods Ficl provides.&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>object --> sub c-foo</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+Causes base-class <TT>OBJECT</TT> to derive from itself a new class called
+c-foo. Now we'll add some instance variables and methods to the new class...&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>cell: m_cell1</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>4 chars: m_chars</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>: init&nbsp;&nbsp; ( inst class -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; locals| class inst |</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0 inst class --> m_cell1 !</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inst class --> m_chars 4 0 fill</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ." initializing an instance of c_foo at "
+inst x. cr</TT></B>&nbsp;
+The first two lines add named instance variables to the class, and creates
+a method for each. <I>Untyped</I> instance variable methods (like those
+created by <TT>cell: cells: char:</TT> and <TT>chars:</TT>) just push the
+address of the corresponding instance variable when invoked on an instance
+of the class. It's up to you to remember the size of the instance variable
+and manipulate it with the usual Forth words for fetching and storing.
+We've also defined a method called <TT>init</TT> that clears the instance
+variables. Notice that the method expects the addresses of the class and
+instance when it's called. It stashes those in local variables to avoid
+stack tricks, and puts them onto the stack whenever it calls a method.
+In this case, we're storing zero to the two member variables.&nbsp;
+<P>The <TT>init</TT> method is special for Ficl objects: whenever you create
+an initialized instance using <B><TT>new</TT></B> or <B><TT>new-array</TT></B>,
+Ficl calls the class's <TT>init</TT> method for you on that instance. The
+default <TT>init</TT> method supplied by class <TT>object</TT> clears the
+instance, so we didn't really need to override it in this case (see the
+source code in ficl/softwords/oo.fr).&nbsp;
+<BR>Now make an instance of the new class:&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>c-foo --> new foo-instance</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+And try a few things...&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>foo-instance --> methods</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>foo-instance --> pedigree</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+Or you could type this with the same effect:&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>foo-instance 2dup --> methods --> pedigree</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+Notice that we've overridden the init method supplied by object, and added
+two more methods for the member variables. If you type WORDS, you'll see
+that these methods are not visible outside the context of the class that
+contains them. The method finder --> uses the class to look up methods.
+You can use this word in a definition, as we did in init, and it performs
+late binding, meaning that the mapping from message (method name) to method
+(the code) is deferred until run-time. To see this, you can decompile the
+init method like this:&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>c-foo --> see init</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>foo-instance --> class --> see init</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+Ficl also provides early binding, but you have to ask for it. Ficl's early
+binding operator pops a class off the stack and compiles the method you've
+named, so that that method executes regardless of the class of object it's
+used on. This can be dangerous, since it defeats the data-to-code matching
+mechanism object oriented languages were created to provide, but it does
+increase run-time speed by binding the method at compile time. In many
+cases, such as the init method, you can be reasonably certain of the class
+of thing you're working on. This is also true when invoking class methods,
+since all classes are instances of metaclass. Here's an example from oo.fr:&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>: new&nbsp;&nbsp; \ ( class metaclass "name" -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; metaclass => instance --> init ;</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>metaclass --> see new</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+Decompiling the method with <TT>SEE</TT> shows the difference between the
+two strategies. The early bound method is compiled inline, while the late-binding
+operator compiles the method name and code to find and execute it in the
+context of whatever class is supplied on the stack at&nbsp; run-time.&nbsp;
+<BR>Notice that the early-binding operator requires a class at compile
+time. For this reason, classes are <TT>IMMEDIATE</TT>, meaning that they
+push their signature at compile time or run time. I'd recommend that you
+avoid early binding until you're very comfortable with Forth, object-oriented
+programming,&nbsp; and Ficl's OOP syntax.&nbsp;
+<P>As advertised earlier, Ficl provides ways to objectify existing data
+structures without changing them. Instead, you can create a Ficl class
+that models the structure, and instantiate a <B>ref </B>from this class,
+supplying the address of the structure. After that, the ref instance behaves
+as a Ficl object, but its instance variables take on the values in the
+existing structure. Example (from ficlclass.fr):&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>object subclass c-wordlist \ OO model of FICL_HASH</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;cell: .parent</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;cell: .size</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;cell: .hash</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<P><B><TT>&nbsp;: push&nbsp; drop&nbsp; >search ;</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;: pop&nbsp;&nbsp; 2drop previous ;</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;: set-current&nbsp;&nbsp; drop set-current ;</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;: words&nbsp;&nbsp; --> push&nbsp; words previous ;</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<P><B><TT>: named-wid&nbsp;&nbsp; ( "name" -- )&nbsp;</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; wordlist&nbsp; postpone c-wordlist&nbsp;
+metaclass => ref ;</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+In this case, <TT>c-wordlist</TT> describes Ficl's wordlist structure;
+named-wid creates a wordlist and binds it to a ref instance of <TT>c-wordlist</TT>.
+The fancy footwork with <TT>POSTPONE</TT> and early binding is required
+because classes are immediate. An equivalent way to define named-wid with
+late binding is:&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>: named-wid&nbsp;&nbsp; ( "name" -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; wordlist&nbsp; postpone c-wordlist&nbsp;
+--> ref ;</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+To do the same thing at run-time (and call it my-wordlist):&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>wordlist&nbsp; c-wordlist --> ref&nbsp; my-wordlist</TT></B>&nbsp;</UL>
+Now you can deal with the wordlist through the ref instance:&nbsp;
+<UL><B><TT>my-wordlist --> push</TT></B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B><TT>my-wordlist --> set-current</TT></B>&nbsp;
+Ficl can also model linked lists and other structures that contain pointers
+to structures of the same or different types. The class constructor word
+<B><TT><A HREF="#exampleref:">ref:</A></TT></B> makes an aggregate reference
+to a particular class. See the <A HREF="#glossinstance">instance variable
+glossary</A> for an <A HREF="#exampleref:">example</A>.&nbsp;
+<P>Ficl can make arrays of instances, and aggregate arrays into class descripions.
+The <A HREF="#glossclass">class methods</A> <B><TT>array</TT></B> and <B><TT>new-array</TT></B>
+create uninitialized and initialized arrays, respectively, of a class.
+In order to initialize an array, the class must define a reasonable <B><TT>init</TT></B>
+method. <B><TT>New-array</TT></B> invokes it on each member of the array
+in sequence from lowest to highest. Array instances and array members use
+the object methods <B><TT>index</TT></B>, <B><TT>next</TT></B>, and <B><TT>prev</TT></B>
+to navigate. Aggregate a member array of objects using <B><TT><A HREF="#arraycolon">array:</A></TT></B>.
+The objects are not automatically initialized in this case - your class
+initializer has to call <B><TT>array-init</TT></B> explicitly if you want
+this behavior.&nbsp;
+<P>For further examples of OOP in Ficl, please see the source file ficl/softwords/ficlclass.fr.
+This file wraps several Ficl internal data structures in objects and gives
+use examples.&nbsp;
+<A NAME="glossinstance"></A>Instance Variable Glossary</H3>
+Note: these words are only visible when creating a subclass! To create
+a subclass, use the <TT>sub</TT> method on <TT>object</TT> or any class
+derived from it (<I>not</I> <TT>metaclass</TT>). Source code for Ficl OOP
+is in ficl/softwords/oo.fr.&nbsp;
+Instance variable words do two things: they create methods that do an action
+appropriate for the type of instance variable they represent, and they
+reserve space in the class template for the instance variable. We'll use
+the term <I>instance variable</I> to refer both to the method that gives
+access to a particular field of an object, and to the field itself. Rather
+than give esentially the same example over and over, here's one example
+that shows several of the instance variable construction words in use:</DT>
+<TT>object subclass c-example</TT></DT>
+<TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cell:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+<BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c-4byte&nbsp;&nbsp; obj: .nCells</TT>&nbsp;
+<BR><TT>&nbsp; 4 c-4byte array: .quad</TT>&nbsp;
+<BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+<BR><TT>&nbsp;79 chars:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+This class only defines instance variables, and it inherits some methods
+from <TT>object</TT>. Each untyped instance variable (.cell0, .length,
+.name) pushes its address when executed. Each object instance variable
+pushes the address and class of the aggregate object. Similar to C, an
+array instance variable leaves its base address (and its class) when executed.&nbsp;
+<B><TT>cell:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( offset "name"
+-- offset' )</TT></B></DT>
+Execution:&nbsp; ( -- cell-addr )</TT></B></DT>
+Create an untyped instance variable one cell wide. The instance variable
+leaves its payload's address when executed.&nbsp;</DD>
+<B><TT>cells:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( offset nCells "name"
+-- offset' )</TT></B></DT>
+Execution:&nbsp; ( -- cell-addr )</TT></B></DT>
+Create an untyped instance variable n cells wide.</DD>
+<B><TT>char:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( offset "name"
+-- offset' )</TT></B></DT>
+Execution:&nbsp; ( -- char-addr )</TT></B></DT>
+Create an untyped member variable one char wide</DD>
+<B><TT>chars:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( offset nChars "name"
+-- offset' )</TT></B></DT>
+Execution:&nbsp; ( -- char-addr )</TT></B></DT>
+Create an untyped member variable n chars wide.</DD>
+<B><TT>obj:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( offset class
+meta "name" -- offset' )</TT></B></DT>
+Execution:&nbsp; ( -- instance class )</TT></B></DT>
+Aggregate an uninitialized instance of class as a member variable of the
+class under construction.<A NAME="arraycolon"></A><B><TT>array:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+( offset n class meta "name" -- offset' )</TT></B></DT>
+Execution:&nbsp; ( -- instance class )</TT></B></DT>
+Aggregate an uninitialized array of instances of the class specified as
+a member variable of the class under construction.</DD>
+<A NAME="exampleref:"></A><B><TT>ref:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+( offset class meta "name" -- offset' )</TT></B></DT>
+Execution:&nbsp; ( -- ref-instance ref-class )</TT></B></DT>
+Aggregate a reference to a class instance. There is no way to set the value
+of an aggregated ref - it's meant as a way to manipulate existing data
+structures with a Ficl OO model. For example, if your system contains a
+linked list of 4 byte quantities, you can make a class that represents
+a list element like this:&nbsp;</DD>
+<TT>object subclass c-4list</TT></DD>
+<TT>c-4list ref: .link</TT></DD>
+<TT>c-4byte obj: .payload</TT></DD>
+<TT>address-of-existing-list c-4list --> ref mylist</TT></DD>
+The last line binds the existing structure to an instance of the class
+we just created. The link method pushes the link value and the class c_4list,
+so that the link looks like an object to Ficl and like a struct to C (it
+doesn;t carry any extra baggage for the object model - the Ficl methods
+alone take care of storing the class information).&nbsp;</DD>
+Note: Since a ref: aggregate can only support one class, it's good for
+modeling static structures, but not appropriate for polymorphism. If you
+want polymorphism, aggregate a c_ref (see classes.fr for source) into your
+class - it has methods to set and get an object.</DD>
+By the way, it is also possible to construct a pair of classes that contain
+aggregate pointers to each other. Here's a rough example:</DD>
+<TT>object subclass c-fee</TT></DD>
+<TT>object subclass c-fie</TT></DD>
+<TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c-fee ref: .fee</TT></DD>
+\ done with c-fie</TT></DD>
+<TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c-fie ref: .fie</TT></DD>
+\ done with c-fee</TT></DD>
+<A NAME="glossclass"></A>Class Methods Glossary</H3>
+<B><TT>instance&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class metaclass "name" -- instance
+class )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Create an uninitialized instance of the class, giving it the name specified.
+The method leaves the instance 's signature on the stack (handy if you
+want to initialize). Example:</DD>
+<TT>c_ref --> instance uninit-ref&nbsp; 2drop</TT></DD>
+<B><TT>new&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class
+metaclass "name" -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Create an initialized instance of class, giving it the name specified.
+This method calls init to perform initialization.&nbsp;</DD>
+<B><TT>array&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( nObj class metaclass
+"name" -- nObjs instance class )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Create an array of nObj instances of the specified class. Instances are
+not initialized. Example:</DD>
+<TT>10 c_4byte --> array&nbsp; 40-raw-bytes&nbsp; 2drop drop</TT></DD>
+<B><TT>new-array&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( nObj class metaclass "name" -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Creates an initialized array of nObj instances of the class. Same syntax
+as <TT>array</TT></DD>
+<B><TT>ref&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance-addr
+class metaclass "name" -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Make a ref instance of the class that points to the supplied instance address.
+No new instance space is allotted. Instead, the instance refers to the
+address supplied on the stack forever afterward. For wrapping existing
+<B><TT>sub&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class
+metaclass -- old-wid addr[size] size )</TT></B></DT>
+Derive a subclass. You can add or override methods, and add instance variables.
+Alias: <TT>subclass</TT>. Examples:</DD>
+<TT>c_4byte --> sub c_special4byte</TT></DD>
+<TT>( your new methods and instance variables here )</TT></DD>
+<TT>c_4byte subclass c_special4byte</TT></DD>
+<TT>( your new methods and instance variables here )</TT></DD>
+<B><TT>.size&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class metaclass
+-- instance-size )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Returns address of the class's instance size field, in address units. This
+is a metaclass member variable.</DD>
+<B><TT>.super&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class metaclass --
+superclass )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Returns address of the class's superclass field. This is a metaclass member
+<B><TT>.wid&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class metaclass
+-- wid )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Returns the address of the class's wordlist ID field. This is a metaclass
+member variable.</DD>
+Returns the size of an instance of the class in address units. Imeplemented
+<TT>: get-size&nbsp;&nbsp; metaclass => .size @ ;</TT></DD>
+<TT>Returns the wordlist ID of the class. Implemented as&nbsp;</TT></DD>
+<TT>: get-wid&nbsp;&nbsp; metaclass => .wid @ ;</TT></DD>
+<TT>Returns the class's superclass. Implemented as</TT></DD>
+<TT>: get-super&nbsp;&nbsp; metaclass => .super @ ;</TT></DD>
+<B><TT>id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (
+class metaclass -- c-addr u )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Returns the address and length of a string that names the class.</DD>
+<B><TT>methods&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class metaclass -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Lists methods of the class and all its superclasses</DD>
+<B><TT>offset-of&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class metaclass "name" -- offset )</TT></B></DT>
+Pushes the offset from the instance base address of the named member variable.
+If the name is not that of an instance variable method, you get garbage.
+There is presently no way to detect this error. Example:</DD>
+<TT>metaclass --> offset-of .wid</TT></DD>
+<B><TT>pedigree&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class metaclass -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Lists the pedigree of the class (inheritance trail)</DD>
+<B><TT>see&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( class
+metaclass "name" -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Decompiles the specified method - obect version of <TT>SEE</TT>, from the
+<TT>TOOLS</TT> wordset.</DD>
+<A NAME="objectgloss"></A><TT>object</TT> base-class Methods Glossary</H3>
+<B><TT>init&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance
+class -- )</TT>&nbsp;</B></DT>
+Default initializer called automatically for all instances created with
+<TT>new</TT> or <TT>new-array</TT>. Zero-fills the instance. You do not
+normally need to invoke <TT>init</TT> explicitly.</DD>
+<B><TT>array-init&nbsp;&nbsp; ( nObj instance class -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Applies <TT>init</TT> to an array of objects created by <TT>new-array</TT>.
+Note that <TT>array:</TT> does not cause aggregate arrays to be initialized
+automatically. You do not normally need to invoke <TT>array-init</TT> explicitly.</DD>
+<B><TT>class&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance class
+-- class metaclass )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Convert an object signature into that of its class. Useful for calling
+class methods that have no object aliases.</DD>
+<B><TT>super&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance class
+-- instance parent-class )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Upcast an object to its parent class. The parent class of <TT>object</TT>
+is zero. Useful for invoking an overridden parent class method.</DD>
+<B><TT>pedigree&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance class -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Display an object's pedigree - its chain of inheritance. This is an alias
+for the corresponding class method.</DD>
+<B><TT>size&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance
+class -- sizeof(instance) )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Returns the size, in address units, of one instance. Does not know about
+arrays! This is an alias for the class method <TT>.size</TT></DD>
+<B><TT>methods&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance class -- )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Class method alias. Displays the list of methods of the class and all superclasses
+of the instance.</DD>
+<B><TT>index&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( n instance class
+-- instance[n] class )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Convert array-of-objects base signature into signature for array element
+n. No check for bounds overflow. Index is zero-based, like C, so&nbsp;</DD>
+<TT>0 my-obj --> index</TT>&nbsp;</DD>
+is equivalent to&nbsp;</DD>
+Check out the <A HREF="#minusrot">description of <TT>-ROT</TT></A> for
+help in dealing with indices on the stack.</DD>
+<B><TT>next&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance[n]
+class -- instance[n+1] class )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Convert an array-object signature&nbsp; into the signature of the next
+object in the array. No check for bounds overflow.</DD>
+<B><TT>prev&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ( instance[n]
+class -- instance[n-1] class )</TT></B>&nbsp;</DT>
+Convert an object signature into the signature of the previous object in
+the array. No check for bounds underflow.</DD>
+<A NAME="stockclasses"></A>Supplied Classes (See classes.fr)</H3>
+Describes all classes of Ficl. Contains class methods. Should never be
+directly instantiated or subclassed.</DD>
+Mother of all Ficl objects. Defines default initialization and array indexing
+Holds the signature of another object. Aggregate on of these into a data
+structure class to get polymorphism type stuff.</DD>
+Primitive class with a 1-byte payload. Set and get methods perform correct-length
+fetch and store.</DD>
+Primitive class with a 2-byte payload. Set and get methods perform correct-length
+fetch and store.</DD>
+Primitive class with a 4-byte payload. Set and get methods perform correct-length
+fetch and store.</DD>
+Models a pointer-to-cell.</DD>
+Models a counted string..</DD>
+<HR WIDTH="100%"><A NAME="extras"></A>Ficl extras</H2>
+Number syntax</H3>
+You can precede a number with "0x", as in C, and it will be interpreted
+as a hex value regardless of the value of <TT>BASE</TT>. Example:&nbsp;
+<DL><TT>ok> decimal 123 . cr</TT>&nbsp;
+<BR><TT>ok> 0x123 . cr</TT>&nbsp;
+Search order words</H3>
+Note: Ficl resets the search order whenever it does <TT>ABORT</TT>. If
+you don't like this behavior, just comment out the dictResetSearchOrder()
+line in ficlExec().&nbsp;
+<TT>>search&nbsp;&nbsp; ( wid -- )</TT></DT>
+Push <TT>wid</TT> onto the search order. Many of the other search order
+words are written in terms of the <TT>SEARCH></TT> and <TT>>SEARCH</TT>
+<TT>search>&nbsp;&nbsp; ( -- wid )</TT></DT>
+Pop <TT>wid</TT> off the search order</DD>
+<TT>ficl-set-current&nbsp;&nbsp; ( wid -- old-wid )</TT></DT>
+Set wid as compile wordlist, leave previous compile wordlist on stack</DD>
+<TT>wid-set-super&nbsp;&nbsp; ( wid -- )</TT></DT>
+Ficl wordlists have a parent wordlist pointer that is not specified in
+standard Forth. Ficl initializes this pointer to NULL whenever it creates
+a wordlist, so it ordinarily has no effect. This word sets the parent pointer
+to the wordlist specified on the top of the stack. Ficl's implementation
+of <TT>SEARCH-WORDLIST</TT> will chain backward through the parent link
+of the wordlist when searching. This simplifies Ficl's object model in
+that the search order does not need to reflect an object's class hierarchy
+when searching for a method. It is possible to implement Ficl object syntax
+in strict ANS Forth, but method finders need to manipulate the search order
+User variables</H3>
+<TT>user&nbsp;&nbsp; ( -- ) name</TT></DT>
+Create a user variable with the given name. User variables are virtual
+machine local. Each VM allocates a fixed amount of storage for them. You
+can change the maximum number of user variables allowed by defining FICL_USER_CELLS
+on your compiiler's command line. Default is 16 user cells.</DD>
+<TT>-roll&nbsp;&nbsp; ( xu xu-1 ... x0 u -- x0 xu-1 ... x1 )&nbsp;</TT></DT>
+Rotate u+1 items on top of the stack after removing u. Rotation is in the
+opposite sense to <TT>ROLL</TT></DD>
+<A NAME="minusrot"></A><TT>-rot&nbsp;&nbsp; ( a b c -- c a b )</TT></DT>
+Rotate the top three stack entries, moving the top of stack to third place.
+I like to think of this as <TT>1<SUP>1</SUP>/<SUB>2</SUB>swap</TT> because
+it's good for tucking a single cell value behind a cell-pair (like an object).&nbsp;</DD>
+<TT>.env&nbsp;&nbsp; ( -- )</TT></DT>
+List all environment variables of the system</DD>
+<TT>.hash&nbsp;&nbsp; ( -- )</TT></DT>
+List hash table performance statistics of the wordlist that's first in
+the search order</DD>
+<TT>.ver&nbsp;&nbsp; ( -- )</TT></DT>
+Display ficl version ID</DD>
+<TT>>name&nbsp;&nbsp; ( xt -- c-addr u )</TT></DT>
+Convert a word's execution token into the address and length of its name</DD>
+<TT>body>&nbsp;&nbsp; ( a-addr -- xt )</TT></DT>
+Reverses the effect of <TT>CORE</TT> word <TT>>body</TT></DD>
+Mark the most recently defined word as being executable only while in compile
+state. Many immediate words have this property.</DD>
+<TT>empty&nbsp;&nbsp; ( -- )</TT>&nbsp;</DT>
+Empty the parameter stack</DD>
+Synonym for <TT>THEN</TT></DD>
+<TT>parse-word&nbsp;&nbsp; ( &lt;spaces>name -- c-addr u )</TT></DT>
+Skip leading spaces and parse name delimited by a space. c-addr is the
+address within the input buffer and u is the length of the selected string.
+If the parse area is empty, the resulting string has a zero length</DD>
+<TT>w@&nbsp;&nbsp; ( addr -- x )</TT></DT>
+Fetch a 16 bit quantity from the specified address</DD>
+<TT>w!&nbsp;&nbsp; ( x addr -- )</TT></DT>
+Store a 16 bit quantity to the specified address (the low 16 bits of the
+given value)</DD>
+<TT>x.&nbsp;&nbsp; ( x -- )</TT></DT>
+Pop and display the value in hex format, regardless of the current value
+of <TT>BASE</TT></DD>
+<HR WIDTH="100%"><A NAME="ansinfo"></A>ANS Required Information</H2>
+<TD><B>ANS Forth System</B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B>Providing names from the Core Extensions word set&nbsp;</B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B>Providing the Locals word set&nbsp;</B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B>Providing the Locals Extensions word set&nbsp;</B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B>Providing the Programming-Tools word set</B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B>Providing names from the Programming-Tools Extensions word set</B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B>Providing the Search-Order word set</B>&nbsp;
+<BR><B>Providing the Search-Order Extensions word set&nbsp;</B>&nbsp;
+Implementation-defined Options</H3>
+The implementation-defined items in the following list represent characteristics
+and choices left to the discretion of the implementor, provided that the
+requirements of the Standard are met. A system shall document the values
+for, or behaviors of, each item.&nbsp;
+<B>aligned address requirements ( Addresses);</B>&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">System dependent. You can change the default
+address alignment by defining FICL_ALIGN on your compiler's command line.
+The default value is set to 2 in sysdep.h. This causes dictionary entries
+and <TT>ALIGN</TT> and <TT>ALIGNED</TT> to align on 4 byte boundaries.
+To align on <B>2<SUP><FONT FACE="">n</FONT></SUP></B> byte boundaries,
+set FICL_ALIGN to <B>n</B>.&nbsp;</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>behavior of 6.1.1320 EMIT for non-graphic characters</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Depends on target system, C runtime library,
+and your implementation of ficlTextOut().</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>character editing of 6.1.0695 ACCEPT and 6.2.1390 EXPECT</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">None implemented in the versions supplied in
+words.c. Because ficlExec() is supplied a text buffer externally, it's
+up to your system to define how that buffer will be obtained.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>character set (3.1.2 Character types, 6.1.1320 EMIT, 6.1.1750 KEY)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Depends on target system and implementation of
+<B>character-aligned address requirements ( Addresses)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl characters are one byte each. There are
+no alignment requirements.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>character-set-extensions matching characteristics (3.4.2 Finding definition
+n<FONT COLOR="#000000">ames)</FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#000000">;&nbsp;</FONT></LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">No special processing is performed on characters
+beyond case-folding. Therefore, extended characters will not match their
+unaccented counterparts.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>conditions under which control characters match a space delimiter (
+Delimiters)</B>;<FONT COLOR="#FF6666">&nbsp;</FONT></LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl uses the Standard C function isspace() to
+distinguish space characters. The rest is up to your library vendor.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>format of the control-flow stack ( Control-flow stack)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Uses the data stack</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>conversion of digits larger than thirty-five ( Digit conversion)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">The maximum supported value of <TT>BASE</TT>
+is 36. Ficl will assertion fail in function ltoa of vm.c if the base is
+found to be larger than 36 or smaller than 2. There will be no effect if
+NDEBUG is defined</FONT>, however, other than possibly unexpected behavior.&nbsp;
+<B>display after input terminates in 6.1.0695 ACCEPT and 6.2.1390 EXPECT</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Target system dependent</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>exception abort sequence (as in 6.1.0680 ABORT")</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Does <TT>ABORT</TT></FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>input line terminator ( User input device)</B>;<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">&nbsp;</FONT></LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Target system dependent (implementation of outer
+loop that calls ficlExec)</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>maximum size of a counted string, in characters ( Counted strings,
+6.1.2450 WORD)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">255</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>maximum size of a parsed string (3.4.1 Parsing)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR>Limited by available memory and the maximum unsigned value that can
+fit in a CELL (2<SUP>32</SUP>-1).&nbsp;
+<B>maximum size of a definition name, in characters ( Definition
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl stores the first 31 characters of a definition
+<B>maximum string length for 6.1.1345 ENVIRONMENT?, in characters</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Same as maximum definition name length</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>method of selecting User input device</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR>None supported. This is up to the target system&nbsp;
+<B>method of selecting User output device</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR>None supported. This is up to the target system&nbsp;
+<B>methods of dictionary compilation (3.3 The Forth dictionary)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<B>number of bits in one address unit ( Addresses)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Target system dependent. Ficl generally supports
+processors that can address 8 bit quantities, but there is no dependency
+that I'm aware of.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>number representation and arithmetic ( Internal number representation)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR>System dependent. Ficl represents a CELL internally as a union that
+can hold INT32 (a signed 32 bit scalar value), UNS32 (32 bits unsigned),
+and an untyped pointer. No specific byte ordering is assumed.&nbsp;
+<B>ranges for n, +n, u, d, +d, and ud (3.1.3 Single-cell types, 3.1.4 Cell-pair
+<BR>Assuming a 32 bit implementation, range for signed single-cell values
+is -2<SUP>31</SUP>..2<SUP>31</SUP>-1. Range for unsigned single cell values
+is 0..2<SUP>32</SUP>-1. Range for signed double-cell values is -2<SUP>63</SUP>..2<SUP>63</SUP>-1.
+Range for unsigned single cell values is 0..2<SUP>64</SUP>-1.&nbsp;
+<B>read-only data-space regions (3.3.3 Data space)</B>;</LI>
+<B>size of buffer at 6.1.2450 WORD ( Other transient regions)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR>Default is 255. Depends on the setting of nPAD in ficl.h.&nbsp;
+<B>size of one cell in address units (3.1.3 Single-cell types)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">System dependent, generally four.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>size of one character in address units (3.1.2 Character types)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">System dependent, generally one.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>size of the keyboard terminal input buffer ( Input buffers)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">This buffer is supplied by the host program.
+Ficl imposes no practical limit.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>size of the pictured numeric output string buffer ( Other transient
+<BR>Default is 255 characters. Depends on the setting of nPAD in ficl.h.&nbsp;
+<B>size of the scratch area whose address is returned by 6.2.2000 PAD (
+Other transient regions)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR>Not presently supported&nbsp;
+<B>system case-sensitivity characteristics (3.4.2 Finding definition names)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl is not case sensitive</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>system prompt (3.4 The Forth text interpreter, 6.1.2050 QUIT)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">"ok>"</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>type of division rounding ( Integer division, 6.1.0100 */, 6.1.0110
+*/MOD, 6.1.0230 /, 6.1.0240 /MOD, 6.1.1890 MOD)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Symmetric</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>values of 6.1.2250 STATE when true</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">One (no others)</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>values returned after arithmetic overflow ( Other integer operations)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR>System dependent. Ficl makes no special checks for overflow.&nbsp;
+<B>whether the current definition can be found after 6.1.1250 DOES> (6.1.0450
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">No. Definitions are unsmudged after ; only, and
+only then if no control structure matching problems have been detected.</FONT></UL>
+Ambiguous Conditions</H3>
+A system shall document the system action taken upon each of the general
+or specific ambiguous conditions identified in this Standard. See 3.4.4
+Possible actions on an ambiguous condition.&nbsp;
+<P>The following general ambiguous conditions could occur because of a
+combination of factors:&nbsp;
+<B>a name is neither a valid definition name nor a valid number during
+text interpretation (3.4 The Forth text interpreter)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl does <TT>ABORT</TT> and prints the name
+followed by " not found".</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>a definition name exceeded the maximum length allowed ( Definition
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl stores the first 31 characters of the definition
+name, and uses all characters of the name in computing its hash code. The
+actual length of the name, up to 255 characters, is stored in the definition's
+length field.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>addressing a region not listed in 3.3.3 Data Space</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">No problem: all addresses in ficl are absolute.
+You can reach any 32 bit address in Ficl's address space.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>argument type incompatible with specified input parameter, e.g., passing
+a flag to a word expecting an n (3.1 Data types)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl makes no check for argument type compatibility.
+Effects of a mismatch vary widely depending on the specific problem and
+<B>attempting to obtain the execution token, (e.g., with 6.1.0070 ', 6.1.1550
+FIND, etc.) of a definition with undefined interpretation semantics</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl returns a valid token, but the result of
+executing that token while interpreting may be undesirable.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>dividing by zero (6.1.0100 */, 6.1.0110 */MOD, 6.1.0230 /, 6.1.0240
+/MOD, 6.1.1561 FM/MOD, 6.1.1890 MOD, 6.1.2214 SM/REM, 6.1.2370 UM/MOD,
+ M*/)</B>;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Results are target procesor dependent. Generally,
+Ficl makes no check for divide-by-zero. The target processor will probably
+throw an exception.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>insufficient data-stack space or return-stack space (stack overflow)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">With FICL_ROBUST (sysdep.h) set >= 2, most parameter
+stack operations are checked for underflow and overflow. Ficl does not
+check the return stack.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>insufficient space for loop-control parameters</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">No check - Evil results.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>insufficient space in the dictionary</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl generates an error message if the dictionary
+is too full to create a definition header. It checks <TT>ALLOT</TT> as
+well, but it is possible to make an unchecked allocation request that overflows
+the dictionary.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>interpreting a word with undefined interpretation semantics</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl protects all ANS Forth words with undefined
+interpretation semantics from being executed while in interpret state.
+It is possible to defeat this protection using ' (tick) and <TT>EXECUTE</TT>,
+<B>modifying the contents of the input buffer or a string literal (
+Text-literal regions, Input buffers)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Varies depending on the nature of the buffer.
+The input buffer is supplied by ficl's host function, and may reside in
+read-only memory. If so, writing the input buffer can ganerate an exception.
+String literals are stored in the dictionary, and are writable.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>overflow of a pictured numeric output string</B>;</LI>
+<BR>In the unlikely event you are able to construct a pictured numeric
+string of more than 255 characters, the system will be corrupted unpredictably.
+The buffer area that holds pictured numeric output is at the end of the
+virtual machine. Whatever is mapped after the offending VM in memory will
+be trashed, along with the heap structures that contain it.&nbsp;
+<B>parsed string overflow</B>;</LI>
+<BR>Ficl does not copy parsed strings unless asked to. Ordinarily, a string
+parsed from the input buffer during normal interpretation is left in-place,
+so there is no possibility of overflow. If you ask to parse a string into
+the dictionary, as in <TT>SLITERAL</TT>, you need to have enough room for
+the string, otherwise bad things may happen. This is not usually a problem.&nbsp;
+<B>producing a result out of range, e.g., multiplication (using *) results
+in a value too big to be represented by a single-cell integer (6.1.0090
+*, 6.1.0100 */, 6.1.0110 */MOD, 6.1.0570 >NUMBER, 6.1.1561 FM/MOD, 6.1.2214
+SM/REM, 6.1.2370 UM/MOD, 6.2.0970 CONVERT, M*/)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Value will be truncated</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>reading from an empty data stack or return stack (stack underflow)</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Most stack underflows are detected and prevented
+if FICL_ROBUST (sysdep.h) is set to 2 or greater. Otherwise, the stack
+pointer and size are likely to be trashed.</FONT>&nbsp;
+<B>unexpected end of input buffer, resulting in an attempt to use a zero-length
+string as a name</B>;&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Ficl returns for a new input buffer until a non-empty
+one is supplied.</FONT></UL>
+The following specific ambiguous conditions are noted in the glossary entries
+of the relevant words:&nbsp;
+<B>>IN greater than size of input buffer (3.4.1 Parsing)</B></LI>
+<BR>Bad Things occur - unpredictable bacause the input buffer is supplied
+by the host program's outer loop.&nbsp;
+<B>6.1.2120 RECURSE appears after 6.1.1250 DOES></B></LI>
+<BR>It finds the address of the definition before <TT>DOES></TT>&nbsp;
+<B>argument input source different than current input source for 6.2.2148
+<BR>Not implemented&nbsp;
+<B>data space containing definitions is de-allocated ( Contiguous
+<BR>This is OK until the cells are overwritten with something else. The
+dictionary maintains a hash table, and the table must be updated in order
+to de-allocate words without corruption.&nbsp;
+<B>data space read/write with incorrect alignment ( Address alignment)</B></LI>
+<BR>Target processor dependent. Consequences include: none (Intel), address
+error exception (68K).&nbsp;
+<B>data-space pointer not properly aligned (6.1.0150 ,, 6.1.0860 C,)</B></LI>
+<BR>See above on data space read/write alignment&nbsp;
+<B>less than u+2 stack items (6.2.2030 PICK, 6.2.2150 ROLL)</B></LI>
+<BR>Ficl detects a stack underflow and reports it, executing <TT>ABORT,</TT>
+as long as FICL_ROBUST is two or larger.&nbsp;
+<B>loop-control parameters not available ( 6.1.0140 +LOOP, 6.1.1680 I,
+6.1.1730 J, 6.1.1760 LEAVE, 6.1.1800 LOOP, 6.1.2380 UNLOOP)</B></LI>
+<BR>Loop initiation words are responsible for checking the stack and guaranteeing
+that the control parameters are pushed. Any underflows will be detected
+early if FICL_ROBUST is set to two or greater. Note however that Ficl only
+checks for return stack underflows at the end of each line of text.&nbsp;
+<B>most recent definition does not have a name (6.1.1710 IMMEDIATE)</B></LI>
+<BR>No problem.&nbsp;
+<B>name not defined by 6.2.2405 VALUE used by 6.2.2295 TO</B></LI>
+<BR>Ficl's version of <TT>TO</TT> works correctly with <TT>VALUE</TT>s,
+<TT>CONSTANT</TT>s and <TT>VARIABLE</TT>s.&nbsp;
+<B>name not found (6.1.0070 ', 6.1.2033 POSTPONE, 6.1.2510 ['], 6.2.2530
+<BR>Ficl prints an error message and does <TT>ABORT</TT>&nbsp;
+<B>parameters are not of the same type (6.1.1240 DO, 6.2.0620 ?DO, 6.2.2440
+<BR>No check. Results vary depending on the specific problem.&nbsp;
+<B>6.1.2033 POSTPONE or 6.2.2530 [COMPILE] applied to 6.2.2295 TO</B></LI>
+<BR>The word is postponed correctly.&nbsp;
+<B>string longer than a counted string returned by 6.1.2450 WORD</B></LI>
+<BR>Ficl stores the first FICL_STRING_MAX-1 chars in the destination buffer.
+(The extra character is the trailing space required by the standard. Yuck.)&nbsp;
+<B>u greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell (6.1.1805 LSHIFT,
+6.1.2162 RSHIFT)</B></LI>
+<BR>Depends on target process or and C runtime library implementations
+of the &lt;&lt; and >> operators on unsigned values. For I386, the processor
+appears to shift modulo the number of bits in a cell.&nbsp;
+<B>word not defined via 6.1.1000 CREATE (6.1.0550 >BODY, 6.1.1250 DOES>)</B></LI>
+<BR><B>words improperly used outside 6.1.0490 &lt;# and 6.1.0040 #> (6.1.0030
+#, 6.1.0050 #S, 6.1.1670 HOLD, 6.1.2210 SIGN)</B>&nbsp;
+<BR>Don't. <TT>CREATE</TT> reserves a field in words it builds for <TT>DOES></TT>
+to fill in. If you use <TT>DOES></TT> on a word not made by <TT>CREATE</TT>,
+it will overwrite the first cell of its parameter area. That's probably
+not what you want. Likewise, pictured numeric words assume that there is
+a string under construction in the VM's scratch buffer. If that's not the
+case, results may be unpleasant.</UL>
+Locals Implementation-defined options</H3>
+<B>maximum number of locals in a definition (13.3.3 Processing locals,
+ LOCALS|)</B></LI>
+<BR>Default is 16. Change by redefining FICL_MAX_LOCALS, defined in sysdep.h</UL>
+Locals Ambiguous conditions</H3>
+<B>executing a named local while in interpretation state ( (LOCAL))</B></LI>
+<BR>Locals can be found in interpretation state while in the context of
+a definition under construction. Under these circumstances, locals behave
+correctly. Locals are not visible at all outside the scope of a definition.&nbsp;
+<B>name not defined by VALUE or LOCAL ( TO)</B></LI>
+<BR>See the CORE ambiguous conditions, above (no change)</UL>
+Programming Tools Implementation-defined options</H3>
+<B>source and format of display by SEE</B></LI>
+<BR>SEE de-compiles definitions from the dictionary. Because Ficl words
+are threaded by their header addresses, it is very straightforward to print
+the name and other characteristics of words in a definition. Primitives
+are so noted. Colon definitions are decompiled, but branch target labels
+are not reconstructed. Literals and string literals are so noted, and their
+contents displayed.</UL>
+Search Order Implementation-defined options</H3>
+<B>maximum number of word lists in the search order (16.3.3 Finding definition
+names, SET-ORDER)</B>&nbsp;</LI>
+<BR>Defaults to 16. Can be changed by redefining FICL_DEFAULT_VOCS, declared
+in sysdep.h&nbsp;
+<B>minimum search order ( SET-ORDER, ONLY)</B>&nbsp;</LI>
+Search Order Ambiguous conditions</H3>
+<B>changing the compilation word list (16.3.3 Finding definition names)</B></LI>
+<BR>Ficl stores a link to the current definition independently of the compile
+wordlist while it is being defined, and links it into the compile wordlist
+only after the definition completes successfully. Changing the compile
+wordlist mid-definition will cause the definition to link into the <I>new</I>
+compile wordlist.&nbsp;
+<B>search order empty ( PREVIOUS)</B></LI>
+<BR>Ficl prints an error message if the search order underflows, and resets
+the order to its default state.&nbsp;
+<B>too many word lists in search order ( ALSO)</B></LI>
+<BR>Ficl prints an error message if the search order overflows, and resets
+the order to its default state.</UL>
+<HR WIDTH="100%"><A NAME="links"></A>For more information</H2>
+<A HREF="http://www.taygeta.com/forth/compilers">Web home of ficl</A></LI>
+<A HREF="http://www.taygeta.com/forthlit.html">Forth literature</A></LI>
+<A HREF="http://www.softsynth.com/pforth/pf_tut.htm">Phil Burk's Forth
+<A HREF="http://www.taygeta.com/forth/dpans.html">Draft Proposed American
+National Standard for Forth</A></LI>
+<A HREF="http://www.fig.org">Forth Interest Group</A></LI>
+<A HREF="ftp://ftp.taygeta.com/pub/Forth/Compilers/native/misc/ficl200.zip">Download
+ficl 2.0</A></LI>
+<HR WIDTH="100%"></H2>
+<TD><I>Ficl is freeware. Use it in any way that you like, with the understanding
+that the code is not supported.</I>&nbsp;
+<P>Any third party may reproduce, distribute, or modify the ficl software
+code or any derivative works thereof without any compensation or license,
+provided that the original author information and this disclaimer text
+are retained in the source code files. The ficl software code is provided
+on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, including, without limitation,
+the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
+purpose and their equivalents under the laws of any jurisdiction.&nbsp;
+<P>I am interested in hearing from anyone who uses ficl. If you have a
+problem, a success story, a defect, an enhancement request, or if you would
+like to contribute to the ficl release (yay!), please send me email at
+the address above.&nbsp;</TD>
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ficl.c
@@ -1,0 +1,380 @@
+** f i c l . c
+** Forth Inspired Command Language - external interface
+** Author: John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)
+** Created: 19 July 1997
+** This is an ANS Forth interpreter written in C.
+** Ficl uses Forth syntax for its commands, but turns the Forth 
+** model on its head in other respects.
+** Ficl provides facilities for interoperating
+** with programs written in C: C functions can be exported to Ficl,
+** and Ficl commands can be executed via a C calling interface. The
+** interpreter is re-entrant, so it can be used in multiple instances
+** in a multitasking system. Unlike Forth, Ficl's outer interpreter
+** expects a text block as input, and returns to the caller after each
+** text block, so the data pump is somewhere in external code. This
+** is more like TCL than Forth.
+** Code is written in ANSI C for portability. 
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "ficl.h"
+** Local prototypes
+** System statics
+** The system builds a global dictionary during its start
+** sequence. This is shared by all interpreter instances.
+** Therefore only one instance can update the dictionary
+** at a time. The system imports a locking function that
+** you can override in order to control update access to
+** the dictionary. The function is stubbed out by default,
+** but you can insert one: #define FICL_MULTITHREAD 1
+** and supply your own version of ficlLockDictionary.
+static FICL_DICT *dp     = NULL;
+static FICL_DICT *envp   = NULL;
+static FICL_DICT *localp = NULL;
+static FICL_VM   *vmList = NULL;
+static int defaultStack = FICL_DEFAULT_STACK;
+static int defaultDict  = FICL_DEFAULT_DICT;
+                        f i c l I n i t S y s t e m
+** Binds a global dictionary to the interpreter system. 
+** You specify the address and size of the allocated area.
+** After that, ficl manages it.
+** First step is to set up the static pointers to the area.
+** Then write the "precompiled" portion of the dictionary in.
+** The dictionary needs to be at least large enough to hold the
+** precompiled part. Try 1K cells minimum. Use "words" to find
+** out how much of the dictionary is used at any time.
+void ficlInitSystem(int nDictCells)
+    if (dp)
+        dictDelete(dp);
+    if (envp)
+        dictDelete(envp);
+    if (localp)
+        dictDelete(localp);
+    if (nDictCells <= 0)
+        nDictCells = defaultDict;
+    dp     = dictCreateHashed((unsigned)nDictCells, HASHSIZE);
+    envp   = dictCreate(      (unsigned)FICL_DEFAULT_ENV);
+    /*
+    ** The locals dictionary is only searched while compiling,
+    ** but this is where speed is most important. On the other
+    ** hand, the dictionary gets emptied after each use of locals
+    ** The need to balance search speed with the cost of the empty
+    ** operation led me to select a single-threaded list...
+    */
+    localp = dictCreate(      (unsigned)FICL_MAX_LOCALS * CELLS_PER_WORD);
+    ficlCompileCore(dp);
+    return;
+                        f i c l N e w V M
+** Create a new virtual machine and link it into the system list
+** of VMs for later cleanup by ficlTermSystem. If this is the first
+** VM to be created, use it to compile the words in softcore.c
+FICL_VM *ficlNewVM(void)
+    FICL_VM *pVM = vmCreate(NULL, defaultStack, defaultStack);
+    pVM->link = vmList;
+    /*
+    ** Borrow the first vm to build the soft words in softcore.c
+    */
+    if (vmList == NULL)
+        ficlCompileSoftCore(pVM);
+    vmList = pVM;
+    return pVM;
+                        f i c l B u i l d
+** Builds a word into the dictionary.
+** Preconditions: system must be initialized, and there must
+** be enough space for the new word's header! Operation is
+** controlled by ficlLockDictionary, so any initialization
+** required by your version of the function (if you overrode
+** it) must be complete at this point.
+** Parameters:
+** name  -- duh, the name of the word
+** code  -- code to execute when the word is invoked - must take a single param
+**          pointer to a FICL_VM
+** flags -- 0 or more of F_IMMEDIATE, F_COMPILE, use bitwise OR!
+int ficlBuild(char *name, FICL_CODE code, char flags)
+	int err = ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+	if (err) return err;
+    dictAppendWord(dp, name, code, flags);
+	ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+	return 0;
+                        f i c l E x e c
+** Evaluates a block of input text in the context of the
+** specified interpreter. Emits any requested output to the
+** interpreter's output function.
+** Contains the "inner interpreter" code in a tight loop
+** Returns one of the VM_XXXX codes defined in ficl.h:
+** VM_OUTOFTEXT is the normal exit condition
+** VM_ERREXIT means that the interp encountered a syntax error
+**      and the vm has been reset to recover (some or all
+**      of the text block got ignored
+** VM_USEREXIT means that the user executed the "bye" command
+**      to shut down the interpreter. This would be a good
+**      time to delete the vm, etc -- or you can ignore this
+**      signal.
+int ficlExec(FICL_VM *pVM, char *pText)
+    int        except;
+    FICL_WORD *tempFW;
+    jmp_buf    vmState;
+    jmp_buf   *oldState;
+    TIB        saveTib;
+    assert(pVM);
+    vmPushTib(pVM, pText, &saveTib);
+    /*
+    ** Save and restore VM's jmp_buf to enable nested calls to ficlExec 
+    */
+    oldState = pVM->pState;
+    pVM->pState = &vmState; /* This has to come before the setjmp! */
+    except = setjmp(vmState);
+    switch (except)
+    {
+    case 0:
+        if (pVM->fRestart)
+        {
+            pVM->fRestart = 0;
+            pVM->runningWord->code(pVM);
+        }
+        /*
+        ** the mysterious inner interpreter...
+        ** vmThrow gets you out of this loop with a longjmp()
+        */
+        for (;;)
+        {
+            tempFW = *pVM->ip++;
+            /*
+            ** inline code for
+            ** vmExecute(pVM, tempFW);
+            */
+            pVM->runningWord = tempFW;
+            tempFW->code(pVM);
+        }
+        break;
+    case VM_RESTART:
+        pVM->fRestart = 1;
+        except = VM_OUTOFTEXT;
+        break;
+    case VM_OUTOFTEXT:
+        if ((pVM->state != COMPILE) && (pVM->sourceID == 0))
+            ficlTextOut(pVM, FICL_PROMPT, 0);
+        break;
+    case VM_USEREXIT:
+        break;
+    case VM_QUIT:
+        if (pVM->state == COMPILE)
+            dictAbortDefinition(dp);
+        vmQuit(pVM);
+        break;
+    case VM_ERREXIT:
+    default:    /* user defined exit code?? */
+        if (pVM->state == COMPILE)
+        {
+            dictAbortDefinition(dp);
+            dictResetSearchOrder(dp);
+            dictEmpty(localp, localp->pForthWords->size);
+        }
+        vmReset(pVM);
+        break;
+   }
+    pVM->pState    = oldState;
+    vmPopTib(pVM, &saveTib);
+    return (except);
+                        f i c l L o o k u p
+** Look in the system dictionary for a match to the given name. If
+** found, return the address of the corresponding FICL_WORD. Otherwise
+** return NULL.
+FICL_WORD *ficlLookup(char *name)
+    SI_PSZ(si, name);
+    return dictLookup(dp, si);
+                        f i c l G e t D i c t
+** Returns the address of the system dictionary
+FICL_DICT *ficlGetDict(void)
+    return dp;
+                        f i c l G e t E n v
+** Returns the address of the system environment space
+FICL_DICT *ficlGetEnv(void)
+    return envp;
+                        f i c l S e t E n v
+** Create an environment variable with a one-CELL payload. ficlSetEnvD
+** makes one with a two-CELL payload.
+void ficlSetEnv(char *name, UNS32 value)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    SI_PSZ(si, name);
+    pFW = dictLookup(envp, si);
+    if (pFW == NULL)
+    {
+        dictAppendWord(envp, name, constantParen, FW_DEFAULT);
+        dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(value));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pFW->param[0] = LVALUEtoCELL(value);
+    }
+    return;
+void ficlSetEnvD(char *name, UNS32 hi, UNS32 lo)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    SI_PSZ(si, name);
+    pFW = dictLookup(envp, si);
+    if (pFW == NULL)
+    {
+        dictAppendWord(envp, name, twoConstParen, FW_DEFAULT);
+        dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(lo));
+        dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(hi));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pFW->param[0] = LVALUEtoCELL(lo);
+        pFW->param[1] = LVALUEtoCELL(hi);
+    }
+    return;
+                        f i c l G e t L o c
+** Returns the address of the system locals dictionary. This dict is
+** only used during compilation, and is shared by all VMs.
+FICL_DICT *ficlGetLoc(void)
+    return localp;
+                        f i c l T e r m S y s t e m
+** Tear the system down by deleting the dictionaries and all VMs.
+** This saves you from having to keep track of all that stuff.
+void ficlTermSystem(void)
+    if (dp)
+        dictDelete(dp);
+    dp = NULL;
+    if (envp)
+        dictDelete(envp);
+    envp = NULL;
+    if (localp)
+        dictDelete(localp);
+    localp = NULL;
+    while (vmList != NULL)
+    {
+        FICL_VM *pVM = vmList;
+        vmList = vmList->link;
+        vmDelete(pVM);
+    }
+    return;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ficl.h
@@ -1,0 +1,756 @@
+** f i c l . h
+** Forth Inspired Command Language
+** Author: John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)
+** Created: 19 July 1997
+** Ficl is freeware. Use it in any way that you like, with
+** the understanding that the code is not supported.
+** Any third party may reproduce, distribute, or modify the ficl
+** software code or any derivative  works thereof without any 
+** compensation or license, provided that the author information
+** and this disclaimer text are retained in the source code files.
+** The ficl software code is provided on an "as is"  basis without
+** warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, the implied
+** warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
+** and their equivalents under the laws of any jurisdiction.  
+** I am interested in hearing from anyone who uses ficl. If you have
+** a problem, a success story, a defect, an enhancement request, or
+** if you would like to contribute to the ficl release (yay!), please
+** send me email at the address above. 
+#if !defined (__FICL_H__)
+#define __FICL_H__
+** Ficl (Forth-inspired command language) is an ANS Forth
+** interpreter written in C. Unlike traditional Forths, this
+** interpreter is designed to be embedded into other systems
+** as a command/macro/development prototype language. 
+** Where Forths usually view themselves as the center of the system
+** and expect the rest of the system to be coded in Forth, Ficl
+** acts as a component of the system. It is easy to export 
+** code written in C or ASM to Ficl in the style of TCL, or to invoke
+** Ficl code from a compiled module. This allows you to do incremental
+** development in a way that combines the best features of threaded 
+** languages (rapid development, quick code/test/debug cycle,
+** reasonably fast) with the best features of C (everyone knows it,
+** easier to support large blocks of code, efficient, type checking).
+** Ficl provides facilities for interoperating
+** with programs written in C: C functions can be exported to Ficl,
+** and Ficl commands can be executed via a C calling interface. The
+** interpreter is re-entrant, so it can be used in multiple instances
+** in a multitasking system. Unlike Forth, Ficl's outer interpreter
+** expects a text block as input, and returns to the caller after each
+** text block, so the "data pump" is somewhere in external code. This
+** is more like TCL than Forth, which usually expcets to be at the center
+** of the system, requesting input at its convenience. Each Ficl virtual 
+** machine can be bound to a different I/O channel, and is independent
+** of all others in in the same address space except that all virtual
+** machines share a common dictionary (a sort or open symbol table that
+** defines all of the elements of the language).
+** Code is written in ANSI C for portability. 
+** Summary of Ficl features and constraints:
+** - Standard: Implements the ANSI Forth CORE word set and part 
+**   of the CORE EXT word-set, SEARCH and SEARCH EXT, TOOLS and
+**   TOOLS EXT, LOCAL and LOCAL ext and various extras.
+** - Extensible: you can export code written in Forth, C, 
+**   or asm in a straightforward way. Ficl provides open
+**   facilities for extending the language in an application
+**   specific way. You can even add new control structures!
+** - Ficl and C can interact in two ways: Ficl can encapsulate
+**   C code, or C code can invoke Ficl code.
+** - Thread-safe, re-entrant: The shared system dictionary 
+**   uses a locking mechanism that you can either supply
+**   or stub out to provide exclusive access. Each Ficl
+**   virtual machine has an otherwise complete state, and
+**   each can be bound to a separate I/O channel (or none at all).
+** - Simple encapsulation into existing systems: a basic implementation
+**   requires three function calls (see the example program in testmain.c).
+** - ROMable: Ficl is designed to work in RAM-based and ROM code / RAM data
+**   environments. It does require somewhat more memory than a pure
+**   ROM implementation because it builds its system dictionary in 
+**   RAM at startup time.
+** - Written an ANSI C to be as simple as I can make it to understand,
+**   support, debug, and port. Compiles without complaint at /Az /W4 
+**   (require ANSI C, max warnings) under Microsoft VC++ 5.
+** - Does full 32 bit math (but you need to implement
+**   two mixed precision math primitives (see sysdep.c))
+** - Indirect threaded interpreter is not the fastest kind of
+**   Forth there is (see pForth 68K for a really fast subroutine
+**   threaded interpreter), but it's the cleanest match to a
+**   pure C implementation.
+** P O R T I N G   F i c l
+** To install Ficl on your target system, you need an ANSI C compiler
+** and its runtime library. Inspect the system dependent macros and
+** functions in sysdep.h and sysdep.c and edit them to suit your
+** system. For example, INT16 is a short on some compilers and an
+** int on others. Check the default CELL alignment controlled by
+** FICL_ALIGN. If necessary, add new definitions of ficlMalloc, ficlFree,
+** ficlLockDictionary, and ficlTextOut to work with your operating system.
+** Finally, use testmain.c as a guide to installing the Ficl system and 
+** one or more virtual machines into your code. You do not need to include
+** testmain.c in your build.
+** T o   D o   L i s t
+** 1. Unimplemented system dependent CORE word: key
+** 2. Kludged CORE word: ACCEPT 
+** 3. Dictionary locking is full of holes - only one vm at a time
+**    can alter the dict. 
+** 4. Ficl uses the pad in CORE words - this violates the standard,
+**    but it's cleaner for a multithreaded system. I'll have to make a
+**    second pad for reference by the word PAD to fix this.
+** F o r   M o r e   I n f o r m a t i o n
+** Web home of ficl
+**   http://www.taygeta.com/forth/compilers
+** Check this website for Forth literature (including the ANSI standard)
+**   http://www.taygeta.com/forthlit.html
+** and here for software and more links
+**   http://www.taygeta.com/forth.html
+** Obvious Performance enhancement opportunities
+** Compile speed
+** - work on interpret speed
+** - turn off locals (FICL_WANT_LOCALS)
+** Interpret speed 
+** - Change inner interpreter (and everything else)
+**   so that a definition is a list of pointers to functions
+**   and inline data rather than pointers to words. This gets
+**   rid of vm->runningWord and a level of indirection in the
+**   inner loop. I'll look at it for ficl 3.0
+** - Make the main hash table a bigger prime (HASHSIZE)
+** - FORGET about twiddling the hash function - my experience is
+**   that that is a waste of time.
+** - eliminate the need to pass the pVM parameter on the stack
+**   by dedicating a register to it. Most words need access to the
+**   vm, but the parameter passing overhead can be reduced. One way
+**   requires that the host OS have a task switch callout. Create
+**   a global variable for the running VM and refer to it in words
+**   that need VM access. Alternative: use thread local storage. 
+**   For single threaded implementations, you can just use a global.
+**   The first two solutions create portability problems, so I
+**   haven't considered doing them. Another possibility is to
+**   declare the pVm parameter to be "register", and hope the compiler
+**   pays attention.
+** Revision History:
+** 27 Aug 1998 (sadler) testing and corrections for LOCALS, LOCALS EXT,
+**  Added .X to display in hex, PARSE and PARSE-WORD to supplement WORD,
+**  EMPTY to clear stack.
+** 29 jun 1998 (sadler) added variable sized hash table support
+**  and ANS Forth optional SEARCH & SEARCH EXT word set.
+** 26 May 1998 (sadler) 
+**  FICL_PROMPT macro
+** 14 April 1998 (sadler) V1.04
+**  Ficlwin: Windows version, Skip Carter's Linux port
+** 5 March 1998 (sadler) V1.03
+**  Bug fixes -- passes John Ryan's ANS test suite "core.fr"
+** 24 February 1998 (sadler) V1.02
+** -Fixed bugs in <# # #>
+** -Changed FICL_WORD so that storage for the name characters
+**  can be allocated from the dictionary as needed rather than 
+**  reserving 32 bytes in each word whether needed or not - 
+**  this saved 50% of the dictionary storage requirement.
+** -Added words in testmain for Win32 functions system,chdir,cwd,
+**  also added a word that loads and evaluates a file.
+** December 1997 (sadler)
+** -Added VM_RESTART exception handling in ficlExec -- this lets words
+**  that require additional text to succeed (like :, create, variable...)
+**  recover gracefully from an empty input buffer rather than emitting
+**  an error message. Definitions can span multiple input blocks with
+**  no restrictions.
+** -Changed #include order so that <assert.h> is included in sysdep.h,
+**  and sysdep is included in all other files. This lets you define
+**  NDEBUG in sysdep.h to disable assertions if you want to.
+** -Make PC specific system dependent code conditional on _M_IX86
+**  defined so that ports can coexist in sysdep.h/sysdep.c
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "sysdep.h"
+#include <limits.h> /* UCHAR_MAX */
+** Forward declarations... read on.
+struct ficl_word;
+struct vm;
+struct ficl_dict;
+** the Good Stuff starts here...
+#define FICL_VER    "2.00"
+#define FICL_PROMPT "ok> "
+** ANS Forth requires false to be zero, and true to be the ones
+** complement of false... that unifies logical and bitwise operations
+** nicely.
+#define FICL_TRUE  (0xffffffffL)
+#define FICL_FALSE (0)
+#define FICL_BOOL(x) ((x) ? FICL_TRUE : FICL_FALSE)
+** A CELL is the main storage type. It must be large enough
+** to contain a pointer or a scalar. Let's be picky and make
+** a 32 bit cell explicitly...
+typedef union _cell
+	INT32 i;
+    UNS32 u;
+	void *p;
+} CELL;
+** LVALUEtoCELL does a little pointer trickery to cast any 32 bit
+** lvalue (informal definition: an expression whose result has an
+** address) to CELL. Remember that constants and casts are NOT
+** themselves lvalues!
+#define LVALUEtoCELL(v) (*(CELL *)&v)
+** PTRtoCELL is a cast through void * intended to satisfy the
+** most outrageously pedantic compiler... (I won't mention 
+** its name)
+#define PTRtoCELL (CELL *)(void *)
+#define PTRtoSTRING (FICL_STRING *)(void *)
+** Strings in FICL are stored in Pascal style - with a count
+** preceding the text. We'll also NULL-terminate them so that 
+** they work with the usual C lib string functions. (Belt &
+** suspenders? You decide.)
+** STRINGINFO hides the implementation with a couple of
+** macros for use in internal routines.
+typedef unsigned char FICL_COUNT;
+typedef struct _ficl_string
+    FICL_COUNT count;
+    char text[1];
+typedef struct 
+    UNS32 count;
+    char *cp;
+#define SI_COUNT(si) (si.count)
+#define SI_PTR(si)   (si.cp)
+#define SI_SETLEN(si, len) (si.count = (UNS32)(len))
+#define SI_SETPTR(si, ptr) (si.cp = (char *)(ptr))
+** Init a STRINGINFO from a pointer to NULL-terminated string
+#define SI_PSZ(si, psz) \
+            {si.cp = psz; si.count = (FICL_COUNT)strlen(psz);}
+** Init a STRINGINFO from a pointer to FICL_STRING
+#define SI_PFS(si, pfs) \
+            {si.cp = pfs->text; si.count = pfs->count;}
+** Ficl uses a this little structure to hold the address of 
+** the block of text it's working on and an index to the next
+** unconsumed character in the string. Traditionally, this is
+** done by a Text Input Buffer, so I've called this struct TIB.
+typedef struct
+    INT32 index;
+    char *cp;
+} TIB;
+** Stacks get heavy use in Ficl and Forth...
+** Each virtual machine implements two of them:
+** one holds parameters (data), and the other holds return
+** addresses and control flow information for the virtual
+** machine. (Note: C's automatic stack is implicitly used,
+** but not modeled because it doesn't need to be...)
+** Here's an abstract type for a stack
+typedef struct _ficlStack
+    UNS32 nCells;       /* size of the stack */
+    CELL *pFrame;       /* link reg for stack frame */
+    CELL *sp;           /* stack pointer */
+    CELL base[1];       /* Bottom of the stack */
+** Stack methods... many map closely to required Forth words.
+FICL_STACK *stackCreate(unsigned nCells);
+void        stackDelete(FICL_STACK *pStack);
+int         stackDepth (FICL_STACK *pStack);
+void        stackDrop  (FICL_STACK *pStack, int n);
+CELL        stackFetch (FICL_STACK *pStack, int n);
+CELL        stackGetTop(FICL_STACK *pStack);
+void        stackLink  (FICL_STACK *pStack, int nCells);
+void        stackPick  (FICL_STACK *pStack, int n);
+CELL        stackPop   (FICL_STACK *pStack);
+void       *stackPopPtr   (FICL_STACK *pStack);
+UNS32       stackPopUNS32 (FICL_STACK *pStack);
+INT32       stackPopINT32 (FICL_STACK *pStack);
+void        stackPush  (FICL_STACK *pStack, CELL c);
+void        stackPushPtr  (FICL_STACK *pStack, void *ptr);
+void        stackPushUNS32(FICL_STACK *pStack, UNS32 u);
+void        stackPushINT32(FICL_STACK *pStack, INT32 i);
+void        stackReset (FICL_STACK *pStack);
+void        stackRoll  (FICL_STACK *pStack, int n);
+void        stackSetTop(FICL_STACK *pStack, CELL c);
+void        stackStore (FICL_STACK *pStack, int n, CELL c);
+void        stackUnlink(FICL_STACK *pStack);
+** The virtual machine (VM) contains the state for one interpreter.
+** Defined operations include:
+** Create & initialize
+** Delete
+** Execute a block of text
+** Parse a word out of the input stream
+** Call return, and branch 
+** Text output
+** Throw an exception
+typedef struct ficl_word ** IPTYPE; /* the VM's instruction pointer */
+** Each VM has a placeholder for an output function -
+** this makes it possible to have each VM do I/O
+** through a different device. If you specify no
+** OUTFUNC, it defaults to ficlTextOut.
+typedef void (*OUTFUNC)(struct vm *pVM, char *text, int fNewline);
+** Each VM operates in one of two non-error states: interpreting
+** or compiling. When interpreting, words are simply executed.
+** When compiling, most words in the input stream have their
+** addresses inserted into the word under construction. Some words
+** (known as IMMEDIATE) are executed in the compile state, too.
+/* values of STATE */
+#define INTERPRET 0
+#define COMPILE   1
+** The pad is a small scratch area for text manipulation. ANS Forth
+** requires it to hold at least 84 characters.
+#if !defined nPAD
+#define nPAD 256
+** ANS Forth requires that a word's name contain {1..31} characters.
+#if !defined nFICLNAME
+#define nFICLNAME		31
+** OK - now we can really define the VM...
+typedef struct vm
+    struct vm      *link;       /* Ficl keeps a VM list for simple teardown */
+    jmp_buf        *pState;     /* crude exception mechanism...     */
+    OUTFUNC         textOut;    /* Output callback - see sysdep.c   */
+    void *          pExtend;    /* vm extension pointer             */
+    short           fRestart;   /* Set TRUE to restart runningWord  */
+    IPTYPE          ip;         /* instruction pointer              */
+    struct ficl_word 
+                   *runningWord;/* address of currently running word (often just *(ip-1) ) */
+    UNS32           state;      /* compiling or interpreting        */
+    UNS32           base;       /* number conversion base           */
+    FICL_STACK     *pStack;     /* param stack                      */
+    FICL_STACK     *rStack;     /* return stack                     */
+    INT32           sourceID;   /* -1 if string, 0 if normal input  */
+    TIB             tib;        /* address of incoming text string  */
+    CELL            user[FICL_USER_CELLS];
+    char            pad[nPAD];  /* the scratch area (see above)     */
+** A FICL_CODE points to a function that gets called to help execute
+** a word in the dictionary. It always gets passed a pointer to the
+** running virtual machine, and from there it can get the address
+** of the parameter area of the word it's supposed to operate on.
+** For precompiled words, the code is all there is. For user defined
+** words, the code assumes that the word's parameter area is a list
+** of pointers to the code fields of other words to execute, and
+** may also contain inline data. The first parameter is always
+** a pointer to a code field.
+typedef void (*FICL_CODE)(FICL_VM *pVm);
+** Ficl models memory as a contiguous space divided into
+** words in a linked list called the dictionary.
+** A FICL_WORD starts each entry in the list.
+** Version 1.02: space for the name characters is allotted from
+** the dictionary ahead of the word struct - this saves about half 
+** the storage on average with very little runtime cost.
+typedef struct ficl_word
+    struct ficl_word *link;     /* Previous word in the dictionary      */
+    UNS16 hash;
+    UNS8 flags;                 /* Immediate, Smudge, Compile-only      */
+    FICL_COUNT nName;           /* Number of chars in word name         */
+    char *name;                 /* First nFICLNAME chars of word name   */
+    FICL_CODE code;             /* Native code to execute the word      */
+    CELL param[1];              /* First data cell of the word          */
+** Worst-case size of a word header: nFICLNAME chars in name
+#define CELLS_PER_WORD  \
+    ( (sizeof (FICL_WORD) + nFICLNAME + sizeof (CELL)) \
+                          / (sizeof (CELL)) )
+int wordIsImmediate(FICL_WORD *pFW);
+int wordIsCompileOnly(FICL_WORD *pFW);
+/* flag values for word header */
+#define FW_IMMEDIATE    1   /* execute me even if compiling */
+#define FW_COMPILE      2   /* error if executed when not compiling */
+#define FW_SMUDGE       4   /* definition in progress - hide me */
+#define FW_CLASS        8   /* Word defines a class */
+#define FW_DEFAULT      0
+** Exit codes for vmThrow
+#define VM_OUTOFTEXT    1   /* hungry - normal exit */
+#define VM_RESTART      2   /* word needs more text to suxcceed - re-run it */
+#define VM_USEREXIT     3   /* user wants to quit */
+#define VM_ERREXIT      4   /* interp found an error */
+#define VM_QUIT         5   /* like errexit, but leave pStack & base alone */
+void        vmBranchRelative(FICL_VM *pVM, int offset);
+FICL_VM *   vmCreate (FICL_VM *pVM, unsigned nPStack, unsigned nRStack);
+void        vmDelete (FICL_VM *pVM);
+void        vmExecute(FICL_VM *pVM, FICL_WORD *pWord);
+char *      vmGetString(FICL_VM *pVM, FICL_STRING *spDest, char delimiter);
+int         vmGetWordToPad(FICL_VM *pVM);
+STRINGINFO  vmParseString(FICL_VM *pVM, char delimiter);
+void        vmPopIP  (FICL_VM *pVM);
+void        vmPushIP (FICL_VM *pVM, IPTYPE newIP);
+void        vmQuit   (FICL_VM *pVM);
+void        vmReset  (FICL_VM *pVM);
+void        vmSetTextOut(FICL_VM *pVM, OUTFUNC textOut);
+void        vmTextOut(FICL_VM *pVM, char *text, int fNewline);
+void        vmThrow  (FICL_VM *pVM, int except);
+void        vmThrowErr(FICL_VM *pVM, char *fmt, ...);
+** vmCheckStack needs a vm pointer because it might have to say
+** something if it finds a problem. Parms popCells and pushCells
+** correspond to the number of parameters on the left and right of 
+** a word's stack effect comment.
+void        vmCheckStack(FICL_VM *pVM, int popCells, int pushCells);
+** TIB access routines...
+** ANS forth seems to require the input buffer to be represented 
+** as a pointer to the start of the buffer, and an index to the
+** next character to read.
+** PushTib points the VM to a new input string and optionally
+**  returns a copy of the current state
+** PopTib restores the TIB state given a saved TIB from PushTib
+** GetInBuf returns a pointer to the next unused char of the TIB
+void        vmPushTib(FICL_VM *pVM, char *text, TIB *pSaveTib);
+void        vmPopTib(FICL_VM *pVM, TIB *pTib);
+#define     vmGetInBuf(pVM) ((pVM)->tib.cp + (pVM)->tib.index)
+#define     vmSetTibIndex(pVM, i) (pVM)->tib.index = i
+#define     vmUpdateTib(pVM, str) (pVM)->tib.index = (str) - (pVM)->tib.cp
+** Generally useful string manipulators omitted by ANSI C...
+** ltoa complements strtol
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !FICL_MAIN
+** Why do Microsoft Meatballs insist on contaminating
+** my namespace with their string functions???
+#pragma warning(disable: 4273)
+char       *ltoa( INT32 value, char *string, int radix );
+char       *ultoa(UNS32 value, char *string, int radix );
+char        digit_to_char(int value);
+char       *strrev( char *string );
+char       *skipSpace(char *cp);
+char       *caseFold(char *cp);
+int         strincmp(char *cp1, char *cp2, FICL_COUNT count);
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !FICL_MAIN
+#pragma warning(default: 4273)
+** Ficl hash table - variable size.
+** assert(size > 0)
+** If size is 1, the table degenerates into a linked list.
+** A WORDLIST (see the search order word set in DPANS) is
+** just a pointer to a FICL_HASH in this implementation.
+#if !defined HASHSIZE /* Default size of hash table. For best */
+#define HASHSIZE 127  /*   performance, use a prime number!   */
+typedef struct ficl_hash 
+    struct ficl_hash *link;  /* eventual inheritance support */
+    unsigned   size;
+    FICL_WORD *table[1];
+UNS16       hashHashCode(STRINGINFO si);
+void        hashReset(FICL_HASH *pHash);
+void        hashInsertWord(FICL_HASH *pHash, FICL_WORD *pFW);
+FICL_WORD  *hashLookup(struct ficl_hash *pHash, 
+                       STRINGINFO si, 
+                       UNS16 hashCode);
+** A Dictionary is a linked list of FICL_WORDs. It is also Ficl's
+** memory model. Description of fields:
+** here -- points to the next free byte in the dictionary. This
+**      pointer is forced to be CELL-aligned before a definition is added.
+**      Do not assume any specific alignment otherwise - Use dictAlign().
+** smudge -- pointer to word currently being defined (or last defined word)
+**      If the definition completes successfully, the word will be
+**      linked into the hash table. If unsuccessful, dictUnsmudge
+**      uses this pointer to restore the previous state of the dictionary.
+**      Smudge prevents unintentional recursion as a side-effect: the
+**      dictionary search algo examines only completed definitions, so a 
+**      word cannot invoke itself by name. See the ficl word "recurse".
+**      NOTE: smudge always points to the last word defined. IMMEDIATE
+**      makes use of this fact. Smudge is initially NULL.
+** pForthWords -- pointer to the default wordlist (FICL_HASH).
+**      This is the initial compilation list, and contains all
+**      ficl's precompiled words.
+** pCompile -- compilation wordlist - initially equal to pForthWords
+** pSearch  -- array of pointers to wordlists. Managed as a stack.
+**      Highest index is the first list in the search order.
+** nLists   -- number of lists in pSearch. nLists-1 is the highest 
+**      filled slot in pSearch, and points to the first wordlist
+**      in the search order
+** size -- number of cells in the dictionary (total)
+** dict -- start of data area. Must be at the end of the struct.
+typedef struct ficl_dict
+    CELL *here;
+    FICL_WORD *smudge;
+    FICL_HASH *pForthWords;
+    FICL_HASH *pCompile;
+    int        nLists;
+    unsigned   size;    /* Number of cells in dict (total)*/
+    CELL       dict[1]; /* Base of dictionary memory      */
+void       *alignPtr(void *ptr);
+void        dictAbortDefinition(FICL_DICT *pDict);
+void        dictAlign(FICL_DICT *pDict);
+int         dictAllot(FICL_DICT *pDict, int n);
+int         dictAllotCells(FICL_DICT *pDict, int nCells);
+void        dictAppendCell(FICL_DICT *pDict, CELL c);
+void        dictAppendChar(FICL_DICT *pDict, char c);
+FICL_WORD  *dictAppendWord(FICL_DICT *pDict, 
+                           char *name, 
+                           FICL_CODE pCode, 
+                           UNS8 flags);
+FICL_WORD  *dictAppendWord2(FICL_DICT *pDict, 
+                           STRINGINFO si, 
+                           FICL_CODE pCode, 
+                           UNS8 flags);
+void        dictAppendUNS32(FICL_DICT *pDict, UNS32 u);
+int         dictCellsAvail(FICL_DICT *pDict);
+int         dictCellsUsed (FICL_DICT *pDict);
+void        dictCheck(FICL_DICT *pDict, FICL_VM *pVM, int nCells);
+FICL_DICT  *dictCreate(unsigned nCELLS);
+FICL_DICT  *dictCreateHashed(unsigned nCells, unsigned nHash);
+void        dictDelete(FICL_DICT *pDict);
+void        dictEmpty(FICL_DICT *pDict, unsigned nHash);
+void        dictHashSummary(FICL_VM *pVM);
+int         dictIncludes(FICL_DICT *pDict, void *p);
+FICL_WORD  *dictLookup(FICL_DICT *pDict, STRINGINFO si);
+FICL_WORD  *dictLookupLoc(FICL_DICT *pDict, STRINGINFO si);
+void        dictResetSearchOrder(FICL_DICT *pDict);
+void        dictSetFlags(FICL_DICT *pDict, UNS8 set, UNS8 clr);
+void        dictSetImmediate(FICL_DICT *pDict);
+void        dictUnsmudge(FICL_DICT *pDict);
+CELL       *dictWhere(FICL_DICT *pDict);
+** External interface to FICL...
+** f i c l I n i t S y s t e m
+** Binds a global dictionary to the interpreter system and initializes
+** the dict to contain the ANSI CORE wordset. 
+** You specify the address and size of the allocated area.
+** After that, ficl manages it.
+** First step is to set up the static pointers to the area.
+** Then write the "precompiled" portion of the dictionary in.
+** The dictionary needs to be at least large enough to hold the
+** precompiled part. Try 1K cells minimum. Use "words" to find
+** out how much of the dictionary is used at any time.
+void       ficlInitSystem(int nDictCells);
+** f i c l T e r m S y s t e m
+** Deletes the system dictionary and all virtual machines that
+** were created with ficlNewVM (see below). Call this function to
+** reclaim all memory used by the dictionary and VMs.
+void       ficlTermSystem(void);
+** f i c l E x e c
+** Evaluates a block of input text in the context of the
+** specified interpreter. Emits any requested output to the
+** interpreter's output function
+** Execution returns when the text block has been executed,
+** or an error occurs.
+** Returns one of the VM_XXXX codes defined in ficl.h:
+** VM_OUTOFTEXT is the normal exit condition
+** VM_ERREXIT means that the interp encountered a syntax error
+**      and the vm has been reset to recover (some or all
+**      of the text block got ignored
+** VM_USEREXIT means that the user executed the "bye" command
+**      to shut down the interpreter. This would be a good
+**      time to delete the vm, etc -- or you can ignore this
+**      signal.
+** Preconditions: successful execution of ficlInitSystem,
+**      Successful creation and init of the VM by ficlNewVM (or equiv)
+int        ficlExec(FICL_VM *pVM, char *pText);
+** Create a new VM from the heap, and link it into the system VM list.
+** Initializes the VM and binds default sized stacks to it. Returns the
+** address of the VM, or NULL if an error occurs.
+** Precondition: successful execution of ficlInitSystem
+FICL_VM   *ficlNewVM(void);
+** Returns the address of the most recently defined word in the system
+** dictionary with the given name, or NULL if no match.
+** Precondition: successful execution of ficlInitSystem
+FICL_WORD *ficlLookup(char *name);
+** f i c l G e t D i c t
+** Utility function - returns the address of the system dictionary.
+** Precondition: successful execution of ficlInitSystem
+FICL_DICT *ficlGetDict(void);
+FICL_DICT *ficlGetEnv(void);
+void       ficlSetEnv(char *name, UNS32 value);
+void       ficlSetEnvD(char *name, UNS32 hi, UNS32 lo);
+FICL_DICT *ficlGetLoc(void);
+** f i c l B u i l d
+** Builds a word into the system default dictionary in a thread-safe way.
+** Preconditions: system must be initialized, and there must
+** be enough space for the new word's header! Operation is
+** controlled by ficlLockDictionary, so any initialization
+** required by your version of the function (if you "overrode"
+** it) must be complete at this point.
+** Parameters:
+** name  -- the name of the word to be built
+** code  -- code to execute when the word is invoked - must take a single param
+**          pointer to a FICL_VM
+** flags -- 0 or more of FW_IMMEDIATE, FW_COMPILE, use bitwise OR! 
+**          Most words can use FW_DEFAULT.
+** nAllot - number of extra cells to allocate in the parameter area (usually zero)
+int        ficlBuild(char *name, FICL_CODE code, char flags);
+** f i c l C o m p i l e C o r e
+** Builds the ANS CORE wordset into the dictionary - called by
+** ficlInitSystem - no need to waste dict space by doing it again.
+void       ficlCompileCore(FICL_DICT *dp);
+void       ficlCompileSoftCore(FICL_VM *pVM);
+** from words.c...
+void       constantParen(FICL_VM *pVM);
+void       twoConstParen(FICL_VM *pVM);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __FICL_H__ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/softwords/ficlclass.fr
@@ -1,0 +1,74 @@
+\ ** ficl/softwords/ficlclass.fr
+\ Classes to model ficl data structures in objects
+\ This is a demo!
+\ John Sadler 14 Sep 1998
+\ ** C - W O R D
+\ Models a ficl word...
+object subclass c-word
+    c-word     ref: .link
+    c-2byte    obj: .hashcode
+    c-byte     obj: .flags
+    c-byte     obj: .nName
+    c-4byte    obj: .pName
+    c-4byte    obj: .pCode
+    c-4byte    obj: .param0
+    \ Push word's name...
+    : get-name   ( inst class -- c-addr u )
+        2dup
+        --> .pName --> get  -rot
+        --> .nName --> get
+    ;
+    : next   ( inst class -- link-inst class )
+        --> .link ;
+    : info
+        ." ficl word: " 
+        2dup --> get-name type cr
+        ." hash = "
+        2dup --> .hashcode --> get x. cr
+        ." flags = "
+        --> .flags --> get x. cr
+    ;
+\ ** C - W O R D L I S T
+\ Example of use:
+\ get-current c-wordlist --> ref current
+\ current --> info
+\ current --> .hash --> info
+\ current --> .hash --> next --> info
+object subclass c-wordlist
+	c-wordlist ref: .parent
+	c-4byte    obj: .size
+	c-word     ref: .hash
+    : info
+        2drop ." ficl wordlist " cr ;
+	: push  drop  >search ;
+	: pop   2drop previous ;
+	: set-current   drop set-current ;
+	: words   --> push  words previous ;
+: named-wid  wordlist postpone c-wordlist  metaclass => ref ;
+\ ** C - F I C L S T A C K
+object subclass c-ficlstack
+    c-4byte    obj: .nCells
+    c-cellPtr  obj: .link
+    c-cellPtr  obj: .sp
+    c-4byte    obj: .stackBase
+    : init   2drop ;
+    : info   2drop
+        ." ficl stack " cr ;
+    : top
+        --> .sp --> .addr --> prev --> get ;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/softwords/oo.fr
@@ -1,0 +1,454 @@
+\ ** ficl/softwords/oo.fr
+\ ** F I C L   O - O   E X T E N S I O N S
+\ ** john sadler aug 1998
+.( loading ficl O-O extensions ) cr
+vocabulary oop
+also oop definitions
+\ Design goals:
+\ 0. Traditional OOP: late binding by default for safety. 
+\    Early binding if you ask for it.
+\ 1. Single inheritance
+\ 2. Object aggregation (has-a relationship)
+\ 3. Support objects in the dictionary and as proxies for 
+\    existing structures (by reference):
+\    *** A ficl object can wrap a C struct ***
+\ 4. Separate name-spaces for methods - methods are
+\    only visible in the context of a class / object
+\ 5. Methods can be overridden, and subclasses can add methods.
+\    No limit on number of methods.
+\ General info:
+\ Classes are objects, too: all classes are instances of METACLASS
+\ All classes are derived (by convention) from OBJECT. This
+\ base class provides a default initializer and superclass 
+\ access method
+\ A ficl object binds instance storage (payload) to a class.
+\ object  ( -- instance class )
+\ All objects push their payload address and class address when
+\ executed. All objects have this footprint:
+\ cell 0: first payload cell
+\ A ficl class consists of a parent class pointer, a wordlist
+\ ID for the methods of the class, and a size for the payload
+\ of objects created by the class. A class is an object.
+\ The NEW method creates and initializes an instance of a class.
+\ Classes have this footprint:
+\ cell 0: parent class address
+\ cell 1: wordlist ID
+\ cell 2: size of instance's payload
+\ Methods expect an object couple ( instance class ) 
+\ on the stack.
+\ Overridden methods must maintain the same stack signature as
+\ their predecessors. Ficl has no way of enforcing this, though.
+user current-class
+0 current-class !
+\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+\ ** L A T E   B I N D I N G
+\ Compile the method name, and code to find and
+\ execute it at run-time...
+\ parse-method compiles the method name so that it pushes
+\ the string base address and count at run-time.
+: parse-method  \ name  run: ( -- c-addr u )
+    parse-word
+	postpone sliteral
+; compile-only
+: lookup-method  ( class c-addr u -- class xt )
+	2dup
+	local u 
+	local c-addr 
+	end-locals
+	2 pick cell+ @		( -- class c-addr u wid )
+	search-wordlist 	( -- class 0 | xt 1 | xt -1 )
+	0= if
+		." Method <" c-addr u type ." > not found" cr abort 
+	endif
+: exec-method  ( instance class c-addr u -- <method-signature> )
+    lookup-method execute
+: find-method-xt   \ name ( class -- class xt )
+	parse-word lookup-method
+\ Method lookup operator takes a class-addr and instance-addr
+\ and executes the method from the class's wordlist if
+\ interpreting. If compiling, bind late.
+: -->   ( instance class -- ??? )
+    state @ 0= if
+		find-method-xt execute 
+    else  
+		parse-method  postpone exec-method
+    endif
+; immediate
+\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+\ ** E A R L Y   B I N D I N G
+\ Early binding operator compiles code to execute a method
+\ given its class at compile time. Classes are immediate,
+\ so they leave their cell-pair on the stack when compiling.
+\ Example: 
+\   : get-wid   metaclass => .wid @ ;
+\ Usage
+\   my-class get-wid  ( -- wid-of-my-class )
+: =>   \ c:( class meta -- ) run: ( -- ??? ) invokes compiled method
+	drop find-method-xt , drop
+; immediate compile-only
+\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+\ ** I N S T A N C E   V A R I A B L E S
+\ Instance variables (IV) are represented by words in the class's
+\ private wordlist. Each IV word contains the offset
+\ of the IV it represents, and runs code to add that offset
+\ to the base address of an instance when executed.
+\ The metaclass SUB method, defined below, leaves the address
+\ of the new class's offset field and its initial size on the
+\ stack for these words to update. When a class definition is
+\ complete, END-CLASS saves the final size in the class's size
+\ field, and restores the search order and compile wordlist to
+\ prior state. Note that these words are hidden in their own
+\ wordlist to prevent accidental use outside a SUB END-CLASS pair.
+dup constant instance-vars
+dup >search ficl-set-current
+: do-instance-var
+    does>   ( instance class addr[offset] -- addr[field] )
+		nip @ +
+: addr-units:  ( offset size "name" -- offset' )
+    create over , + 
+    do-instance-var
+: chars:	\ ( offset nCells "name" -- offset' ) Create n char member.
+   chars addr-units: ;
+: char:		\ ( offset nCells "name" -- offset' ) Create 1 char member.
+   1 chars: ;
+: cells:  ( offset nCells "name" -- offset' )
+	cells >r aligned r> addr-units:
+: cell:   ( offset nCells "name" -- offset' )
+    1 cells: ;
+\ Aggregate an object into the class...
+\ Needs the class of the instance to create
+\ Example: object obj: m_obj
+: do-aggregate
+	does>   ( instance class pfa -- a-instance a-class )
+	2@          ( inst class a-class a-offset )
+	2swap drop  ( a-class a-offset inst )
+	+ swap		( a-inst a-class )
+: obj:   ( offset class meta "name" -- offset' )
+    locals| meta class offset |
+    create  offset , class , 
+	class meta --> get-size  offset +
+	do-aggregate
+\ Aggregate an array of objects into a class
+\ Usage example:
+\ 3 my-class array: my-array
+\ Makes an instance variable array of 3 instances of my-class
+\ named my-array.
+: array:   ( offset n class meta "name" -- offset' )
+	locals| meta class nobjs offset |
+	create offset , class ,
+	class meta --> get-size  nobjs * offset + 
+	do-aggregate
+\ Aggregate a pointer to an object: REF is a member variable
+\ whose class is set at compile time. This is useful for wrapping
+\ data structures in C, where there is only a pointer and the type
+\ it refers to is known. If you want polymorphism, see c_ref
+\ in classes.fr. REF is only useful for pre-initialized structures,
+\ since there's no supported way to set one.
+: ref:   ( offset class meta "name" -- offset' )
+	locals| meta class offset |
+	create offset , class ,
+	offset cell+
+	does>    ( inst class pfa -- ptr-inst ptr-class )
+	2@       ( inst class ptr-class ptr-offset )
+	2swap drop + @ swap
+\ END-CLASS terminates construction of a class by storing
+\  the size of its instance variables in the class's size field
+\ ( -- old-wid addr[size] 0 )
+: end-class  ( old-wid addr[size] size -- )
+    swap ! set-current 
+	search> drop		\ pop struct builder wordlist
+set-current previous
+\ E N D   I N S T A N C E   V A R I A B L E S
+\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+\ D O - D O - I N S T A N C E
+\ Makes a class method that contains the code for an 
+\ instance of the class. This word gets compiled into
+\ the wordlist of every class by the SUB method.
+\ PRECONDITION: current-class contains the class address
+: do-do-instance  \ c:( -- )  r: ( -- )
+    s" : .do-instance does> [ current-class @ ] literal ;" evaluate 
+\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+\ ** M E T A C L A S S 
+\ Every class is an instance of metaclass. This lets
+\ classes have methods that are different from those
+\ of their instances.
+\ Classes are IMMEDIATE to make early binding simpler
+\ See above...
+: meta-class
+	wordlist
+	create  immediate
+	0       ,	\ NULL parent class
+	dup     ,	\ wid
+	3 cells ,	\ instance size 
+	ficl-set-current
+	does> dup
+meta-class metaclass
+metaclass drop current-class !
+\ C L A S S   M E T H O D S
+instance-vars >search
+create .super  ( class metaclass -- parent-class )
+    0 cells , do-instance-var 
+create .wid    ( class metaclass -- wid ) \ return wid of class
+    1 cells , do-instance-var 
+create  .size  ( class metaclass -- size ) \ return class's payload size 
+    2 cells , do-instance-var 
+: get-size    metaclass => .size  @ ;
+: get-wid     metaclass => .wid   @ ;
+: get-super   metaclass => .super @ ;
+\ create an uninitialized instance of a class, leaving
+\ the address of the new instance and its class
+: instance   ( class metaclass "name" -- instance class )
+    locals| meta parent |
+	create
+    here parent --> .do-instance \ ( inst class )
+    parent meta --> get-size 
+    allot                        \ allocate payload space
+\ create an uninitialized array
+: array   ( n class metaclass "name" -- n instance class ) 
+    locals| meta parent nobj |
+	create  nobj
+    here parent --> .do-instance \ ( nobj inst class )
+    parent meta --> get-size
+	nobj *  allot			\ allocate payload space
+\ create an initialized instance
+: new   \ ( class metaclass "name" -- ) 
+    metaclass => instance --> init
+\ create an initialized array of instances
+: new-array   ( n class metaclass "name" -- ) 
+	--> array 
+	--> array-init
+\ create a proxy object with initialized payload address given
+: ref   ( instance-addr class metaclass "name" -- )
+    drop create , ,
+    does> 2@ 
+\ create a subclass
+: sub   ( class metaclass "name" -- old-wid addr[size] size )
+    wordlist
+	locals| wid meta parent |
+	parent meta metaclass => get-wid
+	wid wid-set-super
+	create  immediate  
+	here current-class !	\ prep for do-do-instance
+	parent ,	\ save parent class
+	wid    ,	\ save wid
+	here parent meta --> get-size dup ,  ( addr[size] size )
+	metaclass => .do-instance
+	wid ficl-set-current rot rot
+	do-do-instance
+	instance-vars >search	\ push struct builder wordlist
+\ OFFSET-OF returns the offset of an instance variable
+\ from the instance base address. If the next token is not
+\ the name of in instance variable method, you get garbage
+\ results -- there is no way at present to check for this error.
+: offset-of   ( class metaclass "name" -- offset )
+    drop find-method-xt nip >body @ ;
+\ ID returns the string name cell-pair of its class
+: id   ( class metaclass -- c-addr u )
+	drop body> >name  ;
+\ list methods of the class
+: methods \ ( class meta -- ) 
+	locals| meta class |
+	begin
+		class body> >name type ."  methods:" cr 
+		class meta --> get-wid >search words cr previous 
+		class meta metaclass => get-super
+		dup to class
+	0= until  cr
+\ list class's ancestors
+: pedigree  ( class meta -- )
+	locals| meta class |
+	begin
+		class body> >name type space
+		class meta metaclass => get-super
+		dup to class
+	0= until  cr
+\ decompile a method
+: see  ( class meta -- )   
+    --> get-wid >search see previous ;
+\ E N D   M E T A C L A S S
+\ SUBCLASS is a nickname for a class's SUB method...
+\ Subclass compilation ends when you invoke end-class
+\ This method is late bound for safety...
+: subclass   --> sub ;
+\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+\ ** O B J E C T
+\ Root of all classes
+: root-class
+	wordlist
+	create  immediate
+	0       ,	\ NULL parent class
+	dup     ,	\ wid
+	0       ,	\ instance size 
+	ficl-set-current
+	does> [ metaclass drop ] literal
+root-class object
+object drop current-class ! 
+\ O B J E C T   M E T H O D S
+\ default INIT method zero fills an instance
+: init   ( instance class -- )
+	over swap ( inst inst class ) 
+	--> size 0 fill ;
+\ Apply INIT to an array of NOBJ objects...
+: array-init   ( nobj inst class -- )
+	0 dup locals| &init &next class inst |
+	\
+	\ bind methods outside the loop to save time
+	\
+	class s" init" lookup-method to &init
+	      s" next" lookup-method to &next
+	drop
+	0 ?do 
+		inst class 2dup 
+		&init execute
+		&next execute  drop to inst
+	loop
+\ Convert object cell-pair to class cell-pair
+: class  ( instance class -- class metaclass )
+	nip [ metaclass nip ] literal 
+\ Instance aliases for common class methods
+\ Upcast to parent class
+: super     ( instance class -- instance parent-class )
+    dup --> class --> get-super ;
+: pedigree  ( instance class -- )
+	--> class --> pedigree ;
+: size      ( instance class -- sizeof-instance )
+	--> class  --> get-size ;
+: methods   ( instance class -- )
+	--> class --> methods ;
+\ Array indexing methods...
+\ Usage examples:
+\ 10 object-array --> index
+\ obj --> next
+: index   ( n instance class -- instance[n] class )
+	locals| class inst |
+	inst class --> class
+	metaclass => get-size  *   ( n*size )
+	inst +  class ;
+: next   ( instance[n] class -- instance[n+1] class )
+	locals| class inst |
+	inst class --> class
+	metaclass => get-size 
+	inst +
+	class ;
+: prev   ( instance[n] class -- instance[n-1] class )
+	locals| class inst |
+	inst class --> class
+	metaclass => get-size
+	inst swap -
+	class ;
+\ E N D   O B J E C T
--- /dev/null
+++ b/softwords/softcore.fr
@@ -1,0 +1,117 @@
+\ ** softcore.fr
+\ ** FICL soft extensions
+\ ** John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)
+\ ** September, 1998
+\ ** CORE 
+: abs   ( x -- x )
+    dup 0< if negate endif ;
+decimal 32 constant bl
+: space   ( -- )     bl emit ;
+: spaces  ( n -- )   0 ?do space loop ;
+: abort"  
+    postpone if 
+    postpone ." 
+    postpone cr 
+    postpone abort 
+    postpone endif 
+; immediate 
+\ ** CORE EXT
+0  constant false 
+-1 constant true 
+: <>   = invert ; 
+: 0<>  0= invert ; 
+: compile,  , ; 
+: erase   ( addr u -- )    0 fill ; 
+: nip     ( y x -- x )     swap drop ; 
+: tuck    ( y x -- x y x)  swap over ; 
+\ ** LOCAL EXT word set
+: locals|  ( name...name | -- )
+    begin
+        bl word   count
+        dup 0= abort" where's the delimiter??"
+        over c@
+        [char] | - over 1- or
+    while
+        (local)
+    repeat 2drop   0 0 (local)
+; immediate
+: local  ( name -- )  bl word count (local) ;  immediate
+: end-locals  ( -- )  0 0 (local) ;  immediate
+\ #endif
+\ ** TOOLS word set...
+: ?     ( addr -- )  @ . ;
+: dump  ( addr u -- )
+    0 ?do
+        dup c@ . 1+
+        i 7 and 7 = if cr endif
+    loop drop
+\ ** SEARCH EXT words and ficl helpers
+\ DO_VOCABULARY handles the DOES> part of a VOCABULARY
+\ When executed, new voc replaces top of search stack
+: do-vocabulary   ( -- ) 
+    does>  @ search> drop >search ;
+: vocabulary   ( name -- )  
+    wordlist create ,  do-vocabulary ; 
+\ ALSO dups the search stack...
+: also   ( -- )  
+    search> dup >search >search ; 
+\ FORTH drops the top of the search stack and pushes FORTH-WORDLIST
+: forth   ( -- )  
+    search> drop  
+    forth-wordlist >search ; 
+\ ONLY sets the search order to a default state
+: only   ( -- )  
+    -1 set-order ; 
+\ ORDER displays the compile wid and the search order list
+: order   ( -- )  
+    ." Search: " 
+    get-order  0 ?do x. loop cr 
+   ." Compile: " get-current x. cr  ; 
+\ PREVIOUS drops the search order stack
+: previous  ( --  )  search> drop ; 
+\ FICL-SET-CURRENT sets the compile wordlist and pushes the previous value
+: ficl-set-current   ( wid -- old-wid )  
+    get-current swap set-current ; 
+\ ** Ficl USER variables
+\ ** See words.c for primitive def'n of USER
+variable nUser  0 nUser ! 
+: user   \ name ( -- )  
+    nUser dup @ user 1 swap +! ; 
+\ #endif
+\ ** ficl extras
+\ EMPTY cleans the parameter stack
+: empty   ( xn..x1 -- ) depth 0 ?do drop loop ;
+\ CELL- undoes CELL+
+: cell-   ( addr -- addr )  [ 1 cells ] literal -  ;
+: -rot   ( a b c -- c a b )  2 -roll ;
+\ ** E N D   S O F T C O R E . F R
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testmain.c
@@ -1,0 +1,293 @@
+** stub main for testing FICL under Win32
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <direct.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifdef linux
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "ficl.h"
+** Ficl interface to _getcwd (Win32)
+** Prints the current working directory using the VM's 
+** textOut method...
+static void ficlGetCWD(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *cp;
+#ifdef WIN32   
+    cp = _getcwd(NULL, 80);
+   cp = getcwd(NULL, 80);
+    vmTextOut(pVM, cp, 1);
+    free(cp);
+    return;
+** Ficl interface to _chdir (Win32)
+** Gets a newline (or NULL) delimited string from the input
+** and feeds it to the Win32 chdir function...
+** Example:
+**    cd c:\tmp
+static void ficlChDir(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *pFS = (FICL_STRING *)pVM->pad;
+    vmGetString(pVM, pFS, '\n');
+    if (pFS->count > 0)
+    {
+#ifdef WIN32
+       int err = _chdir(pFS->text);
+       int err = chdir(pFS->text);
+       if (err)
+        {
+            vmTextOut(pVM, "Error: path not found", 1);
+            vmThrow(pVM, VM_QUIT);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "Warning (chdir): nothing happened", 1);
+    }
+    return;
+** Ficl interface to system (ANSI)
+** Gets a newline (or NULL) delimited string from the input
+** and feeds it to the Win32 system function...
+** Example:
+**    system del *.*
+**    \ ouch!
+static void ficlSystem(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *pFS = (FICL_STRING *)pVM->pad;
+    vmGetString(pVM, pFS, '\n');
+    if (pFS->count > 0)
+    {
+        int err = system(pFS->text);
+        if (err)
+        {
+            sprintf(pVM->pad, "System call returned %d", err);
+            vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+            vmThrow(pVM, VM_QUIT);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "Warning (system): nothing happened", 1);
+    }
+    return;
+** Ficl add-in to load a text file and execute it...
+** Cheesy, but illustrative.
+** Line oriented... filename is newline (or NULL) delimited.
+** Example:
+**    load test.ficl
+#define nLINEBUF 256
+static void ficlLoad(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char    cp[nLINEBUF];
+    char    filename[nLINEBUF];
+    FICL_STRING *pFilename = (FICL_STRING *)filename;
+    int     nLine = 0;
+    FILE   *fp;
+    int     result;
+    UNS32   id;
+#ifdef WIN32       
+    struct _stat buf;
+    struct stat buf;
+    vmGetString(pVM, pFilename, '\n');
+    if (pFilename->count <= 0)
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "Warning (load): nothing happened", 1);
+        return;
+    }
+    /*
+    ** get the file's size and make sure it exists 
+    */
+#ifdef WIN32       
+    result = _stat( pFilename->text, &buf );
+    result = stat( pFilename->text, &buf );
+    if (result != 0)
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "Unable to stat file: ", 0);
+        vmTextOut(pVM, pFilename->text, 1);
+        vmThrow(pVM, VM_QUIT);
+    }
+    fp = fopen(pFilename->text, "r");
+    if (!fp)
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "Unable to open file ", 0);
+        vmTextOut(pVM, pFilename->text, 1);
+        vmThrow(pVM, VM_QUIT);
+    }
+    id = pVM->sourceID;
+    pVM->sourceID = -1;
+    /* feed each line to ficlExec */
+    while (fgets(cp, nLINEBUF, fp))
+    {
+        int len = strlen(cp) - 1;
+        nLine++;
+        if (len <= 0)
+            continue;
+        if (cp[len] == '\n')
+            cp[len] = '\0';
+        result = ficlExec(pVM, cp);
+        if (result >= VM_ERREXIT)
+        {
+            pVM->sourceID = id;
+            fclose(fp);
+            vmThrowErr(pVM, "Error loading file <%s> line %d", pFilename->text, nLine);
+            break; 
+        }
+    }
+    pVM->sourceID = id;
+    fclose(fp);
+    return;
+** Dump a tab delimited file that summarizes the contents of the
+** dictionary hash table by hashcode...
+static void spewHash(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_HASH *pHash = ficlGetDict()->pForthWords;
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    FILE *pOut;
+    unsigned i;
+    unsigned nHash = pHash->size;
+    if (!vmGetWordToPad(pVM))
+        vmThrow(pVM, VM_OUTOFTEXT);
+    pOut = fopen(pVM->pad, "w");
+    if (!pOut)
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "unable to open file", 1);
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i < nHash; i++)
+    {
+        int n = 0;
+        pFW = pHash->table[i];
+        while (pFW)
+        {
+            n++;
+            pFW = pFW->link;
+        }
+        fprintf(pOut, "%d\t%d", i, n);
+        pFW = pHash->table[i];
+        while (pFW)
+        {
+            fprintf(pOut, "\t%s", pFW->name);
+            pFW = pFW->link;
+        }
+        fprintf(pOut, "\n");
+    }
+    fclose(pOut);
+    return;
+static void ficlBreak(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    pVM->state = pVM->state;
+    return;
+void buildTestInterface(void)
+    ficlBuild("break",    ficlBreak,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    ficlBuild("cd",       ficlChDir,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    ficlBuild("load",     ficlLoad,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    ficlBuild("pwd",      ficlGetCWD,   FW_DEFAULT);
+    ficlBuild("system",   ficlSystem,   FW_DEFAULT);
+    ficlBuild("spewhash", spewHash,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    return;
+#if !defined (_WINDOWS)
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    char in[256];
+    FICL_VM *pVM;
+    ficlInitSystem(10000);
+    pVM = ficlNewVM();
+    buildTestInterface();
+    ficlExec(pVM, ".ver .( " __DATE__ " ) cr quit");
+    /*
+    ** load file from cmd line...
+    */
+    if (argc  > 1)
+    {
+        sprintf(in, ".( loading %s ) cr load %s\n cr", argv[1], argv[1]);
+        ficlExec(pVM, in);
+    }
+    for (;;)
+    {
+        int ret;
+        gets(in);
+        ret = ficlExec(pVM, in);
+        if (ret == VM_USEREXIT)
+        {
+            ficlTermSystem();
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vm.c
@@ -1,0 +1,561 @@
+** v m . c
+** Forth Inspired Command Language - virtual machine methods
+** Author: John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)
+** Created: 19 July 1997
+** This file implements the virtual machine of FICL. Each virtual
+** machine retains the state of an interpreter. A virtual machine
+** owns a pair of stacks for parameters and return addresses, as
+** well as a pile of state variables and the two dedicated registers
+** of the interp.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "ficl.h"
+static char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+                        v m B r a n c h R e l a t i v e 
+void vmBranchRelative(FICL_VM *pVM, int offset)
+    pVM->ip += offset;
+    return;
+                        v m C r e a t e
+FICL_VM *vmCreate(FICL_VM *pVM, unsigned nPStack, unsigned nRStack)
+    if (pVM == NULL)
+    {
+        pVM = (FICL_VM *)ficlMalloc(sizeof (FICL_VM));
+        pVM->pStack = NULL;
+        pVM->rStack = NULL;
+        pVM->link   = NULL;
+    }
+    assert (pVM);
+    if (pVM->pStack)
+        stackDelete(pVM->pStack);
+    pVM->pStack = stackCreate(nPStack);
+    if (pVM->rStack)
+        stackDelete(pVM->rStack);
+    pVM->rStack = stackCreate(nRStack);
+    pVM->textOut = ficlTextOut;
+    vmReset(pVM);
+    return pVM;
+                        v m D e l e t e
+void vmDelete (FICL_VM *pVM)
+    if (pVM)
+    {
+        ficlFree(pVM->pStack);
+        ficlFree(pVM->rStack);
+        ficlFree(pVM);
+    }
+    return;
+                        v m E x e c u t e
+void vmExecute(FICL_VM *pVM, FICL_WORD *pWord)
+    pVM->runningWord = pWord;
+    pWord->code(pVM);
+    return;
+                        v m G e t S t r i n g
+** Parses a string out of the VM input buffer and copies up to the first
+** FICL_STRING_MAX characters to the supplied destination buffer, a
+** FICL_STRING. The destination string is NULL terminated.
+** Returns the address of the first unused character in the dest buffer.
+char *vmGetString(FICL_VM *pVM, FICL_STRING *spDest, char delimiter)
+    STRINGINFO si = vmParseString(pVM, delimiter);
+    if (SI_COUNT(si) > FICL_STRING_MAX)
+    {
+    }
+    strncpy(spDest->text, SI_PTR(si), SI_COUNT(si));
+    spDest->text[SI_COUNT(si)] = '\0';
+    spDest->count = (FICL_COUNT)SI_COUNT(si);
+    return spDest->text + SI_COUNT(si) + 1;
+                        v m G e t W o r d
+** vmGetWord calls vmGetWord0 repeatedly until it gets a string with 
+** non-zero length.
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord0(pVM);
+    if (SI_COUNT(si) == 0)
+    {
+        vmThrow(pVM, VM_RESTART);
+    }
+    return si;
+                        v m G e t W o r d 0
+** Skip leading whitespace and parse a space delimited word from the tib.
+** Returns the start address and length of the word. Updates the tib
+** to reflect characters consumed, including the trailing delimiter.
+** If there's nothing of interest in the tib, returns zero. This function
+** does not use vmParseString because it uses isspace() rather than a
+** single  delimiter character.
+    char *pSrc  = vmGetInBuf(pVM);
+    UNS32 count = 0;
+    char ch;
+    pSrc = skipSpace(pSrc);
+    SI_SETPTR(si, pSrc);
+    for (ch = *pSrc; ch != '\0' && !isspace(ch); ch = *++pSrc)
+    {
+        count++;
+    }
+    SI_SETLEN(si, count);
+    if (isspace(ch))    /* skip one trailing delimiter */
+        pSrc++;
+    vmUpdateTib(pVM, pSrc);
+    return si;
+                        v m G e t W o r d T o P a d
+** Does vmGetWord0 and copies the result to the pad as a NULL terminated
+** string. Returns the length of the string. If the string is too long 
+** to fit in the pad, it is truncated.
+int vmGetWordToPad(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *cp = (char *)pVM->pad;
+    si = vmGetWord0(pVM);
+    if (SI_COUNT(si) > nPAD)
+        SI_SETLEN(si, nPAD);
+    strncpy(cp, SI_PTR(si), SI_COUNT(si));
+    cp[SI_COUNT(si)] = '\0';
+    return (int)(SI_COUNT(si));
+                        v m P a r s e S t r i n g
+** Parses a string out of the input buffer using the delimiter
+** specified. Skips leading delimiters, marks the start of the string,
+** and counts characters to the next delimiter it encounters. It then 
+** updates the vm input buffer to consume all these chars, including the
+** trailing delimiter. 
+** Returns the address and length of the parsed string, not including the
+** trailing delimiter.
+STRINGINFO vmParseString(FICL_VM *pVM, char delim)
+    char *pSrc      = vmGetInBuf(pVM);
+    char ch;
+    while (*pSrc == delim)  /* skip lead delimiters */
+        pSrc++;
+    SI_SETPTR(si, pSrc);    /* mark start of text */
+    for (ch = *pSrc; (ch != delim)
+                  && (ch != '\0') 
+                  && (ch != '\r') 
+                  && (ch != '\n'); ch = *++pSrc)
+    {
+        ;                   /* find next delimiter or end of line */
+    }
+                            /* set length of result */
+    SI_SETLEN(si, pSrc - SI_PTR(si));
+    if (*pSrc == delim)     /* gobble trailing delimiter */
+        pSrc++;
+    vmUpdateTib(pVM, pSrc);
+    return si;
+                        v m P o p I P
+void vmPopIP(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    pVM->ip = (IPTYPE)(stackPopPtr(pVM->rStack));
+    return;
+                        v m P u s h I P
+void vmPushIP(FICL_VM *pVM, IPTYPE newIP)
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->rStack, (void *)pVM->ip);
+    pVM->ip = newIP;
+    return;
+                        v m P u s h T i b
+** Binds the specified input string to the VM and clears >IN (the index)
+void vmPushTib(FICL_VM *pVM, char *text, TIB *pSaveTib)
+    if (pSaveTib)
+    {
+        *pSaveTib = pVM->tib;
+    }
+    pVM->tib.cp = text;
+    pVM->tib.index = 0;
+void vmPopTib(FICL_VM *pVM, TIB *pTib)
+    if (pTib)
+    {
+        pVM->tib = *pTib;
+    }
+    return;
+                        v m Q u i t
+void vmQuit(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    static FICL_WORD *pInterp = NULL;
+    if (!pInterp)
+        pInterp = ficlLookup("interpret");
+    assert(pInterp);
+    stackReset(pVM->rStack);
+    pVM->fRestart    = 0;
+    pVM->ip          = &pInterp;
+    pVM->runningWord = pInterp;
+    pVM->state       = INTERPRET;
+    pVM->tib.cp      = NULL;
+    pVM->tib.index   = 0;
+    pVM->pad[0]      = '\0';
+    pVM->sourceID    = 0;
+    return;
+                        v m R e s e t 
+void vmReset(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmQuit(pVM);
+    stackReset(pVM->pStack);
+    pVM->base        = 10;
+    return;
+                        v m S e t T e x t O u t
+** Binds the specified output callback to the vm. If you pass NULL,
+** binds the default output function (ficlTextOut)
+void vmSetTextOut(FICL_VM *pVM, OUTFUNC textOut)
+    if (textOut)
+        pVM->textOut = textOut;
+    else
+        pVM->textOut = ficlTextOut;
+    return;
+                        v m T e x t O u t
+** Feeds text to the vm's output callback
+void vmTextOut(FICL_VM *pVM, char *text, int fNewline)
+    assert(pVM);
+    assert(pVM->textOut);
+    (pVM->textOut)(pVM, text, fNewline);
+    return;
+                        v m T h r o w
+void vmThrow(FICL_VM *pVM, int except)
+    longjmp(*(pVM->pState), except);
+void vmThrowErr(FICL_VM *pVM, char *fmt, ...)
+    va_list va;
+    va_start(va, fmt);
+    vsprintf(pVM->pad, fmt, va);
+    vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+    va_end(va);
+    longjmp(*(pVM->pState), VM_ERREXIT);
+                        w o r d I s I m m e d i a t e
+int wordIsImmediate(FICL_WORD *pFW)
+    return ((pFW != NULL) && (pFW->flags & FW_IMMEDIATE));
+                        w o r d I s C o m p i l e O n l y
+int wordIsCompileOnly(FICL_WORD *pFW)
+    return ((pFW != NULL) && (pFW->flags & FW_COMPILE));
+                        s t r r e v
+char *strrev( char *string )    
+{                               /* reverse a string in-place */
+    int i = strlen(string);
+    char *p1 = string;          /* first char of string */
+    char *p2 = string + i - 1;  /* last non-NULL char of string */
+    char c;
+    if (i > 1)
+    {
+        while (p1 < p2)
+        {
+            c = *p2;
+            *p2 = *p1;
+            *p1 = c;
+            p1++; p2--;
+        }
+    }
+    return string;
+                        d i g i t _ t o _ c h a r
+char digit_to_char(int value)
+    return digits[value];
+                        l t o a
+char *ltoa( INT32 value, char *string, int radix )
+{                               /* convert long to string, any base */
+    char *cp = string;
+    int sign = ((radix == 10) && (value < 0));
+    UNSQR result;
+    UNS64 v;
+    assert(radix > 1);
+    assert(radix < 37);
+    assert(string);
+    if (sign)
+        value = -value;
+    if (value == 0)
+        *cp++ = '0';
+    else
+    {
+        v.hi = 0;
+        v.lo = (UNS32)value;
+        while (v.lo)
+        {
+            result = ficlLongDiv(v, (UNS32)radix);
+            *cp++ = digits[result.rem];
+            v.lo = result.quot;
+        }
+    }
+    if (sign)
+        *cp++ = '-';
+    *cp++ = '\0';
+    return strrev(string);
+                        u l t o a
+char *ultoa(UNS32 value, char *string, int radix )
+{                               /* convert long to string, any base */
+    char *cp = string;
+    UNS64 ud;
+    UNSQR result;
+    assert(radix > 1);
+    assert(radix < 37);
+    assert(string);
+    if (value == 0)
+        *cp++ = '0';
+    else
+    {
+        ud.hi = 0;
+        ud.lo = value;
+        result.quot = value;
+        while (ud.lo)
+        {
+            result = ficlLongDiv(ud, (UNS32)radix);
+            ud.lo = result.quot;
+            *cp++ = digits[result.rem];
+        }
+    }
+    *cp++ = '\0';
+    return strrev(string);
+                        c a s e F o l d
+** Case folds a NULL terminated string in place. All characters
+** get converted to lower case.
+char *caseFold(char *cp)
+    char *oldCp = cp;
+    while (*cp)
+    {
+        if (isupper(*cp))
+            *cp = (char)tolower(*cp);
+        cp++;
+    }
+    return oldCp;
+                        s t r i n c m p
+int strincmp(char *cp1, char *cp2, FICL_COUNT count)
+    int i = 0;
+    char c1, c2;
+    for (c1 = *cp1, c2 = *cp2;
+        ((i == 0) && count && c1 && c2);
+        c1 = *++cp1, c2 = *++cp2, count--)
+    {
+        i = tolower(c1) - tolower(c2);
+    }
+    return i;
+                        s k i p S p a c e
+** Given a string pointer, returns a pointer to the first non-space
+** char of the string, or to the NULL terminator if no such char found.
+char *skipSpace(char *cp)
+    assert(cp);
+    while (isspace(*cp))
+        cp++;
+    return cp;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/words.c
@@ -1,0 +1,4278 @@
+** w o r d s . c
+** Forth Inspired Command Language
+** ANS Forth CORE word-set written in C
+** Author: John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)
+** Created: 19 July 1997
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "ficl.h"
+#include "math64.h"
+static void colonParen(FICL_VM *pVM);
+static void literalIm(FICL_VM *pVM);
+static void interpWord(FICL_VM *pVM, STRINGINFO si);
+** Control structure building words use these
+** strings' addresses as markers on the stack to 
+** check for structure completion.
+static char doTag[]    = "do";
+static char ifTag[]    = "if";
+static char colonTag[] = "colon";
+static char leaveTag[] = "leave";
+static char beginTag[] = "begin";
+static char whileTag[] = "while";
+** Pointers to various words in the dictionary
+** -- initialized by ficlCompileCore, below --
+** for use by compiling words. Colon definitions
+** in ficl are lists of pointers to words. A bit
+** simple-minded...
+static FICL_WORD *pBranchParen  = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pComma        = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pDoParen      = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pDoesParen    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pExitParen    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pIfParen      = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pInterpret    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pLitParen     = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pLoopParen    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pPLoopParen   = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pQDoParen     = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pSemiParen    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pStore        = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pStringLit    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pType         = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pGetLocalParen= NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pGetLocal0    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pGetLocal1    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pToLocalParen = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pToLocal0     = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pToLocal1     = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pLinkParen    = NULL;
+static FICL_WORD *pUnLinkParen  = NULL;
+static int nLocals = 0;
+** C O N T R O L   S T R U C T U R E   B U I L D E R S
+** Push current dict location for later branch resolution.
+** The location may be either a branch target or a patch address...
+static void markBranch(FICL_DICT *dp, FICL_VM *pVM, char *tag)
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, dp->here);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, tag);
+    return;
+static void markControlTag(FICL_VM *pVM, char *tag)
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, tag);
+    return;
+static void matchControlTag(FICL_VM *pVM, char *tag)
+    char *cp = (char *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    if ( strcmp(cp, tag) )
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "Warning -- unmatched control word: ", 0);
+        vmTextOut(pVM, tag, 1);
+    }
+    return;
+** Expect a branch target address on the param stack,
+** compile a literal offset from the current dict location
+** to the target address
+static void resolveBackBranch(FICL_DICT *dp, FICL_VM *pVM, char *tag)
+    long offset;
+    CELL *patchAddr;
+    matchControlTag(pVM, tag);
+    patchAddr = (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    offset = patchAddr - dp->here;
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(offset));
+    return;
+** Expect a branch patch address on the param stack,
+** compile a literal offset from the patch location
+** to the current dict location
+static void resolveForwardBranch(FICL_DICT *dp, FICL_VM *pVM, char *tag)
+    long offset;
+    CELL *patchAddr;
+    matchControlTag(pVM, tag);
+    patchAddr = (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    offset = dp->here - patchAddr;
+    *patchAddr = LVALUEtoCELL(offset);
+    return;
+** Match the tag to the top of the stack. If success,
+** sopy "here" address into the cell whose address is next
+** on the stack. Used by do..leave..loop.
+static void resolveAbsBranch(FICL_DICT *dp, FICL_VM *pVM, char *tag)
+    CELL *patchAddr;
+    char *cp;
+    cp = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    if (strcmp(cp, tag))
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "Warning -- Unmatched control word: ", 0);
+        vmTextOut(pVM, tag, 1);
+    }
+    patchAddr = (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    *patchAddr = LVALUEtoCELL(dp->here);
+    return;
+                        i s N u m b e r
+** Attempts to convert the NULL terminated string in the VM's pad to 
+** a number using the VM's current base. If successful, pushes the number
+** onto the param stack and returns TRUE. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
+static int isNumber(FICL_VM *pVM, STRINGINFO si)
+    INT32 accum     = 0;
+    char isNeg      = FALSE;
+    unsigned base   = pVM->base;
+    char *cp        = SI_PTR(si);
+    unsigned ch;
+    unsigned digit;
+    if (*cp == '-')
+    {
+        cp++;
+        count--;
+        isNeg = TRUE;
+    }
+    else if ((cp[0] == '0') && (cp[1] == 'x'))
+    {               /* detect 0xNNNN format for hex numbers */
+        cp += 2;
+        count -= 2;
+        base = 16;
+    }
+    if (count == 0)
+        return FALSE;
+    while (count-- && ((ch = *cp++) != '\0'))
+    {
+        if (ch < '0')
+            return FALSE;
+        digit = ch - '0';
+        if (digit > 9)
+            digit = tolower(ch) - 'a' + 10;
+        /* 
+        ** Note: following test also catches chars between 9 and a
+        ** because 'digit' is unsigned!
+        */
+        if (digit >= base)
+            return FALSE;
+        accum = accum * base + digit;
+    }
+    if (isNeg)
+		accum = -accum;
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, accum);
+    return TRUE;
+                        a d d   &   f r i e n d s
+static void add(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    i += stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    stackSetTop(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(i));
+    return;
+static void sub(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    i = stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).i - i;
+    stackSetTop(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(i));
+    return;
+static void mul(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    i *= stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    stackSetTop(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(i));
+    return;
+static void negate(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    i = -stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, i);
+    return;
+static void ficlDiv(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    i = stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).i / i;
+    stackSetTop(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(i));
+    return;
+** slash-mod        CORE ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 )
+** Divide n1 by n2, giving the single-cell remainder n3 and the single-cell
+** quotient n4. An ambiguous condition exists if n2 is zero. If n1 and n2
+** differ in sign, the implementation-defined result returned will be the
+** same as that returned by either the phrase
+** >R S>D R> FM/MOD or the phrase >R S>D R> SM/REM . 
+** NOTE: Ficl complies with the second phrase (symmetric division)
+static void slashMod(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT64 n1;
+    INT32 n2;
+    INTQR qr;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 2);
+    n2    = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    n1.lo = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    i64Extend(n1);
+    qr = m64SymmetricDivI(n1, n2);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.rem);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.quot);
+    return;
+static void onePlus(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    i = stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    i += 1;
+    stackSetTop(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(i));
+    return;
+static void oneMinus(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    i = stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    i -= 1;
+    stackSetTop(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(i));
+    return;
+static void twoMul(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    i = stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    i *= 2;
+    stackSetTop(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(i));
+    return;
+static void twoDiv(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    i = stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    i >>= 1;
+    stackSetTop(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(i));
+    return;
+static void mulDiv(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 x, y, z;
+    INT64 prod;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 3, 1);
+    z = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    y = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    x = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    prod = m64MulI(x,y);
+    x    = m64SymmetricDivI(prod, z).quot;
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, x);
+    return;
+static void mulDivRem(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 x, y, z;
+    INT64 prod;
+    INTQR qr;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 3, 2);
+    z = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    y = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    x = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    prod = m64MulI(x,y);
+    qr   = m64SymmetricDivI(prod, z);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.rem);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.quot);
+    return;
+                        b y e
+** Signal the system to shut down - this causes ficlExec to return
+** VM_USEREXIT. The rest is up to you.
+static void bye(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmThrow(pVM, VM_USEREXIT);
+    return;
+                        c o l o n   d e f i n i t i o n s
+** Code to begin compiling a colon definition
+** This function sets the state to COMPILE, then creates a
+** new word whose name is the next word in the input stream
+** and whose code is colonParen.
+static void colon(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+    pVM->state = COMPILE;
+    markControlTag(pVM, colonTag);
+    dictAppendWord2(dp, si, colonParen, FW_DEFAULT | FW_SMUDGE);
+    nLocals = 0;
+    return;
+                        c o l o n P a r e n
+** This is the code that executes a colon definition. It assumes that the
+** virtual machine is running a "next" loop (See the vm.c
+** for its implementation of member function vmExecute()). The colon
+** code simply copies the address of the first word in the list of words
+** to interpret into IP after saving its old value. When we return to the
+** "next" loop, the virtual machine will call the code for each word in 
+** turn.
+static void colonParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    IPTYPE tempIP = (IPTYPE) (pVM->runningWord->param);
+    vmPushIP(pVM, tempIP);
+    return;
+                        s e m i c o l o n C o I m
+** IMMEDIATE code for ";". This function sets the state to INTERPRET and
+** terminates a word under compilation by appending code for "(;)" to
+** the definition. TO DO: checks for leftover branch target tags on the
+** return stack and complains if any are found.
+static void semiParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmPopIP(pVM);
+    return;
+static void semicolonCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pSemiParen);
+    matchControlTag(pVM, colonTag);
+    assert(pUnLinkParen);
+    if (nLocals > 0)
+    {
+        FICL_DICT *pLoc = ficlGetLoc();
+        dictEmpty(pLoc, pLoc->pForthWords->size);
+        dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pUnLinkParen));
+    }
+    nLocals = 0;
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pSemiParen));
+    pVM->state = INTERPRET;
+    dictUnsmudge(dp);
+    return;
+                        e x i t
+** CORE
+** This function simply pops the previous instruction
+** pointer and returns to the "next" loop. Used for exiting from within
+** a definition. Note that exitParen is identical to semiParen - they
+** are in two different functions so that "see" can correctly identify
+** the end of a colon definition, even if it uses "exit".
+static void exitParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmPopIP(pVM);
+    return;
+static void exitCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pExitParen);
+    IGNORE(pVM);
+    if (nLocals > 0)
+    {
+        dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pUnLinkParen));
+    }
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pExitParen));
+    return;
+                        c o n s t a n t P a r e n
+** This is the run-time code for "constant". It simply returns the 
+** contents of its word's first data cell.
+void constantParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW = pVM->runningWord;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 0, 1);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, pFW->param[0]);
+    return;
+void twoConstParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW = pVM->runningWord;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 0, 2);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, pFW->param[0]); /* lo */
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, pFW->param[1]); /* hi */
+    return;
+                        c o n s t a n t
+** Compiles a constant into the dictionary. Constants return their
+** value when invoked. Expects a value on top of the parm stack.
+static void constant(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 0);
+    dictAppendWord2(dp, si, constantParen, FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, stackPop(pVM->pStack));
+    return;
+static void twoConstant(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+    CELL c;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    c = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    dictAppendWord2(dp, si, twoConstParen, FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, stackPop(pVM->pStack));
+    dictAppendCell(dp, c);
+    return;
+                        d i s p l a y C e l l
+** Drop and print the contents of the cell at the top of the param
+** stack
+static void displayCell(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL c;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 0);
+    c = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    ltoa((c).i, pVM->pad, pVM->base);
+    strcat(pVM->pad, " ");
+    vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 0);
+    return;
+static void uDot(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 u;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 0);
+    u = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    ultoa(u, pVM->pad, pVM->base);
+    strcat(pVM->pad, " ");
+    vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 0);
+    return;
+static void hexDot(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 u;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 0);
+    u = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    ultoa(u, pVM->pad, 16);
+    strcat(pVM->pad, " ");
+    vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 0);
+    return;
+                        d i s p l a y S t a c k
+** Display the parameter stack (code for ".s")
+static void displayStack(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    int d = stackDepth(pVM->pStack);
+    int i;
+    CELL *pCell;
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 0, 0);
+    if (d == 0)
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "(Stack Empty)", 1);
+    else
+    {
+        pCell = pVM->pStack->sp;
+        for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
+        {
+            vmTextOut(pVM, ltoa((*--pCell).i, pVM->pad, pVM->base), 1);
+        }
+    }
+                        d u p   &   f r i e n d s
+static void depth(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    int i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 0, 1);
+    i = stackDepth(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, i);
+    return;
+static void drop(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 0);
+    stackDrop(pVM->pStack, 1);
+    return;
+static void twoDrop(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    stackDrop(pVM->pStack, 2);
+    return;
+static void dup(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 2);
+    stackPick(pVM->pStack, 0);
+    return;
+static void twoDup(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 4);
+    stackPick(pVM->pStack, 1);
+    stackPick(pVM->pStack, 1);
+    return;
+static void over(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 3);
+    stackPick(pVM->pStack, 1);
+    return;
+static void twoOver(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 4, 6);
+    stackPick(pVM->pStack, 3);
+    stackPick(pVM->pStack, 3);
+    return;
+static void pick(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL c = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, c.i+1, c.i+2);
+    stackPick(pVM->pStack, c.i);
+    return;
+static void questionDup(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL c;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 2);
+    c = stackGetTop(pVM->pStack);
+    if (c.i != 0)
+        stackPick(pVM->pStack, 0);
+    return;
+static void roll(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    int i = stackPop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    i = (i > 0) ? i : 0;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, i+1, i+1);
+    stackRoll(pVM->pStack, i);
+    return;
+static void minusRoll(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    int i = stackPop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    i = (i > 0) ? i : 0;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, i+1, i+1);
+    stackRoll(pVM->pStack, -i);
+    return;
+static void rot(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 3, 3);
+    stackRoll(pVM->pStack, 2);
+    return;
+static void swap(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 2);
+    stackRoll(pVM->pStack, 1);
+    return;
+static void twoSwap(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 4, 4);
+    stackRoll(pVM->pStack, 3);
+    stackRoll(pVM->pStack, 3);
+    return;
+                        e m i t   &   f r i e n d s
+static void emit(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *cp = pVM->pad;
+    int i;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 0);
+    i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    cp[0] = (char)i;
+    cp[1] = '\0';
+    vmTextOut(pVM, cp, 0);
+    return;
+static void cr(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmTextOut(pVM, "", 1);
+    return;
+static void commentLine(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *cp = vmGetInBuf(pVM);
+    char ch = *cp;
+    while ((ch != '\0') && (ch != '\r') && (ch != '\n'))
+    {
+        ch = *++cp;
+    }
+    /*
+    ** Cope with DOS or UNIX-style EOLs -
+    ** Check for /r, /n, /r/n, or /n/r end-of-line sequences,
+    ** and point cp to next char. If EOL is \0, we're done.
+    */
+    if (ch != '\0')
+    {
+        cp++;
+        if ( (ch != *cp) 
+             && ((*cp == '\r') || (*cp == '\n')) )
+            cp++;
+    }
+    vmUpdateTib(pVM, cp);
+    return;
+** paren CORE 
+** Compilation: Perform the execution semantics given below.
+** Execution: ( "ccc<paren>" -- )
+** Parse ccc delimited by ) (right parenthesis). ( is an immediate word. 
+** The number of characters in ccc may be zero to the number of characters
+** in the parse area. 
+static void commentHang(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmParseString(pVM, ')');
+    return;
+                        F E T C H   &   S T O R E
+static void fetch(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *pCell;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    pCell = (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, *pCell);
+    return;
+** two-fetch    CORE ( a-addr -- x1 x2 )
+** Fetch the cell pair x1 x2 stored at a-addr. x2 is stored at a-addr and
+** x1 at the next consecutive cell. It is equivalent to the sequence
+** DUP CELL+ @ SWAP @ . 
+static void twoFetch(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *pCell;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 2);
+    pCell = (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, *pCell++);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, *pCell);
+    swap(pVM);
+    return;
+** store        CORE ( x a-addr -- )
+** Store x at a-addr. 
+static void store(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *pCell;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    pCell = (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    *pCell = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+** two-store    CORE ( x1 x2 a-addr -- )
+** Store the cell pair x1 x2 at a-addr, with x2 at a-addr and x1 at the
+** next consecutive cell. It is equivalent to the sequence
+** SWAP OVER ! CELL+ ! . 
+static void twoStore(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *pCell;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 3, 0);
+    pCell = (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    *pCell++    = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    *pCell      = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+static void plusStore(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *pCell;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    pCell = (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    pCell->i += stackPop(pVM->pStack).i;
+static void wFetch(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS16 *pw;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    pw = (UNS16 *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, (UNS32)*pw);
+    return;
+static void wStore(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS16 *pw;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    pw = (UNS16 *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    *pw = (UNS16)(stackPop(pVM->pStack).u);
+static void cFetch(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS8 *pc;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    pc = (UNS8 *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, (UNS32)*pc);
+    return;
+static void cStore(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS8 *pc;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    pc = (UNS8 *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    *pc = (UNS8)(stackPop(pVM->pStack).u);
+                        i f C o I m
+** Compiles code for a conditional branch into the dictionary
+** and pushes the branch patch address on the stack for later
+** patching by ELSE or THEN/ENDIF. 
+static void ifCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pIfParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pIfParen));
+    markBranch(dp, pVM, ifTag);
+    dictAppendUNS32(dp, 1);
+    return;
+                        i f P a r e n
+** Runtime code to do "if" or "until": pop a flag from the stack,
+** fall through if true, branch if false. Probably ought to be 
+** called (not?branch) since it does "branch if false".
+static void ifParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 flag;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 0);
+    flag = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    if (flag) 
+    {                           /* fall through */
+        vmBranchRelative(pVM, 1);
+    }
+    else 
+    {                           /* take branch (to else/endif/begin) */
+        vmBranchRelative(pVM, (int)(*pVM->ip));
+    }
+    return;
+                        e l s e C o I m
+** IMMEDIATE -- compiles an "else"...
+** 1) Compile a branch and a patch address; the address gets patched
+**    by "endif" to point past the "else" code.
+** 2) Pop the the "if" patch address
+** 3) Patch the "if" branch to point to the current compile address.
+** 4) Push the "else" patch address. ("endif" patches this to jump past 
+**    the "else" code.
+static void elseCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *patchAddr;
+    int offset;
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pBranchParen);
+                                            /* (1) compile branch runtime */
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pBranchParen));
+    matchControlTag(pVM, ifTag);
+    patchAddr = 
+        (CELL *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);   /* (2) pop "if" patch addr */
+    markBranch(dp, pVM, ifTag);             /* (4) push "else" patch addr */
+    dictAppendUNS32(dp, 1);                 /* (1) compile patch placeholder */
+    offset = dp->here - patchAddr;
+    *patchAddr = LVALUEtoCELL(offset);      /* (3) Patch "if" */
+    return;
+                        b r a n c h P a r e n
+** Runtime for "(branch)" -- expects a literal offset in the next
+** compilation address, and branches to that location.
+static void branchParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmBranchRelative(pVM, *(int *)(pVM->ip));
+    return;
+                        e n d i f C o I m
+static void endifCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    resolveForwardBranch(dp, pVM, ifTag);
+    return;
+                        i n t e r p r e t 
+** This is the "user interface" of a Forth. It does the following:
+**   while there are words in the VM's Text Input Buffer
+**     Copy next word into the pad (vmGetWord)
+**     Attempt to find the word in the dictionary (dictLookup)
+**     If successful, execute the word.
+**     Otherwise, attempt to convert the word to a number (isNumber)
+**     If successful, push the number onto the parameter stack.
+**     Otherwise, print an error message and exit loop...
+**   End Loop
+** From the standard, section 3.4
+** Text interpretation (see 6.1.1360 EVALUATE and 6.1.2050 QUIT) shall
+** repeat the following steps until either the parse area is empty or an 
+** ambiguous condition exists: 
+** a) Skip leading spaces and parse a name (see 3.4.1); 
+static void interpret(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord0(pVM);
+    assert(pVM);
+    vmBranchRelative(pVM, -1);
+    /*
+    // Get next word...if out of text, we're done.
+    */
+    if (si.count == 0)
+    {
+        vmThrow(pVM, VM_OUTOFTEXT);
+    }
+    interpWord(pVM, si);
+    return;                 /* back to inner interpreter */
+** From the standard, section 3.4
+** b) Search the dictionary name space (see 3.4.2). If a definition name
+** matching the string is found: 
+**  1.if interpreting, perform the interpretation semantics of the definition
+**  (see, and continue at a); 
+**  2.if compiling, perform the compilation semantics of the definition
+**  (see, and continue at a). 
+** c) If a definition name matching the string is not found, attempt to
+** convert the string to a number (see If successful: 
+**  1.if interpreting, place the number on the data stack, and continue at a); 
+**  2.if compiling, compile code that when executed will place the number on
+**  the stack (see 6.1.1780 LITERAL), and continue at a); 
+** d) If unsuccessful, an ambiguous condition exists (see 3.4.4). 
+static void interpWord(FICL_VM *pVM, STRINGINFO si)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    FICL_WORD *tempFW;
+    dictCheck(dp, pVM, 0);
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 0, 0);
+    if (nLocals > 0)
+    {
+        tempFW = dictLookupLoc(dp, si);
+    }
+    else
+    tempFW = dictLookup(dp, si);
+    if (pVM->state == INTERPRET)
+    {
+        if (tempFW != NULL)
+        {
+            if (wordIsCompileOnly(tempFW))
+            {
+                vmThrowErr(pVM, "Error: Compile only!");
+            }
+            vmExecute(pVM, tempFW);
+        }
+        else if (!isNumber(pVM, si))
+        {
+            int i = SI_COUNT(si);
+            vmThrowErr(pVM, "%.*s not found", i, SI_PTR(si));
+        }
+    }
+    else /* (pVM->state == COMPILE) */
+    {
+        if (tempFW != NULL)
+        {
+            if (wordIsImmediate(tempFW))
+            {
+                vmExecute(pVM, tempFW);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(tempFW));
+            }
+        }
+        else if (isNumber(pVM, si))
+        {
+            literalIm(pVM);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            int i = SI_COUNT(si);
+            vmThrowErr(pVM, "%.*s not found", i, SI_PTR(si));
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+                        l i t e r a l P a r e n
+** This is the runtime for (literal). It assumes that it is part of a colon
+** definition, and that the next CELL contains a value to be pushed on the
+** parameter stack at runtime. This code is compiled by "literal".
+static void literalParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 0, 1);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, *(INT32 *)(pVM->ip));
+    vmBranchRelative(pVM, 1);
+    return;
+                        l i t e r a l I m
+** IMMEDIATE code for "literal". This function gets a value from the stack 
+** and compiles it into the dictionary preceded by the code for "(literal)".
+static void literalIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pLitParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pLitParen));
+    dictAppendCell(dp, stackPop(pVM->pStack));
+    return;
+                        l i s t W o r d s
+#define nCOLWIDTH 8
+static void listWords(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    FICL_HASH *pHash = dp->pSearch[dp->nLists - 1];
+    FICL_WORD *wp;
+    int nChars = 0;
+    int len;
+    unsigned i;
+    int nWords = 0;
+    char *cp;
+    char *pPad = pVM->pad;
+    for (i = 0; i < pHash->size; i++)
+    {
+        for (wp = pHash->table[i]; wp != NULL; wp = wp->link, nWords++)
+        {
+            cp = wp->name;
+            nChars += sprintf(pPad + nChars, "%s", cp);
+            if (nChars > 70)
+            {
+                pPad[nChars] = '\0';
+                nChars = 0;
+                vmTextOut(pVM, pPad, 1);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                len = nCOLWIDTH - nChars % nCOLWIDTH;
+                while (len-- > 0)
+                    pPad[nChars++] = ' ';
+            }
+            if (nChars > 70)
+            {
+                pPad[nChars] = '\0';
+                nChars = 0;
+                vmTextOut(pVM, pPad, 1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (nChars > 0)
+    {
+        pPad[nChars] = '\0';
+        nChars = 0;
+        vmTextOut(pVM, pPad, 1);
+    }
+    sprintf(pVM->pad, "Dictionary: %d words, %ld cells used of %lu total", 
+        nWords, dp->here - dp->dict, dp->size);
+    vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+    return;
+static void listEnv(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetEnv();
+    FICL_HASH *pHash = dp->pForthWords;
+    FICL_WORD *wp;
+    unsigned i;
+    int nWords = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < pHash->size; i++)
+    {
+        for (wp = pHash->table[i]; wp != NULL; wp = wp->link, nWords++)
+        {
+            vmTextOut(pVM, wp->name, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    sprintf(pVM->pad, "Environment: %d words, %ld cells used of %lu total", 
+        nWords, dp->here - dp->dict, dp->size);
+    vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+    return;
+                        l o g i c   a n d   c o m p a r i s o n s
+static void zeroEquals(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL c;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    c.i = FICL_BOOL(stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack) == 0);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, c);
+    return;
+static void zeroLess(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL c;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    c.i = FICL_BOOL(stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack) < 0);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, c);
+    return;
+static void zeroGreater(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL c;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    c.i = FICL_BOOL(stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack) > 0);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, c);
+    return;
+static void isEqual(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL x, y;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    x = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    y = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, FICL_BOOL(x.i == y.i));
+    return;
+static void isLess(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL x, y;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    y = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    x = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, FICL_BOOL(x.i < y.i));
+    return;
+static void uIsLess(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 u1, u2;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    u2 = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    u1 = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, FICL_BOOL(u1 < u2));
+    return;
+static void isGreater(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL x, y;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    y = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    x = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, FICL_BOOL(x.i > y.i));
+    return;
+static void bitwiseAnd(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL x, y;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    x = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    y = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, x.i & y.i);
+    return;
+static void bitwiseOr(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL x, y;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    x = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    y = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, x.i | y.i);
+    return;
+static void bitwiseXor(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL x, y;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 1);
+    x = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    y = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, x.i ^ y.i);
+    return;
+static void bitwiseNot(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL x;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 1, 1);
+    x = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, ~x.i);
+    return;
+                               D o  /  L o o p
+**    Compiles code to initialize a loop: compile (do), 
+**    allot space to hold the "leave" address, push a branch
+**    target address for the loop.
+** (do) -- runtime for "do"
+**    pops index and limit from the p stack and moves them
+**    to the r stack, then skips to the loop body.
+** +loop
+**    Compiles code for the test part of a loop:
+**    compile (loop), resolve forward branch from "do", and
+**    copy "here" address to the "leave" address allotted by "do"
+** i,j,k -- COMPILE ONLY
+**    Runtime: Push loop indices on param stack (i is innermost loop...)
+**    Note: each loop has three values on the return stack:
+**    ( R: leave limit index )
+**    "leave" is the absolute address of the next cell after the loop
+**    limit and index are the loop control variables.
+** leave -- COMPILE ONLY
+**    Runtime: pop the loop control variables, then pop the
+**    "leave" address and jump (absolute) there.
+static void doCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pDoParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pDoParen));
+    /*
+    ** Allot space for a pointer to the end
+    ** of the loop - "leave" uses this...
+    */
+    markBranch(dp, pVM, leaveTag);
+    dictAppendUNS32(dp, 0);
+    /*
+    ** Mark location of head of loop...
+    */
+    markBranch(dp, pVM, doTag);
+    return;
+static void doParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL index, limit;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    index = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    limit = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    /* copy "leave" target addr to stack */
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->rStack, *(pVM->ip++));
+    stackPush(pVM->rStack, limit);
+    stackPush(pVM->rStack, index);
+    return;
+static void qDoCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pQDoParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pQDoParen));
+    /*
+    ** Allot space for a pointer to the end
+    ** of the loop - "leave" uses this...
+    */
+    markBranch(dp, pVM, leaveTag);
+    dictAppendUNS32(dp, 0);
+    /*
+    ** Mark location of head of loop...
+    */
+    markBranch(dp, pVM, doTag);
+    return;
+static void qDoParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL index, limit;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    index = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    limit = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    /* copy "leave" target addr to stack */
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->rStack, *(pVM->ip++));
+    if (limit.u == index.u)
+    {
+        vmPopIP(pVM);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        stackPush(pVM->rStack, limit);
+        stackPush(pVM->rStack, index);
+    }
+    return;
+** Runtime code to break out of a do..loop construct
+** Drop the loop control variables; the branch address
+** past "loop" is next on the return stack.
+static void leaveCo(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    /* almost unloop */
+    stackDrop(pVM->rStack, 2);
+    /* exit */
+    vmPopIP(pVM);
+    return;
+static void unloopCo(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackDrop(pVM->rStack, 3);
+    return;
+static void loopCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pLoopParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pLoopParen));
+    resolveBackBranch(dp, pVM, doTag);
+    resolveAbsBranch(dp, pVM, leaveTag);
+    return;
+static void plusLoopCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pPLoopParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pPLoopParen));
+    resolveBackBranch(dp, pVM, doTag);
+    resolveAbsBranch(dp, pVM, leaveTag);
+    return;
+static void loopParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 index = stackGetTop(pVM->rStack).i;
+    INT32 limit = stackFetch(pVM->rStack, 1).i;
+    index++;
+    if (index >= limit) 
+    {
+        stackDrop(pVM->rStack, 3); /* nuke the loop indices & "leave" addr */
+        vmBranchRelative(pVM, 1);  /* fall through the loop */
+    }
+    else 
+    {                       /* update index, branch to loop head */
+        stackSetTop(pVM->rStack, LVALUEtoCELL(index));
+        vmBranchRelative(pVM, *(int *)(pVM->ip));
+    }
+    return;
+static void plusLoopParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 index = stackGetTop(pVM->rStack).i;
+    INT32 limit = stackFetch(pVM->rStack, 1).i;
+    INT32 increment = stackPop(pVM->pStack).i;
+    int flag;
+    index += increment;
+    if (increment < 0)
+        flag = (index < limit);
+    else
+        flag = (index >= limit);
+    if (flag) 
+    {
+        stackDrop(pVM->rStack, 3); /* nuke the loop indices & "leave" addr */
+        vmBranchRelative(pVM, 1);  /* fall through the loop */
+    }
+    else 
+    {                       /* update index, branch to loop head */
+        stackSetTop(pVM->rStack, LVALUEtoCELL(index));
+        vmBranchRelative(pVM, *(int *)(pVM->ip));
+    }
+    return;
+static void loopICo(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL index = stackGetTop(pVM->rStack);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, index);
+    return;
+static void loopJCo(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL index = stackFetch(pVM->rStack, 3);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, index);
+    return;
+static void loopKCo(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL index = stackFetch(pVM->rStack, 6);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, index);
+    return;
+                        r e t u r n   s t a c k
+static void toRStack(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackPush(pVM->rStack, stackPop(pVM->pStack));
+    return;
+static void fromRStack(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, stackPop(pVM->rStack));
+    return;
+static void fetchRStack(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, stackGetTop(pVM->rStack));
+    return;
+                        v a r i a b l e
+static void variableParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_WORD *fw = pVM->runningWord;
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, fw->param);
+    return;
+static void variable(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+    dictAppendWord2(dp, si, variableParen, FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAllotCells(dp, 1);
+    return;
+                        b a s e   &   f r i e n d s
+static void base(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *pBase = (CELL *)(&pVM->base);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, LVALUEtoCELL(pBase));
+    return;
+static void decimal(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    pVM->base = 10;
+    return;
+static void hex(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    pVM->base = 16;
+    return;
+                        a l l o t   &   f r i e n d s
+static void allot(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    INT32 i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    dictCheck(dp, pVM, i);
+    dictAllot(dp, i);
+    return;
+static void here(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, dp->here);
+    return;
+static void comma(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    CELL c = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, c);
+    return;
+static void cComma(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    char c = (char)stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    dictAppendChar(dp, c);
+    return;
+static void cells(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, i * (INT32)sizeof (CELL));
+    return;
+static void cellPlus(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *cp = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, cp + sizeof (CELL));
+    return;
+                        t i c k
+** tick         CORE ( "<spaces>name" -- xt )
+** Skip leading space delimiters. Parse name delimited by a space. Find
+** name and return xt, the execution token for name. An ambiguous condition
+** exists if name is not found. 
+static void tick(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+    pFW = dictLookup(ficlGetDict(), si);
+    if (!pFW)
+    {
+        int i = SI_COUNT(si);
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "%.*s not found", i, SI_PTR(si));
+    }
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pFW);
+    return;
+static void bracketTickCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    tick(pVM);
+    literalIm(pVM);
+    return;
+                        p o s t p o n e
+** Lookup the next word in the input stream and compile code to 
+** insert it into definitions created by the resulting word
+** (defers compilation, even of immediate words)
+static void postponeCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp  = ficlGetDict();
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    assert(pComma);
+    tick(pVM);
+    pFW = stackGetTop(pVM->pStack).p;
+    if (wordIsImmediate(pFW))
+    {
+        dictAppendCell(dp, stackPop(pVM->pStack));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        literalIm(pVM);
+        dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pComma));
+    }
+    return;
+                        e x e c u t e
+** Pop an execution token (pointer to a word) off the stack and
+** run it
+static void execute(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    vmExecute(pVM, pFW);
+    return;
+                        i m m e d i a t e
+** Make the most recently compiled word IMMEDIATE -- it executes even
+** in compile state (most often used for control compiling words
+** such as IF, THEN, etc)
+static void immediate(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    IGNORE(pVM);
+    dictSetImmediate(ficlGetDict());
+    return;
+static void compileOnly(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    IGNORE(pVM);
+    dictSetFlags(ficlGetDict(), FW_COMPILE, 0);
+    return;
+                        d o t Q u o t e
+** IMMEDIATE word that compiles a string literal for later display
+** Compile stringLit, then copy the bytes of the string from the TIB
+** to the dictionary. Backpatch the count byte and align the dictionary.
+** stringlit: Fetch the count from the dictionary, then push the address
+** and count on the stack. Finally, update ip to point to the first
+** aligned address after the string text.
+static void stringLit(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = (FICL_STRING *)(pVM->ip);
+    FICL_COUNT count = sp->count;
+    char *cp = sp->text;
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, cp);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, count);
+    cp += count + 1;
+    cp = alignPtr(cp);
+    pVM->ip = (IPTYPE)(void *)cp;
+    return;
+static void dotQuoteCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pStringLit));
+    dp->here = PTRtoCELL vmGetString(pVM, (FICL_STRING *)dp->here, '\"');
+    dictAlign(dp);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pType));
+    return;
+static void dotParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *pSrc  = vmGetInBuf(pVM);
+    char *pDest = pVM->pad;
+    char ch;
+    pSrc = skipSpace(pSrc);
+    for (ch = *pSrc; (ch != '\0') && (ch != ')'); ch = *++pSrc)
+        *pDest++ = ch;
+    *pDest = '\0';
+    if (ch == ')')
+        pSrc++;
+    vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 0);
+    vmUpdateTib(pVM, pSrc);
+    return;
+                        s l i t e r a l
+** Interpretation: Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined.
+** Compilation: ( c-addr1 u -- )
+** Append the run-time semantics given below to the current definition.
+** Run-time:       ( -- c-addr2 u )
+** Return c-addr2 u describing a string consisting of the characters
+** specified by c-addr1 u during compilation. A program shall not alter
+** the returned string. 
+static void sLiteralCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    char *cp, *cpDest;
+    UNS32 u;
+    u  = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    cp = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pStringLit));
+    cpDest    = (char *) dp->here;
+    *cpDest++ = (char)   u;
+    for (; u > 0; --u)
+    {
+        *cpDest++ = *cp++;
+    }
+    *cpDest++ = 0;
+    dp->here = PTRtoCELL alignPtr(cpDest);
+    return;
+                        s t a t e
+** Return the address of the VM's state member (must be sized the
+** same as a CELL for this reason)
+static void state(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, &pVM->state);
+    return;
+                        c r e a t e . . . d o e s >
+** Make a new word in the dictionary with the run-time effect of 
+** a variable (push my address), but with extra space allotted
+** for use by does> .
+static void createParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *pCell = pVM->runningWord->param;
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pCell+1);
+    return;
+static void create(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+    dictAppendWord2(dp, si, createParen, FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAllotCells(dp, 1);
+    return;
+static void doDoes(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    CELL *pCell = pVM->runningWord->param;
+    IPTYPE tempIP = (IPTYPE)((*pCell).p);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pCell+1);
+    vmPushIP(pVM, tempIP);
+    return;
+static void doesParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    dp->smudge->code = doDoes;
+    dp->smudge->param[0] = LVALUEtoCELL(pVM->ip);
+    vmPopIP(pVM);
+    return;
+static void doesCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pUnLinkParen);
+    if (nLocals > 0)
+    {
+        FICL_DICT *pLoc = ficlGetLoc();
+        dictEmpty(pLoc, pLoc->pForthWords->size);
+        dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pUnLinkParen));
+    }
+    nLocals = 0;
+    IGNORE(pVM);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pDoesParen));
+    return;
+                        t o   b o d y
+** to-body      CORE ( xt -- a-addr )
+** a-addr is the data-field address corresponding to xt. An ambiguous
+** condition exists if xt is not for a word defined via CREATE. 
+static void toBody(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pFW->param + 1);
+    return;
+** from-body       ficl ( a-addr -- xt )
+** Reverse effect of >body
+static void fromBody(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *ptr = (char *) stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack) - sizeof (FICL_WORD);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, ptr);
+    return;
+** >name        ficl ( xt -- c-addr u )
+** Push the address and length of a word's name given its address
+** xt. 
+static void toName(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_WORD *pFW = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pFW->name);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, pFW->nName);
+    return;
+                        l b r a c k e t   e t c
+static void lbracketCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    pVM->state = INTERPRET;
+    return;
+static void rbracket(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    pVM->state = COMPILE;
+    return;
+                        p i c t u r e d   n u m e r i c   w o r d s
+** less-number-sign CORE ( -- )
+** Initialize the pictured numeric output conversion process. 
+** (clear the pad)
+static void lessNumberSign(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = PTRtoSTRING pVM->pad;
+    sp->count = 0;
+    return;
+** number-sign      CORE ( ud1 -- ud2 )
+** Divide ud1 by the number in BASE giving the quotient ud2 and the remainder
+** n. (n is the least-significant digit of ud1.) Convert n to external form
+** and add the resulting character to the beginning of the pictured numeric
+** output  string. An ambiguous condition exists if # executes outside of a
+** <# #> delimited number conversion. 
+static void numberSign(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = PTRtoSTRING pVM->pad;
+    UNS64 u;
+    UNS16 rem;
+    u   = u64Pop(pVM->pStack);
+    rem = m64UMod(&u, (UNS16)(pVM->base));
+    sp->text[sp->count++] = digit_to_char(rem);
+    u64Push(pVM->pStack, u);
+    return;
+** number-sign-greater CORE ( xd -- c-addr u )
+** Drop xd. Make the pictured numeric output string available as a character
+** string. c-addr and u specify the resulting character string. A program
+** may replace characters within the string. 
+static void numberSignGreater(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = PTRtoSTRING pVM->pad;
+    sp->text[sp->count] = '\0';
+    strrev(sp->text);
+    stackDrop(pVM->pStack, 2);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, sp->text);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, sp->count);
+    return;
+** number-sign-s    CORE ( ud1 -- ud2 )
+** Convert one digit of ud1 according to the rule for #. Continue conversion
+** until the quotient is zero. ud2 is zero. An ambiguous condition exists if
+** #S executes outside of a <# #> delimited number conversion. 
+** TO DO: presently does not use ud1 hi cell - use it!
+static void numberSignS(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = PTRtoSTRING pVM->pad;
+    UNS64 u;
+    UNS16 rem;
+    u = u64Pop(pVM->pStack);
+    do 
+    {
+        rem = m64UMod(&u, (UNS16)(pVM->base));
+        sp->text[sp->count++] = digit_to_char(rem);
+    } 
+    while (u.hi || u.lo);
+    u64Push(pVM->pStack, u);
+    return;
+** HOLD             CORE ( char -- )
+** Add char to the beginning of the pictured numeric output string. An ambiguous
+** condition exists if HOLD executes outside of a <# #> delimited number conversion.
+static void hold(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = PTRtoSTRING pVM->pad;
+    int i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    sp->text[sp->count++] = (char) i;
+    return;
+** SIGN             CORE ( n -- )
+** If n is negative, add a minus sign to the beginning of the pictured
+** numeric output string. An ambiguous condition exists if SIGN
+** executes outside of a <# #> delimited number conversion. 
+static void sign(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = PTRtoSTRING pVM->pad;
+    int i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    if (i < 0)
+        sp->text[sp->count++] = '-';
+    return;
+                        t o   N u m b e r
+** to-number CORE ( ud1 c-addr1 u1 -- ud2 c-addr2 u2 )
+** ud2 is the unsigned result of converting the characters within the
+** string specified by c-addr1 u1 into digits, using the number in BASE,
+** and adding each into ud1 after multiplying ud1 by the number in BASE.
+** Conversion continues left-to-right until a character that is not
+** convertible, including any + or -, is encountered or the string is
+** entirely converted. c-addr2 is the location of the first unconverted
+** character or the first character past the end of the string if the string
+** was entirely converted. u2 is the number of unconverted characters in the
+** string. An ambiguous condition exists if ud2 overflows during the
+** conversion. 
+** TO DO: presently does not use ud1 hi cell - use it!
+static void toNumber(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 count     = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    char *cp        = (char *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    UNS64 accum;
+    UNS32 base      = pVM->base;
+    UNS32 ch;
+    UNS32 digit;
+    accum = u64Pop(pVM->pStack);
+    for (ch = *cp; count > 0; ch = *++cp, count--)
+    {
+        if (ch < '0')
+            break;
+        digit = ch - '0';
+        if (digit > 9)
+            digit = tolower(ch) - 'a' + 10;
+        /* 
+        ** Note: following test also catches chars between 9 and a
+        ** because 'digit' is unsigned! 
+        */
+        if (digit >= base)
+            break;
+        accum = m64Mac(accum, base, digit);
+    }
+    u64Push(pVM->pStack, accum);
+    stackPushPtr  (pVM->pStack, cp);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, count);
+    return;
+                        q u i t   &   a b o r t
+** quit CORE   ( -- )  ( R:  i*x -- )
+** Empty the return stack, store zero in SOURCE-ID if it is present, make
+** the user input device the input source, and enter interpretation state. 
+** Do not display a message. Repeat the following: 
+**   Accept a line from the input source into the input buffer, set >IN to
+**   zero, and interpret. 
+**   Display the implementation-defined system prompt if in
+**   interpretation state, all processing has been completed, and no
+**   ambiguous condition exists. 
+static void quit(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmThrow(pVM, VM_QUIT);
+    return;
+static void ficlAbort(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmThrow(pVM, VM_ERREXIT);
+    return;
+                        a c c e p t
+** accept       CORE ( c-addr +n1 -- +n2 )
+** Receive a string of at most +n1 characters. An ambiguous condition
+** exists if +n1 is zero or greater than 32,767. Display graphic characters
+** as they are received. A program that depends on the presence or absence
+** of non-graphic characters in the string has an environmental dependency.
+** The editing functions, if any, that the system performs in order to
+** construct the string are implementation-defined. 
+** (Although the standard text doesn't say so, I assume that the intent 
+** of 'accept' is to store the string at the address specified on
+** the stack.)
+** Implementation: if there's more text in the TIB, use it. Otherwise
+** throw out for more text. Copy characters up to the max count into the
+** address given, and return the number of actual characters copied.
+static void accept(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 count, len;
+    char *cp;
+    char *pBuf = vmGetInBuf(pVM);
+    len = strlen(pBuf);
+    if (len == 0)
+        vmThrow(pVM, VM_RESTART);
+    /* OK - now we have something in the text buffer - use it */
+    count = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    cp    = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    strncpy(cp, vmGetInBuf(pVM), count);
+    len = (count < len) ? count : len;
+    pBuf += len;
+    vmUpdateTib(pVM, pBuf);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, len);
+    return;
+                        a l i g n
+** 6.1.0705 ALIGN       CORE ( -- )
+** If the data-space pointer is not aligned, reserve enough space to
+** align it. 
+static void align(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    IGNORE(pVM);
+    dictAlign(dp);
+    return;
+                        a l i g n e d
+static void aligned(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    void *addr = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, alignPtr(addr));
+    return;
+                        b e g i n   &   f r i e n d s
+** Indefinite loop control structures
+** A.6.1.0760 BEGIN 
+** Typical use: 
+**      : X ... BEGIN ... test UNTIL ;
+** or 
+**      : X ... BEGIN ... test WHILE ... REPEAT ;
+static void beginCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    markBranch(dp, pVM, beginTag);
+    return;
+static void untilCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pIfParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pIfParen));
+    resolveBackBranch(dp, pVM, beginTag);
+    return;
+static void whileCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pIfParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pIfParen));
+    markBranch(dp, pVM, whileTag);
+    twoSwap(pVM);
+    dictAppendUNS32(dp, 1);
+    return;
+static void repeatCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pBranchParen);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pBranchParen));
+    /* expect "begin" branch marker */
+    resolveBackBranch(dp, pVM, beginTag);
+    /* expect "while" branch marker */
+    resolveForwardBranch(dp, pVM, whileTag);
+    return;
+                        c h a r   &   f r i e n d s
+** 6.1.0895 CHAR    CORE ( "<spaces>name" -- char )
+** Skip leading space delimiters. Parse name delimited by a space.
+** Put the value of its first character onto the stack. 
+** bracket-char     CORE 
+** Interpretation: Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined.
+** Compilation: ( "<spaces>name" -- )
+** Skip leading space delimiters. Parse name delimited by a space.
+** Append the run-time semantics given below to the current definition. 
+** Run-time: ( -- char )
+** Place char, the value of the first character of name, on the stack. 
+static void ficlChar(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, (UNS32)(si.cp[0]));
+    return;
+static void charCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    ficlChar(pVM);
+    literalIm(pVM);
+    return;
+                        c h a r P l u s
+** char-plus        CORE ( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 )
+** Add the size in address units of a character to c-addr1, giving c-addr2. 
+static void charPlus(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *cp = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, cp + 1);
+    return;
+                        c h a r s
+** chars        CORE ( n1 -- n2 )
+** n2 is the size in address units of n1 characters. 
+** For most processors, this function can be a no-op. To guarantee
+** portability, we'll multiply by sizeof (char).
+#if defined (_M_IX86)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4127)
+static void ficlChars(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    if (sizeof (char) > 1)
+    {
+        INT32 i = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+        stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, i * sizeof (char));
+    }
+    /* otherwise no-op! */
+    return;
+#if defined (_M_IX86)
+#pragma warning(default: 4127)
+                        c o u n t
+** COUNT    CORE ( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 u )
+** Return the character string specification for the counted string stored
+** at c-addr1. c-addr2 is the address of the first character after c-addr1.
+** u is the contents of the character at c-addr1, which is the length in
+** characters of the string at c-addr2. 
+static void count(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, sp->text);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, sp->count);
+    return;
+                        e n v i r o n m e n t ?
+** environment-query CORE ( c-addr u -- false | i*x true )
+** c-addr is the address of a character string and u is the string's
+** character count. u may have a value in the range from zero to an
+** implementation-defined maximum which shall not be less than 31. The
+** character string should contain a keyword from 3.2.6 Environmental
+** queries or the optional word sets to be checked for correspondence
+** with an attribute of the present environment. If the system treats the
+** attribute as unknown, the returned flag is false; otherwise, the flag
+** is true and the i*x returned is of the type specified in the table for
+** the attribute queried. 
+static void environmentQ(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *envp = ficlGetEnv();
+    FICL_COUNT  len = (FICL_COUNT)stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    char        *cp =  stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    FICL_WORD  *pFW;
+    SI_PSZ(si, cp);
+    pFW = dictLookup(envp, si);
+    if (pFW != NULL)
+    {
+        vmExecute(pVM, pFW);
+        stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, FICL_TRUE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, FICL_FALSE);
+    }
+    return;
+                        e v a l u a t e
+** EVALUATE CORE ( i*x c-addr u -- j*x )
+** Save the current input source specification. Store minus-one (-1) in
+** SOURCE-ID if it is present. Make the string described by c-addr and u
+** both the input source and input buffer, set >IN to zero, and interpret.
+** When the parse area is empty, restore the prior input source
+** specification. Other stack effects are due to the words EVALUATEd. 
+** DEFICIENCY: this version does not handle errors or restarts.
+static void evaluate(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 count = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    char *cp    = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    UNS32 id;
+    IGNORE(count);
+    id = pVM->sourceID;
+    pVM->sourceID = -1;
+    vmPushIP(pVM, &pInterpret);
+    ficlExec(pVM, cp);
+    vmPopIP(pVM);
+    pVM->sourceID = id;
+    return;
+                        s t r i n g   q u o t e
+** Intrpreting: get string delimited by a quote from the input stream,
+** copy to a scratch area, and put its count and address on the stack.
+** Compiling: compile code to push the address and count of a string
+** literal, compile the string from the input stream, and align the dict
+** pointer.
+static void stringQuoteIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    if (pVM->state == INTERPRET)
+    {
+        FICL_STRING *sp = (FICL_STRING *) dp->here;
+        vmGetString(pVM, sp, '\"');
+        stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, sp->text);
+        stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, sp->count);
+    }
+    else    /* COMPILE state */
+    {
+        dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pStringLit));
+        dp->here = PTRtoCELL vmGetString(pVM, (FICL_STRING *)dp->here, '\"');
+        dictAlign(dp);
+    }
+    return;
+                        t y p e
+** Pop count and char address from stack and print the designated string.
+static void type(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 count = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    char *cp    = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    /* 
+    ** Since we don't have an output primitive for a counted string
+    ** (oops), make sure the string is null terminated. If not, copy
+    ** and terminate it.
+    */
+    if (cp[count] != '\0')
+    {
+        char *pDest = (char *)ficlGetDict()->here;
+        if (cp != pDest)
+            strncpy(pDest, cp, count);
+        pDest[count] = '\0';
+        cp = pDest;
+    }
+    vmTextOut(pVM, cp, 0);
+    return;
+                        w o r d
+** word CORE ( char "<chars>ccc<char>" -- c-addr )
+** Skip leading delimiters. Parse characters ccc delimited by char. An
+** ambiguous condition exists if the length of the parsed string is greater
+** than the implementation-defined length of a counted string. 
+** c-addr is the address of a transient region containing the parsed word
+** as a counted string. If the parse area was empty or contained no
+** characters other than the delimiter, the resulting string has a zero
+** length. A space, not included in the length, follows the string. A
+** program may replace characters within the string. 
+** NOTE! Ficl also NULL-terminates the dest string.
+static void ficlWord(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = (FICL_STRING *)pVM->pad;
+    char      delim = (char)stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    STRINGINFO   si;
+    si = vmParseString(pVM, delim);
+    if (SI_COUNT(si) > nPAD-1)
+        SI_SETLEN(si, nPAD-1);
+    sp->count = (FICL_COUNT)SI_COUNT(si);
+    strncpy(sp->text, SI_PTR(si), SI_COUNT(si));
+    strcat(sp->text, " ");
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, sp);
+    return;
+                        p a r s e - w o r d
+** ficl   PARSE-WORD  ( <spaces>name -- c-addr u )
+** Skip leading spaces and parse name delimited by a space. c-addr is the
+** address within the input buffer and u is the length of the selected 
+** string. If the parse area is empty, the resulting string has a zero length.
+static void parseNoCopy(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord0(pVM);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, SI_PTR(si));
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, SI_COUNT(si));
+    return;
+                        p a r s e
+** CORE EXT  ( char "ccc<char>" -- c-addr u )
+** Parse ccc delimited by the delimiter char. 
+** c-addr is the address (within the input buffer) and u is the length of 
+** the parsed string. If the parse area was empty, the resulting string has
+** a zero length. 
+** NOTE! PARSE differs from WORD: it does not skip leading delimiters.
+static void parse(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *pSrc      = vmGetInBuf(pVM);
+    char *cp;
+    UNS32 count;
+    char delim      = (char)stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    cp = pSrc;              /* mark start of text */
+    while ((*pSrc != delim) && (*pSrc != '\0'))
+        pSrc++;             /* find next delimiter or end */
+    count = pSrc - cp;      /* set length of result */
+    if (*pSrc == delim)     /* gobble trailing delimiter */
+        pSrc++;
+    vmUpdateTib(pVM, pSrc);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, cp);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, count);
+    return;
+                        f i l l
+** CORE ( c-addr u char -- )
+** If u is greater than zero, store char in each of u consecutive
+** characters of memory beginning at c-addr. 
+static void fill(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char ch  = (char)stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    UNS32  u = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    char *cp = (char *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    while (u > 0)
+    {
+        *cp++ = ch;
+        u--;
+    }
+    return;
+                        f i n d
+** FIND CORE ( c-addr -- c-addr 0  |  xt 1  |  xt -1 )
+** Find the definition named in the counted string at c-addr. If the
+** definition is not found, return c-addr and zero. If the definition is
+** found, return its execution token xt. If the definition is immediate,
+** also return one (1), otherwise also return minus-one (-1). For a given
+** string, the values returned by FIND while compiling may differ from
+** those returned while not compiling. 
+static void find(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_STRING *sp = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    SI_PFS(si, sp);
+    pFW = dictLookup(ficlGetDict(), si);
+    if (pFW)
+    {
+        stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pFW);
+        stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, (wordIsImmediate(pFW) ? 1 : -1));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, sp);
+        stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, 0);
+    }
+    return;
+                        f m S l a s h M o d
+** f-m-slash-mod CORE ( d1 n1 -- n2 n3 )
+** Divide d1 by n1, giving the floored quotient n3 and the remainder n2.
+** Input and output stack arguments are signed. An ambiguous condition
+** exists if n1 is zero or if the quotient lies outside the range of a
+** single-cell signed integer. 
+static void fmSlashMod(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT64 d1;
+    INT32 n1;
+    INTQR qr;
+    n1    = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    d1 = i64Pop(pVM->pStack);
+    qr = m64FlooredDivI(d1, n1);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.rem);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.quot);
+    return;
+                        s m S l a s h R e m
+** s-m-slash-rem CORE ( d1 n1 -- n2 n3 )
+** Divide d1 by n1, giving the symmetric quotient n3 and the remainder n2.
+** Input and output stack arguments are signed. An ambiguous condition
+** exists if n1 is zero or if the quotient lies outside the range of a
+** single-cell signed integer. 
+static void smSlashRem(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT64 d1;
+    INT32 n1;
+    INTQR qr;
+    n1    = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    d1 = i64Pop(pVM->pStack);
+    qr = m64SymmetricDivI(d1, n1);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.rem);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.quot);
+    return;
+static void ficlMod(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT64 d1;
+    INT32 n1;
+    INTQR qr;
+    n1    = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    d1.lo = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    i64Extend(d1);
+    qr = m64SymmetricDivI(d1, n1);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, qr.rem);
+    return;
+                        u m S l a s h M o d
+** u-m-slash-mod CORE ( ud u1 -- u2 u3 )
+** Divide ud by u1, giving the quotient u3 and the remainder u2.
+** All values and arithmetic are unsigned. An ambiguous condition
+** exists if u1 is zero or if the quotient lies outside the range of a
+** single-cell unsigned integer. 
+static void umSlashMod(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS64 ud;
+    UNS32 u1;
+    UNSQR qr;
+    u1    = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    ud    = u64Pop(pVM->pStack);
+    qr    = ficlLongDiv(ud, u1);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, qr.rem);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, qr.quot);
+    return;
+                        l s h i f t
+** l-shift CORE ( x1 u -- x2 )
+** Perform a logical left shift of u bit-places on x1, giving x2.
+** Put zeroes into the least significant bits vacated by the shift.
+** An ambiguous condition exists if u is greater than or equal to the
+** number of bits in a cell. 
+** r-shift CORE ( x1 u -- x2 )
+** Perform a logical right shift of u bit-places on x1, giving x2.
+** Put zeroes into the most significant bits vacated by the shift. An
+** ambiguous condition exists if u is greater than or equal to the
+** number of bits in a cell. 
+static void lshift(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 nBits = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    UNS32 x1    = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, x1 << nBits);
+    return;
+static void rshift(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 nBits = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    UNS32 x1    = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, x1 >> nBits);
+    return;
+                        m S t a r
+** m-star CORE ( n1 n2 -- d )
+** d is the signed product of n1 times n2. 
+static void mStar(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 n2 = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    INT32 n1 = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    INT64 d;
+    d = m64MulI(n1, n2);
+    i64Push(pVM->pStack, d);
+    return;
+static void umStar(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 u2 = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    UNS32 u1 = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    UNS64 ud;
+    ud = ficlLongMul(u1, u2);
+    u64Push(pVM->pStack, ud);
+    return;
+                        m a x   &   m i n
+static void ficlMax(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 n2 = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    INT32 n1 = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2);
+    return;
+static void ficlMin(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 n2 = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    INT32 n1 = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, (n1 < n2) ? n1 : n2);
+    return;
+                        m o v e
+** CORE ( addr1 addr2 u -- )
+** If u is greater than zero, copy the contents of u consecutive address
+** units at addr1 to the u consecutive address units at addr2. After MOVE
+** completes, the u consecutive address units at addr2 contain exactly
+** what the u consecutive address units at addr1 contained before the move. 
+** NOTE! This implementation assumes that a char is the same size as
+**       an address unit.
+static void move(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS32 u     = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    char *addr2 = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    char *addr1 = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    if (u == 0) 
+        return;
+    /*
+    ** Do the copy carefully, so as to be
+    ** correct even if the two ranges overlap
+    */
+    if (addr1 >= addr2)
+    {
+        for (; u > 0; u--)
+            *addr2++ = *addr1++;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        addr2 += u-1;
+        addr1 += u-1;
+        for (; u > 0; u--)
+            *addr2-- = *addr1--;
+    }
+    return;
+                        r e c u r s e
+static void recurseCoIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *pDict = ficlGetDict();
+    IGNORE(pVM);
+    dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(pDict->smudge));
+    return;
+                        s t o d
+** s-to-d CORE ( n -- d )
+** Convert the number n to the double-cell number d with the same
+** numerical value. 
+static void sToD(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 s = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    /* sign extend to 64 bits.. */
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, s);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, (s < 0) ? -1 : 0);
+    return;
+                        s o u r c e
+** CORE ( -- c-addr u )
+** c-addr is the address of, and u is the number of characters in, the
+** input buffer. 
+static void source(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pVM->tib.cp);
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, strlen(pVM->tib.cp));
+    return;
+                        v e r s i o n
+** non-standard...
+static void ficlVersion(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    vmTextOut(pVM, "ficl Version " FICL_VER, 1);
+    return;
+                        t o I n
+** to-in CORE
+static void toIn(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, &pVM->tib.index);
+    return;
+                        d e f i n i t i o n s
+** SEARCH ( -- )
+** Make the compilation word list the same as the first word list in the
+** search order. Specifies that the names of subsequent definitions will
+** be placed in the compilation word list. Subsequent changes in the search
+** order will not affect the compilation word list. 
+static void definitions(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *pDict = ficlGetDict();
+    assert(pDict);
+    if (pDict->nLists < 1)
+    {
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "DEFINITIONS error - empty search order");
+    }
+    pDict->pCompile = pDict->pSearch[pDict->nLists-1];
+    return;
+                        f o r t h - w o r d l i s t
+** SEARCH ( -- wid )
+** Return wid, the identifier of the word list that includes all standard
+** words provided by the implementation. This word list is initially the
+** compilation word list and is part of the initial search order. 
+static void forthWordlist(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_HASH *pHash = ficlGetDict()->pForthWords;
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pHash);
+    return;
+                        g e t - c u r r e n t
+** SEARCH ( -- wid )
+** Return wid, the identifier of the compilation word list. 
+static void getCurrent(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, ficlGetDict()->pCompile);
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    return;
+                        g e t - o r d e r
+** SEARCH ( -- widn ... wid1 n )
+** Returns the number of word lists n in the search order and the word list
+** identifiers widn ... wid1 identifying these word lists. wid1 identifies
+** the word list that is searched first, and widn the word list that is
+** searched last. The search order is unaffected.
+static void getOrder(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *pDict = ficlGetDict();
+    int nLists = pDict->nLists;
+    int i;
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    for (i = 0; i < nLists; i++)
+    {
+        stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pDict->pSearch[i]);
+    }
+    stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, nLists);
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    return;
+                        s e a r c h - w o r d l i s t
+** SEARCH ( c-addr u wid -- 0 | xt 1 | xt -1 )
+** Find the definition identified by the string c-addr u in the word list
+** identified by wid. If the definition is not found, return zero. If the
+** definition is found, return its execution token xt and one (1) if the
+** definition is immediate, minus-one (-1) otherwise. 
+static void searchWordlist(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    UNS16 hashCode;
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    FICL_HASH *pHash = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    si.count         = (FICL_COUNT)stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    si.cp            = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    hashCode         = hashHashCode(si);
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    pFW = hashLookup(pHash, si, hashCode);
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    if (pFW)
+    {
+        stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pFW);
+        stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, (wordIsImmediate(pFW) ? 1 : -1));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        stackPushUNS32(pVM->pStack, 0);
+    }
+    return;
+                        s e t - c u r r e n t
+** SEARCH ( wid -- )
+** Set the compilation word list to the word list identified by wid. 
+static void setCurrent(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_HASH *pHash = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    FICL_DICT *pDict = ficlGetDict();
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    pDict->pCompile = pHash;
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    return;
+                        s e t - o r d e r
+** SEARCH ( widn ... wid1 n -- )
+** Set the search order to the word lists identified by widn ... wid1.
+** Subsequently, word list wid1 will be searched first, and word list
+** widn searched last. If n is zero, empty the search order. If n is minus
+** one, set the search order to the implementation-defined minimum
+** search order. The minimum search order shall include the words
+** FORTH-WORDLIST and SET-ORDER. A system shall allow n to
+** be at least eight.
+static void setOrder(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    int i;
+    int nLists = stackPopINT32(pVM->pStack);
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    if (nLists > FICL_DEFAULT_VOCS)
+    {
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "set-order error: list would be too large");
+    }
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    if (nLists >= 0)
+    {
+        dp->nLists = nLists;
+        for (i = nLists-1; i >= 0; --i)
+        {
+            dp->pSearch[i] = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        dictResetSearchOrder(dp);
+    }
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    return;
+                        w o r d l i s t
+** SEARCH ( -- wid )
+** Create a new empty word list, returning its word list identifier wid.
+** The new word list may be returned from a pool of preallocated word
+** lists or may be dynamically allocated in data space. A system shall
+** allow the creation of at least 8 new word lists in addition to any
+** provided as part of the system. 
+** Note: ficl creates a new single-list hash in the dictionary and returns
+** its address.
+static void wordlist(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    FICL_HASH *pHash;
+    dictAlign(dp);
+    pHash    = (FICL_HASH *)dp->here;
+    dictAllot(dp, sizeof (FICL_HASH));
+    pHash->size = 1;
+    hashReset(pHash);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pHash);
+    return;
+                        S E A R C H >
+** ficl  ( -- wid )
+** Pop wid off the search order. Error if the search order is empty
+static void searchPop(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    int nLists;
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    nLists = dp->nLists;
+    if (nLists == 0)
+    {
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "search> error: empty search order");
+    }
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, dp->pSearch[--dp->nLists]);
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    return;
+                        > S E A R C H
+** ficl  ( wid -- )
+** Push wid onto the search order. Error if the search order is full.
+static void searchPush(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
+    if (dp->nLists > FICL_DEFAULT_VOCS)
+    {
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, ">search error: search order overflow");
+    }
+    dp->pSearch[dp->nLists++] = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    ficlLockDictionary(FALSE);
+    return;
+                        c o l o n N o N a m e
+** CORE EXT ( C:  -- colon-sys )  ( S:  -- xt )
+** Create an unnamed colon definition and push its address.
+** Change state to compile.
+static void colonNoName(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    SI_SETLEN(si, 0);
+    SI_SETPTR(si, NULL);
+    pVM->state = COMPILE;
+    markControlTag(pVM, colonTag);
+    pFW = dictAppendWord2(dp, si, colonParen, FW_DEFAULT | FW_SMUDGE);
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pFW);
+    return;
+                        u s e r   V a r i a b l e
+** user  ( u -- )  "<spaces>name"  
+** Get a name from the input stream and create a user variable
+** with the name and the index supplied. The run-time effect
+** of a user variable is to push the address of the indexed cell
+** in the running vm's user array. 
+** User variables are vm local cells. Each vm has an array of
+** FICL_USER_CELLS of them when FICL_WANT_USER is nonzero.
+** Ficl's user facility is implemented with two primitives,
+** "user" and "(user)", a variable ("nUser") (in softcore.c) that 
+** holds the index of the next free user cell, and a redefinition
+** (also in softcore) of "user" that defines a user word and increments
+** nUser.
+static void userParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 i = pVM->runningWord->param[0].i;
+    stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, &pVM->user[i]);
+    return;
+static void userVariable(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+    CELL c;
+    c = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    if (c.i >= FICL_USER_CELLS)
+    {
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "Error - out of user space");
+    }
+    dictAppendWord2(dp, si, userParen, FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendCell(dp, c);
+    return;
+                        t o V a l u e
+** Interpretation: ( x "<spaces>name" -- )
+** Skip leading spaces and parse name delimited by a space. Store x in 
+** name. An ambiguous condition exists if name was not defined by VALUE. 
+** NOTE: In ficl, VALUE is an alias of CONSTANT
+static void toValue(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord(pVM);
+    FICL_DICT *dp = ficlGetDict();
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    FICL_DICT *pLoc = ficlGetLoc();
+    if ((nLocals > 0) && (pVM->state == COMPILE))
+    {
+        pFW = dictLookup(pLoc, si);
+        if (pFW)
+        {
+            dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pToLocalParen));
+            dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pFW->param[0]));
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    assert(pStore);
+    pFW = dictLookup(dp, si);
+    if (!pFW)
+    {
+        int i = SI_COUNT(si);
+        vmThrowErr(pVM, "%.*s not found", i, SI_PTR(si));
+    }
+    if (pVM->state == INTERPRET)
+        pFW->param[0] = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    else        /* compile code to store to word's param */
+    {
+        stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, &pFW->param[0]);
+        literalIm(pVM);
+        dictAppendCell(dp, LVALUEtoCELL(pStore));
+    }
+    return;
+                        l i n k P a r e n
+** ( -- )
+** Link a frame on the return stack, reserving nCells of space for
+** locals - the value of nCells is the next cell in the instruction
+** stream.
+static void linkParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 nLink = *(INT32 *)(pVM->ip);
+    vmBranchRelative(pVM, 1);
+    stackLink(pVM->rStack, nLink);
+    return;
+static void unlinkParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackUnlink(pVM->rStack);
+    return;
+                        d o L o c a l I m
+** Immediate - cfa of a local while compiling - when executed, compiles
+** code to fetch the value of a local given the local's index in the
+** word's pfa
+static void getLocalParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 nLocal = *(INT32 *)(pVM->ip++);
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, pVM->rStack->pFrame[nLocal]);
+    return;
+static void toLocalParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 nLocal = *(INT32 *)(pVM->ip++);
+    pVM->rStack->pFrame[nLocal] = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    return;
+static void getLocal0(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, pVM->rStack->pFrame[0]);
+    return;
+static void toLocal0(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    pVM->rStack->pFrame[0] = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    return;
+static void getLocal1(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    stackPush(pVM->pStack, pVM->rStack->pFrame[1]);
+    return;
+static void toLocal1(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    pVM->rStack->pFrame[1] = stackPop(pVM->pStack);
+    return;
+** Each local is recorded in a private locals dictionary as a 
+** word that does doLocalIm at runtime. DoLocalIm compiles code
+** into the client definition to fetch the value of the 
+** corresponding local variable from the return stack.
+** The private dictionary gets initialized at the end of each block
+** that uses locals (in ; and does> for example).
+static void doLocalIm(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *pDict = ficlGetDict();
+    int nLocal = pVM->runningWord->param[0].i;
+    if (pVM->state == INTERPRET)
+    {
+        stackPush(pVM->pStack, pVM->rStack->pFrame[nLocal]);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (nLocal == 0)
+        {
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(pGetLocal0));
+        }
+        else if (nLocal == 1)
+        {
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(pGetLocal1));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(pGetLocalParen));
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(nLocal));
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+                        l o c a l P a r e n
+** paren-local-paren LOCAL 
+** Interpretation: Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined.
+** Execution: ( c-addr u -- )
+** When executed during compilation, (LOCAL) passes a message to the 
+** system that has one of two meanings. If u is non-zero,
+** the message identifies a new local whose definition name is given by
+** the string of characters identified by c-addr u. If u is zero,
+** the message is last local and c-addr has no significance. 
+** The result of executing (LOCAL) during compilation of a definition is
+** to create a set of named local identifiers, each of which is
+** a definition name, that only have execution semantics within the scope
+** of that definition's source. 
+** local Execution: ( -- x )
+** Push the local's value, x, onto the stack. The local's value is
+** initialized as described in 13.3.3 Processing locals and may be
+** changed by preceding the local's name with TO. An ambiguous condition
+** exists when local is executed while in interpretation state. 
+static void localParen(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *pDict = ficlGetDict();
+    SI_SETLEN(si, stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack));
+    SI_SETPTR(si, (char *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack));
+    if (SI_COUNT(si) > 0)
+    {       /* add a local to the dict and update nLocals */
+        FICL_DICT *pLoc = ficlGetLoc();
+        if (nLocals >= FICL_MAX_LOCALS)
+        {
+            vmThrowErr(pVM, "Error: out of local space");
+        }
+        dictAppendWord2(pLoc, si, doLocalIm, FW_COMPIMMED);
+        dictAppendCell(pLoc,  LVALUEtoCELL(nLocals));
+        if (nLocals == 0)
+        {   /* compile code to create a local stack frame */
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(pLinkParen));
+            stackPushPtr(pVM->pStack, pDict->here);
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(nLocals));
+            /* compile code to initialize first local */
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(pToLocal0));
+        }
+        else if (nLocals == 1)
+        {
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(pToLocal1));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(pToLocalParen));
+            dictAppendCell(pDict, LVALUEtoCELL(nLocals));
+        }
+        nLocals++;
+    }
+    else if (nLocals > 0)
+    {       /* pop address of frame link parameter, set value to nLocals */
+        INT32 *pI32 = stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+        *pI32 = nLocals;
+    }
+    return;
+                        setParentWid
+** FICL
+** setparentwid   ( parent-wid wid -- )
+** Set WID's link field to the parent-wid. search-wordlist will 
+** iterate through all the links when finding words in the child wid.
+static void setParentWid(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_HASH *parent, *child;
+#if FICL_ROBUST > 1
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 2, 0);
+    child  = (FICL_HASH *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    parent = (FICL_HASH *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    child->link = parent;
+    return;
+                        s e e 
+** TOOLS ( "<spaces>name" -- )
+** Display a human-readable representation of the named word's definition.
+** The source of the representation (object-code decompilation, source
+** block, etc.) and the particular form of the display is implementation
+** defined. 
+** NOTE: these funcs come late in the file because they reference all
+** of the word-builder funcs without declaring them again. Call me lazy.
+** isAFiclWord
+** Vet a candidate pointer carefully to make sure
+** it's not some chunk o' inline data...
+** It has to have a name, and it has to look
+** like it's in the dictionary address range.
+** NOTE: this excludes :noname words!
+static int isAFiclWord(FICL_WORD *pFW)
+    void *pv = (void *)pFW;
+    FICL_DICT *pd  = ficlGetDict();
+    if (!dictIncludes(pd, pFW))
+       return 0;
+    if (!dictIncludes(pd, pFW->name))
+        return 0;
+    return ((pFW->nName > 0) && (pFW->name[pFW->nName] == '\0'));
+** seeColon (for proctologists only)
+** Walks a colon definition, decompiling
+** on the fly. Knows about primitive control structures.
+static void seeColon(FICL_VM *pVM, CELL *pc)
+    for (; pc->p != pSemiParen; pc++)
+    {
+        FICL_WORD *pFW = (FICL_WORD *)(pc->p);
+        if (isAFiclWord(pFW))
+        {
+            if      (pFW->code == literalParen)
+            {
+                CELL v = *++pc;
+                if (isAFiclWord(v.p))
+                {
+                    FICL_WORD *pLit = (FICL_WORD *)v.p;
+                    sprintf(pVM->pad, "    literal %.*s (%#lx)", 
+                        pLit->nName, pLit->name, v.u);
+                }
+                else
+                    sprintf(pVM->pad, "    literal %ld (%#lx)", v.i, v.u);
+            }
+            else if (pFW->code == stringLit) 
+            {
+                FICL_STRING *sp = (FICL_STRING *)(void *)++pc;
+                pc = (CELL *)alignPtr(sp->text + sp->count + 1) - 1;
+                sprintf(pVM->pad, "    s\" %.*s\"", sp->count, sp->text);
+            }
+            else if (pFW->code == ifParen) 
+            {
+                CELL c = *++pc;
+                if (c.i > 0)
+                    sprintf(pVM->pad, "    if / while (branch rel %ld)", c.i);
+                else
+                    sprintf(pVM->pad, "    until (branch rel %ld)", c.i);
+            }
+            else if (pFW->code == branchParen) 
+            {
+                CELL c = *++pc;
+                if (c.i > 0)
+                    sprintf(pVM->pad, "    else (branch rel %ld)", c.i);
+                else
+                    sprintf(pVM->pad, "    repeat (branch rel %ld)", c.i);
+            }
+            else if (pFW->code == qDoParen) 
+            {
+                CELL c = *++pc;
+                sprintf(pVM->pad, "    ?do (leave abs %#lx)", c.u);
+            }
+            else if (pFW->code == doParen) 
+            {
+                CELL c = *++pc;
+                sprintf(pVM->pad, "    do (leave abs %#lx)", c.u);
+            }
+            else if (pFW->code == loopParen) 
+            {
+                CELL c = *++pc;
+                sprintf(pVM->pad, "    loop (branch rel %#ld)", c.i);
+            }
+            else if (pFW->code == plusLoopParen) 
+            {
+                CELL c = *++pc;
+                sprintf(pVM->pad, "    +loop (branch rel %#ld)", c.i);
+            }
+            else /* default: print word's name */
+            {
+                sprintf(pVM->pad, "    %.*s", pFW->nName, pFW->name);
+            }
+            vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+        }
+        else /* probably not a word - punt and print value */
+        {
+            sprintf(pVM->pad, "    %ld (%#lx)", pc->i, pc->u);
+            vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    vmTextOut(pVM, ";", 1);
+** Here's the outer part of the decompiler. It's 
+** just a big nested conditional that checks the
+** CFA of the word to decompile for each kind of
+** known word-builder code, and tries to do 
+** something appropriate. If the CFA is not recognized,
+** just indicate that it is a primitive.
+static void see(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    FICL_DICT *pd  = ficlGetDict();
+    FICL_WORD *pFW;
+    tick(pVM);
+    pFW = (FICL_WORD *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    if (pFW->code == colonParen) 
+    {
+        sprintf(pVM->pad, ": %.*s", pFW->nName, pFW->name);
+        vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+        seeColon(pVM, pFW->param);
+    }
+    else if (pFW->code == doDoes)
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "does>", 1);
+        seeColon(pVM, (CELL *)pFW->param->p);
+    }
+    else if (pFW->code ==  createParen)
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "create", 1);
+    }
+    else if (pFW->code == variableParen)
+    {
+        sprintf(pVM->pad, "variable = %ld (%#lx)", 
+            pFW->param->i, pFW->param->u);
+        vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+    }
+    else if (pFW->code == userParen)
+    {
+        sprintf(pVM->pad, "user variable %ld (%#lx)", 
+            pFW->param->i, pFW->param->u);
+        vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+    }
+    else if (pFW->code == constantParen)
+    {
+        sprintf(pVM->pad, "constant = %ld (%#lx)", 
+            pFW->param->i, pFW->param->u);
+        vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "primitive", 1);
+    }
+    if (pFW->flags & FW_IMMEDIATE)
+    {
+        vmTextOut(pVM, "immediate", 1);
+    }
+    return;
+                        c o m p a r e 
+** STRING ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n )
+** Compare the string specified by c-addr1 u1 to the string specified by
+** c-addr2 u2. The strings are compared, beginning at the given addresses,
+** character by character, up to the length of the shorter string or until a
+** difference is found. If the two strings are identical, n is zero. If the two
+** strings are identical up to the length of the shorter string, n is minus-one
+** (-1) if u1 is less than u2 and one (1) otherwise. If the two strings are not
+** identical up to the length of the shorter string, n is minus-one (-1) if the 
+** first non-matching character in the string specified by c-addr1 u1 has a
+** lesser numeric value than the corresponding character in the string specified
+** by c-addr2 u2 and one (1) otherwise. 
+static void compareString(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    char *cp1, *cp2;
+    UNS32 u1, u2, uMin;
+    int n = 0;
+    vmCheckStack(pVM, 4, 1);
+    u2  = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    cp2 = (char *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    u1  = stackPopUNS32(pVM->pStack);
+    cp1 = (char *)stackPopPtr(pVM->pStack);
+    uMin = (u1 < u2)? u1 : u2;
+    for ( ; (uMin > 0) && (n == 0); uMin--)
+    {
+        n = (int)(*cp1++ - *cp2++);
+    }
+    if (n == 0)
+        n = (int)(u1 - u2);
+    if (n < 0) 
+        n = -1;
+    else if (n > 0)
+        n = 1;
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, n);
+    return;
+                        r e f i l l
+** CORE EXT   ( -- flag )
+** Attempt to fill the input buffer from the input source, returning a true
+** flag if successful. 
+** When the input source is the user input device, attempt to receive input
+** into the terminal input buffer. If successful, make the result the input
+** buffer, set >IN to zero, and return true. Receipt of a line containing no
+** characters is considered successful. If there is no input available from
+** the current input source, return false. 
+** When the input source is a string from EVALUATE, return false and
+** perform no other action. 
+static void refill(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    INT32 ret = (pVM->sourceID == -1) ? FICL_FALSE : FICL_TRUE;
+    stackPushINT32(pVM->pStack, ret);
+    if (ret)
+        vmThrow(pVM, VM_OUTOFTEXT);
+    return;
+#if 0
+static void funcname(FICL_VM *pVM)
+    IGNORE(pVM);
+    return;
+                        f i c l C o m p i l e C o r e
+** Builds the primitive wordset and the environment-query namespace.
+void ficlCompileCore(FICL_DICT *dp)
+    assert (dp);
+    /*
+    ** CORE word set
+    ** see softcore.c for definitions of: abs bl space spaces abort"
+    */
+    pStore =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "!",         store,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "#",         numberSign,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "#>",        numberSignGreater,FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "#s",        numberSignS,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "\'",        tick,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(",         commentHang,    FW_IMMEDIATE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "*",         mul,            FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "*/",        mulDiv,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "*/mod",     mulDivRem,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "+",         add,            FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "+!",        plusStore,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "+loop",     plusLoopCoIm,   FW_COMPIMMED);
+    pComma =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ",",         comma,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "-",         sub,            FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ".",         displayCell,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ".\"",       dotQuoteCoIm,   FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "/",         ficlDiv,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "/mod",      slashMod,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "0<",        zeroLess,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "0=",        zeroEquals,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "0>",        zeroGreater,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "1+",        onePlus,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "1-",        oneMinus,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2!",        twoStore,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2*",        twoMul,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2/",        twoDiv,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2@",        twoFetch,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2drop",     twoDrop,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2dup",      twoDup,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2over",     twoOver,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2swap",     twoSwap,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ":",         colon,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ";",         semicolonCoIm,  FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "<",         isLess,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "<#",        lessNumberSign, FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "=",         isEqual,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ">",         isGreater,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ">body",     toBody,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ">in",       toIn,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ">number",   toNumber,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ">r",        toRStack,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "?dup",      questionDup,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "@",         fetch,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "abort",     ficlAbort,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "accept",    accept,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "align",     align,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "aligned",   aligned,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "allot",     allot,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "and",       bitwiseAnd,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "base",      base,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "begin",     beginCoIm,      FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "c!",        cStore,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "c,",        cComma,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "c@",        cFetch,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "cell+",     cellPlus,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "cells",     cells,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "char",      ficlChar,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "char+",     charPlus,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "chars",     ficlChars,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "constant",  constant,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "count",     count,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "cr",        cr,             FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "create",    create,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "decimal",   decimal,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "depth",     depth,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "do",        doCoIm,         FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "does>",     doesCoIm,       FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "drop",      drop,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "dup",       dup,            FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "else",      elseCoIm,       FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "emit",      emit,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "environment?", environmentQ,FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "evaluate",  evaluate,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "execute",   execute,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "exit",      exitCoIm,       FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "fill",      fill,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "find",      find,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "fm/mod",    fmSlashMod,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "here",      here,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "hex",       hex,            FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "hold",      hold,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "i",         loopICo,        FW_COMPILE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "if",        ifCoIm,         FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "immediate", immediate,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "invert",    bitwiseNot,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "j",         loopJCo,        FW_COMPILE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "k",         loopKCo,        FW_COMPILE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "leave",     leaveCo,        FW_COMPILE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "literal",   literalIm,      FW_IMMEDIATE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "loop",      loopCoIm,       FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "lshift",    lshift,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "m*",        mStar,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "max",       ficlMax,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "min",       ficlMin,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "mod",       ficlMod,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "move",      move,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "negate",    negate,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "or",        bitwiseOr,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "over",      over,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "postpone",  postponeCoIm,   FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "quit",      quit,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "r>",        fromRStack,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "r@",        fetchRStack,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "recurse",   recurseCoIm,    FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "repeat",    repeatCoIm,     FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "rot",       rot,            FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "rshift",    rshift,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "s\"",       stringQuoteIm,  FW_IMMEDIATE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "s>d",       sToD,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "sign",      sign,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "sm/rem",    smSlashRem,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "source",    source,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "state",     state,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "swap",      swap,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "then",      endifCoIm,      FW_COMPIMMED);
+    pType =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "type",      type,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "u.",        uDot,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "u<",        uIsLess,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "um*",       umStar,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "um/mod",    umSlashMod,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "unloop",    unloopCo,       FW_COMPILE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "until",     untilCoIm,      FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "variable",  variable,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "while",     whileCoIm,      FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "word",      ficlWord,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "xor",       bitwiseXor,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "[",         lbracketCoIm,   FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "[\']",      bracketTickCoIm,FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "[char]",    charCoIm,       FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "]",         rbracket,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    /* 
+    ** CORE EXT word set...
+    ** see softcore.c for other definitions
+    */
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ".(",        dotParen,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ":noname",   colonNoName,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "?do",       qDoCoIm,        FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "parse",     parse,          FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "pick",      pick,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "roll",      roll,           FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "refill",    refill,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "to",        toValue,        FW_IMMEDIATE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "value",     constant,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "\\",        commentLine,    FW_IMMEDIATE);
+    /*
+    ** Set CORE environment query values
+    */
+    ficlSetEnv("/counted-string",   FICL_STRING_MAX);
+    ficlSetEnv("/hold",             nPAD);
+    ficlSetEnv("/pad",              nPAD);
+    ficlSetEnv("address-unit-bits", 8);
+    ficlSetEnv("core",              FICL_TRUE);
+    ficlSetEnv("core-ext",          FICL_FALSE);
+    ficlSetEnv("floored",           FICL_FALSE);
+    ficlSetEnv("max-char",          UCHAR_MAX);
+    ficlSetEnvD("max-d",            0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff );
+    ficlSetEnv("max-n",             0x7fffffff);
+    ficlSetEnv("max-u",             0xffffffff);
+    ficlSetEnvD("max-ud",           0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);
+    ficlSetEnv("return-stack-cells",FICL_DEFAULT_STACK);
+    ficlSetEnv("stack-cells",       FICL_DEFAULT_STACK);
+    /*
+    ** LOCAL and LOCAL EXT
+    ** see softcore.c for implementation of locals|
+    */
+    pLinkParen = 
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(link)",    linkParen,      FW_COMPILE);
+    pUnLinkParen = 
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(unlink)",  unlinkParen,    FW_COMPILE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "doLocal",   doLocalIm,      FW_COMPIMMED);
+    pGetLocalParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(@local)",  getLocalParen,  FW_COMPILE);
+    pToLocalParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(toLocal)", toLocalParen,   FW_COMPILE);
+    pGetLocal0 =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(@local0)", getLocal0,      FW_COMPILE);
+    pToLocal0 =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(toLocal0)",toLocal0,       FW_COMPILE);
+    pGetLocal1 =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(@local1)", getLocal1,      FW_COMPILE);
+    pToLocal1 =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(toLocal1)",toLocal1,       FW_COMPILE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(local)",   localParen,     FW_COMPILE);
+    ficlSetEnv("locals",            FICL_TRUE);
+    ficlSetEnv("locals-ext",        FICL_TRUE);
+    ficlSetEnv("#locals",           FICL_MAX_LOCALS);
+    /*
+    ** optional SEARCH-ORDER word set 
+    */
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ">search",   searchPush,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "search>",   searchPop,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "definitions",
+                                    definitions,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "forth-wordlist",  
+                                    forthWordlist,  FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "get-current",  
+                                    getCurrent,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "get-order", getOrder,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "search-wordlist",  
+                                    searchWordlist, FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "set-current",  
+                                    setCurrent,     FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "set-order", setOrder,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "wordlist",  wordlist,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    /*
+    ** Set SEARCH environment query values
+    */
+    ficlSetEnv("search-order",      FICL_TRUE);
+    ficlSetEnv("search-order-ext",  FICL_TRUE);
+    ficlSetEnv("wordlists",         FICL_DEFAULT_VOCS);
+    /*
+    ** TOOLS and TOOLS EXT
+    */
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ".s",        displayStack,   FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "bye",       bye,            FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "see",       see,            FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "words",     listWords,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    /*
+    ** Set TOOLS environment query values
+    */
+    ficlSetEnv("tools",            FICL_TRUE);
+    ficlSetEnv("tools-ext",        FICL_FALSE);
+    /*
+    ** Ficl extras
+    */
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ".env",      listEnv,        FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ".hash",     dictHashSummary,FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ".ver",      ficlVersion,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "-roll",     minusRoll,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "2constant", twoConstant,    FW_IMMEDIATE); /* DOUBLE */
+    dictAppendWord(dp, ">name",     toName,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "body>",     fromBody,       FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "compare",   compareString,  FW_DEFAULT);   /* STRING */
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "compile-only",
+                                    compileOnly,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "endif",     endifCoIm,      FW_COMPIMMED);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "parse-word",parseNoCopy,    FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "sliteral",  sLiteralCoIm,   FW_COMPIMMED); /* STRING */
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "wid-set-super", 
+                                    setParentWid,   FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "w@",        wFetch,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "w!",        wStore,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "x.",        hexDot,         FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(user)",    userParen,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "user",      userVariable,   FW_DEFAULT);
+    /*
+    ** internal support words
+    */
+    pExitParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(exit)",    exitParen,      FW_COMPILE);
+    pSemiParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(;)",       semiParen,      FW_COMPILE);
+    pLitParen = 
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(literal)", literalParen,   FW_COMPILE);
+    pStringLit =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(.\")",     stringLit,      FW_COMPILE);
+    pIfParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(if)",      ifParen,        FW_COMPILE);
+    pBranchParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(branch)",  branchParen,    FW_COMPILE);
+    pDoParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(do)",      doParen,        FW_COMPILE);
+    pDoesParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(does>)",   doesParen,      FW_COMPILE);
+    pQDoParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(?do)",     qDoParen,       FW_COMPILE);
+    pLoopParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(loop)",    loopParen,      FW_COMPILE);
+    pPLoopParen =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(+loop)",   plusLoopParen,  FW_COMPILE);
+    pInterpret =
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "interpret", interpret,      FW_DEFAULT);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(variable)",variableParen,  FW_COMPILE);
+    dictAppendWord(dp, "(constant)",constantParen,  FW_COMPILE);
+    return;