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ref: e5f0c0798b44ffaa03772477138ff0ae4df4763b
parent: 5a81e15d663cfea8832155f39f0e8f3557ff3fae
author: jsadler <jsadler@ficl.sf.net>
date: Tue Jun 6 23:24:19 CDT 2000

*** empty log message ***

--- /dev/null
+++ b/softwords/ficllocal.fr
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+\ ** ficl/softwords/ficllocal.fr
+\ ** stack comment style local syntax...
+\ {{ a b c -- d e }}
+\ variables before the "--" are initialized in reverse order
+\ from the stack. Those after the "--" are zero initialized
+\ Uses locals...
+\ locstate: 0 = looking for -- or }}
+\           1 = found --
+0 constant zero
+: ?--   s" --" compare 0= ;
+: ?}}   s" }}" compare 0= ;
+: {{
+    0 dup  locals| nLocs locstate |
+    begin
+        parse-word 
+        ?dup 0= abort" Error: out of text without seeing }}"
+        2dup 2dup  ?-- -rot ?}} or 0=
+    while
+        nLocs 1+ to nLocs
+    repeat
+    ?-- if 1 to locstate endif
+    nLocs 0 do
+        (local) 
+    loop
+    locstate 1 = if
+        begin
+            parse-word
+            2dup ?}} 0=
+        while
+            postpone zero  (local)
+        repeat
+        2drop
+    endif
+    0 0 (local)
+; immediate compile-only
--- /dev/null
+++ b/softwords/forml.fr
@@ -1,0 +1,70 @@
+\ examples from FORML conference paper Nov 98
+\ sadler
+.( loading FORML examples ) cr
+object --> sub c-example
+             cell: .cell0
+    c-4byte   obj: .nCells
+  4 c-4byte array: .quad
+       c-byte obj: .length
+         79 chars: .name
+    : init   ( inst class -- )
+        2dup  object => init
+        s" aardvark"  2swap  --> set-name
+    ;
+    : get-name  ( inst class -- c-addr u )
+        2dup 
+        --> .name  -rot      ( c-addr inst class )
+        --> .length --> get
+    ;
+    : set-name  { c-addr u inst class -- }
+        u       inst class --> .length --> set
+        c-addr  inst class --> .name  u move
+    ;
+    : ?  ( inst class ) c-example => get-name type cr ;
+: test ." this is a test" cr ;
+' test
+c-word --> ref testref
+\ add a method to c-word...
+c-word --> get-wid ficl-set-current
+\ list dictionary thread
+: list  ( inst class )
+    begin
+        2dup --> get-name type cr 
+        --> next over 
+    0= until
+    2drop
+object subclass c-led
+    c-byte obj: .state
+    : on   { led# inst class -- }
+        inst class --> .state --> get
+        1 led# lshift or dup !oreg
+        inst class --> .state --> set
+    ;
+    : off   { led# inst class -- }
+        inst class --> .state --> get
+        1 led# lshift invert and dup !oreg
+        inst class --> .state --> set
+    ;
+object subclass c-switch
+    : ?on   { bit# inst class -- bit }
+    ;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/softwords/jhlocal.fr
@@ -1,0 +1,77 @@
+\ ** ficl/softwords/jhlocal.fr
+\ ** stack comment style local syntax...
+\ { a b c | cleared -- d e }
+\ variables before the "|" are initialized in reverse order
+\ from the stack. Those after the "|" are zero initialized.
+\ Anything between "--" and "}" is treated as comment
+\ Uses locals...
+\ locstate: 0 = looking for | or -- or }}
+\           1 = found |
+\           2 = found --
+0 constant zero
+: ?--   ( c-addr u -- c-addr u flag )
+    2dup s" --" compare 0= ;
+: ?}    ( c-addr u -- c-addr u flag )
+    2dup s" }"  compare 0= ;
+: ?|    ( c-addr u -- c-addr u flag )
+    2dup s" |"  compare 0= ;
+: ?delim   ( c-addr u -- state | c-addr u 0 )
+    ?| if 
+        2drop 1
+    else 
+        ?-- if 
+            2drop 2
+        else 
+            ?} if 2drop 3  else 0  endif
+        endif
+    endif
+: {
+    0 dup locals| locstate |
+    \ stack locals until we hit a delimiter
+    begin
+        parse-word      \ ( nLocals c-addr u )
+        ?delim dup to locstate
+    0= while
+        rot 1+          \ ( c-addr u ... c-addr u nLocals )
+    repeat
+    \ now unstack the locals
+    0 do (local) loop   \ ( )
+    \ zero locals until -- or }
+    locstate 1 = if
+        begin
+            parse-word
+            ?delim dup to locstate
+        0= while
+            postpone zero  (local)
+        repeat
+    endif
+    0 0 (local)
+    \ toss words until }
+    locstate 2 = if
+        begin
+            parse-word
+            ?delim dup to locstate
+        0= while
+            2drop
+        repeat
+    endif
+    locstate 3 <> abort" syntax error in { } local line"
+; immediate compile-only
+\ #endif
--- /dev/null
+++ b/softwords/marker.fr
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+\ ** ficl/softwords/marker.fr
+\ ** Ficl implementation of CORE EXT MARKER
+\ John Sadler, 4 Oct 98
+\ Requires ficl 2.02 FORGET-WID !!
+: marker   ( "name" -- )
+    create  
+    get-current ,
+    get-order dup , 
+    0 ?do , loop 
+  does>
+    0 set-order                     \ clear search order
+    dup body> >name drop 
+    here - allot                    \ reset HERE to my xt-addr
+    dup @                           ( pfa current-wid )
+    dup set-current forget-wid      ( pfa )
+    cell+ dup @ swap                ( count count-addr )
+    over cells + swap               ( last-wid-addr count )
+    0 ?do 
+        dup @ dup                   ( wid-addr wid wid )
+        >search forget-wid          ( wid-addr )
+        cell- 
+    loop
+    drop
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ficltest.fr
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+\ test file for ficl
+\ test ANSI CORE stuff first...
+-1 set-order
+load tester.fr
+load core.fr
+\ Now test ficl extras and optional word-sets
+testing :noname
+{ -> }
+{ :noname 1 ; execute -> 1 }
+{ 1 2 3 -rot -> 3 1 2 }
+testing default search order
+{ get-order -> forth-wordlist 1 }
+{ only definitions get-order -> forth-wordlist 1 }
+testing forget
+here constant fence
+{ fence forget fence -> here }
+testing within
+{ -1 1 0    within -> true }
+{  0 1s 2   within -> true }
+{ -100 0 -1 within -> true }
+{ -1 1 2    within -> false }
+{ -1 1 -2   within -> false }
+{ 1 -5 5    within -> true }
+{ 33000 32000 34000 within -> true }
+{ 0x80000000 0x7f000000 0x81000000 within -> true }