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dir: /local/tree.zuo/

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#lang zuo

;; This module implements a simple version of the `tree` program,
;; which shows the content of a directory in tree form.

;; Another script could use this `tree` function...
(provide tree)

;; ... but if this script is the main one passed to Zuo,
;; then the `main` submodule is run, which parses command-line
;; arguments and call `tree`.
(module+ main
  ;; Imitates Racket's `command-line` form, but we have to explicitly
  ;; thread through `accum`, because there's no state
   :init (hash) ; initial accumulator (but `(hash)` is the default, anyway)
   ;; Each flag clause starts with the accumulator id
   [accum ("-a") "Include names that start with `.`"
          (hash-set accum 'all? #t)]
   [accum ("-h") "Show file sizes human-readable"
          (hash-set accum 'h-size? #t)]
   :args ([dir "."])
   (lambda (accum) ; args handler as procedure to receive the accumulator
     (if (directory-exists? dir)
         (tree dir
               (hash-ref accum 'all? #f)
               (hash-ref accum 'h-size? #f))
         (error (~a (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'script)
                    ": no such directory: "

;; Recur using `ls` to get a directory's content
(define (tree dir show-all? show-size?)
  (displayln dir)
  (let tree ([dir dir] [depth 0])
    (define elems (sort (ls dir) string<?))
    (let in-dir ([elems (if show-all? elems (filter not-dot? elems))])
      (unless (null? elems)
        (define elem (car elems))
        (define elem-path (build-path dir elem))
        (define s (stat elem-path))

        (let loop ([depth depth])
          (unless (= depth 0)
            (display "│  ")
            (loop (- depth 1))))
        (if (null? (cdr elems))
            (display "└─ ")
            (display "├─ "))

        (when show-size?
          (display (~a "[" (human-readable (hash-ref s 'size)) "] ")))
        (displayln elem)

        (when (eq? (hash-ref s 'type) 'dir)
          (tree elem-path (+ depth 1)))
        (in-dir (cdr elems))))))

(define not-dot?
  (let ([dot? (glob->matcher ".*")])
    (lambda (s) (not (dot? s)))))

;; Arithmetic is not Zuo's strong suit, since it supports only
;; 64-bit signed integers
(define (human-readable n)
  (define (decimal n)
    (define d (quotient 1024 10))
    (define dec (quotient (+ (modulo n 1024) (quotient d 2)) d))
    (~a (quotient n (* 1024)) "." dec))
  (define s
      [(< n 1024) (~a n)]
      [(< n (quotient (* 1024 1024) 10)) (~a (decimal n) "K")]
      [else (~a (decimal (quotient n 1024)) "M")]))
  (if (< (string-length s) 4)
      (~a (substring "    " (string-length s)) s)