home: hub: zuo

ref: 46ffffade19df38147f79afe991d91e3fc3d53e3
dir: /tests/process.zuo/

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#lang zuo

(require "harness.zuo")

(alert "processes")

(define zuo.exe (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe))
(define answer.txt (build-path tmp-dir "answer.txt"))

;; check process without redirection, inculding multiple processes
(let ()
  (define echo-to-file.zuo (build-path tmp-dir "echo-to-file.zuo"))
  (let ([out (fd-open-output echo-to-file.zuo :truncate)])
    (fd-write out (~a "#lang zuo\n"
                      (~s '(let* ([args (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)]
                                  [out (fd-open-output (car args) :truncate)])
                             (fd-write out (cadr args))))))
    (fd-close out))
  (let ([ht (process zuo.exe
                     (list answer.txt
                           "anybody home?"))])
    (check (hash? ht))
    (check (= 1 (hash-count ht)))
    (check (handle? (hash-ref ht 'process)))
    (let ([p (hash-ref ht 'process)])
      (check (handle? p))
      (check (process-wait p) p)
      (check (process-wait p p p) p)
      (check (handle? p))
      (check (process-status p) 0))
    (let ([in (fd-open-input answer.txt)])
      (check (fd-read in eof) "anybody home?")
      (fd-close in)))

  (define answer2.txt (build-path tmp-dir "answer2.txt"))
  (let ([ht1 (process zuo.exe echo-to-file.zuo answer.txt "one")]
        [ht2 (process zuo.exe (list echo-to-file.zuo answer2.txt) "two")])
    (define p1 (hash-ref ht1 'process))
    (define p2 (hash-ref ht2 'process))
    (define pa (process-wait p1 p2))
    (define pb (process-wait (if (eq? p1 pa) p2 p1)))
    (check (or (and (eq? p1 pa) (eq? p2 pb))
               (and (eq? p1 pb) (eq? p2 pa))))
    (check (process-status p1) 0)
    (check (process-status p2) 0)
    (check (process-wait p1) p1)
    (check (process-wait p2) p2)
    (define pc (process-wait p1 p2))
    (check (or (eq? pc p1) (eq? pc p2)))
    (let ([in (fd-open-input answer.txt)])
      (check (fd-read in eof) "one")
      (fd-close in))
    (let ([in (fd-open-input answer2.txt)])
      (check (fd-read in eof) "two")
      (fd-close in))))

;; check setting the process directory and environment variables
(let ([path->absolute-path (lambda (p) (if (relative-path? p)
                                           (build-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir) p)
  (define runtime-to-file
    (~a "#lang zuo\n"
        (~s `(let* ([out (fd-open-output ,(path->absolute-path answer.txt) :truncate)])
               (fd-write out (~s (cons
                                  (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir)
                                  (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env))))))))

  (let ([ht (process zuo.exe "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe))])
    (check (hash? ht))
    (check (= 2 (hash-count ht)))
    (check (handle? (hash-ref ht 'process)))
    (check (handle? (hash-ref ht 'stdin)))
    (fd-write (hash-ref ht 'stdin) runtime-to-file)
    (fd-close (hash-ref ht 'stdin))
    (process-wait (hash-ref ht 'process))
    (check (process-status (hash-ref ht 'process)) 0)
    (let ()
      (define in (fd-open-input answer.txt))
      (define dir+env (car (string-read (fd-read in eof))))
      (fd-close in)
      (check (car dir+env) (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir))
      (check (andmap (lambda (p)
                       (define p2 (assoc (car p) (cdr dir+env)))
                       (and p2 (equal? (cdr p) (cdr p2))))
                     (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env)))))

  (let* ([env (list (cons "HELLO" "there"))]
         [ht (process zuo.exe "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe
                                       'dir tmp-dir
                                       'env env))])
    (fd-write (hash-ref ht 'stdin) runtime-to-file)
    (fd-close (hash-ref ht 'stdin))
    (process-wait (hash-ref ht 'process))
    (check (process-status (hash-ref ht 'process)) 0)
    (let ()
      (define in (fd-open-input answer.txt))
      (define dir+env (car (string-read (fd-read in eof))))
      (fd-close in)
      (define (dir-identity d) (hash-ref (stat d #t) 'inode))
      (check (dir-identity (car dir+env)) (dir-identity tmp-dir))
      (check (andmap (lambda (p)
                       (define p2 (assoc (car p) (cdr dir+env)))
                       (and p2 (equal? (cdr p) (cdr p2))))

;; make sure that the file descriptor for one process's pipe isn't
;; kept open by a second process
(let ()
  (define ht1 (process zuo.exe "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
  (define ht2 (process zuo.exe "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe)))

  (define in1 (hash-ref ht1 'stdin))
  (fd-write in1 "#lang zuo 'hello")
  (fd-close in1)
  (check (fd-read (hash-ref ht1 'stdout) eof) "'hello\n")
  (process-wait (hash-ref ht1 'process))
  (fd-close (hash-ref ht1 'stdout))

  (define in2 (hash-ref ht2 'stdin))
  (fd-write in2 "#lang zuo")
  (fd-close in2)
  (process-wait (hash-ref ht2 'process))

;; check transfer of UTF-8 arguments and related
(define (check-process-arg arg)
  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
		     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
  (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
  (fd-write to "#lang zuo (displayln (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args))")
  (fd-close to)
  (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
  (define s (fd-read from eof))
  (process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
  (check s (~a"(" arg ")\n")))

(check-process-arg "\316\273")
(check-process-arg "a b c")
(check-process-arg "a \"b\" c")
(check-process-arg "a \"b c")
(check-process-arg "a \\b c")