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ref: 6cb4a63ba2279892e830289d3b879a29c9edc075
dir: /lib/zuo/private/build-db.zuo/

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#lang zuo/base

;; Build results for each target are stored in the target's directory
;; in "_zuo.db". Since multiple targets are likely to be in the same
;; directory, the goal here is to be able to load information for all
;; the targets at once.

;; A timestamp-based SHA-1 cache for input files is stored in
;; "_zuo_tc.db" alongside "_zuo.db" --- in the directory of a target
;; that depends on the input files, not in the input file's directory
;; (which is likely to be in the source tree). An input used by
;; targets in different directories will have information cached in
;; each of those directories. The cache may also include information
;; for non-input targets that are dependencies, just because it's
;; easier to not distinguish when writing.

;; Paths are stored in the ".db" files as absolute (when they started
;; that way in a target) or relative to the file's directory. The
;; format of each file is a top-level sequence of
;;   (<rel-path> . <info>)
;; For "_zuo.db", it's more specifically
;;   (<rel-path> <sha1> (<dep-rel-path> <sha1>) ...)
;; For "_zuo_tc.db", it's
;;   (<rel-path> (<time-secs> . <time-msec>) <sha1>)

(provide db-record-target-sha1s



;; for serialization and deserialization of dep-sha1s tables
(define (hash->list ht db-dir)
  (map (lambda (k) (list (serialize-key k db-dir) (hash-ref ht k)))
       (hash-keys ht)))
(define (list->hash l db-dir)
  (foldl (lambda (p ht) (hash-set ht (deserialize-key (car p) db-dir) (cadr p)))
(define (serialize-key key db-dir)
  (if (symbol-key? key)
      (symbol-key->symbol key)
      ;; otherwise, represents a path
      (let ([path (symbol->string key)])
        (if (relative-path? path)
            (find-relative-path db-dir
                                (if (relative-path? db-dir)
                                    (path->complete-path path)))
(define (deserialize-key key db-dir)
  (if (string? key)
      (string->symbol (if (relative-path? key)
                          (build-path db-dir key)
      (symbol->key key)))

;; All relative file names are stored relative to `db-dir`, which
;; defaults to the directory of target-path. Meanwhile, `target-path`
;; and keys in an incoming ts are (or outgoing ts must be) relative to
;; the current directory.
(define (db-paths maybe-db-dir target-path k)
  (define target-dir+name (split-path target-path))
  (define target-dir (or (car target-dir+name) "."))
  (define db-dir (or maybe-db-dir target-dir))
  (define rel-target-path
    (if (relative-path? target-path)
        (if maybe-db-dir
            (find-relative-path maybe-db-dir target-path)
            (cdr target-dir+name))
  (define db-path (build-path db-dir "_zuo.db"))
  (define tc-path (build-path db-dir "_zuo_tc.db"))
  (k rel-target-path db-dir db-path tc-path))

;; Records the result of a build of `name`, mainly storing the
;; SHA-1 and dep SHA-1s in "_zuo.db", but also recording a timestamp
;; plus SHA-1 for dependencies in "_zuo_tc.db".
;; All relative file names are stored relative to `db-dir`, which
;; defaults to the directory of target-path. On entry, `target-path`
;; and keys in `ts` are relative to the current directory.
(define (db-record-target-sha1s maybe-db-dir target-path ts co-outputs)
   maybe-db-dir target-path
   (lambda (rel-target-path db-dir db-path tc-path)
     (define db-content
       (if (file-exists? db-path)
           (string-read (file->string db-path) 0 db-path)
     (define dep-sha1s-l (hash->list (cdr ts) db-dir))
     (define new-db-content (reassoc (list* rel-target-path (car ts) dep-sha1s-l) db-content))
     (update-file db-path new-db-content)
     (unless (ormap (lambda (p) (string=? (car p) "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")) (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'env))
       (define tc-content
         (if (file-exists? tc-path)
             (string-read (file->string tc-path) 0 tc-path)
       (define new-tc-content
         (foldl (lambda (dep tc-content)
                  (define dep-name (car dep))
                    [(symbol? dep-name) tc-content]
                     (define time (file-timestamp (if (relative-path? dep-name)
                                                      (build-path db-dir dep-name)
                       [time (reassoc (list dep-name time (substring (cadr dep) 0 40)) tc-content)]
                       [else tc-content])]))
                (if (pair? co-outputs)
                    (append (split-sha1s rel-target-path co-outputs (car ts) db-dir)
                    (cons (list rel-target-path (car ts)) dep-sha1s-l))))
       (update-file tc-path new-tc-content)))))

;; Loads previous-build information for `abs-path`, as well as cached
;; SHA-1s for things that might be dependencies; loading needs to
;; happen only once per directory that has a (non-input) build target
(define (db-load-sha1s maybe-db-dir target-path db tc)
   maybe-db-dir target-path
   (lambda (name db-dir db-path tc-path)
     (define key (string->symbol db-path))
       [(hash-ref db key #f)
        ;; already loaded
        ;; if loading fails, then we'll delete files on the
        ;; grounds that they must be in bad shape
        (define (read-in path table deserialize)
          (suspend-signal) ; don't lose the file as a result of Ctl-C
          (define c-handle (cleanable-file path))
          (define content (if (file-exists? path)
                              (string-read (file->string path) 0 path)
          (define new
            (foldl (lambda (name+val table)
                     (define name (car name+val))
                     (define key (string->symbol (if (relative-path? name)
                                                     (build-path db-dir name)
                     (hash-set table key (deserialize (cdr name+val))))
          (cleanable-cancel c-handle)
        (define new-db (read-in db-path (hash-set db key #t)
                                (lambda (v)
                                  (cons (car v)
                                        (list->hash (cdr v) db-dir)))))
        (define new-tc (read-in tc-path tc (lambda (v) v)))
        (cons new-db new-tc)]))))

;; Helpers to get an input file's SHA-1, possibly cached
(define (file-sha1/cached path time-cache)
  (let ([timestamp (file-timestamp path)])
    (and timestamp
         (let ([cached (and time-cache
                            (hash-ref time-cache
                                      (string->symbol path)
           (if (and cached
                    (equal? (car cached) timestamp))
               (cadr cached)
               (string-sha1 (file->string path)))))))

;; Split "sha1", which should have a sha1 for each of `rel-target-path`
;; and each element of `co-outputs`, into a list of sha1s
(define (split-sha1s rel-target-path co-outputs sha1 db-dir)
  (cons (list rel-target-path (substring sha1 0 40))
        (let loop ([co-outputs co-outputs] [start 40])
            [(null? co-outputs) '()]
             (let ([co-output (car co-outputs)])
               (cons (list (if (relative-path? co-output)
                               (find-relative-path db-dir co-output)
                           (substring sha1 start (+ start 40)))
                     (loop (cdr co-outputs) (+ start 40))))]))))

;; Atomic write by write-to-temporary-and-move
(define (update-file path new-content)
  (define path-tmp (~a path "-tmp"))
  (display-to-file (string-join (map ~s new-content) "\n") path-tmp :truncate)
  (when (eq? 'windows (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type))
    (when (file-exists? path) (rm path)))
  (mv path-tmp path))

;; Like `hash-set`, but for an association list
(define (reassoc pr content)
    [(null? content) (list pr)]
    [(string=? (caar content) (car pr)) (cons pr (cdr content))]
    [else (cons (car content) (reassoc pr (cdr content)))]))

(define (file-timestamp path)
  (define s (stat path))
  (and s (list (hash-ref s 'modify-time-seconds)
               (hash-ref s 'modify-time-nanoseconds))))

(define (path->absolute-path p)
  (if (relative-path? p)
      (build-path (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'dir) p)

(define (dir-part path)
  (if (symbol? path)
      (or (car (split-path path)) ".")))

(define (symbol->key name)
  (string->uninterned-symbol (~a "!" (symbol->string name))))

(define (symbol-key? sym)
  (let ([str (symbol->string sym)])
    (and (= (char "!") (string-ref str 0))
         (not (eq? sym (string->symbol str))))))

(define (symbol-key->symbol sym)
  (let ([str (symbol->string sym)])
    (string->symbol (substring str 1 (string-length str)))))