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dir: /tests/filesystem.zuo/

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#lang zuo

(require "harness.zuo")

(alert "filesystem")

(check (hash? (stat tmp-dir #f)))
(check (stat (build-path tmp-dir "nonesuch.txt") #f) #f)

(let ([s (stat tmp-dir #f)])
  (check (hash-ref s 'type) 'dir))
(check (directory-exists? tmp-dir))
(check (file-exists? tmp-dir) #f)
(check (link-exists? tmp-dir) #f)
(check-arg-fail (stat 10) not-path)

(define now (current-time))

(define exists.txt (build-path tmp-dir "exists.txt"))
(let ([fd (fd-open-output exists.txt :truncate)])
  (fd-write fd "xyz")
  (fd-close fd))

(define exists2.txt (build-path tmp-dir "exists2.txt"))
(fd-close (fd-open-output exists2.txt :can-update))

(check (file-exists? exists.txt))
(check (file-exists? exists2.txt))
(check (directory-exists? exists2.txt) #f)
(check (link-exists? exists2.txt) #f)

(check-arg-fail (file-exists? 10) not-path)
(check-arg-fail (directory-exists? 10) not-path)
(check-arg-fail (link-exists? 10) not-path)

(let ([s (stat exists.txt #f)])
  (check (hash? s))
  (check (hash-ref s 'type) 'file)
  (check (hash-ref s 'size) 3)
  ;; Seems to be too precise for some Linux configurations:
  (check (or (> (hash-ref s 'modify-time-seconds) (car now))
	     (and (= (hash-ref s 'modify-time-seconds) (car now))
		  (>= (hash-ref s 'modify-time-nanoseconds) (cdr now)))))
  (check (>= (hash-ref s 'modify-time-seconds) (car now)))
  (let ([s2 (stat exists.txt #t)])
    (check s s2))
  (let ([s2 (stat exists2.txt #t)])
    (check (hash? s2))
    (check (not (equal? (hash-ref s 'inode) (hash-ref s2 'inode))))
    (check (equal? (hash-ref s 'device-id) (hash-ref s2 'device-id)))))

(let ([l (ls tmp-dir)])
  (check (pair? (member "exists.txt" l)))
  (check (pair? (member "exists2.txt" l))))
(check-arg-fail (ls 10) not-path)

(rm exists2.txt)
(check (stat exists2.txt #t) #f)
(check (member "exists2.txt" (ls tmp-dir)) #f)

(define sub-dir (build-path tmp-dir "sub"))
(rm* sub-dir)

(check (directory-exists? sub-dir) #f)
(check (mkdir sub-dir) (void))
(check (directory-exists? sub-dir))
(check-arg-fail (mkdir 10) not-path)

(define sub-sub-dir (build-path sub-dir "subsub"))
(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir) #f)
(check (mkdir sub-sub-dir) (void))
(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir))
(check (rmdir sub-sub-dir) (void))
(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir) #f)
(check (mkdir sub-sub-dir) (void))

(fd-close (fd-open-output (build-path sub-sub-dir "apple") :can-update))
(fd-close (fd-open-output (build-path sub-sub-dir "banana") :can-update))
(fd-close (fd-open-output (build-path sub-sub-dir "cherry") :can-update))
(fd-close (fd-open-output (build-path sub-dir "donut") :can-update))

(check (length (ls sub-dir)) 2)
(check (length (ls sub-sub-dir)) 3)

(check (void? (mv (build-path sub-sub-dir "banana")
                  (build-path sub-dir "banana"))))
(check (length (ls sub-dir)) 3)
(check (length (ls sub-sub-dir)) 2)
(check (void? (mv (build-path sub-dir "banana")
                  (build-path sub-sub-dir "eclair"))))
(let ([l (ls sub-sub-dir)])
  (check (pair? (member "apple" l)))
  (check (pair? (member "cherry" l)))
  (check (pair? (member "eclair" l)))
  (check (not (member "banana" l))))
(check-arg-fail (mv 10 "x") not-path)
(check-arg-fail (mv "x" 10) not-path)

(check-fail (rm ,sub-dir) "failed")
(check-arg-fail (rm 10) not-path)

(rm* sub-dir)
(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir) #f)
(check (directory-exists? sub-dir) #f)
(check-arg-fail (rm* 10) not-path)

(mkdir-p sub-sub-dir)
(check (directory-exists? sub-sub-dir))
(check (directory-exists? sub-dir))
(check-arg-fail (mkdir-p 10) not-path)

(when (eq? 'unix (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type))
  (let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path sub-dir "high") :can-update)])
    (fd-write fd "HIGH")
    (fd-close fd))
  (let ([fd (fd-open-output (build-path sub-sub-dir "low") :can-update)])
    (fd-write fd "LOW")
    (fd-close fd))
  (define (get path)
    (let ([fd (fd-open-input path)])
      (define v (fd-read fd eof))
      (fd-close fd)
  (symlink "low" (build-path sub-sub-dir "below"))
  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "below")) "LOW")
  (check (readlink (build-path sub-sub-dir "below")) "low")
  (check (hash-ref (stat (build-path sub-sub-dir "below") #f) 'type) 'link)
  (check (hash-ref (stat (build-path sub-sub-dir "below") #t) 'type) 'file)
  (check (link-exists? (build-path sub-sub-dir "below")))
  (check (rm (build-path sub-sub-dir "below")) (void))
  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "low")) "LOW")

  (symlink "../high" (build-path sub-sub-dir "above"))
  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "above")) "HIGH")
  (check (readlink (build-path sub-sub-dir "above")) "../high")
  (check (rm (build-path sub-sub-dir "above")) (void))
  (check (get (build-path sub-dir "high")) "HIGH")

  (symlink ".." (build-path sub-sub-dir "again"))
  (check (link-exists? (build-path sub-sub-dir "again")))
  (check (hash-ref (stat (build-path sub-sub-dir "again") #f) 'type) 'link)
  (check (hash-ref (stat (build-path sub-sub-dir "again") #t) 'type) 'dir)
  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "again" "high")) "HIGH")
  (check (get (build-path sub-sub-dir "again" "subsub" "low")) "LOW")
  (check (ls sub-dir) (ls (build-path sub-sub-dir "again")))

  (rm* sub-sub-dir)
  (check (get (build-path sub-dir "high")) "HIGH")

(check-arg-fail (readlink 10) not-path)
(check-arg-fail (symlink 10 "a") not-path)
(check-arg-fail (symlink "a" 10) not-path)

(rm* sub-dir)