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#lang zuo
(require "local/image.zuo")

;; Exports `targets` and also defines a `main` submodule
;; that handles command-line arguments and builds a target
;; in a `make`-like way
(provide-targets targets-at)

;; The `targets-at` function generates targets, and `to-dir` determines
;; the build directory --- so these targets could be used by another
;; build script that wants the output in a subdirectory, for example
(define (targets-at at-dir [vars (hash)])
  ;; The `configure` script writes configuration info to "Makefile", so
  ;; use that if it's available, or use defaults otherwise
  (define Makefile (at-dir "Makefile"))
  (define config-in
      [(file-exists? Makefile) (config-file->hash Makefile)]
      ;; no `configure`-generated `Makefile`, so use defaults
      [(eq? (system-type) 'unix)
       (hash 'prefix "/usr/local"
             'CC "cc"
             'CFLAGS "-O2")]
       (hash 'prefix "C:\\Program Files\\Zuo"
             'CC "cl.exe"
             'CFLAGS "/O2")]))
  (define config (foldl (lambda (key config)
                          (hash-set config key (hash-ref vars key)))
                        (hash-keys vars)))

  (define install-prefix (hash-ref config 'prefix))
  (define pkgdatadir (shell-subst (hash-ref config 'pkgdatadir (build-path install-prefix "lib" "zuo"))

  ;; Get a target for "image_zuo.c" from `image.zuo`
  (define image_zuo.c
    (image-target (hash 'output (at-dir "image_zuo.c")
                        'libs (map string->symbol (string-split (hash-ref config 'EMBED_LIBS "zuo")))
                        'keep-collects? #t)))

  ;; We'll build two executables; they are the same except for the
  ;; embedded libary path, so we have a target maker parameterized
  ;; over that choice
  (define (exe-target name lib-path)
    (target (at-dir (add-exe name))
            (lambda (path token)
              (rule (list image_zuo.c
                          (input-data-target 'config (cons
                                                      (map (lambda (key) (hash-ref config key #f))
                                                           '(CC CPPFLAGS CFLAGS LDFLAGS LIBS))))
                    (lambda ()
                      (define l (split-path path))
                      (when (car l) (mkdir-p (car l)))
                      (c-compile path
                                 (list (target-path image_zuo.c))
                                 (config-merge config
                                               (string->shell (~a "-DZUO_LIB_PATH=" lib-path)))))))))

  (define (add-exe name)
    (if (eq? (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'system-type) 'windows)
        (~a name ".exe")

  ;; The library path gets used as a C string constant, which isn't
  ;; trivial because there are likely to be backslashes on Windows
  (define (as-c-string path) (~s path)) ; probably a good enough approximation

  ;; The two executable targets
  (define zuo-to-run (exe-target "to-run/zuo" (as-c-string (find-relative-path "to-run"
                                                                               (at-source "lib")))))
  (define zuo-to-install (exe-target "to-install/zuo" (as-c-string (build-path pkgdatadir ".."))))

  ;; A phony target to build both executables, which we'll list first
  ;; so it's used as the default target
  (define zuos-to-run-and-install
    (target 'zuos-to-run-and-install
            (lambda (token)
              (phony-rule (list zuo-to-run zuo-to-install)

  ;; A phony target to run the test suite
  (define check
    (target 'check
            (lambda (token)
              (phony-rule (list zuo-to-run)
                          (lambda ()
                            (unless (= 0 (process-status
                                           (hash-ref (process "to-run/zuo"
                                                              (at-source "tests/main.zuo"))
                              (error "check failed")))))))

  ;; A phony target to install
  (define install
    (target 'install
            (lambda (token)
              (phony-rule (list zuo-to-install)
                          (lambda ()
                            (define (at-destdir p)
                              (define destdir (hash-ref config 'DESTDIR ""))
                              (if (equal? destdir "")
                                  (apply build-path
                                         (cons destdir
                                               (cdr (explode-path (path->complete-path p)))))))
                            (define (say-copy cp a b)
                              (displayln (~a "copying " a " to " b))
                              (cp a b))
                            (define bindir (at-destdir
                                            (shell-subst (hash-ref config 'bindir (build-path install-prefix "bin"))
                            (mkdir-p (at-destdir install-prefix))
                            (mkdir-p bindir)
                            (define dest-exe (build-path bindir "zuo"))
                            (when (file-exists? dest-exe) (rm dest-exe)) ; needed for macOS
                            (say-copy cp (target-name zuo-to-install) dest-exe)
                            (mkdir-p (at-destdir pkgdatadir))
                            (say-copy cp*
                                      (at-source "lib" "zuo")
                                      (at-destdir (build-path pkgdatadir))))))))

  ;; Return all the targets
  (list zuos-to-run-and-install