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dir: /local/image.zuo/

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#lang zuo

;; This module works in three modes:
;;   * as a library to provide `embed-image`
;;      - that's the `embed-image` provided function, obviously
;;   * as a script that parses command-line arguments to drive `embed-image`
;;      - that's the `(module+ main ...)` below
;;   * as a build component that provides a target to drive `embed-image`
;;      - that's the `image-target` provided function, which takes
;;        the same hash-table specification as `embed-image`, but returns a
;;        target instead of immediately generating output

(provide embed-image   ; hash? -> void?
         image-target) ; hash? -> target?

;; `embed-image` recognizes the following keys in its argument:
;;  * 'output : #f or destination path string; #f (default) means to stdout
;;  * 'libs: list of module-path symbols; default is '(zuo)
;;  * 'deps: a file to record files reda to create the image; presence
;;     along with non-#f 'output enables a potetial 'up-to-date result
;;  * 'keep-collects?: boolean for whether to keep the collection library
;;     path enabled; default is #f

(module+ main
  (define cmd
     [cmd "-o" file "Output to <file> instead of stdout"
          (hash-set cmd 'output file)]
     [cmd "++lib" module-path "Embed <module-path> and its dependencies"
          (hash-set cmd 'libs (cons (string->symbol module-path)
                                    (hash-ref cmd 'libs '())))]
     [cmd "--deps" file "Write dependencies to <file>"
          (hash-set cmd 'deps file)]
     [cmd "--keep-collects" "Keep library collection path enabled"
          (hash-set cmd 'keep-collects? #t)]))
  (embed-image cmd))

(define (image-target cmd)
   (hash-ref cmd 'output) ; the output file; `target` uses SHA-1 on this
   (lambda (path token)
     ;; when a target is demanded, we report dependencies and more via `rule`
      ;; dependencies:
      (list (at-source ".." "zuo.c") ; original "zuo.c" that is converted to embed libraries
            (quote-module-path)       ; this script
            (input-data-target 'config (hash-remove cmd 'output))) ; configuration
      ;; rebuild function (called if the output file is out of date):
      (lambda ()
        ;; get `embed-image` to tell us which module files it used:
        (define deps-file (path-replace-extension path ".dep"))
        ;; generated the output file
        (embed-image (let* ([cmd (hash-set cmd 'output path)]
                            [cmd (hash-set cmd 'deps deps-file)])
        ;; register each source module as a discovered dependency:
        (for-each (lambda (p) (build/dep p token))
                  (string-read (file->string deps-file) 0 deps-file)))))))

(define (embed-image cmd)
  (define given-libs (hash-ref cmd 'libs '()))
  (define libs (if (null? given-libs)

  (define deps-file (hash-ref cmd 'deps #f))
  (define c-file (hash-ref cmd 'output #f))
  (when c-file
    (displayln (~a "generating " c-file " embedding these libraries: " (string-join (map ~s libs)))))
  (when deps-file
    (display-to-file "" deps-file :truncate))
  (define deps-h (and deps-file (cleanable-file deps-file)))

  (define image
    (let ([ht (apply process
                      (list (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe))
                      (if deps-file
                          (list "-M" deps-file)
                      (list "" (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe))))])
      (define p (hash-ref ht 'process))
      (define in (hash-ref ht 'stdin))
      (define out (hash-ref ht 'stdout))
      (fd-write in "#lang zuo/kernel\n")
      (fd-write in "(begin\n")
      (for-each (lambda (lib)
                  (fd-write in (~a "(module->hash '" lib ")\n")))
      (fd-write in "(dump-image-and-exit (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash))))\n")
      (fd-close in)
      (let ([image (fd-read out eof)])
        (fd-close out)
        (process-wait p)
        (unless (= 0 (process-status p))
          (error "image dump failed"))

  (define zuo.c (fd-read (fd-open-input (at-source ".." "zuo.c")) eof))
  (define out (if c-file
                  (fd-open-output c-file (hash 'exists 'truncate))
                  (fd-open-output 'stdout (hash))))
  (define lines (let ([l (reverse (string-split zuo.c "\n"))])
		  ;; splitting on newlines should leave us with an empty last string
		  ;; that doesn't represent a line
  		  (reverse (if (and (pair? l) (equal? "" (car l)))
			       (cdr l)

  (define (~hex v)
    (if (= v 0)
        (let loop ([v v] [accum '()])
          (if (= v 0)
              (apply ~a accum)
              (loop (quotient v 16)
                    (cons (let ([i (bitwise-and v 15)])
                            (substring "0123456789abcdef" i (+ i 1)))

  (define embedded-image-line "#define EMBEDDED_IMAGE 0")
  (define embedded-image-line/cr (~a embedded-image-line "\r"))

   (lambda (line)
       [(or (string=? line embedded-image-line)
            (string=? line embedded-image-line/cr))
        (define nl (if (string=? line embedded-image-line/cr) "\r\n" "\n"))
        (unless (hash-ref cmd 'keep-collects? #f)
          (fd-write out (~a "#define ZUO_LIB_PATH NULL" nl)))
        (fd-write out (~a "#define EMBEDDED_IMAGE 1" nl))
        (fd-write out (~a "static zuo_uint32_t emedded_boot_image_len = "
                          (quotient (string-length image) 4)
                          ";" nl))
        (fd-write out (~a "static zuo_uint32_t emedded_boot_image[] = {" nl))
        (let ([accum->line (lambda (accum) (apply ~a (reverse (cons nl accum))))])
          (let loop ([i 0] [col 0] [accum '()])
              [(= i (string-length image))
               (unless (null? accum)
                 (fd-write out (accum->line accum)))]
              [(= col 8)
               (fd-write out (accum->line accum))
               (loop i 0 '())]
               (loop (+ i 4) (+ col 1)
                     (cons (~a " 0x" (~hex (string-u32-ref image i)) ",")
        (fd-write out (~a " 0 };" nl))]
        (fd-write out (~a line "\n"))]))

  (when c-file (fd-close out))

  (when deps-h
    (cleanable-cancel deps-h)))