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dir: /tests/thread.zuo/

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#lang zuo

(require "harness.zuo")

(alert "threads")

(check (call-in-main-thread
        (lambda ()
          (define ch (channel))
          (define msgs (channel))
          (thread (lambda () (channel-put msgs (list "read" (channel-get ch)))))
          (thread (lambda () (channel-put msgs "write") (channel-put ch 'hello)))
          (list (channel-get msgs)
                (channel-get msgs))))
       '("write" ("read" hello)))

(check (call-in-main-thread
        (lambda ()
          (define ch (channel))
          (define go (channel))
          (for-each (lambda (i) (channel-put ch i)) '(a b c d))
          (thread (lambda ()
                    (for-each (lambda (v) (channel-put ch (list v (channel-get ch))))
                              '(1 2 3 4))
                    (channel-put go 'ok)))
          (channel-get go)
          (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) '(_ _ _ _))))
       '((1 a) (2 b) (3 c) (4 d)))

(check (call-in-main-thread
        (lambda ()
          (define ch (channel))
          (define go (channel))
          (define ls '(a b c d))
          (for-each (lambda (i) (channel-put ch i)) ls)
          (for-each (lambda (v)
                      (thread (lambda ()
                                (channel-put ch (list v (channel-get ch)))
                                (channel-put go 'ok))))
                    (map symbol->string ls))
          (for-each (lambda (i) (channel-get go)) ls)
          (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) '(_ _ _ _))))
       ;; this is the result for now, at least, since everything is deterministic
       ;; and the scheduler's enquring strategy adds a new thread to the front
       '(("d" a) ("c" b) ("b" c) ("a" d)))

;; Each thread starts a process, but the wait might immediately succeed every time
(check (let ([r (call-in-main-thread
                 (lambda ()
                   (define ch (channel))
                   (define ls '(a b c d))
                   (for-each (lambda (id)
                                (lambda ()
                                  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
                                                     (~a id)
                                                     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
                                  (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
                                  (fd-write to (~a "#lang zuo\n"
                                                   (~s '(alert (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)))))
                                  (fd-close to)
                                  (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
                                  (define str (fd-read from eof))
                                  (fd-close from)
                                  (thread-process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
                                  (channel-put ch str))))
                   (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) ls)))])
         (and (= (length r) 4)
              (andmap (lambda (s) (member s r))
                      '("(list \"a\")\n" "(list \"b\")\n" "(list \"c\")\n" "(list \"d\")\n"))

;; Each thread starts a process, relies on the main thread to finish it
(check (let ([r (call-in-main-thread
                 (lambda ()
                   (define ch (channel))
                   (define done (channel))
                   (define ls '(a b c d))
                   (for-each (lambda (id)
                                (lambda ()
                                  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
                                                     (~a id)
                                                     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
                                  (channel-put ch p)
                                  (thread-process-wait (hash-ref p 'process))
                                  (channel-put done 'ok))))
                   (define results
                     (map (lambda (i)
                            (define p (channel-get ch))
                            (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
                            (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
                            (fd-write to (~a "#lang zuo\n"
                                             (~s '(alert (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)))))
                            (fd-close to)
                            (define str (fd-read from eof))
                            (fd-close from)
                   (for-each (lambda (id) (channel-get done)) ls)
         (and (= (length r) 4)
              (andmap (lambda (s) (member s r))
                      '("(list \"a\")\n" "(list \"b\")\n" "(list \"c\")\n" "(list \"d\")\n"))

;; Each thread starts a process, main thread waits on all
(check (let ([r (call-in-main-thread
                 (lambda ()
                   (define ch (channel))
                   (define go (channel))
                   (define ls '(a b c d))
                   (for-each (lambda (id)
                                (lambda ()
                                  (define p (process (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'exe)
                                                     (~a id)
                                                     (hash 'stdin 'pipe 'stdout 'pipe)))
                                  (channel-put ch (hash-ref p 'process))
                                  (channel-get go)
                                  (define to (hash-ref p 'stdin))
                                  (fd-write to (~a "#lang zuo\n"
                                                   (~s '(alert (hash-ref (runtime-env) 'args)))))
                                  (fd-close to)
                                  (define from (hash-ref p 'stdout))
                                  (define str (fd-read from eof))
                                  (fd-close from)
                                  (channel-put ch str))))
                   (define ps (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) ls))
                   (for-each (lambda (i) (channel-put go i)) ls)
                   (let loop ([ps ps])
                     (unless (null? ps)
                       (define p (apply thread-process-wait ps))
                       (loop (remove p ps))))
                   (map (lambda (i) (channel-get ch)) ls)))])
         (and (= (length r) 4)
              (andmap (lambda (s) (member s r))
                      '("(list \"a\")\n" "(list \"b\")\n" "(list \"c\")\n" "(list \"d\")\n"))

(check-fail (begin
              (require zuo/thread)
               (lambda () (channel-get (channel)))))
            "main thread is stuck")

(check-fail (begin
              (require zuo/thread)
               (lambda ()
                 ((call/prompt (lambda () (call/cc (lambda (k) k)))) 0))))
            "main thread is stuck")

(check (channel-try-get (channel)) #f)
(check (let ([ch (channel)])
         (channel-put ch "x")
         (channel-try-get ch))