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\ ** ficl/softwords/classes.fr
\ ** F I C L   2 . 0   C L A S S E S
\ john sadler  1 sep 98
\ Needs oop.fr

.( loading ficl utility classes ) cr

\ REF subclass holds a pointer to an object. It's
\ mainly for aggregation to help in making data structures.
object subclass c-ref
    cell: .class
    cell: .instance

	: get   ( inst class -- refinst refclass )
		drop 2@ ;
	: set   ( refinst refclass inst class -- )
		drop 2! ;

object subclass c-byte
	char: .payload

	: get  drop c@ ;
	: set  drop c! ;

object subclass c-2byte
	2 chars: .payload

	: get  drop w@ ;
	: set  drop w! ;

object subclass c-4byte
	cell: .payload

	: get  drop @ ;
	: set  drop ! ;

\ ** C - C E L L P T R   C L A S S
\ Models a pointer to cell. 
\ This class is simple enough that its methods could easily
\ be written in straight Forth, but this implementation is OO
\ so that I'm practicing what I preach. Also, it would be 
\ safe in this case to use early binding, but it's more 
\ maintainable not to.
object subclass c-cellPtr
    c-4byte obj: .addr

    \ get the value of the pointer
    : get-ptr   ( inst class -- addr )
        --> .addr --> get  ;

    \ set the pointer to address supplied
    : set-ptr   ( addr inst class -- )
        --> .addr --> set  ;

    \ fetch and store through the pointer
	: get   ( inst class -- cell )
        --> get-ptr @ ;
	: set   ( cell inst class -- )
        --> get-ptr !  ;

    \ increment the pointer in-place
    : inc-ptr   ( inst class -- )
        0 locals| ptr |
        --> .addr                   \ ( a-inst a-class )
        2dup --> get  to ptr        \ ( a-inst a-class )
        2dup --> size ptr swap +    \ ( a-inst a-class ptr' )
        rot rot --> set

    \ Decrement the pointer in-place
    : dec-ptr    ( inst class -- )
        0 locals| ptr |
        --> .addr                   \ ( a-inst a-class )
        2dup --> get  to ptr        \ ( a-inst a-class )
        2dup --> size ptr swap -    \ ( a-inst a-class ptr' )
        rot rot --> set