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** f i c l . c
** Forth Inspired Command Language - external interface
** Author: John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)
** Created: 19 July 1997
** $Id: ficl.c,v 1.8 2000/10/01 23:50:35 jsadler Exp $
** This is an ANS Forth interpreter written in C.
** Ficl uses Forth syntax for its commands, but turns the Forth 
** model on its head in other respects.
** Ficl provides facilities for interoperating
** with programs written in C: C functions can be exported to Ficl,
** and Ficl commands can be executed via a C calling interface. The
** interpreter is re-entrant, so it can be used in multiple instances
** in a multitasking system. Unlike Forth, Ficl's outer interpreter
** expects a text block as input, and returns to the caller after each
** text block, so the data pump is somewhere in external code. This
** is more like TCL than Forth.
** Code is written in ANSI C for portability. 

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ficl.h"

** Local prototypes

** System statics
** The system builds a global dictionary during its start
** sequence. This is shared by all interpreter instances.
** Therefore only one instance can update the dictionary
** at a time. The system imports a locking function that
** you can override in order to control update access to
** the dictionary. The function is stubbed out by default,
** but you can insert one: #define FICL_MULTITHREAD 1
** and supply your own version of ficlLockDictionary.
static FICL_DICT *dp     = NULL;
static FICL_DICT *envp   = NULL;
static FICL_DICT *localp = NULL;
static FICL_VM   *vmList = NULL;

static int defaultStack = FICL_DEFAULT_STACK;
static int defaultDict  = FICL_DEFAULT_DICT;

                        f i c l I n i t S y s t e m
** Binds a global dictionary to the interpreter system. 
** You specify the address and size of the allocated area.
** After that, ficl manages it.
** First step is to set up the static pointers to the area.
** Then write the "precompiled" portion of the dictionary in.
** The dictionary needs to be at least large enough to hold the
** precompiled part. Try 1K cells minimum. Use "words" to find
** out how much of the dictionary is used at any time.
void ficlInitSystem(int nDictCells)
    if (dp)

    if (envp)

    if (localp)

    if (nDictCells <= 0)
        nDictCells = defaultDict;

    dp     = dictCreateHashed((unsigned)nDictCells, HASHSIZE);
	dp->pForthWords->name = "forth-wordlist";
    envp   = dictCreate(      (unsigned)FICL_DEFAULT_ENV);
	envp->pForthWords->name = "environment";

    ** The locals dictionary is only searched while compiling,
    ** but this is where speed is most important. On the other
    ** hand, the dictionary gets emptied after each use of locals
    ** The need to balance search speed with the cost of the empty
    ** operation led me to select a single-threaded list...
    localp = dictCreate(      (unsigned)FICL_MAX_LOCALS * CELLS_PER_WORD);



                        f i c l N e w V M
** Create a new virtual machine and link it into the system list
** of VMs for later cleanup by ficlTermSystem. If this is the first
** VM to be created, use it to compile the words in softcore.c
FICL_VM *ficlNewVM(void)
    FICL_VM *pVM = vmCreate(NULL, defaultStack, defaultStack);
    pVM->link = vmList;

    ** Borrow the first vm to build the soft words in softcore.c
    if (vmList == NULL)

    vmList = pVM;
    return pVM;

                        f i c l F r e e V M
** Removes the VM in question from the system VM list and deletes the
** memory allocated to it. This is an optional call, since ficlTermSystem
** will do this cleanup for you. This function is handy if you're going to
** do a lot of dynamic creation of VMs.
void ficlFreeVM(FICL_VM *pVM)
	FICL_VM *pList = vmList;

	assert(pVM != 0);

	if (vmList == pVM)
		vmList = vmList->link;
	else for (pList; pList != 0; pList = pList->link)
		if (pList->link == pVM)
			pList->link = pVM->link;

	if (pList)

                        f i c l B u i l d
** Builds a word into the dictionary.
** Preconditions: system must be initialized, and there must
** be enough space for the new word's header! Operation is
** controlled by ficlLockDictionary, so any initialization
** required by your version of the function (if you overrode
** it) must be complete at this point.
** Parameters:
** name  -- duh, the name of the word
** code  -- code to execute when the word is invoked - must take a single param
**          pointer to a FICL_VM
** flags -- 0 or more of F_IMMEDIATE, F_COMPILE, use bitwise OR!
int ficlBuild(char *name, FICL_CODE code, char flags)
	int err = ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
	if (err) return err;

	assert(dictCellsAvail(dp) > sizeof (FICL_WORD) / sizeof (CELL));
    dictAppendWord(dp, name, code, flags);

	return 0;

                        f i c l E x e c
** Evaluates a block of input text in the context of the
** specified interpreter. Emits any requested output to the
** interpreter's output function.
** Contains the "inner interpreter" code in a tight loop
** Returns one of the VM_XXXX codes defined in ficl.h:
** VM_OUTOFTEXT is the normal exit condition
** VM_ERREXIT means that the interp encountered a syntax error
**      and the vm has been reset to recover (some or all
**      of the text block got ignored
** VM_USEREXIT means that the user executed the "bye" command
**      to shut down the interpreter. This would be a good
**      time to delete the vm, etc -- or you can ignore this
**      signal.
int ficlExec(FICL_VM *pVM, char *pText)
    return ficlExecC(pVM, pText, -1);

int ficlExecC(FICL_VM *pVM, char *pText, FICL_INT size)
    static FICL_WORD *pInterp[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};

    int        except;
    jmp_buf    vmState;
    jmp_buf   *oldState;
    TIB        saveTib;

    if (!pInterp[0])
        pInterp[0] = ficlLookup("interpret");
        pInterp[1] = ficlLookup("(branch)");
        pInterp[2] = (FICL_WORD *)(void *)(-2);

    if (size < 0)
        size = strlen(pText);

    vmPushTib(pVM, pText, size, &saveTib);

    ** Save and restore VM's jmp_buf to enable nested calls to ficlExec 
    oldState = pVM->pState;
    pVM->pState = &vmState; /* This has to come before the setjmp! */
    except = setjmp(vmState);

    switch (except)
    case 0:
        if (pVM->fRestart)
            pVM->fRestart = 0;
        {   /* set VM up to interpret text */
            vmPushIP(pVM, &pInterp[0]);


    case VM_RESTART:
        pVM->fRestart = 1;
        except = VM_OUTOFTEXT;

    case VM_OUTOFTEXT:
        if ((pVM->state != COMPILE) && (pVM->sourceID.i == 0))
            ficlTextOut(pVM, FICL_PROMPT, 0);

    case VM_USEREXIT:
    case VM_INNEREXIT:
	case VM_BREAK:

    case VM_QUIT:
        if (pVM->state == COMPILE)
            dictEmpty(localp, localp->pForthWords->size);

    case VM_ERREXIT:
    case VM_ABORT:
    case VM_ABORTQ:
    default:    /* user defined exit code?? */
        if (pVM->state == COMPILE)
            dictEmpty(localp, localp->pForthWords->size);

    pVM->pState    = oldState;
    vmPopTib(pVM, &saveTib);
    return (except);

                        f i c l E x e c X T
** Given a pointer to a FICL_WORD, push an inner interpreter and
** execute the word to completion. This is in contrast with vmExecute,
** which does not guarantee that the word will have completed when
** the function returns (ie in the case of colon definitions, which
** need an inner interpreter to finish)
** Returns one of the VM_XXXX exception codes listed in ficl.h. Normal
** exit condition is VM_INNEREXIT, ficl's private signal to exit the
** inner loop under normal circumstances. If another code is thrown to
** exit the loop, this function will re-throw it if it's nested under
** itself or ficlExec.
** NOTE: this function is intended so that C code can execute ficlWords
** given their address in the dictionary (xt).
int ficlExecXT(FICL_VM *pVM, FICL_WORD *pWord)
    static FICL_WORD *pQuit = NULL;
    int        except;
    jmp_buf    vmState;
    jmp_buf   *oldState;
    FICL_WORD *oldRunningWord;

    if (!pQuit)
        pQuit = ficlLookup("exit-inner");

    ** Save the runningword so that RESTART behaves correctly
    ** over nested calls.
    oldRunningWord = pVM->runningWord;
    ** Save and restore VM's jmp_buf to enable nested calls
    oldState = pVM->pState;
    pVM->pState = &vmState; /* This has to come before the setjmp! */
    except = setjmp(vmState);

    if (except)
        vmPushIP(pVM, &pQuit);

    switch (except)
    case 0:
        vmExecute(pVM, pWord);

    case VM_INNEREXIT:
	case VM_BREAK:

    case VM_RESTART:
    case VM_OUTOFTEXT:
    case VM_USEREXIT:
    case VM_QUIT:
    case VM_ERREXIT:
    case VM_ABORT:
    case VM_ABORTQ:
    default:    /* user defined exit code?? */
        if (oldState)
            pVM->pState = oldState;
            vmThrow(pVM, except);

    pVM->pState    = oldState;
    pVM->runningWord = oldRunningWord;
    return (except);

                        f i c l L o o k u p
** Look in the system dictionary for a match to the given name. If
** found, return the address of the corresponding FICL_WORD. Otherwise
** return NULL.
FICL_WORD *ficlLookup(char *name)
    SI_PSZ(si, name);
    return dictLookup(dp, si);

                        f i c l G e t D i c t
** Returns the address of the system dictionary
FICL_DICT *ficlGetDict(void)
    return dp;

                        f i c l G e t E n v
** Returns the address of the system environment space
FICL_DICT *ficlGetEnv(void)
    return envp;

                        f i c l S e t E n v
** Create an environment variable with a one-CELL payload. ficlSetEnvD
** makes one with a two-CELL payload.
void ficlSetEnv(char *name, FICL_UNS value)

    SI_PSZ(si, name);
    pFW = dictLookup(envp, si);

    if (pFW == NULL)
        dictAppendWord(envp, name, constantParen, FW_DEFAULT);
        dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(value));
        pFW->param[0] = LVALUEtoCELL(value);


void ficlSetEnvD(char *name, FICL_UNS hi, FICL_UNS lo)
    SI_PSZ(si, name);
    pFW = dictLookup(envp, si);

    if (pFW == NULL)
        dictAppendWord(envp, name, twoConstParen, FW_DEFAULT);
        dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(lo));
        dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(hi));
        pFW->param[0] = LVALUEtoCELL(lo);
        pFW->param[1] = LVALUEtoCELL(hi);


                        f i c l G e t L o c
** Returns the address of the system locals dictionary. This dict is
** only used during compilation, and is shared by all VMs.
FICL_DICT *ficlGetLoc(void)
    return localp;

                        f i c l S e t S t a c k S i z e
** Set the stack sizes (return and parameter) to be used for all
** subsequently created VMs. Returns actual stack size to be used.
int ficlSetStackSize(int nStackCells)
    if (nStackCells >= FICL_DEFAULT_STACK)
        defaultStack = nStackCells;
        defaultStack = FICL_DEFAULT_STACK;

    return defaultStack;

                        f i c l T e r m S y s t e m
** Tear the system down by deleting the dictionaries and all VMs.
** This saves you from having to keep track of all that stuff.
void ficlTermSystem(void)
    if (dp)
    dp = NULL;

    if (envp)
    envp = NULL;

    if (localp)
    localp = NULL;

    while (vmList != NULL)
        FICL_VM *pVM = vmList;
        vmList = vmList->link;
