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   <title>Ficl Debugger</title>
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<h1><b>Ficl Debugger</b></h1>

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<p>Ficl release 2.05 includes a simple step debugger for colon definitions
and does> words. If you use it and can suggest improvements (or better
yet if you write some), please let me know.</p>
<h2>Using the debugger</h2>
To debug a word, set up the stack with any parameters the word requires,
then type:

<b><pre>debug &lt;your word here></pre></b>

<p>If the word is unnamed, or all you have is an xt, you can instead use:</p>
<b><code>debug-xt   ( xt -- )</code></b>
<p>The debugger invokes <tt>see</tt> on the word, printing a crude source
listing, then stops at the first instruction of the definition. There are
four (case insensitive) commands you can use from here onwards:</p>

<dt>I (step in)</dt>
<dd>If the next instruction is a colon defintion or does> word, steps into
that word's code. If the word is a primitive, simply executes the word.</dd>

<dt>O (step over)</dt>
<dd>Executes the next instruction in its entirety</dd>

<dt>G (go)</dt>
<dd>Run the word to completion and exit the debugger</dd>

<dt>L (list)</dt>
<dd>Lists the source code of the word presently being stepped</dd>

<dt>Q (quit)</dt>
<dd>Abort the word and exit the debugger, clearing the stack</dd>

<dt>X (eXecute)</dt>
<dd>Interpret the remainder of the line as ficl words for their side effects. 
Any errors will abort the debug session and reset the VM. Usage example:
x drop 3 \ fix argument on stack

<dt>Anything else</dt>
<dd>Prints a list of available debugger commands</dd>

<h2>The on-step event</h2>
<p>If there is a defined word named <code>on-step</code> when the debugger starts, that
word will be executed before every step. As a guideline, this word should
have no side effects. Its intended use is to display the stacks and any other
VM state you're interested in, but you
may have some better ideas. If so, please let me know. The default on-step is:<p>
<b><code>: on-step  ." S: " .s cr ;</code></b>

<h3>Other useful words for debugging and on-step</h3>
<dt><code>r.s  ( -- )</code></dt>
<dd>Prints a represention of the state of the return stack non-destructively. You have to have 
a good understanding of the return stack side-effects of control words to make sense of it,
but it does give an accurate representation of what's there. Example: <code>DO .. LOOP</code>s stack
three parameters on the return stack: the loop count and limit, and the <code>LEAVE</code> target
<dt><code>.s  ( -- )</code></dt>
<dd>Prints the parameter stack non-destructively</dd>
<dt><code>f.s  ( -- )</code></dt>
<dd>Prints the float stack non-destructively (only available if FICL_WANT_FLOAT is enabled)</dd>
<h2>Debugger internals</h2>
The debugger words are mostly located in source file <tt>tools.c</tt>. There are
supporting words (<code>debug</code> and <code>on-step</code>) in softcore.fr as well. 
There are two main words that make the debugger go: debug-xt and step-break. 
Debug-xt takes the xt of a word to debug (as returned by <tt>'</tt>, for example) 
checks to see if it is debuggable (not a primitive), sets a breakpoint at its
first instruction, and runs <code>see</code> on it. To set a breakpoint, 
replaces the instruction at the breakpoint with the xt of <code>step-break</code>, and
stores the original instruction and its address in a static breakpoint
record. To clear the breakpoint, <code>step-break</code> simply replaces the original
instruction and adjusts the target virtual machine's instruction pointer
to run it.
<p><code>Step-break</code> is responsible for processing debugger commands and setting
breakpoints at subsequent instructions.</p>
<h3>To Do</h3>
<li>The debugger needs to exit automatically when it encounters the end of the word
it was asked to debug. Perhaps this could be a special kind of breakpoint?
<li>Add user-set breakpoints</li>
<li>Add "step out" command</li>
