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   <title>FIcl Debugger</title>
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<b>Ficl Debugger</b></h1>

<td><b>Forth Inspired Command Language&nbsp;</b></td>

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<td><b>Author: John Sadler (<a href="mailto:john_sadler@alum.mit.edu">john_sadler@alum.mit.edu</a>)</b></td>

<td><b>Created: 19 July 1997&nbsp;</b></td>

<td><b>Revision 2.05: August 2000</b></td>

<table COLS=1 WIDTH="650" >
<td>Ficl release 2.05 includes a simple step debugger for colon definitions
and does> words. If you use it and can suggest improvements (or better
yet if you write some), please let me know.
Using the debugger</h2>
To debug a word, set up the stack with any parameters the word requires,
then type:
<br>debug &lt;your word here>
<br>If the word is unnamed, or all you have is an xt, you can instead use:
<br>debug-xt&nbsp; ( xt -- )
<p>The debugger invokes <tt>see</tt> on the word, printing a crude source
listing, then stops at the first instruction of the definition. There are
four (case insensitive) commands you can use from here onwards:
I (step in)</dt>

If the next instruction is a colon defintion or does> word, steps into
that word's code. If the word is a primitive, simply executes the word.</dd>

O (step over)</dt>

Executes the next instruction in its entirety</dd>

G&nbsp; (go)</dt>

Run the word to completion and exit the debugger</dd>

Q (quit)</dt>

Abort the word and exit the debugger, clearing the stack</dd>

The on-step event&nbsp;</h2>
If there is a defined word named on-step when the debugger starts, that
word will be executed before every step. As a guideline, this word should
have no side effects. Its intended use is to display the stack, but you
may have some better ideas. Please let me know.&nbsp;
<br><b><tt>: on-step&nbsp; ." Stack: " .s cr ;</tt></b>
Debugger internals</h2>
The debugger words are mostly located in source file tools.c. There is
one supporting word (debug) in softcore.fr as well. There are two main
words that make the debugger go: debug-xt and step-break. Debug-xt takes
the xt of a word to debug (as returned by <tt>'</tt>, for example) checks
to see if it is debuggable (not a primitive), sets a breakpoint at its
first instruction, and runs <tt>see</tt> on it. To set a breakpoint, debug-xt
replaces the instruction at the breakpoint with the xt of step-break, and
stores the original instruction and its address in a static breakpoint
record. To clear the breakpoint, step-break simply replaces the original
instruction and adjusts the target virtual machine's instruction pointer
to run it.&nbsp;
<br>Step-break is responsible for processing debugger commands and setting
breakpoints at subsequent instructions.&nbsp;
