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   <title>ficl Local Variables</title>

<b>Local Variables in Ficl</b></h1>

<td><b>Forth Inspired Command Language&nbsp;</b></td>

<td ROWSPAN="4"><img SRC="ficl_logo.jpg" height=64 width=64></td>

<td><b>Author: John Sadler (<a href="mailto:john_sadler@alum.mit.edu">john_sadler@alum.mit.edu</a>)</b></td>

<td><b>Created: 19 July 1997&nbsp;</b></td>

<td><b>Revision 2.04: 20 May 2000</b></td>

<a NAME="locals"></a>Local Variables</h2>
Locally scoped variables came late to Forth. Purists seem to feel that
experienced Forth programmers can write supportable code using only anonymous
stack variables and good factoring, but they complain that novices use
global variables too much. Local variables cost little in terms of code
size and execution speed, and are very convenient for OO programming, where
stack effects are more complex. I use them a lot.&nbsp;
Johns-Hopkins local variables</h3>
ANS Forth does not specify a complete and satisfying local variable facility.
Instead it defines a foundation upon which to build one. Ficl comes with
an adaptation of the Johns-Hopkins local variable syntax developed by John
Hayes et al. This is my preferred form, and i've extended it to make OOP
a bit simpler. Local variables can only be declared inside a definition,
and are only visible in that definition. Here's the syntax of a JH local
variable declaration:
<blockquote><tt><b>{ </b>&lt;initialized-locals><b> | </b>&lt;cleared-locals><b>
-- </b>&lt;ignored><b> }</b></tt></blockquote>
The declaration is designed to look like a stack comment, but it uses curly
braces instead of parens. The &lt;initialized-locals> names get their initial
values from the stack when the word executes. The &lt;cleared-locals> names
are (you guessed it) set to zero when the word executes, and any characters
between -- and } are treated as a comment. The | and -- sections are optional,
but they must appear in the order shown if they appear at all. Another
feature: ordinarily, locals represent one cell. Local variable names prefixed
with the character '2' in the declaration are double-cell locals. They
behave the same as single cell locals in all other respects. I use 2locals
quite a bit in Ficl's OO classes, because objects in Ficl are require two
cells on the stack. Following are some examples to illustrate usage (they
are not intended to be good code otherwise). Try these out in FiclWin to
get a feeling for how they work...
<blockquote><b><tt>: local-demo&nbsp; { a b | c -- }</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ." a = " a . cr</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ." b = " b . cr</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ." c = " c . cr ;</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>1 2 local-demo&nbsp;</tt></b><b><tt></tt></b>
<p><b><tt>: my2dup&nbsp; { 2x }&nbsp;&nbsp; x x ;</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>1 2 my2dup .s&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>.( you should see 1 2 1 2 on the stack ) cr empty</tt></b><b><tt></tt></b>
<p><b><tt>: my2swap&nbsp;&nbsp; { 2x 2y -- y x }&nbsp;&nbsp; y x ;&nbsp;
( note use of 2locals )</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>1 2 3 4 my2swap .s</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>.( you should see 3 4 1 2 on the stack ) cr empty</tt></b><b><tt></tt></b>
<p><b><tt>: totally-lame-swap&nbsp; { x y | temp -- y x }</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; y to temp</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; x to y</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; temp to x</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; x y ;</tt></b></blockquote>
The last definition introduces the use of <tt>TO</tt> applied to local
variables. <tt>TO</tt> knows whether it's operating on a <tt>LOCAL</tt>,
a <tt>2LOCAL</tt>, or a <tt>VALUE</tt>, and does the right thing accordingly.&nbsp;
<p>There are other syntaxes in use for local variables. You get the same
compiled code regardless of which style of local declaration you choose,
but the Johns-Hopkins syntax is more readable, more flexible, and supports
<tt>2LOCAL</tt>s - if you agree, then skip ahead.&nbsp;
<br>Ficl includes support for <tt>LOCALS</tt> and <tt>LOCALS EXT</tt> words
(all three of them!). I've implemented both of the local variable syntaxes
suggested in DPANS Appendix A.13. Examples: (By the way, Ficl implements
as <tt>: -rot&nbsp;&nbsp; 2 -roll ;</tt> )
<blockquote><b><tt>\ Using LOCALS| from LOCALS EXT</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>: -rot&nbsp;&nbsp; ( a b c -- c a b )</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp; locals| c b a |</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp; c a b&nbsp;</tt></b>

<ul><b><tt>\ Using LOCAL END-LOCAL</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>: -rot&nbsp;&nbsp; ( a b c -- c a b )</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; local c</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; local b</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; local a</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; end-locals</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c a b</tt></b>

Build Controls</h3>
Local variable support is optional because it adds a small amount of overhead
to the outer interpreter. You can disable it by setting FICL_WANT_LOCALS
to 0 in sysdep.h. Beware: much of the OOP code described below uses local
variables, so if you disable locals, you're going to lose other capabilities
too. Local variables can make Forth code quite a bit easier to read, so
I'd encourage you to experiment with them.&nbsp;
<br>The default maximum number of local variables is 16. It's controlled
by FICL_MAX_LOCALS in sysdep.h.&nbsp;
<p><a NAME="jhlocal"></a>Ficl 2.02 includes by default an implementation
of the Johns Hopkins local syntax (as best I can determine it from examples
on the web). This syntax lets you declare local variables that look very
much like a stack comment. Variables in the declaration appear in the "correct"
order for a stack comment. Everything after the -- is treated as a comment.
In addition, you can insert a | before the -- to declare one or more zero-initialized
locals. Example:&nbsp;
<blockquote><b><tt>:tuck0&nbsp;&nbsp; { a b c | d -- 0 a b c }</tt></b>
<br><b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; d a b c ;</tt></b></blockquote>
The | and -- delimiters can appear at most once, and must appear in the
order shown in the example to work correctly. The local declaration ends
at the first occurrence of }. The declaration must all be on one line as
presently implemented.&nbsp;
<p><a NAME="newlocal"></a>Ficl 2.01 added yet another local syntax that
models a stack comment. This one is not compiled in the release, but you
can add it by editing softwords/softcore.bat to include the file ficllocal.fr.
In this case, parameters are re-ordered so that the rightmost initialized
param comes from the top of the stack. The syntax is:&nbsp;
<blockquote><b><tt>{{ &lt;initialized params> -- &lt;cleared params> }}</tt></b></blockquote>
You can omit either the initialized or the cleared parameters. Parameters
after the double dash are set to zero initially. Those to the left are
initialized from the stack at execution time. Examples (lame ones, admittedly):&nbsp;
<pre><b><tt>: -rot&nbsp;&nbsp; ( a b c -- c a b )
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {{ a b c }}</tt></b>&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b><tt>c a b&nbsp;</tt></b>&nbsp;

<b><tt>: tuck0&nbsp; ( a b c -- 0 a b c )</tt></b>&nbsp;
<b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {{ a b c -- d }}</tt></b>&nbsp;
<b><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; d a b c&nbsp;</tt></b>&nbsp;
