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\ ** ficl/softwords/softcore.fr
\ ** FICL soft extensions
\ ** John Sadler (john_sadler@alum.mit.edu)
\ ** September, 1998

\ ** Ficl USER variables
\ ** See words.c for primitive def'n of USER

variable nUser  0 nUser ! 
: user   \ name ( -- )  
    nUser dup @ user 1 swap +! ; 

\ #endif

\ ** ficl extras
\ EMPTY cleans the parameter stack
: empty   ( xn..x1 -- ) depth 0 ?do drop loop ;
\ CELL- undoes CELL+
: cell-   ( addr -- addr )  [ 1 cells ] literal -  ;
: -rot   ( a b c -- c a b )  2 -roll ;

\ ** CORE 
: abs   ( x -- x )
    dup 0< if negate endif ;
decimal 32 constant bl

: space   ( -- )     bl emit ;

: spaces  ( n -- )   0 ?do space loop ;

: abort"  
    postpone if 
    postpone ." 
    postpone cr 
    postpone abort 
    postpone endif 
; immediate 

0  constant false 
-1 constant true 
: <>   = invert ; 
: 0<>  0= invert ; 
: compile,  , ; 
: erase   ( addr u -- )    0 fill ; 
: nip     ( y x -- x )     swap drop ; 
: tuck    ( y x -- x y x)  swap over ; 

\ ** LOCAL EXT word set
: locals|  ( name...name | -- )
        bl word   count
        dup 0= abort" where's the delimiter??"
        over c@
        [char] | - over 1- or
    repeat 2drop   0 0 (local)
; immediate

: local  ( name -- )  bl word count (local) ;  immediate

: end-locals  ( -- )  0 0 (local) ;  immediate

\ #endif

\ ** TOOLS word set...
: ?     ( addr -- )  @ . ;
: dump  ( addr u -- )
    0 ?do
        dup c@ . 1+
        i 7 and 7 = if cr endif
    loop drop

\ ** SEARCH+EXT words and ficl helpers
: wordlist   ( -- )  
    1 ficl-wordlist ;

\ DO_VOCABULARY handles the DOES> part of a VOCABULARY
\ When executed, new voc replaces top of search stack
: do-vocabulary   ( -- ) 
    does>  @ search> drop >search ;

: vocabulary   ( name -- )  
    wordlist create ,  do-vocabulary ; 

: ficl-vocabulary   ( nBuckets name -- )  
    ficl-wordlist create ,  do-vocabulary ; 

\ ALSO dups the search stack...
: also   ( -- )  
    search> dup >search >search ; 

\ FORTH drops the top of the search stack and pushes FORTH-WORDLIST
: forth   ( -- )  
    search> drop  
    forth-wordlist >search ; 

\ ONLY sets the search order to a default state
: only   ( -- )  
    -1 set-order ; 

\ ORDER displays the compile wid and the search order list
: order   ( -- )  
    ." Search: " 
    get-order  0 ?do x. loop cr 
   ." Compile: " get-current x. cr  ; 

\ PREVIOUS drops the search order stack
: previous  ( --  )  search> drop ; 

\ FICL-SET-CURRENT sets the compile wordlist and pushes the previous value
: ficl-set-current   ( wid -- old-wid )  
    get-current swap set-current ; 

wordlist constant hidden
: hide   hidden dup >search ficl-set-current ;

\ ** E N D   S O F T C O R E . F R